151. Søren Kierkegaard kršćanski egzistencijalizam
- Author
Subotić, Petar and Radić, Stjepan
- Subjects
faith ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija. Dogmatska teologija ,Kierkegaard ,drhtanje. Estetski ,existence ,vjera ,trembling. Aesthetic ,Abraham ,egzistencija ,ethical ,strah ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology. Dogmatic Theology ,fear ,religious ,etički ,religiozni - Abstract
Ovaj rad se bavi životom i filozofijom Sørena Kierkegaarda. Detaljno se iznosi njegov život, s fokusom na osobe koje su utjecale na razvoj njegove osobnosti i filozofije, među kojima se osobito izdvajaju Kierkegaardov otac i zaručnica.. Kierkegaard smatra da je kršćanstvo odredilo njegov život već od rane dobi. Smatrao je da se Crkva u Danskoj udaljila od istinskog kršćanstva i da ne slijedi izvorni Kristov nauk. Po njemu, kršćanimom se može postati samo kao pojedinac a ne kao pripadnik grupe. Biti kršćanin ne znači imati potvrdu krštenja već kršćanstvo treba izvorno živjeti. Kao bitnu oznaku kršćanstva navodi sablazan. Isus je sablažnjivao svoje sunarodnjake, pa bi, prema Kierkegaadu, i kršćanin isto tako trebao sablažnjivati svoje suvremenike. Kierkegaardova filozofija je u sukobu s Hegelovom filozofijom. U djelu „Strah i drhtanje“predstavljaju se tri problema koje Kierkegaard iznosi protiv Hegelove etike. Isto tako, rad se bavi trima Kierkegaardovim stadijima postojanja,koji su po njemu estetski, etički i religiozni stadij. Estetski je najniži stadij jer osoba koja živi estetski nema odnos sa sobom stoga ne može očajaviti, što je bitno za Kierkegaarda. Estetičar postoji samo u odnosu sa vanjskim stvarima. Etički stadij je viši stadij jer osoba koja je etička nalazi se u sukobu sa svijetom. Etički stadij je borba. Zadnji i najviši stadij je religiozni stadj. U religioznom stadiju čovjek je u odnosu s Bogom. This paper deals with life and philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard. His life is viewed with a focus on people who had influenced the development of both his character and philosphy, in particular Kierkegaard's father and fiancée. Kierkegaard deemed that Christianity had determined his life since his early age. In his opinion, the Church in Danemark had distanced itself from real Christianity and it did not follow the original teaching of Christ. According to him, one can become a Christian only as an individual and not as a member of a group. Being a Christian does not mean having a confirmation of baptism, but Christianity should be lived by its original principles. For Kierkegaard, scandal is an essential marker of Christianity. Jesus was taunting his compatriots, so, according to Kierkegaad, a Christian should also taunt his contemporaries. Kierkegaard's philosophy conflicts with Hegel's philosophy, in context of three problems that Kierkegaard puts forward against Hegel's ethics in his work „Fear and Trembling“. Likewise, the paper deals with Kierkegaard's three stages of existence, which according to him are aesthetic, ethical and religious ones. The aesthetic is the lowest stage because the person who lives aesthetically has no relationship with himself and therefore cannot despair, which is important for Kierkegaard. Aesthetics exists only in relation to external things. The ethical stage is a higher stage because an ethical person is in conflict with the world. The ethical stage is a struggle. The last and highest stage is the religious stage. In this stage, man is in a relationship with God.
- Published
- 2019