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Nursing care of patients after lumbar spinal cord injury
- Source :
- Maribor
- Publication Year :
- 2011
- Publisher :
- I. Potočnik, 2011.
- V diplomskem delu smo prikazali anatomijo, fiziologijo, patologijo, diagnostične metode in načine zdravljenja s poudarkom na zdravstveni negi bolnika s poškodbo hrbtenjače v ledvenem delu hrbtenice. Bolnik, ki je utrpel takšno poškodbo, potrebuje ob sebi negovalni in zdravstveni tim, ki mu bo stal ob strani, ko se bo soočal s svojo spremenjeno telesno podobo. Negovalni problemi so na področju vseh življenjskih aktivnosti, vendar jih zaradi možnosti zgodnje mobilizacije, kjer ima rehabilitacija pomembno vlogo, sodobnega znanja in pripomočkov lažje obvladamo. Tukaj se zdravstvena nega in rehabilitacija močno prepletata. Predstavili smo tudi komunikacijo z bolniki in njihovimi svojci. Medicinska sestra potrebuje zelo razširjeno in poglobljeno strokovno znanje, izkušnje in osebnostne lastnosti, ki omogočajo dobro komunikacijo in empatijo. Zdravstveno vzgojno delo se prične že v bolnišnici in je eden najpomembnejših poslanstev medicinske sestre. Z njo želi bolnike usposobiti za sodelovanje pri zdravljenju njihove bolezni in nadaljnje življenje. V diplomskem delu smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, ki smo ga razdelili 40 medicinskim sestram in zdravstvenim tehnikom v Enoti intenzivne medicine operativnih strok in na Travmatološkem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Celje, ugotavljali pomen vključevanja zdravstvene nege v rehabilitacijo, komunikacije z bolnikom in svojci ter zdravstvene vzgoje. Pokazati smo želeli tudi, ali delo z bolniki, ki so utrpeli poškodbo hrbtenjače v ledvenem delu hrbtenice, stresno in fizično vpliva na medicinske sestre in zdravstvene tehnike. The subsequent work comprehends anatomical, physiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of spinal cord trauma with special emphasis on nursing care for patients after lumbar spinal cord injury. Patients suffering this trauma need health and nursing care teams that would help them to overcome the healing process and to face themselves with their altering physical image. Nursing problems with theses patients are numerous, concerning many of patients vital activities. Using modern rehabilitation approaches, skills, techniques and devices, therapeutic goals become more efficently achieved. Therefore nursing care and rehabilitation activities applied on spinal patients should be strongly interconnected. Another important issue is communication with patients and with their relatives. Nurses are expected to have knowledge, experience and personal characteristics that are required for appropriate communication and empathy with these patients. Health care education and preparation for their future life should be stared during in-hospital stay and is one of the most important tasks carried out by the nurses. A questionnaire was distributed among 40 nurses working in surgical ICU and traumatological department of Celje General Hospital in order to investigate their vision on importance of incorporation of their nursing care activities in rehabilitation processes, on communication with patients and their relatives, and on health care education as part of an integral treatment of patients after lumbar spinal cord injuries. Questions about physical and psychological stress that nurses are exposed to when nursing these patients were also included in the study.
- Language :
- Slovenian
- Database :
- OpenAIRE
- Journal :
- Maribor
- Accession number :
- edsair.od......1857..bee7089a196dc6656c1c88c9d0fbbe9e