41 results on '"C. Bouvard"'
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2. Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction for multiple piezoelectric energy harvesters.
- Author
Sebastien Boisseau, Pierre Gasnier, Matthias Perez, C. Bouvard, M. Geisler, A. B. Duret, Ghislain Despesse, and Jérôme Willemin
- Published
- 2015
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3. Propositions sur la prise en charge en cas d’extrême prématurité – Le groupe de travail « Extrême Prématurité » pour la SFMP, le CNGOF et la SFN
- Author
P. Jabert, Claude D'Ercole, Pierre-Henri Jarreau, I. de Mezerac, G. Breart, Anne Evrard, Laurence Foix-L'Hélias, C. Bouvard, B. Langer, P. Kuhn, Philippe Deruelle, H. Bruel, Michel Dreyfus, P.-Y. Ancel, François Goffinet, and T. Debillon
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,030219 obstetrics & reproductive medicine ,0302 clinical medicine ,Reproductive Medicine ,030225 pediatrics ,Obstetrics and Gynecology - Abstract
Resume Objectifs Des etudes internationales ont montre que la prise en charge perinatale active aux âges gestationnels les plus faibles s’accompagnait d’une amelioration de la survie sans augmentation des handicaps graves par rapport a une prise en charge moins active. Un travail mene par les societes savantes (SFMP, SFN et CNGOF) a permis d’elaborer de nouvelles propositions pour une prise en charge plus optimaledes enfants extremement prematures en France. Methode Ce groupe a ete constitue en 2015 a l’initiative des societes savantes et en lien avec les associations de parents et d’usagers. Le travail s’est appuye sur la revue de la litterature sur le pronostic des enfants extremement prematures, ainsi que sur les recommandations emises par des societes savantes europeennes. Sur la base de ces informations, un texte a ete produit, soumis a l’ensemble des membres du groupe de travail et definitivement accepte par les societes savantes en avril 2019. Resultats Ce texte propose une aide a la decision dans la prise en charge de ces naissances. Il pose comme principes : l’administration de la corticotherapie independamment de la prise en charge (reanimation ou soins de confort) ; une evaluation pronostique et une decision collegiale, hors contexte de l’urgence ; un consensus sur l’information a delivrer aux parents avant de les informer et de recueillir leur avis. Cette demarche suppose une coherence de la prise en charge avant, pendant et apres la naissance et elle s’appuie sur une etroite collaboration obstetrico-pediatrique. Conclusion Ces propositions doivent permettre de faire evoluer la prise en charge perinatale de l’extreme prematurite en France.
- Published
- 2020
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4. Accès et rôle des parents en néonatalogie en période d’épidémie COVID-19 — Propositions du GREEN de la SFN
- Author
P. Kuhn, J. Sizun, C. Tscherning, A. Allen, F. Audeoud, C. Bouvard, A. Brandicourt, L. Caeymaex, M.A. Duboz, A. Evrard, C. Fichtner, C. Fischer-Fumeaux, L. Girard, F. Gonnaud, P. Hüppi, N. Knezovic, E. Laprugne-Garcia, S. Legouais, F. Mons, J.-B. Muller, J.-C. Picaud, V. Pierrat, P. Pladys, A. Reynaud, L. Renesme, A. Rideau, G. Souet, G. Thiriez, P. Tourneux, M. Touzet, P. Truffert, C. Zaoui, E. Zana-Taieb, and C. Zores
- Subjects
Recommandations - Abstract
La pandemie « Corona Virus Disease 2019 » (COVID-19) liee au « SARS-CoV-2 » a ete declaree « crise sanitaire mondiale » par l’Organisation mondiale de la sante fin janvier 2020. Des mesures exceptionnelles de confinement ont ete prises pour contenir cette infection tres contagieuse et parfois grave, que les equipes soignantes combattent en premiere ligne. Les nouveau-nes hospitalises representent par principe de precaution un groupe de patients vulnerables juge potentiellement a risque, mais qui s’avere finalement peu infecte et pauci-symptomatique comme l’indiquent les faibles incidences et severites des cas pediatriques publies [1]. L’acces des parents a leur nouveau-ne hospitalise fait partie integrante des soins en neonatologie et en particulier des soins centres sur l’enfant et sa famille. La presence de ses parents a ses cotes est un droit fondamental pour l’enfant hospitalise [2] et repond a un besoin premier des parents d’etre aupres de leur bebe [3]. Les benefices de strategies environnementales et de soins portees par les parents sont etablis avec un haut niveau de preuve [4]. La prematurite est source de stress parental, de troubles de l’attachement et de troubles anxiodepressifs renforces par la separation de la dyade parent–enfant, qui entrave le contact physique normal et la proximite emotionnelle entre la mere (le pere) et son enfant [5], [6]. Cette separation precoce peut affecter la sante mentale des parents mais aussi avoir des effets durables sur la programmation emotionnelle et le neurodeveloppement des nouveau-nes. La pandemie COVID-19 expose toutes les personnes a un stress et une angoisse qui peuvent majorer les troubles psychologiques preexistants ou exacerber le vecu des situations emotionnellement difficiles [7]. Ceci est vrai pour les soignants mais aussi pour les parents de nouveau-nes hospitalises dans un contexte de distanciation sociale qui limite le soutien de leurs proches. Bien que cela ne soit pas encore documente, il est aussi possible que les meres COVID-19 positives soient exposees a un plus grand sentiment de culpabilite, deja tres present en cas de naissance prematuree ; et se rajoutant a une crainte pour leur propre etat de sante. Pourtant, la situation pandemique actuelle et le decret de confinement national ont pour effet collateral de restreindre l’accueil des parents en neonatologie aussi bien quand la mere est suspecte ou infectee par le COVID-19 au moment de l’accouchement, qu’en dehors de cette situation. Ces restrictions d’acces variables suivant les centres, resultent de regles institutionnelles editees avec les equipes d’hygiene hospitaliere de chaque hopital, de decisions prises au niveau des poles de pediatrie et/ou des hopitaux mere-enfant. Ces mesures qui visent initialement a proteger les nouveau-nes hospitalises et l’ensemble des adultes presents dans les services de neonatologie peuvent alterer la qualite des soins delivres a ces patients vulnerables et a leur famille. Notre reflexion vise a mettre en balance les mesures necessaires pour contenir la pandemie avec les besoins premiers des enfants hospitalises en neonatalogie et de leurs parents. Nous envisageons les avis emis sur la prise en charge d’un nouveau-ne d’une mere avec COVID-19 suspecte ou confirme, par des organisations internationales, des institutions et societes savantes. Pour finir, nous proposons des actions pour aider les professionnels de sante a soutenir la qualite des soins delivres, l’attachement et la participation des parents aux soins de leur nouveau-ne hospitalise, sans majorer le risque de propagation du virus.
- Published
- 2020
5. Respect du programme de prévention des grossesses parmi les femmes âgées de 11 à 50 ans ayant initié un traitement par isotrétinoïne orale
- Author
A. Havet, C. Bouvard, A. Moskal, M. Chanelière, J. Massardier, B. Lebrun-Vignes, A-P. Jonville-Bera, C. Payet, and M. Viprey
- Subjects
Epidemiology ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health - Published
- 2023
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6. La famille dans les unités de médecine néonatale
- Author
C. Casper, C. Fichtner, F. Gonnaud, N. Knezovic, A. Reynaud, P. Kuhn, J. Sizun, A. Allen, F. Audeoud, C. Bouvard, A. Brandicourt, L. Cayemaex, H. Denoual, M.A. Duboz, A. Evrard, C. Fischer-Fumeaux, L. Girard, D. Haumont, P. Hüppi, E. Laprugne-Garcia, S. Legouais, F. Mons, V. Pelofy, J.-C. Picaud, V. Pierrat, A. Renaud, L. Renesme, G. Souet, G. Thiriez, P. Tourneux, M. Touzet, P. Truffert, C. Zaoui, E. Zana-Taieb, and C. Zores
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030225 pediatrics ,030227 psychiatry - Abstract
Resume La famille est primordiale pour les nouveau-nes hospitalises. Elle soutient son developpement, tout en tissant des liens d’attachement solides avec lui. Les soins centres sur l’enfant et sa famille affirment que la famille fait partie de l’equipe soignante de neonatologie. Elle est integree dans le processus de decision medicale et est partenaire dans les soins a son ou ses enfants. Il semble essentiel de preciser la definition de la famille. Nous allons aborder cette definition sous un aspect juridique, sociologique ou philosophique. Le Groupe de Reflexion et d’Evaluation de l’Environnement des Nouveau-nes (GREEN) de la Societe francaise de neonatologie estime qu’il est important de clarifier la definition de la famille d’un nouveau-ne hospitalise, de decrire les difficultes lies a la separation pour l’enfant, ses parents, sa fratrie et sa famille, de faire un etat des lieux sur les pratiques, puis de proposer des recommandations et des strategies d’application.
