Mixed ionic and electronic conductor (MIEC) oxides have been proposed as candidates to replace Ni/YSZ composites as anodes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC) due to their good stability under C-based fuels. Some MIECs have also demonstrated a good electro-catalytic activity both for oxygen reduction and hydrogen oxidation, making them suitable for symmetric configurations (S-SOFC). This approach presents remarkable advantages for reducing manufacturing and operational costs, as well as for extending the cell’s lifetime by reversing gas flows and thus partially reversing the negative effects of sulphur poisoning and carbon deposition that may happen during operation. Also, the catalytic activity of MIEC electrodes can be improved by functionalizing the oxide surface with active nanoparticles. In this work, we study the formation of Ni-Fe alloy nanoparticles by exsolution from a Sr0.93(Ti0.3Fe0.63Ni0.07)O3-δ (STFN) perovskite in reducing atmospheres, and also the process of reoxidation when the exsolved material is exposed to an oxidizing atmosphere. The initial Sr-deficient composition was chosen to alleviate the segregation of Sr [1], which typically can occur in these materials. Exsolution has previously been reported to improve the electrochemical performance of STFN anodes [2], but the mechanisms underlying the exsolution process and the solid/gas interface are still not well understood. The possibility of using S-SOFC materials that undergo exsolution also raises the question of whether the material is regenerated during reoxidation. While oxidation-induced redissolution of exsolved nanoparticles has been observed for Fe-Co exsolution on La0.8Sr1.2Fe0.9Co0.1O4−δ perovskites [3], for the Ni-Fe exsolution in Sr2(Fe1.4Ni0.1Mo0.5)O6− δ, nanoparticles remained at the surface even after reoxidation [4]. The first case is a very interesting result to achieve larger cell lifetimes, and the latter case is interesting as it opens an additional route to increase the cathode performance. In fact, in ref. [5] Ni exsolution in SrTi0.1Fe0.85Ni0.05O3− δ is deliberately employed as design strategy, fully exploiting the non-reversibility of the exsolution of nanoparticles. However, it is not clear whether Ni-Fe nanoparticles oxidize to form a (Ni,Fe)Ox phase or if Fe is reincorporated into the lattice leaving only NiO particles at the surface. It is also not clear how Sr segregation is affected by the exsolution/reoxidation treatments, or how the reoxidized STFN perovskite is modified compared to the pristine sample. To address these questions directly, ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (AP-XPS and NEXAFS) is used to study the chemical structure of STFN in a complete redox cycle in-situ. Based on the measurements, we can provide insights into the chemical states of Fe and Ni and can differentiate the surface and bulk species for Sr and O in each stage of the cycle. We observe that Ni exsolves readily, but we also note that the amount of surface Fe0 increases with increasing H2 content in the reducing atmosphere; Fe0 also increases with the reduction time following an exponential trend until a plateau value is reached within ~1h. Further, we find a significant Sr segregation in reducing atmospheres, which we presume occurs to compensate for the B-site cation exsolution. The amount of Sr segregation remains constant in the nearest surface after reoxidation, but is partially reversed for larger penetration depths; there is also a rapid reversibility in the Fe oxidation state during reoxidation. These observations were complemented with transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies, with simultaneous energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis. In conclusion, we propose a reoxidation-induced reconstruction which forms a Fe- and Sr-rich STF perovskite in the near-surface region, leaving the Ni segregated from the perovskite. Finally, we link the results to the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) response of the STFN electrode, observing that this STFN-reoxidized sample shows a significant improvement in its cathode performance compared to the pristine STFN. [1] Fagg, D. P. et al, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 21, 1831–1835 (2001). [2] Zhu, T., Troiani, H. E., Mogni, L. V, Han, M. & Barnett, S. A. Joule 2, 478–496 (2018). [3] Zhou, J. et al. Chem. Mater. 28, 2981–2993 (2016). [4] Liu, T. et al. J. Mater. Chem. A 8, 582–591 (2020). [5] Yang, G., Zhou, W., Liu, M. & Shao, Z. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 35308-35314 (2016). Figure 1