48 results on '"tehnika"'
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- Author
KRIVAK, Marijan
- Subjects
MASS media ,NIHILISM ,CAPITALISM ,MASS media ethics - Abstract
Copyright of Phainomena is the property of Phenomenological Society of Ljubljana and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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3. Ecological crisis and the importance od human action
- Author
Jelić, Šima and Kos, Marko
- Subjects
razvoj ,ekološka kriza ,tehnologija ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filozofija. Etika ,ecological crisis ,transhumanizam ,odgovornost ,technique ,ekološka etika ,deep ecology ,ecological ethics ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philosophy. Ethics ,tehnika ,technology ,dubinska ekologija ,values ,responsibility ,vrijednosti ,development ,transhumanism - Abstract
Kao društvo, suočavamo se s različitim pogledima na okoliš i ekološku krizu. Svaki dan donosimo izbore između različitih perspektiva. Neki od tih stavova postavljaju čovjeka u središte, koristeći prirodu kao alat za poboljšanje ljudskog života, dok drugi više ili manje ističu važnost svih živih bića i cjelokupnih ekosustava. Ključnu ulogu u ekološkoj etici imaju vrijednosti, stoga je važno razumjeti njihovu poziciju kako bismo ih potpuno shvatili i svjesno odlučivali o našim djelovanjima. S obzirom na to da tehnologija danas zauzima ključno mjesto u teorijama ekološke etike, važno je istaknuti pokret transhumanizma koji stavlja tehnologiju i njen napredak u središte rasprave. Poboljšavanje ljudskih sposobnosti i svijeta korištenjem tehnologije za neke je pozitivan korak prema unapređenju ljudske vrste dok drugi smatraju da to predstavlja prijetnju ljudskoj prirodi i moralu. U ovom radu ćemo pokušati dati širi uvid u ovu tematiku i navesti različita stajališta kako bismo uvidjeli različite teorije te s etičkog stajališta problematizirali njihovu održivost. As a society, we face different views on the environment and the ecological crisis. Every day we choose between different attitudes, some of which place man in the centre and use nature to achieve a better human life, and some place value in every living being, emphasizing the entire ecosystem. Values play a key role in theories of environmental ethics, and it is important to understand their position in order to understand them in their totality and to be aware of why we should act in a certain way. Considering that technology occupies a key place in the theories of ecological ethics today, it is important to highlight the transhumanism movement whose centre is occupied by technology and technological progress. Improving human capabilities and the world by using technology is for some a positive step towards the advancement of the human species, while others see it as a threat to human nature and morality. In this paper, we will try to give a broader insight into this topic and state different points of view in order to see different theories and problematize their sustainability from an ethical point of view.
- Published
- 2023
4. Tehnikapööre ja luulekääne: tule jumal appi.
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Merilai, Arne
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Copyright of Methis is the property of University of Tartu Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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5. Johannes Semper hobusega. Avangard, takerduja tehnika ja looduse vahel.
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Hennoste, Tiit
- Abstract
Copyright of Methis is the property of University of Tartu Press and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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6. Filozofija slomljenoga i praksa presloženoga
- Author
Matošević, Andrea
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Napulj ,tehnika ,Alfred Sohn-Rethel ,poroznost ,tejlorizam ,Anthropology ,Napulj, tehnika, Alfred Sohn-Rethel, poroznost, tejlorizam ,Naples ,technology ,porosity ,Taylorism - Abstract
U tekstu se analizira sadržaj eseja o Napulju i njegovim stanovnicima iz sredine 1920-ih godina koje je napisao naknadno utjecajni njemački marksistički filozof i ekonomist vrlo blizak Frankfurtskoj školi – Alfred Sohn-Rethel. Ključ za čitanje tih tekstova objedinjenih pod naslovom Napoli: filozofija slomljenoga [Napoli: la filosofia del rotto] nalazi se u ideji kako za Napolitance tehnika počinje raditi tek kada je “slome” i “podrede” vlastitoj kontroli; ta teza povezuje se s antropološkom teorijom bricolera Claudea Lévija-Straussa te se pritom ukazuje na koncept poroznosti koji u ono vrijeme ima i epistemološku važnost u kontekstu interpretacija talijanskoga juga. Naposljetku, sadržaj se autorovih eseja uspoređuje s dijelom politika i rezultata uvođenja tejlorističke “znanstvene organizacije” rada dvadesetih godina u talijansku i širu privredu., The text analyses the content of essays on Naples and its inhabitants from the mid-1920s, written by the influential German Marxist philosopher and economist Alfred Sohn-Rethel, who was very close to the Frankfurt School. The key to reading these texts, published under the title “Napoli: The Philosophy of the Broken” (Napoli: la filosofia del rotto), lies in the idea that, for the Neapolitans, technology begins to work only when it is “broken” and “subordinated” to complete control of its owners; this thesis is connected with Claude Lévi-Strauss’s anthropological theory of bricolage. This text also highlights the concept of porosity, which at that time also had epistemological importance in the context of interpretations of the Italian south. Finally, the content of the author’s essays is compared with policies and results of the introduction of the Taylorist “scientific organization” of labor in the 1920s into the Italian economy and beyond.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Kozić, Faruk
- Abstract
Copyright of Proceedings on Quality is the property of University of Zenica, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2017
8. Political authority in digital democracy
- Author
Marković, Jurica and Selak, Marija
- Subjects
Filozofski sustavi i gledišta ,Technology ,Authority ,Digital Democracy ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filozofija ,digitalna demokracija ,autoritet ,politički autoritet ,udc:14(043.3) ,Democracy ,Philosophical systems and points of view ,Blockchain ,tehnika ,Government ,Power ,tehnika povezanih blokova ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philosophy ,vlast ,Political Authority ,demokracija - Abstract
Pojam autoriteta, napose kako ga vidi Hannah Arendt, nužno je jasno odijeliti od pojmova vlasti i moći. Autoritet pojmovno dolazi prije vlasti i predstavlja njeno utemeljenje. Pojam je nastao od latinske riječi auctoritas, a svoje izvorište ima u antičkomu Rimu u kojem su autoritet, religija i politika bili snažno povezani. U kasnijim povijesnim razdobljima autoritet se iz polja transcendentnoga spuštao u polje svjetovnoga, što je rezultiralo pozicioniranjem autoriteta u narod. To se nije odvijalo u skokovima nego u dugom nizu stoljeća. Takav pomak može biti okarakteriziran kao progresivan, no istraživanjem filozofijske literature dolazi se i do zaključka da je jedna od posljedica bila ta da se moderni autoritet našao u krizi. Razlog je tomu što narod, kao nositelj autoriteta u smislu vezivanja za temelj, ima pravo od političara, koji su birani na određeni mandat, u obnašanju vlasti zahtijevati izvršenje svih zahtjeva koji se pred njih postave. Ukoliko političari ne riješe spomenute zahtjeve naroda, utoliko ih je lakše nego ikada prije u povijesti smijeniti s pozicije obnašanja vlasti. Radi se o svojevrsnoj krizi modernoga autoriteta kojoj se na prvi pogled ne nazire rješenje. Ova kriza, također, još jednom iznosi na vidjelo ontološke temelje autoriteta koji su tek prividno prevladani u demokratskom društvu. Stoga, da bi se ona razriješila treba još jednom razmotriti temelje same demokracije. Početci demokracije ustanovljeni su u antičkoj Grčkoj, a demokraciju kakvu poznajemo danas uvelike su kroz njenu povijest oblikovale ideje slobode, jednakosti i ekonomske proizvodnje. Isprva sramežljivo, potom sve snažnije, te ideje su od pojavljivanja do čvrstoga etabliranja prošle put koji je trajao gotovo nekoliko stoljeća. Međutim, poduzetim istraživanjem demokracije postaje jasnije da se dijagnoza o napetosti modernoga autoriteta iznova potvrđuje. Čini se da odgovor na krizu modernoga autoriteta ne može doći iz postojeće paradigme demokracije, pa ga upravo zato treba tražiti izvan nje. Upravo u pojavi tehnike, koja prodire u pojam demokracije putem tehnike povezanih blokova (eng. blockchain) pronađena je naznaka koja bi mogla trasirati put do razrješavanja krize modernog autoriteta. No prije istraživanja tehnike povezanih blokova valja istražiti i sâm pojam tehnike. Istraživanjem navedenoga pojma ustanovljeno je da potencijal oslobođenja krize modernoga autoriteta ne dolazi po tehnici povezanih blokova ni iz tehnike po sebi, nego iz odnosa čovjeka i tehnike. Čovjek i tehnika u dihotomičnom su odnosu te kao takvi usko povezani od sâmih začetaka ljudskoga roda. Naime, čovjek je oduvijek živio s alatima (grč. tekhne) i konstantno je morao učiti o njima i njihovoj primjeni. Bitno je naglasiti da čovjek nikada nije zaboravio da tehnika, iako mu olakšava život, ne smije nad njime preuzeti primat. Čovjek se u tomu suživotu konstantno podsjećao da je tehnika u položaju objekta, a da je on sâm subjekt koji njome upravlja. Isti je slučaj i kod tehnike povezanih blokova koja predstavlja tehničku okosnicu digitalne demokracije – čovjeku se valja podsjetiti da je on politički subjekt i da je, u tom kontekstu, on taj koji je nositelj političkoga autoriteta, a ne tehnika. To znači da vezivanje za temelj završava na čovjeku koji na sebe preuzima odgovornost odlučivanja. Prilikom toga podsjećanja, čovjek preuzima individualnu odgovornost za djelovanje u zajednici, a njegova aktivna participacija može djelovati na decentralizaciju autoriteta, u smislu decentralizacije odgovornosti. Na taj se način moderni autoritet može izvesti na put izlaska iz trenutne krize i primaknuti korak bliže autentičnijoj aktualizaciji demokracije, ali i njezinog osnaživanja jer decentralizacija podrazumijeva aktivniju participaciju većeg broja subjekata koji tako konačno aktualiziraju svoju ulogu u demokratskom procesu. In the beginning of this doctoral thesis, I will discuss the difference in meaning of authority and political authority. For that purpose, I will use Platonʼs Crito, debate between Huemer and Layman, as well as works of Renaut, Arendt and Weber. The semantic difference between terms of authority, power and political authority has its roots, as Hannah Arendt pointed out, in ancient Rome. The concept of authority among the Romans was strongly connected to the concepts of religion, tradition and politics. The term authority comes from the Latin auctoritas which means ʻbinding to the foundationʼ and is opposite from power (lat. potestas). In Rome, the source of power is positioned in the Senate, and the senators present themselves as reincarnations of the founders of Rome. Also, Senators can interpret the Roman constitution as the founders of Rome would have done it back then. Furthermore, Arendt points out that auctoritas comes from the Latin verb augere, which means ʻto increaseʼ, because it was the responsibility of the senators to increase the foundations of authority. The concept of authority, as Romans knew it, was incorporated into a political institution, the Roman Senate. There was a saying – potestas in populo, auctoritas in senatu sit, which means that, while power resides within the people, Senate has all the authority. Romans separated authority from power, which leads to the conclusion that those two terms were established as opposite concepts. Namely, authority has its roots in the past and power in the present. Religion also played an important role in ancient Rome and it was the connective tissue between power and authority. The term religion comes from the Latin re-ligare, which means ʻbindingʼ (to the foundation). Politics, religion and tradition, as Arendt suggests, were closely intertwined in ancient Rome. After beforementioned analysis, I will present definitions of power, authority and political authority. Political authority, therefore, means having the legitimacy of making a decision which the majority of citizens obey. Power is the very act of making and implementing a decision that affects the lives of people in a particular state. Political authority and power are different concepts, and they also differ with regard to the concept of authority. Authority does not only represent an influence on someone, but based on the concept of auctoritas, the very foundation of political authority. Conceptually, it comes before political authority and before power, and its origins are derived from the Romans. The Greeks did not have anything similar to Roman notion of auctoritas and that can be partly confirmed with analysis of Aristotleʼs Politics. Aristotleʼs notion of authority in Politics is similar to three terms in Greek – archē, kurios and crisis. However, that is nowhere near the meaning Romans produced and because of that we can only talk about reconstruction of the similar concept within Aristotleʼs Politics. Reconstruction can be done in three directions: authority as protection from evil people, authority as an improver and promoter of interactions in society and authority as a result of common interest. At this point of discussion, we might ask ourselves why is it that the concept of authority is so important. In order to get an answer to that question, it will be researched what happens to authority when it is inverted and what consequences this inversion carries with it. For that purpose, thoughts of Hannah Arendt on totalitarian government will be consulted. Arendt points out that one of the symptoms of totalitarianism indicates the absence of hierarchy. The lack of hierarchy creates an impersonal system where disrespect for the law is the modus operandi. Arendt claims that authority cannot function within totalitarianism because there is no hierarchy as a prerequisite, there is no structure, there is just lack of real power and general weakness of the Government. Moreover, Selak Raspudić, a Croatian philosopher, will add to this topic that totalitarianism implies the rule of disorder, a world in which authority is invisible, which inevitably leads to self-destruction of man. The rest of the symptoms of totalitarianism include: the absence of hierarchy, cruel formlessness, disrespect for the law and the accumulation of official apparatus. However, these are not the worst consequences, as the cruelest manifestations of totalitarian regimes are concentration camps. Arendt will conclude that those camps are the true central institutions of totalitarian organizational power. All of these symptoms are the direct result of inversion of authority which clearly indicates the importance of its existence in society. That is why it is interesting to notice how Max Weber and Arendt somehow direct the discussion about authority towards the framework of democracy. In order to better understand how authority acts within democracy, Alain Renaut introduces the authority of the Ancients and the authority of the Moderns. He argues that at one point in history the authority of the Ancients was replaced by a new, modern authority. Wilhelm von Humboldt was among the first philosophers who pointed out this phenomenon by dividing states on the Ancient and Modern ones. Ancient states were most concerned about the overall development and upbringing of a human being in accordance with virtue ethics, while modern states, writes Humboldt, paid most attention to prosperity and productivity. The main question facing the Moderns became how to increase the power that has weakened itself by setting limits in order to establish the foundation of power. Modern government guarantees freedom to people who can use it not only to question it but also to destroy it. According to Renaut, this is the principle of modern-day democracy that is constantly subjected to judgment, change or even overthrowing the elected Government. How did this happen? The people (Greek demos) became the successor of the Roman auctoritas. The foundation of authority positioned itself in demos, and apart from the substantial positional shift of authority, demos is in a constant pursuit to increase its authority based on the Roman principle. On the other hand, elected officials are initially limited in exercise of their power, which makes them unable to do their task properly. Also, elected officials have the power to make decisions, but they cannot increase authority as it is positioned in the demos and not in the Government (which would be the senators in ancient Rome). With regard to the described, the situation of modern authority could be characterized as a state of crisis, namely, as a crisis of modern authority. Arendt agrees that the traditional form of authority has experienced a breakdown and believes that authority can best be rehabilitated through revolution, highlighting the example of the American Revolution. However, a careful study of her thought leads to the conclusion that she too could agree that modern authority is in crisis. Democracy seems to be a system that simultaneously enables the emergence of authority and its crisis. We will try to answer why this is so in the next chapter, where we will try to find the essence of democracy and what this term represents. The research quest will begin with Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Thomas Aquinas. For Plato, democracy represents wrong form of organization of the state. Other wrong forms include timocracy, oligarchy and tyranny. Plato points out that democratic rule arises as a result of the degradation of oligarchy. Plato was followed by Aristotle, who believed, in regards of the exercise of power, that power can be exercised by one person, a group of people or a multitude. With this in mind, Aristotle distinguishes between the correct and incorrect types of government. The right types of government strive to work for the common good and they are kingdom, aristocracy and constitutional government, while their opposites are tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. Cicero has a significant impact in the beginnings of the concept of democracy. In Ciceroʼs work De re publica, Scipio Africanus states that the state (Latin res publica) is a matter of the people. Scipio adds that if the nation wants to survive, it must necessarily adopt some kind of decision-making process. Decision-making in the state could be managed by one, a few or many. Although he admits that in case of necessity he would give primacy to the royal government, Scipio claims that the best type of decision-making is composed of all three decision-making types. Additionally, in this context it should be mentioned that democracy represents an incorrect type of government for Thomas Aquinas as well. Philosophers of the Antiquity and the Middle Ages are responsible for establishing the beginnings of the framework of democracy. In the works of Aristotle, Plato, Cicero and Thomas Aquinas, two key features of democracy are clearly outlined – freedom and equality. Although the ideas of equality and freedom in the context of democracy appeared in the Classical period, there were no thinkers who would recognize the people as an essential and unavoidable component in the exercise of power until the Early Modern period. This changed with Machiavelliʼs Il Principe where he tried to somewhat persuade Lorenzo Medici of the importance of winning the people over in the exercise of power. By carefully reading Il Principe, it can be established that Machiavelli tried to direct Medici with recommendations to exercise power with the support of the people, or to rule in popular-democratic direction, so to speak. A few centuries later, Rousseau praises Machiavelli for skillfully serving Il Principe to rulers presenting it as an aid to their rule, when in fact it was a first book of the Republicans. Machiavelliʼs Il Principe for the first time puts the people in a more equal position with the ruler, a position with more respect and recognition. Centuries later, from the idea of more equality between the people and the ruler emerged the concept of republicanism from Rousseau. Rousseau placed equality within the framework of law and considered it to be the crucial element in governing the state. Rousseauʼs contemporary, Montesquieu, pointed out that in a republic, the sovereign power rests with the people as a whole and it is mediated by democracy. For Montesquieu, democracy represents a subtype of republicanism. He also argues that there are two basic laws in democracy. The first one regulates how ballots are submitted, and the other basic law of democracy is that the people should make laws by themselves. In the context of the idea of equality with a focus on laws, Kant is also one of the philosophers worth the mention. His doctrine of the state is based on law, but even more importantly, on eternal peace. For Kant, the equality of all citizens with subordination to legislation is one of the fundamental principles of the republican constitution whose ultimate purpose is to achieve eternal peace. The equality of all citizens is most important in Kantʼs philosophy, which is slightly opposed to Tocqueville who emphasizes the equality of conditions that helps shape the laws in a state, sets maxims for the holders of power to follow and at the same time creates favorable habits of citizens resulting in positive public opinion. Tocqueville went on the study visit to USA where he found a lot of positive elements in its democratic system. When he will emphasize the positive elements of American democracy, he will mention that the reasons for greatness of the American people derive from its laws and customs. Along with the universal right to vote, Tocqueville singles out