- Published
- 2018
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7. Le portage des nouveau-nés en peau à peau
- Author
C. Zaoui-Grattepanche, P. Kuhn, V. Pierrat, A. Allen, F. Audeoud, C. Bouvard, A. Brandicourt, C. Casper, L. Cayemaex, H. Denoual, M.A. Duboz, A. Evrard, C. Fichtner, C. Fischer-Fumeaux, L. Girard, F. Gonnaud, D. Haumont, P. Hüppi, N. Knezovic, E. Laprugne-Garcia, S. Legouais, F. Mons, V. Pelofy, J.-C. Picaud, A. Renaud, L. Renesme, J. Sizun, G. Souet, G. Thiriez, P. Tourneux, M. Touzet, P. Truffert, C. Zaoui, E. Zana-Taieb, and C. Zores
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030225 pediatrics ,030212 general & internal medicine - Abstract
Resume Le peau a peau est defini par le portage d’un enfant vetu d’une couche et d’un bonnet entre les seins de sa mere ou contre le torse du pere, peau contre peau. Les objectifs du Groupe de Reflexion et d’Evaluation de l’Environnement des Nouveau-nes etaient d’evaluer son rationnel scientifique et d’emettre des recommandations pratiques pour sa realisation en neonatologie et en salle de naissance. Une recherche bibliographique systematique, suivant la methodologie de la Haute Autorite de sante, montre l’existence de benefices sur la stabilite physiologique, le sommeil, la douleur, le developpement neurologique, l’allaitement, l’attachement et le stress parental. Il est recommande que le peau a peau soit propose a tous les bebes prematures hospitalises, le plus precocement et le plus largement possible, des stabilite clinique, avec des procedures ecrites de transfert et surveillance, et un environnement soutenant. Cette pratique semble beneficier aux nouveau-nes extremement prematures et/ou intubes, mais necessite une expertise de l’equipe. Le peau a peau precoce en salle de naissance avec la mere est benefique pour l’allaitement, le comportement, l’adaptation du nouveau-ne a terme ou proche du terme. Le peau a peau avec le pere ameliore aussi le comportement de l’enfant. L’installation immediate en peau a peau avec la mere est fortement recommandee pour le nouveau-ne d’âge ≥ 35 semaines, si son etat clinique le permet. Il est recommande a chaque equipe d’informer et soutenir les parents, d’instaurer des procedures de securite/surveillance adaptees pour soutenir la pratique du peau a peau en securite en salle de naissance.
- Published
- 2018
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8. Recommendation for hygiene and topical in neonatology from the French Neonatal Society
- Author
F. Audeoud, Véronique Pierrat, Patrick Pladys, A. Evrard, A. Reynaud, E. Laprugne-Garcia, Dominique Haumont, L. Girard, G. Thiriez, A. Allen, Petra Susan Hüppi, L. Cayemaex, Jean-Charles Picaud, Charlotte Casper, F. Gonnaud, F. Mons, C. Zaoui, Patrick Truffert, A. Brandicourt, N. Knezovic, C. Fichtner, Pierre Kuhn, C. Fischer-Fumeaux, M. Touzet, H. Denoual, M.A. Duboz, Laurent Renesme, Pierre Tourneux, C. Zores, C. Bouvard, E. Zana-Taieb, G. Souet, Jacques Sizun, V. Pelofy, S. Legouais, University of Michigan [Ann Arbor], University of Michigan System, Hôpital Universitaire de Genève, Cardiovasculaire, métabolisme, diabétologie et nutrition (CarMeN), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL), Centre Hospitalier Universitaire [Rennes], Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire [Besançon] (CHRU Besançon), Institut de Mécanique et d'Ingénierie de Bordeaux (I2M), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Bordeaux (UB)-École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies, HESAM Université (HESAM)-HESAM Université (HESAM)-Arts et Métiers Sciences et Technologies, HESAM Université (HESAM)-HESAM Université (HESAM)-Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), German Aerospace Center (DLR), Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)-Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA Lyon), Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université de Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), and Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Besançon (CHRU Besançon)
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,newborns ,water-loss ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Excipient of interest ,[SDV]Life Sciences [q-bio] ,Administration, Topical ,MEDLINE ,Clinical state ,Pediatrics ,sepsis ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,prevention ,Hygiene ,birth-weight ,Preterm ,030225 pediatrics ,Skin Physiological Phenomena ,medicine ,Humans ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Neonatology ,care ,preterm infants ,Intensive care medicine ,media_common ,therapy ,Potential risk ,business.industry ,infants ,Infant, Newborn ,Guideline ,potentially harmful excipients ,Newborn ,3. Good health ,Topical ,Topical agents ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,skin barrier function ,Infant Care ,Practice Guidelines as Topic ,Hygiene care ,France ,business ,Infant, Premature - Abstract
We sought to establish guidelines for hygiene care in newborns based on a systematic review of the literature and grading of evidence using the Groupe de Reflexion et d'Evaluation de l'Environement des Nouveau-nes (GREEN) methodology. We examined 45 articles and 4 reports from safety agencies. These studies recommend a tub bath (rather than a sponge bath) for full-term infants and a swaddle bath for preterm newborns. They also recommend against daily cleansing of preterm infants. The literature emphasized that hygiene care must consider the clinical state of the newborn, including the level of awareness and behavioral responses. Hospitalized newborns treated with topical agents may also experience high exposure to potentially harmful excipients of interest. Caregivers should therefore be aware of the excipients present in the different products they use. In high-resource countries, the available data do not support the use of protective topical agents for preterm infants. Conclusions: We recommend individualization of hygiene care for newborns. There is increasing concern regarding the safety of excipients in topical agents that are used in neonatology. A multidisciplinary approach should be used to identify an approach that requires lower levels of excipients and alternative excipients.What is known:center dot Hygiene care is one of the most basic and widespread types of care received by healthy and sick newborns worldwide.center dot There is no current guideline on hygiene for preterm or hospitalized term newborn.What is new:center dot The French Group of Reflection and Evaluation of the environment of Newborns (GREEN) provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence.center dot Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns' behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest, and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant. provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence.center dot Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns' possible behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant.
- Published
- 2019
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9. Le vécu parental à la loupe : résultats d’une enquête en ligne du GREEN
- Author
Odile Dicky, M. Akrich, Charlotte Casper, A. Evrard, Green, P. Kuhn, L. Caeymaex, A. Reynaud, and C. Bouvard
- Subjects
03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030504 nursing ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine ,0305 other medical science ,Psychology ,Humanities ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Une enquete anonyme accessible en ligne a ete diffusee des fevrier 2014 pour evaluer le ressenti des parents apres une hospitalisation en neonatologie. En octobre 2015, plus de 3 300 parents d’enfants hospitalises a la naissance avaient repondu. La premiere participation des parents aux soins donnait lieu a des emotions complexes. Les parents rapportaient souhaiter une participation active dans les soins. Le peau a peau etait decrit comme etant insuffisamment propose. Les equipes de soins peuvent s’appuyer sur ces premiers resultats pour mieux repondre aux attentes parentales.
- Published
- 2016
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10. Working on the National System: The French Experience
- Author
B. Guillois, C. Zaoui, E. Zana, G. Thiriez, Charlotte Casper, Jacques Sizun, C. Zores, C. Bouvard, P. Kuhn, and F. Audeoud
- Subjects
National system ,Political science ,Public administration - Abstract
NIDCAP is theory-guided, relationship-based and system-oriented. According to Gilkerson & Als, “Changes in the larger system affect the dynamics within the smaller unit”.1 Therefore it appears important to act at a national level to support NIDCAP dissemination.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Prématurité : témoignages et actions des associations de parents
- Author
C. Bouvard
- Subjects
Political science ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Humanities ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
La naissance et l’hospitalisation d’un enfant premature est un traumatisme pour les familles. Les parents expriment des sentiments de culpabilite et de detresse meles a la joie de la naissance. Les repercussions de cette naissance sur chacun des parents, sur le couple et la famille peuvent etre importantes. La presence des parents dans les unites de neonatalogie est un droit. Cette proximite avec leur enfant est egalement un element favorisant l’evolution medicale et developpementale de celui-ci. Les associations de parents comme SOS Prema jouent un role important dans le soutien des parents confrontes a la prematurite, mais aussi dans l’aide aux equipes soignantes, la formation des professionnels de sante, dans l’adaptation des organisations de soin et les changements necessaires au niveau social et legislatif.
