The active networking paradigm corresponds to an initiative including projects, developments and implementations searching for a new communication concept/ paradigm allowing fast, safe and efficient communications. The basic target is to provide, among other features and services, the management and configuration of new and complex network services and equipment (backbones), supporting dynamically the quality of service (QoS) needs of the new multimedia applications, so often pointed as the trend in the web world. This paper evaluates experimentally and objectively the usability of a specific active networking implementation architecture (ANTS) focusing on the dynamic configuration of backbone routers for supporting QoS in a multimedia applications scenario. The paper describes the evaluated architecture, proposes two implementation scenarios and evaluates experimentally their use for dynamic routers configuration., {"references":["Tennenhouse, D. L., Wetherall, D. J., \"Towards an Active Network Architecture\", ACM Computer Communication Review, 1996.://","Tennenhouse, D. L., Smith, J. M., Sincoskie, W. D., Wetherall, D. J., Minden, G. J., \"A Survey of Active Network Research\", IEEE Communications, Jan 1997.","Wetherall, D.J.; Guttag, J.V.; Tennenhouse, D.L., \"ANTS: A Toolkit for Building and Dynamically Deploying Network Protocols\", IEEE OPENARCH 98, San Francisco, 1998.","S. Blake et al., \"An Architecture for Differentiated Services\", IETF RFC 2475, Dec. 1998.","B. Schwartz, A. Jackson, T. Strayer, W. Zhou, R. Rockwell, and C. Partridge, \"Smart packets: Applying active networks to network management\", ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 18(1):67–88, February 2000.","Wetherall, D.J.; Guttag, J.V.; Tennenhouse, D.L, \"ANTS: Network Services Without the Red Tape\", IEEE Computer, 1999.","Ribeiro, R. J. M., Moreira, E. S., \"Projeto de um Serviço de Redes Ativas para QoS\", USP, 2001.","N. Achir, N. Agoulmine, M. Fonseca, Y. Ghamri-Doudane, G. Pujolle, \"Active Technology as an Efficient Approach to Control DiffServ Network: The DACA Architecture\", IEEE MMNS – Multimedia Management and Networking Symposyum, pp. 170-183, 2002.","M. Fonseca, N. Agoulmine, \"Dynamic Deployment of Value Added Management Services for Actives Networks\", 2nd Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium, LaNOMS, Brazil, 2001.","Página web do projeto Janos: ANTS EE. Disponível em:","K. G. Anagnostakis, S. Ioannidis, S. Miltchev, J. Ioannidis, M. Greenwald and J. M. Smith, \"Efficient Packet Monitoring for Network Management\", IEEE NOMS – Network Management and Operations Symposium, Florence, 2002.","Salah Aidarous; Thomas Plevyak; Joberto S. B. Martins; Burkhard Stiller; Andrea Fumagalli; Mostafa Hashem Sherif; Paul Levine; Luca Valcarenghi. Managing IP Networks: Challenges and Opportunities. Wiley-IEEE Press, 384 pp, September 2003."]}