the jury system as a powerful tool that Americans use to establish democracy. Machiavelli, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Kant and Tocqueville made contributions to the idea of equality that eventually ended up as a significant element of modern-day democracy. One of the ideas that also made impact on democracy as we know it today is the idea of liberty. English philosopher John Locke is largely responsible for paving the way for this idea. Locke argues that a human being possesses liberty on the basis of which he can decide to unite with other free people and set up the first Government. This idea created what we now know as liberalism and in its first years of existence it was used as an argument opposing absolutism. In this line of thought, just many centuries later, the modern thinker John Rawls appeared. Key question which concerns him is how is it possible that over time there exists a fair and stable society of free and equal citizens who remain deeply divided by reasonable religious, philosophical and moral doctrines. This question also shows how liberalism evolved from Locke to Rawls. In the discussion about the modern intellectual contribution to liberalism, another important thinker is mentioned in this doctoral thesis, a man who also undoubtedly left a great mark in this context – Isaiah Berlin. Berlin argues that there are two concepts of liberty, namely negative and positive one. Berlin proposes the thesis that the negative concept of liberty is to be free from and consists in ensuring protection from the interference of others in private affairs. Positive freedom, on the other hand, represents freedom to decide for something. Berlin, therefore, believed that political liberty represents the domain of action without interfering from others, that is, if someone prevents one from doing what he wants, then he is not free. The third idea that shaped democracy as we know it today is that of economic production that shapes the political superstructure of the world. Origin of the idea can be traced back to Karl Marx. Accordingly, Abensour claims that it would be wrong to conceptually limit oneself in the study of Marx and consider only his thoughts on the bourgeoisie, the family or civil society, because by doing so one would ignore his effort to find the root which would be authentically political subject in whose place lies demos. According to Abensour, the center of all meaning of the state for Marx is located in the demos. He also points out that the concept of a democratic state is an illusion, and the fullness of democracy is achieved in its establishment against the state. In the Communist Manifesto Marx presents the idea that the structure of society is based on economic production which constitutes political and intellectual history of each historical epoch. History, according to Marx, is nothing but the history of the class struggle between those who exploit, i.e., the bourgeoisie, and those who are exploited, i.e., proletariat. Marx thinks that the proletariat should overthrow the bourgeoisie from power and win the battle of democracy which would essentially mean to centralize production in the hands of the state. In doing so, favourable conditions for communism would be established and that would mean the abolition of private property. Furthermore, according to Marx, the communists are the most advanced and the most resolute section of the proletariat and based on this, they have the ability to place political power in the hands of the proletariat who would go on to work for the interests of the majority. Marxʼs theory of economic production also means harsh criticism of liberalism as liberalism favours right to own and protect private property. Years after Marx, one who would agree with him on certain points would be Jacques Rancière. Rancière thinks that we as a society do not live in a democracy but in states that have oligarchic laws. The hatred, instead of being directed at the oligarchic system that stands masked behind democracy, turns to democracy as a concept. Hatred, however, can only be used to support an oligarchic system, and in that case, democracy serves as a great tool. Democracy can take a large amount of criticism without offering a solution because the democratic paradox is impossible to solve. To sum up the research about democracy, modern perspectives of democracy are also considered. There will be analysis of Aron on democracy and totalitarianism, Lijphartʼs thoughts on concept of consociational democracy, Dahlʼs perspective that could be considered as a political science aspect on democracy and deliberative perspective of Habermas. However, after an extensive analysis of the concept of democracy and an attempt to penetrate into its essence, no answer was obtained on how to solve the crisis of modern authority. For this reason, in the continuation of the paper, the concept of technology paired with democracy is considered as a possible solution. Heidegger points out that the essence of technology has two meanings. Technology threatens manʼs relationship with the essence of truth, and at the same time directs man to stand next to that essence of truth. It seems that Heideggerʼs statement leads to the conclusion that the use of technology has a dual character. Namely, technology can be dangerous and that must never be forgotten, but at the same time it can enable many things that have a positive effect on the human race. Following Heidegger, Stieglerʼs definition of technology is also analysed in the doctoral thesis. According to Stiegler, technology is the skill by which a certain material is transformed into a product. With this in mind, one can rightfully ask the question: Does the technology serve humanity or does it serve tekhne itself? Stiegler claims that there is a historical dichotomy between the evolution of man and tool (or tekhne which is the root of technology), and in his thoughts he goes so far as to state that the Greek polis also arose because of the tekhne. Stiegler then goes on to criticize Heidegger, considering that his thought about technology was carried out through an instrument that had already been instrumentalized. In other words, man is already thrown into the world of pre-existing technology through which he himself exists and confirms this by using tools, and Heidegger failed to see this. Basically, Stieglerʼs criticism of Heidegger boils down to the fact that Heidegger already thinks of technology through the technological. In addition, Stieglerʼs criticism of Heidegger more clearly demonstrated his thought on the co-constitutional relationship between logos and tekhne. At this point, we might rightfully ask what is the connection between technology and democracy. The answer to that question is that in the merge of technology and democracy digital democracy arises. Digital democracy represents a technical innovation that combines aspects of direct and representative democracy. First of all, it means digital platform, software tool, that aims to allow its users to express their opinion in order to make a final decision for the benefit of the community. Expressing opinion or voting stands out as the most important element of digital democracy. Voting takes place via digital platform and must be safe, transparent and anonymous. Technology that is considered as a possible provider of these values is blockchain. Blockchain represents a distributed and decentralized peer-to-peer network of computers that enables direct data transactions between nodes within the system, thus eliminating the need for mediation and a third party. The system remembers all data transactions and stores them in a distributed ledger. Transactions are stored in blocks that stack on top of each other in a chain form, hence the name block-chain. This technology aims to build and preserve trust and integrity in the system which is achieved through two components: hash technology and cryptographic technology. For the blockchain technology to be considered as the technical backbone of digital democracy, it must enable voting to be carried out safely, anonymously and transparently. After a detailed analysis of its comparative advantages and technical and nontechnical limitations, it is determined that it has the technical capacity to be used as the backbone of digital democracy. However, there is also a possibility that the blockchain will take place of authority in digital democracy. In that case, foundation of political authority is not drawn from the people but from technology. Man is given the possibility to shift the responsibility of decision-making and social action from himself to technology, and if this possibility is accepted, then man dislocates himself from the position of a political subject. The only obstacle in positioning as a political subject is man himself. Blockchain belongs to the probabilistic technology and works on a principle designed by man. In order for the people to truly manifest their freedom and for the crisis of modern authority to be solved, it is necessary to focus on the relationship between man and technology. In this relationship, if a person refuses to become an object of technology, namely tekhne, this person re-establishes itself as a political subject. Hence, the foundation of authority in digital democracy is created in beforementioned relationship between man and technology. One of the most important elements of beforementioned relationship is how technology will be used. What is meant by that? Blockchain as the technical backbone of digital democracy is part of a long and well-known diachronic process of human adaptation to the world around them. The emergence of new technical discoveries represents a challenge that requires adaptation anew, and one of the ways of adaptation is the distinction between good and bad use of technology. In this context, good use implies the use of technology as a tool that achieves efficiency in solving certain problems. It means that technology does not assume primacy in the relationship between man and technology, but represents an equal member of the co-constitutional equation. Bad use, on the other hand, would indicate the predominance in the human-technology equation on the side of the technological, which implies that technology takes primacy in decision-making, and man absolves himself of this responsibility by transferring it to a tool. In order to use the technology well, one of the proposed options is to start with how-to education from young age in the school system. In this case the process of epiphylogenesis, that is, learning mediated by technology, is very important. The goal of epiphylogenesis is to ensure that the memories of our ancestors are not lost and forgotten, but embedded in technology. If we translate Stieglerʼs thought into the context of this work, the crisis of modern authority can be resolved in the relationship between man and technology. The point is to maintain the balance of the relationship, whereby there must be no predominance on the side of technology. According to Stieglerʼs philosophy, authority in digital democracy does not require return to the political, since the political and the technical are one. However, the place of political authority can very easily be taken over by technology, which would lead to an even greater default of modern authority, whereby its crisis would not be resolved. By conducting epiphylogenetic education on the responsible use of technology, it is possible to promote the establishment of balance in the relationship between man and technology, thereby enhancing the path of liberation and not the path of default. However, the path of education about responsible use is not at all easy to reach and depends as much on systematic as on individual efforts. According to Selak Raspudić on this matter, the epiphylogenetic process is increasingly difficult to maintain because modern technology causes a loss of memory, which is crucial for man to be reminded of his role in relation to technology. One of the consequences of aforementioned issue is that technology has enabled man to escape from himself. Such modern man is constantly a subject to a fast-paced lifestyle and is looking forward to new adventures that he will be able to share on social networks. Taking into account all of the above, a solution to the crisis of modern authority can be found in the relationship between man and technology. Reaching this solution would also mean the decentralisation of authority and more authentic version of democracy, but reaching this point is by no means one-dimensional process. That conclusion can be partly confirmed through Berardiʼs work as he mainly criticizes modern technology in conjunction with politics and economics. Berardi reaches the conclusion that politics is technical in its core, what he considers to be a negative trait and in further research he turns to economics, wondering if politics is turned towards itself and if it became technical, can economics be the science that will save the system. Berardi points out that the economy has become a hyper-reality, an artificial world that has lost touch with the real conditions of production. He explains that with the digitization of production, capital becomes more abstract which makes it more obscure and with that it reinforces hermeticity and alienation from the real world. In the conclusion of the thesis, relationship between man and technology represents key component for solving the crisis of modern authority. Technology offers great number of options in digital democracy, and as long as individual treats and uses technology as a tool, a person will establish itself as a relevant political subject. Namely, through epiphylogenetic learning about the responsible use of technology, man positions himself in relation to technology as a political subject who does not give technology the place of authority. By maintaining balance in beforementioned relationship, man will have a chance to realize that it is his responsibility to be an active individual in the society, what will turn democracy into more authentic system and authority will become more decentralised.
- Published
- 2022
9. Privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid äriprotsesside kaeveks
- Author
Elkoumy, Gamal, Dumas, Marlon, juhendaja, and Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond
- Subjects
data protection ,dissertations ,dissertatsioonid ,andmekaitse ,ETD ,äriprotsessid ,privacy ,väitekirjad ,andmekaitsesüsteemid ,privaatsus ,tehnika ,business processes ,technology ,data protection systems ,protsessikaeve - Abstract
Protsessikaeve tehnikad võimaldavad organisatsioonidel analüüsida protsesside täitmise käigus tekkivaid logijälgi eesmärgiga leida parendusvõimalusi. Nende tehnikate eelduseks on, et nimetatud logijälgi koondavad sündmuslogid on andmeanalüütikutele analüüside läbi viimiseks kättesaadavad. Sellised sündmuslogid võivad sisaldada privaatset informatsiooni isikute kohta kelle jaoks protsessi täidetakse. Sellistel juhtudel peavad organisatsioonid rakendama privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid (PET), et võimaldada analüütikul sündmuslogi põhjal järeldusi teha, samas säilitades isikute privaatsust. Kuigi PET tehnikad säilitavad isikute privaatsust organisatsiooni siseselt, muudavad nad ühtlasi sündmuslogisid sellisel viisil, mis võib viia analüüsi käigus valede järeldusteni. PET tehnikad võivad lisada sündmuslogidesse sellist uut käitumist, mille esinemine ei ole reaalses sündmuslogis võimalik. Näiteks võivad mõned PET tehnikad haigla sündmuslogi anonüümimisel lisada logijälje, mille kohaselt patsient külastas arsti enne haiglasse saabumist. Käesolev lõputöö esitab privaatsust säilitavate lähenemiste komplekti nimetusega privaatsust säilitav protsessikaeve (PPPM). PPPM põhiline eesmärk on leida tasakaal võimaliku sündmuslogi analüüsist saadava kasu ja analüüsile kohaldatavate privaatsusega seonduvate regulatsioonide (näiteks GDPR) vahel. Lisaks pakub käesolev lõputöö lahenduse, mis võimaldab erinevatel organisatsioonidel protsessikaevet üle ühise andmete terviku rakendada, ilma oma privaatseid andmeid üksteisega jagamata. Käesolevas lõputöös esitatud tehnikad on avatud lähtekoodiga tööriistadena kättesaadavad. Nendest tööriistadest esimene on Amun, mis võimaldab sündmuslogi omanikul sündmuslogi anonüümida enne selle analüütikule jagamist. Teine tööriist on Libra, mis pakub täiendatud võimalusi kasutatavuse ja privaatsuse tasakaalu leidmiseks. Kolmas tööriist on Shareprom, mis võimaldab organisatsioonidele ühiste protsessikaartide loomist sellisel viisil, et ükski osapool ei näe teiste osapoolte andmeid., Process Mining Techniques enable organizations to analyze process execution traces to identify improvement opportunities. Such techniques need the event logs (which record process execution) to be available for data analysts to perform the analysis. These logs contain private information about the individuals for whom a process is being executed. In such cases, organizations need to deploy Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) to enable the analyst to drive conclusions from the event logs while preserving the privacy of individuals. While PETs techniques preserve the privacy of individuals inside the organization, they work by perturbing the event logs in such a way that may lead to misleading conclusions of the analysis. They may inject new behaviors into the event logs that are impossible to exist in real-life event logs. For example, some PETs techniques anonymize a hospital event log by injecting a trace that a patient may visit a doctor before checking in inside the hospital. In this thesis, we propose a set of privacy-preserving approaches that we call Privacy-Preserving Process Mining (PPPM) approaches to strike a balance between the benefits an analyst can get from analyzing these event logs and the requirements imposed on them by privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR). Also, in this thesis, we propose an approach that enables organizations to jointly perform process mining over their data without sharing their private information. The techniques proposed in this thesis have been proposed as open-source tools. The first tool is Amun, enabling an event log publisher to anonymize their event log before sharing it with an analyst. The second tool is called Libra, which provides an enhanced utility-privacy tradeoff. The third tool is Shareprom, which enables organizations to construct process maps jointly in such a manner that no party learns the data of the other parties., https://www.ester.ee/record=b5524346
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Višić, Maroje
- Subjects
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TECHNOLOGICAL innovations , *CREATIVE ability in technology , *INVENTIONS , *TECHNOLOGY assessment , *HIGH technology - Abstract
Author analyses the question and application of technology. Author draws on works of Heidegger, Marcuse and Jonas. The emphasis is put on Marcuse since he developed best theory of liberation through technology and offered a detailed vision of aesthetic ethos. Author first discusses Heidegger's understanding of technology which largely influenced Marcuse. Then, author discusses Jonas' proposition for a new ethics for technological civilization. Finally, drawing on Heidegger, Marcuse, Jonas and Simondon, author proposes term "technoaesthetics" as a notion that describes and captures a qualitatively different idea of a usage and application of technology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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11. Imago i koncept Imagotrona
- Author
Kelmendi, Labinot
- Subjects
image ,imagotron ,technology ,hypercube ,hologram ,technical image ,electronic image ,virtual reality ,slika ,tehnika ,hiperkocka ,tehnička slika ,elektronička slika ,virtualna stvarnost ,Bild ,Imagotron ,Technologie ,Hyperwürfel ,Hologramm ,technisches Bild ,elektronisches Bild ,virtuelle Realität ,technique ,hologramme ,image technique ,image électronique ,réalité virtuelle - Abstract
This paper explores the relationship between the image and the time in which we live. In the first part, we critically engage with the image as a concept. The second part introduces the concept of imagotron, a conceptual symbiosis that defines the relationship between the image and electronics. This is illustrated by two manifestations of the imagotron: the hypercube and the hologram. The final part recapitulates the significance of the image in relation to technological developments and virtual reality., Ovaj rad istražuje odnos slike i vremena u kojem živimo. U prvom dijelu kritički se bavimo slikom kao pojmom. Drugi dio predstavlja koncept imagotrona, konceptualnu simbiozu koja određuje odnos slike i elektronike. Odnos se ilustrira pomoću dvije manifestacije imagotrona: hiperkocke i holograma. Završni dio rekapitulira značaj slike u odnosu na tehnički razvoj i virtualnu stvarnost., Dieser Beitrag erforscht die Beziehung zwischen dem Bild und der Zeit, in der wir leben. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns kritisch mit dem Bild als Begriff. Der zweite Teil bietet eine Einführung in das Konzept des Imagotrons, eine konzeptuelle Symbiose, die den Konnex zwischen dem Bild und der Elektronik definiert. Dies wird durch zwei Manifestationen des Imagotrons veranschaulicht: den Hyperwürfel und das Hologramm. Der abschließende Teil rekapituliert den Stellenwert des Bildes in Bezug auf technologische Fortentwicklungen und virtuelle Realität., Le présent travail analyse la relation de l’image et du temps dans lequel nous vivons. Dans la première partie, nous abordons de manière critique l’image comme concept. La deuxième partie présente le concept d’imagotron, symbiose conceptuelle qui définit la relation entre l’image et l’électronique. Cette relation est illustrée à l’aide de deux manifestations de l’imagotron : l’hypercube et l’hologramme. La dernière partie offre un récapitulatif de l’importance de l’image en rapport au développement technique et à la réalité virtuelle.