- Published
- 2016
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12. Perception des parents de leur participation aux soins de leur enfant dans les unités de néonatologie en France
- Author
L. Renesme, A. Allen, M.A. Duboz, G. Souet, Patrick Truffert, M. Akrich, F. Mons, Charlotte Casper, A. Brandicourt, C. Zaoui, Jacques Sizun, S. Legouais, Petra Susan Hüppi, Dominique Haumont, V. Pelofy, C. Bouvard, Véronique Pierrat, G. Thiriez, C. Fichtner, Pierre Kuhn, A. Evrard, S. Isaia, C. Zores, N. Knezovic, L. Caeymaex, Odile Dicky, F. Gonnaud, A. Reynaud, Jean-Charles Picaud, and L. Girard
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Parents ,ddc:618 ,Critical Illness ,Infant, Newborn ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,030225 pediatrics ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health ,Humans ,Female ,030212 general & internal medicine ,France ,Attitude to Health ,Child, Hospitalized - Abstract
Resume Introduction Les parents des nouveau-nes hospitalises sont soumis a une situation stressante. Il leur est difficile de s’impliquer dans les soins apportes a leur enfant. Leur ressenti apres une hospitalisation n’a jamais ete explore a grande echelle. Objectif Analyser le ressenti des parents concernant leur participation aux soins. Methodes Une enquete anonyme accessible en ligne a ete diffusee des fevrier 2014 avec analyse en aout 2014. Les 222 items etaient a choix multiples ou sous forme de questions ouvertes. L’analyse a ete quantitative et qualitative. Resultats Parmi les 1500 parents ayant repondu, 98 % etaient des meres. Les enfants etaient nes en moyenne a 32 semaines d’amenorrhee avec un poids de naissance moyen de 1600 g. La premiere participation des parents aux soins avait donne lieu a des emotions contradictoires (joie, stress, angoisse). Ils souhaitaient le plus souvent une participation active, meme pour des soins complexes (alimentation par sonde, positionnement de la continuous positive airway pressure [CPAP]…). Le peau a peau avait ete propose apres 7 jours de vie pour 20 % des parents et 10 % des parents ne s’etaient pas sentis en confiance. Le besoin d’intimite et d’un accompagnement securisant a ete mis en avant. Discussion Les parents s’etaient sentis entoures et encourages par l’equipe soignante mais ils souhaitaient souvent une participation plus active. Le peau a peau avait ete apprecie et souhaite, mais il peut etre stressant si les conditions optimales ne sont pas reunies.
- Published
- 2016
13. [Parental perception of their involvement in the care of their children in French neonatal units]
- Author
C, Casper, L, Caeymaex, O, Dicky, M, Akrich, A, Reynaud, C, Bouvard, A, Evrard, P, Kuhn, and C, Zores
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Parents ,Critical Illness ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Infant, Newborn ,Humans ,Female ,France ,Attitude to Health ,Child, Hospitalized - Abstract
The experience of becoming the parent of a sick or premature newborn can be particularly distressing for parents. They often encounter challenges to the development of their parenting roles. Perception of the hospital stay has never been analyzed on a large scale.To analyze parents' perception of their involvement in the care of their newborn.An internet-based survey started in France in February 2014 on the basis of a validated questionnaire composed of 222 neonatal care-related items. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed on the items dealing with parents' involvement until August 2014.The survey was completed by 1500 parents, 98 % of whom were mothers. The infants had a mean GA of 32 weeks and a mean birth weight of 1600g. Parents rated their first care of their infant with mixed emotions (joy, stress, etc.). Parents were willing to practice new skills through guided participation, even for more complex care. Skin-to-skin care was only proposed after 7 days for 20 % of the parents; 10 % of the parents did not feel secure during this practice. The need for privacy and professional guidance was essential for meaningful skin-to-skin contact.Parents' perception of participating actively in their infant's care was positive and they felt guided by the nursing team. Most of them would have been more active with guidance. Skin-to-skin care was appreciated and desired, but could become stressful if the conditions were not optimal.
- Published
- 2015
14. Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction for multiple piezoelectric energy harvesters
- Author
M. Geisler, Sébastien Boisseau, C. Bouvard, Jerome Willemin, Matthias Perez, P. Gasnier, Ghislain Despesse, and A. B. Duret
- Subjects
Power management ,Engineering ,business.industry ,Energy conversion efficiency ,Flyback transformer ,Electrical engineering ,Inductor ,Power (physics) ,law.invention ,Capacitor ,Hardware_GENERAL ,law ,Electronic engineering ,business ,Energy harvesting ,Voltage - Abstract
This paper presents a power management circuit implementing a Synchronous Electric Charge Extraction on piezoelectric energy harvesters based on a flyback architecture. The novelty of this circuit lies in its ability to handle multiple energy harvesters operating at different frequencies and different output voltages with a single and standard flyback coupled inductor. The power harvested by the various scavengers is stored in a single and mutual storage capacitor. By construction, the power management circuit is capable of dealing with high input voltages (>100V). Its power consumption is about 1.15μA@3V per energy harvester and its conversion efficiency reaches 83%; its good operation has been validated by simulations and experiments on two vibration energy harvesters.
- Published
- 2015
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15. Expérience des parents de nouveau-nés prématurés pendant et après l’hospitalisation
- Author
S. Mader and C. Bouvard
- Abstract
Accoucher d’un enfant premature peut s’averer etre une experience traumatisante et source d’isolement. Peu de gens comprennent les problemes specifiques que rencontrent les parents de bebes nes trop tot. Les bebes prematures sont hospitalises durant de longues periodes, parfois plusieurs mois, dans des etablissements qui peuvent etre eloignes de leur domicile, ce qui peut rendre les parents encore plus vulnerables et perdus.
- Published
- 2014
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16. [Several aspects of the cognitive activity in the epileptic child and adolescent. Attempted clinical study]
- Author
B, Furnon, R, de Villard, C, Bouvard, and J, Courjon
- Subjects
Intelligence Tests ,Perceptual Disorders ,Thinking ,Cognition ,Epilepsy ,Adolescent ,Neurotic Disorders ,Psychotic Disorders ,Intellectual Disability ,Humans ,Child ,Cognition Disorders ,Personality - Published
- 1975
17. BMP9 is a key player in endothelial identity and its loss is sufficient to induce arteriovenous malformations.
- Author
Desroches-Castan A, Koca D, Liu H, Roelants C, Resmini L, Ricard N, Bouvard C, Chaumontel N, Tharaux PL, Tillet E, Battail C, Lenoir O, and Bailly S
- Subjects
- Animals, Male, Disease Models, Animal, Liver metabolism, Liver pathology, Liver blood supply, Mice, 129 Strain, Mice, Knockout, Phenotype, Receptors, Notch metabolism, Receptors, Notch genetics, RNA-Seq, Arteriovenous Malformations metabolism, Arteriovenous Malformations genetics, Arteriovenous Malformations pathology, Endothelial Cells metabolism, Endothelial Cells pathology, Growth Differentiation Factor 2 metabolism, Growth Differentiation Factor 2 genetics, Signal Transduction
- Abstract
Aims: BMP9 is a high affinity ligand of ALK1 and endoglin receptors that are mutated in the rare genetic vascular disorder hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). We have previously shown that loss of Bmp9 in the 129/Ola genetic background leads to spontaneous liver fibrosis via capillarization of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (LSEC) and kidney lesions. We aimed to decipher the molecular mechanisms downstream of BMP9 to better characterize its role in vascular homeostasis in different organs., Methods and Results: For this, we performed an RNA-seq analysis on LSEC from adult WT and Bmp9-KO mice and identified over 2000 differentially expressed genes. Gene ontology analysis showed that Bmp9 deletion led to a decrease in BMP and Notch signalling, but also LSEC capillary identity while increasing their cell cycle. The gene ontology term 'glomerulus development' was also negatively enriched in Bmp9-KO mice vs. WT supporting a role for BMP9 in kidney vascularization. Through different imaging approaches (electron microscopy, immunostainings), we found that loss of Bmp9 led to vascular enlargement of the glomeruli capillaries associated with alteration of podocytes. Importantly, we also showed for the first time that the loss of Bmp9 led to spontaneous arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and uterus., Conclusion: Altogether, these results demonstrate that BMP9 plays an important role in vascular quiescence both locally in the liver by regulating endothelial capillary differentiation markers and cell cycle but also at distance in many organs via its presence in the circulation. It also reveals that loss of Bmp9 is sufficient to induce spontaneous AVMs, supporting a key role for BMP9 in the pathogenesis of HHT., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: none declared., (© The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. For commercial re-use, please contact reprints@oup.com for reprints and translation rights for reprints. All other permissions can be obtained through our RightsLink service via the Permissions link on the article page on our site—for further information please contact journals.permissions@oup.com.)
- Published
- 2024
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18. Compliance with the pregnancy prevention program among women initiating isotretinoin treatment between 2014 and 2021: A nationwide cohort study on the French Health Data System (SNDS).
- Author
Havet A, Bouvard C, Moskal A, Chanelière M, Massardier J, Lebrun-Vignes B, Jonville-Bera AP, Payet C, and Viprey M
- Abstract
Background: Despite the French pregnancy prevention program (PPP), a considerable number of pregnancies are potentially exposed to oral isotretinoin. New measures were taken by the French Medicines Agency, including the restriction of initial isotretinoin prescriptions to dermatology specialists in May 2015 and a new information campaign on teratogenicity in January 2019., Objectives: The aims were to: describe, between 2014 and 2021, compliance with PPP recommendations: isotretinoin use as a second-line treatment, first prescription by a dermatology specialist, monthly prescription renewal and pregnancy testing (PT); assess the effect of the 2015 and 2019 measures on PT compliance; and identify the determinants of PT noncompliance., Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted among women aged 11-50 years initiating isotretinoin between 2014 and 2021 using the French Health Data System. PT compliance corresponded to pregnancy test completion and specific delays between prescription and dispensation. Time series analyses were performed to evaluate the effect of the 2015 and 2019 measures on PT compliance, and log-binomial and Poisson multivariate regression models were used to identify the determinants of PT noncompliance., Results: Isotretinoin was prescribed as a second-line treatment in 64% of initiations, mainly by dermatology specialists (92%). A new monthly prescription was observed in 98% of dispensations. PT compliance reached 61%, 72% and 25% at initiation, renewals and end of treatment, respectively. The 2015 measure was associated with better PT compliance at initiation and renewals. The 2019 measure had no significant effect on PT compliance at the initiation or end of treatment but was associated with a decrease in PT compliance at renewals. Age, low socioeconomic level, initiation by a nondermatology specialist and during summer were associated with PT noncompliance., Conclusions: Understanding factors associated with PT noncompliance could help to target specific subpopulations of women treated with isotretinoin., (© 2024 The Authors. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.)
