105 results on '"Alberto de Oliveira"'
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2. Trilhas interpretativas ecológicas e a conservação da biodiversidade na Educação Ambiental
- Author
ANDERSON DE VECHI, Mariza Barion Romagnolo, and Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
O presente artigo teve por objetivo realizar uma pesquisa investigativa acerca dos artigos publicados nos últimos dez anos (2009-2019) sobre a temática das trilhas interpretativas ecológicas envolvendo conservação e preservação da biodiversidade local. E através da Educação Ambiental que se utilizaram dos instrumentos das trilhas interpretativas ecológicas para aprimorar a sensibilização coletiva referente à importância da preservação das áreas naturais. Realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica sistematizada por meio das plataformas do Google Acadêmico, Periódicos da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), Plataforma ResearchGate e Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) e Scopus. A análise se deu a partir de 41 artigos selecionados, que buscavam apresentar a abordagem presente na Educação Ambiental nos últimos dez anos. A metodologia empregada foi a investigativa bibliográfica quantitativa, abarcando o resultado dos principais métodos de abordagem na preservação da biodiversidade e dos biomas brasileiros. A partir dos resultados pode-se concluir que a inter-relação com a biodiversidade, ecologia e educação ambiental, encontrados nos artigos estudados, demonstraram que a utilização de práticas relacionadas com a educação ambiental, por meio de trilhas interpretativas ecológicas ocorreram, predominantemente, na biodiversidade da Mata Atlântica. Conclui-se que o contato direto com as áreas naturais foi o método presente na maioria dos artigos pesquisados, apresentando resultados satisfatórios, não limitando, assim, a Educação Ambiental ao um simples método teórico.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Physicochemical and bioinformatic characterization of Oreochromis niloticus vitellogenin as an endocrine disruption biomarker
- Author
Tugstênio L. Souza, Tobias P. de Morais, Francisco Filipak Neto, Iracema Opuskevitch, Fernando C. A. S. Ferreira, Marco Antônio Ferreira Randi, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Claudemir de Souza, and Maritana Mela Prodocimo
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Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,General Medicine ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,Toxicology - Abstract
Aquatic biota is increasingly being exposed to chemical pollutants due to human activities and the relationship between the level of environmental pollution and fish reproduction is a continuously ongoing issue. The vitellogenin (Vtg) protein synthesis can be induced in the liver of juvenile and male fish after stimulation of the estrogen receptor and therefore, Vtg has been used as a biomarker of xenoestrogen exposure in several fish species. The current study reported the first physicochemical characterization of Vtg from Oreochromis niloticus. Adult male fish were exposed to 17α-ethinylestradiol for Vtg induction. Purified vitellogenin from plasma showed low stability at 25 and 4 °C in saline conditions, and good stability in acidic (low pH) or in heated conditions. The 3D modeling provided useful information on the structure of O. niloticus Vtg showing conserved structural features. According to bioinformatics and experimental results, there are important structural differences between the two chemical forms of Vtg (VtgAb and VtgC) in a phylogenetic context. The present results add information about the development of ecotoxicological immunoassays to study the endocrine disruption in O. niloticus improving the Vtg performance as a biomarker of reproduction in fish.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Representações Sociais de alunos concluintes do Ensino Fundamental sobre as Estações do ano
- Author
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior, Michel Corci Batista, and Edson Ribeiro de Britto de Almeida Junior
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General Medicine - Abstract
As teorias de aprendizagem construtivistas concebem o conhecimento prévio dos estudantes como uma das variáveis mais importantes para o aprendizado de novos conceitos. A estrutura cognitiva é algo idiossincrático e a tarefa de compreender como os novos conceitos interagem com os preexistentes não é fácil. A Teoria das Representações Sociais fornece os fundamentos para interpretar como esses conhecimentos de senso comum são construídos e socialmente compartilhados. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar as Representações Sociais que um grupo de estudantes concluintes dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental do município de Campo Mourão - PR compartilham a respeito do fenômeno das Estações do ano. A abordagem metodológica para a constituição e a análise dos dados foi a qualitativa, especificamente a explicativa. A técnica empregada para identificar as Representações Sociais foi a Evocação Livre de Palavras, que permitiu a identificação dos elementos centrais, intermediários e periféricos dessa representação. Os resultados mostram que os grupos semânticos rotação; translação; tempo e distância entre a Terra e o Sol, compõem o quadrante dos elementos centrais da representação social investigada. Essas afirmativas corroboram que é necessário um maior diálogo entre os modelos didáticos que circulam no ambiente escolar, com o intuito de superar a concepção tradicional de ensino e propor novas situações de ensino que realmente valorizem os saberes populares no processo de aprendizagem.
- Published
- 2022
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5. Piso laminado de bambu-MDF com tratamento termomecânico
- Author
Divino Eterno Teixeira, Jaime Gonçalves de Almeida, Sergio Alberto de Oliveira Almeida, Maírla Julia Freitas Baia, Joyce Gonçalves Rocha, Laís Ferreira Lopes, and Cristhian Kelvin Amaro de Melo Melo
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General Medicine - Abstract
Os pisos com revestimento de madeira são produtos engenheirados, geralmente produzidos com lâminas coladas sobre chapa de compensado ou painéis de madeira reconstituída, os quais possuem larga aceitação no mercado brasileiro. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se desenvolver um piso composto de bambu e MDF, com uso de tratamento termomecânico, e determinar as suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas em comparação com um piso laminado comercial. As amostras de piso bambu-MDF produzidas foram divididas em: uma parte submetida a pós-tratamento termomecânico (temperatura de 160 oC e pressão de 1 MPa por 15 min) e outra sem tratamento. Os resultados mostraram que o bambu pode ser associado ao MDF para produção de pisos. O piso de bambu-MDF é igual ou superior ao piso comercial em quase todas as propriedades estudadas, exceto na resistência à umidade, como observado pelos testes de absorção e inchamento. O piso de bambu-MDF é superior ao comercial nos principais requisitos de dureza Janka e resistência à abrasão
- Published
- 2022
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6. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on compulsory notification of meningitis during the first wave of the pandemic in Brazil: an ecological study using P-score
- Author
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Rocha, Gibson Barros de Almeida Santana, Thiago Cavalcanti Leal, João Paulo Silva de Paiva, Leonardo Feitosa da Silva, Lucas Gomes Santos, Bruno Eduardo Basto Rolim Nunes, Rodrigo Feliciano do Carmo, and Carlos Dornels Freire de Souza
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Public health ,Disease notification ,Epidemiology ,Coronaviruses ,Neurosciences ,COVID-19 ,General Medicine ,Coronavirus ,COVID-19 virus disease ,Humans ,Meningitis ,Community health ,Disease Notification ,Pandemics ,Brazil - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Meningitis is listed as one of the diseases requiring compulsory notification in Brazil. It can affect all age groups and also has no seasonality. Cases can be recorded in all months of the year and in all states of Brazil. Despite its importance, the obligation of immediate notification may have been compromised by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on compulsory notifications of meningitis in Brazil and its states during the first wave of the pandemic. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was an ecological study involving all confirmed cases of meningitis in Brazil, in its regions and in its states. METHODS: Data for the months from 2015 to 2020 were obtained from the database of the Notifiable Diseases Information System (Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, SINAN), in the Department of Informatics of the National Health System (Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde, DATASUS). The P-score was used to obtain the percentage change in the numbers of cases reported in 2020. RESULTS: A 45.7% reduction in notifications of meningitis in Brazil was observed. Regarding the regions and the states, with the exception of Roraima, all of them showed a negative P-score, with decreasing curves each month. CONCLUSION: The pandemic caused a negative impact on meningitis notifications in Brazil.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Lobectomia aberta como boa alternativa terapêutica para câncer de pulmão: relato de caso / Open lobectomy as a good therapeutic alternative for lung cancer: case report
- Author
Filho, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Braz, Kós, Bianca Marçal, Viegas, Guilherme Pinheiro, Galvão, Kathyusses Caldas, and Carvalho, Bruno Mileno Magalhães de
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Câncer de Pulmão ,Terapêutica ,Câncer de Pulmão, Terapêutica, Lobectomia Pulmonar Aberta ,General Medicine ,Lobectomia Pulmonar Aberta - Abstract
Introdução: Dentre os cânceres, o de pulmão é o mais letal¹. Apenas 20-30% dos pacientes com câncer pulmonar são diagnosticados precocemente¹, a tempo de intervenções cirúrgicas. Nesse sentido, embora a lobectomia pulmonar vídeoassistida e robótica venha se mostrando uma tendência mundial para este tratamento, ainda não faz parte da realidade de vários centros de cirurgia brasileiros. Por isso, vale ressaltar a eficácia da técnica aberta tanto para o tratamento dessa enfermidade, quanto para a boa recuperação do paciente. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de carcinoma pulmonar e mostrar benefícios da lobectomia por toracotomia. Método: Estudo observacional e descritivo. Relato de caso: A.P.S.D., feminino, parda, 68 anos, ex-tabagista, portadora de diabetes mellitus e hipertensão arterial sistêmica, deu entrada na UPA referindo tosse persistente e não produtiva, há pouco mais de 6 meses, de maneira progressiva. Fez radiografia e tomografia de tórax, descobrindo lesão escavada no lobo pulmonar inferior esquerdo, de mais ou menos 4 cm, sendo confirmado carcinoma espinocelular, após biópsia guiada por tomografia. Posteriormente, foi internada no hospital Tarquínio Lopes, onde foi submetida a uma lobectomia por toracotomia. Obteve alta hospitalar após 4 dias e retornou sem queixas ao ambulatório após 15 dias. Conclusão: O câncer de pulmão, embora letal, se tratado precocemente, apresenta altas taxas de sucesso. A lobectomia por toracotomia, mesmo causando grande trauma local, com possibilidade de aumento do período de internação e dor pós-operatória, ainda é uma alternativa para centros menores e é capaz de gerar bons resultados.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Consolidação de atos normativos: a especificidade da técnica legislativa e a consolidação do Sistema Único de Saúde
- Author
João Alberto De Oliveira Lima and Marcio Iorio Aranha
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Objetivo: o objetivo central do artigo é o de identificar a função e o regime jurídico específico da consolidação de atos normativos, enquanto instituição de direito público, tendo por base a experiência consolidadora modelar do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Metodologia: a interpretação dos diplomas normativos pertinentes à elaboração, redação, alteração e consolidação de atos normativos obedeceu à hermenêutica prescritiva ou metodológica, aplicando-se os cânones da autonomia hermenêutica do objeto, expressa na máxima sensus non est inferendus sed efferendus; da coerência de sentido ou princípio da integralidade; da atualidade da compreensão; e da correspondência hermenêutica de sentido ou harmonização, tomando-se por tipos ideais os constructos da garantia institucional, do neoinstitucionalismo jurídico e das normas de ocorrência singular, e por pressuposto a objetividade da interpretação de E. D. Hirsch. Resultados: a função da consolidação é tanto de momento de ajuste de técnica legislativa, quanto, principalmente, de garantia institucional do princípio da segurança jurídica, revelada por suas características de norma singular de atualização contínua e permanente de sistemas normativos e de reestruturação orgânica neoinstitucional de diplomas normativos esparsos. O diferencial funcional da categoria jurídica da consolidação, por sua vez, impõe um regime jurídico distinto daquele aplicado às categorias normativas ordinárias, configurando-se em etapa processual legislativa ou normativa alheia à inovação e imune a exigências formais de numeração sequencial e vigência diferida. Conclusão: a interpretação das normas sobre elaboração, redação, alteração e consolidação das normas federais vigentes no Brasil, bem como o uso do parâmetro teórico do neoinstitucionalismo jurídico, evidenciaram a distinção funcional e de regime jurídico da consolidação frente às categorias normativas ordinárias presentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.