- Published
- 2022
12. Tehnika za proizvodnju hrane u terenskim uslovima / Technology for food preparation in field conditions
- Author
Branko M. Tešanović and Srđan Ž. Novaković
- Subjects
tehnika ,proizvodnja hrane ,kuhinja ,kontejner ,technology ,food preparation ,kitchen ,container ,Military Science ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
U terenskim uslovima osnovna sredstva za pripremanje hrane su pokretne kuhinje. One se koriste u miru za vreme izvođenja vežbi, logorovanja, za obuku vojnika kuvara i u vojnim školama za obuku studenata i učenika intendantske službe. Izuzetno, mogu se koristiti za kuvanje jela kada se vojni restorani adaptiraju ili se zbog drugih razloga hrana ne može pripremati u njima. U Vojsci Srbije danas su u upotrebi sledeće vrste pokretnih kuhinja: kuhinja autoprikolica od 250, 200, 300 i 400 l i kuhinja tovarna od 25 l. Za pripremu hrane u terenskim uslovima OS NATO koriste veoma raznovrstan park poljskih tehničkih sredstava. / In field conditions, the basic means for food preparation are mobile kitchens. Mobile kitchens are used in peace time during exercise and camping as well as for training military chefs and students of logistic support in military schools. Exceptionally, they can be used for cooking meals when repairing or adapting military restaurants or for some other valid reasons. In the Army of Serbia today, there are the following types of mobile kitchens: mobile kitchen 250, 200, 300 and 400 l and a kitchen pack of 25 l. For the preparation of food in field conditions, NATO forces use a very versatile choice of field technical resources.
- Published
- 2010
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13. Tehnički leksikon i hrvatsko tehničko nazivlje
- Author
Zvonimir Jakobović
- Subjects
Political science ,Economic history ,jezik ,pojam ,naziv ,strukovno nazivlje ,tehničko nazivlje ,definicija ,tehnika ,prirodne znanosti ,language ,concept ,term ,professional terminology ,technological terminology ,definition ,technology ,natural sciences ,Term (time) - Abstract
U radu je prikazan nastanak i razvoj hrvatskoga tehničkoga i prirodoznanstvenoga nazivlja. Utvrđeno je okruženje u kojem nastaje nazivlje, dakle jezik, te njegove sastavnice pojam, naziv, definicija. Sve je to potom primijenjeno na strukovno nazivlje. Istražen je nastanak hrvatskoga strukovnoga nazivlja, od spontanoga nastanka u općem jeziku, njegovo prvo zapisivanje u ranim hrvatskim rječnicima, preko prvih stručnih knjiga u doba uvođenja hrvatskoga jezika u škole te primjene u doba gospodarskoga razvoja i nastanka visokoga školstva. Postavljena su načela tvorbe strukovnoga nazivlja, načela prevođenja s drugih jezika te pravila primjene takva nazivlja. Na kraju je pokazana primjena rezultata tih istraživanja u odabiru i tvorbi naziva u Tehničkom leksikonu, povezanih s nazivima na svjetskim jezicima., This paper offers an overview of the creation and development of Croatian technological and natural science terminology. The context in which terminology – language and its component concepts, terms, and definitions – developed has been determined, and then been applied to professional terminology. The development of Croatian professional terminology, from its spontaneous appearance in general language, its first recording in early Croatian dictionaries, through the first professional books from the time when the Croatian language was introduced into schools, to its application at the time of economic development and the development of higher education, has been examined. The principles of professional terminology formation, the principles of translating from other languages, and the rules of applying such terminology have been set down. The paper concludes with a description of how these research results were applied to the selection and formation of terminology in the Tehnički leksikon (Lexicon of Technology), linked to the terminology in world languages.
- Published
- 2019
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14. Ethical and ontological discussions about man and technology
- Author
Martić, David and Jurić, Hrvoje
- Subjects
tehnologija ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filozofija ,modern technology ,moderna tehnologija ,informacija ,priroda ,nature ,odgovornost ,technique ,artificial intelligence ,information ,tehnika ,man ,umjetna inteligencija ,technology ,čovjek ,sustavi ,systems ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philosophy ,responsibility ,okruženje ,environment - Abstract
Naši preci koji su živjeli u doba paleolitika, što nam arheološka nalazišta potvrđuju, služili su se različitim prirodnim predmetima (prirodninama) kako bi riješili prepreke pred kojima su se našli. Tako su koristeći svoj um i dostupnu sirovinu (kosti, kamenje, drvo...) postepeno oblikovali tehniku i tehnologiju, posredstvom njih stvorili prve civilizacije i time se odvojili od ostatka prirodnog svijeta kao „prve prirode“. S druge strane, tehnika i tehnologija postepeno oblikuju čovjekov um – čovjek djelatnošću stvara svoje prirodno okruženje te tehnika i tehnologija postaju čovjekova ekspanzija, odnosno, „druga priroda“ putem koje oblikuje čitav svijet. Cilj je ovog rada istražiti što tehnika i tehnologija znače za čovjeka, odnosno kako njihovo korištenje mijenja čovjekovu narav. Ujedno je cilj istražiti mogućnosti i potencijal moderne tehnologije te (bio)etička pitanja i preuzimanje odgovornosti koji proizlaze iz njenoga razvijanja i korištenja. Archaeological sites confirm that our Palaeolithic ancestors used various natural objects (natural resources) to solve the obstacles they faced. Using their mind and available raw materials (bones, stones, wood...) they gradually shaped technique and technology and through them first civilizations arose and thus we separated from the rest of the natural world as “first nature”. On the other hand, technique and technology also gradually shape the human mind – man actively creates his natural environment and shapes the whole world using technique and technology, becoming his expansion and “second nature”. The goal of this work is to look into meaning of technique and technology for man, i.e. how their use changes human nature. Also, the goal is to explore the possibilities and potential of modern technology as much as (bio)ethical issues and responsibility of its development and usage.
- Published
- 2021
15. Application of New Techniques and Information Technology for Early Fire Detection on Ships.
- Author
Bistrović, Miroslav and Tomas, Vinko
- Subjects
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FIRE detectors , *INFORMATION technology , *MARINE accidents , *MARINE electronics , *MARINE engineering , *PREVENTION - Abstract
Damages and losses caused by fire on ships, in the last decade, have accelerated the development of new techniques, technologies and innovation, in order to increase the safety and reliability of the fire detection system. At the same time, by increasing the demand for enhanced technology for early fire detection and its prevention, advanced detection systems are being developed, whose control algorithms have the task of intelligently processing and distinguishing the real smoke or flames signals from the false ones, or real alert from the false one. By using the service that new technology provides, ship owner aims to better protect the crew, ship's inventory, and to reduce the potential costs, that may occur due to accidents caused by fire. With an overview of the latest techniques and technologies for early fire detection on ships, this paper presents improvement of characteristics of the new systems and components of detection systems, and their abilities, benefits, and applications are being analysed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Milošević, Božo
- Subjects
TECHNOLOGY & society ,TECHNOLOGICAL innovations ,SCIENCE & society ,SOCIAL skills ,PROGRESS ,SCIENCE & civilization - Abstract
Copyright of Media, Culture & Public Relations is the property of Croatian Communication Association / Hrvatsko Komunikolosko Drustvo and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
17. Ethische Grundlagen der Blockchain-Technik: eine einleitende Überlegung
- Author
Jurica Marković
- Subjects
blockchain ,technology ,ethics ,virtue ethics ,cryptocurrency ,technique ,éthique ,éthique de la vertu ,cryptomonnaie ,Blockchain ,Technik ,Ethik ,Tugendethik ,Kryptowährung ,ComputingMilieux_THECOMPUTINGPROFESSION ,tehnika ,etika ,etika vrline ,kriptovaluta - Abstract
This article briefly examines the blockchain technology, addresses the core ethical issues concerning its implementation, and considers its current and potential social role. During the research, virtue ethics revealed itself to be most compatible for understanding and describing the technical fundaments of blockchain and the scope of its application., U radu se sažeto objašnjava tehnika blockchaina i daje pregled temeljne moralne problematike vezane za njenu tehničku primjenu te postojeću i moguću društvenu ulogu. Tijekom istraživanja, etika vrlina pokazala se kao najkompatibilnija za razumijevanje i opisivanje tehničkog fundamenta blockchaina i razmjera njegove primjene., In der Arbeit wird die Technik der Blockchain gerafft erklärt und ein Überblick gegeben über die grundlegende moralische Problematik im Zusammenhang mit ihrer technischen Anwendung sowie mit der bestehenden und möglichen gesellschaftlichen Rolle. Im Laufe der Forschung erwies sich die Tugendethik als die kompatibelste für die Erfassung und Beschreibung des technischen Fundaments der Blockchain und des Ausmaßes ihrer Anwendung., Ce travail explique de manière succincte la technique du blockchain et donne un aperçu de la problématique morale liée à son application technique, mais également à son rôle social actuel et possible. Au cours de la recherche, l’éthique de la vertu s’est avérée être la plus pertinente pour comprendre et décrire le fondement technique du blockchain et l’étendue de son application.
- Published
- 2020
18. Biometrija, politika i goli život.
- Author
Sofradžija, Halima
- Subjects
HIGH technology industries ,RISK ,HUMAN behavior ,TECHNOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Godisnjak Faculteta Politickih Nauka Sarajevo is the property of University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Political Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
19. Prevalence of cigarette smoking among students of health and technical sciences
- Author
Bagari, Mitja and Lorber, Mateja
- Subjects
students ,prevalence ,zdravstvo ,health ,tobak ,tobacco ,smoking ,študenti ,tehnika ,technology ,kajenje ,risk factors ,prevalenca ,dejavniki tveganja ,udc:613.84-057.875(043.3) - Abstract
Izhodišča in namen: Kajenje je velik javnozdravstveni problem, obenem pa vodilni preprečljivi vzrok smrti na svetu. Obdobje študija je čas, ko študenti lahko začnejo ali nadaljujejo do rednega kajenja. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti razširjenost in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na pojavnost kajenja med študenti zdravstvenih in tehniških ved. Raziskovalna metodologija in metode: Izvedena je bila presečna deskriptivna raziskava. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika med študenti zdravstvenih in tehniških ved, po etični odobritvi. Uporabljeno je bilo namensko vzorčenje po principu snežne kepe. Hipoteze so bile preverjene s pomočjo testa Hi-kvadrat. Rezultati: Od 1534 študentov vključenih v raziskavo je bilo 242 (15,4 %) kadilcev. Srednja vrednost starosti ob začetku kajenja je bila 16 (95 % IZ [16 16]) let. Redni kadilci so v povprečju pokadili 10 (95 % IZ [8 10]) cigaret na dan. Študijsko področje (χ2 = 7,811 p = 0,005), kajenje staršev (χ2 = 32,861 p < 0,001) in najožjih prijateljev (χ2 = 345,808 p < 0,001) so dejavniki, ki so bili statistično značilno povezani s kadilskim statusom študentov, medtem ko spol in uživanje alkohola nista bila statistično pomembna dejavnika kajenja med študenti. Diskusija in zaključek: Čeprav je razširjenost kajenja cigaret med študenti s področja zdravstva nižja v primerjavi s študenti s področja tehnike, je delež kadilcev pri obeh skupinah relativno visok, zato je potrebno še naprej izvajati ustrezne in učinkovite ukrepe za preprečevanje in prenehanje kajenja med študenti. Starting points and purpose: Smoking is a major public health problem, and at the same time, the leading preventable cause of death in the world. The period of study is the time when students can start or resume smoking till they are regular smokers. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence and factors that influence the incidence of smoking among students of health and technical sciences. Research methodology and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. Data were collected using an anonymous questionnaire among students of health and technical sciences, following ethical approval. Snowball sampling was carried out. The hypotheses were tested by Chi-Square test. Results: Of the 1534 students enrolled in the study, 242 (15.4 %) were smokers. The average age of the students’ start of smoking was 16 (95 % CI [16 16]) years. On average, regular smokers smoked 10 (95 % CI [8 10]) cigarettes a day. The study area (χ2 = 7,811 p = 0,005), parents' smoking (χ2 = 32,861 p < 0,001) and the closest friends (χ2 = 345,808 p < 0,001) are factors that were statistically significant in relation to the smoking status of students, while gender and alcohol consumption were not statistically significant factors of students smoking. Discussion and conclusion: Although the prevalence of cigarette smoking among students of health science is lower compared to students of technical science, the proportion of smokers in both groups is relatively high, therefore, the appropriate and effective measures for preventing and cessation of smoking among students should continue.