- Published
- 2024
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19. Large-scale phosphoproteomics reveals activation of the MAPK/GADD45β/P38 axis and cell cycle inhibition in response to BMP9 and BMP10 stimulation in endothelial cells.
- Author
Al Tarrass M, Belmudes L, Koça D, Azemard V, Liu H, Al Tabosh T, Ciais D, Desroches-Castan A, Battail C, Couté Y, Bouvard C, and Bailly S
- Subjects
- Cell Cycle Checkpoints, Phosphorylation, G1 Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoints, Endothelial Cells, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins
- Abstract
Background: BMP9 and BMP10 are two major regulators of vascular homeostasis. These two ligands bind with high affinity to the endothelial type I kinase receptor ALK1, together with a type II receptor, leading to the direct phosphorylation of the SMAD transcription factors. Apart from this canonical pathway, little is known. Interestingly, mutations in this signaling pathway have been identified in two rare cardiovascular diseases, hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arterial hypertension., Methods: To get an overview of the signaling pathways modulated by BMP9 and BMP10 stimulation in endothelial cells, we employed an unbiased phosphoproteomic-based strategy. Identified phosphosites were validated by western blot analysis and regulated targets by RT-qPCR. Cell cycle analysis was analyzed by flow cytometry., Results: Large-scale phosphoproteomics revealed that BMP9 and BMP10 treatment induced a very similar phosphoproteomic profile. These BMPs activated a non-canonical transcriptional SMAD-dependent MAPK pathway (MEKK4/P38). We were able to validate this signaling pathway and demonstrated that this activation required the expression of the protein GADD45β. In turn, activated P38 phosphorylated the heat shock protein HSP27 and the endocytosis protein Eps15 (EGF receptor pathway substrate), and regulated the expression of specific genes (E-selectin, hyaluronan synthase 2 and cyclooxygenase 2). This study also highlighted the modulation in phosphorylation of proteins involved in transcriptional regulation (phosphorylation of the endothelial transcription factor ERG) and cell cycle inhibition (CDK4/6 pathway). Accordingly, we found that BMP10 induced a G1 cell cycle arrest and inhibited the mRNA expression of E2F2, cyclinD1 and cyclinA1., Conclusions: Overall, our phosphoproteomic screen identified numerous proteins whose phosphorylation state is impacted by BMP9 and BMP10 treatment, paving the way for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulated by BMP signaling in vascular diseases., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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20. Father's perceptions and care involvement for their very preterm infants at French neonatal intensive care units.
- Author
Stern-Delfils A, Leray I, Caeymaex L, Dicky O, Akrich M, Reynaud A, Bouvard C, Evrard A, Sizun J, Tscherning C, and Kuhn P
- Abstract
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate (1) fathers' perceptions and care involvement for their very premature infants and their views of the hospitalization period based on parental reports and (2) their evolution over time., Methods: We used an online parental survey to assess answers from parents of very preterm infants who were successfully discharged from French neonatal units. We analysed answers from February 2014 to January 2019 to an anonymous internet-based survey from the GREEN committee of the French Neonatal Society. Responses were compared for period 1 (P1, 1998 to 2013) and period 2 (P2, 2014 to 2019)., Results: We analyzed 2,483 surveys, 124 (5%) from fathers and 2,359 (95%) from mothers. At birth, 1,845 (80%) fathers were present in the hospital, but only 879 (38%) were near the mother. The presence of fathers in the NICU increased from P1 to P2 (34.5% vs. 43.1%, p = 0.03). Nearly two thirds of fathers accompanied their infants during transfer to the NICU (1,204 fathers, 60.6%). Fathers and mothers had similar perceptions regarding relationships with caregivers and skin-to-skin contact with their infants. However, more fathers than mothers felt welcome in the NICU and in care involvement regarding requests for their wishes when they met their infant (79% vs. 60%, p = 0.02) and in the presentation of the NICU (91% vs. 76%; p = 0.03). Mothers and fathers significantly differed in the caring procedures they performed ( p = 0.01), procedures they did not perform but wanted to perform ( p < 0.001), and procedures they did not perform and did not want to perform ( p < 0.01)., Conclusion: Most fathers were present at the births of their very preterm infants, but fewer fathers were near the mother at this time. Less than two thirds of fathers accompanied their infants to the NICU. There should be further changes to better meet the specific needs of the fathers of infants requiring care in the NICU. Continuing assessment with an online questionnaire may be useful to monitor changes over time in father's involvement in NICUs., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2023 Stern-Delfils, Leray, Caeymaex, Dicky, Akrich, Reynaud, Bouvard, Evrard, Sizun, Tscherning, Kuhn and the GREEN Committee (Groupe de Réflexion et d’Evaluation de l’Environnement des Nouveau-nés de la Société Française de Néonatologie).)
- Published
- 2023
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21. Warning regarding hematological toxicity of tamoxifen activated CreERT2 in young Rosa26CreERT2 mice.
- Author
Rossi M, Salomon A, Chaumontel N, Molet J, Bailly S, Tillet E, and Bouvard C
- Subjects
- Mice, Animals, Mice, Transgenic, Disease Models, Animal, Tamoxifen toxicity, Integrases genetics, Integrases metabolism
- Abstract
The Cre-lox system is a versatile and powerful tool used in mouse genetics. It allows spatial and/or temporal control of the deletion of a target gene. The Rosa26-CreERT2 (R26CreERT2) mouse model allows ubiquitous expression of CreERT2. Once activated by tamoxifen, CreERT2 will enter into the nuclei and delete floxed DNA sequences. Here, we show that intraperitoneal injection of tamoxifen in young R26CreERT2 mice leads to morbidity and mortality within 10 days after the first injection, in the absence of a floxed allele. Activation of CreERT2 by tamoxifen led to severe hematological defects, with anemia and a strong disorganization of the bone marrow vascular bed. Cell proliferation was significantly reduced in the bone marrow and the spleen resulting in the depletion of several hematopoietic cells. However, not all cell types or organs were affected to the same extent. We realized that many research groups are not aware of the potential toxicity of Cre recombinases, resulting in misinterpretation of the observed phenotype and in a waste of time and resources. We discuss the necessity to include tamoxifen injected CreERT2 controls lacking a floxed allele in experimental designs and to improve communication about the limitations of Cre-lox mouse models among the scientific community., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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22. Different cardiovascular and pulmonary phenotypes for single- and double-knock-out mice deficient in BMP9 and BMP10.
- Author
Bouvard C, Tu L, Rossi M, Desroches-Castan A, Berrebeh N, Helfer E, Roelants C, Liu H, Ouarné M, Chaumontel N, Mallet C, Battail C, Bikfalvi A, Humbert M, Savale L, Daubon T, Perret P, Tillet E, Guignabert C, and Bailly S
- Subjects
- Animals, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins metabolism, Hypoxia, Lung metabolism, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Phenotype, Activin Receptors, Type II genetics, Activin Receptors, Type II metabolism, Growth Differentiation Factor 2 genetics, Growth Differentiation Factor 2 metabolism
- Abstract
Aims: BMP9 and BMP10 mutations were recently identified in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension, but their specific roles in the pathogenesis of the disease are still unclear. We aimed to study the roles of BMP9 and BMP10 in cardiovascular homeostasis and pulmonary hypertension using transgenic mouse models deficient in Bmp9 and/or Bmp10., Methods and Results: Single- and double-knockout mice for Bmp9 (constitutive) and/or Bmp10 (tamoxifen inducible) were generated. Single-knock-out (KO) mice developed no obvious age-dependent phenotype when compared with their wild-type littermates. However, combined deficiency in Bmp9 and Bmp10 led to vascular defects resulting in a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure and the progressive development of high-output heart failure and pulmonary hemosiderosis. RNAseq analysis of the lungs of the double-KO mice revealed differential expression of genes involved in inflammation and vascular homeostasis. We next challenged these mice to chronic hypoxia. After 3 weeks of hypoxic exposure, Bmp10-cKO mice showed an enlarged heart. However, although genetic deletion of Bmp9 in the single- and double-KO mice attenuated the muscularization of pulmonary arterioles induced by chronic hypoxia, we observed no differences in Bmp10-cKO mice. Consistent with these results, endothelin-1 levels were significantly reduced in Bmp9 deficient mice but not Bmp10-cKO mice. Furthermore, the effects of BMP9 on vasoconstriction were inhibited by bosentan, an endothelin receptor antagonist, in a chick chorioallantoic membrane assay., Conclusions: Our data show redundant roles for BMP9 and BMP10 in cardiovascular homeostasis under normoxic conditions (only combined deletion of both Bmp9 and Bmp10 was associated with severe defects) but highlight specific roles under chronic hypoxic conditions. We obtained evidence that BMP9 contributes to chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary vascular remodelling, whereas BMP10 plays a role in hypoxia-induced cardiac remodelling in mice., (© The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology.)
