714,084 results on '"0501 psychology and cognitive sciences"'
Search Results
2. Documenting L2 input and interaction during study abroad: approaches, instruments and challenges
- Author
Rosamond Mitchell
- Subjects
050101 languages & linguistics ,Linguistics and Language ,05 social sciences ,Perspective (graphical) ,050301 education ,Study abroad ,Second-language acquisition ,Linguistics ,Education ,Second language ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Sociology ,0503 education ,Naturalism - Abstract
A major rationale for study abroad (SA) from the perspective of second language acquisition is the presumed opportunity available to sojourners for naturalistic second language (L2) “immersion”. However, such opportunities are affected by variations in the linguistic, institutional and social affordances of SA, in different settings. They are also affected by the varying agency and motivation of sojourners in seeking second language (L2) engagement. For example, many sojourners prioritize mastering informal L2 speech, while others prioritize academic and professional registers including writing. Most will operate multilingually, using their home language, a local language, and/or English as lingua franca for different purposes, and the types of input they seek out, and language practices they enter into, vary accordingly. Consequently, while researchers have developed varied approaches to documenting L2 engagement, and have tried to relate these to measures of L2 development, these efforts have so far seen somewhat mixed success. This article reviews different approaches to documenting SA input and interaction; first, that of participant self-report, using questionnaires, interviews, journals, or language logs. Particular attention is paid to the popular Language Contact Profile (LCP), and to approaches drawing on Social Network Analysis. The limitations of all forms of self-report are acknowledged. The article also examines the contribution of direct observation and recording of L2 input and interaction during SA. This is a significant alternative approach for the study of acquisition, but one which poses theoretical, ethical and practical challenges. Researchers have increasingly enlisted participants as research collaborators who create small corpora through self-recording with L2 interlocutors. Analyses in this tradition have so far prioritized interactional, pragmatic and sociocultural development, in learner corpora, over other dimensions of second language acquisition (SLA). The theoretical and practical challenges of corpus creation in SA settings and their wider use to promote understandings of informal L2 learning are discussed.
- Published
- 2023
3. Complicating Prevelar Raising in the West
- Author
Lewis Esposito and Emily Lake
- Subjects
030507 speech-language pathology & audiology ,050101 languages & linguistics ,03 medical and health sciences ,Linguistics and Language ,History ,Communication ,05 social sciences ,Development economics ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0305 other medical science ,Raising (metalworking) ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
Prevelar raising/fronting has been documented as a “defining feature” of Pacific Northwest English, yet its status in nearby California remains unclear. This study investigates prevelar raising/fronting across four Californian field sites. Examining word list data from 276 White speakers and sociolinguistic interview data from 64 White speakers, we complicate assumptions of prevelar conditioning in the West in two ways. First, the authors show that the prevelar pattern is not confined to the Pacific Northwest but is extensive throughout California. Results suggest that, in line with previous work in Washington and Oregon, this prevelar pattern is also on the decline among younger Californians, although the trajectory of change appears to differ from that observed in Washington. As this is yet more evidence that the West is broadly participating in similar vocalic patterns, this article tentatively explores historical migration events as one possible source for the contemporary Western vowel system. Second, the authors also complicate phonetic notions of prevelar “tensing,” showing that F1 and F2 are not always operating in tandem: speakers who raise bag, for example, do not always front bag to the same degree, and vice versa. All of this points to an increasingly complex view of the prevelar pattern and one that warrants continued investigations for theories of sound change.
- Published
- 2023
4. Verhaltensbezogenes Engagement im Unterricht
- Author
Bianka Troll, Marcus Pietsch, and Michael Besser
- Subjects
Behavioral engagement ,05 social sciences ,Pedagogy ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,050301 education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Psychology ,0503 education ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung: Die vorliegende schülerzentrierte Videostudie untersucht die Generalisierbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit von Videobeobachtungen des verhaltensbezogenen engagements von Schülerinnen und Schülern unter Berücksichtigung der aktiven Arbeitsphasen (Partner-, Gruppenarbeit, Ergebnissicherung im Plenum) einer dritten Grundschulklasse ( N = 20 Schülerinnen und Schüler). Anhand eines adaptierten Münchner Aufmerksamkeitsinventars ( Helmke & Renkl, 1992 ) wurden alle Lernenden in ihrem individuellen, verhaltensbezogenen engagement in Ein-Sekunden-Intervallen über den Verlauf des Unterrichts von vier unabhängigen Kodiererinnen während der aktiven Arbeitsphasen beurteilt. Videostudien werden in der pädagogisch-psychologischen Unterrichtsforschung häufig zur Beschreibung und Analyse unterrichtlicher Prozesse durchgeführt, obwohl sie als sehr ressourcenintensiv und aufwändig gelten. Daher wird in dieser Studie ebenso untersucht, bis zu welcher Anzahl an Sekunden das verhaltensbezogene engagement der Schülerinnen und Schüler noch reliabel beobachtet werden kann, um eine effiziente und ökonomische Designplanung zu ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse der G-Studie zeigen erwartungskonform, dass der Großteil der erklärbaren Varianz über alle Arbeitsphasen hinweg auf die individuellen Lernenden (18.85%) zurückzuführen ist. Der Zeitpunkt in Sekunden (2.67%) erklärt hingegen nur einen marginalen Varianzanteil. Es bleibt ein großer Anteil unerklärter Residualvarianz (78.48%). Der Zuverlässigkeitskoeffizient liegt mit Φ = .99 in einem sehr guten Bereich. Die Entscheidungsstudie (D-Study) ergibt, dass selbst bei 30 beobachteten Sekunden ein zuverlässiges Ergebnis erzielt werden kann (Φ = .87). Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass schülerzentrierte Videoanalysen sich besonders zur Erfassung des verhaltensbezogenen engagements aller Schülerinnen und Schüler eignen, da über den gesamten Unterrichtsverlauf Informationen über alle Lernenden vorliegen. Ebenso tragen die Ergebnisse zu einer ökonomischen Designplanung von schülerzentrierten Videostudien zum verhaltensbezogenen engagement bei.
- Published
- 2023
5. STUWA: Ein multifaktorielles Inventar zur Erfassung von Studienwahlmotivation
- Author
Belinda Merkle, Laura Messerer, Claudia Krille, and Stefan Janke
- Subjects
05 social sciences ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,050301 education ,Intrinsic motivation ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Psychology ,0503 education ,Humanities ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung: Forschung zu Studienwahlmotivation von Lehramtsaspirantinnen und -aspiranten hat gezeigt, dass verschiedene Motivationen die Studienwahlentscheidung beeinflussen können. Leider mangelt es an reliablen und validen Instrumenten, die verschiedene Facetten von Studienwahlmotivation studienfachübergreifend erfassen. Diese Lücke im testtheoretischen Arsenal der empirischen Bildungsforschung soll durch die Entwicklung eines multifaktoriellen Inventars zur Messung der Studienwahlmotivation (STUWA) geschlossen werden. Das vorgestellte Instrument erfasst fünf in der Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation sowie der Erwartungs-Wert-Theorie fundierte Facetten von Studienwahlmotivation testökonomisch (jeweils drei Items): intrinsische, extrinsisch-materialistische, extrinsisch-soziale, sozial-induzierte und bewältigungsorientierte Studienwahlmotivation. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es die Erfassung des Ausmaßes, in dem die Studienwahlentscheidung mit Unsicherheit verbunden ist oder alternativenorientiert gegen ein eigentlich aspiriertes Studienfach getroffen wurde. Die Gesamtskala wurde in zwei Studien auf ihre Reliabilität und Validität getestet. In einer ersten Studie ( N = 413 Erstsemesterstudierende) ließ sich mit Hilfe explorativer Faktoranalysen eine sieben-faktorielle Skalenstruktur aufzeigen. Diese Struktur konnte in einer zweiten Studie ( N = 716 Erstsemesterstudierende) durch eine konfirmatorische Faktoranalyse repliziert werden. Die einzelnen Subskalen zeichnen sich durch akzeptable interne Konsistenz aus. Außerdem zeigten sich bedeutsame Zusammenhänge zwischen einzelnen Facetten der Studienwahlmotivation mit motivationalen Zielorientierungen und der Studienzufriedenheit. Insbesondere intrinsische Studienwahlmotivation zeichnete sich wie erwartet durch ein adaptives Assoziationsmuster aus. Das Ausmaß der unsicheren oder alternativenorientierten Studienwahl zeigte hingegen maladaptive Außenkorrelationen. Des Weiteren ließ sich in der zweiten Studie skalare Messinvarianz für Geschlecht sowie zwischen Studienfächern nachweisen, was auf die Eignung des Instruments für Fachvergleiche hinweist. Entsprechende Vergleiche konnten zeigen, dass sich BWL-Studierende in stärkerem Ausmaß als Studierende anderer Fächer durch eine extrinsisch-materialistische Studienwahlmotivation auszeichnen. Lehramtsstudierende gaben hingegen eher extrinsisch-soziale und sozial-induzierte Studienwahlmotivation an. Die aufgeführten Belege für die Validität des Instruments verdeutlichen seine Eignung für den Einsatz zur studienfachübergreifenden Messung von Studienwahlmotivation. Auch wenn weitere Forschung zur Bedeutung der einzelnen Facetten im Längsschnitt noch aussteht, wird erst durch das präsentierte Instrument solche Forschung (über Lehramtsstudiengänge hinaus) überhaupt möglich.