- Published
- 2021
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9. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers BDE-47 and BDE-99 modulate murine melanoma cell phenotype in vitro
- Author
Gisleine Jarenko Steil, Francisco Filipak Neto, João Luiz Aldinucci Buzzo, and Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro
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Chemistry ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Melanoma ,Multidrug resistance-associated protein 2 ,Polybrominated Biphenyls ,Cancer ,Cell migration ,General Medicine ,Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase ,medicine.disease ,Pollution ,Mice ,Phenotype ,Polybrominated diphenyl ethers ,Downregulation and upregulation ,Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers ,medicine ,Cancer research ,Animals ,Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 ,Environmental Chemistry ,Viability assay ,Flame Retardants - Abstract
Cancer is one of the leading causes of mortality worldwide. Even with the advances of pharmaceutical industry and treatments, the mortality rate for various types of cancer remains high. In particular, phenotypic alterations of tumor cells concerning drug efflux, migratory and invasive capabilities may represent a hurdle for cancer treatment and contribute to poor prognosis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) used as flame retardants on phenotypic features of melanoma cells that are important for cancer. Murine melanoma B16-F1 (less metastatic) and B16-F10 (more metastatic) cells were exposed to 0.01-1.0 nM of BDE-47 (2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether), BDE-99 (2,2',4,4',5-pentabromodiphenyl ether), and the mixture of both (at 0.01 nM) for 24 h (acute exposure) and 15 days (chronic exposure). The polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) did not affect cell viability but led to increased drug efflux transporter activity, cell migration, and colony formation, as well as overexpression of Abcc2 (ATP-binding cassette subfamily C member 2), Mmp-2 (matrix metalloproteinase-2), Mmp-9 (matrix metalloproteinase-9), and Tp53 (tumor protein p53) genes and downregulation of Timp-3 (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 3) gene in B16-F10 cells. These effects are consistent with increased aggressiveness and malignancy of tumors due to exposure to the flame retardants and raise some concerns on the effects such chemicals may have on melanoma treatment and cancer prognosis.
- Published
- 2021
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10. WhatsApp-assisted health education intervention
- Author
Filipe Alberto de Oliveira Rocco, Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Marcelo Picinin Bernuci, Jhainieiry Cordeiro Famelli Ferret, and Letícia Pereira Gonzaga dos Santos
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Nursing ,business.industry ,Intervention (counseling) ,Medicine ,Health education ,General Medicine ,business - Abstract
The acknowledgment of social media as a strategy in health education is essential, providing benefits to health promotion and the prevention and treatment of comorbidities. This study assessed the contribution of WhatsApp use on the prognosis of medical conditions and its impact on enhancing the quality of life. The review protocol used PubMed and Web of Science as databases, followed PRISMA-E 2012 guidelines, was registered in PROSPERO (Nº2021232688), and its risk of bias was analyzed Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing the risk of bias. Thirteen impact studies (n = 1653 participants) were selected and showed evidence on metabolic parameters such as reducing blood pressure (7.6%); body mass index-BMI (7.6%); glycated haemoglobin-HbA1c (15.4%); resting heart rate (7.6%); increase in static balance increase on balance (7.6%) and reduced body weight (7.6%). Furthermore, specific findings on each intervention were demonstrated, such as diminished rates of relapse in substance users (7.6%); increased populational knowledge on chronic diseases (23%) associated with a decrease in the potential complications (7.6%), and a rise on treatment adhesion (7.6%); impact on the follow-up of pregnant patients (7.6%) and progress on oral hygiene (15.4%). Therefore, it was concluded that this intervention strategy demonstrated significant magnitude in reducing the progression and complication of the assessed disorders.
- Published
- 2021
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11. Development of an economically competitive Trichoderma-based platform for enzyme production: Bioprocess optimization, pilot plant scale-up, techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment
- Author
Evandro Antonio de Lima, Fernanda Mandelli, Daniel Kolling, Jaqueline Matsusato Souza, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Filho, Mateus Ribeiro da Silva, Isabelle Lobo de Mesquita Sampaio, Tassia Lopes Junqueira, Mateus Ferreira Chagas, Juliana Conceição Teodoro, Edvaldo Rodrigo de Morais, and Mario Tyago Murakami
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Environmental Engineering ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,Bioengineering ,General Medicine ,Waste Management and Disposal - Abstract
Despite decades of research and industrial applications of Trichoderma reesei, the development of industrially relevant strains for enzyme production including a low-cost and scalable bioprocess remains elusive. Herein, bioprocess optimization, pilot plant scale-up, techno-economic analysis and life-cycle assessment for enzyme production by an engineered T. reesei strain are reported. The developed bioprocess increased in ∼ 2-fold protein productivity (0.39 g.L
- Published
- 2022
12. BDE-209 and TCDD enhance metastatic characteristics of melanoma cells after chronic exposure
- Author
Benisio Ferreira Silva Filho, Francisco Filipak Neto, Micheli de Marchi, Erick Laurent Moggio, Izadora Volpato Rossi, Bruna Sabatke, Marcel Ivan Ramirez, Miguel Clodomiro dos Santos Lucena, Adriane Regina Todeschini, and Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro
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Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition ,Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,General Medicine ,Toxicology ,Cadherins ,GPI-Linked Proteins ,Pollution ,Mice ,Persistent Organic Pollutants ,Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 ,Carcinogens ,Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers ,Matrix Metalloproteinase 14 ,Animals ,Humans ,Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 ,Vimentin ,Environmental Pollutants ,Melanoma - Abstract
TCDD (2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) and BDE-209 (decabromodiphenyl ether) are persistent organic pollutants (POPs) produced by industrial activities and associated with several diseases. TCDD is a known human carcinogen, but few studies investigated about the effects of exposure to both compounds, i.e., whether BDE-209 and TCDD can render tumor cells more aggressive and metastatic. In the current study we investigated if the exposure of B16-F1 and B16-F10 melanoma murine cells to environmental relevant concentrations of TCDD and BDE-209 at 24 h and 15-day exposure modulates the expression of genes related to metastasis, making the cells more aggressive. Both pollutants did not affect cell viability but lead to increase of cell proliferation, including the upregulation of vimentin, MMP2, MMP9, MMP14 and PGK1 gene expression and downregulation of E-cadherin, TIMP2, TIMP3 and RECK, strongly suggesting changes in cell phenotypes defined as epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in BDE-209 and TCDD-exposed cells. Foremost, increased expression of metalloproteinases and decreased expression of their inhibitors made B16-F1 cells similar the more aggressive B16-F10 cell line. Also, the higher secretion of extracellular vesicles by cells after acute exposure to BDE-209 could be related with the phenotype changes. These results are a strong indication of the potential of BDE-209 and TCDD to modulate cell phenotype, leading to a more aggressive profile.
- Published
- 2022
13. Conhecimentos, valores e práticas (KVP) em licenciandos em física
- Author
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior, Éder Rodrigues Gimenes, and Adriano José Ortiz
- Subjects
Ensino de ciências ,Sociology of scientific knowledge ,Science (General) ,LC8-6691 ,General Medicine ,Concepções ,Social value orientations ,Special aspects of education ,Professionalization ,Likert scale ,Q1-390 ,Senso comum ,Mathematics education ,Fomação de professores de f´ísica ,Relation (history of concept) ,Realism - Abstract
Considering that Social Representations can be understood as collective conceptions, in this paper, in the fundamentals of the KVP model, which consider there is a relation between scientific knowledge, social values and practices, to analyze the undergraduates' conceptions about three areas: epistemology of Science, teaching and learning and teaching practices. Have been investigated freshman and students that completed a Physics Theachers Education Course, using 81 structured assertions on the Likert scale. The responses were statistically organized into 19 previously formulated indicators, divided into three areas of investigation. For freshmen, epistemological conceptions focused on empiricism-inductivism and an acceptance of contradictory pedagogical models were identified. On the other hand, students that completed the course provade a epistemology partly focused on realism, and a hegemonic profile towards the sociointeracionism, accompanied by some divergences in respect for other profiles. These results indicate that a Physics Theachers Education Course structured in teaching professionalization can contribute to an approximation of the reified universe knowledges.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Gabriel Siqueira Tavares Fernandes, Douglas Alberto de Oliveira Silva, Pabrício Marcos Oliveira Lopes, Renato Luiz Farias Lima, Camila Gomes Bezerra de Melo, and Anderson dos Santos
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Earth's energy budget ,Agriculture ,business.industry ,Environmental science ,Forestry ,General Medicine ,Vegetation ,Albedo ,Long wave radiation ,Vegetation Index ,business ,Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ,Lower temperature - Abstract
Áreas agrícolas vêm se intensificando no Estado do Piauí, esse desenvolvimento resulta em danos à vegetação nativa, causando impactos ambientais. Estudos que avaliem esses impactos, são de extrema relevância para quantificar as modificações causadas na superfície. Assim, objetivou-se identificar mudanças da cobertura do solo e avaliar seus impactos no balanço de radiação, índices de vegetação e temperatura da superfície em área de expansão agrícola no sudoeste do Piauí. A área avaliada está inserida no município de Baixa Grande do Ribeiro, utilizou-se imagens dos satélites Landsat 5 TM e Landsat 8, obtidas entre os anos de 1990 e 2018. Avaliou-se o Índice de Vegetação da Diferença Normalizada (NDVI), Índice de Vegetação Ajustado ao Solo (SAVI), Albedo (α), Saldo de Radiação, Radiação de Ondas Longas (ROLs) e Temperatura da Superfície (Ts). Identificou-se a redução de 32,25% vegetação nativa e crescimento de 1.219,1% da exploração agropecuária. A vegetação natural do Cerrado apresentou menor temperatura, albedo e ROLs e maior saldo de radiação, quando comparada às áreas de solo exposto. A exploração agrícola no Sudoeste do Piauí, vem promovendo modificações na vegetação natural da região, causando impactos ambientais, promovendo o aumento da temperatura da superfície e diminuindo a disponibilidade de energia. Faz-se necessário a realização de mais trabalhos que forneçam mais informações sobre essas modificações e ainda da atuação de políticas públicas para fins de planejamento agrícola e ambiental.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Impact Of The COVID-19 Pandemic on Hospital Admissions and In-Hospital Lethality From Cardiovascular Diseases in Brazil: An Ecological and Time Series Study
- Author
Lucas Gomes Santos, Regicley Vieira da Silva, Thiago Cavalcanti Leal, José Emerson Xavier, Elaine Virgínia Martins de Souza Figueiredo, João Paulo Silva de Paiva, Leonardo Feitosa da Silva, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Rocha, Bruno Eduardo Bastos Rolim Nunes, Gibson Barros de Almeida Santana, Tânia Rita Moreno de Oliveira Fernandes, Francisco de Assis Costa, Márcio Bezerra-Santos, Rodrigo Feliciano do Carmo, Anderson da Costa Armstrong, and Carlos Dornels Freire de Souza
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General Medicine ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine - Abstract
Since the onset of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Brazil, several government policies have been taken. Herein, we aimed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on hospital admissions and in-hospital lethality for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Brazil in 2020. An ecological and time-series study on hospitalizations and deaths from CVD in Brazil was conducted from January 2018 to December 2020.The hospital admission rate for CVD reduced by 17.1%, with a significant decreasing trend between January and May 2020 (Annual Percent Change: -8,7%; P-value0.001). The in-hospital lethality rate increased from 8.2% in 2018 to 9.3% in 2020. During this period, Brazil totaled 21.8 million days of hospital stay. Indicators of hospital admissions and lethality from CVD in Brazil were impacted by the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic in different ways in the regions and depending on the nature of the indicator.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Thiago Macêdo Lopes Correia, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Borges, Maiara Raulina de Jesus Dias, Taylan Cunha Meira, and Everton Almeida Sousa
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General Medicine - Published
- 2020
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17. Synthetic fish metallothionein design as a potential tool for monitoring toxic metals in water
- Author
Paola Caroline Nagamatsu, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Claudemir Souza, Nilson Ivo Tonin Zanchin, Dámaso Ángel Rubio Vargas, Iracema Opuskevitch, Maritana Mela Prodocimo, and Fernando C.A.S. Ferreira
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Salminus brasiliensis ,biology ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Aquatic ecosystem ,Water ,General Medicine ,010501 environmental sciences ,biology.organism_classification ,01 natural sciences ,Pollution ,Oreochromis ,Environmental chemistry ,Biomonitoring ,Freshwater fish ,Prochilodus lineatus ,Animals ,Environmental Chemistry ,Metallothionein ,Ecotoxicology ,Brazil ,Ecosystem ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,Environmental Monitoring ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences - Abstract
The diversity of aquatic ecosystems impacted by toxic metals is widely distributed throughout the world. The application of metallothionein (MT) as an early warning sign of metal exposure in freshwater fish is important in biomonitoring, but a more accessible, sensitive, safe, and efficient new methodological strategy is necessary. On this way, a fish MT synthetic gene from Oreochromis aureos was expressed in Escherichia coli to produce polyclonal antibodies against the protein. In the validation assays, these antibodies were able to detect hepatic MT from freshwater fishes Oreochromis niloticus, Pimelodus maculatus, Prochilodus lineatus, and Salminus brasiliensis showing a potential tool for toxic metals biomarker in biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems. The current results showed the applicability of this molecule in quantitative immunoassays as a sensor for monitoring aquatic environments impacted by toxic metals. Due to the lack of methods focusing on metal pollution diagnostics in aquatic ecosystems, the current proposal revealed a promising tool to applications in biomonitoring programs of water resources, mainly in Brazil where the mining activity is very developed.
