- Author
Veber, Laura and Stričević, Jadranka
- Subjects
šolski otrok ,medicinska sestra ,school children ,hrbtenica ,teža šolske torbe ,medical nurse ,nepravilna drža ,udc:616.711:37-053.2(043.2) ,incorrect posture ,spine ,weight of the school bag - Abstract
Teoretična izhodišča: V diplomskem delu je predstavljena človekova telesna drža, ki je lahko nepravilna in pravilna. Na kratko smo opisali boleznsko ukrivljenost hrbtenice, kot so kifoza, lordoza, skoliotična drža, ploski in okrogel hrbet. Ustavili smo se tudi pri teži šolske torbe, poiskali vzroke in opisali pravilno sedenje. Ugotavljali smo vlogo medicinske sestre in zdravstveno vzgojno delo osnovnošolskih otrok in staršev. Metodologija raziskovanja: V empiričnem delu smo izvedli anonimno raziskavo med starši osnovnošolskih otrok v 3. in 5. razredu, ki je temeljila na kvantitativni metodologiji. Vprašalnik je zajemal 20 vprašanj zaprtega in odprtega tipa. Rezultate smo analizirali in sistematično uredili s pomočjo računalniških programov Microsoft Word in Microsoft Excel. Rezultati: Iz rezultatov raziskave smo ugotovili, da je večini staršev pomembna telesna drža otroka tako v 3. kot 5. razredu osnovne šole. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da je teža šolske torbice absolutno pretežka glede na težo otroka tako v 3., kot v 5. razredu. Sklep: Starši so tisti, ki skrbijo in so odgovorni za zdravje svojih otrok. Žal je slovenski šolski sistem naravnan tako, da imajo šolarji dejansko pretežke šolske torbe, katere teža vpliva na njihovo ukrivljenost hrbtenice. Starši lahko vplivajo na zmanjšanje teže šolske torbe le s tem, da otroka opozorijo, da ne nosi v šolo stvari, ki jih tisti dan ne potrebuje in niso na urniku. Theoretical frame of reference: This diploma thesis deals with the human body posture, which can be either correct or incorrect. We briefly describe the different types of spine curvature disorders, such as kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, as well as the flat back and round back syndrome. An additional reference is made to the weight of the school bag, whereby we researched its causes and described the correct sitting position. We established the role of medical nurses as well as the importance of medical education of primary school children and their parents. Research methodology: In the empirical part an anonymous survey among parents of primary school children, attending the 3rd and 5th grade, was conducted, which was based on the quantitative methodology. The questionnaire consisted of 20 questions of open and closed type. The results were analysed and systematically categorised with the help of Microsoft Word in Microsoft Excel computer software programmes. Study results: The obtained results showed that most of the surveyed parents put great emphasis on their children’s posture (i.e. reference to 3rd and 5th grade). The results illustrate that the weight of the school bag is unquestionably too heavy for the weight of the children attending the 3rd and 5th grade. Conclusion: It is the responsibility of the parents to take full responsibility for the health of their children. Unfortunately, the school system is structured in a way which requires school children to carry schoolbags that are too heavy, which inevitably affects the curvedness of the spine. Parents can have a positive influence on reducing the weight of the school bag by reminding their children to only carry school requisites that they need that day in school
- Published
- 2017