68 results on '"urbani razvoj"'
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- Author
JOCIĆ, Nikola
- Abstract
Due to the tragic developments that followed the country's disintegration in the early 1990s, the post-socialist transition in the former Yugoslavia was delayed compared to the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The emerging comprehensive political, economic, and social changes have also affected the urban space through physical and social manifestations, initiating urban transformation. The paper analyses the post-socialist urban development of Belgrade with examples from two parts of the city with different historical heritage, social development, and urban functions. The inherited characteristics of the observed urban units, as well as the current political and socio-economic changes, have created opportunities for the differentiation of development trajectories. Urban dynamics have been examined over the last few years, and thus, the mechanisms and participants leading the current urban processes in Belgrade have been identified. These mechanisms are not exclusively related to Belgrade but are often present in other post-socialist urban environments, especially in the cities of the region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
3. Urban development of the European Union in the period 2021-2027
- Author
Levak, Tomislav and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
URBACT ,smart city ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,urbani razvoj ,European Union ,održivost ,pametni grad ,sustainability ,urban development ,Europska unija - Abstract
Urbani razvoj odnosi se na urbana i metropolitanska područja oko grada koja se iz godine u godinu povećavaju kako raste broj stanovnika u tim područjima, a pri tome se mijenja i unutarnja struktura grada. Urbani razvoj pojedinih gradova kao i cijele EU sve je važniji za budućnost cjelokupnog čovječanstva i očuvanje okoliša. Zato je vrlo bitan izbor strategija i načina provedbe urbanizacije, međusobna suradnja svih sudionika, pametno financiranje i smisleno ulaganje, analiziranje provedenih strategija te na temelju rezultata stvaranje novih strategija kojima je cilj očuvanje stanovništva i ekosustava. Danas gotovo više od pola svjetskog stanovništva živi na urbanom području, a taj broj iz godine u godinu naglo raste. Brojni stručnjaci predviđaju kako će taj broj narasti i do 70% do 2050. godine. Tema ovog diplomskog rada je urbani razvoj EU u razdoblju od 2021. do 2027. godine. Rad se sastoji od sedam glavnih poglavlja, gdje su definirani pojmovi urbanog razvoja i grada. Nastoji se prikazati koje su urbano znanstvene discipline potrebne za daljnji razvoj grada, kakav utjecaj imaju ljudi, te što čini pametan grad i zašto je potrebno poticati stvaranje pametnih održivih gradova. Ukratko je prikazana povijest programskih razdoblja koja su se odnosila na urbani razvoj EU, te sadašnje programsko razdoblje koje traje do 2027. godine gdje su navedeni glavni ciljevi i zadaće koje države članice moraju postići. Posljednje poglavlje odnosi se na urbani razvoj grada Zagreba i Amsterdama. Amsterdam je izdvojen kao dobar primjer održivog urbanog razvoja, a ujedno je proglašen i najzelenijim gradom kako u Europi tako i u svijetu. Istraživanje i proučavanje razvoja urbanizacije EU te usporedba ova dva različita grada zapravo pokazuje da su potrebe i prioriteti na području cijele EU slični ili moglo bi se reći isti. Svi zapravo kao prioritete postavljaju očuvanje okoliša, smanjenje utjecaja na klimatske promjene, razvoj nove tehnologije i obrazovanje. Razlike su vidljive u planiranju strategija načinu i brzini povlačenja sredstava za provođenje istih te u brzini i načinu provođenja planiranih strategija i projekata. Svakako bi bilo dobro da se zemlje i gradovi koji su prepoznati na razini EU i na svjetskoj razini kao najurbaniji gradovi uključe u edukacije zemalja i gradova u kojima se svijest o takvom načinu razvoja tek počela razvijati. Urban development refers to urban and metropolitan areas around the city, which expand from year to year as the number of inhabitants in these areas grows, while the internal structure of the city also changes. The urban development of individual cities as well as the entire EU is increasingly important for the future of all humanity and the preservation of the environment. That is why it is very important to choose strategies and ways of implementing urbanization, mutual cooperation of all participants, smart financing and meaningful investment, analysing implemented strategies and, based on the results, creating new strategies aimed at preserving the population and ecosystem. Today, almost more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas, and this number is growing rapidly from year to year. Many experts predict that this number will grow to 70% by 2050. The topic of this master’s thesis is the urban development of the EU in the period from 2021 to 2027. The thesis consists of seven main chapters, where the concepts of urban development and city are defined. It tries to show which urban science disciplines are necessary for further development of cities, what influence people have, and what makes a smart city and why it is necessary to encourage the creation of smart sustainable cities. The history of program periods related to EU urban development is briefly presented, as well as the current program period that lasts until 2027, where the main goals and tasks that member states must achieve are listed. The last chapter refers to the urban development of Zagreb and Amsterdam. Amsterdam is highlighted as a good example of sustainable urban development, and at the same time it has been declared the greenest city both in Europe and in the world. The research and study of the development of EU urbanization and the comparison of these two different cities actually show that the needs and priorities in the entire EU are similar or even the same. In fact, everyone prioritizes environmental protection, reducing the impact on climate change, developing new technology and education. Differences are visible in the planning of strategies, the method and speed of withdrawal of funds for their implementation, and the speed and method of implementation of planned strategies and projects. It would certainly be good if the countries and cities that are recognized at the EU level and at the world level as the most urban cities are included in the education of countries and cities where the awareness of such a way of development has just begun to develop.
- Published
- 2022
4. A multi-criteria evaluation of the European cities' smart performance: Economic, social and environmental aspects.
- Author
Stanković, Jelena, Dźunić, Marija, Dźunić, Źeljko, and Marinković, Srđan
- Published
- 2017
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5. 100 godina transformacije koncepta javnog interesa u prostornom razvoju Srbije: razumevanje društvenog konteksta
- Author
Čukić, Iva, Đokić, Jasmina, Graovac, Ana, Maruna, Marija, Milovanović Rodić, Danijela, Perić, Ana, Radovanović, Ksenija, Savkić, Danijela, Slavković, Ljubica, Teofilović, Anica, Šećerov, Velimir, Đorđević, Dejan, Radosavljević, Zoran, and Jeftić, Marija
- Subjects
sistem planiranja ,prostorni razvoj ,planning culture ,planning policies ,urbani razvoj ,spatial development ,planske politike ,planning system ,urban development ,javni interes ,planska kultura ,public interest - Abstract
U organizaciji istraživačkih jedinica Laboratorija za kulturu planiranja i dizajn prostornih politika i Laboratorija za kolaborativne urbane prakse, koje rade pod okriljem Centra za istraživačku delatnost Arhitektonskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, pokrenut je istraživački projekat pod nazivom 100 godina transformacije koncepta javnog interesa u prostornom razvoju Srbije. Projekat se sprovodi kroz saradnju sa partnerskim organizacijama Ministarstvo prostora i Nova planska praksa i uključuje veći broj istraživača. Osnovni cilj projekta je sagledavanje razvoja koncepta javnog interesa u prostornom razvoju Srbije u poslednjih sto godina. Težišno se posmatra razvoj ideje javnog interesa i način formulacije politika prostornog razvoja i instrumenata implementacije kroz tri vremenska razdoblja: od perioda Kraljevine Jugoslavije kao jedne od prvih evropskih država sa ustanovljenim legislativnim i regulativnom okvirom javnog interesa, preko socijalističkog perioda i njegovih modaliteta u vidu državnog socijalizma, socijalističkog samoupravljanja i centralizovane demokratije, do savremenog perioda post-socijalističke ekonomske, političke i institucionalne transformacije. Ako se pođe od teze da javni interes oblikuje vladajuća ideologija i skup dominantnih vrednosti i normi, moguće je pratiti uticaj njihovih transformacija na promene u planskom sistemu, planskoj praksi i shodno tome prostornim ishodima. Očekuje se da se u procesu traganja za osnovama koncepta javnog interesa u domenu prostornog razvoja i njihovoj promeni kroz vreme može doći do važnih uvida od značaja za unapređenje savremene planske prakse u Srbiji. U ovom radu će biti prikazani preliminarni rezultati prve faze istraživanja. Organized by research units of the Laboratory for the Planning Culture of Spatial Policy Design and the Laboratory for Collaborative Urban Practices, which work under the auspices of the Research Center at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, a research project entitled 100 years of transformation of public interest concept in the spatial development of Serbia was launched. The project is implemented through cooperation with partner organizations Ministry of Space collective and New Planning Practice and includes a large number of researchers. The main goal of the project is to consider the development of the concept of public interest in the spatial development of Serbia in the last hundred years. The development of the idea of public interest and the way of formulating spatial development policies and implementation instruments through three time periods are focused on: from the period of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia as one of the fi rst European states with established legislative and regulatory framework of public interest, through the socialist period and its modalities in the form of state socialism, self-government socialism and centralized democracy, to the modern period of post-socialist economic, political and institutional transformation. If we start from the thesis that the public interest is shaped by the ruling ideology and a set of dominant values and norms, it is possible to monitor the impact of their transformations on changes in the planning system, planning practice and, consequently, spatial outcomes. It is expected that in the process of searching for the basics of the concept of public interest in the fi eld of spatial development and their change over time, important insights for the improvement of modern planning practice in Serbia can be gained. This project goes a step further than focusing on contemporary planning issues in Serbia and emphasizes the truly transitional nature of the Serbian planning system and planning practices. This paper will present the preliminary results of the research fi rst phase.
- Published
- 2022
6. Urbani krajolik i vlasnička topografija kasnosrednjovjekovnog Dubrovnika prema seriji Venditiones Cancellariae.
- Author
Maruić, Matko Matija
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of the Institute of Art History is the property of Radovi Instituta za Povijest Umjetnosti and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
URŠIČ, Matjaž
- Subjects
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
- Author
URŠIČ, Matjaž
- Abstract
Copyright of Teorija in Praksa is the property of Teorija in Praksa and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
JELINČIČ, Daniela Angelina and VUKIČ, Feđa
- Subjects
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CULTURAL industries , *RECESSIONS , *QUALITY of life , *PLACE marketing , *BRANDING (Marketing) - Abstract
The severe recession in 2008-2009 seriously undermined growth, employment and quality of life. It called for a more effective global governance system as well as new resources for local development. Since creative industries showed to be more resilient to external shocks, many decision makers invested in them to be the drivers of urban regeneration as well as of city branding. Western cities proved to be leaders in these processes, transitional ones often trying to copy them. The aim of this article is to propose a new methodology of creating the so called "identity system" of a community. The mentioned methodology has been applied in the research of the identity of the Croatian cities Zadar and Zagreb and the results are presented in the article. They serve as a starting point in the proposal of the necessary steps in the city identification and consequently its regeneration based on creative industries. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
- Author
- Subjects
URBANIZATION ,URBAN planning ,HOME prices ,PRICE indexes ,REAL estate business - Abstract
Copyright of Economic & Business Review is the property of Economic & Business Review and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
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11. Prilagodba urbanih područja na rizike od katastrofa
- Author
Brezac, Gordana and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
Cohesion Policy ,disaster risk ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,disaster ,Kohezijska politika ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,urbani razvoj ,rizici od katastrofa ,urban development ,katastrofe - Abstract
U svijetu se događaju različite prirodne katastrofe i katastrofe koje su posljedica djelovanja čovjeka. Cilj rada je prikazati važnost prilagodbe urbanih područja na rizike od katastrofa i istražiti mogućnosti koje se mogu koristiti u cilju upravljanja različitim rizicima. Nakon definiranja temeljnog pojma katastrofa, u radu se obrađuju vrste katastrofa, pri čemu se objašnjavaju obilježja prirodnih katastrofa i antropogenog utjecaja na okoliš. U okviru urbanog razvoja obrađen je pojam i uloga grada kao pokretača razvoja, slijede strateško planiranje razvoja grada, održivi razvoj, izazovi urbanog razvoja te održivi urbani razvoj. U zasebnom poglavlju obrađuje se Kohezijska politika Europske unije. Kako bi se tematika što bolje objasnila kreće se s glavnim strateškim dokumentom Europske unije, Europa 2020, zatim su prikazani Europski strukturni i investicijski fondovi te Fond solidarnosti Europske unije. Analizom djelovanja kohezijske politike Europske unije utvrđuje se sposobnost izravnog utjecaja na gradove, važnost politike u prilagodbi klimatskim promjenama i u upravljanju rizicima te se instrumentima kohezijske politike ujedno potiče održivi urbani razvoj, kao i kreiranje otpornih gradova. Poglavlje o prilagodbi urbanih područja na rizike od katastrofa, čini okosnicu rada, obuhvaća rizike od katastrofa te procjenu rizika od katastrofa u Republici Hrvatskoj, u okviru kojeg se prikazuje procjena rizika od velikih nesreća na primjeru Grada Pule. Kao važan segment ističe se potpoglavlje o smanjenju rizika od katastrofa te urbana otpornost i prilagodba gradova na rizike od katastrofa. U posljednjem dijelu rada analiziraju se posljedice pandemije COVID-19. U tom smislu izdvojeno je istraživanje socioekonomskih posljedica pandemije u Hrvatskoj kroz odabrane pokazatelje i odgovor Europske unije na pandemiju bolesti COVID-19, nakon čega se prikazuje vlastiti osvrt na prilagodbu gradova posljedicama pandemije. Komparacijom različitih primjera u radu, proizlaze zaključci da smanjenje rizika od katastrofa uvijek započinje izradom procjene rizika te je potrebno definirati strategiju za smanjenje rizika od katastrofa i poznavati primjenu različitih instrumenata koji se mogu koristiti za ublažavanje ili sprječavanje rizika (uključujući mogućnosti koje Europska unija nudi). Zaključci također upućuju da je pandemija COVID-19 unijela niz promjena. Iako su negativni učinci pandemije brojni, nazire se i suprotna perspektiva, koja unosi svojevrsno ohrabrenje, primjenjujući koncept otpornosti. Urbana prilagodba, na rizike od katastrofa, je neizbježna. Different natural disasters and man-made disasters are occurring in the world. This paper aims to show the importance of adjusting urban areas to disaster risks and research the possibilities that can be used to control different risks. After defining the basic concept - catastrophe, this paper covers different types of catastrophes. It also explains the features of natural disasters and the anthropogenic influence on the environment. Within the frame of urban development, the concept and the role of the city as drivers of growth is explained. This is followed by strategic planning of urban development, sustainable development, the challenges of urban development, and sustainable urban development. A separate chapter explores the Cohesion Policy of the European Union. To better explain the topic, the chapter starts from the main strategic document of the European Union - Europe 2020 - followed by the European Structural and Investment Funds and the European Union Solidarity Fund. The analysis of the implementation of the Cohesion Policy determines its ability to directly influence on the cities, the importance of politics in adapting to climate change and risk management. Cohesion Policy instruments also encourage sustainable urban development and the creation of resilient cities. The chapter on the adjustment of urban areas to disaster risks is the backbone of the paper. It encompasses disaster risks and disaster risk assessment in the Republic of Croatia which includes the risk assessment of major accidents using the City of Pula as an example. An important part is a subchapter on disaster risk reduction as well as urban resilience and the adjustment of cities to disaster risks. The final part of the paper analyzes the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is an emphasis on the research of the socio-economic consequences of the pandemic in Croatia through selected indicators as well as the response of the European Union to the COVID-19 pandemic. This is followed by a personal overview of the adaptation of cities to the consequences of the pandemic. The comparison of different examples throughout the paper leads to the conclusion that disaster risk reduction always begins with a risk assessment. It is also necessary to define a risk reduction strategy and be familiar with various instruments that can be used to mitigate or prevent risks (including the options offered by the European Union). The conclusions also suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a series of changes. Although the negative effects of the pandemic are numerous, there is an opposite, encouraging perspective, applying the concept of resilience. Urban adaptation to disaster risks is inevitable.