- Published
- 2023
6. Promovieren in Informatik – Eine Studie mit Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden
- Author
Swantje Reimann and Dorothee Alfermann
- Subjects
05 social sciences ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Humanities ,050105 experimental psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung: Der niedrige Frauenanteil in Informatik ist Anlass für die vorliegende Studie. Hierbei sollen erstmalig in Deutschland mögliche Besonderheiten speziell im Promotionsprozess von Informatikerinnen und Informatikern untersucht werden. Dazu nahmen 690 Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden an einer online-Befragung teil, von denen 254 Personen die Befragung zu unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten abbrachen. Die Auswertung basiert auf den 436 Personen (113 Doktorandinnen, 320 Doktoranden, 3 divers), die bis zum Schluss Fragen beantworteten (Alter: M = 30.74 Jahre, SD = 4.16). Die Hauptziele der Studie sind zum einen ein Geschlechtervergleich in den untersuchten Merkmalen der Befragten (Berufliche Motive, Geschlechtsrollenselbstkonzept, berufliche Selbstwirksamkeit, soziale Unterstützung) und im wahrgenommenen Verlauf der Promotion (Themenfindung, Zufriedenheit mit Betreuung, geschätzte Zeitdauer der Promotion, wahrgenommene Belastungen). Zum zweiten wird untersucht, ob im Verlauf der Promotion Schwierigkeiten auftraten, die zu einer Krise führten. Erwartet werden geringe Geschlechterunterschiede und deutliche Unterschiede zwischen Personen mit und ohne erlebte Krise. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Erwartungen. Es finden sich keine bis geringe Geschlechterunterschiede in den untersuchten Variablen, was mit der vorliegenden Literatur übereinstimmt. Demgegenüber finden sich mittlere bis große Unterschiede zwischen Personen mit und ohne erlebte Krise. Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, die eine Krise erlebten, berichten häufiger von Abbruchgedanken, schätzen ihre berufliche Selbstwirksamkeit signifikant niedriger ein, sind unzufriedener mit der Betreuung, brauchen länger für ihre Dissertation und schätzen die erfragten psychischen Belastungen signifikant höher ein als die ohne Krise. Diese Ergebnisse werden im Hinblick auf vorliegende Literatur zur psychischen Belastung von Promovendinnen und Promovenden diskutiert und es werden Vorschläge für eine verbesserte Betreuung und Unterstützung an Universitäten gemacht.
- Published
- 2023
7. (In Some Fictions) Everything is True
- Author
Luis Estrada González
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,060302 philosophy ,05 social sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,06 humanities and the arts ,General Medicine ,Art ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,050105 experimental psychology ,media_common - Abstract
I defend the idea that there are universal fictions, and that the Routley-Deutsch-Kapsner way of generating them – namely, with a story including deliberately and explicitly the proposition Everything is true – is still the best one. I reconstruct Wildman and Folde’s Finean criticisms to universal fictions a la Routley-Deutsch-Kapsner based on the idea that the universal quantifier in such fictions may not target the intended range of quantification, that is, all propositions. I show that Wildman and Folde’s argument does not succeed, for they fail to show that every universal sentence has to be understood as involving a restricted quantifier.
- Published
- 2023
8. Pemberlakuan Sanksi Administratif: Bentuk Upaya Paksa Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Pejabat Atas Pelaksanaan Putusan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara (Teori Efektivitas Hukum)
- Author
Farida Azzahra
- Subjects
050101 languages & linguistics ,030507 speech-language pathology & audiology ,03 medical and health sciences ,05 social sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,General Medicine ,0305 other medical science - Abstract
Kehadiran Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 2004 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 51 Tahun 2009 bahwasanya telah memperkenalkan istilah sanksi administratif sebagai bentuk upaya paksa meningkatkan kepatuhan pejabat dalam pelaksanaan putusan Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN). Adapun sebelumnya Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 hanya menekankan pada prinsip self-respect pejabat pemerintah terhadap pelaksanaan putusan PTUN. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau pemberlakuan sanksi administratif terhadap pelaksanaan putusan PTUN berdasarkan teori efektivitas hukum serta menganalisis budaya hukum yang berkembang dikalangan pejabat pemerintah terhadap pelaksanaan putusan PTUN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberlakuan sanksi administratif sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 2004 dan Undang-Undang Nomor 51 Tahun 2009 belum dapat berjalan dengan efektif dikarenakan tidak adanya pijakan hukum yang jelas mengenai jenis dan mekanisme pemberlakuan sanksi administratif. Adapun mengenai budaya hukum yang berkembang, hal ini berkaitan dengan rendahnya kepatuhan pejabat pemerintah dalam pelaksanaan putusan PTUN yang kemudian menimbulkan preseden buruk dikalangan pejabat pemerintah, serta potensi untuk dilakukannya pembangkangan hukum oleh pejabat pemerintah. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan pengaturan teknis terkait jenis dan mekanisme pemberlakuan sanksi administratif melalui peraturan pemerintah guna efektivitas penegakan hukum dan kepastian hukum di bidang peradilan administrasi. Kata Kunci: pejabat pemerintah, sanksi administratif, teori efektivitas hukum.
- Published
- 2023
9. Lisensi Hak Cipta dan Perlindungan Hukum Hak Cipta Atas Konten Fotografi dan Potret Dalam Penggunaan Instagram
- Author
William Jaya Suprana
- Subjects
050101 languages & linguistics ,0502 economics and business ,05 social sciences ,050211 marketing ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,General Medicine - Abstract
Indonesia saat ini merupakan negara pengguna instagram terbesar se-Asia Pasifik, secara potensial dapat menjadi daya penggerak bagi pemanfaatan dan pengembangan teknologi informasi sehingga berkontribusi positif bagi kemajuan Indonesia. Namun harus diakui bahwa masyarakat Indonesia masih dihadapkan dengan rendahnya pemahaman dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam menghadapi instrumen hukum hak cipta terkait dengan konten fotografi dan potret dalam penggunaan instagram, baik dari segi pengaturan hukum atas konten yang dibuat dan disebarluaskan, keabsahan hukum terhadap klausul perjanjian lisensi, perlindungan hukum dan cara-cara penyelesaian sengketa domain. Dalam era digital saat ini bahwa norma-norma pengaturan hukum terhadap suatu karya cipta semakin terabaikan. Pada perkembangannya terungkap bahwa eksploitasi ciptaan melalui sarana media teknologi semakin intensif dan kompleks sehingga cenderung mengabaikan penghormatan terhadap hak cipta sebagai kewenangan eksklusif yang dimiliki oleh pencipta. Dalam hal ini diperlukan adanya kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum yang bertumpu pada tatanan norma dan ketentuan-ketentuan hukum yang telah ditetapkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 28 Tahun 2014 tentang Hak Cipta sebagai orientasi nilai dan kaidah penghormatan terhadap regulasi hak cipta yang berlaku di Indonesia, terutama untuk menjaga integritas dan memberikan jaminan perlindungan terhadap karya ciptaan dan juga kepentingan pencipta. Kata Kunci: hak cipta, fotografi dan potret, instagram.
- Published
- 2023
10. Persyaratan Uji Tes PCR Atau Rapid Test Untuk Transportasi Umum Dalam Perspektif Ketatanegaraan
- Author
Ririn Novianti and Adhiem Widigdo
- Subjects
050101 languages & linguistics ,030507 speech-language pathology & audiology ,03 medical and health sciences ,05 social sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,General Medicine ,0305 other medical science - Abstract
Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan Covid-19 dibentuk melalui Keppres No. 7 Tahun 2020 (sebagaimana diubah melalui Keppres No. 9 Tahun 2020). Gugus Tugas telah mengeluarkan surat edaran yang mengatur uji tes PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) dan rapid test sebagai syarat untuk menggunakan transportasi umum. Padahal, Keppres a quo tidak memberikan kewenangan kepada Gugus Tugas untuk mengeluarkan suatu peraturan. Penulisan jurnal ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif, yaitu berbasis pada analisis terhadap norma dalam hukum positif. Gugus Tugas berkedudukan sebagai lembaga negara bantu (state auxiliary organ) yang bersifat koordinasi antar kementerian atau lembaga negara lainnya dan dibentuk melalui Keputusan Presiden. Syarat uji tes PCR dan rapid test perjalanan orang dengan transportasi umum batal demi hukum dan tidak memiliki kekuatan hukum mengikat karena: 1) Gugus Tugas sebagai state auxiliary organ dapat meminta kepada pemerintah untuk mengeluarkan suatu peraturan yang bersifat regeling sesuai dengan jenis dan hierarki peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dalam rangka percepatan penanganan Covid-19; 2) Gugus Tugas tidak memiliki legitimasi ataupun delegasi yang bersumber dari undang-undang untuk mengeluarkan suatu peraturan yang mengikat ke luar dan berlaku umum; 3) Surat Edaran Gugus Tugas No. 9 Tahun 2020 yang bersifat mengatur ke luar tidak mencerminkan asas pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yaitu kesesuaian materi muatan dan kejelasan tujuan. Kata Kunci: gugus tugas, uji tes, transportasi umum.
- Published
- 2023
11. Measurement models for visual working memory—A factorial model comparison
- Author
Oberauer, Klaus
- Subjects
Factorial ,Laplace transform ,Working memory ,05 social sciences ,Activation function ,Function (mathematics) ,Mixture model ,050105 experimental psychology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Physics::Accelerator Physics ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Constant (mathematics) ,Row ,Algorithm ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,General Psychology ,Mathematics - Abstract
Several measurement models have been proposed for data from the continuous-reproduction paradigm for studying visual working memory: The original mixture model (Zhang & Luck, 2008) and its extension (Bays, Catalao, & Husain, 2009); the interference measurement model (Oberauer, Stoneking, Wabersich, & Lin, 2017), and the target confusability competition model (Schurgin, Wixted, & Brady, 2020). This article describes a space of possible measurement models in which all existing models can be placed. The space is defined by three dimensions: (1) The choice of a activation function (von-Mises or Laplace), the choice of a response-selection function (variants of Luce’s choice rule or of signal detection theory), and whether or not memory precision is assumed to be a constant over manipulations affecting memory. A factorial combination of these three variables generates all possible models in the model space. Fitting all models to eight data sets revealed a new model as empirically most adequate, which combines a von-Mises activation function with a signal-detection response-selection rule. The precision parameter can be treated as a constant across many experimental manipulations, though it might vary with manipulations not yet explored. All modelling code and the raw data modelled are available on the OSF: osf.io/zwprv
- Published
- 2023
12. Evidential Probabilities and Credences
- Author
Anna-Maria A. Eder
- Subjects
History ,Philosophy of science ,Credence ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,Decision theory ,05 social sciences ,Probability and statistics ,Rationality ,06 humanities and the arts ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,050105 experimental psychology ,Ideal (ethics) ,Epistemology ,Philosophy ,History and Philosophy of Science ,060302 philosophy ,Economics ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences - Abstract
Enjoying great popularity in decision theory, epistemology, and philosophy of science, Bayesianism as understood here is fundamentally concerned with epistemically ideal rationality. It assumes a tight connection between evidential probability and ideally rational credence, and usually interprets evidential probability in terms of such credence. Timothy Williamson challenges Bayesianism by arguing that evidential probabilities cannot be adequately interpreted as the credences of an ideal agent. From this and his assumption that evidential probabilities cannot be interpreted as the actual credences of human agents either, he concludes that no interpretation of evidential probabilities in terms of credence is adequate. I argue to the contrary. My overarching aim is to show on behalf of Bayesians how one can still interpret evidential probabilities in terms of ideally rational credence and how one can maintain a tight connection between evidential probabilities and ideally rational credence even if the former cannot be interpreted in terms of the latter. By achieving this aim I illuminate the limits and prospects of Bayesianism.