- Published
- 2018
20. Odnos učencev do tehnike in tehnologije ter okolja
- Author
Bevk, Marko and Avsec, Stanislav
- Subjects
tehnologija ,odnos do okolja ,vzdržno okolje ,tehnika ,udc:62:373.3(043.2) ,engineering ,technology ,osnovna šola ,učenci ,primary school - Abstract
Živimo v svetu, kjer nas na vsakem koraku obkroža sodobna tehnologija, hkrati pa smo soočeni tudi s številnimi okoljskimi težavami, ki se vedno pogostejše in predstavljajo grožnjo za normalno življenjsko okolje. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo podali nekaj dejstev o odnosu tehnike in tehnologije, ki je bil že raziskovan v nekaterih delih. Predstavili smo komponente, iz katerih je omenjeni odnos sestavljen, in glavne dejavnike, ki na ta odnos vplivajo. Kasneje smo se posvetili tudi okoljski problematiki v šolstvu. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na učne načrte predmetov, ki se pojavljajo v obdobju devetih let, kolikor traja osnovno izobraževanje v naši državi. Na koncu smo predstavili tudi dobre prakse, ki so pri nas prisotne na področju varovanja okolja. Dotaknili smo se tudi odnosa do okolja in tudi tu opisali dejavnike, ki na omenjeni odnos vplivajo. Zatem smo se posvetili tujini in opisali, kakšen odnos do okolja imajo učenci v nekaterih drugih državah. Glavni del magistrskega dela smo nato posvetili merjenju odnosa do tehnike in tehnologije in okolja ter interpretaciji rezultatov, pridobljenih z vprašalnikom, ki smo ga zasnovali posebej za namen našega magistrskega dela, pri čemer smo uporabili že uveljavljene vprašalnike za merjenje odnosa do tehnike in tehnologije ter okolja. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kakšen je odnos učencev do raziskovanih področij in ali med njima obstajajo kakšne povezave. Najprej smo iskali razlike glede na spol in starost, nato smo se posvetili korelacijam. Ugotovili smo, da učenci kažejo nadpovprečno pozitiven odnos do obeh področij, saj so v kategorijah, kjer je to pričakovati, dosegali povprečno število točk, višje od aritmetične sredine, ki je znašala 2,5 točke. Ugotovili smo tudi, da ima na druge kategorije tako odnosa do okolja kot tudi odnosa do tehnike in tehnologije največji vpliv kategorija, ki predstavlja zadovoljstvo učencev s poukom tehnike in tehnologije. Kljub temu, da smo ugotovili močno pozitiven odnos do tehnike in tehnologije ter okolja, smo predlagali nekaj vsebin, s pomočjo katerih lahko omenjena odnosa še dodatno izboljšamo. Kot predloge smo uporabili predvsem dobre prakse, ki jih uporabljajo v tujini. Pri tem nismo spregledali dobre prakse, ki se uspešno uveljavlja tudi pri nas in s pomočjo katere bodo lahko v prihodnje šole nadgrajevale pozitiven odnos učencev predvsem do okolja. Ta dobra praksa je gozdna pedagogika, ki jo pri nas vpeljujejo raziskovalci Gozdarskega inštituta in jo tržijo pod imenom Gozd eksperimentov. Gozdna pedagogika je zaradi načina dejavnega poučevanja zagotovo področje, ki bo imelo pri izboljševanju odnosa do okolja v prihodnje veliko vlogo. We live in a world where we are constantly surrounded by modern technology. At the same time, we are faced with numerous environmental issues that are becoming more common and are threatening a normal living environment. In the theoretical part of this master’s thesis, we provide some facts about different attitudes towards technology that have already been researched in some other works. We present the components that build these attitudes and main factors that shape them. Afterwards, we also discuss environmental issues in education. We focus mostly on the syllabuses of subjects that are part of the curriculum of primary schools. In the end, we also present examples of good practice in the field of environmental protection. We then discuss attitudes towards the environment and the factors that affect these attitudes. Afterwards, we focus on foreign countries and describe foreign pupils’ attitudes towards the environment in some of these countries. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to attitudes towards technology and the environment as well as the interpretation of results obtained through a questionnaire, which was devised especially for the purpose of this master’s thesis. In addition, we used already existing questionnaires for measuring attitudes towards technology and the environment. The main purpose of the master’s thesis is to discover the attitudes of pupils towards the researched topics and if there are any links between them. At first, we searched for differences based on gender and age and then we looked at correlations. We discovered that pupils show above average attitudes towards both topics, since the average score for answers surpassed the arithmetic mean of 2.5 points. We also discovered that satisfaction with technology classes has the biggest effect on attitudes towards technology and the environment. Even though the results showed a very positive attitude towards technology and the environment, we prepared some suggestions for further improving pupils’ attitudes. Our suggestions were based on examples of good practice from abroad. Nevertheless, we did not overlook the example of good practice from Slovenia, which has been successfully implemented into the school curriculum and which will help increase pupils’ positive attitudes towards the environment. This is forest pedagogics, which was introduced by the researchers of the Slovenian Forestry Institute and is marketed under the name of Forest of experiments. Because of its active manner of teaching, forest pedagogics is definitely a field, which will play an important role in improving pupils’ attitudes towards the environment.
- Published
- 2018
21. A comparison of technical text translations by students of interlingual studies, media communications and computer science
- Author
Kirbiš, Jean and Zupan, Simon
- Subjects
udc:81'25(043.2) ,strokovna besedila ,scientific texts ,spelling ,tehnika ,terminology ,technology ,scientific language ,strokovni jezik ,terminologija ,pravopis - Abstract
Pogosto slišimo, da obstajajo razlike med prevajalci z jezikoslovno in tistih s tehniško izobrazbo, zlasti ko gre za prevajanje tehničnih in strokovnih besedil. Na splošno velja, da naj bi bili strokovnjaki s tehniško izobrazbo spretnejši pri prevajanju pomena in terminologije, prevodi prevajalcev z jezikoslovno izobrazbo pa bolj jezikovno dovršeni. Namen pričujoče naloge je primerjati prevajalske sposobnosti študentov prvega letnika treh študijskih smeri, to so medjezikovne študije, računalništvo ter medijske komunikacije, in ugotoviti, ali med njimi obstajajo razlike. V okviru raziskave smo med seboj primerjali prevode angleškega strokovnega besedila v slovenščino, ki so jih pripravili študenti omenjenih študijskih usmeritev. Z analizo jezikovne pravilnosti in rabe besedišča smo preverili, kako držijo stereotipi že na začetku specializacije za določeno področje. Za boljše razumevanje sposobnosti in preverjanje prevajalskih tehnik posameznih skupin smo udeležence tudi anketirali. Izkazalo se je, da se rezultati znotraj posameznih kategorij od skupine do skupine precej razlikujejo, na splošno pa je vsaka skupina prevajala mnogo bolje, kot smo pričakovali glede na njihovo neizkušenost. There is much discussion about the difference between translators with a linguistic and translators with a technical background, especially when talking about translation of technical and scientific texts. It is said that so called experts more skillfully translate meaning and terminology, whereas linguists produce lingustically more polished texts. The aim of the present study was to compare the translation skills of first-year students of Interlingual Studies with those of first-year students of Computer Science and Media Communications and establish differences between them. The comparison is based on their test translations of an English scientific text excerpt into Slovenian. By analysing the linguistic correctness and use of vocabulary this study attempts to determine how accurate the existing stereotypes are in early stages of specialization for a given field. For better understanding of competence and translation strategies, the test groups were also polled. The data gathered shows varying, yet surprising rates of success between the groups depending on the example and each group provided more apt translations than expected from their inexperience.
- Published
- 2018
22. Jezik objave
- Author
Sead Alić and Čović, Ante
- Subjects
Bog ,Objava ,tehnika ,mediji ,filozofija ,teologija ,jezik ,God ,Revelation ,technology ,media ,philosophy ,theology ,language ,bog ,objava - Abstract
Rad želi interpretirati zabilježene načine komuniciranja čovjeka s Bogom. Pristup je u interpretaciji mediološki, odnosno iz perspektive filozofije medija. Želi se postaviti pitanje jezika, odnosno medija komunikacije, između čovjeka i Boga te otkriti razlog zašto je i kako je Bog jezikom komunicirao s ljudima. Je li to odredilo povijest ljudskih vjerovanja, odnosno oblik utemeljenja religija Knjige? Suvremena pomjeranja interesa religijskih hijerarhija prema političkome u sumnju stavljaju vjeru utemeljenu na jezičnom iskazu. Medij komuniciranja s Bogom u pitanje stavlja i odrednicu predodžbe kao oblika samospoznaje apsoluta. Je li jezik stranputica u ljudskoj komunikaciji s Bogom? Koje su konzekvence pristajanja uz jezik kao oblik komunikacije sa Svevišnjim?, The paper wants to interpret the recorded ways of communication between human beings and God. The approach to interpretation is mediological, that is, from the standpoint of the philosophy of media. It intends to ask the question about language, the medium of communication between human beings and God, and discover a reason why and how did God communicate with humans. Did that define the history of human’s belief and does it represents a form of foundation for religions of the Book? Contemporary tendencies of religious hierarchies to shift towards the political place a doubt on faith founded on language. A medium of communication with God puts into question the conceptualization as a form of self-knowing the absolute. Is language a side-track in human communication with God? What are the consequences of accepting a language as a form of communication with the God Almighty?
- Published
- 2018
23. Pčele – vrlo važne za prirodu i ljude
- Author
Mile Marinčić and Javor Bojan Leš
- Subjects
bee ,society ,nature ,science ,technology ,pčela ,društvo ,priroda ,znanost ,tehnika ,tehnologija - Abstract
Nakana je ovoga rada na primjeru pčela pokazati kako nam priroda daje mnogo primjera kako bismo se trebali ponašati da naš život i rad budu na zadovoljstvo unutar naše zajednice, jednako kao i u odnosu naše zajednice prema van, prema onome što nas okružuje. U prvom dijelu rad će se ponajviše orijentirati na prirodu i biologiju same pčele. U završnom dijelu rada dotaknut ćemo se uloge pčele u okviru suvremene tehnologije i znanosti. Na temelju svega navedenog pokušat ćemo u zaokruženju ovoga rada izvući neke konkretne zaključke za svoj svakodnevni život i djelovanje u pravcu očuvanja i jačanja pčelinjih zajednica za dobro čovjeka i svijeta., The objective of this article is to use bees to show how nature gives us numerous examples of how we should behave so that our life and work can benefit not only our community, but also our environment. The first part of the article focuses on nature and biology of the bee. In the final part, we discuss the role of bees in modern technology and science. Based on all of the above, we will draw some conclusions for our everyday life and activities aimed at preserving and strengthening bee communities for the well-being of mankind and the world.
- Published
- 2018
24. Ocenjevanje znanja pri tehniki in tehnologiji na osnovi konceptualnih načrtov
- Author
Štepic, Petra and Jamšek, Janez
- Subjects
smiselno učenje ,tehnologija ,ocenjevanje znanja ,povezovalne besede ,engineering ,konceptualni načrt ,tehnika in tehnologija ,grafično orodje ,udc:62: ,hierarhični konceptualni načrt ,marking ,tehnika ,technology ,koncepti ,ocenjevanje - Abstract
Diplomsko delo je namenjeno učiteljem tehnike, ki si želijo kvalitativen pristop k učenju. Tega lahko dosežemo z grafičnim orodjem, kot je konceptualni načrt. Konceptualni načrti spodbujajo smiselno učenje tako, da pridobljeno znanje nadgradimo z vključitvijo novih pojmov, ki jim pravimo koncepti. Le tako znanje se bo preneslo v dolgotrajni spomin in ga bo moč priklicati tudi kasneje v življenju. Konceptualni načrt pa je še posebej priporočljiv pri predmetu tehnika in tehnologija v osnovnih šolah, saj lahko med seboj povezujemo tako teorijo kot praktični del. V diplomski nalogi lahko vidimo primere uporabe hierarhičnega konceptualnega načrta, s katerim predstavimo teorijo, in procesni konceptualni načrt, s katerim predstavimo izdelavo izdelka po korakih. Konceptualne načrte lahko uporabimo, preden učitelj preda znanje, lahko jih vpelje kot razredno aktivnost med poukom, lahko pa tudi pri ocenjevanju znanja. Učitelj mora konceptualne načrte vpeljati v razred postopoma, kot je opisano v diplomski nalogi. Preizkusi znanja s konceptualnimi načrti imajo naloge in točkovanje zasnovano malce bolj specifično, saj učitelji pri učencu ne vrednotijo zgolj poznavanja terminologije, temveč tudi smiselno postavitev pojmov. Pomembno vlogo pri konceptualnih načrtih pa imajo povezovalne besede, ki pojasnjujejo razmerja med pojmi. V diplomski nalogi so podani tudi primeri preizkusov znanja, z rešitvami, točkovanjem in ocenjevalno lestvico. The content of this thesis is targeted at technology teachers who wish to have a qualitative approach to teaching. The latter can be achieved by using graphical tools like concept maps. Concept maps stimulate meaningful learning by upgrading the gained knowledge with new notions called concepts. Only such knowledge will stay in the long-term memory and can be also accessed later in life. Conceptual plans are highly recommended in primary schools, namely for the subject design and technology, since it is possible to link theory and practice. The thesis includes cases of use of hierarchical conceptual plan, which presents the theory, and process conceptual plan, which presents the making of a product step by step. Conceptual plans can be used before the teacher passes the knowledge on to the students, as an activity during class, and also for knowledge assessment. As described in the thesis, the teacher has to introduce conceptual plans gradually. The tasks and scoring in the exams that use conceptual plans are a little bit more specific, since in addition to the knowledge of terminology also the meaningful notion setting is evaluated. Linking phrases have an important role in conceptual plans, since they explain relations between notions. The thesis also includes the examples of exams with answers, scoring and grading scale.
- Published
- 2017
25. Merjenje sežigne toplote lesnih energentov v okviru pouka tehniških vsebin
- Author
Mikuž, Beti and Kocijančič, Slavko
- Subjects
tehnologija ,engineering ,lesni energent ,kurilna vrednost ,udc:62(043.2) ,učenje z raziskovanjem ,primary education ,tehnika ,kalorimeter ,pred test ,gorenje ,technology ,post test ,osnovnošolski pouk ,sežigna toplota - Abstract
Merjenje sežigne toplote oziroma kurilne vrednosti lesnih energentov je tema, ki je v učbenikih za osnovno šolo za predmete tehniških vsebin še neraziskana z didaktičnega vidika. V magistrskem delu je predstavljen način določanja sežigne toplote lesnih energentov v okviru pouka tehniških vsebin – tehnike in tehnologije, fizike, naravoslovja in tehnike, naravoslovja. Predstavljena so teoretična izhodišča pretvarjanja lesne biomase v energijsko uporabno obliko ter vpliv različnih dejavnikov na proces gorenja lesnega energenta. Nato je predstavljen opis izdelave in testiranja kalorimetra, namenjenega merjenju sežigne toplote različnih goriv, empirična določitev natančnosti prototipnega kalorimetra, načrtovanje izvedbe tehniških dni, temelječ na učenju z raziskovanjem ter izdelava pred in post testov, s katerimi lahko ugotovimo učinkovitost izvedbe tehniških dni. S pomočjo eksperimentalne metode raziskovanja smo ugotovili, da bi v praksi lahko izvedli tehniški dan na temo kalorimetra in kalorimetrije z induktivno metodo učenja z raziskovanjem, temu primerno je namreč oblikovan osnutek učne priprave. Učna priprava je oblikovana za izvedbo dveh tehniških dni. Elementi obeh tehniških dni, ki bi jih pri metodi učenja z raziskovanjem preverjali pri učencih, so: medsebojno sodelovanje učencev, delovanje posameznega učenca v skupini in posameznikov način spoprijemanja z zadano nalogo. Preverjali bi tudi uporabo različnih virov podatkov ter kvaliteto in število podanih možnosti za izboljšanje preverljivosti spremenljivke lesnega energenta, ki jo skupina preučuje. Prisotnost elementov učenja z raziskovanjem bi preverjali z rezultati pred in post testa, z opazovanjem posameznih učencev in skupine kot celote. Intenziteto pridobljenega znanja bi merili s pomočjo pred in post testa. Measuring the combustion heat of wood energy sources is a topic that remains unexplored within a didactic point of view. The thesis presents a method of determining the combustion heat of wood energy sources in the context of technology education - Engineering and technology, Physics, Science and technology and Natural sciences. There are presented the theoretical bases of converting biomass into energy usable form, and the influence of various factors on the process of burning wood as energy source. Furthermore, there is a description of the calorimeter's manufacture and its testing. An empirical determination of a prototype calorimeter's accuracy is also included. There is given an example of implementation of technology days, based on inquiry learning. Also a production of pre- and post-test, which can determine the effectiveness of the technology days' implementation is presented and analyzed. The experimental research method was used to found out that, in practice, we could carry out a technology day on the calorimetry's topic by inductive method of inquiry based learning. There is a draft of a lesson plan given. Lesson plan is designed for the execution of two technology days. Elements of both technology days that would be examined in the context of inquiry based learning are: students' participation within the group, activity of each student as individual and way of coping with their task in the group and as individuals. The use of different data sources, quality and number of specified options to improve the verifiability of a given variable, examined by group, would also be tested. The presence of inquiry based learning elements would be verified by the results of the pre- and post-test and by the observation of each student within a group. The intensity of the knowledge acquired would be measured by the pre- and post-test.
- Published
- 2017
26. Ogled o tehnologiji i etici
- Author
Višić, Maroje
- Subjects
tehnika ,tehnologija ,etika ,Martin Heidegger ,Herbert Marcuse ,Hans Jonas ,technics ,technology ,ethics - Abstract
U radu se razmatra pitanje tehnologije. Polazi se od M. Heideggera, koji tehnologiju ne vidi priručnim sredstvom, već načinom raskrivanja svijeta u smislu ispostavljanja u kojem se otkriva i najveća opasnost za čovjeka. Zatim se razmatra Marcuseovo mišljenje o tehnologiji. H. Marcuse je možda među prvima koji je tehnologiju spoznao kao novu ontologiju, ali i među prvima koji je, premda u krajnjoj liniji ipak ostao romantik, bio izrazito skeptičan i kritičan spram odnosa tehnologije i čovjeka. Naposljetku se razmatra i H. Jonas koji, osvjedočen negativnim iskustvom krajnje mogućnosti tehnologije, iznosi etički imperativ za tehnološku civilizaciju: života mora biti., This paper considers the question of technology. The starting point is M. Heidegger, who did not see technology as a handy tool, but as a way of uncovering the world and revealing the greatest danger for man. Then Marcuse’s notion about technology is taken into account. H. Marcuse was perhaps one of the first to see technology as the new ontology, but he was also one of the first who was extremely sceptical and critical towards the relationship between technology and man, although he ultimately remained a romantic. Lastly, H. Jonas is taken into account who, as a witness to the negative experience of technology’s ultimate possibility, states the ethical imperative for the technological civilisation: there must be life.