- Published
- 2020
12. European capital of culture programme's impact on host cities - the example of Rijeka
- Author
Grubišić, Bernard and Prelogović, Vedran
- Subjects
urbani ,city ,grad ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,Europska prijestolnica kulture ,Europska unija ,Rijeka ,urbani razvoj ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,European union ,urban development ,European capital of culture - Abstract
Europska prijestolnica kulture je projekt Europske unije pokrenut iz namjere očuvanja europske kulturne baštine i napretka u stvaranju jedinstvenog europskog identiteta. Međutim, EPK je doživio drugu dimenziju u svojoj svrsi: kultura i ovaj događaj postali su sredstvo za razvoj urbanih prostora, pritom pod time podrazumijevajući i razvoj tj. povezivanje lokalnih zajednica. Od osnutka EPK do danas više od 50 gradova bilo je domaćin ovom događanju, ali posljedice i utjecaji su različiti. Program EPK sa strane EU i strane domaćina doživjeli su konceptualne promjene, a utjecaj EPK postao je vrlo važan predmet istraživanja kako bi shvatili važnost kulture u razvoju grada, odnosno važnost jednog događaja ovog tipa. Rijeka je domaćin EPK 2020., a kroz nju možemo vidjeti kakvo je mišljenje građana i stanje slučaja unutar godine EPK. Na temelju svega, na kraju rada se može razmotriti ukupni utjecaj EPK i ostavština ovog projekta. European capital culture is a European union´s project started for reasons of protecting european cultural heritage and progress in creating unique european identity. However, ECC has grown to other dimensions in its purpose: culture and this event became tool for urban development with implied development and connection of local communities. From founding ECC till today more than 50 european cities were hosts of this event, but consequences and impact is different. ECC programme from EU´s side and host´s have lived many conceptual changes and ECC´s impact has also come in center of many researches so the importance of culture and this type of event in urban development could have been understood. Rijeka is city host of ECC 2020. – within its example it is possible to see persepctive of citizens and state-of-the-art in ECC year. At the end, whole impact of ECC and legacy of this project can be considered in the context of this work.
- Published
- 2020
13. Climate Changes and the Impact on Urban Development
- Author
Batelić, Veronika and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
klimatske promjene ,climate change ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Finance ,cities ,urbani razvoj ,gradovi ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Financije ,urban development - Abstract
Klimatske promjene, vidljive kroz niz pojava, predstavljaju globalni, rastući izazov s prostorno različitim višestrukim utjecajima. Cilj rada je analizirati utjecaje klimatskih promjena na urbani razvoj, odnosno istražiti potrebe i mogućnosti prilagodbe urbanih područja na klimatske promjene. Obrađuju se poglavlja koja obuhvaćaju uzroke, dokaze i izazove klimatskih promjena, prikazuje se utjecaj klimatskih promjena u Hrvatskoj s naglaskom na ranjiva područja, a nakon toga slijedi detaljniji prikaz analize uloge gradova u prilagodbi klimatskim promjenama, opis strategija prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama na odabranim primjerima u Hrvatskoj te prikaz rezultata provedenog anketiranja o utjecaju klimatskih promjena na urbani razvoj. Anketiranjem se detaljnije nastojalo istražiti poznavanje utjecaja klimatskih promjena, svijest o mogućim posljedicama i poveznica s urbanim razvojem. Klimatske promjene je nemoguće izbjeći, ali je moguće dijelom spriječiti ili ublažiti posljedice. U radu je dokazano da gradovi imaju mogućnosti djelovati na urbanim područjima kako bi učinci smanjenja negativnih utjecaja klimatskih promjena bili što veći. Gradovi razvijaju strategije kojima nastoje ublažiti ili prilagoditi se postojećim klimatskim promjenama, što je jednim dijelom i posljedica nužnosti. Osim toga, provedba urbanih projekata doprinosi sprječavanju posljedica klimatskih promjena. Treba djelovati danas kako bi sutra stanovnici živjeli bolje te kako bi urbana područja i dalje predstavljala privlačne sredine. Na temelju anketiranja može se zaključiti kako je potrebno detaljnije informiranje o klimatskim promjenama i mogućnostima poticanja promjena na nižim razinama upravljanja, iako se svijest o uzrocima i posljedicama klimatskih promjena sve više razvija. Climate change effects, seen though various aspects, represent global, growing challenge with different spatial impacts. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the impacts of climate change on urban development, that is to investigate the needs and opportunities to adapt to climate change in urban areas. Different chapters that cover sources, evidences and challenges of climate change are presented, followed by the explanation of the impact of climate change in Croatia, with a highlight on vulnerable areas. After that, the analysis on the role of cities in adaptation to climate change is shown, with the description of the climate change adaptation strategies with the chosen examples in Croatia and with the presentation of the results of the survey research that deals with the impact of the climate change on urban development. Survey method was applied to investigate in more detail the understanding of the climate change impacts, awareness of the possible consequences as well as the connection between climate change and urban development. It is impossible to avoid climate change, but it is possible to partly prevent or mitigate the consequences. This study has proven that cities have the opportunity to implement solutions in urban areas in order to produce more successful results in reducing unfavourable impacts of the climate change. Cities create strategies that can mitigate or adapt to climate change. Partly, this arises from the need. Besides, the implementation of urban projects can contribute to prevention of the climate change consequences. It is necessary to act today for the better future and to assure that the urban areas continue to be attractive centres. Based on the results of the performed survey, it can be concluded that it is necessary to inform about climate changes and opportunities to encourage changes on lower levels of governance, even though the awareness about the sources and consequences of the climate change is more and more developing.
- Published
- 2020
14. Demographic potentials of urban areas
- Author
Modrušan, Lino and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
demografski potencijali ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,stanovništvo ,population ,urbani razvoj ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,demographic potentials ,urban development - Abstract
Demografski potencijali jedan su od najbitnijih faktora urbanog rasta i razvoja koji značajno utječu na razvoj urbanih procesa. Razvoj urbanih prostora također može utjecati na promjenu demografske strukture u pozitivnom i negativnom kontekstu. Cilj rada je analizirati i prikazati demografska obilježja i potencijale odabranih urbanih područja u Republici Hrvatskoj te objasniti poveznicu između navedenih karakteristika i gospodarskog razvoja. U radu je prikazana važnost urbanih sredina, opisan je hrvatski urbani kontekst, dokazana uloga stanovništva u poticanju urbanog razvoja, s detaljnijom analizom primjera Zagreba, Rijeke, Pule i Zadra. U analizi primjera rad prikazuje osnovna obilježja promatranih gradova, detaljnije analizira demografske karakteristike, šire sagledava međupovezane urbane procese, prikazuje SWOT analizu za područje demografije te se također prikazuju strateški okviri i mjere za budući urbani razvoj. U posljednjem dijelu rada prikazana je zasebna komparativna analiza odabranih gradova, uz kritički osvrt koji proizlazi iz analize demografskih potencijala promatranih urbanih područja. Potvrđena je važnost demografskih potencijala u razvoju urbanih područja, utvrđene su razlike među gradovima, ali i sličnosti u nepovoljnim demografskim trendovima. U daljnjem razvoju potrebno je djelovati na način da se demografski potencijali iskorištavaju u skladu sa specifičnim potrebama urbanih sredina, spriječiti da koncentracija stanovništva rezultira s negativnim učincima (posebno u gradovima koji prednjače prema razvoju poslovne moći), omogućiti da se područja u okruženju većih gradova samostalno dalje razvijaju te koriste pogodnosti aglomeracija kako bi privlačila stanovništvo. Povezivanjem aglomeracija, većih i manjih urbanih područja moguće je doprinijeti rješavanju brojnih ekonomskih, širih društvenih i ostalih pitanja. Uz navedeno, potrebno je ciljano djelovati putem mjera koji će spriječiti daljnje negativne demografske trendove. Urbani prostori trebaju se razvijati u skladu s javnim interesima i potrebama građana urbanih sredina, kako bi se povećao životni standard, pružila odgovarajuća kvaliteta javnih usluga, i daljnji razvoj, kojem će demografski potencijali biti glavni generatori. Demographic potentials are one of the most important factors of urban growth and development that significantly affect the development of urban processes. The development of urban spaces can also affect the change of demographic structure in a positive and negative context. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and present the demographic characteristics and potentials of selected urban areas in the Republic of Croatia and to explain the connection between these characteristics and economic development. The paper presents the importance of urban areas, describes the Croatian urban context, proves the role of the population in encouraging urban development, with a more detailed analysis of the examples of Zagreb, Rijeka, Pula and Zadar. In the analysis of examples, the paper presents the basic characteristics of the observed cities, analyzes demographic characteristics in more detail, looks at urban processes, including SWOT analysis for the field of demography, and also presents strategic frameworks and measures for future urban development. In the last part of the paper, a separate comparative analysis of selected cities is presented, with a critical review arising from the comparative analysis of demographic processes of the observed urban areas. The importance of demographic potentials in developing urban areas is confirmed, differences between cities have been identified, as well as the similarities in unfavourable demographic trends. In further development it is necessary to act in such a way that the demographic potentials are exploited in accordance with the specific needs of urban areas, prevent that population concentration results with negative effects (especially in cities which have strong business power), enable the development of the surrounding areas of the larger cities that will use the benefits of agglomerations to attract the population. By connecting agglomerations, larger and smaller urban areas, it is possible to contribute to solving numerous economic, wider social and other issues. In addition, it is necessary to act through targeted measures that will prevent further negative demographic trends. Urban areas should be developed in accordance with the public interests and needs of urban citizens, in order to increase living standards, provide adequate quality of public services and further development, where demographic potentials are the main generators.
- Published
- 2020
15. Prostor, aglomeracijske ekonomije i urbani razvoj
- Author
Bojan Vracarevic
- Subjects
Atmospheric Science ,Geography, Planning and Development ,lcsh:G1-922 ,urbanization ,Space (commercial competition) ,transportni troškovi ,knowledge spillover ,12. Responsible consumption ,Education ,Urban planning ,11. Sustainability ,Economics ,cities ,transport costs ,Economic geography ,prelivanje znanja ,Global and Planetary Change ,urbanisation ,9. Industry and infrastructure ,Economies of agglomeration ,1. No poverty ,regionalni razvoj ,Geology ,gradovi ,regional development ,urban development ,urbanizacija ,8. Economic growth ,urbani razvoj ,aglomeracijske ekonomije ,agglomeration economies ,lcsh:Geography (General) - Abstract
In the major theories of economic development, the spatial aspect has often been neglected. Within the evolution of regional development theories, not only is there a shift in focus from exogenous to endogenous factors, but also an increasing importance of human capital in the development process. Agglomeration economies are ultimately driven by savings in transport costs, related not only to the exchange of goods and services, but also to people and ideas. Large cities play crucial role in knowledge spillover because the interaction of educated and creative people stimulates innovation. Also, it is obvious that there is a very pronounced feedback principle between urban growth and the knowledge spillover. Contemporary urbanization trends are perfectly matched with the technological advances of the new age which led to sharp decrease of costs of communication and transfer of information. These processes (that trigger pronounced agglomeration diseconomies, such as pollution, rising cost of living and congestion), accompanied by the demographic explosion that is especially evident in developing countries, bring into focus the problems of urban development. U vladajućim teorijama ekonomskog razvoja prostorni aspekt je bio vrlo često zanemarivan. U evoluciji teorija regionalnog razvoja uočava se ne samo pomeranje fokusa sa egzogenih na endogene faktore već i rastući značaj ljudskog kapitala u procesu razvoja. Aglomeracijske ekonomije, u krajnjoj liniji, nastaju usled ušteda u transportnim troškovima, vezanim ne samo za razmenu dobara i usluga, već i ljudi i ideja. Veliki gradovi imaju presudnu ulogu u prelivanju znanja budući da, interakcija obrazovanih i kreativnihljudi stimuliše inovacije. Očigledno je i da između urbanog rasta i prelivanja znanja postoji veoma izražen princip povratne sprege. Savremeni trendovi urbanizacije se savršeno poklapaju sa tehnološkim napretkom novog doba koji je doveo do značajnog opadanja troškova komunikacije i prenosa informacija. Ovi procesi (koji izazivaju sve izraženije aglomeracijske disekonomije poput zagađenja, narastajućih troškova života i zagušenja) praćeni demografskom eksplozijom, posebno istaknuti u zemljama u razvoju, stavljaju ufokus problematiku urbanog razvoja.