- Published
- 2023
13. Bridging the boundary without sinking the team: Communication, identification, and creativity in multiteam systems
- Author
Barthelemy Chollet, Leslie A. DeChurch, Toshio Murase, Raquel Asencio, and Stephen J. Zaccaro
- Subjects
Bridging (networking) ,Social Psychology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,05 social sciences ,Boundary (topology) ,050109 social psychology ,Creativity ,Communications system ,Identification (information) ,Human–computer interaction ,Team communication ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Psychology ,Applied Psychology ,media_common - Published
- 2023
14. Is Snapchat Discover really a news platform? News snacking from social media and users’ knowledge of current affairs
- Author
Jayeon Lee
- Subjects
0508 media and communications ,Communication ,05 social sciences ,050801 communication & media studies ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences - Abstract
The role of the media in informing the public has long been a central topic in journalism studies. Given that social media platforms have become today’s major source of news, it is important to understand the impact of social media use on citizens’ knowledge of current affairs. While people get news from multiple platforms throughout the day, most research treats social media as a single entity or examines only one or two major platforms ignoring newer social media platforms. Drawing on news snacking framework, this study investigates how using some of today’s most popular social media platforms predicts users’ current affairs knowledge, with particular attention to Snapchat and its news section Discover. A survey conducted in the United States (N=417) demonstrated that each of the platforms is distinct: Twitter is a strongly positive predictor of knowledge, Facebook a marginally significant negative predictor, Reddit a significantly negative predictor and Instagram not a significant predictor. Overall Snapchat use has no significant association with users’ knowledge of current affairs, whereas Discover use has a negative relationship. Further analysis revealed that mere exposure to Snapchat is positively related to soft-news knowledge and attention to Discover is negatively related to hard-news knowledge.
- Published
- 2023
15. Community Sanctions in Youth Justice Compared to Other Youth Crime Responses: A Meta-Analysis
- Author
Gwendolyn J. Koops-Geuze, Frank M. Weerman, and Criminology
- Subjects
SDG 16 - Peace ,Recidivism ,050901 criminology ,05 social sciences ,SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions ,education ,Behavioural intervention ,Community service ,social sciences ,Criminology ,humanities ,Justice and Strong Institutions ,Meta-analysis ,health services administration ,Sanctions ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Justice (ethics) ,0509 other social sciences ,Psychology ,Law ,health care economics and organizations ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
This meta-analysis examines the official recidivism effects of two types of community sanctions in youth justice, namely community service and behavioural intervention programmes. Two analyses were conducted: a comparison between the effects of community sanctions and custodial sanctions, versus a comparison between the effects of community sanctions and dismissals. Following a systematic literature search, data extraction and analysis, mean effect sizes were calculated utilizing (log) odds ratio as the main effect measure. To explore heterogeneity, a meta-regression was conducted with four moderator variables: methodological rigour, referral stage, main focus of sanction and sample risk level. The hypotheses were that recidivism would be significantly lower for delinquent youth subject to community sanctions compared with those subject to custodial sanctions, but that differences in recidivism between delinquent youth subject to community sanctions versus dismissals would be insignificant. In total, 23 studies were deemed eligible for inclusion ( Ncust = 7, Ndism = 16). Final results were in favour of the hypotheses, namely, significantly lower recidivism rates for community sanctions compared with custodial sanctions, and no significant differences for community sanctions compared with dismissals. For both comparisons, the 95% confidence interval indicated the effects varied from just below zero to substantially in favour of community sanctions. Finally, moderator analysis revealed that studies of lower methodological quality and mixed referral stages were more likely to report larger effect sizes.
- Published
- 2023
16. A Comprehensive Steady-State Analysis for Modular Multi-Parallel Rectifiers (MMR) With Shared DC-Link
- Author
Rahul Sharma, Firuz Zare, Ali Sunbul, and Arindam Ghosh
- Subjects
Steady state ,Computer science ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Mode (statistics) ,Boundary (topology) ,020207 software engineering ,02 engineering and technology ,Link (geometry) ,Modular design ,Topology ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Control and Systems Engineering ,Power electronics ,Boost converter ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Adjustable-speed drive ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,business ,050107 human factors - Abstract
This paper proposes a comprehensive steady-state analysis for a front-end Modular Multi-Parallel Rectifiers (MMR) system with a shared DC-link. A generalised mathematical representation for n number of parallel rectifiers is proposed. The MMR is analysed for both Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM). In addition, the CCM and DCM boundary of the MMR is identified mathematically. A 60kW Simulink model for the MMR is utilised to confirm the proposed steady-state mathematical modelling equations.
- Published
- 2023
17. Low School Support Exacerbates the Association between Peer Difficulties and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo in Adolescents
- Author
Joshua M. Langberg, Stephen P. Becker, and Joseph W. Fredrick
- Subjects
Male ,050103 clinical psychology ,Demographics ,School climate ,Adolescent ,education ,Context (language use) ,Parent ratings ,Peer Group ,Cognition ,hemic and lymphatic diseases ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Association (psychology) ,Schools ,05 social sciences ,medicine.disease ,Clinical Psychology ,surgical procedures, operative ,Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity ,Sluggish Cognitive Tempo ,Peer victimization ,Social competence ,Female ,Psychology ,Sluggish cognitive tempo ,050104 developmental & child psychology ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Objective: Although peer difficulties and sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) are related, studies have yet to examine environmental factors that may advance further understanding of this association. The current study tested whether peer difficulties, specifically social competence and peer victimization, interacted with school support, a component of school climate, in relation to adolescents' SCT symptoms. Further, we explored whether these relations would be differentially associated with SCT in adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Method: Adolescents (N = 288; Mage = 14.08, 45% female, 82.6% White; 52% with ADHD) completed measures of social competence, peer victimization, school climate support, and SCT and ADHD inattentive (IN) symptoms. Parents also reported on adolescents' social competence, SCT, and ADHD-IN symptoms.Results: Results indicated that adolescent and parent ratings of lower social competence were both associated with higher adolescent-reported SCT symptoms in the context of low, but not high, school support. Relational and nonphysical victimization were associated with higher self-reported SCT symptoms in the context of low school support. Lower adolescent- and parent-reported social competence were also related to higher parent-reported SCT symptoms, with these associations not moderated by school support. These results remained after controlling for demographics and ADHD-IN symptoms and were similar across adolescents with and without ADHD.Conclusions: Findings from the current study are the first to provide evidence that peer difficulties and school climate are jointly related to adolescents' self-reported SCT and underscore the importance of continued research investigating social adversity and environmental factors in relation to SCT.
- Published
- 2023
18. Re-evaluation of psychometric evidence and update of normative data for the Test of Practical Judgment
- Author
Mindy J. Katz, Caroline O. Nester, Andrew J. Saykin, Laura A. Rabin, David Turbeville, Richard B. Lipton, and Crystal G. Guayara-Quinn
- Subjects
Male ,050103 clinical psychology ,Psychometrics ,Neuropsychological Tests ,Judgment ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,medicine ,Dementia ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Cognitive Dysfunction ,Neuropsychological assessment ,Cognitive impairment ,Aged ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,05 social sciences ,Reproducibility of Results ,medicine.disease ,Test (assessment) ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology ,Normative ,Female ,Psychology ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
The Test of Practical Judgment (TOP-J) has shown utility in inpatient and outpatient settings in older adults who present with mild cognitive impairment and various dementia subtypes. The TOP-J has...
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- 2023
19. College student symptoms as assessed by a student health survey
- Author
Ben Z. Katz, Joseph Cotler, Chelsea Torres, and Leonard A. Jason
- Subjects
Male ,050103 clinical psychology ,Medical education ,Universities ,education ,05 social sciences ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Computer-assisted web interviewing ,Health Surveys ,Latent class model ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Health survey ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Female ,030212 general & internal medicine ,General health ,Psychology ,Students ,Fatigue - Abstract
We sought to identify the general health of college students. A total of 4402 university freshmen and sophomores were recruited to report their general health through an online questionnaire. Respo...
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- 2023
20. Assessing Mothers' Automatic Affective and Discipline Reactions to Child Behavior in Relation to Child Abuse Risk: A Dual-Processing Investigation
- Author
Christina M. Rodriguez, Paul J. Silvia, Shawna J. Lee, and Andrew Grogan-Kaylor
- Subjects
Child abuse ,050103 clinical psychology ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Poison control ,Child Behavior ,Mothers ,050109 social psychology ,Anger ,Developmental psychology ,Social information processing ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Child Abuse ,Parent-Child Relations ,Child ,Applied Psychology ,media_common ,Parenting ,Aggression ,05 social sciences ,Construct validity ,Reproducibility of Results ,Cognition ,Clinical Psychology ,Female ,Worry ,medicine.symptom ,Psychology - Abstract
Given the scope and adverse clinical consequences of child abuse, assessment of salient etiological factors can lend critical insights needed for abuse prevention. Increasingly, dual-processing models have been applied to aggression, which postulate that parallel automatic and conscious processes can evoke aggressive behavior, implicating both affective and cognitive elements in both routes. Using two samples of mothers ( n = 110 and n = 195), the current investigation considered evidence of the reliability and convergent, concurrent, and construct validity of the new Automatic Parent Emotion Analog Response task relevant to parent–child aggression, contrasted with a self-reported conscious processing measure. Findings provide evidence that affective reactions of both anger and worry relate to child abuse risk and inclination to respond aggressively, and demonstrate how mothers’ automatic reactions relate to both perceived child misbehavior and child dangerous behavior. Current results lend psychometric support for automatic processing in parent–child aggression consistent with other dual-processing theories of aggression.
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- 2023
21. Theory of Mind and Suicidality: A Meta-Analysis
- Author
Bridget A. Nestor and Susanna Sutherland
- Subjects
Suicide Prevention ,050103 clinical psychology ,05 social sciences ,Emotions ,Theory of Mind ,Suicide, Attempted ,Interpersonal communication ,030227 psychiatry ,Suicidal Ideation ,03 medical and health sciences ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,0302 clinical medicine ,Social cognition ,Theory of mind ,Meta-analysis ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Psychology ,Cognitive psychology - Abstract
Disturbances in interpersonal functioning are prevalent in individuals with suicidality. Foundational for interpersonal functioning is theory of mind (ToM), a social-cognitive ability that allows individuals to understand the thoughts and feelings of others. Recent work has begun to investigate ToM performance in individuals with suicidality, though no review has quantitatively aggregated findings from these varied studies. The current study investigated the relations between ToM and suicidality with meta-analysis.We identified and meta-analyzed 15 studies that presented data for 2,895 participants (617 of whom had reported at least one suicide attempt).Results indicated a significant, negative relation between ToM and suicidality with a medium overall effect size (Deficits in ToM associated with suicidality hold promise for risk-identification, treatment, and prevention work.HighlightsTheory of mind (ToM) abilities are critical for effective interpersonal functioning.Meta-analytics results indicate that ToM deficits are associated with suicidality.Identifying such suicidality-related ToM deficits may inform risk-identification, treatment, and prevention work.
