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Urban oasis
- Source :
- Maribor
- Publication Year :
- 2018
- Publisher :
- P. Kočar, 2018.
- Magistrsko delo podaja idejno rešitev za urbanistično in arhitekturno zasnovo novega mestno-regijskega središča v Celju. Namen naloge je vpeljati novo vzdušje na trenutno degradiranem, a hkrati zaradi svoje lege tudi ekonomsko pomembnem območju. V magistrskem delu so podana urbanistična načela ter sodobni principi za oblikovanje novih mestnih središč. Podrobneje smo obravnavali temo urbanizem in načela za trajnostni razvoj mesta. Prav tako smo se dotaknili razvoja mest in mestnih središč skozi čas. Na podlagi pridobljenih znanj se v projektnem delu magistrskega dela izdela nova rešitev za mestno središče. Lokacija, na kateri se nahaja nov center, je trenutno degradirano območje in kliče po prenovi urbanega prostora. V nalogi obravnavamo dva glavna problema. Kot prvo se z novo rešitvijo mestu ponudijo novi programi, skupni prostori za druženje in srečevanje ljudi različnih kultur in starosti, ponudijo se tudi nove zelene površine, s katerimi mesto zadiha. Kot drugi pristop pa se obravnava obstoječe degradirano območje. Na podlagi predhodnih analiz mesta in njegovega predvidenega urbanističnega razvoja je v želji po čim boljši prilagoditvi arhitekture na lokacijo in karakteristiko mesta nastala arhitektura sodobnega mestnega centra v Celju, ki s svojo mešano rabo programov in raznolikostjo združuje zabavo, šport, prosti čas in pisarne. Zaradi svoje pestrosti predstavlja pomembno grajeno strukturo v mestu. Objekt se s sodobno, organsko formo skuša čim bolje vključiti v okolico, hkrati pa izražati sodoben in samostojen duh. The master’s thesis gives a conceptual solution for the urban and architectural design of the new city-regional center in Celje. The purpose of the thesis is to establish a new atmosphere in a currently degraded area which, at the same time, holds a geographically economically important position. Moreover, the master’s thesis introduces modern urban principles for designing new city centers. It discusses the subjects of urban design and principles of sustainable city development, as well as touches on the topic of historical development of cities and city centers. Furthermore, as a part of the master’s thesis, obtained knowledge is used to create a project suggesting new solutions for a specific city center. The location of the new center is a currently degraded area with an urban space in desperate need of renovation. In this regard, two main problematics are discussed in the thesis. Firstly, with the new solution, the city gains new programs, common areas for socializing, where people of various ages and cultures can meet, and also new green spaces to help the city’s breathing. And secondly, the existing degraded area is discussed. Considering the previous analysis of the city and its estimated urban development, as well as wanting to adapt the architecture to the location and the city’s characteristic as much as possible, the architecture of a modern Celje city center was created. The new city center uses its mixed usage of programs and diversity to combine fun, sport, leisure and office spaces. Due to its diversity, it represents an important part of the city’s constructed structure. With its modern, organic form, the object tries its best to blend with the surroundings while simultaneously expressing its modern and independent spirit.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Maribor
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..6030f22fa190628459fbbfa9486ad049