- Published
- 2019
16. Urbani razvoj Đakova u srednjem vijeku.
- Author
Filipec, Krešimir
- Abstract
Copyright of Povijesni Prilozi is the property of Croatian Institute of History and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
Kalađurđević, Mira
- Subjects
IDENTITY (Psychology) ,URBAN planning ,CULTURAL property ,TOURIST attractions ,CITIES & towns - Abstract
Copyright of Sociološka Luča is the property of Socioloska Luca and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Latin, Irena Benyovsky
- Abstract
Copyright of Zbornik Odsjeka za Povijesne Znanosti. Zavoda za Povijesne i Društvene Znanosti is the property of Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti, Zavod za Povijesne i Drustvene Znanosti and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Altić, Mirela Slukan
- Published
- 2009
20. The ethnological and anthropological study of Bežanija at the start of the 21st century: The impact of urban development on boundaries and the perception of a neighbourhood
- Author
Dražeta, Bogdan and Stankić, Mladen D.
- Subjects
Beograd ,architecture ,Srbija ,granice ,etnologija i antropologija ,urban development ,arhitektura ,ethnology and anthropology ,Belgrade ,Novi Beograd ,Bežanija ,urbani razvoj ,Serbia ,boundaries - Abstract
Bežanija - kao jedno od starijih naselja u današnjem gradu Beogradu, odnosno Opštini Novi Beograd, predstavlja mesto bogato ne samo urbanoistorijskim već i arhitektonskim obeležjima. Štaviše, etnološko i antropološko proučavanje Bežanije proširuje perspektive posmatranja ove celine i pokušava da sagleda trenutni društveno-kulturni okvir njenih stanovnika. Ovaj rad zasnovan je na sprovedenom arhitektonsko-antropološkom istraživanju u vidu mapiranja proučavanog prostora, opservacije i obavljenih neformalnih razgovora sa stanovnicima. Nastojaćemo da na osnovu raspoložive građe pokažemo da je Bežanija danas gotovo skrajnut gradski toponim, jer su joj granice delom neodređene i zamagljene usled specifičnog urbanog razvoja Novog Beograda tokom (post)socijalizma. Jedan od opštih nalaza je da lokalni identitet stanovništva takođe prati ove trendove, što znači da poistovećivanje ljudi s mestom življenja biva drugačije percipirano kod različitih generacija, u zavisnosti od promena u arhitekturi naselja. Being one of the older settlements in the present-day City of Belgrade, more precisely the municipality of Novi Beograd, Bežanija is a place boasting rich historical, urban planning, and architectural features. Moreover, the ethnological and anthropological study of Bežanija expands the perspectives of this urban neighbourhood, attempting to examine the current social and cultural framework of its inhabitants. This paper is based on the architectural and anthropological research conducted in the form of mapping the studied area, observation, and informal interviews with residents. On the basis of the available material, the author endeavors to show that Bežanija is nowadays almost a marginalised city toponym, due to partly indeterminate and blurred boundaries cased by the specific urban development of Novi Beograd in (post)socialist era. One of the general findings is that the local identity of the population also follows the trend, which means that people's identifying with a place of residence is differently perceived by different generations depending on changes in the architecture of the neighbourhood.
- Published
- 2020
21. Urban development and social topography of Dubrovnik sexteria, 1350s to 1480s
- Author
Marušić, Matko Matija, Zelić, Danko, and Budak, Neven
- Subjects
socijalna topografija ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest. Hrvatska i svjetska srednjovjekovna povijest ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History. Medieval Croatian and World History ,udc:94(497.5)(043.3) ,srednjovjekovna stambena arhitektura ,kupoprodajni ugovori ,srednjovjekovni Dubrovnik ,seksterij ,urban development ,urbana povijest ,medieval residential architectures ,social topography ,urbana topografija ,stambena arhitektura ,urbani razvoj ,trgovanje nekretninama ,urban history ,sexterium ,Medieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa) ,Povijest Hrvatske ,promet nekretninama ,real estate property transactions ,History of Croatia - Abstract
U ovoj su disertaciji opisane i analizirane etape nastanka, razvoja i urbanih promjena seksterija u Dubrovniku na primjeru jednog specifičnog predjela grada, seksterija Sv. Nikole, u razdoblju od četrnaestog do druge polovice petnaestog stoljeća. Primarna arhivska građa na kojoj se disertacija temelji su neobjavljeni i do sada rijetko korišteni svesci javno oglašenih kupoprodaja, Venditiones Cancellariae (sv. 1. – 13.), u istraživanju analizirani usporedno s relevantnim objavljenim arhivskim izvorima, spoznajama o urbanom razvoju Dubrovnika u povijesnoj i povijesno-umjetničkoj historiografiji te sačuvanim urbanističko-arhitektonskim strukturama. Nakon uvodnog dijela u kojem je ocrtano planiranje ulične mreže seksterija, raspravlja se o njegovoj izgradnji i mijenama cjelovite „urbane slike“ i njezinih sastavnica – stambenih građevina, drvenih i zidanih, te niza javnih, gospodarskih, sakralnih i obrambenih zdanja. Posebna je pozornost pritom posvećena privatnim kućama koje su analizirane prema tipu nekretnina, cijenama postignutim u oglašenim kupoprodajama i plaćanju tereta (zemljarine) za zemljište na kojem su bile podignute. Podaci iz dokumenata „smješteni“ su u fizički prostor ulica seksterija što je omogućilo analizu stambene arhitekture prema socijalnom, imovinskom i profesionalnom statusu njihovih vlasnika, poglavito s obzirom na promjene koje su se na tom planu odigravale u istraživanom vremenu u seksteriju Sv. Nikole u svjetlu analognih pokazatelja za ostale dijelove grada. Praćenjem stanja na tržištu nekretnina u gradu uočen je i interpretiran niz karakterističnih pojava, bilo da se radi o izgradnji kuća i pojavi reprezentativnih stambenih objekata, bilo o ulaganju u nekretnine i grupiranju nekretnina u vlasništvu imućnih pojedinaca ili rodova po kojima će pojedine ulice dobiti i ime. Na temelju obrađene arhivske građe analiziran je udio koji su u izgradnji kasnosrednjovjekovnoga grada imali na jednoj strani komuna, a na drugoj slojevi građanstva, urbanog plemstva i obrtnika te koje su konsekvencije njihove prisutnosti za specifične gradske predjele, u dubrovačkom slučaju seksterije. U prilogu disertacije doneseni su prijepisi relevantnih dokumenata i tablice sastavljene na temelju istraživanja kupoprodajne građe. The present thesis sets out to explore the development of the urban fabric of late medieval Dubrovnik (Ragusa), by paying particular attention to Saint Nicholas’ sexterium. The time span covered starts at the very end of the thirteenth century, but more nuanced analysis has been carried out for the period from the middle of the fourteenth to the second half of the fifteenth century. The research for this dissertation has been based on the yet unpublished and rarely consulted volumes of the proclamations of real estate sales, the Venditiones Cancellariae series (no. 1 – 13), kept in the State Archives in Dubrovnik. The data regarding the urban and social topography of St Nicholas, gleaned from this particular source, was integrated with other already published sources pertaining to the urban and social landscape of late medieval Dubrovnik. The dissertation is arranged into six consecutive chapters: 1. introduction, 2. urban planning of the St Nicholas sexterium, 3. urban development of the sexterium through the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, 4. chapter on the Venditiones Cancellariae series, the legal grounds of sales of immovable property, and the use of registers real estate sales in historical research, 5. social space of St Nicholas and 6. conclusions. At the end of the dissertation one can find a transcription of characteristic records of the real estate sales discussed in the main text, the regesta of sales, illustrations, as well as the extensive list of bibliography consulted. The introductory chapter aims at outlining the main historiographical concerns of the present research, including the short overview of the recent trends in urban history studies of eastern Adriatic cities. Particular attention has been paid to the characterisation of the nature of archival sources utilised in the research. Principal motifs for the choice of the topic have been laid out, the most important being the unequal treatment of St Nicholas’ sexterium in comparison to other Ragusan administrative districts. Furthermore, the availability of comprehensive sources on the houses and their owners in the streets of this particular part of the city (primarily from 1417 and 1481) were the key reasons that lay behind the choice of the topic, given that their analysis can offer new insight into the urban and social topography of this city area. The second chapter is concerned with the urban development plan of St Nicholas’ sexterium in the last decade of the thirteenth century (as codified in the city’s statute of 1296), particularly regarding the hitherto suburbs of late medieval Dubrovnik, that were incorporated within the city walls. Special attention has been paid to structures (mostly churches) that predate the time of the laying out the orthogonal grid, and that were integrated into this new urban fabric. At issue here is a fundamental project of medieval urbanism in Dubrovnik, which is furthermore compared to the “boom” of suchlike undertakings in the Mediterranean and beyond. The aim of the comparison was to underline the similarities and differences that define the Ragusan project with regard to other analogous projects. In line with proposals already advanced, it is argued that the late-thirteenth-century deliberations did not devise only a new sexterium, but have also given new look to the principal communication in the city, that of the Placa street (modern day Stradun), which, consequently, made St Nicholas a desirable place for living and real estate investment. The chapter on the urban development is structured around different categories of buildings, namely public projects, church fabric and private dwellings. These building activities and campaigns (particularly the erection of the communal houses, large mendicant complexes, and buildings of public purpose) were roughly sketched on the basis of published scholarly literature. Considering the fact that the medieval residential architecture had suffered irreparable damages and loss in 1667 earthquake, the unpublished documents on the commissioning and furnishing of houses in the last decades of fourteenth century, from the Diversa Cancellariae series, have been consulted. As a result, a tentative reconstruction of a prominently placed house has been proposed, built under the project and supervision of Jean Antoine de Vienne, a prominent builder in the late trecento Dubrovnik. By pointing out to this particular example, common scholarly assumptions on the appearance of medieval houses in the St Nicholas’ sexterium (generally perceived as modest and unambitious) have been challenged. Given the prominence of the real estate sales registry books (Venditiones Cancellariae) for the present research, a separate chapter is devoted to its structure and its relevance for the research on urban and social topography of medieval urban fabric. The earlier research on the sales records in the State Archives in Dubrovnik has been scrutinised by giving prominent place to the unpublished research on these records carried out by Branimir Truhelka who, in the early 1940s, carefully drew up a catalogue of sellers, buyers, their properties and locations of houses for the period 1454 – 1482. Furthermore, this chapter is based on the research of yet unpublished sale records: the quantitative analysis of the categories of immovable sold, the reflection on the terminology employed in the documents analysed (such as casale, domus magna etc.), and the discussion on the prices of houses sold, and tax the owners of houses were obliged to pay annually to the owners of the terrains (angaridium, terraticum). Moreover, the data obtained from these analysis was compared to the urban topography of the sexterium as it appeared at the time. The starting point was a database of all the properties sold in Dubrovnik (ca. 1352 – 1454, including the Truhelka’s work that covered the period from 1454 to 1482), that altogether comprised more than 1500 registered sales of immovable property within the city walls. Furthermore, by combining different sources it was possible to locate a considerable number of privately- or church-owned terrains on which houses were build, as well as to identify the exact location of approximately one third of the owners mentioned in the sales. These results were encouraging to identify the most prominent sellers and buyers in the context of spatial organisation of their dwellings. In that sense, the in-depth scrutiny of the Venditiones Cancellarie registers offered valuable insight into the population residing in the sexterium. Following the basic remarks on state of research concerning the societal groups in late medieval and early modern Dubrovnik, further analysis have been concentrated on individuals and families that owned multiple houses. For instance, members of the Turčinović family, Radoslav, and his sons Cvjetko and Matko (joined in fraterna), owned several houses in the Fourth (present day Dropčeva) street. Similar grouping of houses of the same owner in particular streets of the sexterium, or directly on its principal street (Prijeki put) can be established for Petar Primović (Petrus Primi) in the first half of the fifteenth century, as well as for Miho Zizer (after 1440s). Primović’s case stands out for his debts constrained him to sell a number of houses he gradually accumulated, which testifies to the diverse social processes that have shaped the housing market and, concordantly, the ownership landscape. As can be deduced from the coeval sources (both literary and documentary), the amassing of houses was multipurpose: it secured the prosperity of the family in case their business (primarily trade) devitalises, while the renting of properties could also insure additional income for the family members. Finally, we should not fail to acknowledge the representational potential these houses could have embodied, particularly when – as in cases described – their owners were not members of urban nobility, but of the burgeoning class of citizens. In order to trace these processes, several prominent cases have been analysed, all of which include members of the confraternity of St Anthony, that had gathered the wealthiest non-noble citizens of late medieval Dubrovnik, mostly traders and merchants (colloquially called the “Antunines”). Analogous analysis has been conducted for other professional groups, in particular for the goldsmiths and stonecutters. Among these, several prominent individuals who possessed a number of houses were identified, such as goldsmith Radosav Utišenović and stonecutter Mihoč Radišić. Other artisan groups, on the contrary, were recorded far less as sellers or buyers of houses. Although the sources preserved enable locating of their houses as well, no patterns of their grouping in the streets of St Nicholas city district can so far be proposed. The solely exception, as tentatively advanced, could be that of the goldsmiths, residing in the south-west part of the sexterium. More generally speaking, it has been proposed that no far-reaching conclusions concerning the members of the professional groups can be drawn from the sales’ registries since the individuals who owned multiple houses were an exception, and that the grouping of the members of the Antunine confraternity does not have equivalents in other parts of the city. The sales of houses have been discussed in relation to their location and status of their owners, and, on the basis of a considerable number of documents, several cases can be made. First, regarding the social status of these owners, the most prominent locations were occupied by wealthy merchants, members of the Saint Antony confraternity. In that respect, the thesis has deepened the research on these distinguished Ragusan citizens. On a more general level, the view that is commonly accepted in the scholarly literature – that of St Nicholas sexterium as a “popular neighbourhood” – holds true only to a certain extent. In fact, this label can be attached to this peculiar district of medieval Dubrovnik in earlier phases of its development, while the analysis of its social structure in relation to transactions of real estate properties reveals a somewhat different picture. The contrast of the censuses of 1417 and 1481, both of which are benchmarks for the scrutiny of urban and social transformations in St Nicholas through the period under consideration, revealed several key change. As can be deduced for the comparison of northern part of the sexterium, a higher number of the houses owned by the members of urban nobility is recorded. Second, there was a greater number of property belonging to the church institutions in the 1480s. The gradual increase of prices of houses (although a more in-depth analysis of the market is still needed), as well as the increase of urban nobility in the district could point to social zoning during the fifteenth century. This research has, therefore, laid ground for the scrutiny of the social topography of Dubrovnik in the consecutive periods, and the analysis of the outcomes of the processes traced in this dissertation for the sexterium in the sixteenth century and beyond.
