In this paper effects of broiler meal supplementation with organic and inorganic forms of selenium and different amounts of vitamin E on broiler meat quality and meat yield were monitored. The experiment was carried out on total number of 240 animals divided into 4 groups, lasted for 42 days and was divided into 3 phases. First phase lasted 21, second 14 and the third lasted seven days. Broilers were fed with three types of complete feed mixtures of common raw material and chemical composition for broiler feeding that met or exceeded the nutrient recommendations for growing broilers (NRC, 1998). Complete starter feed mixture was used from the 1st to the 21st day, mixture for growth from the 21st till the 35th day and mixture for final growth from the 35th till the 42nd day respectfully. During the experiment, control group of broilers (C) was fed with supplemented inorganic selenium (sodium selenite) 0,3 mg/kg with the addition of 20 IU of vitamin E, experimental group (E-I) was fed with meal supplemented with organic selenium (Sel-Plex) 0,3 mg/kg with 20 IU of vitamin E added while experimental group (E-II) was fed with meal supplemented with 0,3 mg/kg inorganic selenium (sodium selenite) and 100 IU of vitamin E. Body mass of each broiler was checked at the end of the experiment, broilers were slaughtered, carcasses processed (barbecue ready) chilled, measured and cut into basic parts. At that time samples of breast meat and liver were collected for determination of selenium content. Breast meat was deboned and separate measurement of each tissue was done (meat, skin, and bones). Yield and meat: skin: bones ratio were calculated on the basis of body mass prior to slaughter and mass of processed carcass. At the end of experiment (42nd day), content of selenium in breast meat was from 0,34 mg/kg to 0,43 mg/kg. Concentration of selenium in E-III group was significantly higher (p lt 0,01) compared to group that was fed with inorganic selenium and the control group. Concentration of selenium in broiler liver ranged on the 42nd day of the experiment from 0,50 to 0,63 mg/kg, which was significant when compared between groups (p lt 0,01), Average mass of carcasses was lowest in the C group - 1243,32 ± 166,23 g and highest in E-III group - 1470,37 ± 120,00 g. All experimental groups had significantly higher mass of carcass compared to control, mass of E-III group was highly significant (p lt 0,01). The lowest meat yield was determined in control group (65,31%), and the highest in E-III group (69,24 %). Control group had significantly lower meat yield (p lt 0,01) compared to E-III group which was fed with organic (0,3 mg/kg) selenium and 100 IU of vitamin E. Percentage of muscle tissue in E-III group was 72,85% which is significantly higher (p lt 0,05) compared to control group of broilers (69,53%). Percentage of breast skin was significantly higher (p lt 0,01) in control (9,64%) compared to experimental groups (E-I 6,86%; E-II 7,34%; E-III 7,35%). Addition of organic selenium and high amounts of vitamin E in broiler feed mixtures gives the possibility for achievement of better quality meat and higher meat yield. . U radu su ispitivani efekti suplementacije obroka brojlera organskim i neorganskim oblicima selena i različitim količinama vitamina E na kvalitet mesa i prinos trupova brojlera. Ogled je izveden na ukupno 240 jedinki podeljenih u 4 grupe. Ogled je trajao 42 dana, a podeljen je u tri faze. Prva faza trajala je 21, druga 14, a treća 7 dana. Brojleri su hranjeni sa tri vrste potpunih smeša za ishranu pilića u tovu standardnog sirovinskog i hemijskog sastava, koje su, u potpunosti, zadovoljavale potrebe brojlera u različitim fazama tova. Potpuna smeša za početni tov pilića korišćena je od 1. do 21. dana, a potpuna smeša za završni tov od 21. do 35, odnosno 35. do 42. dana ogleda. Tokom ogleda kontrolna grupa brojlera hranjena je smešama sa dodatim neorganskim selenom (natrijum-selenit), u količini od 0,3 mg/kg + 20 IJ vitamina E, a ogledne grupe, po redosledu (O-I, O-II, O-III), dobijale su hranu sa dodatkom organskog selena (Sel-Plex-a) + 20 IJ vitamina E, neorganskog selena (natrijum-selenit) + 100 IJ vitamina E, ili organskog selena (Sel-Plex-a) + 100 IJ vitamina E. Na kraju ogleda pojedinačno je merena masa brojlera. Brojleri su zaklani, trupovi obrađeni (pripremljeni za roštilj), ohlađeni, izmereni i rasečeni u osnovne delove. Uzeti su uzorci (meso grudi i jetra) za utvrđivanje sadržaja selena. Izmerena je masa osnovnih delova (merenja su obavljena na automatskoj vagi sa tačnošću ± 0,05 g). Grudi su iskoštene, a zatim su pojedinačno merena tkiva (meso, koža i kosti). Na osnovu obavljenih merenja izračunat je prinos trupova (randman, %) iz mase brojlera pre klanja i mase obrađenog trupa, kao i odnosi meso: kosti: koža u grudima. Na kraju tova, 42. dana, sadržaj selena u mesu grudi brojlera bio je od 0,34 mg/kg do 0,43 mg/kg. Koncentracija selena je kod O-III grupe bila značajno (p lt 0,01) veća u odnosu na grupu koja je dobijala neorganski oblik selena, odnosno kontrolnu. Koncentracija selena u jetri brojlera bila je, na kraju ogleda (42. dan), od 0,50-0,63 mg/kg i značajno je (p lt 0,01) veća u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Prosečne mase trupova brojlera su bile od 1243,32 ± 166,23 g (K) do 1470,37 ± 120,00 g (O-III). Sve ogledne grupe su imale značajno veću masu trupa u odnosu na kontrolnu, pri čemu je masa trupa O-III grupe bila veoma značajno veća (p lt 0,01). Najmanji prinos trupova utvrđen je kod kontrolne gupe (65,31 posto), a najveći kod treće ogledne grupe (69,24 posto). Kontrolna grupa je imala statistički veoma značajno (p lt 0,01) manji prinos trupova u odnosu na O-III grupu, koja je hranom dobijala i organski oblik selena sa 100 IJ vitamina E. Procentualna zastupljenost (72,85 posto) mišićnog tkiva u grudima bila je kod O-III grupe značajno veća (p lt 0,05) u odnosu na zastupljenost (69,53 posto) mišićnog tkiva u grudima kontrolne grupe brojlera. Zastupljenost kože grudi je bila značajno veća (p lt 0,01) kod kontrolne grupe (9,64 posto) u odnosu na ogledne grupe (6,86 posto; 7,34 posto; 7,35 posto). Dodavanje organskog oblika selena i povećane količine vitamina E u smešama za ishranu brojlera pruža mogućnosti postizanja boljeg kvaliteta mesa kao i boljih parametara prinosa mesa brojlera. .