- Published
- 2020
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18. Leukocyte telomere length and hTERT genetic polymorphism rs2735940 influence the renal cell carcinoma clinical outcome
- Author
Joaquina Maurício, Rui Medeiros, Mariana Morais, Inês Nogueira, Jorge Alberto de Oliveira, Francisca Dias, Telma Resende, and Ana Teixeira
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Oncology ,Cancer Research ,medicine.medical_specialty ,business.industry ,Disease progression ,Single-nucleotide polymorphism ,General Medicine ,urologic and male genital diseases ,medicine.disease ,Telomere ,03 medical and health sciences ,030104 developmental biology ,0302 clinical medicine ,Prognosis biomarker ,Renal cell carcinoma ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Internal medicine ,Genotype ,medicine ,Overall survival ,Telomerase reverse transcriptase ,business ,neoplasms - Abstract
Aim: Analysis of the genetic hTERT-1327 C>T (rs2735940) influence on leukocyte telomere length (LTL) and tumor development, progression and overall survival in renal cell carcinoma (RCC) patients. Materials & methods: Using leukocyte DNA of RCC patients and healthy individuals, LTL measurement and allelic discrimination of rs2735940 was performed by real-time PCR. Results: RCC patients showed shorter LTL than healthy individuals and LTL increased with clinical stage. CC+TC genotypes healthy carriers’ presented shorter LTL. However, no statistical association between the different genotypes and RCC risk. Nevertheless, CC homozygous presented a reduced time to disease progression and a lower overall survival. The use of hTERT-1327 single nucleotide polymorphism information increased the capacity to predict risk for RCC progression. Conclusion: In fact, in healthy individuals, hTERT-1327 CC+TC genotypes were associated with shorter LTL, and this single nucleotide polymorphism was associated with time to disease progression, being a promising potential prognosis biomarker to be used in the future.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Suelen de Gaspi and Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Esta pesquisa apresenta contribuições teórico-metodológicas para o ensino de Educação Ambiental (EA) na perspectiva do Ensino Híbrido. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar se a organização da atividade didática, no modelo de Ensino Híbrido, proporciona condições adequadas para o despertar de um sujeito ecológico pautado na Educação Ambiental Crítica. Os dados da pesquisa foram organizados e interpretados por meio da Análise de Conteúdo e evidenciaram que as ações de EA possibilitaram a condução de uma nova perspectiva dos estudantes em relação ao meio ambiente, denotando um desejo de mudança e transformação ambiental, no entanto, destacou a necessidade de ampliação do discurso de EA que considere as questões sociais; demonstrou, ainda, que as tecnologias foram aliadas no processo de ensino, dinamizando a aprendizagem e culminando em ações de autonomia e criticidade por parte dos alunos.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Organic and Inorganic Pollutants in Jordão and Iguaçu Rivers Southern Brazil Impact Early Phases of Rhamdia Quelen and Represent a Risk for Population
- Author
Natália Golin, Luiza Santos Barreto, Luíse Esquivel, Tugstênio Lima de Souza, Mariana Gallucci Nazário, Andrea Pinto Oliveira, César Castro Martins, and Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Water ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry ,Pollution ,Rivers ,Environmental Chemistry ,Animals ,Environmental Pollutants ,Brazil ,Catfishes ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,Environmental Monitoring - Abstract
The Iguaçu River basin presents high ecological importance due to its expressive endemic ichthyofauna rate, but chemical pollution may threat this biodiversity. Jordão River is one of the main tributaries of Iguaçu River and contribute to this pollution status, since it drains large agricultural areas receiving domestic and industrial effluents before flowing into the Iguaçu River. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the toxic effects of the Iguaçu, Jordão, and the combination of their waters to the embryo-larval phase of R. quelen, investigating the consequences to the population by means of mathematical modelling. R. quelen fertilized eggs were exposed for 96 h to water samples from Iguaçu River upstream (IR), Jordão River (JR), and downstream of both rivers (MR). The analysis of micropollutants in the water showed that JR presented the most complex mixture of substances and elements, followed by IR, while MR showed the lower number of micropollutants detected. Survival rate was not a sensitive endpoint, while the deformity indices were higher in individuals exposed to water from the three studied sites. Superoxide dismutase activity was increased in MR, while non-protein thiol levels were reduced in MR and JR showing the antioxidant mechanism activation. The mathematical modelling revealed that fish exposed to JR would lead to the greater population reduction (46.19%), followed by IR (40.48%) and MR (33.33%). Although the results showed toxicity in all studied sites, the JR site is the most impacted by micropollutants but decrease its toxicity after dilution with Iguaçu River.
- Published
- 2022
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21. BDE-99 (2,2',4,4',5 - pentain polybrominated diphenyl ether) induces toxic effects in Oreochromis niloticus after sub-chronic and oral exposure
- Author
Joelma Leão-Buchir, Tugstênio Lima de Souza, Claudemir de Souza, Luís Fernando Fávaro, Patrícia Manuitt Brito, Milena Carvalho Carneiro, Bruna Hilzendeger Marcon, Luíse Esquivel, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, and Maritana Mela Prodocimo
- Subjects
Pharmacology ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,General Medicine ,Toxicology - Abstract
PBDEs are toxic, lipophilic, hydrophobic, and persistent artificial chemicals, characterized by high physical and chemical stability. Although PBDEs are known to disturb hormone signaling, many effects of 2,2',4,4',5 - pentain polybrominated diphenyl ethers (BDE-99) in fish remain unclear. The current study investigates the effects of BDE-99 in Oreochromis niloticus where sixty-four juvenile fish were orally exposed to 0.294, 2.94, 29.4 ng g
- Published
- 2021
22. Chemical pollution impairs the health of fish species and fishery activities along the Algeria coastline, Mediterranean Sea
- Author
Zina Bencheikh, Wahid Refes, Patricia Manuitt Brito, Maritana Mela Prodocimo, Paloma Kachel Gusso-Choueri, Rodrigo Brasil Choueri, and Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro
- Subjects
Bays ,Algeria ,Fisheries ,Fishes ,Mediterranean Sea ,Animals ,General Medicine ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ,Pollution ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,General Environmental Science ,Environmental Monitoring - Abstract
Chronic exposure to multiple pollutants affects aquatic organisms, even at low concentrations, and can impair fishery activities along marine coastlines. The bioavailability of toxic metals and the presence of metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in both water and sediment can explain the worst-case scenario of fish health and fishery production decline along the Algeria coastline. The hepatosomatic index (HIS), gonadosomatic index (GSI), and condition factor (K) in the studied species from the Algiers, Bou Ismail, and Zemmouri bays are the first indicators of the poor environmental health along the studied region. These findings could be explained by the bioavailability of Zn, Cu, Cr, Mn, Hg, and Ni and the detection of PAHs in the water and sediment of these bays. Additionally, histopathological damage in the liver is described in sardine (Sardina pilchardus), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), and sardinelle (Sardinella aurita) highlights the current study in the investigation of the risk of exposure to biota or human populations. The occurrence of permanent lesions in the livers of fish impairs organ function and increases the incidence of diseases affecting the fish community. Furthermore, the factor analysis with principal component analysis (FA/PCA) dataset explains the physiological disturbances described in all studied species. These findings revealed that Zemmouri bay is the most affected by chemicals, suggesting that S. pilchardus is the most sensitive species. Finally, the results showed that the bioavailability of chemicals present in the studied bays confirms poor water quality, which can explain the decrease in fishery production along the Algerian Coastline.
- Published
- 2021
23. CalDAG-GEFI Deficiency in a Family with Symptomatic Heterozygous and Homozygous Carriers of a Likely Pathogenic Variant in RASGRP2
- Author
Eugénia Cruz, Ana L. Gonçalves, Marta Gonçalves, Catarina Lau, Margarida Lima, Rosário Santos, Mónica Pereira, Catarina Monteiro, Jorge Alberto de Oliveira, Sara Morais, and Lurdes Moreira
- Subjects
QH301-705.5 ,RASGRP2 ,Case Report ,Disease ,Biology ,Catalysis ,platelet function diseases ,Inorganic Chemistry ,Platelet ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,Biology (General) ,Molecular Biology ,QD1-999 ,Spectroscopy ,Likely pathogenic ,Diacylglycerol kinase ,Genetics ,Organic Chemistry ,CALDAG-GEFI ,General Medicine ,Phenotype ,Computer Science Applications ,CalDAG-GEFI deficiency ,Chemistry ,platelets ,Guanine nucleotide exchange factor - Abstract
RASGRP2 encodes the calcium and diacylglycerol (DAG)-regulated guanine nucleotide exchange factor I (CalDAG-GEFI) identified as a Rap1-activating molecule. Pathogenic variants previously identified in RASGRP2 allowed the characterization of CalDAG-GEFI deficiency as a non-syndromic, autosomal recessive platelet function disease. We report on the clinical manifestations and laboratory features of a Portuguese family with a likely pathogenic variant in RASGRP2 (c.999G>C leading to a p.Lys333Asn change in the CDC25 catalytic domain of CalDAG-GEFI) and discuss the contribution of this variant to the disease manifestations. Based on the study of this family with one homozygous patient and five heterozygous carriers and on a critical analysis of the literature, we challenge previous knowledge that CalDAG-GEFI deficiency only manifests in homozygous patients. Our data suggest that at least for the RASGRP2 variant reported herein, there is a phenotypic expression, albeit milder, in heterozygous carriers.