- Published
- 2019
22. Urbani razvoj grada Rovinja
- Author
Filipić, Kevin and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
strategija urbanog razvoja ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,turizam ,tourism ,urbani razvoj ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,Rovinj ,urban development ,urban development strategy - Abstract
Urbani razvoj potrebno je promatrati kao skup djelovanja različitih odrednica koje mogu unaprijediti kvalitetu života u gradovima, što postavlja izazove u procesu upravljanja razvojem. Cilj rada je analizirati odabrane odrednice urbanog razvoja Rovinja, prikazati primjere dobre prakse implementacije projekata urbanog razvoja te detaljnije analizirati učinke ubrzanog rasta i razvoja turizma u Rovinju. U radu se stoga obrađuju temeljna obilježja urbanog razvoja, definiranje i mjerenje, značaj razvoja gradova, pri čemu se objašnjava važnost provođenja procesa decentralizacije, snažnijeg uključivanja jedinica lokalne samouprave u razvojne aktivnosti, a nakon toga se prikazuje važnost i obuhvat strategija upravljanja urbanim razvojem. Na primjeru Rovinja analiziraju se osnovna obilježja grada, razvijenost odabranih odrednica koje su bitne u poticanju rasta i razvoja, kao što su društvena i komunalna infrastruktura, prikazuje se strategija urbanog razvoja Rovinja, uključujući ciljeve i prioritete temeljem kojih se usmjeravaju razvojne aktivnosti, ali i komentira ostvareni učinak pojedinih strateških aktivnosti. Uspješno realizirani i planirani projekti urbanog razvoja Rovinja, različitih područja promatranja, prikazuju se u zasebnom poglavlju, s komentarom doprinosa razvoju. Tu se također ističu mogućnosti uključivanja stanovništva u razvoj grada, što potvrđuje nužnost uključivanja različitih dionika. U završnom dijelu rada detaljnije se analizira utjecaj turizma na razvoj Rovinja, pri čemu se objašnjava značaj turizma i prikazuju konkretni učinci, ali i kompariraju pozitivni i negativni aspekti razvoja turizma, s posebnim naglaskom na problematiku povećanja broja posjetitelja i prilagodbu razvoja urbanog područja. U radu je prikazana prilika za provođenje samostalnih razvojnih aktivnosti od stane gradova, dokazane su pozitivne razvojne aktivnosti na primjeru odabranog grada, ali je ujedno i potvrđeno da se Rovinj, kao mali grad, nalazi pred snažnim izazovima usklađivanja turističkog razvoja i ostalih razvojnih aspekata. Također je istaknuto da je u poticanju urbanog razvoja bitna suradnja različitih razina upravljanja i odgovarajuće strateško planiranje održivog razvoja. Urban development must be observed as the result of the effects of different determinants which can have an influence on the urban quality of life. This implies different challenges in managing urban development. The aim of this thesis is to conduct the analysis on the chosen determinants of the urban development of Rovinj, to present the examples of good practices about the implementation of different projects of urban development and to analyse in more detail the effects of strong growth and development of tourism. Main characteristics of urban development, defining and measuring, as well as the role of urban development are shown. The importance of the process of decentralisation, stronger including of the local units in development activities are explained, together with the aim and the characteristics of the strategies of urban development. On the example of Rovinj analysis is focused on the main characteristics, development of chosen determinants which are important in growth and development, such as social and communal infrastructure. Strategy of urban development of Rovinj is also presented, including its aims and priorities, as the basis for development activities. The impact of some of the strategic activities is commented. Successful and planned examples of urban development projects in Rovinj are shown, regarding different development areas, with its contribution to urban development. In this part of the paper, the opportunities to include local population in development activities are explained. This confirms the need to include different actors in urban planning. In the final part of the thesis, more detailed analysis is performed and presented about the impacts of tourism on the development of Rovinj, where the importance of tourism is described and concrete effects are presented with a comparison on positive and negative influences of tourism development. Special sections are given to problems which are the result of the increasing number of visitors and adjustment of the development of the urban area. In this thesis the opportunities for cities to perform independent development activities is confirmed, positive development activities on the example of chosen city are presented, but also it is concluded that Rovinj is faced with challenges of combining tourism needs and other development aspects. It is highlighted that in managing urban development, cooperation between different levels of government is necessary, as well as adequate strategic planning of the sustainable urban development.
- Published
- 2019
23. Integrated urban development of Labin
- Author
Franković, Samanta and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
development policy ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,urbani razvoj ,urbanization ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,integrirani ,integrated ,urban development ,urbanizacija ,razvojna politika - Abstract
Pod utjecajem neizbježnih procesa modernizacije, postindustrijskog društva, tehnokracije, globalizacije uslijedila se paralelno s njima i urbanizacija došlo je do nužnih promjena. Urbanizacija ima svoje prednosti, ali i nedostatke. Urbani razvoj je donio bolju povezanost, dostupnost i raznovrsnost pa i veću kvalitetu raznih usluga zdravstvene i socijalne skbi, bolje ponude poslova, razvoj uslužnih djelatnosti poput ugostiteljstva, trgovine... No, ubrzani razvoj je donio i određene izazove s kojima su se neke države lakše, neke teže nosile. Izazovi se pojavljuju na svim razinama funkcioniranja države: ekologija i okoliš, infrastruktura, arhitektonski raspored i uređenje područja, kapaciteti ustanova, promet i povezanost, porast socijalne nejednakosti, zaostatak ruralnog razvoja... Cilj rada je dobiti dublji uvid u pristup koji je ponudio rješenja za novonastale izazove s kojima se urbana područja pa i države susreću, a to je integrirani pristup urbanom razvoju koji se istovremeno usmjerava na sva područja funkcioniranja. Kako bi se što efektivnije implementirao IUR u gradove, EU je svojim članicama, a u svrhu regionalnog razvoja omogućila mjere i instrumente, a unutar regionalne razvojne i kohezijske politike. To uključuje raznolike strategije, financijske i nefinancijske instrumente te mehanizme pomoći i podrške kao što su fondovi, programi, udruženja, forumi, konferencije. S obzirom na potencijal i prednosti koje pružaju IUR i EU u njegovoj primjeni potrebno je shvatiti sve mogućnosti te ih iskorištavati, a za vlasitit razvoj i napredak. Hrvatska se također uključila u implementaciju IUR-a te je zabilježen napredak povećanim brojem prijavljenih i odobrenih projekata od strane EU fondova na području IUR-a. Sve veći broj gradova i poduzetnika različitih dijelova Hrvatske i djelatnosti je prepoznao mogućnosti koje EU i IUR nude. U sklopu toga su razvijeni i operativni programi, uspostavljeni pametni gradovi među kojima se istiće Rijeka svojom modernizacijom i digitalizacijom te udruge kao što je CUTER. Kao primjer grada se prikazuje i grad Labin koji je proveo i provodi brojne projekte na području revitalizacije i obnove kulturne i prirodne baštine, poboljšanje kvalitete života kroz obnovu ustanova koje omogućavaju sportske i zabavne aktivnosti, razvoj kulturnog i prirodnog turizma koji omogućava iskorištavanje postojećih resursa kako bi se izgradio identitet, povećao broj radnih mjesta, privukle investicije, povećao BDP itd. U svrhu dobivanja dubljeg uvida u implementaciju IUR-a u Labinu proveden je i intervju s predstavnicima Grada na području europksih fonodva i projekata te se zaključilo kako Labin uspješno provodi IUR kroz: iskorištavanje svojih potencijalna rudarstva i turizma, revitalizaciju urbanog područja izgradnjom novih i obnovom postojećih, a potrebnih ustanova i lokacija, nudi brojne pogodnosti za poticanje poduzetništva i obrazovanja, razvija suradnje i partnerstva te se provodi i CLLD pristup. Under the influence of the inevitable processes of modernization, post-industrial society, technology, globalization and parallel to them urbanization there happened necessary change. The relocation of life, activity, residents from villages to cities has led to a complete change of lifestyle, organization and functioning of the state at national and global levels. Urbanization has its advantages and disadvantages. Urban development has brought better connectivity, accessibility and diversity, and higher quality of various health and social services, better job offers, development of service activities such as catering, shops. Challenges occur at all levels of state functioning: ecology and environment, infrastructure, architectural layout and landscape design, capacity of institutions, traffic and connectivity, rising social inequality, rural development lags. The aim of the paper is to gain a deeper insight into the approach that has offered solutions to the emerging challenges that urban areas are coping with- an integrated approach that focuses on their area of work. In order to effectively implement the IUR in cities, the EU is offering to hers member states different measures and instruments within regional development and cohesion policy. That includes a variety of strategies, financial and non-financial instruments for assistance and support mechanisms such as funds, programs, associations, forums, conferences. Considering the potential and benefits of IUR and EU in its implementation, it is necessary to understand and exploit all possibilities for their national development and progress. Croatia has also been involved in the implementation of IAUs and progress has been made in growing number of applied and approved projects from EU funds in the IAU area. A growing number of cities and entrepreneurs from different parts of Croatia and industries have recognized the opportunities offered by the EU and the IUR. As part of this, operational programs were developed, smart cities discovered among them is Rijeka of its modernization and digitization ana associations such as CUTER. An example of the city showen in the paper is the city of Labin, which implemented different projects in the area of revitalization and restoration of cultural and natural heritage, improving the quality of life through the restoration of institution that provides sport and social activities, the development of cultural and natural tourism that uses existing resources so Labin can build its identity, increase jobs, increase investment, increase GDP and at the same time promote integrated and sustainable urban development. In order to gain a deeper insight into the implementation of the IUR in Labin author had an interview with City representatives in the field of European foundations and projects which proved that Labin is successfully implementing the IUR through: exploiting his potential in field of mining and tourism, revitalizing urban areas- building new ones and redeveloping existing institutions and locations that are needed, offers benefits to foster entrepreneurship and education, develop collaboration and partnerships, and implement CLLD access as well.
- Published
- 2019
24. Strateško planiranje razvoja grada; Komparativna analiza Beča, Budimpešte i Zagreba
- Author
Sonja Sočivica and Krunoslav Šmit
- Subjects
Building construction ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Beč-Budimpešta-Zagreb ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Vienna-Budapest-Zagreb ,development strategy ,strategic development planning ,urban development ,comparative analysis ,razvojna strategija ,NA1-9428 ,Urban Studies ,Geography ,strateško planiranje razvoja ,Architecture ,urbani razvoj ,komparativna analiza ,Humanities ,TH1-9745 - Abstract
Iskustva gradova Europske unije u strateškom planiranju razvoja mogu biti primjeri dobre prakse koji su uz razumijevanje konteksta primjenjivi na Zagreb. Analizom podataka i strateških dokumenata uspoređene su razvojne strategije Beča, Budimpešte i Zagreba. Sintezom i vrjednovanjem nalaza formuliran je prijedlog mogućih preporuka za rad na razvojnoj strategiji Grada Zagreba, primjenjivih na širi kontekst strateškog planiranja razvoja gradova., The EU cities can serve as examples of good practice regarding their strategic development planning that, with a proper understanding of the context, may be applicable to Zagreb. The analysis of data and strategic documents allows a comparison between the cities of Vienna, Budapest, and Zagreb in terms of their development strategies. The results have been used to formulate a development strategy proposal for the City of Zagreb, applicable to a broader context of strategic urban planning and development.