- Published
- 2017
27. O izopačenju renesanse kozmosa
- Author
Perušić, Luka and Sunajko, Goran
- Subjects
child ,peace ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filozofija ,revolucija ,world ,renaissance ,kozmos ,mir ,priroda ,nature ,cosmos ,dijete ,schizophrenia ,svijet ,tehnika ,šizofrenija ,renesansa ,rat ,revolution ,technology ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philosophy ,war - Abstract
Ovaj je esej prilog razumijevanju ljudske gluposti. Esej zauzima orijentaciju kozmološke rasprave i sabire metafizičku, ontološku, bioetičku i ratnoteorijsku argumentaciju pri sintezi problema rata. Prema strukturi izloženoj u prethodnim autorovim člancima, esej postupno sabire makro-, mezo- i mikrokozmičke relacije koje upućuju na neke temeljne fenomenološke mreže uzroka i posljedica ratovanja te se oslanja na raspravu o agon-kompleksu. Najprije, postavljam temeljne koordinate problema te ističem dva fenomena koje potom intenzivnije obrazlažem: šizofreniju ljudske vrste i patvorenje tehnikom. U završnoj riječi obrazlažem hipotezu s kojom rasprava započinje i kratko se osvrćem na trendove suvremene »kritičke misli«. Izložena rasprava ostavlja temelje za mereološko širenje ovdje uvedene sinteze. This essay is a contribution to the understanding of human stupidity. Essay begins its orientation from the cosmological perspective, and it gathers arguments from metaphysical, ontological, bioethical, and war theory fields of knowledge in order to synthesize the question on war. According to the structure previously devised in author’s papers, it continuously gathers macro-, mezzo- and microcosmic relations which point to some of the elementary phenomenological networks on cause and effect of warfare, and it relays on the discussion on agon-complex. I first posit the framework of discussion, and then I proceed to elaborate in more detail the two outlined phenomena: schizophrenia of human species, and fabrication by technology. In the closing word I explain the starting thesis and briefly attack some of the trends in contemporary “critical thought”. The discussion for its purpose has the idea of laying ground for mereological expansion of posited synthesis.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Prkič, Tajda and Fošnarič, Samo
- Subjects
drugo triletje ,activities ,tehnika ,technology ,second cycle ,interesne dejavnosti ,Prekmurje ,udc:373.3.091.3:611.8(043.2) ,naravoslovje ,science - Abstract
Teoretični del diplomskega dela je sestavljen iz 5 sklopov psihološki sklop, pedagoško-didaktični sklop, preventivni sklop, geografsko-zgodovinski sklop in zgodovinski sklop. Poseben poudarek je na šolskih in obšolskih interesnih dejavnostih, predvsem na naravoslovju in tehniki. V praktičnem delu naloge smo raziskovali, koliko osnovnih šol v Prekmurju izvaja naravoslovne in tehnične interesne dejavnosti v drugem triletju. Ugotovili smo, kolikšno je dejansko število delujočih šolskih in obšolskih naravoslovnih in tehničnih dejavnosti na šolah v Prekmurju ter jih primerjali med seboj glede na položaj šole (vas-mesto). Raziskovali smo tudi, kdo izvaja interesne dejavnosti, kakšne so materialne zmožnosti ter razlogi za pomanjkanje naravoslovnih in tehničnih interesnih dejavnosti na osnovnih šolah. Rezultati nakazujejo, da je na vaških šolah bistveno manj naravoslovnih in tehničnih interesnih dejavnosti kot v mestu. V primerjavi z drugimi interesnimi dejavnostmi pa je zaznati izredno pomanjkanje le-teh dveh dejavnosti na osnovnih šolah. V iskanju rešitve te problematike, smo na podlagi izkušenj učiteljev in lastnih idej izdelali dva didaktična modela letne priprave za izvajanje interesnih dejavnosti. V okviru naravoslovne interesne dejavnosti smo izdelali model letne priprave "Mladi ekologi". Za tehnično interesno dejavnost pa smo pripravili model letne priprave "Lego dakta". S tem upamo, da smo doprinesli vsaj delček v koncept razvijanja naravoslovnih in tehničnih interesnih dejavnosti na osnovnih šolah v Prekmurju. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of five sets - psychological, pedagogical-didactic, preventive, geographical-historical and historical set. Special emphasis is placed on curricular and extracurricular activities, especially in science and technology. In the practical part of the thesis we studied how many primary schools in Prekmurje carry out scientific and technical activities in the second cycle. We found out what is the actual number of functioning curricular and extracurricular activities of science and technology in schools in Prekmurje, and we compare them with each other according to the location of the school (village-city). We have also studied who carries out the activities, what are the material abilities and what are the reasons for the lack of science and technology activities in primary schools. The results suggest that in rural schools there are significantly less scientific and technical activities, such as in the city. Compared to other activities a lack of these two can be detected in primary schools. In the search for solutions to these problems, we made two didactic models of annual preparation for the implementation of activities based on teachers' experiences and our own ideas. In the context of scientific activity we made a model of annual preparation "Young ecologists". For technical activity we made a model of annual preparation "Lego dactyl". We hope that we contributed at least a fraction in the concept of developing the science and technology activities at primary schools in Prekmurje.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Mladen Jurišić, Jozo Kanisek, Irena Rapčan, Daria Galić Subašić, and Elvis Svat
- Subjects
seed potatoes ,techniques ,technology ,economic result ,profit ,sjemenski krumpir ,tehnika ,tehnologija ,ekonomski rezultat ,dobit - Abstract
Istraživanja su provedena tijekom 2011. godine na proizvodnim površinama u Grubišinom Polju, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija. Istraženi su neki tehnološki činitelji, a praćeni su i evidentirani agrotehnički zahvati. Obrađena je ekonomika i organizacija rada. Na temelju izračunatih normi izrađena je tehnološka karta i izračunati su ekonomski pokazatelji za uzgoj 1 ha sjemenskog krumpira. Utvrđen je utrošak od 64,90 sati rada strojeva i 122,00 sati rada ljudi. Ukupni troškovi iznosili su 45.013,39 kn ha-1, a vrijednost ostvarene proizvodnje iznosila je 72.000,00 kn ha-1. Ostvarena je dobit od 26.986,61 kn ha-1. Proizvodnost rada izačunata je na temelju utroška 122,00 sati rada po ha-1 i prinosa od 18,00 t ha-1, te iznosi 6,77 sati rada ljudi po t-1. Na temelju koeficijenta ekonomičnosti koji iznosi 1,60 i stope rentabilnosti evidentno je da je proizvodnja sjemenskog krumpira ekonomična, jer se na 100 kn uloženih pri proizvodnji ostvaruje 59,95 kn dobiti., Investigations were carried out during 2011 in the production areas in Grubišno Polje, Bjelovarsko-bilogorska County. Explored were some technological factors, and soil management practices were monitored and recorded. The economics and organization of work, were analysed. On the basis of calculated norms was technological map the made and the economic indicators calculate for the cultivation of 1 ha of seed potatoes were determined. The energy of 64.90 hours and 122.00 hours of machinery and labor. Total costs were 45,013.39 per ha-1, and the value of actual production 72.000.00 HRK per ha-1. Profit was 2,698.61 HRK per ha-1. Labour productivity was based on the consumption of 122.00 hours per ha-1 and the yield of 18.00 t ha-1 and 6.77 hours of human laborper t-1. Based on the cost-effectiveness ratio, which is 1.60 and the rate of return, it is evident that the production of seed potatoes is economical, because 100 HRK invested in the production achieves 59.95 HRK profit.
- Published
- 2016
30. Technology and the Soul. José Ortega y Gasset and the Question about the Meaning of Art
- Author
Žarko Paić
- Subjects
José Ortega y Gasset ,dehumanization ,art ,technology ,metaphysics ,vital mind ,existence ,soul ,dehumanizacija ,umjetnost ,tehnika ,metafizika ,vitalni um ,egzistencija ,duša - Abstract
Autor u razmatranju polazi od postavke da je svrstavanje Ortege y Gasseta i njegove filozofije života u mislioce konzervativne kritike kulture izgubilo svoju vjerodostojnost. Radi se o autentičnome nastojanju rehumaniziranja svijeta polazeći od ideje o kraju modernosti i napretka zapadnjačke civilizacije. Ortega y Gasset je pitanje o smislu umjetnosti izveo u svezi s razmatranjem o biti tehnike. Pritom je autonomija djela moderne umjetnosti i suverenost događaja suvremene umjetnosti ono što više ne odgovara na izazove tehničke samofabrikacije svijeta. Čovjek nije u središtu svijeta, kao što svijet nije više predmetom neutralne filozofije izvan onoga što određuje postajanje života samoga kao projekta egzistencije. U iscrpnoj analizi dehumanizacije umjetnosti i tehničke konstelacije bitka u 20. stoljeću, autor pokazuje da je Ortega y Gasset uz Heideggera dalekosežno shvatio kako se drama ljudskoga života ne može više razumjeti drukčije negoli iz iskustva vitalnoga uma s onu stranu racionalizma i psihologizma modernih znanosti. Povijesnost slobode otvara mogućnost da umjetnost otvori drukčije razumijevanje života od metafizičkoga razlikovanja uma i tjelesnosti. No, kada se u doba posthumanoga stanja tehnički karakter egzistencije stvara iz logike »umjetnoga uma« (A-intelligence) tada je ravnodušnost prema umjetnosti postala druga strana ljudske sudbine. Stoga je potrebno iznova promisliti alternativu metafizičkome mišljenju Zapada u onome što dolazi s pojmom duše i njezine nesvodljivosti na bilo kakvu tehniku i tehnologiju., The author tries to explore the problem of articulating the metaphysical issues made by Ortega y Gasset from the premise that classification of his philosophy of life in the manner of conservative cultural critique has lost its credibility. It should be useful to underline the efforts of rehumanization of the world starting from the idea of the end of modernity and progress of Western civilization. Ortega y Gasset has opened the question about the meaning of art deeply brought in close connection to a review of the modern technology. It is the autonomy of works of modern art and sovereingty of contemporary art events that is no longer responding to the challenges of technical world. The human is no longer the center of the world, as the world is no longer the subject of a neutral philosophy beyond what determines the becoming of life itself as a project of existence. In detailed analysis of dehumanization of art and technical constellation of Being in the 20th century, the author shows how clearly Ortega y Gasset along with Heidegger realized far-reaching way beyond the drama of human life and can no longer be understood otherwise than by experience of vital mind on other side of the rationalism and psychologism. Historicity of freedom opens the possibility that art should be an dispositif of different understanding the life from the metaphysical distinction of mind and body. But in the core of the posthuman condition, the technical character of existence created by the logic of “artificial mind” (A-intelligence) has produced some kind of uncanny apathy to the art as the other side of human destiny. Therefore, it is necessary to rethinking the alternative to metaphysical thought of the West in time to come with the term ‘soul’ and its irreducibility to any kind of modern technology.
- Published
- 2015
31. Telos tehnike i dokidanje distopijskog u filozofiji Ortege y Gasseta
- Author
Marko Kos
- Subjects
José Ortega y Gasset ,technology ,dystopia ,posthumanism ,tehnika ,distopija ,posthumanizam - Abstract
Rad nastoji prikazati odnos suvremenog čovjeka spram tijela, s naglaskom na poimanje ljudskog tijela kao svrhe, primjerice u djelu »Razmatranja o tehnici« Joséa Ortege y Gasseta (1941.), objavljenom na hrvatskom jeziku kao drugi dio knjige O ljubavi – O tehnici. Razmotrit će se pitanja: a) kakav utjecaj ima postuliranje distopijskih budućnosti na stav o tehnici, b) možemo li tvrditi da suvremeni čovjek gleda na ljudsko tijelo kao na stroj, c) predstavlja li ideja tijela kao stroja telos suvremenom čovjeku? Filozofijsko razmatranje pojma tehne služit će kao osnova za razmatranje pitanja »Što je čovjek?« i »Što će čovjekom postati?« kako ih čitamo u filozofiji Ortege y Gasseta., The article aims to examine the relationship of modern man to human body, with an emphasis on understanding of the purpose of human body as such, in José Ortega y Gasset’s work “Man the Technician” (1941). We shall examine the following questions: a) what impact has the postulation of dystopian future on our attitude towards technology, b) can we claim that modern man thinks of the human body as a machine, c) does the idea of the body as a machine represent a telos to the modern man? A philosophical discussion on the term techne will serve as the basis for discussing the issues of “What is man?” and “What will man become?” as it is understood in the philosophy of Ortega y Gasset.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Božo Milošević
- Subjects
znanost ,tehnika ,tehnologija ,znanstvenotehnološka revolucija ,„onaučavanje” društveni napredak ,science ,technique ,technology ,scientific-technological revolution ,»scientification« ,social progress - Abstract
Moderna tehnika i tehnologija su nesporno proizvod kumulativnog znanstvenog razvoja. Međutim, kada se znanstven i tehničkotehnološki razvoj nastoji sagledati i objasniti u vezi sa društvenim napretkom, tada dolazi do nesporazuma u pristupu toj vezi. U osnovi tog nesporazuma se nalazi samo poimanje te veze; jedni je vide kao znanstveno tehničku revoluciju, a drugi kao proces „onaučavanja”. U suvremenoj znanosti široko su rasprostranjena gledišta koja društveni napredak vide kao pravocrtno napredovanje pod isključivim utjecajem znanosti i njene tehničkotehnološke primjene u procesima rada i društvenog organiziranja. Za taj, naizgled sveopći, utjecaj znanosti i tehnike na društvene procese i društveni razvoj mnogi znanstvenici su „pronašli” prigodnu sintagmu - „znanstvenotehnološka/znanstvenotehnička revolucija”. Ta sintagma će se gotovo bez upitnosti upotrebljavati u smislu osnovnog obilježja modernih društava u „podrazumjevajućem” spoznajnom (i, posebno, vanspoznajnom) kontekstu, posebno od 60-tih godina 20-tog stoljeća. Iako u manje rasprostranjenom vidu, primjetni su pokušaji u suvremenoj znanosti (posebno u sociologiji) da se odnos između znanosti i tehnike/tehnologije sagleda u nešto sadržajnijem (i realnijem) vidu, pa se taj pristup imenuje kao proces „onaučavanja”. Pod tim se podrazumijeva, ne „revolucionaran prevrat”, već manje ili više proturiječan kontinuitetan i kumulativan proces uključivanja znanosti u proizvodnju u smislu prožimanja svih činilaca rada (predmeta, sredstava, organizacije i radno-profesionalnih umijeća i vještina zaposlenih), kao i u smislu prožimanja šire društvene prakse ciljnoracionalnim načinom njenog usmjeravanja. Na taj način se pristup proučavanju međusobnog odnosa znanosti, tehnike/tehnologije i društva sa stanovišta „onaučavanja” prepoznaje kao kritičko prevrednovanje shvaćanja o „znanstvenotehničkoj/znanstvenotehnološkoj revoluciji”. Svaka kritika je sama po sebi izazovna, a imanentna znanstvena kritika može biti djelotvorna; kako u otklanjanju zabluda, tako i u smislu osnaživanja inter-znanstvenog dijaloga., Modern technique and technology are both undoubtedly a product of cumulative scientific development. However, when scientific and technical-technological development is examined and explained in relation to social progress, there is misunderstanding in approach to the connection. In the core of the misunderstanding is the essential notion of the connection; some see it as scientific-technical or scientific-technological revolution, and the other see it as the process of “scientification”. There are widespread views in modern science that see social progress as rectilinear advancement under the exclusive influence of science and its technical-technological application in the work processes and social organization. For that seemingly universal influence of science and technique on social processes and social development, many scientists have “found” a convenient syntagm – “scientific-technological/scientific-technical revolution”. Such a syntagm have been, almost unquestionably, used in the meaning of basic characteristic of modern societies in “implicit” cognitive (and especially non-cognitive) contexts, since 1960s. Although less widespread, there are notable attempts in the contemporary science (particularly in sociology) to have more contentual (and more realistic) view of relation between science and technique/technology, and that approach is named as a process of “scientification”. It is understood not as “revolutionary overturn” but as more or less contradictory, continuous and cumulative process of the inclusion of science in the production, implying pervasion of work factors (objects, means, organization and work-professional skills of employees) , as well as pervasion of broader social practices and objective-rational ways of its orientation. In that way “scientification” approach to the study of relationship between science, technique/technology and society is recognized as critical evaluation of concepts of “scientific-technological/scientific-technical revolution”. Every criticism is challenge by itself, and immanent scientific criticism can be effective in elimination of misapprehensions, as well as in strengthening of inter-scientific dialog.