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- 2023
22. Replication and cross-validation of the personality assessment inventory (PAI) cognitive bias scale (CBS) in a mixed clinical sample
- Author
Marcie King Johnson, Michael R. Basso, Kristen Caraher, Owen J. Gaasedelen, Anna Croghan, Kaley Boress, and Douglas M. Whiteside
- Subjects
050103 clinical psychology ,Scale (ratio) ,Personality Inventory ,Sample (statistics) ,Neuropsychological Tests ,Personality Assessment ,Cross-validation ,Article ,Cognition ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Bias ,Replication (statistics) ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Neuropsychological assessment ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,05 social sciences ,Reproducibility of Results ,Cognitive bias ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology ,Symptom validity test ,Personality Assessment Inventory ,Psychology ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: This study is a cross-validation of the Cognitive Bias Scale (CBS) from the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), a ten-item scale designed to assess symptom endorsement associated with performance validity test failure in neuropsychological samples. The study utilized a mixed neuropsychological sample of consecutively referred patients at a large academic medical center in the Midwest. PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Participants were 332 patients who completed embedded and free-standing performance validity tests (PVTs) and the PAI. Pass and fail groups were created based on PVT performance to evaluate classification accuracy of the CBS. RESULTS: The results were generally consistent with the initial study for overall classification accuracy, sensitivity, and cut-off score. Consistent with the validation study, CBS had better classification accuracy than the original PAI validity scales and a comparable effect size to that obtained in the original validation publication; however, the Somatic Complaints scale (SOM) and the Conversion subscale (SOM-C) also demonstrated good classification accuracy. The CBS had incremental predictive ability compared to existing PAI scales. CONCLUSIONS: The results supported the CBS, but further research is needed on specific populations. Findings from this present study also suggest the relationship between conversion tendencies and PVT failure may be stronger in some geographic locations or population types (forensic versus clinical patients).
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- 2023
23. Cognitive subtypes in individuals with essential tremor seeking deep brain stimulation
- Author
Charles E. Jacobson, Michael S. Okun, Francesca V Lopez, Adrianna Ratajska, Kelly D. Foote, Dawn Bowers, and Lauren E Kenney
- Subjects
050103 clinical psychology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Deep brain stimulation ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Deep Brain Stimulation ,Essential Tremor ,Neurological disorder ,Audiology ,Neuropsychological Tests ,Article ,Cognition ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,medicine ,Dementia ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Cognitive Dysfunction ,Aged ,Essential tremor ,05 social sciences ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Normal group ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology ,Increased risk ,Psychology ,Neurocognitive - Abstract
Objective: Essential tremor (ET) is a common neurological disorder that has been associated with 60% increased risk of developing dementia. The goals of the present study were to: (a) learn whether individuals with advanced ET symptoms seeking deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery would fall into distinct cognitive subgroups, and (b) learn how empirically derived subgroups map onto criteria for mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Method: Patients with ET (N = 201; mean age = 68.9 ± 8.9 years) undergoing pre-surgical evaluation for DBS completed a multi-domain neurocognitive assessment consisting of memory, executive function, visuospatial skill, language, and processing speed. Two cluster analytic approaches (K-means, hierarchical) were independently conducted to classify cognitive patterns using domain composites. Demographics, clinical characteristics, and proportion of cases meeting neuropsychologically defined criteria for MCI were examined among clusters. Results: A three-cluster solution reflected a Low Executive group (N = 64), Low Memory Multi-Domain group (N = 41), and Cognitively Normal group (N = 96). The Cognitively Normal group was older and more educated, with a higher Dementia Rating Scale-2 score. In total, 27.4% of participants met criteria for MCI. Of the MCI cases, most were in the Low Executive (41.8%) or Low Memory Multi-Domain groups (49.1%). In the latter, 65.9% of its members were classified as MCI versus 35.9% in the Low Executive group. Conclusions: Our study identified three cognitive subtypes of ET patients presenting for DBS. Future work should examine the subgroups for progression to dementia, particularly the Low Memory Multi-Domain subgroup which may be at highest risk.
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- 2023
24. Uncertainty and Confusion Regarding Transgender Non-discrimination Policies: Implications for the Mental Health of Transgender Americans
- Author
Sean Cahill, Matthew J. Mimiaga, Jaclyn M. White Hughto, David J. Meyers, and Sari L. Reisner
- Subjects
030505 public health ,Health (social science) ,Sociology and Political Science ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,Legislature ,Legislation ,Criminology ,Mental health ,Federal law ,Odds ,Gender Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,restrict ,Transgender ,medicine ,Anxiety ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,medicine.symptom ,0305 other medical science ,Psychology - Abstract
Recent policies have restricted the rights of the US transgender people; there is a need to explore transgender people’s knowledge and attitudes regarding such policies and related mental health. In 2019, 580 transgender adults living in the Northeastern US completed a survey assessing demographics, knowledge/attitudes toward transgender-related policies, and mental health. Multivariable logistic regression models, adjusted for age, gender, race, and prior abuse, were fit to examine the association of concerns about the implementation of discriminatory policies and depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Many participants were confused about the status of federal and state protections for transgender people, and 48.4% were concerned that their state would pass policies that took away transgender rights. In adjusted models, compared to participants who were not concerned, those who were concerned about the enactment of state-level, anti-transgender policies had greater odds of depression, anxiety, and PTSD (p
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- 2023
25. Cognitive reserve attenuates the association between HIV serostatus and cognitive performance in adults living in the deep South
- Author
David E. Vance, Pariya L Fazeli, Karlene Ball, Despina Stavrinos, Caitlin N. Pope, and Sylvie Mrug
- Subjects
Adult ,050103 clinical psychology ,Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) ,HIV Infections ,medicine.disease_cause ,Article ,Executive Function ,Cognition ,Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ,Cognitive Reserve ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance ,Association (psychology) ,Episodic memory ,Cognitive reserve ,05 social sciences ,virus diseases ,Middle Aged ,medicine.disease ,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology ,Psychology ,Serostatus ,Cognition Disorders ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Cognitive reserve has shown evidence of mitigating HIV-related effects on cognition in people living with HIV (PWH). In a sample of adults residing in the Deep South, an underrepresented subgroup in the neuroAIDS literature, we assessed the association between HIV serostatus and age on processing speed, visual attention, executive function, and episodic memory and the attenuating effect of cognitive reserve. Adults (n = 138; 72 PWH; Mage = 58.7 years, SD = 7.9 years; 75% non-White race) were recruited from a university clinic and the community. Verbal abilities served as a proxy for cognitive reserve. Regressions accounting for race, alcohol usage, and depressive symptoms were conducted for each cognitive outcome. Indirect effects were tested using the PROCESS macro. Being HIV seropositive was associated with worse executive function (b = -1.04, SE = 0.38, p = .007) and episodic memory (b = -39.94, SE = 12.54, p = .002) performance. Every year of age above the mean and non-White race was associated with worse cognitive performance (ps < .05). The addition of cognitive reserve to the model attenuated the HIV serostatus associations with executive function (BC 95% CI -0.770, -0.001) along with most associations between race and cognitive outcomes. Age associations remained for all cognitive outcomes (ps < .05). Findings highlight the importance of including verbal ability proxies of cognitive reserve when assessing cognition in PWH. Highlighting modifiable cognitive processes, such as cognitive reserve, will further the development of targeted cognitive interventions in this at-risk population.
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- 2023
26. Understanding the Benefit-Cost Relationship in Long-standing Community-based Participatory Research (CBPR) Partnerships: Findings from the Measurement Approaches to Partnership Success (MAPS) Study
- Author
Chris M. Coombe, Brianna Taffe, Barbara L. Brush, Michael Muhammad, Barbara A. Israel, Cleopatra H. Caldwell, Prachi Bhardwaj, Zachary Rowe, Laurie Lachance, Shoou-Yih Daniel Lee, Megan E. Jensen, and Eliza Wilson-Powers
- Subjects
business.industry ,Compensation (psychology) ,05 social sciences ,Community-based participatory research ,050109 social psychology ,Citizen journalism ,Public relations ,General partnership ,0502 economics and business ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Sociology ,business ,050203 business & management ,Applied Psychology ,Engaged scholarship ,Qualitative research - Abstract
As part of the Measurement Approaches to Partnership Success study, we investigated the relationship between benefits and costs of participation in long-standing community-based participatory research (CBPR) partnerships using social exchange theory as a theoretical framework. Three major findings were identified: (a) the concept of benefits and costs operating as a ratio, where individual benefits must outweigh costs for participation, applies to early stages of CBPR partnership formation; (b) as CBPR partnerships develop, the benefits and costs of participation include each other’s needs and the needs of the group as a whole; and (c) there is a shift in the relationship of benefits and costs over time in long-standing CBPR partnerships, in which partners no longer think in terms of costs but rather investments that contribute to mutual benefits.
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- 2023
27. Self-Perceptions of Attractiveness and Offending During Adolescence
- Author
John H. Boman, Margaret Zoller Booth, Samantha Kopf, and Thomas J. Mowen
- Subjects
Attractiveness ,media_common.quotation_subject ,General strain theory ,050901 criminology ,05 social sciences ,Physical attractiveness ,050109 social psychology ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine ,Perception ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Meaning (existential) ,0509 other social sciences ,Psychology ,Law ,Social psychology ,Deviance (sociology) ,media_common - Abstract
Despite a well-established body of research demonstrating that others’ evaluations of a person’s physical attractiveness carry significant meaning, researchers have largely ignored how self-perceptions of physical attractiveness relate to offending behaviors. Applying general strain theory and using eight waves of panel data from the Adolescent Academic Context Study, we explore how self-perceptions of attractiveness relate to offending as youth progress through school. Results demonstrate that youth who perceive themselves as more attractive engage in more—not less—offending. Depression, which is treated as a form of negative affect, does not appear to mediate this relationship. We conclude by raising attention to the possibility that being “good-looking” may actually be a key risk factor for crime.