- Published
- 2019
25. Connecting City and Landscape ; Urbanism and Landscape Point of View
- Author
Ana Sopina and Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci
- Subjects
evolucija perivoja ,fotografija pejsaža ,transformacija pejsaža ,urbani razvoj ,garden evolution ,landscape photography ,landscape transformation ,urban development ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Landscape photography ,Geography, Planning and Development ,NA1-9428 ,Urban planning ,Architecture ,Landscape urbanism ,Landscape transformation ,Building construction ,Point (typography) ,business.industry ,Photography ,Environmental resource management ,Urban Studies ,Geography ,Landscape architecture ,Landscape ecology ,business ,TH1-9745 - Abstract
A paradigm shift in understanding cities and landscape as holistic, comprehensive and participatory was enhanced by the Council of Europe Landscape Convention and the Historic Urban Landscape approach. The recognition of shift markers which establish the city and landscape connections is set as the research aim and explored through review of literature covering historic development of landscape, city and landscape architecture, and landscape in history of arts and photography. The acknowledgment of universal aspects of the city and landscape connections emanates the unity and inseparability of the city and landscape., Promjena paradigme u razumijevanju gradova i krajolika kao holističkog, sveobuhvatnog i participativnog osnažena je Konvencijom o krajobrazima Vijeća Europe i istraživačkim pristupom povijesnih urbanih pejsaža. Prepoznavanje promjena paradigme koje uspostavljaju veze grada i pejsaža, postavljene su kao cilj istraživanja te su istražene pregledom literature koja obuhvaća povijesni razvoj pejsaža, grada i pejsažne arhitekture te pejsaža u povijesti umjetnosti i fotografije. Potvrđivanje univerzalnih aspekata veza grada i pejsaža emanira jedinstvo i nerazdvojnost grada i pejsaža.
- Published
- 2019
26. City of Belgrade: Between Reality and the European Green Capital
- Author
Pantić, Marijana, Nenković-Riznić, Marina, Milijić, Saša, and Papanikos, Gregory
- Subjects
Beograd ,Evropska zelena prestonica ,Belgrade ,urbani razvoj ,životna sredina ,European Green Capital ,urbano planiranje ,urban development ,environment ,urban planning - Abstract
Internationally granted and recognized awards, that a city could win, represent humongous capital for the city itself but also for the entire state. Starting from the support for improvement and empowerment of certain aspects, all the way to boosting number of tourists, a nomination process brings entire series of direct and indirect benefits. One of such awards is the European Green Capital that requires, similar to other competitions of that kind, serious preparation process and significant fulfilment of preconditions. Judging by the documents prepared by or in cooperation with the Belgrade city Secretariat for Environmental Protection, environmental filed is one of the most covered when it comes to the city development. However, qualities of a green capital depend on substantially more complex set of factors than just an active engagement of an institution or a sector. In addition, Belgrade differentiates from the cities that have been awarded the European Green City title so far for being a non-EU city and for still undergoing an intense urban transformation followed by economic challenges – characteristic for transitional countries. In September 2018, the Mayor of Belgrade signed an agreement letter with the Mayor of Ljubljana (the European Green Capital for 2016), thus establishing official cooperation in experience and knowledge exchange on the matter of nomination and winning the Green Capital title. Therefore, the main focus of this article will be review of current state of Belgrade‘s environmental qualities and other preconditions necessary for the European Green City competition nomination. Indicating the difference between where it currently is and where it should be, the results are expected to help in the Belgrade‘s nomination process, but also to be an example for any other European city with the similar ambition.
- Published
- 2019
27. Razvojne strategije kao čimbenik održivog razvoja gradova, komparativna analiza Antwerpena, Bratislave, Krakowa i Zagreba
- Author
Krunoslav Kranjec, Ivana Katuric, Ivana Hajdinjak, and Krunoslav Šmit
- Subjects
Building construction ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,održivi razvoj ,prostorno planiranje ,strateški projekt ,strateško planiranje ,urbani razvoj ,Geography, Planning and Development ,NA1-9428 ,Urban Studies ,Architecture ,TH1-9745 ,sustainable development ,physical planning ,strategic project ,strategic planning ,urban development - Abstract
Strategije urbanoga razvoja gradova Europske unije [EU] bitno su određene karakteristikama sustava prostornog i strateškog planiranja. Provedeno je istraživanje i komparativna analiza između razvojne strategije Grada Zagreba sa strateškim razvojnim dokumentima gradova Antwerpena; Bratislave i Krakowa s ciljem razumijevanja odnosa prostornog i strateškog planiranja; te odnosa prema projektima integriranoga urbanog razvoja. Pritom je utvrđena značajna sličnost između sustava planiranja u Zagrebu; Bratislavi i Krakowu; dok se sustav strateškog planiranja u Antwerpenu u značajnoj mjeri razlikuje., Urban development strategies in the EU are fundamentally determined by the charateristics of physical and strategic planning. This research is based on a comparative analysis of the development strategy for the Zagreb City and the strategic development documents for Antwerpen; Bratislava and Krakow. It examines the relationship between the physical and strategic planning as well as the attitude towards the integrated urban development projects. The research results indicate that there is a striking similarity between the planning systems in Zagreb; Bratislava and Krakow while the strategic planning system in Antwerpen is considerably different.
- Published
- 2019
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28. Teritorijalna integrirana ulaganja
- Author
Popović, Dino and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,cohesion policy ,urbani razvoj ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,kohezijska politika ,integrirana teritorijalna ulaganja ,urban development ,integrated territorial investments - Abstract
Gradovi su bitni pokretači razvoja kao mjesta koncentracije različitih potencijala, aktivnosti, prednosti i specifičnosti. Uz to nerijetko su suočeni s razvojnim preprekama. Kohezijska politika pruža mogućnost korištenja sredstava iz fondova Europske unije te u posljednjem programskom razdoblju sve više daje naglasak na poticanje urbanog razvoja. Cilj rada je prikazati ulogu integriranih teritorijalnih ulaganja, kao novog mehanizma kohezijske politike u okviru programskog razdoblja 2014.-2020., kojim se želi ojačati uloga gradova i učinkovitost primjene integriranog pristupa razvoju. Poseban naglasak dan je na primjer Republike Hrvatske koja takoñer ima pravo primjene mehanizma integriranih teritorijalnih ulaganja. U radu je prikazana uloga gradova u regionalnom razvoju, povezanost urbanog razvoja i kohezijske politike te se detaljnije analiziraju fondovi čija se sredstva mogu koristiti u provedbi integriranih teritorijalnih ulaganja. Slijedi detaljnije definiranje i pojašnjenje integriranih teritorijalnih ulaganja, uz odabrane primjere projekata urbanog razvoja i prikaz početnih aktivnosti implementacije integriranih teritorijalnih ulaganja u Hrvatskoj. Mehanizam integriranih teritorijalnih ulaganja nudi mogućnosti upravljanja razvojnim aktivnostima na nižim razinama, uz obvezu i prednosti izrade i provedbe razvojnih strategija, učinkovitijeg iskorištavanja urbanih razvojnih potencijala i urbane obnove, poticanja suradnje meñu urbanim područjima i različitim dionicima, povezivanja različitih područja ulaganja, osim samih prednosti sufinanciranja te je u radu potvrñena višestruka važnost ovog novog instrumenta kohezijske politike. Cities are seen as engines of development due to the fact that they represent concentration of different potentials, activities, advantages and specificities. They are also very often faced with development obstacles. Cohesion policy provides an opportunity to use the funds of the European Union and in the last programming period it highlights the need to promote urban development. The aim of this thesis is to present the role of the integrated territorial investments, as one the new instruments of the cohesion policy in the 2014-2020 programming period, which may be used to foster the role of cities and the effectiveness in the implementation of the integrated development approach. Special emphasis is given on the example of Croatia which has the opportunity to apply this new mechanism. The role of cities in regional development and connection between urban development and cohesion policy are presented, more detailed analysis of the funds which can be used in funding integrated territorial investments continues. The main part of this thesis is focused on defining and explaining the mechanism of the integrated territorial investments, with examples of good practices of urban development projects and the presentation of the initial activities in the implementation of the integrated territorial investments in Croatia. It is determined that integrated territorial investments provide opportunities to manage development activities on lower levels, with the obligation and advantages in preparing urban development strategies. This instrument can lead to more efficient utilisation of the urban development potentials, urban renewal, fostering the cooperation between urban areas and cooperation between different actors. It enables the implementation of the projects by combining different thematic areas, besides the advantages of co-financing. This work confirms the multiplicative role of this new instrument of the cohesion policy.
- Published
- 2018
29. Urban oasis
- Author
Kočar, Patricija and Korpnik, Nande
- Subjects
udc:711.4(497.4Celje) ,urbanizem ,city centers ,urban design ,urban development ,urbanizacija ,mestna središča ,urban planning ,central activities ,mesto ,Celje ,city ,urbani razvoj ,centralne dejavnosti - Abstract
Magistrsko delo podaja idejno rešitev za urbanistično in arhitekturno zasnovo novega mestno-regijskega središča v Celju. Namen naloge je vpeljati novo vzdušje na trenutno degradiranem, a hkrati zaradi svoje lege tudi ekonomsko pomembnem območju. V magistrskem delu so podana urbanistična načela ter sodobni principi za oblikovanje novih mestnih središč. Podrobneje smo obravnavali temo urbanizem in načela za trajnostni razvoj mesta. Prav tako smo se dotaknili razvoja mest in mestnih središč skozi čas. Na podlagi pridobljenih znanj se v projektnem delu magistrskega dela izdela nova rešitev za mestno središče. Lokacija, na kateri se nahaja nov center, je trenutno degradirano območje in kliče po prenovi urbanega prostora. V nalogi obravnavamo dva glavna problema. Kot prvo se z novo rešitvijo mestu ponudijo novi programi, skupni prostori za druženje in srečevanje ljudi različnih kultur in starosti, ponudijo se tudi nove zelene površine, s katerimi mesto zadiha. Kot drugi pristop pa se obravnava obstoječe degradirano območje. Na podlagi predhodnih analiz mesta in njegovega predvidenega urbanističnega razvoja je v želji po čim boljši prilagoditvi arhitekture na lokacijo in karakteristiko mesta nastala arhitektura sodobnega mestnega centra v Celju, ki s svojo mešano rabo programov in raznolikostjo združuje zabavo, šport, prosti čas in pisarne. Zaradi svoje pestrosti predstavlja pomembno grajeno strukturo v mestu. Objekt se s sodobno, organsko formo skuša čim bolje vključiti v okolico, hkrati pa izražati sodoben in samostojen duh. The master’s thesis gives a conceptual solution for the urban and architectural design of the new city-regional center in Celje. The purpose of the thesis is to establish a new atmosphere in a currently degraded area which, at the same time, holds a geographically economically important position. Moreover, the master’s thesis introduces modern urban principles for designing new city centers. It discusses the subjects of urban design and principles of sustainable city development, as well as touches on the topic of historical development of cities and city centers. Furthermore, as a part of the master’s thesis, obtained knowledge is used to create a project suggesting new solutions for a specific city center. The location of the new center is a currently degraded area with an urban space in desperate need of renovation. In this regard, two main problematics are discussed in the thesis. Firstly, with the new solution, the city gains new programs, common areas for socializing, where people of various ages and cultures can meet, and also new green spaces to help the city’s breathing. And secondly, the existing degraded area is discussed. Considering the previous analysis of the city and its estimated urban development, as well as wanting to adapt the architecture to the location and the city’s characteristic as much as possible, the architecture of a modern Celje city center was created. The new city center uses its mixed usage of programs and diversity to combine fun, sport, leisure and office spaces. Due to its diversity, it represents an important part of the city’s constructed structure. With its modern, organic form, the object tries its best to blend with the surroundings while simultaneously expressing its modern and independent spirit.
- Published
- 2018
30. Revitaliziranje mestnih središč s fizično prenovo javnega prostora
- Author
Novak, Jure and Hočevar, Marjan
- Subjects
Master's theses ,javni prostor ,Revitalizacija mest ,Celje (Slovenija) ,Urbani razvoj ,Urban development ,Celje (Slovenia) ,Magistrske naloge ,udc:316.334.56(043.3) ,suburbanizacija ,Revitalization of cities - Published
- 2018
31. Sodobni trendi suburbanizacije na območju Češke in prostorske spremembe trgovine
- Author
Ptáček, Pavel and Szczyrba, Zdeněk
- Subjects
Olomouc ,mesta ,suburbanisation ,retail ,suburbanizacija ,urban development ,Češka ,trgovina na drobno ,udc:711.4:339.37(437.3) ,cities ,obmestja ,prostorski razvoj ,spatial development ,urbani razvoj ,Czech Republic - Abstract
The main topic of the article is commercial suburbanisation in the Czech Republic on the example of changes in retail. In the first part it is described the mechanism of suburbanisation, its causes, forms and social, economic and ecological consequences. In the next part we deal with the transition of retail, its spatial dimension with special regard to suburbanisation process. Spatial changes in retail on the example of Olomouc and their causes and consequences are described. Proces suburbanizacije predstavlja enega od najpomembnejših procesov v mestih v deželah tranzicije. Odraža se v spremembi morfologije, funkcij in sociodemografske strukture. V tem smislu bi lahko govorili tudi o sonaravnem širjenju suburbanih struktur, ki mu nasproti stoji stihijsko razpršeno širjenje suburbanih območij. Prostorska neskladja, ki izvirajo iz sodobnih procesov suburbanizacije na območju Češke so predmet sodobnega preučevanja planerjev, urbanistov in geografov. V ospredju so predvsem ekonomski, ekološki in socialni učinki. V prispevku so v prvem delu prikazane nekatere ključne posledice suburbanizacije na območju Češke. V nadaljevanju je prikazan razvoj trgovine na obnmočju Češke od leta 1989 naprej, s posebnim poudarkom na obdobje druge polovice 90. let 20. stoletja. Na primeru Olomouca so prikazane spremembe v nakupovalnih navadah, ki so posledica selitve nakupovalnih središč v suburbanizirana območja, kot tudi spremembe mreže nakupovalnih centrov.