- Published
- 2021
24. Evaluation of road traffic noise near tube-shaped bus rapid transit shelters
- Author
Paulo Henrique Trombeta Zannin, Eriberto Oliveira do Nascimento, and Geanesson Alberto de Oliveira Santos
- Subjects
Noise ,Acoustics ,Environmental science ,Tube (fluid conveyance) ,General Medicine ,Road traffic ,Bus rapid transit - Abstract
Noise pollution is generally imperceptible, but it can cause various disorders, including psychological disorders, hearing loss and cardiovascular disease. Curitiba Municipal Law 10.625:2002 establishes upper limits of daytime noise exposure according to zoning areas and land use in the City of Curitiba. The purpose of this study was to evaluate noise immissions of urban traffic in the proximities of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) shelters in Curitiba, Brazil. Daytime traffic noise levels were measured between 8am and 5pm near the entrance of these bus shelters in July and August 2014. Fifty-four measurement points at parks, residences, stores, schools, universities and hospitals in different zoning groups of the municipality were selected as a function of the type of population. The noise levels were recorded using a class I sound level meter. Brazil has no specific standard or law for traffic noise immissions, so the guidelines of the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 10151:2000 were used. It was concluded that 74% of the measured noise levels varied from 70 to 76 dB(A). Only point 48, close to the Antônio Meireles Sobrinho BRT Shelter, was considered free of noise pollution. Traffic noise accounts for an overall average of 73 dB(A). A few bus shelters installed on the same street had an absolute average difference of 3 dB(A), while bus shelters located farther away from roads were the least noisy. The lowest average traffic noise levels, i.e., 71 dB(A), were recorded on roads for exclusive use by BRT buses.
- Published
- 2021
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25. Evaluation of Gibbilimbol B, Isolated from Piper malacophyllum (Piperaceae), as an Antischistosomal Agent
- Author
Alberto de Oliveira, João Henrique G. Lago, Ana C. Mengarda, Vinícius C. Rodrigues, Thiago R. Morais, Josué de Moraes, and Paulo U. Carnaúba
- Subjects
Antiparasitic ,medicine.drug_class ,Bioengineering ,Schistosomiasis ,Plant Roots ,Biochemistry ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Phenols ,medicine ,Animals ,Helminths ,Anthelmintic ,Molecular Biology ,Schistosoma ,Natural product ,Molecular Structure ,biology ,Traditional medicine ,Plant Extracts ,Schistosoma mansoni ,General Chemistry ,General Medicine ,Piperaceae ,biology.organism_classification ,medicine.disease ,Praziquantel ,chemistry ,Molecular Medicine ,medicine.drug - Abstract
Infections caused by parasitic worms impose a considerable worldwide health burden. One of the most impactful is schistosomiasis, a disease caused by blood-dwelling of the genus Schistosoma that affects more than 230 million people worldwide. Since praziquantel has also been extensively used to treat schistosomiasis and other parasitic flatworm infections, there is an urgent need to identify novel anthelmintic compounds, mainly from natural sources. In this study, the hexane extract from roots of Piper malacophyllum (Piperaceae) showed to be mainly composed for gibbilimbol B by HPLC/ESI-HRMS. Based on this result, this compound was isolated by chromatographic steps and its structure was confirmed by NMR. In vitro bioassays showed that gibbilimbol B was more active than praziquantel against larval stage of S. mansoni, with effective concentrations of 50 % (EC50 ) and 90 % (EC90 ) values of 2.6 and 3.4 μM, respectively. Importantly, gibbilimbol B showed no cytotoxicity to mammalian cells at a concentration 190 times greater than the antiparasitic effect, giving support for the anthelmintic potential of gibbilimbol B as lead compound for novel antischistosomal agents.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Moryb Jorge Lima da Costa Sapucay, João Alberto de Oliveira Júnior, Denis Piazzoli, Claudemir Zucareli, and André Mateus Prando
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General Medicine - Abstract
Alterações no arranjo de plantas na cultura do milho permitem maiores populações e exigem adequações nas doses de nitrogênio fornecidas. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de doses de nitrogênio em cobertura no desenvolvimento e desempenho produtivo do milho de segunda safra em diferentes densidades de plantas. O experimento foi conduzido em duas safras com o híbrido AG9010 YG, em blocos casualizados e parcelas subdivididas, com quatro repetições. Nas parcelas, alocaram-se as populações de plantas (40, 60, 80 e 100 mil plantas ha-1) em espaçamento de 0,45 m entre linhas e, nas subparcelas, as doses de nitrogênio (ureia 45%) em cobertura (0, 50, 100, 150 kg ha-1). Foram avaliados o diâmetro de colmo, a altura de inserção de espiga e de plantas, a massa da folha seca, o teor de nitrogênio na folha e nos grãos e a produtividade de grãos. A produtividade de grãos é influenciada pela interação entre população de plantas e doses de N em cobertura. A população de 80.000 plantas ha-1 aliada à aplicação de 120 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio cobertura proporciona maior rendimento.
- Published
- 2019
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27. Representações sociais de graduandos em Educação Física sobre meio ambiente e a relação homem, esporte e natureza
- Author
Felipe da Silva Triani, Anna Carolina Carvalho de Souza, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior, and Silvio de Cassio Costa Telles
- Subjects
meio ambiente e educação ,Theory and practice of education ,General Medicine ,esportes de aventura ,educação física ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
O conhecimento compartilhado entre os sujeitos de um mesmo grupo social quanto a um dado objeto indica muito sobre seus valores, suas atitudes e seu comportamento. Assim, este artigo objetivou identificar e analisar as representações sociais que estudantes de bacharelado em Educação Física possuem sobre o meio ambiente e a relação homem, esporte e natureza. Participaram do estudo 34 acadêmicos, de ambos os sexos, que responderam ao teste de associação livre de palavras. Os resultados indicaram que as representações sociais sobre o meio ambiente estão associadas a elementos naturalísticos, já sobre a relação homem, esporte e natureza, à área de atuação dos alunos e a práticas esportivas regionais. Consideram-se necessárias intervenções pedagógicas que tematizem o meio ambiente, bem como a relação homem, esporte e natureza.
- Published
- 2021
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28. Effects of trophic 2,2', 4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) exposure in Oreochromis niloticus: A multiple biomarkers analysis
- Author
Patricia Manuitt Brito, Nilce Mary Turcatti Folle, Joelma Leão-Buchir, Luís Fernando Fávaro, Luíse Esquivel, Francisco Filipak Neto, Tugstênio Lima de Souza, Juan Ramon Esquivel Garcia, Aliciane de Almeida Roque, Elton Celton de Oliveira, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Wanessa Algarte Ramsdorf, and Maritana Mela Prodocimo
- Subjects
Male ,Antioxidant ,Aché ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,medicine.medical_treatment ,Physiology ,Administration, Oral ,Thyrotropin ,010501 environmental sciences ,Biology ,Toxicology ,Kidney ,01 natural sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,Vitellogenin ,Vitellogenins ,Biomonitoring ,medicine ,Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers ,Ecotoxicology ,Animals ,Gonads ,030304 developmental biology ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Glutathione Transferase ,Pharmacology ,0303 health sciences ,Estradiol ,Muscles ,Brain ,General Medicine ,Cichlids ,biology.organism_classification ,language.human_language ,Gonadosomatic Index ,Oreochromis ,Thyroxine ,Liver ,Toxicity ,language ,biology.protein ,Acetylcholinesterase ,Female ,Biomarkers ,Water Pollutants, Chemical - Abstract
Polybrominated diphenyl esters are emerging environmental contaminants with few toxicological data, being a concern for the scientific community. This study evaluated the effects of BDE-47 on the health of Oreochromis niloticus fish. The animals were exposed to three doses of BDE-47 (0, 0.253, 2.53, 25.3 ng g−1) every 10 days, for 80 days. The BDE-47 affected the hepatosomatic and gonadosomatic index in female and the condition factor by intermediate dose in both sexes. The levels of estradiol decreased and the T4 are increased, but the vitellogenin production was not modulated in male individuals. Changes in AChE, GST, LPO and histopathology were observed while the integrated biomarker response index suggests that the lowest dose of BDE-47 compromised the activity of antioxidant enzymes. The oral exposure to BDE-47 in environmental concentrations is toxic to O. niloticus and the use of multiple biomarkers is an attribution in ecotoxicology studies and biomonitoring programs.
- Published
- 2021
29. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in COVID-19 Treatment: a Systematic Literature Review
- Author
Rafaela Campos Alcântara, Aisla Graciele Galdino dos Santos, Etvaldo Rodrigues da Silva Filho, Euclides José Oliveira da Cunha, Saulo Henrique Salgueiro de Aquino, Luiz Carlos Francelino Silva Junior, Gabriel Monteiro Arnozo, Tatiana Farias de Oliveira, Carlos Dornels Freire de Souza, Rodrigo da Rosa Mesquita, Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Rocha, and Fernanda Mayara Santos Santana
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,RD1-811 ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,medicine.medical_treatment ,MEDLINE ,Review Article ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Extracorporeal ,03 medical and health sciences ,Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation ,0302 clinical medicine ,Epidemiology ,Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation ,medicine ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,Humans ,In patient ,SARS-CoV-2 ,business.industry ,COVID-19 ,General Medicine ,Middle Aged ,Prognosis ,Patient Discharge ,Systematic review ,RC666-701 ,Life support ,Emergency medicine ,Female ,Surgery ,Coronavirus Infections ,Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine ,business - Abstract
Introduction: The present study intends to systematically review the literature on the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Methods: The research was carried out according to the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA). Studies were selected from PubMed/MEDLINE and LILACS databases between December 2019 and May 17 2020, using the descriptors "ECMO AND COVID-19", "Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation AND COVID-19", "ECLS AND COVID-19", and "Extracorporeal Life Support AND COVID-19". Exclusion criteria were government epidemiological bulletins, comments, literature reviews, and articles without full access to content. Results: Two hundred and thirty-three scientific productions were found, however only 18 did not met the exclusion criteria and could be included in this study, amouting to a total of 911 patients - 624 (68.5%) men, 261 (28.6%) women, and 26 (2.8%) without sex information. The mean age of the patients was 53.7 years. ECMO was necessary in 274 (30.1%) people (200 [73%] submitted to veno-venous ECMO, nine [3.3%] to veno-arterial ECMO, and seven [2.5%] moved between these two types or needed a more specific ECMO according to the disease prognosis). Five studies did not specify the type of ECMO used, amounting 57 (20.8%) patients. Five patients (1.8%) were discharged, 77 (28.1%) died, 125 (45.6%) remained hospitalized until publication time of their respective studies, and 67 patients (24.4%) had no outcome information. Conclusion: It is evident that more research, covering larger populations, must be carried out in order to clearly elucidate the role of ECMO in the treatment of COVID-19.
