Objective: The study aims to identify the behavior, opinions, motives and expectations of Polish consumers towards beer brands, with a particular focus on a beer brand manufactured by a French brewery. The consumer survey carried out allows identification of several major potential consumer groups to be targeted by a medium-sized independent French brewery with its offer. Methodology: The study employed the use of primary sources obtained via a measurement instrument, in the form of an online survey questionnaire, developed for the purpose of the ResearchLab 2022 academic contest organized by Le Sphinx. The consumer survey was conducted in the period from April 12 to May 01, 2022. A method of indirect measurement, i.e., a survey questionnaire, was used to collect the material, which allows collection and examination of data on large research populations. The questionnaire consists of introductory questions regarding the beer market in Poland, consumer behavior questions concerning consumer awareness, preferences and consumption motives, questions pertaining to market barriers and foreign beer brands, as well as a metric part. The research process involved the use of Sphinx software, which allows intuitive development of a survey questionnaire, its quick distribution, convenient collection of data, as well as comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis thereof. The platform additionally allows for real-time tracking of the survey results, which quite is important when conducting research on a well-defined study group. The survey encompassed a research population of 3792 respondents (male and female) of different age ranges. The sample size was determined on the basis of Internet accessibility in Poland (92.4%, in 2021) (2021 Information Society in Poland…, 2021, p. 125). In order to maintain result representativeness, the minimum number of survey participants was calculated at 2401 respondents, assuming a confidence level of 95% and an error of 2%. The representative sample was of a quota nature, defined by the contest holder, and encompassed 40% of respondents aged 18-35 and 36-55 respectively, as well as 20% of respondents over 56 years of age. Gender-wise sample distribution was 60% males and 40% females. The data was examined using such statistical methods as structure analysis, as well as positional or classical measures. Results: The survey results show that the preferred beer package size is 500ml glass bottle, with an alcohol content of 3.6% to 7%. The main Polish market competition for the French independent brewery's new beer brand are Lech, Żywiec, and Desperados. The preferred beer types are lager (72%), IPA (47%) and flavored beer (47%). The beer flavors most commonly chosen by consumers on the Polish market are lemon and lime, mojito, apple and honey. An ideal beer, as typified by the respondents, would be characterized by average proportions of aroma, color, carbonation, bitterness and alcohol content. The factors prompting consumers to try new beer brands are primarily taste, price and advertising, therefore, it is worth focusing on the three, maintaining proportions in the order in which the factors have been presented. Information regarding alcohol novelties most commonly is derived from friends or Social Media, which is why advertising should involve the use of these channels for e.g., various types of Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok contests. The respondents reacted positively to the French beer brand, and the majority would opt to try this type of beer, given the opportunity. Their expectation with regard to the brand is high price, good quality and taste, as well as elegance. Its envisioned label design is associated with the national colors of France, the city of Paris, Napoleon, and the Alps. It is thus worth taking the above associations into account when designing the label. Originality: The article presents the consumer opinions regarding introduction of a new French product on the Polish market. It is addressed to distributors of imported beer. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]