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Koren, Mojca and Fošnarič, Samo
- Subjects
talented students ,natural science ,udc:373.3(043.2) ,razredna stopnja ,tehnika ,nadarjeni ,technology ,osnovna šola ,naravoslovje ,primary school - Abstract
Cilj diplomske naloge je ugotoviti, kakšen odnos imajo učitelji do nadarjenih pri predmetu naravoslovja in tehnike v petem razredu osnovne šole, ter podati nekaj predlogov, ki bodo morda nekoliko pripomogli h kvaliteti in kvantiteti dela z nadarjenimi pri tem predmetu. V nalogi sem poskušala predstaviti pojem nadarjenosti, značilnosti nadarjenih učencev, vlogo njihovih staršev ter sodelovanje le-teh s šolo. Prikazala sem, da pri odkrivanju nadarjenih v šoli igra pomembno vlogo učiteljevo opazovanje. Uporabljen je bil anketni vprašalnik za 31 učiteljev. Podatki anketnega vprašalnika so bili analizirani glede na spol in delovno dobo. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da prevladujejo učiteljice s šestnajst in več leti delovne dobe, in ravno te so mnenja, da jih v samem procesu izobraževanja niso dovolj pripravili za delo z nadarjenimi. Učitelji (tako moški kot ženske) vidijo nadarjene kot delno obremenitev in ocenjujejo svojo usposobljenost za delo z nadarjenimi za dobro, ter v večini menijo, da ne potrebujejo dodatnega izpopolnjevanja. Večina učiteljev kot najbolj pogosto obliko dela z nadarjenimi navaja dodatne naloge, le na treh šolah pa izvajajo dejavnost za nadarjene pri pouku naravoslovja in tehnike tudi izven rednega pouka. V praktičnem delu je predstavljena preglednica, ki služi za lažje prepoznavanje nadarjenih na sploh, in tudi preglednico za odkrivanje talentiranih pri naravoslovju in tehniki. Sledi še opis praktičnega dela, ki sem ga izvedla z učenci – najprej v sklopu rednega pouka, nato še opis projektnega dela in ekskurzije, ki sta bila izvedena samo z nadarjenimi učenci. Na tak način sem želela predstaviti nekaj možnih oblik dela kot alternativo k enoličnim oblikam dela (dodatne naloge), ki so jih učenci deležni vsak dan. The main purpose of the following diploma paper is to study the relationship between teachers and talented students at the subject of natural science and technology in the fifth class of primary school. Moreover, some suggestions, which might improve quality and quantity of work with talented pupils at this particular subject, are given. I presented the notion of talent, characteristics of talented students and a role of their parents as well as the importance of parent-school cooperation. I concluded that teachers have an important role in identifying talented students by observing students in class. 31 teachers completed the questionnaire. The collected data were analysed by gender and years of working experience. The findings of the study firstly showed that female teachers prevail, especially the ones who have sixteen years of working experience and more. Secondly, they are convinced that they were not prepared enough for teaching talented students. Finally, male as well as female teachers think that teaching talented students is partly burdening. They see themselves as competent enough to work with talented students and they do not need further training. A great majority of teachers prepare additional exercises for talented students, only three schools organize activities apart from regular classes at the subject of natural science and technology. In the empirical part I presented two tables: a table for identifying talented students in general and a table for discovering talented students at the subject natural science and technology followed by a practical work with students, which was divided in two parts. The first part was done at regular classes, the second one was done as a project work and excursions for talented students. Although there are many different ways to work with talented students, I presented some that serve as an alternative to those that students meet every day at school.
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Klug, Anita and Papotnik, Amand
- Subjects
udc:373.2(043.2) ,projektno delo ,tehnika ,vremenska karta ,weather ,wind indicators ,vetrokaz ,technology ,ustvarjanje ,weather maps ,vreme ,creativity ,project work - Abstract
Izziv oz. namen diplomskega dela z naslovom Preučevanje in ustvarjalno-raziskovalno delo na področju spremljanja vremenskih pojavov je bilo ugotoviti predznanje, izkušnje in interes otrok za praktično ustvarjalno delo, v okviru mesečnega projekta obogatitvene dejavnosti v vrtcu Muta, z naslovom Skupaj opazujemo, spoznavamo vreme in ustvarjamo. Težiščni cilji so bili naravnani na ugotavljanje, ali otroci starosti pet do šest let poznajo vremenske pojave in se zavedajo pomena znanja in razlage vremenskih pojavov in v kolikšni meri so otroci te stopnje sposobni razviti idejo za izdelavo pripomočkov (vetrokaz in vremenski koledar - tedenski). S tehniko intervjuja sem ugotavljala ali so vzgojiteljice pripravljene in usposobljene za tovrstno prikazovanje in ustvarjalno-raziskovalno delo z namenom, da pridobimo nove izkušnje in refleksijo na dnevno rutino. V teoretičnem delu sem na osnovi analize in interpretacije strokovne literature predstavila, vreme in vremenske pojave, merilnike oz. pripomočke za spremljanje in beleženje vremenskih pojavov. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila namen, cilje raziskave, raziskovalna vprašanja, hipoteze in metodo zbiranja in obdelave podatkov. Uporabljena je bila kombinirana metoda triangulacije, ki izhaja iz predpostavke, da vsak izmed udeležencev raziskave (vzgojiteljica izvajalka, vzgojiteljica opazovalka ter otroci) vidi in razlaga drugače in se v postopku akcijskega raziskovanja korigira oz. spreminja ravnanje v prid vseh udeležencev. V drugem delu raziskovanja je bila uporabljena kavzalna deskriptivna neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja s pomočjo intervjuja za strokovne delavke v vrtcu Muta. Predstavljene hipoteze so bile v celoti potrjene. V praktičnem delu so otroci po kriterijih ustvarjalno-raziskovalnega dela sledili projektu, kjer so razvili idejo in izdelali vetrokaz in vremenski koledar. Otroci so spoznavali tehnične predmete in si v procesu na aktivni način razvijali sposobnosti na področju tehnike in tehnologije. Pri aktivnostih projekta v povezavi z izvajanjem projektne naloge so spoznavali pojave na nebu, ter odkrivali vremenske spremembe, ob tem kdaj bodo nastale določene spremembe. Otroci so prepoznavali in uporabljali tehnične predmete in procese, spoznavali njihov namen in pomen, ter v igri ponazarjali njihovo funkcijo in delovanje, se urili v različnih tehničnih opravilih in razvijali tehnično ustvarjalnost. Pri izdelavi izdelka so doživljali delo kot proces za spreminjanje gradiv v koristne izdelke in si razvijali organizacijske sposobnosti. The purpose of the thesis entitled Study and creative research work in the field of monitoring weather events was to discover the knowledge, experience and interest of children in practical creative work within the monthly project Together we observe, create and learn about the weather, whose purpose is to enrich the activities in the Muta kindergarten. The main objectives were focused on determining whether children aged five to six years are familiar with weather conditions furthermore, to ascertain how aware are they of the importance of knowledge and interpretation of weather conditions and, finally, to figure out the extent to which children of this level are able to develop the idea of manufacturing devices (wind indicators and a weekly climatic calendar). Using the technique of interviewing, I identified whether the kindergarten teachers are prepared and trained for this type of presentation and creative research work in order to gain new experience and reflection of the daily routine. The theoretical part presents weather and weather conditions, devices for monitoring and registering weather conditions on the basis of analysis and interpretation of literature. In the empirical part the purpose, research objectives, research questions, hypotheses and methods of collecting and processing data are stated. I have used the method of triangulation which assumes that each of the study participants (kindergarten teacher performer, kindergarten teacher observer and children) sees and interprets it differently furthermore, the participants correct and change their behavior during the process of action to the benefit of all participants. In the second part of the research a causal descriptive non-experimental method of empirical research has been used. The hypotheses presented were fully confirmed. In the practical part the children were following the project according to the creative-research criteria. They developed the idea and created a wind indicator and a weather calendar. Children were learning about technical subjects and developing skills in engineering and technology. The activities in the project enabled the children to learn about phenomena in the sky and about changes in the weather. Children learnt what certain technical objects and processes were and how they could be used, they learnt about their purpose and meaning and illustrated their function and operation through game, trained in various technical tasks and developed technical creativity. They experienced product manufacturing as a process of changing materials into useful products and during this process they were developing organizational skills.
- Published
- 2012
35. Possible Contributions of Integrative Bioethics in Bridging the Gap Between Faith and Science
- Author
Marinčić, Mile and Čović, Berislav
- Subjects
bioetika ,vjera ,znanost ,um ,pluriperspektivizam ,tehnika ,tehnologija ,integrativna bioetika ,bioethics ,faith ,science ,mind ,pluriperspectivism ,engineering ,technology ,integrative bioethics - Abstract
U ovom radu pokušali smo prikazati vrijednost i značenje pojave bioetike, točnije integrativne bioetike kao one koja (nije jedina) svojim doprinosom može pomoći u premošćivanju napetosti u odnosu vjera – znanost (teologija i prirodne znanosti). Pokušali smo bioetički doprinos u pravcu premošćivanja razlika u odnosu vjera – znanost rasvijetliti kroz nekoliko bitnih točaka. Prije svega u samim temeljima bioetike (integrativne bioetike), onako kako je ušla u hrvatski znanstveni krug, naziremo jasne pokazatelje kako je njezin cilj omogućiti nam orijentaciju, i to na temelju različitih polazišta (integrativnost, interdisciplinarnost, transdisciplinarnost, perspektivizam, pluriperspektivizam) u pravcu što kvalitetnijeg razvoja i opstanka svijeta i čovjeka. Osim toga jasno treba podcrtati da bioetika (integrativna bioetika) niti je pokušavala, niti pokušava biti neka »nova religija«; ona je naprosto nastala kao pokušaj odgovora na goruće probleme koji se tiču čovjeka i svijeta te njihova opstanka., In this paper we have attempted to demonstrate the value and significance of bioethics, that is (not only) integrative bioethics, as that which can contribute to the easing of tensions on the level of faith-science (theology and natural sciences). We have endeavoured to clarify the bioethical contribution through several important points. Firstly, it is in the very foundations of bioethics (integrative bioethics), such as it (bioethics) has entered Croatian scientific circles, that we can perceive clear indications of its goal which is to enable our orientation from various points of departure (integrativity, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, prespectivity, pluriperspectivism ) toward a more qualitative development and subsistence of the world and of man. Also, we must underline the fact that bioethics (integrative bioethics) makes no attempt, nor has it ever made any attempt, to be some sort of »new religion«, but rather it has arisen from the endeavour to respond to burning issues pertaining to man and the world and their survival.
- Published
- 2012
36. Rimske koštane igle za šivanje, pletenje i vezenje iz zbirke koštanih predmeta Muzeja Slavonije u Osijeku
- Author
Marina Kovač
- Subjects
kost ,acus ,rimske koštane igle za šivanje i pletenje ,tehnika ,tehnologija ,radionice ,tipologija ,Muzej Slavonije ,Mursa ,Osijek ,bone ,Roman bone needles for sewing, knitting and embroidering ,technique ,technology ,workshops ,typology ,Museum of Slavonia - Abstract
U čuvaonicama Muzeja Slavonije u Osijeku pohranjen je veliki broj rimskih koštanih predmeta među kojima su i igle za šivanje, pletenje i vezenje. Ove su igle pohranjene u Pododjelu antičke arheologije Arheološkog odjela i čine dio Zbirke koštanih predmeta. Igle prezentirane u ovome radu dospjele su u Muzej krajem 19. i u prvoj polovini 20. stoljeća. Zbog nepostojanja arheološkog konteksta, igle se u radu oslanjaju na generalni kronološki okvir pojedinih tipova. Rad kataloški obrađuje 163 rimske koštane igle pronađene na području antičke Murse., The storerooms of the Museum of Slavonia in Osijek hold a large number of Roman bone objects, among which are needles for sewing, knitting and embroidering. These needles are stored in the Antiquity Subdivision of the Archaeological Department and form part of the Collection of Bone Items. The needles presented in this paper were acquired by the Museum at the end of the 19th and in the first half of the 20th century. Since there is no archaeological context for them, the needle analysis here relies on a general chronological framework of the certain types. This paper analyzes 163 Roman bone needles from the area of ancient Mursa in catalog form.
- Published
- 2012
37. Individualizam kao čovjekovo egzistencijalno uporište. Filozofijsko-teorijsko razmatranje individualizma s pripadajućim mu posljedicama
- Author
Stjepan Radić
- Subjects
individualizam ,autonomija ,uporište ,postmoderna ,psihoterapijsko društvo ,instrumentalni um ,tehnika ,liberalizam ,komunitarizam ,individualism ,autonomy ,stronghold ,post-modern ,psycho-therapeutic society ,instrumental mind ,technology ,liberalism ,communitarianism - Abstract
U radu se tematizira suvremeni problem individualizma. Autor to čini u okviru četiriju osnovna naslova: u prvom daje opći filozofijsko-teorijski okvir s obzirom na postmodernu konstelaciju i njoj pripadajući individualizam. U drugom razmatra tzv. psihoterapijsko društvo, dok se u trećem bavi problemom instrumentalnog uma i s njim povezanog individualizma. Četvrti, zadnji naslov donosi raspravu o individualizmu s obzirom na njegov društveno-politički aspekt. Metoda koju autor koristi tijekom razmatranja jest problemsko-analitička, prilikom čega, problematizirajući svaki od navedenih elemenata individualizma, kritički razrađuje problem kako u njegovu pojmovnom tako i u njegovu sadržajnom smislu. Zaključak koji se na temelju čitavog rada može izvesti sadržan je u uvidu da individualizam, u svojim formama autonomije i neovisnosti, predstavlja svojevrsno »uporište« suvremenog čovjeka čime postaje određeni svjetonazor posredstvom kojeg suvremeni pojedinac stvara stavove. U isto vrijeme, međutim, individualizam i s njim povezana autonomija bivaju uzrokom otuđenja., This article deals with the problem of individualism in relation to its contemporariness. The author does so within the framework of four basic headings. Under the first heading the author presents a general philosophical-theoretical framework with regard to post-modern constellation and its individualism. The second heading deals with so-called psycho-therapeutic society whereas in the third heading the author deals with the problem of instrumental minds and individualism related to it. The fourth heading deals with a discussion about individualism with regard to its social-political aspect. The method the author uses during his observations are problematic-analytical during which, as he problematises each of the said elements of individualism, he critically develops the problem both as a notion and contextually. The author's conclusion drawn from the contents of the article is an insight into individualism in its form of autonomy and independence which represents a sort of »support« for contemporary man in which individualism becomes a certain belief through which the contemporary individual creates attitudes. At the same time, however, individualism and its related autonomy become the cause of distance.
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Zalokar, Ina and Papotnik, Amand
- Subjects
tehnika ,konstrukcijska naloga ,technology ,ustvarjanje ,udc:62(043.2) ,creation weather ,structural problem ,tehniški dan ,technical day ,vreme - Abstract
Temo, izbrano v okviru predmeta didaktika tehnične vzgoje, sem teoretično, empirično ter praktično obdelala na primeru izvedenega tehniškega dne. V teoretičnem delu sem na osnovi analize in interpretacije strokovne literature predstavila tehniko v osnovnošolskem obdobju, njene značilnostih in dneve dejavnosti, zlasti cilje, načrtovanje ter izvajanje tehniških dni. Opisala sem naloge in strategije vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela, s poudarkom na konstrukcijski nalogi, ki sem jo izvedla v praktičnem delu. Predstavila sem operativne cilje, temeljne standarde znanja in minimalne standarde znanje prvega triletja, ki se opirajo na temo vremena. V zaključnem poglavju teoretičnega dela pa sem podala informacije o vremenu, ki so bile pomembne za izvedbo tehniškega dne. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni cilji in namen raziskave, metodologija dela, načini zbiranja ter obdelave podatkov. Zastavljene hipoteze sem v večini potrdila in ugotovila veliko stopnjo ujemanja načrtovanih predpostavk s preverjenimi v okviru izvajanja raziskave. Namen praktičnega dela je bilo izdelovanje izdelkov na temo vremena. Uporabili smo gradiva, ki so prijazna za otroka. Predstavljen je potek tehniškega dne, materiali, orodja ter preprosta tehnika obdelave za vsak izdelek. Sledijo pripete fotografije, ki nam malo približajo dogajanje v razredu med izdelovanjem. The chosen topic, within the course of technical education didactics, was theoretically, empirically and practically processed in the case of technical day. The theoretical part is based on the analysis and interpretation of literature. I presented technique in primary school, the days of activities and its characteristics, in particular the implementation and design of the technical day. I outlined the tasks and strategies of educational work, with emphasis a construction task, which I carried out in practical work. I presented the operational objectives, the basic standards of knowledge and minimum standards of knowledge in the first triad, concerning the weather topic. In the final chapter of the theoretical work, I submitted the information about weather that I used on the technical day. The empirical part presents the objectives and purposes of the survey, methodology of work, methods of collecting and processing data. In the majority I confirmed the hypotheses. I found a lot of matches. The purpose of the practical work was to make products on the weather topic. We used materials that are friendly to a child. I presented the structure, materials, tools and simple techniques that we used in making the products. I attached some photos to show the creative work of children in the classroom.