- Published
- 2021
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30. Post hatching stages of tropical catfish Rhamdia quelen (Quoy and Gaimard, 1824) are affected by combined toxic metals exposure with risk to population
- Author
Paola Caroline Nagamatsu, Juan Ramon Esquivel Garcia, Angie Thaisa da Costa Souza, Luíse Esquivel, Izabella Andrade de Brito, and Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro
- Subjects
Environmental Engineering ,Silver ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,0208 environmental biotechnology ,Population ,Metal Nanoparticles ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,Biology ,Ecotoxicology ,01 natural sciences ,Animal science ,Environmental Chemistry ,Animals ,education ,Catfishes ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Pollutant ,Larva ,education.field_of_study ,Hatching ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Biota ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry ,Pollution ,020801 environmental engineering ,Rhamdia quelen ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,Catfish - Abstract
Toxic metals and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are of great importance as pollutants and their frequent use increases the risk of exposure to biota, but few studies have described co-toxic effects in aquatic organisms. In fish, the method using early stages of development are interesting parameters to validate ecotoxicological studies, and more recently, the use of mathematical models has substantially increased the efficiency of the method. Post hatching stages of native catfish Rhamdia quelen were exposed to single or combined mixtures of toxic metals (Mn, Pb, Hg or AgNPs) in order to study its effects. Fertilized eggs were exposed for 24, 48, 72, and 96 h, where hatching and survival rates, malformation frequency, and neuromast structure damages were evaluated. The results showed alterations in hatching rate after single and combined exposure to metals, but mixtures showed effects more severe comparatively with the single exposures. A similar result including a time-dependent effect was observed in survival rates and incidence of deformities. Overall, embryos and larvae were sensitive to toxic metals exposure while the mathematical modeling suggested a population reduction size including risk of local extinction.
- Published
- 2020
31. Fatores associados para potenciais interações medicamentosas clinicamente significantes em terapia intensiva adulto
- Author
Olívia Maria Trindade, Danilo Donizetti Trevisan, Juliana Moreira Maia, Juliano Teixeira Moraes, Cristina Sanches, and Luiz Alberto de Oliveira
- Subjects
Cuidados Críticos ,Eventos Adversos ,lcsh:R ,lcsh:Medicine ,Unidade de Terapia Intensiva ,General Medicine ,Segurança do Paciente ,Interações de Medicamentos - Abstract
Modelo do estudo: Estudo transversal. Objetivo: caracterizar as interações medicamentosas potenciais (IMp) maiores e contraindicadas em terapia intensiva adulto e determinar sua prevalência, medicamentos e fatores associados à exposição dessas interações. Métodos: a amostra foi composta por 309 pacientes internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva adulto de um hospital da Região Centro-Oeste de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Os dados demográficos-clínicos e perfil medicamentoso foram coletados, prospectivamente. As IMp foram caracterizadas pela base Micromedex 2.0 quanto à gravidade, prevalência e implicação clínica. Realizaram-se análises descritivas para as variáveis qualitativas e contínuas. Modelos Lineares Generalizados com distribuição Gama e Poisson foram utilizados para avaliar a relação entre um conjunto de variáveis independentes e a prevalência de IMp maiores e contraindicadas (p
- Published
- 2020
32. 2,4,6-Tribromophenol is toxic to Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758) after trophic and subchronic exposure
- Author
Elton Celton de Oliveira, Maristela Azevedo-Linhares, Nilce Mary Turcatti Folle, Francisco Filipak Neto, Luíse Esquivel, Sonia Regina Grötzner, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, and Juan Ramon Esquivel Garcia
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Environmental Engineering ,Antioxidant ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,medicine.medical_treatment ,0208 environmental biotechnology ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,Lipid peroxidation ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Vitellogenin ,Phenols ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Environmental Chemistry ,Animals ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Cholinesterase ,biology ,Superoxide Dismutase ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry ,Glutathione ,Cichlids ,biology.organism_classification ,Catalase ,Pollution ,020801 environmental engineering ,Oreochromis ,Oxidative Stress ,Endocrinology ,chemistry ,Liver ,Toxicity ,biology.protein ,Female ,Lipid Peroxidation ,Water Pollutants, Chemical - Abstract
The presence of 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (TBP) in the environment increased the risk of exposure to aquatic organisms affecting the animal development or metabolism. The current study investigated the low, subchronic and trophic effect of TBP in both, male and female adult of Oreochromis niloticus. The fish were exposed to 0.5 or 50 ng g−1 of TBP every ten days for 70 days. Then, hepatosomatic (HSI) and gonadosomatic (GSI) indexes, erythrocyte parameters (hemoglobin content, nuclear morphology and morphometrical abnormalities), biochemical endpoints (glutathione S-Transferase and catalase activities, non-protein thiols, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation levels in the liver; and acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain and muscle), histopathological analysis (liver) and vitellogenin levels (plasma) were considered. TBP affected the HSI in male and female fish, but not the GSI. Principal Component Analysis revealed that erythrocytes from males are more sensitive to TBP exposure. Likewise, TBP induced the expression of vitellogenin, CAT activity and liver lesion in male fish comparatively with control group, but GST and NPT were influenced only by sex. Finally, the results showed that the antioxidant mechanism and cholinesterase activity effects were more pronounced in male than in female. The current data shows evidences of estrogenic endocrine disruption and toxicity in O. niloticus exposed to TBP, revealing the risk of exposure to biota.
- Published
- 2020
33. Plasma Extracellular Vesicle-Derived TIMP-1 mRNA as a Prognostic Biomarker in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Pilot Study
- Author
Joana Maia, Joaquina Maurício, Rui Medeiros, José Pedro Sequeira, Cristian Bodo, José Rogério A. Silva, Marta Ferreira, Jorge Alberto de Oliveira, Ana Teixeira, Klaas Kok, Gabriela Martins, Inês Nogueira, Bruno Costa-Silva, João Lobo, Isabel Vieira, Carlos Palmeira, Mariana Morais, Francisca Dias, and Guided Treatment in Optimal Selected Cancer Patients (GUTS)
- Subjects
Male ,mRNA ,Pilot Projects ,Disease ,Matrix metalloproteinase ,Article ,Catalysis ,Metastasis ,lcsh:Chemistry ,Inorganic Chemistry ,Plasma ,TIMP-1 ,Biomarkers, Tumor ,Tumor Microenvironment ,Humans ,Medicine ,RNA, Messenger ,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry ,lcsh:QH301-705.5 ,Carcinoma, Renal Cell ,Molecular Biology ,Spectroscopy ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2 ,Tumor microenvironment ,Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 ,business.industry ,Organic Chemistry ,Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases ,clear cell Renal Cell Carcinoma ,General Medicine ,Extracellular vesicle ,Prognosis ,medicine.disease ,Kidney Neoplasms ,Matrix Metalloproteinases ,Computer Science Applications ,Clear cell renal cell carcinoma ,lcsh:Biology (General) ,lcsh:QD1-999 ,Tumor progression ,Localized disease ,Cancer research ,Matrix Metalloproteinase 2 ,Female ,extracellular Vesicles ,business - Abstract
The tumor microenvironment has gained a lot of attention from the scientific community since it has a proven impact in the development of tumor progression and metastasis. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are now considered one of the key players of tumor microenvironment modulation. Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most lethal urological neoplasia and presents a high metastatic potential, which reinforces the need for the development of more effective predictive biomarkers. Our goal was to evaluate the applicability of EV-derived matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) as prognostic biomarkers for ccRCC. To do so, we studied the plasma EV content of 32 patients with localized ccRCC and 29 patients with metastatic ccRCC. We observed that patients with localized disease and tumors larger than 7 cm presented higher levels of plasma EV-derived TIMP-1 mRNA when compared with patients presenting smaller tumors (p = 0.020). Moreover, patients with metastatic disease presented higher levels of EV-derived TIMP-1 mRNA when compared with patients with localized disease (p = 0.002) and when we stratified those patients in high and low levels of TIMP-1 EV-derived mRNA, the ones presenting higher levels had a lower overall survival (p = 0.030). EV-derived TIMP-1 mRNA may be a good prognostic biomarker candidate for ccRCC.
- Published
- 2020
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34. Sediment contaminant levels and multibiomarker approach to assess the health of catfish Sciades herzbergii in a harbor from the northern Brazilian Amazon
- Author
Suelen Rosana Sampaio de Oliveira, Hetty Salvino Torres, Débora Batista Pinheiro-Sousa, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Sâmea Heloá da Costa Soares, Raimunda Nonata Fortes Carvalho-Neta, Wanderley Rodrigues Bastos, and Wanda Batista de Jesus
- Subjects
Wet season ,Geologic Sediments ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Population ,Biology ,Amazon harbor ,Animals ,GE1-350 ,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ,education ,Catfishes ,Pollutant ,education.field_of_study ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Sediment ,Pah ,General Medicine ,Contamination ,Pollution ,Environmental sciences ,Water quality ,TD172-193.5 ,Environmental chemistry ,Toxic trace elements ,Environmental Pollutants ,Seasons ,Environmental Pollution ,Bay ,Biomarkers ,Brazil ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,Catfish ,Environmental Monitoring - Abstract
The current study combined chemical data on trace elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from sediment and used a multibiomarker approach in the catfish Sciades herzbergii to evaluate two different sites in São Marcos Bay, Brazil. Higher diffuse contaminations by trace elements and PAH were detected in the sediment of Porto Grande (PG) harbor than in the Ilha dos Caranguejos (IC) reference area. A multibiomarker was used in catfish to evaluate the bioavailability of PAH in bile and the effects of pollutants in target tissues. The parameters considered were oxidative stress biomarkers (SOD, CAT, GSH, GST and LPO) and histopathological alterations and were compared between two seasons. The biological responses revealed adverse effects on the population, as indicated by the presence of trace elements and PAH as stressors. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the biomarkers corroborated these results and indicated that fish from the PG site during the rainy season in 2019 exhibited many biological effects compared to 2018. Overall, the present study showed that environmental contamination increased over the years and provides information on the contamination of sediments in the São Marcos Bay, Brazil. The results showed that the presence of contaminants was correlated with the health status of the catfish S. herzbergii.
- Published
- 2020
35. Initial teacher training in the federal institutes based on theses and dissertations
- Author
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior, Marcos Cesar Danhoni Neves, and Marcos Fernando Soares Alves
- Subjects
Formative assessment ,Content analysis ,Political science ,Educação. Planejamento e Avaliação Educacional. Política Educacional ,Library science ,Teacher Training ,Science Teaching ,Higher Education ,General Medicine ,Formação Docente ,Ensino de Ciências ,Ensino Superior ,Digital library ,Teacher education ,Qualitative research - Abstract
O presente estudo, de natureza qualitativa, visa apresentar aspectos marcantes vinculados à formação inicial de professores nos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia, aqui definidos como novo lócus de formação docente. Para este propósito, por meio do Catálogo de Teses e Dissertações da CAPES e da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações, realizamos um estudo do tipo estado da arte em teses e dissertações acadêmicas que foram analisadas considerando os pressupostos da Análise de Conteúdo. Ao longo do trabalho, apresentamos e discutimos algumas características organizacionais e pedagógicas dos Institutos Federais, ressaltando as potencialidades apresentadas nesse espaço formativo e os desafios para a consolidação, com qualidade, dos cursos de licenciaturas ofertados. Notamos que tais instituições, apesar de recentes, apresentam significativa contribuição no campo da formação docente, mas que ainda podem avançar à medida que suas potencialidades sejam bem exploradas. The present qualitative research aims to present remarkable features linked to initial teacher training in the Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology), herein defined as a new locus of teacher training. For this purpose, based on the CAPES Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, we carried out a state-of-the-art type of research on academic theses and dissertations which were under analysis, taking into consideration Content Analysis premises. Throughout the process, we presented and discussed a few of the organizational and pedagogical characteristics of Federal Institutes, highlighting their potential presented in this formative space and the challenges for the consolidation, with quality, of the teaching degrees offered. We have observed that such institutes, despite being recent, present a significant contribution to the teacher education field, but also, that they may still advance as long as their potentials are well-explored.