- Published
- 2022
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23. BMP9 and BMP10: Two close vascular quiescence partners that stand out.
- Author
Desroches-Castan A, Tillet E, Bouvard C, and Bailly S
- Subjects
- Bone Morphogenetic Proteins genetics, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins metabolism, Humans, Signal Transduction physiology, Endothelial Cells metabolism, Growth Differentiation Factor 2 genetics, Growth Differentiation Factor 2 metabolism
- Abstract
Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are dimeric transforming growth factor ß (TGFß) family cytokines that were first described in bone and cartilage formation but have since been shown to be involved in many pleiotropic functions. In human, there are 15 BMP ligands, which initiate their cellular signaling by forming a complex with two copies of type I receptors and two copies of type II receptors, both of which are transmembrane receptors with an intracellular serine/threonine kinase domain. Within this receptor family, ALK1 (activin receptor-like kinase 1), which is a type I receptor mainly expressed on endothelial cells, and BMPRII (BMP Receptor type II), a type II receptor also highly expressed on endothelial cells, have been directly linked to two rare vascular diseases: hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), and pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), respectively. BMP9 (gene name GDF2) and BMP10, two close members of the BMP family, are the only known ligands for the ALK1 receptor. This specificity gives them a unique role in physiological and pathological angiogenesis and tissue homeostasis. The aim of this current review is to present an overview of what is known about BMP9 and BMP10 on vascular regulation with a particular emphasis on recent results and the many questions that remain unanswered regarding the roles and specificities between BMP9 and BMP10., (© 2021 American Association for Anatomy.)
- Published
- 2022
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24. Connexin-43 is a promising target for pulmonary hypertension due to hypoxaemic lung disease.
- Author
Bouvard C, Genet N, Phan C, Rode B, Thuillet R, Tu L, Robillard P, Campagnac M, Soleti R, Dumas De La Roque E, Delcambre F, Cronier L, Parpaite T, Maurat E, Berger P, Savineau JP, Marthan R, Guignabert C, Freund-Michel V, and Guibert C
- Subjects
- Animals, Connexins, Gap Junctions, Humans, Hypoxia complications, Mice, Connexin 43 genetics, Hypertension, Pulmonary
- Abstract
The mechanisms underlying pulmonary hypertension (PH) are complex and multifactorial, and involve different cell types that are interconnected through gap junctional channels. Although connexin (Cx)-43 is the most abundant gap junction protein in the heart and lungs, and critically governs intercellular signalling communication, its contribution to PH remains unknown. The focus of the present study is thus to evaluate Cx43 as a potential new target in PH.Expressions of Cx37, Cx40 and Cx43 were studied in lung specimens from patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) or PH associated with chronic hypoxaemic lung diseases (chronic hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (CH-PH)). Heterozygous Cx43 knockdown CD1 (Cx43
+/- ) and wild-type littermate (Cx43+/+ ) mice at 12 weeks of age were randomly divided into two groups, one of which was maintained in room air and the other exposed to hypoxia (10% oxygen) for 3 weeks. We evaluated pulmonary haemodynamics, remodelling processes in cardiac tissues and pulmonary arteries (PAs), lung inflammation and PA vasoreactivity.Cx43 levels were increased in PAs from CH-PH patients and decreased in PAs from IPAH patients; however, no difference in Cx37 or Cx40 levels was noted. Upon hypoxia treatment, the Cx43+/- mice were partially protected against CH-PH when compared to Cx43+/+ mice, with reduced pulmonary arterial muscularisation and inflammatory infiltration. Interestingly, the adaptive changes in cardiac remodelling in Cx43+/- mice were not affected. PA contraction due to endothelin-1 (ET-1) was increased in Cx43+/- mice under normoxic and hypoxic conditions.Taken together, these results indicate that targeting Cx43 may have beneficial therapeutic effects in PH without affecting compensatory cardiac hypertrophy., Competing Interests: Conflict of interest: C. Bouvard has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: N. Genet has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: C. Phan has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: B. Rode has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: R. Thuillet has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: L. Tu has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: P. Robillard has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: M. Campagnac has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: R. Soleti has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: E. Dumas De La Roque has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: F. Delcambre has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: L. Cronier has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: T. Parpaite has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: E. Maurat has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: P. Berger reports grants from Nycomed, Takeda, Fondation du Souffle and Fonds de Dotation Recherche en Santé Respiratoire, during the conduct of the study; grants and personal fees for lectures, advisory board work and travel to meetings from Novartis, personal fees for lectures and non-financial (travel) support from Chiesi, grants and personal fees for advisory board work and lectures, as well as non-financial (travel) support from Boehringer Ingelheim, personal fees for advisory board work and lectures, as well as non-financial (travel) support from AstraZeneca and Sanofi, personal fees for advisory board work and lectures from Menarini, and personal fees for lectures from TEVA, outside the submitted work. Conflict of interest: J-P. Savineau has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: R. Marthan has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: C. Guignabert has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: V. Freund-Michel has nothing to disclose. Conflict of interest: C. Guibert has nothing to disclose., (Copyright ©ERS 2020.)- Published
- 2020
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25. Recommendation for hygiene and topical in neonatology from the French Neonatal Society.
- Author
Renesme L, Allen A, Audeoud F, Bouvard C, Brandicourt A, Casper C, Cayemaex L, Denoual H, Duboz MA, Evrard A, Fichtner C, Fischer-Fumeaux CJ, Girard L, Gonnaud F, Haumont D, Hüppi P, Knezovic N, Laprugne-Garcia E, Legouais S, Mons F, Pelofy V, Picaud JC, Pierrat V, Pladys P, Reynaud A, Souet G, Thiriez G, Tourneux P, Touzet M, Truffert P, Zaoui C, Zana-Taieb E, Zores C, Sizun J, and Kuhn P
- Subjects
- Administration, Topical, France, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Infant, Premature, Neonatology methods, Skin Physiological Phenomena, Hygiene standards, Infant Care standards, Practice Guidelines as Topic
- Abstract
We sought to establish guidelines for hygiene care in newborns based on a systematic review of the literature and grading of evidence using the Groupe de Réflexion et d'Evaluation de l'Environement des Nouveau-nés (GREEN) methodology. We examined 45 articles and 4 reports from safety agencies. These studies recommend a tub bath (rather than a sponge bath) for full-term infants and a swaddle bath for preterm newborns. They also recommend against daily cleansing of preterm infants. The literature emphasized that hygiene care must consider the clinical state of the newborn, including the level of awareness and behavioral responses. Hospitalized newborns treated with topical agents may also experience high exposure to potentially harmful excipients of interest. Caregivers should therefore be aware of the excipients present in the different products they use. In high-resource countries, the available data do not support the use of protective topical agents for preterm infants.Conclusions: We recommend individualization of hygiene care for newborns. There is increasing concern regarding the safety of excipients in topical agents that are used in neonatology. A multidisciplinary approach should be used to identify an approach that requires lower levels of excipients and alternative excipients. What is known: • Hygiene care is one of the most basic and widespread types of care received by healthy and sick newborns worldwide. • There is no current guideline on hygiene for preterm or hospitalized term newborn. What is new: • The French Group of Reflection and Evaluation of the environment of Newborns (GREEN) provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence. • Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns' behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest, and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant. provided here guidelines based on the current body of evidence. • Caregivers should be aware of the many issues related to hygiene care of newborns including newborns' possible behavioral responses to hygiene care, exposition to excipients of interest and the potential risk of protective topical agents in a preterm infant.
- Published
- 2019
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26. Impact of parental separation or divorce on school performance in preterm children: A population-based study.
- Author
Nusinovici S, Olliac B, Flamant C, Müller JB, Olivier M, Rouger V, Gascoin G, Basset H, Bouvard C, Rozé JC, and Hanf M
- Subjects
- Child, Child Development, Child, Preschool, Female, Gestational Age, Humans, Infant, Infant, Newborn, Infant, Premature, Male, Surveys and Questionnaires, Academic Performance standards, Divorce, Parents, Schools
- Abstract
The objective of this study was to quantify the possible decrease in school performance at five years of age in preterm children associated with parental separation or divorce, and to test whether this effect varies according to the child's age at the time of the separation. This study included 3,308 infants delivered at < 35 weeks of gestation born between 2003 and 2011 who were enrolled in the population-based LIFT cohort and who had an optimal neurodevelopmental outcome at two years of age. These infants were evaluated by their teachers to assess their abilities and behavior when they had reached five years of age, using the Global School Adaptation (GSA) questionnaire. The mean GSA score was 50.8 points. Parental separations (assessed as parents either living together or living separately) were associated with a decrease in school performance at five years of age, although this was only the case for children who exhibited difficulties at school (3.7 points, p < 0.01). A decrease in school performance only occurred when parental separations took place between 3 and 5 years after the child's birth. Parental separation was associated with a decrease in these children's levels of motivation, autonomy, and manual dexterity. This study indicates that preterm infants of parents who had separated are particularly at risk of a lower scholar performance., Competing Interests: We have the following interest. Charlotte Bouvard is the founder of SOS Prema. There are no patents, products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter our adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials, as detailed online in the guide for authors.
