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1. Framing Robert Mugabe's Death: A De-colonial Analysis.

2. Commercialization and the Media Coverage of Swedish National Elections in 1998 and 2002.

3. Portraits of Muslim women in the Spanish press: the burkini and burqa ban affair.

4. The Role of the Press in the Management of Catalonia's Independence Process: An Analysis of Conflict Framing.

5. El papel de la prensa en la gestación del proceso independentista de Cataluña: análisis desde los marcos del conflicto.

6. Effects of News Media Coverage on Eurosceptic Voting: Evidence from the 2009 European Parliamentary Elections.

7. Çerçeveleme Teorisinin Halkla İlişkilerde Kullanımı.

8. Is all Russian news the same? Framing in Russian news media generated by the Yandex news algorithm for the United States, Estonia, and Russia.

9. Global news, local coverage: how the Basque press framed the horsemeat crisis.

10. Not up for debate: U.S. news coverage of hunger in Africa.

11. Framing European Enlargement Between Risk and Opportunity and its Effect on Public Support for EU Integration.

12. A one-man show: Journalist Reuven Pedatzur and the Arrow missile project 1994–2012.

13. A Comparison of Environmental Pollution Coverage in the Mainstream, African American, and Other Alternative Press.

14. Unravelling migration media coverage: How migrants and immigration were portrayed in Spain during the refugee crisis (2015-2018).

15. The Chick Diffusion: How Newspapers Fail to Meet Normative Expectations Regarding Their Democratic Role in Public Debate.

16. Narrating the First “Three-Parent Baby”: The Initial Press Reactions From the United Kingdom, the United States, and Mexico.

17. Framing Disaster.

18. Framing the Newspaper Crisis.

19. Opportunity or risk? How news organizations frame social media in their guidelines for journalists.

20. Frame of Mind: How Prior Attitudes Moderate Framing Effects on Public Politicization.

21. Something Bothering, Something Real: Four Press on Immigration.

22. Inside, outside, and beyond media logic: journalistic creativity in climate reporting.

23. Marketplace of Ideas and Marketplace of Money: A Study of Commercialism and the Swedish Election News Coverage in 1998 and 2002.

24. The Local Press and Farmers' Protests in Brittany: proximity and distance in the local newspaper coverage of a social movement.

25. Els Mitjans de comunicació com a legitimadors o deslegitimadors d'un projecte polític per mitjà dels frames i les estructures narratives: el cas del procés català en el període 2006-2015