- Published
- 2020
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36. Adherence to the cardiac surgery checklist decreased mortality at a teaching hospital: A retrospective cohort study
- Author
Omar Asdrúbal Vilca Mejia, Frederico Carlos Cordeiro de Mendonça, Lucimar Aparecida Barrense Nogueira Sampaio, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes Galas, Mauricio Franklin Pontes, Luiz Fernando Caneo, Luís Roberto Palma Dallan, Luiz Augusto Ferreira Lisboa, João Fernando Monteiro Ferreira, Luís Alberto de Oliveira Dallan, and Fabio Biscegli Jatene
- Subjects
Cross-Sectional Studies ,Humans ,Hospital Mortality ,General Medicine ,Cardiac Surgical Procedures ,Quality improvement ,Cardiac surgery ,Mortality ,Hospitals, Teaching ,Checklists ,Checklist ,Retrospective Studies - Abstract
Objectives To evaluate the impact of adherence to the cardiac surgical checklist on mortality at the teaching hospital. Methods A retrospective cohort study after the implementation of the cardiac surgical safety checklist in a reference hospital in Latin America. All patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and/or heart valve surgery from 2013 to 2019 were analyzed. After the implementation of the project InCor-Checklist “Five steps to safe cardiac surgery” in 2015, the correlation between adherence and completeness of this instrument with surgical mortality was assessed. The EuroSCORE II was used as a reference to assess the risk of expected mortality for patients. Cross-sectional questionnaires were during the implementation of the InCor-Checklist. To perform the correlation, Pearson’s coefficient was calculated using R software. Results Since 2013, data from 8139 patients have been analyzed. The average annual mortality was 5.98%. In 2015, the instrument was used in only 58% of patients; in contrast, it was used in 100% of patients in 2019. There was a decrease in surgical mortality from 8.22% to 3.13% for the same group of procedures. The results indicate that the greater the checklist use, the lower the surgical mortality (r = 88.9%). In addition, the greater the InCor-Checklist completeness, the lower the surgical mortality (r = 94.1%). Conclusion In the formation of the surgical patient safety culture, the implementation and adherence to the InCor-Checklist “Five steps to safe cardiac surgery” was associated with decreased mortality after cardiac surgery. HIGHLIGHTS Checklists avoid human errors and are commonly used in high-reliability industries. The “InCor Checklist” was associated with decreased mortality over time. Adherence, completeness, and sustainability within public policies are necessary.
- Published
- 2022
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37. Diálogos entre licenciandos(as) em ciências biológicas acerca do universo docente e suas representações sociais
- Author
Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior and Joici de Carvalho Leite
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
As Representações Sociais (RS) permeiam o processo de formação inicial com o propósito de tornarem comuns assuntos desconhecidos. Dessa forma, este manuscrito objetivou identificar indícios de RS compartilhadas entre 20 licenciandos(as) iniciantes e concluintes do curso de licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, de duas universidades públicas do Paraná, a respeito da epistemologia da ciência, ensino e aprendizagem e formação e atividade docente. O procedimento para a coleta de informações baseou-se em entrevistas com quatro grupos focais e, para a apreciação dessas informações, foi empregada a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicaram que entre os(as) licenciandos(as) iniciantes e concluintes da Universidade A não foram observados nuances de RS. Todavia, entre os(as) licenciandos(as) da Universidade B foram verificadas o compartilhamento de visões relatando o(a) professor(a) como um(a) transmissor(a) e centro do processo de ensino, indicativos da presença de RS que permeiam durante os anos de graduação.
- Published
- 2021
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38. Exposure to pollutants present in Iguaçu River Southern Brazil affect the health of Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758): Assessment histological, genotoxic and biochemical
- Author
Juan Ramon Esquivel Garcia, Cleber Pinto da Silva, Alessandro Lick Cordeiro, Maritana Mela Prodocimo, Marta Margarete Cestari, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Francisco Filipak Neto, Sandro Xavier de Campos, Dámaso Ángel Rubio-Vargas, César C. Martins, and Amanda Câmara de Souza
- Subjects
Gill ,Veterinary medicine ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Sewage ,010501 environmental sciences ,Biology ,Kidney ,Toxicology ,medicine.disease_cause ,01 natural sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,Rivers ,Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated ,medicine ,Animals ,Bioassay ,Metallothionein ,Pesticides ,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ,Glutathione Transferase ,030304 developmental biology ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Pharmacology ,Pollutant ,0303 health sciences ,business.industry ,Muscles ,Brain ,Cichlids ,General Medicine ,Catalase ,biology.organism_classification ,Glutathione ,Oreochromis ,Liver ,Metals ,Acetylcholinesterase ,Water quality ,business ,Brazil ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,Genotoxicity ,DNA Damage - Abstract
Urban sewage is a source of major contamination in aquatic systems and contributes to environmental and human health disturbances. This study investigates the effects of sewage-polluted waters from Iguacu River on the health of juvenile Oreochromis niloticus. Two hundred four specimens were exposed to riverine water in four groups: no diluted, 25 and 50 % diluted water and a control group without tested water for 72 days. Biological samples were obtained for histopathological, neurotoxicity, antioxidant defenses, genotoxicity, metallothionines expression and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) metabolites. The results showed histopathological alterations in liver and gills, genotoxic alteration in erythrocytes, reduction of acetylcholinesterase activity in brain and muscle, activation of antioxidant defenses in the liver, recruitment of metals by metallothionein and the detection of PAHs metabolites in bile. These results demonstrate that juveniles of O. niloticus are susceptible to Iguacu River exposure water and they can be used as indicator of water quality.
- Published
- 2021
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39. Categorías institucionales de las políticas de salud en Brasil (1990-2017)
- Author
João Alberto de Oliveira Lima, Lourdes Lemos Almeida, Marcio Iorio Aranha, and Luiz Carlos Pelizari Romero
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Brasil ,Public health ,Políticas de saúde ,lcsh:Medical legislation ,lcsh:K3601-3611 ,Subject (documents) ,Sample (statistics) ,General Medicine ,Public administration ,Política pública ,Medical legislation ,K3601-3611 ,Political science ,Direito Sanitário ,medicine ,Relevance (information retrieval) ,Hermeneutics ,Generative grammar ,Health policy ,Social control - Abstract
Objetivo: Identificar as categorias essenciais à forma institucional prevalentes das políticas públicas setoriais de saúde instituídas pelo Ministério da Saúde no período de 1990 a 2017. Método: Partindo-se do arcabouço teórico da Teoria Gramatical Generativa de Chomsky e da Hermenêutica Prescritiva de Schleiermacher, Dilthey e Betti como pressupostos, e com a Teoria Neo-Institucional como ancoragem teórica, foram identificados, no banco de dados de informação legislativa do Ministério da Saúde (Saúde Legis), o conjunto de normas infralegais que instituíram políticas setoriais de saúde no período de 20 de setembro de 1990 a 30 de março de 2017. A análise dos documentos de política respectivos permitiu a identificação de categorias essenciais à forma institucional das políticas setoriais de saúde. Resultados: Analisou-se uma amostra de 58 documentos de política. Do ponto de vista do objeto, as políticas que compuseram a amostra estavam voltadas para a organização da atenção (51,7%), a saúde pública (39,7%) e a organização e gestão do sistema de saúde (8,6%). Das políticas estudadas, 86,2% tinham norma instituidora. Os conceitos integrantes da forma institucional das políticas setoriais de saúde mais prevalentemente encontrados foram: objeto, objetivo ou propósito, território e diretrizes. Essas quatro categorias institucionais estão presentes em mais de 60% dos documentos de política. Prioridades, controle social (mecanismos, forma, relevância), financiamento e avaliação constituem categorias institucionais de menos de 30% das políticas analisadas. Os padrões de categorias institucionais variam segundo a natureza do objeto da política. Conclusões: Apenas um conjunto pequeno de categorias institucionais – objeto, objetivo ou propósito, território e diretrizes – é encontrado sistematicamente nos documentos de política. Objective: To identify the prevailing institutional categories of health policies approved by the Ministry of Health from 1990 to 2017. Method: With the theoretical framework of Chomsky's Generative Grammar Theory; Schleiermacher, Dilthey and Betti’s Prescriptive Hermeneutics, and the Neo-Institutional Theory, the regulations concerning health policies in Brazil between September 20, 1990 and March 30, 2017 were identified in the official database of the Ministry of Health (Saúde Legis). The analysis of the policy documents allowed for the identification of categories essential to the health policies institutional presentation. Results: 58 policy documents were retrieved from the databases surveyed. The policies of the research sample focused on the organization of care (51.7%), public health (39.7%) and organization and management of the health system (8.6%). Of the policies studied, 86.2% of them carried an institutional rule. The concepts more prevalent as part of the institutional presentation of health policies were the subject, purpose, territory and directives. These four institutional categories are present in more than 60% of policy documents. Priorities, social control (mechanisms, form, relevance), financing and evaluation constitute institutional categories of less than 30% of the policies analyzed. The patterns of institutional categories vary according to the nature of the policy subject. Conclusions: Only a small set of institutional categories – subject, purpose, territory and directives – are systematically found in health policy documents. Objetivo: Identificar las categorías institucionales prevalentes de las políticas públicas de salud instituidas por el Ministerio de la Salud (Brasil) en el período de 1990 a 2017. Método: Partiendo del marco teórico de la Teoría Gramatical Generativa, de Chomsky, y de la Hermenéutica Prescriptiva, de Schleiermacher, Dilthey y Betti, y teniendo la Teoría Neo-Institucional, como anclaje teórico, fueron identificados, en el banco de datos de información legislativa del Ministerio de Salud (Saúde Legis), las normas infra legales que instituyeron políticas de salud en el período de 20 de septiembre de 1990 al 30 de marzo de 2017. El análisis de los documentos de política respectivos permitió la identificación de las categorías esenciales a la forma institucional de las políticas sectoriales de salud prevalentes em aquel período. Resultados: Se analizó una muestra de 58 documentos de política, orientadas, segun el objeto, hacia la organización de la atención (51,7%), a la salud pública (39,7%) y a la organización y gestión del sistema de salud (8,6%). De ellas, el 86,2% tenía norma instituidora. Los conceptos integrantes de la forma institucional de las políticas de salud más prevalentemente encontrados fueron: objeto, objetivo o propósito, territorio y directrices. Estas cuatro categorías institucionales están presentes en más del 60% de los documentos de política. Prioridades, control social (mecanismos, forma, relevancia), financiamiento y evaluación constituyen categorías institucionales de menos del 30% de las políticas analizadas. Los patrones de categorías institucionales varían según la naturaleza del objeto de la política. Conclusiones: Sólo un conjunto pequeño de categorías institucionales – objeto, objetivo o propósito, territorio y directrices – se encuentra sistemáticamente en los documentos de política.
