In this short essay Author deals with the experience of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary after the year 1945. In the introduction one finds a synthesis of the years after the WWI, and the sketch of the consequencies of the WWII. The statistics of the faithful are to be find in the years 1949 and 2001, the changed diocese' border and the administration of the dioceses after the changeing and shrumping state borders. In the lack of Concordate, after the regime of „Apostolic King", the appointment of the bishops by the Pope happened according to the both „intesa semplice"s of 1927 and 1964. The communist take over changed the religious landscape, the Catholic Church was on the defeat of human rights until Cardinal Mindszenty was in office in the years 1945 - 1948. The Communists secularized the Scholar System which was 50 % Catholic (see table). Between the years 1948 and 1986 the number of youth catechized was shrunken onto 5 - 7 %. Religious order were closed and the members were persecuted (see table). Some of them, as Norbertines (California), Benedictines (California, Brazil, Bavaria), Cistercians (Texas), Franciscans and Piarists (USA) could establish some foundations in the West. Catholic press was suppressed and only some press was tolerated in vigilated liberty (see table). There ist a list of priests and sisters killed and/or persecuted (see table). There is a statistics of the seminarists the same. The political opposition was partly on religious base. Vatican diplomacy could arrange only the appointment of bishops. In the eighties the normalization was on the way, the diplomatic contacts with the Holy See was possible only after the year of Annus mirabilis (1989), in 1990. In the conclusion Author cites the words of the Norbertine Abbot Eugene Horváth: „we were condamned to death, but we are alive". Pope John Paul II, during his pastoral visit in 1996 asked the wind of the Holy Spirit onto the Church in Hungary. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]