本稿では,算数科教育に於ける学習指導論について考察する。そのために,本研究科の設立の趣旨の確認,学習指導の意味の吟味及び新学習指導要領(文部科学省,2017a)を含めたこれからの社会で必要とされる力は何かを分析し,それらを受けて算数科教育ではどのような学習指導を構成していけばよいかを検討する。考察の結果,子ども達に育成しなければならない能力として,教科の本質に関わる見方・考え方の育成とともに問題解決能力と問題発見能力を導出した。このことを受け,算数科教育で問題解決能力と問題発見能力を育成するためには,どのような学習指導を構成すればよいかを先行研究(日本数学教育学会,2010)を調べ,その中から問題解決能力の育成に関わる「問題解決による学習指導」,「オープンエンドアプローチによる学習指導」,「数学的モデル化による学習指導」を,更に問題発見能力の育成に関わる「問題設定(Problem Posing)のための学習指導」を取り上げて考察した。問題解決能力や問題発見能力はすべての教科で育成しなければならない汎用的な能力であり,そのことを通して教科の固有性としての教科独自の見方・考え方を育成することが可能であり,このことは,本研究科の設立の趣旨にも合致すると言える。, The purpose of this paper is to consider learning guidance theory in mathematics education. To this end, I review concepts and documents to confirm the purpose of establishment of this Graduate School Education, analyze the literature on learning guidance, consider what strengths are needed in the new course of study (Ministry of Education, 2017a) and the future society, and consider what kind of learning guidance should be constructed in mathematics education. As a result, I confirm that, in this graduate school education, practical researchers and subject matter education researchers are able to formulate learning guidance from the perspective of the foundation of the existence of subjects and the commonality and uniqueness of subjects, with emphasis on the viewpoint of subject education. "Learning guidance" is a teacher's approach involving respecting the student's subjectivity, then respecting that students acquire the knowledge, skills and ways of thinking of a subject, and to foster students’ humanity (Yoshimoto, 1985). The new course of study (Ministry of Education, 2017a) attempts to nurture three qualities and abilities such as the knowledge, skills , ways of thinking of a subject and humanity, to nurture viewpoints and ideas related to the essence of a subject, and to develop problem solving abilities and heuristic problem abilities. In order to foster problem solving abilities and heuristic problem abilities in mathematics education and respond to the diversity of values, I have examined what kind of learning guidance should be constructed in mathematics education based on Japanese Society of Mathematical Education (2010). From this point, I will focus on learning guidance through problem solving, learning guidance by an open-ended approach, learning guidance by mathematical modeling, related to nurturing problem solving abilities, and learning guidance by problem setting (Problem Posing), related to nurturing heuristic problem abilities. Problem solving