- Published
- 2017
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40. Environmental risk assessment in five rivers of Parana River basin, Southern Brazil, through biomarkers in Astyanax spp
- Author
Sonia Regina Grötzner, Francisco Filipak Neto, Claudia Feijó Ortolani-Machado, Evanilde Benedito, Juliana Parolin Ceccon, Marco Antonio Ferreira Randi, Ivaldete Tijolin Barros, Samuel Liebel, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, and Andressa Glinski
- Subjects
0301 basic medicine ,Gill ,Veterinary medicine ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Sewage ,010501 environmental sciences ,Biology ,Risk Assessment ,01 natural sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,Rivers ,Environmental monitoring ,Animals ,Humans ,Environmental Chemistry ,Ecotoxicology ,Riparian forest ,Cities ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,geography ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,business.industry ,Ecology ,Fishes ,General Medicine ,Pollution ,Gonadosomatic Index ,030104 developmental biology ,Water quality ,Surface runoff ,business ,Biomarkers ,Brazil ,Water Pollutants, Chemical ,Environmental Monitoring - Abstract
In the current study, water quality of five river sites in Parana River basin (Brazil), utilized for public water supply, was assessed through a set of biomarkers in fish Astyanax spp. Population growth and inadequate use of land are challenges to the preservation of biodiversity and resources such as water. Some physicochemical parameters as well as somatic indexes, gills and liver histopathology, genotoxicity, and biochemical biomarkers were evaluated. The highest gonadosomatic index (GSI) and antioxidant parameters (catalase and glutathione S-transferase activities, non-protein thiols), as well as the lowest damage to biomolecules (lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, DNA damage) were observed in site 0 (Piava River), which is located at an environmental protected area. Site 1, located in the same river, but downstream site 0 and outside the protection area, presents some level of impact. Fish from site 2 (Antas River), which lack of riparian forest and suffer from silting, presented the highest micronucleus incidence and no melanomacrophages. Differently, individuals from site 3 (Xambrê River) and site 4 (Pinhalzinho River) which receive surface runoff from Umuarama city, urban and industrial sewage, have the highest incidences of liver and gill histopathological alterations, including neoplasia, which indicated the worst health conditions of all sites. In particular, site 4 had high levels of total nitrogen and ammonia, high turbidity, and very low oxygen levels, which indicate important chemical impact. Comparison of the biomarkers in fish allowed classification of the five sites in terms of environmental impact and revealed that sites 3 and 4 had particular poor water quality.
- Published
- 2017
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41. Ensino Investigativo: análise de sequências didáticas produzidas por professores (as) de Ciências em um contexto de formação continuada
- Author
Maria Aparecida Rodrigues, Joici de Carvalho Leite, and Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Magalhães Júnior
- Subjects
lcsh:LC8-6691 ,Formação docente ,lcsh:Special aspects of education ,General Medicine ,lcsh:L7-991 ,lcsh:Education (General) ,Ensino de Ciências ,Ensino investigativo - Abstract
O ensino investigativo baseia-se nas mais variadas práticas de ensino destinadas aos alunos (as), com supervisão e orientação do (a) professor (a). Por conta disso, este manuscrito averiguou se professores (as) de Ciências em processo de formação continuada concebem na construção de materiais didáticos, elementos relacionados ao referido ensino. Em virtude disso, a coleta de informações se deu no contexto de um grupo de estudos, onde ao seu término os (as) participantes deveriam elaborar sequências didáticas ancoradas no ensino investigativo. Através da análise do material produzido e posterior discussões e interlocuções mediadas pelos referenciais teóricos ligados ao ensino de Ciências, os resultados indicaram a presença de elementos pedagógicos importantes acerca da metodologia investigativa, tais como: valorização dos conhecimentos prévios dos alunos, problematização, experimentação e diversidade de estratégias didáticas, as quais possibilitam a participação dos (as) alunos (as) no processo de aprendizagem. Assim, pode-se dizer que a elaboração de sequências didáticas no contexto deste grupo, contribui, mesmo que de forma pontual, para ampliar a visão dos (das) professores (as) a respeito do ensino investigativo.
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Douglas Alberto de Oliveira Silva, Brauliro Gonçalves Leal, José Edson Florentino de Morais, Ailton Alves de Carvalho, and Iug Lopes
- Subjects
Yield Gap ,distribuição de Gumbel ,classificação pluviométrica ,General Medicine ,técnica de Quantis - Abstract
Dentre as alterações que os índices pluviométricos proporcionam nas atividades, a mais vulnerável a essas mudanças é a agricultura. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a qualidade dos dados pluviométricos anuais máximos no ajuste do modelo distribuição de Gumbel, realizar a estimativa de períodos de retorno para as precipitações máximas anuais, caracterizar os perfis da precipitação e, por meio da técnica de Quantis, demostrar a variabilidade temporal dos balanços hídricos climatológicos para microrregiões do estado da Bahia e de Tocantins, assim como verificar a dependência da produção agrícola com as precipitações. Com os dados de 1961 a 2016 para Barreiras e Taguatinga, foi possível construir o perfil histórico da precipitação, observando a ocorrência de eventos extremos máximos para a microrregião da Bahia e mínimos para a de Tocantins. A distribuição de probabilidade por Gumbel foi adequada na estimativa da intensidade de precipitação anual e suas frequências e permitiu observar que, a cada dois anos, pode ocorrer uma precipitação máxima anual igual ou superior a 1050 mm para Barreiras e 1400 mm para Taguatinga. O perfil histórico foi classificado através da técnica quantílica. Compararam-se os anos quantílicos com os dados de produção para as culturas de milho, soja e arroz. Houve uma tendência de aderência da precipitação anual máxima ao modelo probabilístico de Gumbel. Através do tempo de retorno foi possível observar que, a cada dois anos, existe a possibilidade de uma precipitação anual igual ou superior a 1050 e 1400 mm para Barreiras e Taguatinga, respectivamente. Ajustaram-se, por meio de modelo linear, as precipitações máximas anuais em relação ao aumento do período de retorno. É observada uma associação entre precipitação e produção agrícola, no período de análise para as localidades estudadas.
- Published
- 2019
43. Chemical Composition, Antifungal, and Cytotoxicity Activities of Inga laurina (Sw.) Willd Leaves
- Author
Carla de Moura Martins, Luís C.S. Cunha, Francisco José Tôrres de Aquino, Sérgio Antônio Lemos de Morais, Evandro A. Nascimento, Luís Fernando Leandro, Carlos Henrique Gomes Martins, Alberto de Oliveira, Mário Machado Martins, Roberto Chang, and Claudio Vieira da Silva
- Subjects
Antifungal Agents ,Article Subject ,Ethyl acetate ,lcsh:Medicine ,01 natural sciences ,High-performance liquid chromatography ,lcsh:Technology ,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Phenols ,Tandem Mass Spectrometry ,Proanthocyanidins ,Gallic acid ,lcsh:Science ,Chemical composition ,Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid ,General Environmental Science ,Flavonoids ,chemistry.chemical_classification ,Traditional medicine ,Cytotoxins ,Plant Extracts ,010405 organic chemistry ,lcsh:T ,lcsh:R ,Glycoside ,Fabaceae ,General Medicine ,0104 chemical sciences ,Plant Leaves ,010404 medicinal & biomolecular chemistry ,chemistry ,Myricetin ,lcsh:Q ,Quercetin ,Inga laurina ,Research Article - Abstract
The species Inga laurina is native to the Brazilian Cerrado. There are no studies about the chemical composition and biological activities of extracts of this endangered species. The ethanolic extract and its successive fractions are rich in phenolic compounds and presented good antifungal activities. HPLC/MS-MS/MS and H1/C13 analysis led to the identification of seventeen compounds, most of which are gallic acid derivatives, myricetin and quercetin glycosides. The ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) contained high levels of total phenolics, expressed in milligrams of gallic acid equivalents per gram of extract (475.3 ± 1.9 mg GAE gextract-1) and flavonoids expressed in milligrams of quercetin equivalents per gram of extract (359.3 ± 10.6 mg QE gextract-1). This fraction was active against fungi of the Candida genus. The EAF showed MIC value 11.7 μg mL−1 against C. glabrata and a selectivity index of 1.6 against Vero cells. The flavonol glycoside myricetin-3-O-rhamnoside was isolated for the first time from the Inga laurina. These results make I. laurina a promising plant as a source of pharmaceutical and biological active antifungal compounds.
- Published
- 2019
44. O pináculo da virtude: o mito da ineficiência pública e a virtude do setor privado
- Author
Abel Dionízio Azeredo and Rodrigo Alberto de Oliveira
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Nas últimas décadas, há um aumento no número de cobranças sociais e políticas para que o setor público imite técnicas de gestão do setor privado, sob o argumento de que aumentaria sua eficiência no atendimento às demandas de serviços públicos. O movimento denominado Nova Gestão Pública (New Public Management – NPM) agrega inúmeros aspectos dessa ideologia, em que a premissa é de que as organizações públicas são ineficientes, enquanto o mercado e as empresas privadas são o “pináculo da virtude”. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica acerca desse mito, a partir da qual concluiu-se que sequer o mercado é um modelo de eficiência e tampouco suas técnicas de gestão serão necessariamente bem-sucedidas se aplicadas no setor público, principalmente sem que sejam consideradas as particularidades e complexidades inerentes à gestão estatal.
- Published
- 2021
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45. Micropollutants impair the survival of Oreochromis niloticus and threat local species from Iguaçu River, Southern of Brazil
- Author
Claudia Feijó Ortolani-Machado, Cleber Pinto da Silva, Satar Luciano Gemusse, Maristela Azevedo-Linhares, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Juan Ramon Esquivel Garcia, César C. Martins, Sandro Xavier de Campos, Luíse Esquivel, Nilce Mary Turcatti Folle, Angie Thaisa da Costa Souza, and Francisco Filipak Neto
- Subjects
Gills ,Male ,Pollution ,Gill ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,media_common.quotation_subject ,010501 environmental sciences ,Toxicology ,01 natural sciences ,Protein Carbonylation ,Vitellogenins ,03 medical and health sciences ,Rivers ,Metals, Heavy ,Hydrocarbons, Chlorinated ,Animals ,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ,Gonads ,Glutathione Transferase ,030304 developmental biology ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,media_common ,Trophic level ,Pharmacology ,Pollutant ,0303 health sciences ,biology ,Muscles ,Brain ,Biota ,Cichlids ,General Medicine ,Catalase ,biology.organism_classification ,Oreochromis ,Liver ,Wastewater ,Environmental chemistry ,Acetylcholinesterase ,Female ,Water quality ,Brazil ,Water Pollutants, Chemical - Abstract
The wastewater contamination of urban rivers is a concern for biodiversity and a consequence from poor urban conservation policies. In the current study, the impact of urban and industrial activities was investigated in Iguacu river (Southern Brazil) using juvenile Oreochromis niloticus, after trophic and chronic exposure (25, 50 and 100 %), over 81 days. After exposure liver, gills, gonads, brain, muscle, and blood were sampled for chemical, biochemical, histopathological, genotoxic and molecular analyses. Water levels of persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, polycyclic aromatics hydrocarbon (PAHs) and metals were investigated. The redox unbalance, histopathological and increase in vitellogenin expression in fish revealed both the bioavailability of micropollutants and their harmful effects. According to the results, the level of Iguacu river pollution negatively impacts the health of O. niloticus revealing and highlighting the risk of this pollution exposure to biota and human populations.