- Published
- 2018
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27. BMP9, but not BMP10, acts as a quiescence factor on tumor growth, vessel normalization and metastasis in a mouse model of breast cancer.
- Author
Ouarné M, Bouvard C, Boneva G, Mallet C, Ribeiro J, Desroches-Castan A, Soleilhac E, Tillet E, Peyruchaud O, and Bailly S
- Subjects
- Activin Receptors, Type II, Animals, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Disease Models, Animal, Endothelial Cells metabolism, Endothelial Cells pathology, Endothelium, Vascular metabolism, Endothelium, Vascular pathology, Female, Humans, Mammary Neoplasms, Animal pathology, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Neoplasm Metastasis, Signal Transduction, Activin Receptors, Type I genetics, Bone Morphogenetic Proteins genetics, Breast Neoplasms genetics, Growth Differentiation Factor 2 genetics, Mammary Neoplasms, Animal genetics
- Abstract
Background: Angiogenesis has become an attractive target for cancer therapy. However, despite the initial success of anti-VEGF (Vascular endothelial growth factor) therapies, the overall survival appears only modestly improved and resistance to therapy often develops. Other anti-angiogenic targets are thus urgently needed. The predominant expression of the type I BMP (bone morphogenetic protein) receptor ALK1 (activin receptor-like kinase 1) in endothelial cells makes it an attractive target, and phase I/II trials are currently being conducted. ALK1 binds with strong affinity to two ligands that belong to the TGF-ß family, BMP9 and BMP10. In the present work, we addressed their specific roles in tumor angiogenesis, cancer development and metastasis in a mammary cancer model., Methods: For this, we used knockout (KO) mice for BMP9 (constitutive Gdf2-deficient), for BMP10 (inducible Bmp10-deficient) and double KO mice (Gdf2 and Bmp10) in a syngeneic immunocompetent orthotopic mouse model of spontaneous metastatic breast cancer (E0771)., Results: Our studies demonstrate a specific role for BMP9 in the E0771 mammary carcinoma model. Gdf2 deletion increased tumor growth while inhibiting vessel maturation and tumor perfusion. Gdf2 deletion also increased the number and the mean size of lung metastases. On the other hand, Bmp10 deletion did not significantly affect the E0771 mammary model and the double deletion (Gdf2 and Bmp10) did not lead to a stronger phenotype than the single Gdf2 deletion., Conclusions: Altogether, our data show that in a tumor environment BMP9 and BMP10 play different roles and thus blocking their shared receptor ALK1 is maybe not appropriate. Indeed, BMP9, but not BMP10, acts as a quiescence factor on tumor growth, lung metastasis and vessel normalization. Our results also support that activating rather than blocking the BMP9 pathway could be a new strategy for tumor vessel normalization in order to treat breast cancer.
- Published
- 2018
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28. Tracking the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane voltage in muscle with a FRET biosensor.
- Author
Sanchez C, Berthier C, Allard B, Perrot J, Bouvard C, Tsutsui H, Okamura Y, and Jacquemond V
- Subjects
- Animals, Biosensing Techniques, Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer, In Vitro Techniques, Male, Mice, Minor Histocompatibility Antigens, Nuclear Pore Complex Proteins, Patch-Clamp Techniques, Muscle Fibers, Skeletal physiology, Ryanodine Receptor Calcium Release Channel physiology, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum physiology
- Abstract
Ion channel activity in the plasma membrane of living cells generates voltage changes that are critical for numerous biological functions. The membrane of the endoplasmic/sarcoplasmic reticulum (ER/SR) is also endowed with ion channels, but whether changes in its voltage occur during cellular activity has remained ambiguous. This issue is critical for cell functions that depend on a Ca
2+ flux across the reticulum membrane. This is the case for contraction of striated muscle, which is triggered by opening of ryanodine receptor Ca2+ release channels in the SR membrane in response to depolarization of the transverse invaginations of the plasma membrane (the t-tubules). Here, we use targeted expression of voltage-sensitive fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) probes of the Mermaid family in differentiated muscle fibers to determine whether changes in SR membrane voltage occur during depolarization-contraction coupling. In the absence of an SR targeting sequence, FRET signals from probes present in the t-tubule membrane allow calibration of the voltage sensitivity and amplitude of the response to voltage-clamp pulses. Successful SR targeting of the probes was achieved using an N-terminal domain of triadin, which completely eliminates voltage-clamp-activated FRET signals from the t-tubule membrane of transfected fibers. In fibers expressing SR-targeted Mermaid probes, activation of SR Ca2+ release in the presence of intracellular ethyleneglycol-bis(β-amino-ethyl ether)- N , N , N ', N '-tetra acetic acid (EGTA) results in an accompanying FRET signal. We find that this signal results from pH sensitivity of the probe, which detects cytosolic acidification because of the release of protons upon Ca2+ binding to EGTA. When EGTA is substituted with either 1,2-bis( o -aminophenoxy)ethane- N , N , N ', N '-tetraacetic acid or the contraction blocker N -benzyl- p -toluene sulfonamide, we find no indication of a substantial change in the FRET response caused by a voltage change. These results suggest that the ryanodine receptor-mediated SR Ca2+ efflux is well balanced by concomitant counterion currents across the SR membrane., (© 2018 Sanchez et al.)- Published
- 2018
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29. Impact of preterm birth on parental separation: a French population-based longitudinal study.
- Author
Nusinovici S, Olliac B, Flamant C, Müller JB, Olivier M, Rouger V, Gascoin G, Basset H, Bouvard C, Rozé JC, and Hanf M
- Subjects
- Child, Child, Preschool, Female, France, Gestational Age, Humans, Infant, Infant, Extremely Premature, Infant, Newborn, Infant, Very Low Birth Weight, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Marriage psychology, Marriage statistics & numerical data, Pregnancy, Premature Birth psychology, Proportional Hazards Models, Prospective Studies, Risk Factors, Socioeconomic Factors, Surveys and Questionnaires, Child Development, Marital Status, Parents, Premature Birth epidemiology
- Abstract
Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate both the effects of low gestational age and infant's neurodevelopmental outcome at 2 years of age on the risk of parental separation within 7 years of giving birth., Design: Prospective., Setting: 24 maternity clinics in the Pays-de-la-Loire region., Participants: This study included 5732 infants delivered at <35 weeks of gestation born between 2005 and 2013 who were enrolled in the population-based Loire Infant Follow-up Team cohort and who had a neurodevelopmental evaluation at 2 years. This neurodevelopmental evaluation was based on a physical examination, a psychomotor evaluation and a parent-completed questionnaire., Outcome Measure: Risk of parental separation (parents living together or parents living separately)., Results: Ten percent (572/5732) of the parents reported having undergone separation during the follow-up period. A mediation analysis showed that low gestational age had no direct effect on the risk of parental separation. Moreover, a non-optimal neurodevelopment at 2 years was associated with an increased risk of parental separation corresponding to a HR=1.49(1.23 to 1.80). Finally, the increased risk of parental separation was aggravated by low socioeconomic conditions., Conclusions: The effect of low gestational age on the risk of parental separation was mediated by the infant's neurodevelopment., Competing Interests: Competing interests: None declared., (© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.)
- Published
- 2017
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30. Small molecule selectively suppresses MYC transcription in cancer cells.
- Author
Bouvard C, Lim SM, Ludka J, Yazdani N, Woods AK, Chatterjee AK, Schultz PG, and Zhu S
- Subjects
- Animals, Cell Line, Tumor, Down-Regulation drug effects, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic drug effects, Humans, Mice, Inbred NOD, Mice, SCID, NM23 Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinases genetics, NM23 Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinases metabolism, Neoplasms metabolism, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc metabolism, Neoplasms drug therapy, Neoplasms genetics, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-myc genetics, Small Molecule Libraries administration & dosage
- Abstract
Stauprimide is a staurosporine analog that promotes embryonic stem cell (ESC) differentiation by inhibiting nuclear localization of the MYC transcription factor NME2, which in turn results in down-regulation of MYC transcription. Given the critical role the oncogene MYC plays in tumor initiation and maintenance, we explored the potential of stauprimide as an anticancer agent. Here we report that stauprimide suppresses MYC transcription in cancer cell lines derived from distinct tissues. Using renal cancer cells, we confirmed that stauprimide inhibits NME2 nuclear localization. Gene expression analysis also confirmed the selective down-regulation of MYC target genes by stauprimide. Consistent with this activity, administration of stauprimide inhibited tumor growth in rodent xenograft models. Our study provides a unique strategy for selectively targeting MYC transcription by pharmacological means as a potential treatment for MYC-dependent tumors.
- Published
- 2017
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31. [Parental perception of their involvement in the care of their children in French neonatal units].