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- 2023
28. Unobtrusive, in-home assessment of older adults' everyday activities and health events: associations with cognitive performance over a brief observation period
- Author
Katherine E. Dorociak, Nora Mattek, Jeffrey Kaye, Adriana Hughes, Mira I. Leese, Chelsea Trapp, John P.K. Bernstein, and Zachary Beattie
- Subjects
Gerontology ,Everyday activities ,05 social sciences ,Observation period ,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology ,Neuropsychological Tests ,050105 experimental psychology ,03 medical and health sciences ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,0302 clinical medicine ,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology ,Cognition ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Activities of Daily Living ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Cognitive Dysfunction ,Effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance ,Cognitive Assessment System ,Geriatrics and Gerontology ,Cognitive decline ,Psychology ,Cognition Disorders ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Aged - Abstract
In-home assessment of everyday activities over many months to years may be useful in predicting cognitive decline in older adulthood. This study examined whether a comparatively brief data collection period (3 months) may yield similar diagnostic information. A total of 91 community-dwelling older adults without dementia underwent baseline neuropsychological testing and completed weekly computer-based surveys assessing health-related events/activities. A subset of participants wore fitness tracker watches assessing daily sleep and physical activity patterns, used a sensor-instrumented pillbox, and had their computer use frequency recorded on a daily basis. Similar patterns in computer use, sleep and medication use were noted in comparison to prior literature with more extensive data collection periods. Greater computer use and sleep, as well as self-reported pain and independence, were also linked to better cognition. These activities and symptoms may be useful correlates of cognitive function even when assessed over a relatively brief monitoring period.
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- 2023
29. Reducing Crime by Remediating Vacant Lots: The Moderating Effect of Nearby Land Uses
- Author
Charles C. Branas, Viet Nguyen, Shane T. Jensen, and John M. MacDonald
- Subjects
Greening ,Crime reduction ,Land use ,050901 criminology ,05 social sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,0509 other social sciences ,Law ,Popularity ,Environmental planning ,050104 developmental & child psychology ,Disadvantaged - Abstract
Place-based blight remediation programs have gained popularity in recent years as a crime reduction approach. This study estimated the impact of a citywide vacant lot greening program in Philadelphia on changes in crime over multiple years, and whether the effects were moderated by nearby land uses. The vacant lot greening program was assessed using quasi-experimental and experimental designs. Entropy distance weighting was used in the quasi-experimental analysis to match control lots to be comparable to greened lots on pre-existing crime trends. Fixed-effects difference-in-differences models were used to estimate the impact of the vacant lot greening program in quasi-experimental and experimental analyses. Vacant lot greening was estimated to reduce total crime and multiple subcategories in both the quasi-experimental and experimental evaluations. Remediating vacant lots had a smaller effect on reducing crime when they were located nearby train stations and alcohol outlets. The crime reductions from vacant lot remediations were larger when they were located near areas of active businesses. There is some suggestive evidence that the effects of vacant lot greening are larger when located in neighborhoods with higher pre-intervention levels of social cohesion. The findings suggest that vacant lot greening provides a sustainable approach to reducing crime in disadvantaged neighborhoods, and the effects may vary by different surrounding land uses. To better understand the mechanisms through which place-based blight remediation interventions reduce crime, future research should measure human activities and neighborly socialization in and around places before and after remediation efforts are implemented.
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- 2023
30. Body Mass Indices of Girls with and without ADHD: Developmental Trajectories from Childhood to Adulthood
- Author
Ashley Halkett, Stephen P. Hinshaw, Patricia A. Porter, and Laura N Henry
- Subjects
Adult ,Adolescent ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,Sample (statistics) ,Article ,Developmental psychology ,Body Mass Index ,03 medical and health sciences ,Executive Function ,Young Adult ,0302 clinical medicine ,mental disorders ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Longitudinal Studies ,Obesity ,Child ,05 social sciences ,Clinical Psychology ,Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity ,Central Nervous System Stimulants ,Female ,Psychology ,Body mass index ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
OBJECTIVE: We examined the predictive relation between childhood-diagnosed ADHD and trajectories of body mass index (BMI) from childhood to adulthood in an all-female sample, accounting for socioeconomic status (SES), childhood comorbidities (e.g., depression/anxiety), and stimulant usage. Childhood executive functioning (i.e., planning, sustained attention, and response inhibition) was also evaluated as a possible predictor of BMI trajectories. METHOD: We utilized longitudinal data from a full sample of 140 girls diagnosed with ADHD in childhood and 88 comparison girls matched on age and ethnicity. Girls were 6–12 years old at the first assessment and followed prospectively for 16 years. Data were collected on their BMI and stimulant medication usage across four evaluation waves. Using latent growth curve modeling, we evaluated the BMI trajectories of girls with ADHD and the comparison sample from childhood to adulthood. RESULTS: Although there was no significant difference in initial childhood BMI, girls with ADHD increased in BMI at a significantly faster rate than comparison girls across development, even when adjusting for covariates. Significant differences in BMI first emerged in adolescence; by adulthood, 40.2% of the ADHD sample met criteria for obesity versus 15.4% of the comparison sample. When covarying ADHD diagnosis, executive functioning measures were not significantly predictive of BMI increase. Adjusting for stimulant medication usage within the ADHD sample did not alter core findings. CONCLUSIONS: We discuss health-related implications for girls with ADHD, potential underlying mechanisms, and how our findings may inform both ADHD and obesity interventions.
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- 2023
31. Perceptions of Sexual Risk, PrEP Services, and Peer Navigation Support among HIV-Negative Latinx and Black Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) Residing in Western Washington
- Author
Michele P. Andrasik, Louis B. Shackelford, Kimiam Waters, Susan M. Graham, Jade Pagkas-Bather, Vanessa Grandberry, Joanne D. Stekler, Russell D. Campbell, Luis F. Ramirez, Jsani Henry, Lorenzo Cervantes, and Jahn Jaramillo
- Subjects
Gerontology ,Intersectionality ,030505 public health ,Health (social science) ,Sociology and Political Science ,05 social sciences ,Vulnerability ,Ethnic group ,Stigma (botany) ,050109 social psychology ,Men who have sex with men ,Gender Studies ,03 medical and health sciences ,Sexual orientation ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Confidentiality ,Thematic analysis ,0305 other medical science ,Psychology - Abstract
HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is underutilized among Latinx and Black men who have sex with men (MSM) in the United States. Although peer navigation approaches may increase PrEP uptake and adherence, it remains unclear what strategies work best for MSM of color.From July 2017 to August 2018, we conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 25 purposively sampled Latinx and Black cisgender MSM to evaluate how the intersectionality of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other identities influenced men's views on PrEP in general and on peer navigation specifically. Thematic analysis was used to identify and analyze emergent themes.Emergent themes included: (1) awareness of vulnerability in intimate relationships; (2) barriers to PrEP initiation including perceived side effects, stigma, and financial concerns; (3) a wish to connect with other Latinx and Black MSM in a health and prevention space; and (4) the desire for peer matching based on identity considerations and lived experience. Younger men and Spanish-speaking Latinx men were most interested in peer navigation to access PrEP, while bisexual men had confidentiality concerns.In our study, Latinx and Black MSM viewed peer navigation services favorably, especially if they addressed men's desire to connect with other MSM of color.Developing culturally-congruent peer navigation programming could help improve PrEP uptake and care engagement for Latinx and Black MSM. Programs should recruit peers from the racial/ethnic minority communities most impacted by HIV and prioritize matching peers to clients based on identity concerns, needs, and preferences.
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- 2023
32. Automated assessment of speech production and prediction of MCI in older adults
- Author
Rachel Ostrand, Victoria Sanborn, John Gunstad, and Jeffrey A. Ciesla
- Subjects
Gerontology ,050103 clinical psychology ,Speech production ,education.field_of_study ,05 social sciences ,Population ,Cognition ,Disease ,Neuropsychological Tests ,Article ,Neuropsychology and Physiological Psychology ,Alzheimer Disease ,Cognitive screening ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,Humans ,Speech ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Cognitive Dysfunction ,Prospective Studies ,Psychology ,education ,Aged - Abstract
The population of older adults is growing dramatically and, with it comes increased prevalence of neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Though existing cognitive screening tests can aid early detection of cognitive decline, these methods are limited in their sensitivity and require trained administrators. The current study sought to determine whether it is possible to identify persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) using automated analysis of spontaneous speech. Participants completed a brief neuropsychological test battery and a spontaneous speech task. MCI was classified using established research criteria, and lexical-semantic features were calculated from spontaneous speech. Logistic regression analyses compared the predictive ability of a commonly-used cognitive screening instrument (the Modified Mini Mental Status Exam, 3MS) and speech indices for MCI classification. Testing against constant-only logistic regression models showed that both the 3MS [χ(2)(1)=6.18, p=0.013; AIC=41.46] and speech indices [χ(2)(16)=32.42, p= 0.009; AIC=108.41] were able to predict MCI status. Follow-up testing revealed the full speech model better predicted MCI status than did 3MS (p=.049). In combination, the current findings suggest that spontaneous speech may have value as a potential screening measure for identification of cognitive deficits, though confirmation is needed in larger, prospective studies.
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- 2023
33. Using Generalized Polyspike Train to Predict Drug-Resistant Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy
- Author
Ramya Raghupathi, Jay Pathmanathan, Danielle A. Becker, Armina T Omole, Taneeta M. Ganguly, James J Gugger, Barbara M. Decker, Michael A. Gelfand, Russell T. Shinohara, Erin C. Conrad, Etsegenet F. Tizazu, Nanak Chugh, Kathryn A. Davis, and Colin A Ellis
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Drug Resistant Epilepsy ,Physiology ,Drug resistance ,Electroencephalography ,050105 experimental psychology ,Article ,Idiopathic generalized epilepsy ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Interquartile range ,Physiology (medical) ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Humans ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,EEG feature ,Survival analysis ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Odds ratio ,Immunoglobulin E ,medicine.disease ,Confidence interval ,Neurology ,Case-Control Studies ,Epilepsy, Generalized ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Introduction The authors tested the hypothesis that the EEG feature generalized polyspike train (GPT) is associated with drug-resistant idiopathic generalized epilepsy (IGE). Methods The authors conducted a single-center case-control study of patients with IGE who had outpatient EEGs performed between 2016 and 2020. The authors classified patients as drug-resistant or drug-responsive based on clinical review and in a masked manner reviewed EEG data for the presence and timing of GPT (a burst of generalized rhythmic spikes lasting less than 1 second) and other EEG features. A relationship between GPT and drug resistance was tested before and after controlling for EEG duration. The EEG duration needed to observe GPT was also calculated. Results One hundred three patients were included (70% drug-responsive and 30% drug-resistant patients). Generalized polyspike train was more prevalent in drug-resistant IGE (odds ratio, 3.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.3-11.4; P = 0.02). This finding persisted when controlling for EEG duration both with stratification and with survival analysis. A median of 6.5 hours (interquartile range, 0.5-12.7 hours) of EEG recording was required to capture the first occurrence of GPT. Conclusions The findings support the hypothesis that GPT is associated with drug-resistant IGE. Prolonged EEG recording is required to identify this feature. Thus, >24-hour EEG recording early in the evaluation of patients with IGE may facilitate prognostication.