- Published
- 2021
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46. Chemical profile of the twigs of Ozoroa obovata by HPLC-MS-ESI and antimicrobial activity
- Author
Mariana B. Santiago, Mário Machado Martins, Carlos Henrique Gomes Martins, Tiara da Costa Silva, Alberto de Oliveira, Francisco José Tôrres de Aquino, Raquel M. F. Sousa, Luiz Ricardo Goulart, Diego Godina Prado, Domingos Augusto João, Luís C.S. Cunha, and Sérgio Antônio Lemos de Morais
- Subjects
chemistry.chemical_classification ,education.field_of_study ,biology ,Traditional medicine ,Ozoroa ,Population ,Flavonoid ,General Medicine ,Antimicrobial ,biology.organism_classification ,Anacardic acids ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,chemistry ,Taxifolin ,education ,Mangiferin ,Medicinal plants - Abstract
In Mozambique, a large part of the population depends on plants for the treatment of various diseases. However, some of them have been little studied in relation to chemical and biological aspects. Among these species, Ozoroa obovata is widely used in traditional medicine in Mozambique. The factors that influence the use of medicinal plants in developing countries are mainly cultural habits, the inefficiency of the health system and the high cost of medicines. This work aimed to study the chemical composition and evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the twigs of O. obovata. Through the analysis by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization (HPLC-MS-ESI), it was possible to propose that in the ethanolic extract of the twigs, most of the constituents belong to the classes of phenolic acids and flavonoid. The phenolic compounds were represented by quinic, gallic and protocatechuic acids and five anacardic acids, whereas flavonoids were represented by mangiferin, taxifolin and quercetin mono and dihexoside. The extract was evaluated against bacteria in the oral cavity and showed moderate activity against Streptococcus mutans, S. mitis and Porphyromonas gingivalis (minimum inhibitory concentration - MIC 400 µg mL –1 ). In relation antifungal test, the extract showed activity against Candida albicans with MIC of 3000 µg mL –1 . The biological results indicated that the twigs of O. obovata have bioactive metabolites with antimicrobial potential.
- Published
- 2021
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47. Characterization, specificity and sensibility of produced anti-Rhamdia quelen vitellogenin in Brazilian fish species
- Author
Juan C. García, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Daniele Dietrich Moura Costa, Michele Dietrich Moura Costa, Dandie Antunes Bozza, and Luiz Eduardo Rizzo
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Fish Proteins ,Male ,0301 basic medicine ,food.ingredient ,Physiology ,Zoology ,010501 environmental sciences ,Aquatic Science ,01 natural sciences ,Biochemistry ,Antibodies ,Piaractus mesopotamicus ,Vitellogenins ,03 medical and health sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Vitellogenin ,food ,Yolk ,Testis ,Animals ,Catfishes ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Estradiol ,biology ,Ecology ,Estrogens ,Aquatic animal ,General Medicine ,biology.organism_classification ,030104 developmental biology ,Xenoestrogen ,Liver ,chemistry ,Polyclonal antibodies ,Oocytes ,biology.protein ,Freshwater fish ,Female ,Vitellogenesis ,Characiformes ,Brazil - Abstract
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are widespread used and can interfere on hormone regulation with adverse consequences for both biota and human. Vitellogenin (vtg) is a yolk precursor protein synthesized by the liver in response to estrogen. In order to characterize the vtg of tropical fish Rhamdia quelen and establish a molecular biomarker, adult male individuals were exposed to 17-β-estradiol (E2) for vtg induction and anti-R. quelen vtg polyclonal antibodies production. Vitellogenic female fish were used as positive control group. E2-induced vtg was characterized as a glycolipophosphoprotein of high molecular mass with peptide mass fingerprint very similar in E2-exposed male and vitellogenic female fish. A polyclonal serum containing anti-R. quelen vtg antibodies was produced and showed high specificity and sensibility to detect the vtg of three fish species: R. quelen, Piaractus mesopotamicus and Prochilodus lineatus. Wildlife and laboratory studies reported that EDCs released into the environment may alter the levels of plasma vtg in male fish, making this protein a valuable biomarker of xenoestrogens exposure. Then, we propose the use of anti-R. quelen vtg as a tool for biomonitoring studies and water quality assessment in Brazil and South American countries where the three fish species occur.
- Published
- 2016
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48. The applied indicators of water quality may underestimate the risk of chemical exposure to human population in reservoirs utilized for human supply—Southern Brazil
- Author
Francisco Filipak Neto, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, Sandro Xavier de Campos, Daniele Dietrich Moura Costa, Samuel Liebel, Carmen Lúcia Voigt, F.Y. Yamamoto, Juan Ramon Esquivel Garcia, Debora Regina dos Santos, and Marco Antonio Ferreira Randi
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Risk ,0301 basic medicine ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,Population ,Water supply ,010501 environmental sciences ,01 natural sciences ,03 medical and health sciences ,Water Supply ,Water Quality ,Animals ,Humans ,Environmental Chemistry ,Ecotoxicology ,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ,education ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Pollutant ,education.field_of_study ,business.industry ,Biota ,Cichlids ,Environmental Exposure ,General Medicine ,Environmental exposure ,Pollution ,030104 developmental biology ,Environmental chemistry ,Environmental science ,Water quality ,business ,Bioindicator ,Biomarkers ,Brazil ,Water Pollutants, Chemical - Abstract
The knowledge concerning associations between chronic chemical exposure and many disorders with complex etiology involving gene-environment interactions is increasing, and new methods must be developed to improve water quality monitoring. The complexity of chemical mixtures in polluted aquatic environments makes the evaluation of toxic potential in those sites difficult, but the use of biomarkers and bioindicators has been recognized as a reliable tool to assess risk of exposure to biota and also the human population. In order to evaluate the use of fish and biomarkers to assess toxic potential and bioavailability of chemicals in human-related hydric resources, an in situ experiment was accomplished in two water reservoirs designated for human supply, which were previously evaluated by the local environmental regulatory agency through a set of physical, chemical, and classical biological parameters. Molecular, biochemical, and morphological biomarkers were performed in caged Oreochromis niloticus kept for 6 months in the studied reservoirs to assess potentially useful biomarkers to evaluate the quality of water for human supply. Chemical analysis of toxic metals in liver and muscle and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in bile was considered to assess the bioavailability of pollutants and highlight human activity impact. The reservoir previously classified by a governmental agency as less impacted presented more risk of exposure to biota. These results were supported by chemical analysis, vitellogenin expression, histopathological findings (gonads, liver, and gills), as well as indicators of neurotoxic effects and oxidative stress in liver. The inclusion of some biomarkers as parameters in regulatory monitoring programs in reservoirs designated for human supply is strongly suggested to evaluate the risks of exposure to the human population. Thus, a revision of the traditional biological and physicochemical analysis utilized to establish the conditions of water quality is necessary.
- Published
- 2016
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49. Oral exposure to BDE-209 modulates metastatic spread of melanoma in C57BL/6 mice inoculated with B16–F10 cells
- Author
Stellee Marcela Petris Biscaia, Tugstênio Lima de Souza, Aliciane de Almeida Roque, Patricia Manuitt Brito, Joelma Leão-Buchir, Edvaldo S. Trindade, D. L. Bellan, Francisco Filipak Neto, Ciro Alberto de Oliveira Ribeiro, and Amandia Batscheuer Ramos
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C57BL/6 ,Programmed cell death ,Environmental Engineering ,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis ,0208 environmental biotechnology ,Melanoma, Experimental ,02 engineering and technology ,010501 environmental sciences ,Biology ,01 natural sciences ,Umbilical cord ,Decabromodiphenyl ether ,Andrology ,Mice ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers ,medicine ,Animals ,Humans ,Environmental Chemistry ,Aspartate Aminotransferases ,Neoplasm Metastasis ,Melanoma ,Flame Retardants ,0105 earth and related environmental sciences ,Kidney ,Lung ,Dose-Response Relationship, Drug ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Cancer ,Alanine Transaminase ,General Medicine ,General Chemistry ,medicine.disease ,biology.organism_classification ,Pollution ,020801 environmental engineering ,Mice, Inbred C57BL ,Disease Models, Animal ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Liver ,chemistry ,Heterografts ,Female - Abstract
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are brominated, persistent and bioaccumulative flame retardants widely used in the manufacture of plastic products. Decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209) is the most prevalent PBDE in the atmosphere and found in human blood, breast milk and umbilical cord. In vitro studies showed that BDE-209 interferes with murine melanoma cells (B16F10), modulating cell death rates, proliferation and migration, important events for cancer progression. In order to evaluate if BDE-209 modulates metastasis formation in murine models, C57BL/6 mice were exposed to BDE-209 (0.08, 0.8 and 8 μg⁄kg) via gavage (5-day intervals for 45 days) (9 doses in total). Then, mice were inoculated with melanoma cells (B16–F10) at caudal vein receiving 4 additional doses of BDE-209. At 20th day post-cell inoculation, blood, lung, liver, kidney and brain were sampled for hematological, biochemical and morphological analyses. The slightly higher levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in the blood and pro-oxidant state in the liver of BDE-exposed mice indicated liver damage. Although the in vivo approach is for metastasis formation in the lung, they were unexpectedly observed in non-target organs (liver, brain, kidney and gonads). The similarity test showed high proximity among individuals from the control and a dissimilarity index between the control and exposed groups. The present data corroborate the known hepatotoxicity of BDE-209 to mice (C57BL/6) and demonstrate for the first time the increase of metastatic dissemination of B16F10 cells in vivo due to previous and continuous BDE-209 exposure, revealing possible implications of this organic compound with melanoma malignancy related traits.
- Published
- 2020
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50. Dehydrodieugenol B and hexane extract from Endlicheria paniculata regulate inflammation, angiogenesis, and collagen deposition induced by a murine sponge model
- Author
Rafael A.C. Souza, Eduardo de Faria Franca, Francyelle Borges Rosa de Moura, Felipe de Oliveira Cavalcanti, Tiara da Costa Silva, Raquel M. F. Sousa, Alberto de Oliveira, Fernanda de Assis Araújo, João Henrique G. Lago, Jenifer de Lima Febronio, and Bruno Antonio Ferreira
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Male ,Angiogenesis ,Metabolite ,Phytochemicals ,Anti-Inflammatory Agents ,Angiogenesis Inhibitors ,Inflammation ,Anisoles ,Pharmacology ,01 natural sciences ,Lauraceae ,Mice ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Diclofenac ,Drug Discovery ,medicine ,Animals ,Hexanes ,Molecular Structure ,biology ,Plant Extracts ,010405 organic chemistry ,General Medicine ,Ibuprofen ,Antifibrinolytic Agents ,0104 chemical sciences ,Mice, Inbred C57BL ,Molecular Docking Simulation ,Plant Leaves ,010404 medicinal & biomolecular chemistry ,chemistry ,Myeloperoxidase ,biology.protein ,Celecoxib ,Collagen ,Implant ,medicine.symptom ,Brazil ,medicine.drug - Abstract
The present study reports the evaluation of hexane extract from Endlicheria paniculata and its main metabolite dehydrodieugenol B in the inflammatory response induced by a murine implant sponge model. As a result, a reduction in the inflammatory markers (myeloperoxidase and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase) and number of mast cells were observed in comparison to the control group. All doses were also able to reduce angiogenic parameters evaluated in fibrovascular tissue. In implants treated with dehydrodieugenol B a reduction in total collagen deposition and types I and III collagen fibers were observed, while an increased in total collagen deposition and types I and III collagen fibers were observed in the treatment with hexane extract. Docking studies into cyclooxygenase-2 active site revealed that the dehydrodieugenol B had binding modes and energies comparable with celecoxib, diclofenac and ibuprofen. Therefore, dehydrodieugenol B was able to alter key components of chronic inflammation, resulting in a reduced inflammatory response and also presenting antifibrogenic and antiangiogenic effects. However, treatment with hexane extract resulted in a reduced inflammatory response with antiangiogenic effects, but caused fibrogenic effects.
- Published
- 2020
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