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Meaning and symbolism of number : Christian faith before the challenge of contemporary numerology

Authors :
Grgić, Ivana
Dugalić, Vladimir
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Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku. Katolički bogoslovni fakultet u Đakovu. Odsjek za praktičnu teologiju. Katedra moralne teologije., 2016.


Diplomski rad obrađuje temu simbolike brojeva i njihovu primjenu u svakidašnjem životu, ali i u magijsko-okultnim praksama. U prvom dijelu rada prikazuje se značenje broja u filozofskom promišljanju, matematici te primjeni broja u kalendaru i astronomiji, kao i religijska tumačenja broja, koja se očituju i u biblijskoj simbolici brojeva. Broj je, stoga, ne samo mjerna jedinica, već način filozofskog promišljanja, matematičkog izričaja, a poprima i oznake simboličkog govora.U drugom dijelu rada obrađuje se primjena broja u astrologiji i numerologiji. Ovdje se brojevima pridaje magijsko i okultno značenje, a pripisuje im se i mogućnost stvarnog utjecaja na naš život. Kritički pogled na ove pojave, promatrane iz perspektive katoličkog moralnog nauka, ukazuje da bi se ovdje radilo o činu praznovjerja i otpada od vjere, tj. činima protivnima vjeri. Na osobit način, to je čin protivan prvoj Božjoj zapovijedi, koja jasno kaže da se ne smije imati drugih bogova. I noviji crkveni dokumenti, na tom tragu, izričito osuđuju takve prakse kao čine u sebi zle i protivne kršćanskoj vjeri, budući da osobe koje se tome utječu i time se bave više ne temelje svoj život na vjeri u Isusa Krista. Vjera je dar Božje milosti, kojem se čovjek mora otvoriti, a ne uvjetovati svoje postupke determiniranošću nekog broja. This thesis deals with the symbolism of numbers and their implementation in everyday life, as well as the magical and occult practices. In the first part of the thesis, the meaning of number is demonstrated in philosophical terms, in terms of mathematics and its application to calendars and astronomy, as well as in terms of religious explanations of number that can be seen in biblical references. Therefore, a number is not just a unit of measurement; it is also a way of philosophical consideration, mathematical expression and it acquires characteristics of symbolic speech.The second part of the thesis deals with the application of number to astrology and numerology. It describes the magical and occult dimensions of number and the possibility of actual impact on our lives. The critical perspectives on those applications of number, from the viewpoint of Catholic moral doctrine, indicate that it is an act of superstition and abandonment of religion, i.e. those acts go against the religion. Specifically, they are acts that go against the first commandment which states that a believer should have no other gods. This is why the more recent church documents explicitly condemn these practices as acts that are inherently and inwardly evil and in direct opposition to Christianity, as the people following them are no longer basing their life on faith in Jesus Christ. The faith is a gift of Lord's mercy, towards which a human being has to open up, rather than condition his behaviour according to the determination of some number.


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