- Published
- 2010
39. Encyclical ‘Caritas in veritate’ – charity in truth
- Author
Tomašević, Luka and Begić, Ana
- Subjects
ljubav u istini ,ekonomski razvoj ,etika života ,tehnika ,okoliš ,charity in truth ,economic development ,ethics of life ,technology ,environment - Abstract
U članku se analizira enciklika pape Benedikta XVI. “Caritas in veritate – Ljubav u istini” koja se bavi cjelovitim ljudskim razvojem u ljubavi i istini. Za papu je antropološko pitanje temeljno socijalno pitanje. U radu se iznose neka temeljna načela papina promišljanja kao što su: načelo pravednosti i zajedničkog dobra, etika života, ekonomski razvoj, prava i dužnosti, suradnja ljudske obitelji, razvoj naroda i tehnika, te zaštita okoliša. Proces globalizacije valja usmjeravati prema relacijalnosti, zajedništvu i dijeljenju, smatra papa. Povezanost ljubavi i istine koja se kao nit provlači cijelim sadržajem bitna je ne samo za pojedinca nego za čitavo društvo., The article analyzes Pope Benedict XVI’s Encyclical Caritas in Veritate – Charity in Truth which deals with the entire human development in charity and truth. For the Pope the anthropological issue is a fundamental social issue. In this work some fundamental principles of Pope’s refl ections are put forwar, like: the principle of justice and common good, the ethics of life, economic development, rights and duties, cooperation of human family, development of peoples and technology, and protection of environment. The process of globalization has to be directed towards interconnectedness, togetherness and sharing, the Pontiff holds. The cohesion of charity and truth, which like a thread runs through the whole content, is important not only for an individual but for the whole society.
- Published
- 2010
- Author
Mladen Jurišić, Jozo Kanisek, Luka Šumanovac, K. Čošić, and Daria Galić Subašić
- Subjects
sjemenski kukuruz ,tehnika ,tehnologija ,ekonomski rezultat ,dobit ,seed corn ,techniques ,technology ,economic result ,profit - Abstract
Istraživanja su provedena tijekom 2009. godine na površinama Poljoprivrednog instituta Osijek. Na parceli 10,80 ha istraženi su tehnološki činitelji i ekonomski rezultati, praćeni su i evidentirani agrotehnički zahvati i organizacija uzgoja sjemenskog kukuruza. Na temelju izračunatih normi i izrađene tehnološke karte ukupne proizvodnje, utvrđen je utrošak od 16 sati rada strojeva i 64 sati rada ljudi po hektaru. Ukupni troškovi iznosili su 13.234,80 kn ha-1, a vrijednost ostvarene proizvodnje (prinos od 2,72 t ha-1) uz poticaj od 4.800,00 kn ha-1 iznosila je 21.139,80 kn ha-1. Proizvodnost rada iznosila je 42,55 kg zrna po satu ljudi, te utrošak od 23,70 sati rada ljudi po toni zrna. Ostvarena je dobit u iznosu od 7.905,00 kn ha-1. Koeficijent ekonomičnosti proizvodnje iznosi 1,59 iz čega je vidljivo da je proizvodnja sjemenskog kukuruza bila ekonomična, a na 100 kn uloženih u proizvodnju ostvareno je 30,70 kuna dobiti., The research was carried out during 2009 on the arable land owned by the Agricultural Institute in Osijek. Technological factors and economic results, agrotechnical procedures and organization of seed corn production were monitored on the total area of 10.80 ha. Based on the calculated norms and technology plans of overall production, it was determined that there were 16 hours of machine work and 64 hours of labor invested per one hectare. Total costs were 13,234.80 HRK per ha-1, and the production value (as of the yield of 2.72 t per ha-1) with state subsidies of 4,800.00 HRK per ha-1 amounted to 21,139.80 HRK per ha-1. Working productivity was 42.55 kg of grain per one hour of labour, and 23.70 hours of labour were invested per one ton of grain. Profit was 7,905.00 HRK per ha-1. Coefficient of production efficiency was 1.59, which indicated that production of seed corn was cost-effective, and a profit of 30.70 HRK was made per 100.00 HRK invested in production.
- Published
- 2010
41. Znanost, tehnika, tehnologija, gospodarstvo – idu li u istom smjeru
- Author
Ante Čikić
- Subjects
Bjelovarsko-bilogorska županija ,tehnika ,tehnologija ,znanost ,obrazovanje ,gospodarstvo ,proizvodnja ,Bjelovar-Bilogora County ,technique ,technology ,science ,education ,economy ,production - Abstract
U radu se raspravlja o povijesnom tehničko-tehnološkom napretku i utjecaju na prioritete čovjeka u funkciji njegova opstanka, održivog razvoja i obrazovanja. Istaknut je velik doprinos znanstveno-tehnološkog i informacijskog napretka razvoju globalizacije, ali i snaženju prijepornih društveno-ekonomskih vrijednosti i odnosa. Provedenim istraživanjima i kvantificiranim vrijednostima prikazano je stanje i operativne mogućnosti tehnike i tehnologije, korištenje informatike i komunikacija u proizvodnim tvrtkama Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije. Analiziran je udio pojedinih grana djelatnosti u gospodarstvu Županije u zadnjih 18 godina. Dijagramski je prikazana suradnja domaćih i inozemnih stručnjaka i znanstvenika s nekim proizvodnim tvrtkama u proteklom razdoblju. Na karakterističnom primjeru procijenjen je učinak povjerenja u stručnjake na domaćem i inozemnom tržištu. Istaknuta je važnost osnivanja i razvoja visokih učilišta u BBŽ-u, stalnog rasta broja studenata, stručnog i znanstvenog potencijala neophodnih za jačanje proizvodnih djelatnosti. Predložene su smjernice djelovanja znanosti, tehnike i tehnologije s gospodarstvom BBŽ-a., The paper discusses the historical technical and technological progress and its impact on the priorities developed in the context of serving its survival, sustainable development and education of the mankind. The major contributions of the scientific, technological and information progress both to the development of the globalisation and to the strengthening of the social and economic values and relations of debatable nature are pointed out. The research results and quantification data show the current status and the operational possibilities of technique and technology, as well as the use of information science and communications in the County’s production sector. Individual sectors are analysed as regards their share in the County’s economy in the last 18 years. The cooperation of domestic and international scientists and experts that has recently been realised with some of the firms in the production sector is presented in the form of a diagram. Based on a characteristic example, the assessment of the level of trust in experts in both the domestic and the international markets is given. It is emphasised how important it is for the Bjelovar-Bilogora County to be able to offer university education, to have a constant increase in the number of students, and to dispose of the professional and scientific potential needed for the strengthening of the production sector. Finally, the manner in which science, technique and technology should work together with the economy of the Bjelovar-Bilogora County is suggested.
- Published
- 2009
42. Technology as a Shaper of Human Culture: Social and Psychological Consequences
- Author
Vladimir Davčev and Elena Ačkovska-Leškovska
- Subjects
technology ,culture ,machine ,traditional values ,cultural values ,tehnologija ,kultura ,stroj ,tradicija ,tehnika ,kulturne vrijednosti - Abstract
Iznimni utjecaj tehnologije na ljudski život oduvijek je bio paradoksalan. Primjerice, tehnologija je jedan od činitelja koji pridonosi neizvjesnosti budućnosti uslijed unutarnje proturječnosti tehničkog sustava i društva. Naime, što je tehnologija moćnija to je svijet uznemireniji. Pojedini autori izražavaju mišljenje da je upravo tehnodiskurs u stvari diskurs čovječnosti i način njezina poboljšanja. Unatoč ovome, pojedini autori, humanisti prije svega, misle da se tehnologija može ispuniti tradicionalnim vrijednostima. U stvari, oni smatraju da današnja kultura ima samo djelatnu vrijednost odjeljenu od tradicije koja je oblikovana tehničkim napretkom i ekonomskim potrebama. Kultura je snažna oblikovateljica ljudskoga ponašanja jer je temelj svjesnih i nesvjesnih uvjerenja. Ona je put »ispravnih« načina života. Ne ugrožava li razvoj tehnike i tehnologije taj put »ispravnih« načina života?, The extraordinary influence of technology on the human life has always been a paradox. For example, one of the factors contributing to an increase of uncertainty of the future of technology is internal contradictions of the technical system and society. For instance, a vulnerability to accidents grows proportionally with the size of organizations. Similarly, the more powerful a technology is, the more it disturbs the world. Some people think that the technodiscourse is a discourse about humanity and the ways of advancing it. Some humanists, on the other hand, think that the technology can be saturated with traditional values. Today’s culture has just an operational value detached from tradition, molded by the technical progress and economic needs. Culture is a powerful shaper of human behavior because it is the foundation of conscious and unconscious beliefs. It is the way of ‘proper’ ways to live. Can we do something in that way? We think we can.
- Published
- 2008
43. »Homo Politicus«. Filozofsko utemeljenje politike
- Author
Ante Vučković
- Subjects
čovjek ,društvo ,politička filozofija ,utemeljenje ,tehnika ,man ,society ,political philosophy ,foundation ,technology - Abstract
Rad polazi od shvaćanja različitih značenja utemeljenja nakon čega donosi pregled najvažnijih čvorišta zapadnoga mišljenja o političkom uređenju međuljudskih odnosa. Rad se tako osvrće na pojavu pitanja o politici uopće, na Platonov paralelizam duše i polisa, Aristotelovo shvaćanje čovjeka kao društvenoga bića iz čega je i život u polisu shvaćen kao rezultat ljudske društvene naravi, na helenski kozmopolitizam, na kršćanstvo i srednjovjekovnu političku filozofiju i odnos Crkve i države, na novovjekovno shvaćanje politike kao zaštite od zla, na Lockea i ključnu ulogu njegova shvaćanja nagona za samoodržanjem unutar političke filozofije, na otkriće kolektivne volje kod Rousseaua, na Hegela i shvaćanje države kao ozbiljenja slobode, potom na pozitivizam i prošlostoljetnu krizu političke filozofije, na suvremeni liberalno-komunitaristički prijepor, na Galimbertija i zapadanje politike u eri tehnike te na koncu na pluralizaciju političkih teorija pri čemu se razlikuju normativni i empirijsko-analitički pristupi. Ovakav panoramski pristup nudi se zbog same izvorne svrhe rada. Nakana je pastoralnim djelatnicima olakšati razumijevanje odnosa politike i pastoralnoga rada iz povijesno panoramske perspektive razvoja zapadne političke filozofije., The article starts with trying to understand the various meanings of foundations. To found can mean to establish, to lean on sound foundations or to explain something. These varied definitions unite in freedom. The idea of freedom lies in the foundations of politics. The article presents an overview of the most significant junctions in Western thought about the political order of mutual human relations. It reflects on the emergence of questions about politics in general in ancient times with the birth of Greek thought, of Plato's parallelism ofthe soul and polis in which the soul is a mirror in the order ofthe polis; then of Aristotle's understanding of man as a social being where life in the polis is understood as the result of human social nature; then of the Hellenic cosmopolitism, early Christianity and Medieval political philosophy where the need to order relations between the Church and State are put in the fore. At the start of the new era the comprehension of politics is placed in between the names Machiavelli and Hobbes and politics is taken to mean protection against evil. With John Locke, whose thought is based on the idea of freedom, a key role within political philosophy is dedicated to its understanding of instinct for self sustenance which at the same time leads to a pre-political situation in the political order of human relations and protects against tyranny which is alluded to with Hobbes. The article reflects on the discovery of collective will in Rousseau, to Hegel's notion of the State as a feature of freedom and then on to positivism and the crisis of political philosophy experienced in the last century and contemporary liberal-communitaristic debates to Galimberti and Western politics in the era of technology and finally to the pluralism of political theories differentiating normative and empirical-analytical approaches. This panoramic approach is offered because of the original purpose of the article. Namely, in order to seriously approach thought about a theological-pastoral approach to politics or debate about Christian identity in contemporarv society it is necessary to disclose what infact guides contemporary development of political thought. The article intends to facilitate pastoral activists in their understanding of relations between politics and pastoral work from an historical panoramic perspective of the development of Western political philosophy.
- Published
- 2007
44. The (ab)use of the gifted. A short review of the responsibility of the gifted and their teachers
- Author
Dževdet Hadžiselimović
- Subjects
the gifted ,(ab)use ,development model ,education ,support system ,values ,science ,technology ,technics ,responsibility ,humanistic idea ,daroviti ,(zlo)upotreba ,model razvoja ,odgoj ,podrška ,vrijednosti ,znanost ,tehnologija ,tehnika ,odgovornost ,humanistička misao - Abstract
U prilogu se raspravlja o pojavi zloupotrebe darovitih ljudi u povijesti, a prije svega u današnjem ekološki razornom modelu razvoja. Navode se osnovni razlozi za raspravu te se otvara kompleksni problem odgovornosti darovitih i njihovih odgajatelja za promjenu postojeće razvojne paradigme u novu, koja bi se temeljila na humanističkim vrijednostima te stvarala ekološki povoljnije uvjete za opstanak života i čovjeka na Zemlji. Zatim se ukratko iznose osnovne pretpostavke drukčije podrške nadarenima tijekom njihova razvoja i školovanja. Propituju se zatim mogućnosti širokoga humanističkog obrazovanja kao osnove za odabir i usvajanje odgovarajućih vrijednosti, koje bi osiguravale prihvatljivu upotrebu znanosti, tehnologije i tehnike nego što je to bilo do sada., The paper discusses the concept of the abuse of gifted people throughout human history, particularly in today’s ecologically devastating model of development. First the discussion groundwork is laid, thus opening the complex problem of the responsibility of the gifted and their teachers for changing the existing development paradigm into a new one, which would not only be founded on humanistic values but would also create ecologically more favourable conditions for the survival of life and humanity on Earth. Then the fundamental presuppositions of a different support system for the gifted during their development and education are presented in brief. This is followed by examining the possibility of a much more extensive humanistic education as the foundation of both the choice for and adoption of adequate values, which would in turn facilitate a utilisation of science, technology and technics far more acceptable than has recently been the case.
- Published
- 2007
- Author
Tomislav Markus
- Subjects
Bacon's programme ,environmental criticism ,Lewis Mumford ,radical environmentalism ,technological civilization ,technology ,Bacons Programm ,Umweltkritik ,radikaler Ökologismus ,technische Zivilisation ,Technik ,Baconov program ,ekološka kritika ,radikalni ekologizam ,tehnička civilizacija ,tehnika - Abstract
Autor analizira filozofska i sociološka stajališta američkog intelektualca, filozofa i književnog povijesničara Lewisa Mumforda (1895.-1990.), posebno onih stajališta, koja su bitna za suvremenu ekološku krizu. Mumford je, tijekom svoje duge spisateljske djelatnosti, mijenjao svoja glavna stajališta, od umjerenog optimizma između dva svjetska rata do istaknuto negativnog pristupa 1960-ih godina. U ranijim djelima - od 1920-ih do 1940-ih godina, Mumford je upozoravao na rastuće ekološke probleme, koje je uzrokovala moderna tehnička civilizacija zbog pretjerane vjere u tehniku i spremnosti da se ekspanzija tehnike poistovjeti s napretkom. No, tada je zadržao vjeru u mogućnost drugačijeg razvoja, često na temelju drugačije upotrebe tehnike. U kasnijim kapitalnim djelima iz 1960-ih godina, "Grad u povijesti" i "Mit o mašini 1-2", Mumford se približio radikalnoj ekološkoj kritici moderne civilizacije. Mnoga njegova tadašnja stajališta - zastupanje organske paradigme, osuda tehnolatrije, konzumizma i mehanističkog atomizma, ekološke među-ovisnosti, zahtjeva za redukcijom gradova i tehničke intervencije, isticanje primarne važnosti osobne promjene - bliska su mnogim koncepcijama suvremenog radikalnog ekologizma, posebno dubinske ekologije., The author analyzes the philosophical and sociological attitudes of the American intellectual, philosopher and literary historian Lewis Mumford (1895-1990). Special attention is paid to those attitudes that are important for the contemporary environmental crisis. During his long activity as an author, Mumford changed his main attitudes - from moderate optimism between the two world wars up to an overtly negativist approach in the 1960's. In his early works written between the 1920's and 1960's Mumford warned from increasing environmental problems caused by the modern technological civilization due to its faith in technology and the readiness to identify the technological expansion with progress. However, he still believed in the possibility of a different development, especially with respect to a different use of technology. In his main works from the 1960's, "The City in History" and "Myth on the Machine 1-2", Mumford came closer to a radical criticism of modern civilization. Many of his attitudes of that period - insisting on organic paradigm, condemning of technolatry, consumerism and mechnistic atomism, environmental interdependences, plead for a reduction of cities and technological intervention, stressing of primary importance of individual change - are close to many concepts of contemporary radical environmentalism, especially of the deep ecology., Der Autor analysiert philosophische und soziologische Einstellungen des amerikanischen Philosophen und Literaturhistorikers Lewis Mumford (1895-1990), und zwar vor allem diejenigen Einstellungen, die für die heutige Umweltkrise wichtig sind. Während seiner langjährigen Tätigkeit als Autor änderte Mumford seine grundlegenden Einstellungen - von einem gemäßigten Optimismus in der Zwischekriegszeit bis zu einer ausgesprochen negativistischen Sichtweise in den 1960er Jahren. In seinen früheren Arbeiten zwischen den 1920er und 1960er Jahren warnte Mumford vor den wachsenden Umweltproblemen, die die moderne technische Zivilisation verursachte, und zwar wegen ihres übertriebenen Glaubens an die Technik sowie der Bereitschaft, die technische Expansion mit dem Fortschritt schlechthin gleichzusetzen. Mumford behielt jedoch seinen Glauben an die Möglichkeit einer andersartigen Entwicklung, die die Technik auf eine andere Art und Weise einsetzen würde. In seinen späteren Hauptwerken aus den 1960er Jahren, "Die Stadt in der Geschichte" und "Mythos von der Maschine 1-2", näherte sich Mumford der radikalen Umweltkritik der modernen Zivilisation. Viele seiner damaligen Einstellungen - der Einsatz für das organische Paradigma, Verurteilung der Technolatrie, des Konsumismus und des mechanistischen Atomismus, ökologische Wechselwirkungen, die Forderung nach einer Reduktion der Städte und technischer Interventionen, die Betonung der primären Bedeutung der individuellen Veränderung - sind vielen Konzeptionen des gegenwärtigen radikalen Ökologismus ähnlich, vor allem denjenigen der Tiefenökologie.