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- 2023
34. Episodic Memory–Related Imaging Features as Valuable Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Multicenter Study Based on Machine Learning
- Author
Piaoyue Cheng, Haisan Zhang, Lijuan Gao, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Lihua Gu, Qing Wang, Yong Liu, Hao Shu, Kun Zhao, Yachen Shi, Zhijun Zhang, Zan Wang, Chunming Xie, Pindong Chen, and Hongxing Zhang
- Subjects
Cognitive Neuroscience ,Machine learning ,computer.software_genre ,050105 experimental psychology ,Correlation ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Neuroimaging ,Medicine ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Episodic memory ,Biological Psychiatry ,Default mode network ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Cognition ,Magnetic resonance imaging ,Positron emission tomography ,Biomarker (medicine) ,Neurology (clinical) ,Artificial intelligence ,business ,computer ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
Background Individualized and reliable biomarkers are crucial for diagnosing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, lack of accessibility and neurobiological correlation are the main obstacles to their clinical application. Machine learning algorithms can effectively identify personalized biomarkers based on the prominent symptoms of AD. Methods Episodic memory–related magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of 143 patients with amnesic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were identified using a multivariate relevance vector regression algorithm. The support vector machine classification model was constructed using these MRI features and verified in 2 independent datasets (N = 994). The neurobiological basis was also investigated based on cognitive assessments, neuropathologic biomarkers of cerebrospinal fluid, and positron emission tomography images of amyloid-β plaques. Results The combination of gray matter volume and amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation MRI features accurately predicted episodic memory impairment in individual patients with amnesic MCI (r = .638) when measured using an episodic memory assessment panel. The MRI features that contributed to episodic memory prediction were primarily distributed across the default mode network and limbic network. The classification model based on these features distinguished patients with AD from normal control subjects with more than 86% accuracy. Furthermore, most identified episodic memory–related regions showed significantly different amyloid-β positron emission tomography measurements among the AD, MCI, and normal control groups. Moreover, the classification outputs significantly correlated with cognitive assessment scores and cerebrospinal fluid pathological biomarkers' levels in the MCI and AD groups. Conclusions Neuroimaging features can reflect individual episodic memory function and serve as potential diagnostic biomarkers of AD.
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- 2023
35. Polymorphism in the ZNF804A Gene and Variation in D1 and D2/D3 Dopamine Receptor Availability in the Healthy Human Brain: A Dual Positron Emission Tomography Study
- Author
Joseph C. Masdeu, Angela M. Ianni, Karen F. Berman, Philip Kohn, Michael D. Gregory, Bhaskar Kolachana, Catherine E. Hegarty, and Daniel P. Eisenberg
- Subjects
Psychosis ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Cognitive Neuroscience ,05 social sciences ,Dopaminergic ,Single-nucleotide polymorphism ,Biology ,medicine.disease ,050105 experimental psychology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Endocrinology ,Dopamine receptor D1 ,Fallypride ,Dopamine receptor ,Dopamine receptor D3 ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Neurology (clinical) ,Mechanisms of schizophrenia ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Biological Psychiatry - Abstract
Background The rs1344706 single nucleotide polymorphism in the ZNF804A gene has been associated with risk for psychosis in multiple genome-wide association studies, yet mechanisms underlying this association are not known. Given preclinical work suggesting an impact of ZNF804A on dopamine receptor gene transcription and clinical studies establishing dopaminergic dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia, we hypothesized that the ZNF804A risk single nucleotide polymorphism would be associated with variation in dopamine receptor availability in the human brain. Methods In this study, 72 healthy individuals genotyped for rs1344706 completed both [18F]fallypride and [11C]NNC-112 positron emission tomography scans to measure D2/D3 and D1 receptor availability, respectively. Genetic effects on estimates of binding potential for each ligand were tested first with canonical subject-specific striatal regions of interest analyses, followed by exploratory whole-brain voxelwise analyses to test for more localized striatal signals and for extrastriatal effects. Results Region of interest analyses revealed significantly less D2/D3 receptor availability in risk-allele homozygotes (TT) compared with non-risk allele carriers (G-allele carrier group: TG and GG) in the associative striatum and sensorimotor striatum, but no significant differences in striatal D1 receptor availability. Conclusions These data suggest that ZNF804A genotype may be meaningfully linked to dopaminergic function in the human brain. The results also may provide information to guide future studies of ZNF804A-related mechanisms of schizophrenia risk.
- Published
- 2023
36. Brain-Computer Interface for Generating Personally Attractive Images
- Author
Keith M. Davis, Lauri Kangassalo, Michiel M. Spapé, Niklas Ravaja, Tuukka Ruotsalo, Zania Sovijärvi-Spape, Department of Psychology and Logopedics, and Department of Computer Science
- Subjects
6162 Cognitive science ,515 Psychology ,generative adversarial networks (GAN) ,050105 experimental psychology ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Social neuroscience ,Selection (linguistics) ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,electroencephalography (EEG) ,Representation (mathematics) ,individual differences ,Brain–computer interface ,Complex data type ,Artificial neural network ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Pattern recognition ,113 Computer and information sciences ,personal preferences ,Visualization ,Human-Computer Interaction ,Face (geometry) ,image generation ,Artificial intelligence ,Brain-computer interfaces ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Software ,attraction - Abstract
While we instantaneously recognize a face as attractive, it is much harder to explain what exactly defines personal attraction. This suggests that attraction depends on implicit processing of complex, culturally and individually defined features. Generative adversarial neural networks (GANs), which learn to mimic complex data distributions, can potentially model subjective preferences unconstrained by pre-defined model parameterization. Here, we present generative brain-computer interfaces (GBCI), coupling GANs with brain-computer interfaces. GBCI first presents a selection of images and captures personalized attractiveness reactions toward the images via electroencephalography. These reactions are then used to control a GAN model, finding a representation that matches the features constituting an attractive image for an individual. We conducted an experiment (N=30) to validate GBCI using a face-generating GAN and producing images that are hypothesized to be individually attractive. In double-blind evaluation of the GBCI-produced images against matched controls, we found GBCI yielded highly accurate results. Thus, the use of EEG responses to control a GAN presents a valid tool for interactive information-generation. Furthermore, the GBCI-derived images visually replicated known effects from social neuroscience, suggesting that the individually responsive, generative nature of GBCI provides a powerful, new tool in mapping individual differences and visualizing cognitive-affective processing.
- Published
- 2023
37. Guiding secondary school students during task selection
- Author
Liesbeth Kester, Jeroen J. G. van Merriënboer, Michelle L. Nugteren, Halszka Jarodzka, Department of Online Learning and Instruction, RS-Theme Cognitive Processes in Education, RS: SHE - R1 - Research (OvO), and Onderwijsontw & Onderwijsresearch
- Subjects
050101 languages & linguistics ,STRATEGIES ,media_common.quotation_subject ,feedback ,Conformity ,Education ,Task (project management) ,strategic guidance ,Task selection ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Cognitive skill ,Selection (genetic algorithm) ,media_common ,conformity ,feed forward ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,ADVICE ,SKILL ,PERFORMANCE ,Computer Science Applications ,SELF-REGULATION ,procedural guidance ,Psychology ,0503 education ,Cognitive psychology - Abstract
Secondary school students often learn new cognitive skills by practicing with tasks that vary in difficulty, amount of support and/or content. Occasionally, they have to select these tasks themselves. Studies on task-selection guidance investigated either procedural guidance (specific rules for selecting tasks) or strategic guidance (general rules and explanations for task selection), but never directly compared them. Experiment 1 aimed to replicate these studies by comparing procedural guidance and strategic guidance to a no-guidance condition, in an electronic learning environment in which participants practiced eight self-selected tasks. Results showed no differences in selected tasks during practice and domain-specific skill acquisition between the experimental groups. A possible explanation for this is an ineffective combination of feedback and feed forward (i.e. the task-selection advice). The second experiment compared inferential guidance (which combines procedural feedback with strategic feed forward), to a no-guidance condition. Results showed that participants selected more difficult, less-supported tasks after receiving inferential guidance than after no guidance. Differences in domain-specific skill acquisition were not significant, but higher conformity to inferential guidance did significantly predict higher domain-specific skill acquisition. Hence, we conclude that inferential guidance can positively affect task selections and domain-specific skill acquisition, but only when conformity is high.
- Published
- 2023
38. 'Die Entwicklung von ADHS-Symptomen und Schulnoten im Verlauf der späten Grundschulzeit'
- Author
Wolfgang Schneider, Sandra Schmiedeler, and Robin Segerer
- Subjects
Gynecology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,medicine ,050301 education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Adhd symptoms ,business ,0503 education ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung. Der Zusammenhang zwischen ADHS-Symptomen und schulischen Problemen ist vielfach belegt. Dabei ist denkbar, dass nicht nur ADHS-Symptome die schulische Entwicklung beeinflussen, sondern auch, dass Leistungsbewertungen Effekte auf ADHS-Symptome ausüben können. Daher untersuchten wir den reziproken Zusammenhang von ADHS-Symptomen nach Lehrerurteil und Schulnoten im Fach Deutsch während der dritten und vierten Klassenstufe. Um querschnittliche und längsschnittliche Zusammenhänge der Diskrepanz von objektiven Leistungswerten und Schulnoten mit späteren ADHS-Symptomen abzubilden, wurden die Schulnoten der Kinder mithilfe standardisierter Lese- und Rechtschreibtests kontrolliert. Die Daten wurden im Rahmen des Projekts „Schulreifes Kind“ in 42 Schulen in Baden-Württemberg erhoben ( N = 1777) und mithilfe eines „Cross-Lagged-Panel-Designs“ modelliert. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen eine signifikante querschnittliche Korrelation zwischen behavioralen ADHS-Symptomen und Deutschnoten ( r = .25, ADHS geht mit schlechteren Noten einher) sowie einen bedeutsamen längsschnittlichen Effekt von ADHS-Symptomen in der dritten Klasse auf Schulnoten in der vierten Klasse bei Kontrolle von Alter, Geschlecht, Migrationshintergrund und akademischer Leistung (β = .06). ADHS-Symptome können sich tendenziell leicht notenverschlechternd auswirken. Gleichzeitig wurde ein längsschnittlicher Effekt der Noten auf die ADHS-Symptome der vierten Klasse nach Kontrolle des autoregressiven Effekts der ADHS-Symptome und der Schulleistungstests in der dritten Klasse sichtbar (β = .07). Bessere Deutschnoten gehen somit auch nach Kontrolle von Leistungswerten mit geringeren späteren ADHS-Werten einher.