- Published
- 2018
32. Municipalities cooperation
- Author
Zsilincsar, Walter
- Subjects
sodelovanje ,Štajerska ,municipalities ,urbana geografija ,municipalities cooperation ,small towns ,cooperation ,urban settlements ,udc:911.375(188.3)(436.4):711.435 ,omrežja naselij ,core-area-alliance ,občine ,urban development ,mala mesta ,Styria ,urban geography ,Austria ,urbani razvoj ,networks of settlements ,urbana naselja ,Avstrija ,small-town-agglomeration - Abstract
Medobčinsko sodelovanje na primeru zveze občin na območju Voitsberga (zahodna Štajerska) Pojav aglomeracij majhnih mest, kakršna je na območju Voitsberga na zahodnem Štajerskem v Avstriji, so nov izziv za načrtovalce regionalne politike. Urbani, socialni in liberalni trendi gospodarskega razvoja so vzrok številnim problemom na lokalni ravni, ki jih občine same ne morejo reševati. Zato se povezujejo v interesne skupnosti, ena od takšnih je prikazana v prispevku. Tvori jo pet manjših občin. Dodatni problem predstavlja tudi zadovoljevanje togih Maastrichtskih kriterijev, zaradi katerih so zmanjšujejo občinski prihodki in povečujejo izdatki. Vse to, ob potrebi po zagotavljanju novih delovnih mest, izboljšanju in modernizaciji komunalnih storitev ter zagotavljanju preživetja občin ob vedno večji tekmovalnosti, je prepričalo občinske oblasti, da je sodelovanje s sosednjimi občinami, ki imajo podobne probleme, najboljši način za iskanje optimalnih rešitev. Zveza občin tako poskuša reševati probleme s sodelovanjem na prostovoljni osnovi. Avtor poudarja, da je medobčinsko sodelovanje v območjih zgoščene urbane poselitve nujno ter zahteva nove prijeme v upravljanju. Small-town-agglomerations like the one in Western Styria comprising five communities to form a “Kernraumallianz (core-area-alliance)” are a new and growing challenge for regional planners politicians, urban-, social-, and liberal trends in economy have brought about new problems for the communes which they themselves are no longer able to solve. An additional hardship is caused by the obligation to fulfil the rigid Maastricht – criteria facing shrinking communal incomes and rising expenditures. All that together with the necessity to create new jobs, to modernize and improve communal services, all in all to make the single community competitive in its struggle for survival has convinced communal politicians that cooperation with their neighbouring partners facing similar problems is probably the best way to find opt solutions. This way, however, turns out a very stony one, wherein reducing the financial burden is perhaps the biggest obstacle. The “Kernraumallianz” tries to overcome the communal crisis through cooperation on a free will basis. It should be mentioned in this context, however, that inter-communal cooperation in densely settled urban areas is today is a necessity and demands new modes of administration since communal growth not only of the core-cities has transgressed administrational confines long ago.
- Published
- 2018
33. Uključivi gradovi
- Author
Ivić, Tatjana and Tijanić, Lela
- Subjects
siromaštvo ,sustainable development ,poverty ,uključivi rast ,social exclusion ,social housing ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,urban development ,socijalna isključenost ,socijalno stanovanje ,inclusive growth ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,urbani razvoj ,održivi razvoj - Abstract
Strategija Europa 2020. usmjerila je države članice, regije i gradove prema potrebi ostvarivanja pametnog, uključivog i održivog rasta. Potaknuti brojnim problemima nezaposlenosti, siromaštva, socijalne isključenosti, gradovi se usmjeravaju prema konceptu uključivog rasta koji je nerijetko u suprotnosti s ekonomskim rastom grada. Cilj rada je nakon pojašnjenja koncepta uključivosti, analizirati odrednice i primjere uključivih gradova. Ono što gradove čini uključivima upravo je otkrivanje problemskih područja unutar grada koji dovode do istaknutih problema te pronalaženje mogućih rješenja i jednakih mogućnosti za sve stanovnike. Gradovi nastoje ostvariti uključivost na način da socijalno ranjive osobe uključuju u programe pomoći kako bi im osigurali kvalitetne usluge, provode mjere za razvoj socijalne ekonomije kroz socijalne inovacije, potiču zapošljavanje i bolju participaciju građana. Uključivi gradovi sredstva iz svojih proračuna ulažu u potporu i usluge djeci predškolske i školske dobi te studentima, potpore korisnicima mirovina, beskućnicima kao i financiranje stambenih potreba siromašnijih građana s ciljem zastupanja najboljeg interesa stanovnika, a posebno interesa socijalno najosjetljivijih skupina. Iako nijedan grad nije u potpunosti uključiv, analizirani hrvatski gradovi Zagreb i Rijeka najrazvijeniji su hrvatski gradovi te spadaju među deset najugodnijih gradova za život u Hrvatskoj i prema odrednicama uključivosti mogu se istaknuti kao pozitivni primjeri. Njihova promocija kao uključivih gradova govori o nastojanju prema ostvarivanju više razine kvalitete života, pri čemu je potrebno i dalje djelovati u okvirima uključivog rasta za sve stanovnike. EU member states, regions and cities has been directed towards achieving smart, inclusive and sustainable growth as defined in the Europe 2020 Strategy. Motivated with numerous problems of unemployment, poverty, social exclusion, cities try to become inclusive which is seldom in contrast with urban economic growth. The aim of this thesis is to define the concept of inclusive growth and inclusive cities, as well as its determinants and to present the examples of inclusive cities. Inclusive cities try to identify problem areas which cause the mentioned urban problems, as well as to find possible solutions and assure equal opportunities for all citizens. They help and include socially vulnerable people in social assistance programs in order to get them access to quality services, implement measures to develop social economy sector through social innovations, stimulate employment and better participation of citizens. Their budgetary resources are invested in the support and services for pre-school and school children, as well as for students, retired and homeless people. Furthermore, the budget is also intended to finance residential needs of poorer citizens so that residents' best interests are represented, especially the interests of the most vulnerable social groups. Even though cities are not completely inclusive, the analyzed Croatian cities Zagreb and Rijeka represent one of the most developed cities, they are among the ten most comfortable cities to live in, while according to the determinants of inclusive cities they can be highlighted as examples of good practice. Their self-promotion as inclusive cities demonstrates also their efforts to further improve the quality of the citizens’ lives, where it is necessary to operate in the framework of inclusive growth for all.
- Published
- 2017
34. Urbangeographic Development of Berlin
- Author
Grgić, Žaklina and Prelogović, Vedran
- Subjects
Berlin ,creative industries ,Berlin Wall ,Berlin, povijesni kontekst, urbani razvoj, Berlinski zid, kreativne industrija ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,povijesni kontekst ,Berlinski zid ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,urbani razvoj ,kreativneindustrija ,historical context ,urban development - Abstract
Glavnom gradu Savezne Republike Njemačke danas nepobitno raste važnost u nacionalnom i globalnom poimanju. Grad osnovan u 13. stoljeću prostorno i demografski se širio nekoliko stoljeća zaredom, a paralelno s time se gospodarski i prometno razvijao. Događaji tijekom prošlog stoljeća, prvenstveno 2. svjetski rat, ostavili su grad s katastrofalnim posljedicama (Berlinski zid kao glavna kočnica razvoja) i time zaustavili njegov ravnomjeran razvoj te je upitno koliko će vremena još proteći prije nego li Berlin povrati svoju snagu koju je imao na početku 20. stoljeća. Kao takav, Berlin sa svojom jedinstvenom prošlošću predstavlja zanimljivo polazište za istraživanje njegovog urbanogeografskog razvoja. U okviru istraživanja početnu točku predstavlja uvodni dio u kojemu se objašnjavaju geografska obilježja prostora. U drugoj se cjelini daje pregled etapahistorijskogeografskog razvoja grada od njegovog osnutka do danas. Naglasak je na20.stoljeću, koje je imalo neizbrisiv trag na razvoj Berlina. Na kraju se analiziradanašnje stanje te planovi za daljnji razvoj u budućnosti, kao i položaj Berlina u globalnom kontekstu. Cilj rada je istražiti kako su povijesne (ne)prilike modificirale evoluciju grada, sposebnim osvrtom na utjecaj političkih faktora. Metode rada uključit će pregled i analizu dostupne znanstvene i stručne literature i odgovarajućih statističkih izvora. The main city of the Federal Republic of Germany is undeniably growing in importance both in the frames of national and global perspective. The city, founded in the 13th century, had spatially and demographically expanded for several centuries in succession, and at the same time, it developed its traffic and economy. Events that occurred during the last century, primarily the World War II, left the city with catastrophic consequences (the Berlin Wall as the main brake on development) and halted its smooth development. For this reason it is questionable how long will it take before the city of Berlin returns its strength as it had at the beginning of 20th century. Having that in mind, Berlin with its unique past represents an interesting starting point for exploring its urban-geographic development. Within the survey, the starting point is an introductory part that explains the geographical features of the space. In the second part, there is given an overview of Berlin's history since its foundation to this day. The emphasis is put on the 20th century, which had an indelible mark on the development of the city. Finally, there is an analysis of the present situation and plans for further development, as well as Berlin's position in the global context. The aim of the paper is to investigate how historical circumstances modified the city's evolution, with reference to the influence of political factors. Methods of work will include a review and analysis of available scientific and professional literature and relevant statistical sources.
- Published
- 2017
35. Predstave o prostorskem redu in težave pri njegovi implementaciji
- Author
Visković Rojs, Danaja and Hočevar, Marjan
- Subjects
udc:71:72.01(043.3) ,prostorsko načrtovanje ,Master's theses ,Estetika ,Prostor ,Urbani razvoj ,Aesthetics ,Space ,Urban development ,prostorska kultura ,Magistrske naloge ,kulturna krajina - Published
- 2017
36. A multi-criteria evaluation of the European cities’ smart performance: Economic, social and environmental aspects
- Author
Jelena Stanković, Marija Džunić, Željko Džunić, and Srđan Marinković
- Subjects
smart cities ,urban development ,multi-criteria analysis ,sustainability ,infrastructure ,pametni gradovi ,urbani razvoj ,višekriterijska analiza ,održivost ,infrastruktura - Abstract
The purpose of the paper is to provide the ranking of Central and Eastern European cities, based on various elements of cities’ smart performance. Our analysis enables the evaluation of social, economic and environmental aspects of urban life that represent the determinants of cities’ competitive profiles and consequently, the positions on the ranking lists. The research is based on the data on perceptions of citizens on different aspects of urban quality, provided by the Eurostat’s Urban Audit Perception Survey. For the assessment of various hierarchically structured indicators of cities’ smart performance, a multi-criteria analysis model is developed, combining the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) for determining the relative importance of criteria and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method of ranking. The main finding of the paper implies that direct perceptions of citizens on the overall life satisfaction in the analyzed European cities are not influenced by their smart performance. The comparison of ranks obtained by the constructed multi-criteria model and perceived satisfaction of life indicates a rather weak relation., Svrha rada je rangirati gradove srednje i istočne Europe na temelju različitih elemenata pametnih performansi gradova. Ova analiza omogućuje procjenu društvenih, ekonomskih i ekoloških aspekata urbanog života, koji predstavljaju odrednice konkurentnosti gradova, a time i pozicije na rang listi. Istraživanje se temelji na podacima o percepciji građana o različitim aspektima urbane kvalitete, koje pruža Eurostatova baza Urban Audit Perception Survey. Za procjenu raznih hijerarhijski strukturiranih pokazatelja pametnih performansi gradova, razvijen je višekriterijski model analize koji kombinira metodu Analitički hijerarhijski proces (Analytic Hierarchy Process – AHP) za određivanje relativne važnosti kriterija i TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) metodu rangiranja. Glavni nalaz rada sugerira da izravna percepcija građana o cjelokupnom životnom zadovoljstvu u analiziranim europskim gradovima nije uvjetovana “pametnim” performansama gradova. Usporedba poretka dobivenih konstruiranim višekriterijskim modelom i percipiranog zadovoljstva života ukazuje na njihov prilično slab odnos
- Published
- 2017
37. Urbanogeografski razvoj Rima
- Author
Dručak, Tena and Prelogović, Vedran
- Subjects
rijeka Tiber ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,Rome ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,Rim ,urbani razvoj ,povijest ,history ,river Tiber ,urban development ,Rim, urbani razvoj, povijest, rijeka Tiber - Abstract
Uz glavni grad Italije vežu se brojne legende počevši još od samog nastanka grada 753. godine prije Krista. Rim je obilježen dugačkom poviješću kroz koju se postepeno razvijao ostavivši tragove dugačke povijesti i danas. Vrhunac urbanog razvitka grad će doseći već u vrijeme Rimskog carstva za vrijeme vladavine cara Septimija Severa u drugom na treće stoljeće. No nakon propasti Zapadnog Rimskog carstva dolazi i do slabljenja samog grada te do njegovog novog uzleta dolazi tek u srednjem vijeku. Utjecaj klime, hidrografije i geomorfoloških obilježja bitno su utjecali na današnji položaj grada, a posebno značenje imala je rijeka Tiber, druga po veličini rijeka u Italiji. Numerous legends are tied to the capital of Italy from the very beginning of the city in 753 BC. Rome is characterized by a long history through which it gradually evolved, leaving traces of its long history even today. The peak of urban development was reached at the time of the Roman Empire during the reign of Emperor Septimius Severus in the end of a second and the beginning of a third century. But after the collapse of the West Roman Empire, the city started to collapse and the new upswing started in the Middle Ages. The influence of climate, hydrography and geomorphologic features significantly influenced today's position of the city, and a very crucial role in its development had the river Tiber, the second largest river in Italy.