- Author
Casper C, Caeymaex L, Dicky O, Akrich M, Reynaud A, Bouvard C, Evrard A, and Kuhn P
- Subjects
- Adult, Child, Hospitalized, Female, France, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Male, Surveys and Questionnaires, Attitude to Health, Critical Illness, Parents
- Abstract
Background: The experience of becoming the parent of a sick or premature newborn can be particularly distressing for parents. They often encounter challenges to the development of their parenting roles. Perception of the hospital stay has never been analyzed on a large scale., Objective: To analyze parents' perception of their involvement in the care of their newborn., Methods: An internet-based survey started in France in February 2014 on the basis of a validated questionnaire composed of 222 neonatal care-related items. A quantitative and qualitative analysis was performed on the items dealing with parents' involvement until August 2014., Results: The survey was completed by 1500 parents, 98 % of whom were mothers. The infants had a mean GA of 32 weeks and a mean birth weight of 1600g. Parents rated their first care of their infant with mixed emotions (joy, stress, etc.). Parents were willing to practice new skills through guided participation, even for more complex care. Skin-to-skin care was only proposed after 7 days for 20 % of the parents; 10 % of the parents did not feel secure during this practice. The need for privacy and professional guidance was essential for meaningful skin-to-skin contact., Discussion: Parents' perception of participating actively in their infant's care was positive and they felt guided by the nursing team. Most of them would have been more active with guidance. Skin-to-skin care was appreciated and desired, but could become stressful if the conditions were not optimal., (Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier SAS.)
- Published
- 2016
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32. Low-Molecular-Weight Fucoidan Induces Endothelial Cell Migration via the PI3K/AKT Pathway and Modulates the Transcription of Genes Involved in Angiogenesis.
- Author
Bouvard C, Galy-Fauroux I, Grelac F, Carpentier W, Lokajczyk A, Gandrille S, Colliec-Jouault S, Fischer AM, and Helley D
- Subjects
- Cytoskeleton metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation drug effects, Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells metabolism, Humans, Molecular Weight, Neovascularization, Physiologic genetics, Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase metabolism, Polysaccharides chemistry, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt metabolism, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A metabolism, Cell Movement drug effects, Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells drug effects, Neovascularization, Physiologic drug effects, Polysaccharides pharmacology
- Abstract
Low-molecular-weight fucoidan (LMWF) is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown seaweed that presents antithrombotic and pro-angiogenic properties. However, its mechanism of action is not well-characterized. Here, we studied the effects of LMWF on cell signaling and whole genome expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells and endothelial colony forming cells. We observed that LMWF and vascular endothelial growth factor had synergistic effects on cell signaling, and more interestingly that LMWF by itself, in the absence of other growth factors, was able to trigger the activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway, which plays a crucial role in angiogenesis and vasculogenesis. We also observed that the effects of LMWF on cell migration were PI3K/AKT-dependent and that LMWF modulated the expression of genes involved at different levels of the neovessel formation process, such as cell migration and cytoskeleton organization, cell mobilization and homing. This provides a better understanding of LMWF's mechanism of action and confirms that it could be an interesting therapeutic approach for vascular repair.
- Published
- 2015
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33. Depression of voltage-activated Ca2+ release in skeletal muscle by activation of a voltage-sensing phosphatase.
- Author
Berthier C, Kutchukian C, Bouvard C, Okamura Y, and Jacquemond V
- Subjects
- Action Potentials, Animals, Calcium metabolism, Cells, Cultured, Mice, Muscle Fibers, Skeletal physiology, Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-Diphosphate metabolism, Phosphoric Monoester Hydrolases genetics, Sarcoplasmic Reticulum metabolism, Calcium Channels, L-Type metabolism, Calcium Signaling, Muscle Fibers, Skeletal metabolism, Phosphoric Monoester Hydrolases metabolism
- Abstract
Phosphoinositides act as signaling molecules in numerous cellular transduction processes, and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) regulates the function of several types of plasma membrane ion channels. We investigated the potential role of PtdIns(4,5)P2 in Ca(2+) homeostasis and excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling of mouse muscle fibers using in vivo expression of the voltage-sensing phosphatases (VSPs) Ciona intestinalis VSP (Ci-VSP) or Danio rerio VSP (Dr-VSP). Confocal images of enhanced green fluorescent protein-tagged Dr-VSP revealed a banded pattern consistent with VSP localization within the transverse tubule membrane. Rhod-2 Ca(2+) transients generated by 0.5-s-long voltage-clamp depolarizing pulses sufficient to elicit Ca(2+) release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) but below the range at which VSPs are activated were unaffected by the presence of the VSPs. However, in Ci-VSP-expressing fibers challenged by 5-s-long depolarizing pulses, the Ca(2+) level late in the pulse (3 s after initiation) was significantly lower at 120 mV than at 20 mV. Furthermore, Ci-VSP-expressing fibers showed a reversible depression of Ca(2+) release during trains, with the peak Ca(2+) transient being reduced by ∼30% after the application of 10 200-ms-long pulses to 100 mV. A similar depression was observed in Dr-VSP-expressing fibers. Cav1.1 Ca(2+) channel-mediated current was unaffected by Ci-VSP activation. In fibers expressing Ci-VSP and a pleckstrin homology domain fused with monomeric red fluorescent protein (PLCδ1PH-mRFP), depolarizing pulses elicited transient changes in mRFP fluorescence consistent with release of transverse tubule-bound PLCδ1PH domain into the cytosol; the voltage sensitivity of these changes was consistent with that of Ci-VSP activation, and recovery occurred with a time constant in the 10-s range. Our results indicate that the PtdIns(4,5)P2 level is tightly maintained in the transverse tubule membrane of the muscle fibers, and that VSP-induced depletion of PtdIns(4,5)P2 impairs voltage-activated Ca(2+) release from the SR. Because Ca(2+) release is thought to be independent from InsP3 signaling, the effect likely results from an interaction between PtdIns(4,5)P2 and a protein partner of the E-C coupling machinery., (© 2015 Berthier et al.)
- Published
- 2015
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34. Tie2-dependent deletion of α6 integrin subunit in mice reduces tumor growth and angiogenesis.
- Author
Bouvard C, Segaoula Z, De Arcangelis A, Galy-Fauroux I, Mauge L, Fischer AM, Georges-Labouesse E, and Helley D
- Subjects
- Animals, Cell Lineage, Cell Movement genetics, Cell Proliferation genetics, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Humans, Integrin alpha6 biosynthesis, Macrophages metabolism, Macrophages pathology, Melanoma, Experimental pathology, Mice, Mice, Transgenic, Neovascularization, Pathologic pathology, Receptor, TIE-2 biosynthesis, Integrin alpha6 genetics, Melanoma, Experimental genetics, Neovascularization, Pathologic genetics, Receptor, TIE-2 genetics
- Abstract
The α6 integrin subunit (α6) has been implicated in cancer cell migration and in the progression of several malignancies, but its role in tumor angiogenesis is unclear. In mice, anti-α6 blocking antibodies reduce tumor angiogenesis, whereas Tie1-dependent α6 gene deletion enhances neovessel formation in melanoma and lung carcinoma. To clarify the discrepancy in these results we used the cre-lox system to generate a mouse line, α6fl/fl‑Tie2Cre(+), with α6 gene deletion specifically in Tie2-lineage cells: endothelial cells, pericytes, subsets of hematopoietic stem cells, and Tie2-expressing monocytes/macrophages (TEMs), known for their proangiogenic properties. Loss of α6 expression in α6fl/fl‑Tie2Cre(+) mice reduced tumor growth in a murine B16F10 melanoma model. Immunohistological analysis of the tumors showed that Tie2-dependent α6 gene deletion was associated with reduced tumor vascularization and with reduced infiltration of proangiogenic Tie2-expressing macrophages. These findings demonstrate that α6 integrin subunit plays a major role in tumor angiogenesis and TEM infiltration. Targeting α6 could be used as a strategy to reduce tumor growth.
- Published
- 2014
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35. Endothelial podosome rosettes regulate vascular branching in tumour angiogenesis.