- Published
- 2023
39. Grounding Business Models: Cognition, Boundary Objects, and Business Model Change
- Author
Gerard George, Stella Seyb, and Dean A. Shepherd
- Subjects
Cognitive science ,Computer science ,Ground ,Strategy and Management ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,Cognition ,Business model ,General Business, Management and Accounting ,Boundary (real estate) ,Management of Technology and Innovation ,Schema (psychology) ,0502 economics and business ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,050203 business & management - Abstract
Business-model research has largely focused on business models as real entities, as cognitive and linguistic schema, and as formal representations. Although research within these themes has made im...
- Published
- 2023
40. Discursive work in resisting stereotypic representations of the Chinese among Chinese students
- Author
Ngee Thai Yap, Mei Yuit Chan, and Hui Zanne Seng
- Subjects
Linguistics and Language ,Work (electrical) ,05 social sciences ,050109 social psychology ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Gender studies ,Psychology ,050105 experimental psychology ,Language and Linguistics - Abstract
The negative effects of stereotyping arising from a victim’s acceptance and internalisation of stereotype identities are well-known. As stereotypes are created and maintained in discourse, understanding how targets of stereotyping employ discursive resources to resist the constraining structures of stereotypic identities imposed upon them can provide insight into the process of stereotyping and contribute to efforts to reduce the threat of stereotyping. We examined the strategies used by targets of stereotyping in contesting stereotypic representations of their social group through the mobilisation of a range of discourse strategies when presented with stereotyping attacks on the group. The findings revealed that stereotypes are subtle in nature and may not be easily recognised and hence, difficult to resist. Participants employed a number of discourse strategies to repair their fragmented self and group identities. However, in their attempt to maintain identity coherence, they ended up using stereotyping discourses themselves to devalue the perceived outgroup as well as subgroups they created within their own social group. The study highlights the complexity of stereotyping and its self-perpetuating character, and sheds light on the difficulty faced by targets of stereotyping discourse in reconciling their identities through intense discursive and identity work.
- Published
- 2023
41. The role of psychosocial adversity in the aetiology and course of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Author
Juan Pablo Zapata-Ospina, Sujey Gómez-Cano, Juan David Palacio-Ortiz, and Mauricio Arcos-Burgos
- Subjects
Mechanism (biology) ,Subjective perception ,05 social sciences ,Genetic variants ,Social environment ,medicine.disease ,03 medical and health sciences ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,0302 clinical medicine ,mental disorders ,Etiology ,medicine ,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Psychology ,Construct (philosophy) ,Psychosocial ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,050104 developmental & child psychology ,Clinical psychology ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Introduction Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has genetic and environmental aetiological factors. There are few publications on the environmental factors. The objective of this review is to present the role of psychosocial adversity in the aetiology and course of ADHD. Methods A search was carried out in the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, SciELO, ClinicalKey, EMBASE, Lilacs, OVID, APA and PsycNET. English and Spanish were selected without being limited by type of study or year of publication. Finally, a qualitative synthesis was conducted. Results ADHD development could be related to exposure to adverse factors in the family, school or social environment. It has been proposed as an explanatory mechanism that adversity interacts with genetic variants and leads to neurobiological changes. There may also be a gene-environment correlation whereby individual hereditary characteristics increase the risk of exposure to adversity, and indirectly increase the probability of developing ADHD. Research on psychosocial adversity represents a big challenge, not only due to the complexity of its construct, but also to the effect of subjective perception of a given event. Conclusions ADHD aetiology is complex and involves the interaction of both genetic and environmental factors, in which these factors correlate and cause the disorder. The study of the role of psychosocial adversity in ADHD is fundamental, but it remains a task that entails great difficulties.
- Published
- 2023
42. Entering into the weak version of translanguaging
- Author
Poorani Vijayakumar, Rasmus Steinkrauss, and He Sun
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Early childhood education ,LEARNERS ,050101 languages & linguistics ,Linguistics and Language ,Bilingualism ,translanguaging ,heritage language ,Education ,CLASSROOM ,Early childhood Education ,Heritage language ,Pedagogy ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Sociology ,Neuroscience of multilingualism ,Translanguaging ,Bilingual education ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,bilingual Education ,young language learners ,PERFORMANCE ,language.human_language ,OPPORTUNITIES ,DIFFERENTIATION ,Tamil ,language ,Postprint ,0503 education - Abstract
The current study investigates the impact of the teachers' societal dominant language use within a weak version of translanguaging in early heritage language education. We explored five preschool teachers' use of English, the dominant majority language, in Tamil heritage language classes in Singapore and examined its impact on 33 children's immediate language production in class and in their Tamil language storytelling at the end of the academic year. Our findings demonstrate that while the conventional thinking of protecting the heritage language's pureness is still dominant, the Tamil language teachers did employ English in their Tamil instruction, and their English use had a substantial variation in frequency. The teachers mostly switched to English due to habituation but not with explicit instructional purposes. When English use aided language instruction, it facilitated children's comprehension and elicited more child talk. Results also indicated that children model their teacher's English usage in their immediate responses. When teachers increased their English use in daily practice, children also incorporated increased English use in their Tamil storytelling task at the end of the academic year. Regardless of English use, however, children's output remained predominantly in Tamil. The implication of using translanguaging in early heritage language education is discussed.
- Published
- 2023
43. Kompetenzentwicklung im bildungswissenschaftlichen Studium: Der Einfluss individueller Voraussetzungen auf die Entwicklung des bildungswissenschaftlichen Wissens angehender Lehrkräfte
- Author
Jana Stender, Niclas Schaper, and Christina Watson
- Subjects
05 social sciences ,Pedagogy ,Developmental and Educational Psychology ,050301 education ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Learning abilities ,Psychology ,0503 education ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
Zusammenfassung. Längsschnittstudien, die das bildungswissenschaftliche Wissen als Teil der professionellen Kompetenz angehender Lehrkräfte über mehr als zwei Messzeitpunkte erfassen und den Einfluss individueller Eingangsvoraussetzungen auf die Wissensentwicklung untersuchen, stellen nach wie vor ein Forschungsdesiderat dar. Bisherige Studien liefern erste Hinweise darauf, dass individuelle Eingangsvoraussetzungen wie die Abiturnote, pädagogische Vorerfahrungen und Berufswahlmotive im Zusammenhang mit der Wissensentwicklung stehen und günstige Eingangsvoraussetzungen den Entwicklungsverlauf fördern können. Bislang ist unklar, wie sich das Wissen über den gesamten Studienverlauf in den Bachelor-/Master-Strukturen entwickelt. Des Weiteren ist auch unklar, inwieweit bestimmte Eingangsvoraussetzungen langfristige Entwicklungsverläufe erklären können. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Daten von 276 Studierenden, dessen Wissen zu fünf Messzeitpunkten erhoben wurde, mit Hilfe latenter Wachstumskurvenmodelle ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse bestätigten einen Zuwachs des bildungswissenschaftlichen Wissens über den gesamten Studienverlauf. Den größten Wissenszuwachs erfuhren die Studierenden in den ersten zwei Semestern ihres Bachelorstudiums und beim Übergang in das Masterstudium. Des Weiteren konnte der Einfluss von individuellen kognitiven und motivationalen Eingangsvoraussetzungen auf den Leistungszuwachs bestätigt werden. So zeigte sich, dass Studierende, die eine bessere Abiturnote aufwiesen und bereits über eine unterrichtsnahe pädagogische Vorerfahrung verfügten, höhere Wissenszuwächse im Vergleich zu ihren Kommilitoninnen und Kommilitonen erfuhren, die einen schlechteren Abiturnotendurchschnitt hatten. Ebenfalls begünstigte das Motiv „mit Kindern und Jugendlichen arbeiten zu wollen“ die Wissensentwicklung. Die Ergebnisse können insbesondere für die Beratung genutzt werden, um die Motivlagen von Studierenden zu erfassen und sie dafür sensibel zu machen, welche Motivkonstellationen für einen erfolgreichen Studienverlauf günstig erscheinen.
- Published
- 2023
44. Multi-Target Positive Emotion Recognition From EEG Signals
- Author
Yulin Zhang, Guozhen Zhao, Yong-Jin Liu, Dan Zhang, and Guanhua Zhang
- Subjects
medicine.diagnostic_test ,Computer science ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Feature extraction ,Linear model ,Pattern recognition ,Regression analysis ,Electroencephalography ,050105 experimental psychology ,Regression ,Human-Computer Interaction ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Ranking ,Task analysis ,medicine ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Artificial intelligence ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Software ,Rank correlation - Abstract
Compared with the widely studied negative emotions in which different classes are easy to distinguish, nowadays less attention is paid to the recognition of positive emotions that are not fully independent. In this paper, we propose to recognize multiple positive emotions by analyzing brain activities and explore the neural representation of different positive emotions. Thirty-seven participants volunteered to participate in our study, in which their brain activities were recorded when watching five selected film clips. First, 150 well-known power features extracted from Electroencephalography (EEG) signals and 105 multimedia content analysis features were collected as the pool of candidate features. Second, based on the collected features, we propose to use a linear model and a nonlinear model to predict the percentage of five positive emotions. Then, percentage values were converted to ranking numbers and Kendall rank correlation coefficients were calculated. Our results showed that (1) ensemble of regressor chains using LSTM as unit regressor obtained both the best regression results and the best Kendall rank correlation coefficient on EEG features merely, and (2) top features from alpha frequency bands of EEG signals could represent different positive emotions. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of selective EEG features on recognizing different positive emotions.
