Indonesia is a very large country and it has lots of threats that threaten Indonesia, including military and non-military threats. One of the non-military threats that threaten it is biological warfare, including bioterrorism. Biological warfare is the use of organisms or any biological agent and toxin that could bring disease and death to humans, crops, and livestock. Bioterrorism itself is the intentional use and release of any organisms to bring negative effects to death in humans, crops, and livestock in intention to make the terror.Technology continues to develop in the world, including molecular biology technology. The rapid development of biological sciences, on the other hand, has many impacts on life, both positive and negative impacts. Molecular biology could be a useable tool for national defenses, not only to prevent outbreaks that could occur due to bioterrorism or biological warfare but also to overcome them. The purpose of this paper is to explain the role of molecular biology for national defense-related to bioterrorism and biological warfare., {"references":["Clark, D. P., &Pazdernik, N. J. (2016). Biological Warfare: Infectious Disease and Bioterrorism. Biotechnology, 687–719.","Papagrigorakis, M. J. et al., (2013). The Plague of Athens: An Ancient Act of Bioterrorism?.","Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science, 228-229.","Sarwono. (2006). Quantitative and Qualitative Research methods. Yogyakarta: GrahaIlmu.","CDC, 2021. Anthrax The Threat. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2021 Juni 11]","Janik, E., Ceremuga, M., Saluk-Bijak, J., &Bijak, M. (2019). Biological Toxins as the Potential Tools for Bioterrorism. International journal of molecular sciences, 20(5), 1181.","Johnson, B., Mastnjak, R. & Resnick, I. G., 2001. Safety and Health Considerations for Conducting Work with Biological Toxins. Applied Biosafety, 6(3), pp. 117-135."]}