- Published
- 2017
38. Urban geographic development of Dubai
- Author
Sever, Ivan and Prelogović, Vedran
- Subjects
Dubai ,urbani razvoj ,turizam ,održivost ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,tourism ,sustainability ,urban development - Abstract
Tema ovog diplomskog rada je istraživanje urbanogeografskog razvoja grada Dubaija. Rad daje kronološki uvid u prostorni razvoj grada i promjene u njegovoj morfološkoj i socijalnoj strukturi od osnutka u 19. stoljeću do danas. Prikazan je i njegov ekonomski razvoj, dodatno potaknut otkrićem nafte i jačanjem tercijarnog sektora djelatnosti. Istaknute su sociokulturne i ekološke posljedice rapidnog urbanog i ekonomskog rasta, te je postavljeno pitanje održivosti budućeg razvoja. Na kraju rada su prikazani položaj Dubaija u urbanom i ekonomskom sistemu svijeta i njegova uloga u globalizacijsko doba. The subject of this master thesis is a research of urban geographic development of the city of Dubai. This thesis gives a chronological insight of a spatial development of the city and the changes in its morphological and social structure since the foundation in 19th century until today. Economic development, boosted by oil discovery and tertiary sector growth, is also shown. Sociocultural and ecological consequences of a rapid urban and economic development are also featured and as such ask a question of a sustainability of the future development. A position of Dubai in urban and economic system of the world and its role in globalization era are presented at the end of the thesis.
- Published
- 2016
39. Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Geography and History: Education Programme
- Author
Domaćinović, Filip and Prelogović, Vedran
- Subjects
global city ,Japan ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,urbani razvoj ,Tokyo ,globalni grad ,urban development - Abstract
Tokyo, glavni grad Japana, danas je najveći megagrad na svijetu. U razdoblju od jednoga tisućljeća prešao je put od maloga ribarskog naselja Eda do velikog globalnog grada, važne točke u globaliziranom svijetu. Različite izazove proizašle iz kulturoloških razlika između Japana i ostatka svijeta te višestruke nepogode (one prirodne i one antropogene) koje su ga tijekom povijesti pogađale utjecale su na urbani razvoj Tokya i oblikovale ga u ono što on danas je, ali ga nisu usporile u njegovom razvoju. Tokyo kao lider gospodarskog razvoja Japana i danas nailazi na mnoge nove izazove na svojemu putu koje će bez sumnje uspješno riješiti zahvaljujući svome dugogodišnjem iskustvu i potencijalima koje zasigurno ima. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, today is the biggest metropolis in the world. In the period of one century, Tokyo has developed from the small fishing village of Edo to large global city and the important node in modern global world. Different challenges based on cultural differences between Japan and rest of the world, and multiple disasters (natural and anthropogenic) through the history had for sure left mark on the urban development of Tokyo. However, they did not succeed on slowing down that remarkable growth and development. Tokyo, as leader of economic development of Japan today faces many new challenges on the way of his constant development and growth but there is no doubt that those challenges will be solved thanks to many years of experience and huge potential for future growth which Tokyo surely has.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Marinela Krstinić Nižić and Nika Zubović
- Subjects
urbana ekologija ,urbani razvoj ,održiva urbanizacija ,grad Rijeka ,urban ecology ,urban development ,sustainable urbanisation ,City of Rijeka - Abstract
Kod kreiranja i uređenja urbanog prostora potrebno je vratiti se temeljnim vrijednostima koje nalažu da urbani razvoj treba biti usklađen s potrebama stanovništva. Jedna od važnijih potreba upravo je da čovjek radi vlastite egzistencije mora naučiti živjeti u skladu s prirodom. Osnovna hipoteza rada glasi da je urbana ekologija integralni dio svakodnevnog upravljanja gradom, ali je također i društveni zadatak jer se tiče načina života urbanih stanovnika. Svrha i cilj rada je ukazati na problematiku koju nam današnji način života nameće, a ta je da se gradovi razvijaju bez dovoljne pažnje posvećene kvaliteti življenja koja se kroz primjenu urbane ekologije može postići. Rad prikazuje rezultate empirijskog istraživanja provedenog metodom anketiranja u gradu Rijeci. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da ekološka osviještenost anketiranih građana još nije na zadovoljavajućoj razini, no ipak, postoji interes za sudjelovanjem u uređenju vlastitog grada te želja za promjenama i poboljšanjem trenutnih uvjeta koji se odnose na područje urbane ekologije. Zaključno rad donosi prijedloge za poboljšanje urbanog prostora grada Rijeke uvažavajući načela urbane ekologije., When creating and planning urban spaces, it is necessary to return to fundamental values, which dictate that urban development should be aligned with the needs of the population. One of the most important needs is that humankind, for its own existence, must learn to live in harmony with nature. The basic hypothesis of this paper is that urban ecology is an integral part of the daily management of the city, but it is also a social task as it concerns the way of life of urban residents. The purpose and goal of this paper is to indicate problems that our current way of life imposes, that is, cities are being developed without sufficient attention paid to the quality of life, which can be achieved through the application of urban ecology. The paper presents results of empirical research conducted in the City of Rijeka, through the method of a survey questionnaire. The results obtained show that environmental awareness of citizens surveyed is still not at a satisfactory level, but there is a continuing interest in participating in the planning of their own city and a desire for change and improvement of the current conditions pertaining to the field of urban ecology. In conclusion, the paper offers proposals for the improvement of the urban space of the City of Rijeka, taking into account the principles of urban ecology.
- Published
- 2016
41. Urbani razvoj na poplavnem območju Logatca
- Author
Bajc, Sabina and Komac, Blaž
- Subjects
naravne nesreče ,flood area ,Logatec ,geografija ,natural disasters ,poplavno območje ,floods ,urbani razvoj ,urban development ,udc:911.375.1(497.4Logatec)(043.2) ,poplave ,diplomska dela ,geography - Published
- 2015
42. Vloga javnega prostora kot podpora urbanemu razvoju na primeru majhnih mest v Sloveniji
- Author
Vertelj Nared, Petra and Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma
- Subjects
thesis ,majhna mesta ,public open space ,small cities ,urban development ,kakovost bivanja ,odprti javni prostor ,quality of life ,udc:711.1:352(497.4)(043.3) ,urbani razvoj ,Slovenija ,gradbeništvo ,disertacije ,civil engineering - Abstract
Doktorska disertacija na primeru desetih izbranih majhnih mest v Sloveniji raziskuje povezanost dejanskega stanja odprtega javnega prostora z zadovoljstvom in rabo prebivalcev kot vidika kakovosti bivanja. Ob izhodišču, da urejen odprti javni prostor izboljšuje kakovost bivanja in spodbuja urbani razvoj, je izpostavljena hipoteza, da urejen in raznovrsten odprti javni prostor bolj prispeva k zadovoljstvu in rabi kot skupna količina odprtega javnega prostora v mestu. Hipoteza je v disertaciji preverjena z dveh vidikov, s prostorskega in sociološkega. V okviru prostorske raziskave so bile opravljene analize dejanskega stanja prostora, v okviru sociološke pa anketni vprašalnik po pošti v izbranih majhnih mestih (Cerknica, Dravograd, Ljutomer, Metlika, Piran, Slovenske Konjice, Tolmin, Trebnje, Žalec in Železniki). Za ugotavljanje povezanosti obeh delov raziskave so bile uporabljene multivariatne analize, hierarhične metode združevanja, korelacijske analize in linearne regresije. V raziskavi potrjujemo hipotezo in ugotavljamo, da urejen in raznovrsten odprti javni prostor bolj prispeva k zadovoljstvu in rabi odprtega javnega prostora kot skupna količina odprtega javnega prostora. Kot poglavitni vrsti odprtega javnega prostora, ki najbolj prispevata k zadovoljstvu in rabi, sta se izkazala mestni park in za pešce urejen mestni trg. Ugotovljeno je, da se v gosteje poseljenih mestih in mestih z večjim obsegom trgov, namenjenih pešcem, ne pa tudi motornim vozilom, več ljudi giblje peš. Raziskava odkriva pomen enakomerne opremljenosti mesta z raznovrstnim, urejenim, dostopnim in pešcem namenjenim odprtim javnim prostorom za kakovost bivanja. Izpostavljen je pomen urejanja prostorov, ki spodbujajo vsakodnevno rabo odprtega javnega prostora v majhnih mestih. The study of ten small Slovenian cities is used in this doctoral dissertation to explore the connections between public open space state and inhabitants’ use and satisfaction with it. Deriving from the assumption that well-managed public open space improves the quality of life and stimulates urban development, the hypothesis has been formed that a well-managed and diverse public open space is more important for inhabitants’ satisfaction and spatial use than the overall quantity of public open space in a city. The hypothesis has been tested from the spatial and social points of view. Spatial analyses of public open space has been carried out as a spatial part of the research and a mail survey has been used for the sociological part of the research in selected small cities (Cerknica, Dravograd, Ljutomer, Metlika, Piran, Slovenske Konjice, Tolmin, Trebnje, Žalec and Železniki). To determine the statistical relationship between the two parts, a multi-variable analyses, methods of hierarchical clustering, correlation analyses and linear regression were used. The hypothesis was confirmed as it was established that a well-managed and diverse public open space contributes more to inhabitants’ satisfaction and public space use than the overall quantity of the public open space. City park and square without motorised traffic have been identified as the two types of public open space that contribute most to inhabitants’ satisfaction and use of these areas. There are also more people walking in densely populated cities and in cities where the square is a pedestrian zone. The study reveals the importance of diverse, well-managed, accessible, evenly dispersed throughout the city and pro-pedestrian public open space for quality of life. The focus should be on arranging areas that encourage daily use of public open spaces in small cities.
- Published
- 2015
43. Managing Development of a Rapidly Growing African City: a Case of Gaborone, Botswana
- Author
Branko Cavrić and Marco Keiner
- Subjects
održivi razvoj ,nekontrolirano urbano širenje ,megagradovi ,Vrtni grad ,kotla ,urbano planiranje ,urbani razvoj ,uporaba prostora ,sustainable development ,urban sprawl ,mega-cities ,garden city ,urban planning ,urban development ,land use ,lcsh:G1-922 ,lcsh:Geography (General) - Abstract
Urbani razvoj tijekom posljednja četiri desetljeća u potpunosti je promijenio urbani izgled Gaboronea. Njegov izvorni savanski krajobraz i zeleni karakter okolice promijenili su se zbog kumulativnog utjecaja brojnih činitelja uključenih u stvaranje sadašnjega modernog naselja, od malog sela do glavnoga grada Bocvane. Koncept "Vrtnoga grada" počeo se provoditi neposredno nakon što je zemlja stekla neovisnost od Britanaca 1966. godine. Izgrađivano na ostavštini "Vrtnoga grada", pretpostavljalo se da će se "novo naselje" nastaviti oblikovati i postati prepoznatljiva urbana oaza. Međutim, to nije bio slučaj te je Gaborone postao jedan od najbrže rastući urbanih laboratorija u supsaharskoj Africi, prikazujući intenzivnu difuziju i usvajanje uvezenih urbanih modela (WARD, 1999). Izniman rast stanovništva, od svega 7000 stanovnika 1966., do gotovo 200 000 godine 2001. te nekontrolirano urbano širenje bili su neizbježni. To povećanje rezultat je ruralno-urbane migracije, novog upravnog sustava i ekonomskog položaja glavnog grada Bocvane, kao i intenzivne urbanizacije, industrijalizacije i prometnog razvoja temeljenog na uporabi osobnih automobila. Čak je i u posljednjem generalnom urbanističkom planu (GOB, 2001) manje pozornosti posvećeno ulozi zelenih sustava i površina te njihovu utjecaju na brojne ekološke i društvene vrijednosti. Danas se Gaborone suočava s izazovima i problemima tipičnim za megagradove, poput degradacije okoliša i nekontroliranog urbanog širenja. Predmet ovog članka je znanstveni projekt DIMSUD čiji je cilj prepoznati načine postizanja održivog urbanog razvoja. Projekt je započeo analizom izazova i nastavio sa zadatcima koji stoje pred urbanim planiranjem kao i mogućnostima postizanja održivog urbanog razvoja., Urban development in the last four decades has brought a complete change to the urban image of Gaborone. Its original savannah landscape and surrounding green complexion has changed by cumulative impacts of numerous factors involved in creation of a contemporary settlement, from a small village to the capital city of Botswana. The concept of a "garden city" was introduced immediately after the country gained its independence from the British in 1966. Building on the legacy of "garden city", it was assumed that the "new town" will continue to shape and gain recognition as an urban oasis. However, this was not the case and Gaborone became the fastest growing urban laboratory in Sub-Saharan Africa, portraying intensive diffusion and adoption of imported urban models (WARD, 1999). The spectacular population increase from only 7,000 people in 1966 to almost 200,000 in 2001, and urban sprawling were inevitable. This enlargement was fuelled by rural-urban migration owing to the administrative and economic status of Botswana's new capital, as well as, due to intensive urbanization, industrialization and transportation based on individual car use. Even in the latest city development plan (GoB, 2001) less attention has been paid to the role of green networks and areas, and their contribution to many ecological and societal values. Today, Gaborone is facing the challenge of the typical problems of mega-cities, such as environmental degradation, urban sprawl. The research project DIMSUD is dedicated to identify ways toward sustainable urban development, starting with an analysis of challenges, and continuing with the tasks for urban planning and opportunities for sustainable urban development.