- Published
- 2003
- Author
Tomislav Markus
- Subjects
deep ecology ,nature ,anthropocentrism ,eco-centrism ,technology ,self-realisation ,eco-regionalism ,dubinska ekologija ,antropocentrizam ,ekocentrizam ,tehnička civilizacija ,priroda ,tehnika ,samorealizacija ,ekoregionalizam ,Tiefenökologie ,Natur ,Anthropozentrismus ,Ökozentrismus ,Technik ,Selbstverwirklichung ,Ökoregionalismus - Abstract
Autor analizira prevladavajuće stavove u dubinskoj ekologiji kao ekološkoj filozofiji. Dubinska ekologija predstavlja oblik radikalne ekološke kritike tehničke civilizacije jer kritizira njezine temeljne vrijednosti - tehnolatriju (religiozno obožavanje tehnike), antropocentrizam (uvjerenje da samo ljudi imaju vrijednost), instrumentalizam i resursizam (shvaćanje prirode kao "skladište sirovina"), konzumizam (izjednačavanje blagostanja i atomizirane potrošnje tehničkih novotarija i senzacije masovnih medija), linearni progresivizam (uvjerenje o postojanju povijesno-socijalnog napretka, koji kulminira u modernoj civilizaciji) itd. Dubinska ekologija inspirana je ekologijom kao stručnom disciplinom, ali nastoji razviti ekološku mudrost, koja uključujuje poštovanje prema ne-ljudskom svijetu, imanentnu vrijednost svega bistvujućeg, ekocentrizam, ekoregionalizam, smanjenje ljudske demografske i tehničke intervencije, redukcija mobilnosti, međupovezanost svega postojećeg, načelo "priroda zna najbolje", duhovno bogat, a materijalno skroman život itd. Neki od češćih i značajnijih nedostataka u djelima dubinskih ekologa su kataklizmički tonovi s precjenjivanjem ljudskog tehničkog djelovanja, indirektna obnova dualizma čovjek/priroda, nerazlikovanje tradiconalnog duhovnog i modernog tehničkog antropocentrizma, nejasan koncept "intrizničnih vrijednosti", pretjerani optimizam oko stvaranja nove ekocentričke paradigme, ambivalentni stavovi oko moderne civilizacije itd., The author analyzes predominant opinions in the field of deep ecology as environmental philosophy. Deep ecology represents the form of a radical environmental critique of the technological civilisation, because it criticizes its fundamental values - technolatry (religious idolatry of technology), anthropocentrism (the conception that only people have values), instrumentalism and resourcism (the conception that nature is "a raw material storehouse"), consumerism (equalizing welfare and atomization of consumption of technological innovations and bombshells of mass media), linear progressivism (views on the existence of historical and social progress, that culminates with the modern civilisation) etc. Deep ecology is inspired by ecology as a scientific discipline, but aspires to develop environmental wisdom, which includes the respect of non-human world, immanent value of all existing things and beings, eco-centrism, eco-regionalism, decline of human demographic and technological intervention, reduction of mobility, interconnectedness of all existing things, the principle that nature knows the best, spiritually rich and materially modest living etc. Some of more frequent and significant deficiencies in the works of deep ecologists are cataclysmic tones with overestimating human technological influence, indirect revival of the dualism man/nature, non-discernment of traditional-spiritual and modern technical anthropocentrism, unclear concept of "intrinsic values", overestimated optimism in connection with the new eco-centric paradigm, ambivalent attitudes about modern civilisation etc., Der Autor analysiert die dominanten Ansätze der Tiefenökologie als einer ökologischen Philosophie. Die Tiefenökologie ist die Form einer radikalen Umweltkritik der technischen Zivilisation, weil sie ihre grundlegenden Werte kritisiert. Dies sind: Technolatrie (eine religiöse Bewunderung von Technik), Anthropozentrismus (der Glaube, dass nur Menschen einen Wert haben), Konsumismus (eine Gleichstellung von Wohlstand mit einem atomisierten Verbrauch von technischen Innovationen sowie der Sensation von Massenmedien), Instrumentalismus und Ressourcismus (Auffassung der Natur als eines "Rohstofflagers"), linearer Progressivismus (Überzeugung von der Existenz eines soziogeschichtlichen Fortschrittes, der in der modernen Zivilisation seinen Höhepunkt erreicht hat) usw. Die Tiefenökologie ist von der Ökologie als Fachdisziplin inspiriert, sie versucht aber, eine ökologische Weisheit zu entwickeln, die folgende Aspekte enthält: den Respekt gegenüber der nicht-menschlichen Umwelt, den immanenten Wert alles Lebendigen, Ökozentrismus, Ökoregionalismus, eine Senkung von menschlichen demographischen und technischen Eingriffen, reduzierte Mobilität, Wechselbeziehungen zwischen allen Lebewesen, den Grundsatz "Natur kann alles am besten", ein geistig reiches und materiell bescheidenes Leben usw. Einige der häufigeren und bedeutsameren Fehler in Texten von Tiefenökologen sind kataklismische Töne mit einer Überschätzung von menschlichem technischem Tun, eine indirekte Erneuerung des Dualismus Mensch / Natur, die fehlende Unterscheidung zwischen dem traditionellen geistigen und dem modernen technischen Anthropozentrismus, das unklare Konzept "intrinsischer Werte", der übertriebene Optimismus im Hinblick auf die Gestaltung des neuen ökozentrischen Paradigmas, ambivalente Einstellungen gegenüber der modernen Zivilisation usw.
- Published
- 2003
- Author
Igor Čatić
- Subjects
biotechnology ,environmentalism ,globalisation ,production ,productional education ,technology ,technical changes ,technical trends ,biotehnika ,ekologizam ,globalizacija ,obrazovanje za proizvodnju ,proizvodnja ,tehnika ,tehničke promjene ,tehnički trendovi ,Ausbildung für Produktion ,Biotechnik ,Globalisierung ,Ökologismus ,Produktion ,Techik ,technische Veränderungen ,technische Trends - Abstract
U narednom stoljeću potrebe 8 milijardi ljudi diljem svijeta bit će pretežno materijalne prirode. Zato će proizvodnji i u dovoljno dalekoj budućnosti pripasti središnje mjesto u stvaranju novih vrijednosti. U proizvodnji hrane i stvari zbila se od javnosti nezapažena informacijska revolucija. Proizvodi i proizvodni procesi temeljito su se izmijenili. Razvijene su vrhunske tehnike, nastali su novi lanci vrijednosti, nove radne strukture i nova tržišta. Uz usavršavanje i daljnji razvoj klasične, makrotehničke proizvodnje, doći će u narednom razdoblju do snažnog razvoja mikrotehnike i nanotehnike. Međutim, takva i to i dalje pretežno klasična proizvodnja treba sve manje zaposlenih. Nazire se trenutak kada će svekolike materijalne potrebe čovječanstva zadovoljiti samo 20 posto zaposlenih. Procjenjuje se da trenutno nema jasnog koncepta koji bi riješio probleme koje izazivaju globalizacija, nezaposlenost, divlji kapitalizam i slične pojave. Zapošljavanje će u idućem stoljeću biti jedan od temeljnih društvenih problema na koja zadovoljavajući odgovor mogu dati samo zajednički tehničari, ekonomisti, sociolozi i ostali stručnjaci s područja duhovnih znanosti., In the next century as well, the needs of 8 billion people around the world will mainly be of material nature. Therefore, even in the far enough future, the production will have the central position in creating of new values. In the production of food and things an information revolution has taken place, unnoticed by the general public. Products and production processes have been completely changed. High technology has been developed, new chains of values created, new operating structures and new markets. Along with improvement and further development of classical, macro–technical production, the future period will see a strong development of micro–technology and nano–technology. However, such continuing mainly classical production will need ever fewer employees. There may come a time when total material needs of the mankind would be satisfied by only 20% of employees. It is assumed that currently there is no clear concept that would solve the problems caused by globalisation, unemployment, wild capitalism and similar phenomena. In the next century, employment will present one of the basic social problems and a satisfactory answer will be given only jointly by technicians, economists, sociologists and other experts in the field of the spirit sciences (Geisteswissenschaften)., Auch im nächsten Jahrhundert werden die Bedürfnisse der 8 Milliarden Menschen vorwiegend materieller Natur sein. Deswegen wird die Produktion auch in der fernen Zukunft den zentralen Platz bei der Herstellung neuer Werte einnehmen. Bei der Herstellung von Nahrung und Waren fand eine von den Öffentlichkeit nicht wahrgenommene informatische Revolution statt. Produkte und Produktionsprozesse haben einen durchgreifenden Wandel erfahren. Entwicklelt wurden komplexe technologische Verfahren, neue Werte, neue Arbeitsstrukturen und neue Märkte wurden entwickelt. Neben einer Spezialisierung und Weiterentwicklung der klassischen, makrotechnischen Produktion wird es in der nächsten Zeit zu einer gewaltigen Entwicklung der Mikro– und Nanotechnik kommen. In den klassischen Produktionsverfahren werden jedoch immer wenige Erwerbstätige gebraucht. Abzusehen ist der Zeitpunkt, zu dem alle materielle Bedürfnisse der Menschheit von nur 20 Prozent aller Berufstätigen abgedeckt werden. Schätzungsweise gibt es zur Zeit kein klares Konzept, mit Hilfe dessen sich die durch Globalisierung, Arbeitslosigkeit und Änhliches hervorgerufenen Probleme lösen ließen. Neue Arbeitsplätze werden im kommenden Jahrhundert eines der wichtigesten gesellschaftlichen Probleme sein, die nur durch eine koordinierte Zusammenarbeit von Technikern, Volks– und Betriebswirten, Soziologen und anderen Geisteswissenschaftlern befriedigend gelöst werden können.
- Published
- 2000
- Author
Tomislav Markus
- Subjects
ecology of modernism and postmodernism ,entropy ,environmental movements ,radical and holistic criticism ,spiritual values ,technology ,ekologija moderne i postmoderne ,duhovne vrijednosti ,tehnika ,ekološki pokreti ,entropija ,radikalna i holistička kritika ,Entropie ,geistige Werte ,Ökologie der Moderne und Postmoderne ,radikale und holistische Kritik ,Technik ,Umweltbewegungen - Abstract
Autor analizira ekologiju suvremenog gra|anskog društva i zaključuje da ona, uglavnom, predstavlja primjer partikularne ili redukcionističke kritike. Raspadanje ekološkog sustava nastoji se objasniti negativnim posljedicama u osnovi »dobrog« sustava i nastoji se riješiti unutar iste civilizacijske paradigme, koja ju je proizvela i koja ju stalno povećava. Sukladno »duhu vremena«, tj. rastuće centralizacije, tehnicizacije i birokratizacije visokoentropijskog društva, rješenje se traži u državnim mjerama, tehničkim novitetima, štednji, alternativnim energerskim izvorima itd. Time se gubi vrijeme i mogućnost rješavanja ekološkog problema i izbjegavanje propasti gra|anske civilizacije i ljudske vrste općenito. Nasuprot tome, ekologija (duhovne) postmoderne trebala bi tražiti stvaranje novog društva bez nacije–države, megalopolisa, megastroja, ohlokracije, tehničke ekspanzije, konzumizma, dominacije čovjeka nad ne–ljudskim entitetima, visokog protoka energije i materije kroz društvo itd. Nova ekologija i novo društvo temeljile bi se na duhovnim vrijednostima, nespecijalističkom obrazovanju, malim zajednicama, ekocentrizmu, niskoj entropiji, drastičnom smanjenju broja stanovništva, osnovnoj tehnici, koja ne služi destruktivnim svrhama itd. Ostvarenje tih načela dovelo bi do nestanka imperium humanum–a i ostvarenja čovjekove suradnje s ne–ljudskim entitetima., The author analyzes the ecology of the contemporary civil society concluding that it for the most part represents an example of particularistic or reductionist criticism. An attempt is made to explain the dissolution of the environmental system by negative consequences of a basically “good” system. Attention is paid to attempts to solve this issue within the framework of the same civilisational paradigm, by which it has been actually generated and constantly increased. In accordance with the spirit of the age in terms of the increasing centralisation, the impact of technology and bureaucratization of a high–entropic society, the solution is being looked for in measures taken by states, in technological innovations, sparing, alternative sources of energy, etc. In doing this time is being lost as well as the possibility to solve the environmental issues and prevent the civilization and human race in general from destruction. As opposed to this, a (spiritual) ecology of modernism and postmodernism should be interested in creating a new society with no nation–state, megalopolis, megamachine, ochlocracy, technological expansion, consumerism, dominance of man over non–human entities, high circulation of energy and matter through society, etc. A new ecology and a new state would be based on spiritual values, nonspecialist education, small communities, ecocentrism, low entropy, a drastic decreasment of population, the basic technology which serves no destructive needs, etc. The realization of these principles would cause the imperium humanum to disappear and mans cooperation with non–human entities to be realized., Der Autor analysiert die Ökologie der modernen Zivilgesellschaft und kommt zum Schluß, daß sie im Großen und Ganzen ein Beispiel der partikularistischen oder reduktionistischen Kritik darstellt. Ein Verfall des Umweltsystems versucht man durch negative Folgen einer im Grunde “guten” Systems zu erklären und ihn innerhalb desselben Paradigma zu lösen, das ihn hervorbrachte und ihn ständig erhöht. Gemäß dem “Zeitgeist”, d.h. einer steigenden Zentralisierung, Technizisierung und Bürokratisierug der hochentropischen Gesellschaft, sucht man nach den Lösungen in den staatlichen Maßnahmen, technischen Innovationen, Sparmaßnahmen, alternativen Energiequellen, u.a. Dadurch geht die Zeit verloren, sowie die Möglichkeit einer Lösung der Umweltprobleme und eine Vermeidung des Untergangs der bürgelichen Zivilisation und der menschlichen Rasse überhaupt. Im Gegensatz dazu sollte eine Ökologie der (geistigen) Postmoderne nach einer neuen Gesellschaft ohne Nation–Staat, Megalopolis, Megamaschine, Ochlokratie, technische Expansion, Konsumismus, menschliche Dominanz über den nicht–menschlichen Entitäten, den hohen Verlauf der Energie und Materie durch Gesellschaft u.a. streben. Eine neue Ökologie und eine neue Gesellschaft gründeten daher auf geistigen Werten, nichtspezialistischer Ausbildung, kleinen Gemeinschaften, Ökozentrismus, niedriger Entropie, einer drastischen Verminderung der Bevölkerungszahl, grundlegender Technik, die keinen destruktiven Zwecken diente, u.a. Die Verwirklichung dieser Grundsätze führte dann zum Verschwinden eines Imperium humanum und zu einer realisierten Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und den nicht–menschlichen Entitäten.
- Published
- 1999
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