- Author
Seano G, Chiaverina G, Gagliardi PA, di Blasio L, Puliafito A, Bouvard C, Sessa R, Tarone G, Sorokin L, Helley D, Jain RK, Serini G, Bussolino F, and Primo L
- Subjects
- Animals, Basement Membrane metabolism, Cell Line, Tumor, Cell Membrane Structures drug effects, Cell Membrane Structures metabolism, Cells, Cultured, Endothelial Cells drug effects, Endothelial Cells metabolism, Green Fluorescent Proteins genetics, Green Fluorescent Proteins metabolism, HEK293 Cells, HeLa Cells, Humans, Integrin alpha6beta1 genetics, Integrin alpha6beta1 metabolism, Laminin metabolism, Lung Neoplasms blood supply, Lung Neoplasms metabolism, Lung Neoplasms physiopathology, Male, Matrix Metalloproteinase 14 metabolism, Melanoma, Experimental blood supply, Melanoma, Experimental metabolism, Melanoma, Experimental physiopathology, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Mice, Knockout, Microscopy, Confocal, Microscopy, Fluorescence, Neoplasms blood supply, Neoplasms metabolism, Neovascularization, Pathologic metabolism, RNA Interference, Tetradecanoylphorbol Acetate pharmacology, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A metabolism, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A pharmacology, Cell Membrane Structures physiology, Endothelial Cells physiology, Neoplasms physiopathology, Neovascularization, Pathologic physiopathology
- Abstract
The mechanism by which angiogenic endothelial cells break the physical barrier of the vascular basement membrane and consequently sprout to form new vessels in mature tissues is unclear. Here, we show that the angiogenic endothelium is characterized by the presence of functional podosome rosettes. These extracellular-matrix-degrading and adhesive structures are precursors of de novo branching points and represent a key feature in the formation of new blood vessels. VEGF-A stimulation induces the formation of endothelial podosome rosettes by upregulating integrin α6β1. In contrast, the binding of α6β1 integrin to the laminin of the vascular basement membrane impairs the formation of podosome rosettes by restricting α6β1 integrin to focal adhesions and hampering its translocation to podosomes. Using an ex vivo sprouting angiogenesis assay, transgenic and knockout mouse models and human tumour sample analysis, we provide evidence that endothelial podosome rosettes control blood vessel branching and are critical regulators of pathological angiogenesis.
- Published
- 2014
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36. Targeting human C-type lectin-like molecule-1 (CLL1) with a bispecific antibody for immunotherapy of acute myeloid leukemia.
- Author
Lu H, Zhou Q, Deshmukh V, Phull H, Ma J, Tardif V, Naik RR, Bouvard C, Zhang Y, Choi S, Lawson BR, Zhu S, Kim CH, and Schultz PG
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Antibodies, Bispecific immunology, Immunotherapy methods, Lectins, C-Type immunology, Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute immunology
- Abstract
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which is the most common acute adult leukemia and the second most common pediatric leukemia, still has a poor prognosis. Human C-type lectin-like molecule-1 (CLL1) is a recently identified myeloid lineage restricted cell surface marker, which is overexpressed in over 90% of AML patient myeloid blasts and in leukemic stem cells. Here, we describe the synthesis of a novel bispecific antibody, αCLL1-αCD3, using the genetically encoded unnatural amino acid, p-acetylphenylalanine. The resulting αCLL1-αCD3 recruits cytotoxic T cells to CLL1 positive cells, and demonstrates potent and selective cytotoxicity against several human AML cell lines and primary AML patient derived cells in vitro. Moreover, αCLL1-αCD3 treatment completely eliminates established tumors in an U937 AML cell line xenograft model. These results validate the clinical potential of CLL1 as an AML-specific antigen for the generation of a novel immunotherapeutic for AML., (© 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.)
- Published
- 2014
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37. Cancer stem cells as a target population for drug discovery.
- Author
Bouvard C, Barefield C, and Zhu S
- Subjects
- Animals, Humans, Molecular Targeted Therapy methods, Neoplasms metabolism, Neoplasms pathology, Neoplastic Stem Cells metabolism, Neoplastic Stem Cells pathology, Antineoplastic Agents chemistry, Antineoplastic Agents pharmacology, Drug Discovery methods, Neoplasms drug therapy, Neoplastic Stem Cells drug effects, Small Molecule Libraries chemistry, Small Molecule Libraries pharmacology
- Abstract
Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been identified in a growing list of malignancies and are believed to be responsible for cancer initiation, metastasis and relapse following certain therapies, even though they may only represent a small fraction of the cells in a given cancer. Like somatic stem cells and embryonic stem cells, CSCs are capable of self-renewal and differentiation into more mature, less tumorigenic cells that make up the bulk populations of cancer cells. Elimination of CSCs promises intriguing therapeutic potential and this concept has been adopted in preclinical drug discovery programs. Herein we will discuss the progress of these efforts, general considerations in practice, major challenges and possible solutions.
- Published
- 2014
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38. Tie2-dependent knockout of α6 integrin subunit in mice reduces post-ischaemic angiogenesis.
- Author
Bouvard C, De Arcangelis A, Dizier B, Galy-Fauroux I, Fischer AM, Georges-Labouesse E, and Helley D
- Subjects
- Animals, Cell Lineage, Cell Movement, Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 pharmacology, Male, Mice, Mice, Knockout, Protein Subunits physiology, Receptor, TIE-2, Integrin alpha6 physiology, Ischemia physiopathology, Neovascularization, Physiologic, Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases physiology
- Abstract
Aims: Integrins α6β1 and α6β4 are receptors for laminins, the main components of the basement membrane underlying the endothelial cells. In vitro, α6 integrin subunit (α6) expression at the surface of endothelial cells and their progenitors (EPCs) is up-regulated by pro-angiogenic growth factors and is crucial for adhesion, migration, and pseudotube formation. We investigated the role for α6 in post-ischaemic vascular repair in vivo., Methods and Results: We used the cre-lox system to generate a mouse line with specific α6 gene deletion in Tie2-lineage cells. In a model of hind-limb ischaemia, Tie2-dependent α6 deletion reduced neovessel formation and reperfusion of the ischaemic limb. Concerning the role for α6 in post-ischaemic vasculogenesis, we showed previously that α6 was required for EPC recruitment at the site of ischaemia. Here, we found that α6 deletion also reduced EPC mobilization from the bone marrow after ischaemia. Examination of the ischaemic muscles showed that Tie2-dependent α6 deletion decreased the recruitment of pro-angiogenic Tie2-expressing macrophages. In the Matrigel plug assay, fibroblast growth factor-2-induced vascularization was diminished in mice lacking endothelial α6. To specifically investigate the role for α6 in angiogenesis, aortic rings were embedded in Matrigel or collagen and cultured ex vivo. In Matrigel, neovessel outgrowth from rings lacking α6 was strongly diminished, whereas no genotype-dependent difference occurred for rings in collagen., Conclusion: α6 plays a major role in both post-ischaemic angiogenesis and vasculogenesis.
- Published
- 2012
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39. alpha6-integrin subunit plays a major role in the proangiogenic properties of endothelial progenitor cells.
- Author
Bouvard C, Gafsou B, Dizier B, Galy-Fauroux I, Lokajczyk A, Boisson-Vidal C, Fischer AM, and Helley D
- Subjects
- Animals, Apoptosis, Capillaries metabolism, Capillaries physiopathology, Cell Adhesion, Cell Movement, Cell Proliferation, Cells, Cultured, Disease Models, Animal, Endothelial Cells transplantation, Humans, Integrin alpha6 genetics, Ischemia genetics, Ischemia pathology, Ischemia physiopathology, Laser-Doppler Flowmetry, Male, Mice, Mice, Nude, Muscle, Skeletal pathology, Phosphorylation, Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt metabolism, RNA Interference, Regional Blood Flow, Stem Cell Transplantation, Transfection, Endothelial Cells metabolism, Integrin alpha6 metabolism, Ischemia metabolism, Muscle, Skeletal blood supply, Muscle, Skeletal metabolism, Neovascularization, Physiologic genetics, Stem Cells metabolism
- Abstract
Objective: Alpha6 integrin subunit (alpha6) expression is increased by proangiogenic growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and fibroblast growth factor. This increase correlates with enhanced in vitro tube formation by endothelial cells and their progenitors called endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs). We thus studied the role of alpha6 in vasculogenesis induced by human ECFCs, in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia., Methods and Results: We used small interfering RNA (siRNA) to inhibit alpha6 expression on the surface of ECFCs. For in vivo studies, human ECFCs were injected intravenously into a nude mouse model of unilateral hind limb ischemia. Transfection with siRNA alpha6 abrogated neovessel formation and reperfusion of the ischemic hind limb induced by ECFCs (P<0.01 and P<0.001, respectively). It also inhibited ECFC incorporation into the vasculature of the ischemic muscle (P<0.001). In vitro, siRNA alpha6 inhibited ECFC adhesion (P<0.01), pseudotube formation on Matrigel, migration, and AKT phosphorylation (P<0.0001), with no effect on cell proliferation or apoptosis., Conclusions: alpha6 Expression is required for ECFC migration, adhesion, recruitment at the site of ischemia, and the promotion of the postischemic vascular repair. Thus, we have demonstrated a major role of alpha6 in the proangiogenic properties of ECFCs.
- Published
- 2010
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40. [Generalized myoclonic epilepsy associated with an important rise of lipoprotein (a) level. 3 cases in a family].
- Author
Fischer C, Sassolas A, Ollagnon E, and Bouvard C
- Subjects
- Child, Epilepsies, Myoclonic genetics, Female, Humans, Hyperlipoproteinemias genetics, Lipoprotein(a), Lipoproteins, LDL blood, Male, Epilepsies, Myoclonic blood, Hyperlipoproteinemias blood, Lipoproteins blood
- Published
- 1992
41. [Several aspects of the cognitive activity in the epileptic child and adolescent. Attempted clinical study].
- Author
Furnon B, de Villard R, Bouvard C, and Courjon J
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Child, Cognition Disorders etiology, Humans, Intellectual Disability etiology, Intelligence Tests, Neurotic Disorders, Perceptual Disorders etiology, Personality, Psychotic Disorders, Thinking, Cognition, Epilepsy
- Published
- 1975
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