- Published
- 2006
44. Importance of planning and construction of the light rail systems for sustainable town development
- Author
Dejan Filipovic and Danijela Obradovic
- Subjects
Atmospheric Science ,Engineering ,traffic systems ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Population ,saobraćajni sistemi ,lcsh:G1-922 ,12. Responsible consumption ,Education ,Transport engineering ,light railway transport ,Urban planning ,11. Sustainability ,Product (category theory) ,education ,Global and Planetary Change ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,laki metro ,Geology ,životna sredina ,Environmental economics ,urban development ,Light rail ,13. Climate action ,Public transport ,urbani razvoj ,business ,environment ,lcsh:Geography (General) - Abstract
Increase of population and activities in towns, among other things, leads to traffic and transport problems. Discrepancy between citizen's needs and existing economy and functionality of public traffic systems leads to traffic jam, but also to negative effects to environment. In that situation private vehicle is not the best solution, because it emits great number of pollutants in the environment. As a product of the technological improvement in rail industry there have been created light railway systems, as one of the most flexible form of public transport. This paper represents importance of light railway systems for urban development, its positive effects on environment, as plans and projects related with light railway systems introduction in Belgrade. Porast broja stanovnika i aktivnosti u gradovima, između ostalog, nosi sa sobom i niz problema u vezi sa prevozom putnika. Neusklađenost između potreba građana i postojeće operativnosti, ekonomičnosti i funkcionalnosti sistema gradskog prevoza dovodi do stvaranja gužvi u saobraćaju, ali i do negativnog dejstva na životnu sredinu. U takvoj situaciji privatno vozilo (automobil) nije najbolje rešenje, s obzirom na to da emituje veliki broj zagađivača u spoljašnju sredinu. Kao plod tehnološkog napretka železničke industrije, razvili su se laki šinski sistemi (laki metro), kao jedan od najfleksibilnijih oblika javnog prevoza. U radu će biti prikazan značaj uvođenja lakog metroa za urbani razvoj gradova, njegova pozitivna dejstva na životnu sredinu, kao i planska i projektantska dokumentacija koja se odnosi na uvođenje ove vrste transporta u gradsko tkivo Beograda.
- Published
- 2005
45. Revitalizacija napuštenoga tupinoloma u Majdanu
- Author
Antonija Eremut, Hrvoje Bartulović, and Dujmo Žižić
- Subjects
cementna industrija ,krajolik ,revitalizacija ,tupinolom ,Majdan ,urbani razvoj ,cement industry ,landscape ,revitalization ,marlstone quarry ,urban development - Abstract
Osim bogatom arheološkom baštinom, krajolik grada Solina značajno je obilježen tragovima cementne industrije. Tvornička postrojenja i tupinolomi koji su ih opskrbljivali sirovinom danas su velikim dijelom zapušteni i van funkcije. Ubrzanim razvojem grada ograničeni prostorni kapaciteti popunjavaju se stambenom gradnjom nauštrb planiranja i razvijanja ostalih, prije svega javnih, sadržaja. Upravo su industrijska područja sačuvala kompaktne i velike obuhvate za prenamjenu i oblikovanje društvenih sadržaja nužnih da bi se uspostavila ravnoteža među funkcijama grada. Istraživački projekt revitalizacije napuštenoga tupinoloma u Majdanu u prostor za lokalnu zajednicu razvio je metodologiju primjenjivu na ostale (cementnom) industrijom uvjetovane prostore, kojima će se u (bliskoj) budućnosti morati pristupiti sustavno i promišljeno želimo li zaustavili neodrživo i kontinuirano zauzimanje krajolika, najvažnijega resursa kojim raspolažemo., Besides its rich archaeological heritage, landscape of Solin was significantly marked by the cement industry and its facilities. Nowadays, cement factories and marlstone quarries that used to supply them with raw materials are mainly abandoned and out of function. Due to the limited spatial capacities and the accelerated construction of urban fabric (predominantly of residential function), industrial sites and their transformation into community spaces conceal a great potential for urban revitalization of Solin. In fact, industry has ensured large and compact zones for future redevelopment. The multidisciplinary research on the theme of revitalization of abandoned marlstone quarry in Majdan by transforming it into the participative public space has developed a methodology that can be applied on the other areas defined by (cement) industry in Dalmatia. Rethinking of potentials and functions of these sites will be required in the (close) future if we want to stop an unsustainable and continuous occupation of the landscape, the most important resource we possess.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Selinšek, Anja and Šenk, Peter
- Subjects
spatial planning acts ,trajnostno mesto ,prostorski akti ,udc:711.453(043.2) ,urbani razvoj ,sustainable town ,urban development - Abstract
V diplomskem delu smo predstavili urbani razvoj mesta Ptuj od rimskih časov do sodobnosti. V raziskovalnem delu naloge smo analizirali zgodovinski prostorski razvoj mesta. Skozi petero pomembnih in hkrati prelomnih zgodovinskih obdobij, smo prikazali širjenje in ožanje območja mesta in značilne stavbne tipe. V nadaljevanju naloge je sledila primerjava mesta po II. svetovni vojni z današnjo podobo mesta. V sklepnem delu smo predstavili tudi zasnovo mesta prihodnosti – trajnostnega mesta in njegova glavna načela. Ptuj in njegov prostorski razvoj smo analizirali skozi različne kriterije in dobljene rezultate primerjali z usmeritvami za trajnostno mesto. The graduation thesis presented the urban development of the city of Ptuj from the Roman era until today. In the empyrical part of the thesis we analyzed the historical spatial development of the city. Through five important and historical turning points, we presented broadening and narrowing of the city outskirts and its characteristic building types. We continued with the comparison of the city's image right after the World War II with its image today. We concluded the thesis by presenting a design of the city in the future – a sustainable city and its main principles. We analyzed Ptuj and its spatial development through different criteria and compared the results with the guiding principles for a sustainable city.
- Published
- 2014
47. Paris - from Celtic Village to Global City
- Author
Matejčić, Maja and Prelogović, Vedran
- Subjects
Paris ,region ,city ,grad ,INTERDISCIPLINARNA PODRUČJA ZNANOSTI. Geografija ,INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE. Geography ,urbani razvoj ,Pariz ,regija ,urban development ,globalization ,globalizacija - Abstract
Francuski glavni grad, Pariz ima dugi urbani razvojni put od 3. st. pr. Kr. do danas. Utemeljen je na otoku rijeke Seine kao malo ribarsko naselje, a izrastao je u jedan od vodećih globalnih gradova. Pariz je mjesto stalnih promjena i transformacija, u političkom, demografskom, kulturnom, ekonomskom te prostornom smislu. Grad se kroz povijest suočio sa mnogim prostornim i socijalnim procesima koji su ga na kraju oblikovali u globalni grad. Neovisno o prostornom kontekstu unutar kojeg ga proučavamo, njegova dominacija će uvijek biti vidljiva. Danas je Pariz suočen sa pozitivnim i negativnim razvojnim procesima koje pokušava uravnotežiti i usmjeriti svoj razvojni put prema globalnoj ekonomiji, a da pritom očuva svoju tradiciju, društveni integritet i kulturu. The French capital of Paris has had a long history of urban development dating from the 3rd century BC. Founded on the island of the river Seine as a fishermen's settlement, Paris has grown into one of today's leading global cities. Paris is a place of constant changes and transformations; be it in political, demographical, cultural, economic or urbanistic terms. Throughout its history, the city faced many geographical and social processes which led to its current status of a global city. Its dominance will always be felt, regardless of the geographical context of our research. Today, Paris is trying to balance its positive and negative developmental processes, and also direct its developmental path towards establishing its place in the global economy while, at the same time, preserving its tradition, culture and social integrity.
- Published
- 2013
48. Preobrazba mestne podobe Ljubljane z javnimi zavodi po letu 2007
- Author
Ogorevc, Aleš and Ravbar, Marjan
- Subjects
ustvarjalnost ,management of the city ,public sector ,družbena geografija ,urban development ,diplomska dela ,the Municipality of Ljubljana ,kulturna politika ,upravljanje mesta ,Mestna občina Ljubljana ,urbani razvoj ,udc:911.37(497.4Ljubljana)(043.2) ,cultural politics ,javni zavodi ,creativity - Published
- 2013
- Author
Kokot, Lidija and Sever, Drago
- Subjects
urbani razvoj ,varnost prometa ,udc:625.745.8:351.811.111.5(043.2) ,javna razsvetljava ,road safety ,urban development ,street lighting - Abstract
Kakovostna cestna razsvetljava ima pomembno vlogo, ko govorimo o varnosti v cestnem prometu. Da lahko izvedemo kvalitetno javno razsvetljavo, se moramo soočiti z več kriteriji, med katerimi je najpomembnejši zagotavljanje predpisanih svetlobnotehničnih parametrov glede na kategorizacijo ceste. Pomembna kriterija sta zagotovo tudi zmanjšanje potrošnje električne energije za obratovanje javne razsvetljave ter upoštevanje sprejete Uredbe o mejnih vrednostih svetlobnega onesnaževanja okolja. Za zagotovitev funkcionalne razsvetljave je potrebno upoštevati kriterije in sprejeto Uredbo o mejnih vrednostih svetlobnega onesnaževanja okolja. Quality street lighting plays an important role when it comes to road safety. To install high quality street lighting, we must meet several criteria, the most important among them being the provision of prescribed light-technical parameters according to the categorization of roads. There are two additional Important criteria, the reduction in consumption of electricity for the operation of street lighting, and consideration of the Decree about Limiting Values of Light Pollution of the environment. To ensure functional lighting, the relevant criteria and the Decree about Limiting Values of Light Pollution of the environment have to be considered.
- Published
- 2013
50. Povećanje urbanog kvaliteta gradova u Srbiji putem konverzije vojnih objekata/kompleksa
- Author
Papić, Zoran, Lukić, Bogdan, and Krga, Maja
- Subjects
conversion of military facilities and complexes ,urban quality ,towns in Serbia ,urbane vrednosti ,urbani razvoj ,urbani kvalitet ,konverzija vojnih objekata i kompleksa ,gradovi u Srbiji ,urban values ,urban development - Abstract
Due to urbanization and expanding of towns, most of the existing military facilities got to be located at the outskirts of or inside the towns, resulting in difficult functioning of the military complexes and performance of urban functions. Based on an analysis of requirements and programs of the defense system development, most of the existing military complexes, in Serbian towns, are not prospective for the purposes of the defense system functioning, or are conditionally prospective. The conditionally prospective military complexes are those which are located within the town premises, and therefore should be vacated, namely relocated by constructing a new complex, or provided accommodation for in the existing prospective complexes. Current conversion of military facilities and complexes located in Serbian towns partly makes it possible to activate a significant urban resource, recognized in the developed facilities, communal and other infrastructure, and equipped or unequipped building land. Some military facilities and complexes may be directly included to serve the life of the town through health care, school, preschool, social, cultural, scientific, sports, recreational, hotel, catering, tourist, communal, and other activities. A broad range of uses of the complexes makes it possible to return a part of urban comfort to towns in Serbia, which was lost because the urban and long-term values in urban development were abandoned and/or replaced by pragmatic interests and investment needs. Urbanizacijom i prostornim širenjem naselja, većina postojećih vojnih objekata i kompleksa našla se na obodu ili u samim gradovima, što ima za posledicu otežano funkcionisanje vojnih kompleksa i odvijanje urbanih funkcija. Na osnovu analize potreba i programa razvoja sistema odbrane većina postojećih vojnih kompleksa, u gradovima u Srbiji, nije perspektivna za potrebe funkcionisanja sistema odbrane ili su uslovno perspektivni. Uslovno perspektivni vojni kompleksi su oni čije su lokacije, u urbanom tkivu neperspektivni, te ih treba napustiti, tačnije relocirati izgradnjom novog kompleksa ili smestiti u postojeće perspektivne komplekse. Aktuelnom konverzijom vojnih objekata i kompleksa u gradovima u Srbiji delom se omogućava aktiviranje značajnog urbanog resursa, prepoznatog u izgrađenim objektima, komunalnoj i ostaloj infrastrukturi, opremljenim i neopremljenim građevinskim zemljištem. Pojedini vojni objekti i kompleksi mogu se direktno staviti u funkciju naseljskog života kroz: zdravstvene, školske, predškolske, socijalne, kulturne, naučne, sportske, rekreativne, ugostiteljske, turističke, komunalne i druge aktivnosti. Mnoštvo mogućnosti korišćenja predmetnih kompleksa omogućava vraćanje dela urbanog komfora koji su gradovi u Srbiji izgubili, napuštanjem i/ili zamenom urbanih i dugoročnih vrednosti u urbanom razvoju pragmatičnim interesnim i investicionim potrebama.
- Published
- 2012
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