- Published
- 2023
45. Modalités d’attachement et maternité : étude des remaniements psychiques à partir d’un cas
- Author
Nicolas Mottet, Pascal Roman, Rose-Angélique Belot, Denis Mellier, and Mathilde Pointurier
- Subjects
Psychiatry and Mental health ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,060302 philosophy ,05 social sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,06 humanities and the arts ,0603 philosophy, ethics and religion ,Applied Psychology ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
Resume Cet article presente les premiers resultats d’une recherche sur les modifications de l’attachement en ante- et en post-natal, dans une population de femmes primipares, au sein d’un service de maternite d’un Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire. La maternite, percue dans notre societe comme une source d’epanouissement et de plenitude, resulte de processus psychiques complexes et delicats. Le style d’attachement est considere comme une donnee constante tout au long de la vie. Nous faisons l’hypothese de sa variation durant la periode perinatale. Pour la mesurer et la comprendre, nous nous appuyons sur la notion de strategies d’attachement. Sur le plan methodologique, nous avons mene une etude longitudinale en suivant des meres, primipares, du troisieme mois de grossesse jusqu’au sixieme mois du post-partum, avec quatre temps de recueil de donnees. Nous presentons les resultats d’un cas representatif de notre population etudiee. Grâce a une approche qualitative et quantitative, l’attachement est chaque fois observe de maniere clinique a l’aide d’un entretien semi-directif de recherche et mesure avec l’auto-questionnaire Relationship Scale Questionnaire (RSQ). L’etude de cas choisie illustre cette variation du style d’attachement. L’analyse clinique de ces transformations dans la vie d’une femme devenant mere se traduit par la variation du modele de soi et des autres au cours de la maternite. Des souffrances presentes des le debut de la grossesse ont pu trouver une voie d’elaboration pour la mere au sein de son entourage. Ce resultat confirme l’importance de soutenir les meres durant la grossesse.
- Published
- 2023
46. Inventory of Interpersonal Problems–Personality Disorders: adaptation to Brazil and test of a bifactor model
- Author
André Pereira Gonçalves, Nelson Hauck Filho, Lia Rocha, Lucas de Francisco Carvalho, and Giselle Pianowski
- Subjects
050103 clinical psychology ,05 social sciences ,Discriminant validity ,Sample (statistics) ,Interpersonal communication ,medicine.disease ,Personality disorders ,030227 psychiatry ,Test (assessment) ,03 medical and health sciences ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Interpersonal relationship ,0302 clinical medicine ,medicine ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Personality Assessment Inventory ,Dimension (data warehouse) ,Psychology ,General Environmental Science ,Clinical psychology - Abstract
Objective The Inventory of Interpersonal Problems–Personality Disorders (IIP-PD-47) has a controversial factor structure, as some studies have provided support for 5 correlated factors, and others have suggested the existence of a general second-order dimension. One approach of data modelling that reconciles multidimensionality and the existence of a general factor is the bifactor analysis. We used unrestricted exploratory-confirmatory bifactor modelling to validate the Brazilian version of the IIP-PD-47. Methods The sample consisted of 1,091 subjects aged 18-64 years who answered the IIP-PD-47 and a collateral measure of pathological traits, the Dimensional Clinical Personality Inventory 2 (IDCP-2). Results After testing many candidate models, our data were best represented by a bifactor model with one general factor and five specific uncorrelated factors. Nevertheless, a closer inspection of the discriminant validity of each IIP-PD-47 factor revealed strong support for the general factor and a factor capturing aggressive behaviours, but less support for the additional four specific factors. Conclusions The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, and some recommendations are offered about the need for controlling response styles when assessing PD traits via self-report inventories. Our findings indicate that the Brazilian version of IIP-PD has promising psychometric properties.
- Published
- 2023
47. Understanding foreign language education and bilingual education in Belgium
- Author
Luk Van Mensel and Laurence Mettewie
- Subjects
050101 languages & linguistics ,Linguistics and Language ,foreign language education ,EFL ,Foreign language ,Social Sciences ,State of affairs ,Language and Linguistics ,Education ,English/EFL ,German ,Belgium ,English ,Political science ,bilingual education ,Pedagogy ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Language & Linguistics ,Bilingual education ,CLIL ,05 social sciences ,050301 education ,Linguistics ,Education & Educational Research ,language.human_language ,language ,Dutch ,0503 education - Abstract
The aim of the present article is to provide an overview of the current state of affairs regarding foreign language education and bilingual education in the different parts of Belgium. In a brief historical contextualisation, we explain how language education in Belgium has been shaped by the country’s political and economic history, which has led to legal constraints concerning the language(s) of instruction as well as foreign language education. A paradoxical situation has now emerged: on the one hand, an apparently straightforward organisation of language education according to a ‘one community – one language’ principle; on the other hand, a complex and heterogeneous reality with respect to the organisation of the school system in general and language education in particular. We illustrate the present situation with figures from the different language communities (Dutch-, French-, and German-speaking) on (a) foreign languages learned at school in regular settings, and (b) alternatives to the regular framework that bypass the constrictive legislation, such as CLIL. The data reveal the intricate make-up of language education in Belgium, reflecting a tailor-made approach taken by each of the three official language communities.
- Published
- 2023
48. The Analysis of Driver's Behavioral Tendency Under Different Emotional States Based on a Bayesian Network
- Author
Yaqi Liu and Xiaoyuan Wang
- Subjects
business.industry ,Mechanism (biology) ,Computer science ,05 social sciences ,Probabilistic logic ,Active safety ,Bayesian network ,Machine learning ,computer.software_genre ,Vehicle driving ,050105 experimental psychology ,Human-Computer Interaction ,03 medical and health sciences ,Identification (information) ,0302 clinical medicine ,Probability distribution ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Artificial intelligence ,business ,computer ,Software - Abstract
Affective factors have been associated with an array of driving behaviors. However, the mechanism by which emotion influences driving behaviors remains largely unknown. In the present study, a probabilistic approach for characterizing the emotional influence on driving behavioral decision-making was proposed. Firstly, a series of experiments were designed to obtain the human-vehicle-environment data when the drivers, whose emotional states were effectively induced, were driving a vehicle in the car-following scene. Next, a Bayesian Network (BN) was developed to model the causal relationships between driving behavioral tendency, driver's emotion and other indicators related to vehicle driving. Finally, the driver's different tendencies in driving behavior caused by emotional factors were analyzed through calculating the probability distribution of driving behavioral tendency under different emotional conditions in the BN. The research results are not only beneficial to improve the accuracy of driving behavior identification and prediction which is of great significance for vehicle active safety, but also have a potential promoting effect on human-computer harmonious interaction of vehicle system.
- Published
- 2023
49. Atypical Arousal Regulation in Children With Autism but Not With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder as Indicated by Pupillometric Measures of Locus Coeruleus Activity
- Author
Hannah Cholemkery, Christine M. Freitag, Sara Boxhoorn, Hans Supèr, Bartosz Helfer, Leonie Polzer, Nico Bast, and Christoph Klein
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Cognitive Neuroscience ,05 social sciences ,Audiology ,medicine.disease ,behavioral disciplines and activities ,050105 experimental psychology ,Arousal ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Autism spectrum disorder ,Endophenotype ,medicine ,Pupillary response ,Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ,Autism ,Tonic (music) ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Neurology (clinical) ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Biological Psychiatry ,Pupillometry - Abstract
Background Atypical arousal regulation may explain slower mean reaction time (MRT) in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder compared with typical development. The locus coeruleus–norepinephrine system (LC-NE) underlies arousal regulation and adapts its activity to the utility of a task. LC-NE tonic and phasic activity are indexed by baseline pupil size (BPS) and stimulus-evoked pupillary response (SEPR). Methods The study assessed pupillometry in ASD (n = 31, 3 female/28 male), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (n = 28, 3 female/25 male), and typically developing control subjects (n = 31, 16 female/15 male) during a visuospatial reaction-time task that manipulates arousal by conditions with low and high task utility. We estimated linear mixed models of BPS, SEPR, and MRT in a per-trial analysis to investigate arousal regulation of task performance. Results Slower MRT occurred in the ASD group compared with the typically developing control group during low-utility conditions while controlling for dimensional ASD and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptoms. In low-utility conditions, BPS and SEPR were inversely related and both were associated with faster MRT. Increased ASD symptoms across groups were associated with higher BPS during low-utility conditions. Changes in BPS and SEPR between task-utility conditions were smaller in the ASD group. Conclusions Slower visuospatial task performance in ASD is specific to low task utility. Arousal was associated with task performance and showed altered activity in ASD. Increased BPS during low-utility conditions suggested increased LC-NE tonic activity as an ASD symptom marker in children. Smaller changes in BPS and SEPR in ASD indicated attenuated LC-NE activity adaptation in response to high-utility conditions. Slower performance and atypical arousal regulation are probably associated with attenuated LC-NE activity adaptation.
- Published
- 2023
50. Aux origines des psychopathologies contemporaines : du noyau rationnel de la dialectique à l’empirisme réductionniste
- Author
Thomas Rabeyron and Émile Jalley
- Subjects
Psychiatry and Mental health ,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) ,05 social sciences ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,050105 experimental psychology ,Applied Psychology ,050104 developmental & child psychology - Abstract
Resume Objectif L’emergence de nouvelles formes d’expression psychopathologiques s’associe a des signifiants et des pratiques psychotherapiques originaux. Nous proposons de reflechir dans ce travail aux sources de ces evolutions sociales et culturelles en faisant l’hypothese qu’il existe un facteur sous-jacent qui aide a les rendre intelligibles. Nous supposons ainsi que ces evolutions sont la consequence de la disparition progressive d’une pensee de la complexite dialectique – le « noyau rationnel de la dialectique » – du fait d’un empirisme hyper-reductionniste largement influence par la pensee anglo-saxonne moderne. Methode et resultat Apres avoir decrit les particularites de ces courants de pensee et leur influence reciproque, aussi bien en psychologie qu’en economie, nous abordons les consequences de cette hypothese en soutenant l’idee que, contrairement a l’ideologie et aux discours qui sous-tendent ces evolutions, celles-ci ne sont guere un progres dans le champ du soin psychique mais qu’elles temoignent en realite d’une certaine regression intellectuelle et scientifique. Quelques detours du cote du neoliberalisme, de la pulsion de mort et du desir chez l’etre humain mettront en perspectives ces reflexions. Conclusion Nous proposons en conclusion quelques reperes relatifs a cet effondrement du modele dialectique sous l’effet de l’empirisme reductionniste en soulignant le role de la psychologie et celui qu’elle pourrait prendre afin de favoriser la qualite des soins prodigues aux patients selon une perspective sociale et anthropologique plus globale.
- Published
- 2023
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