【目的】日本の終末期患者へのNANDA看護診断"死の不安"適用の実際を明らかにし,この診断名の活用推進に向けた課題を明確化する。【方法】質的帰納的デザイン。期間:20XX年8月〜11月。研究参加者:3年以上の臨床経験を有し終末期患者への看護実践のある看護師で,看護診断を使用している者。データ収集方法は,半構造化面接法。分析はデータの逐語録から,「死の不安」の使用に関する内容を抽出し,コード化し,カテゴリーを作成した。【結果】分析の結果,44のコード,11サブカテゴリー,さらには6カテゴリー【死に対する不安を確信させる言動の有無で適用を判断】【看護師の死生観が適用を左右】【終末期看護の多様性が適用を左右】【患者や家族との人間関係から死の話題への踏み込みの可能性を判断】【「死の不安」という診断そのものの難しさが適用を妨害】【看護診断に対する暗黙のルールが適用を躊躇】に集約された。【考察】看護師らは,患者が死の不安を語る場合のみ"死の不安"と診断しており,患者の言葉を唯一絶対的な指標としていた。その一方で,看護師らは,患者や家族に対して死という言葉を使えず,"死の不安"の選択を躊躇していた。死を忌避しようとする日本文化では,患者の発言だけを指標と捉えながらも死を話題にすることもできず,この診断の適用を一層困難にしていると推測された。, Purpose: To elucidate the application of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association-1 nursing diagnosis death anxiety in terminal patients in Japan and to clarify problems in the application of this diagnostic term. Methods: This was a qualitative and inductive study conducted from August through November 20XX. Participants: Nurses with ≥3 years of clinical experience who had provided nursing care for terminal patients and who made nursing diagnoses were included. Data was collected via semistructured interviews. Analysis involved the extraction of content pertaining to the use of the term death anxiety from interview transcripts, which was then codified and used to create categories. Results: As a result of our analysis, we created 44 codes, 11 subcategories, and six categories. These were: "determining application on the basis of the presence or absence of behavior demonstrating anxiety about death," "application affected by nurses' view of life and death," "application depending on the diversity of terminal nursing care," "determining the possibility of approaching the topic of death based on interpersonal relationships with the patient and their family," "implementation hindered by difficulty in the actual diagnosis of death anxiety," and "hesitation about implementation due to unspoken rules about nursing diagnosis." Discussion: Nurses diagnosed death anxiety only when the patient spoke of their anxiety about death, and the patient's words were the sole indicator. On the other hand, not being able to use the word "death" with the patient and their family impeded nurses to choose death anxiety as a diagnostic term. In Japanese culture, where the term "death" is avoided, nurses use patients' remarks about death as an indicator but are unable to approach the topic of death themselves, which makes the diagnosis of death anxiety all the more difficult.Keywords:terminal,nursing diagnosis,death anxiety