Alveolitis sicca dolorosa (ASD) også kendt som ’dry socket’ er en almindelig forekommende komplikation efter fjernelse af tænder. ASD beskriver en ekstraktionsalveole med hel eller delvist manglende blodkoagel med moderat til svær smerte postoperativt. Smerterne kan ledsages af andre symptomer såsom dårlig lugt og smag fra mundhulen, intraoral hævelse og evt. hævelse af lymfeknuder. I betragtning af forekomsten af ASD vil kendskab til risikofaktorer samt forebyggende tiltag være gavnlig for fremtidige patienter, som skal have foretaget fjernelse af tænder. Formålet med denne opgave er derfor at redegøre for ætiologien og forekomsten af ASD efter fjernelse af visdomstænder. Derudover vil forebyggende tiltag, herunder anvendelse af Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) samt behandling af ASD diskuteres. Der er foretaget en Medline (Pubmed) litteratursøgning baseret på følgende tre temaer: ”third molar”, ”dry socket” og ”platelet rich fibrin”. På baggrund af de inkluderede artikler, kan det konkluderes, at ætiologien formodentlig er en interaktion mellem kirurgisk traume, bakteriel invasion samt aktivering af det fibrinolytiske system, der resulterer i hel eller delvis nedbrydning af blodkoaglet i ekstraktionsalveolen. Forebyggelse af ASD indebærer reduktion i mulige risikofaktorer samt skånsom kirurgi. Selvom der findes flere publicerede artikler omhandlende dette emne, er der relativt få studier om farmakologisk forebyggelse og symptomatisk behandling af ASD. Nyere studier har vist, at PRF kan stimulere biologiske funktioner såsom kemotaksi, angiogenese og celleproliferation samt celledifferentiering, som medvirker til bedre heling og dermed potentielt også reducering af ASD. På nuværende tidspunkt findes ingen klare guidelines for håndtering af ASD, og ASD behandles derfor ud fra klinikeres egne erfaringer., Alveolitis sicca dolorosa (ASD) also known as 'dry socket' is a common complication after tooth extraction. ASD describes an extraction alveolus with complete or partial absence of the blood clot with moderate to severe pain. The pain can be accompanied by other symptoms such as bad smell and taste from the oral cavity, intra-oral swelling and in some cases swelling of the lymph nodes. Given the criteria of ASD, the identification of risk factors as well as preventive measures will be necessary for future patients who will have teeth removed. The purpose of this assignment is therefore to explain the etiology and occurrence of ASD after removal of wisdom teeth. In addition, preventive measures, including the use of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) and treatment of ASD will be discussed. A Medline (Pubmed) search was conducted based on the following three themes: "third molar", "dry socket" and "platelet rich fibrin". Based on the included articles, it can be concluded that the etiology is presumably an interaction between surgical trauma, bacterial invasion, and activation of the fibrinolytic system, which results in complete or partial breakdown of the blood clot in the extraction alveolus. Prevention of ASD involves reducing the number of possible risk factors and gentle surgery. Although there are several public articles on this topic, relatively few reliable data are available on pharmacological prevention and symptomatic treatment of ASD. Recent studies have shown that PRF can stimulate biological functions such as chemotaxis, angiogenesis and cell proliferation and differentiation, which contribute to better healing and thus potentially also the reduction of ASD. At present, there are no clear guidelines for the management of ASD, and practitioners continue to use their own experience.