84 results on '"krizno komuniciranje"'
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- Author
Peran, B., Goreta, M., and Milković, V.
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
3. Marketing communication of prevention measures during the pandemic in Croatia.
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- Subjects
COMMUNICATION in marketing ,MARKETING ,MEDICAL communication ,COVID-19 pandemic ,PANDEMICS ,CREATIVE ability - Abstract
Copyright of Contemporary Issues / Suvremene Teme is the property of Centar za Politoloska Istrazivanja and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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4. Krizno komuniciranje u Hrvatskoj 2020.: izvori informacija, povjerenje u institucije i meka moć država.
- Author
Jugo, Damir, Skoko, Božo, and Petrović, Mario
- Subjects
CRISIS communication ,SECURITY (Psychology) ,SOFT power (Social sciences) ,COVID-19 pandemic ,ROLE models - Abstract
Copyright of Sociology & Space / Sociologija i Prostor is the property of Institut za drustvena istrazivanja u Zagrebu (Institute for Social Research of Zagreb) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Matijević, Goran and Mandarić, Ante
- Subjects
COVID-19 pandemic ,CRISIS communication ,DIGITAL media ,PUBLIC health ,EPIDEMIOLOGISTS ,EPIDEMICS ,COUNTIES - Abstract
Copyright of Economy & Market Communication Review / Casopis za Ekonomiju i Trzisne Komunikacije is the property of Pan-European University Apeiron and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
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Copyright of Zbornik Radova: Univerzitet 'Džemal Bijedić' u Mostaru, Ekonomski Fakultet is the property of Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar, Faculty of Economics and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Martinović, D.
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Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
- Author
Turković, G.
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
9. Decision-making process during the fulfilment of military assignments / Процесс принятия решений при выполнении военных задач / Proces odlučivanja tokom izvršavanja zadataka u vojsci
- Author
Radek Mitáček, Tomáš Zeman, Jan Drozd, Luboš Ondroušek, David Ullrich, and Jiří Dvořák
- Subjects
Army of the Czech Republic ,soldier ,infantry squad ,decisionmaking process ,crisis communication ,Вооруженные силы Чешской Республики ,солдат ,пехотные подразделения ,принятие решения ,кризисная коммуникация ,Vojska Republike Češke ,vojnik ,jedinica pešadije ,proces odlučivanja ,krizno komuniciranje ,Military Science ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
The paper deals with the decision-making process in crisis management with focus on the Army of the Czech Republic (soldiers at the University of Defence in Brno). Within the research, 44 soldiers were monitored whilst managing various tactical situations during a three-week complex field training exercise. The soldiers were supposed to carry out the following combat assignments: fire control, battle order and radio operation. Prior the training, the soldiers filled out a questionnaire the questions in which corresponded with the above mentioned practical tasks. Based on the acquired outcomes, it may be stated that the assessment of theoretical solution of selected combat assignments among future squad leaders may be used for the prediction of how successful the management of such assignments may be in practice. / Предметом настоящей статьи является процесс принятия решений в кризисном управлении, с особым акцентом на Вооруженные силы Чешской Республики (курсанты Университета обороны в г. Брно). Исследование основано на наблюдениях за поведением 44 курсантов в различных тактических ситуациях, происходящих во время сложных трехнедельных полевых учений. Курсанты должны были выполнить следующие боевые задачи: управление огнем, боевой порядок и организация радиосвязи. До начала учений курсанты заполняли анкету-опросник, содержащий вышеупомянутые задачи. На основании полученных результатов можно утверждать, что оценивание теоретических решений отдельных боевых задач, которое будущие командиры подразделений привели в опросниках, может быть использовано при прогнозировании успешности управления анализируемыми боевыми задачами на практике. / Članak se bavi procesom odlučivanja u kriznom menadžmentu s naglaskom na vojsku Republike Češke (kadeti na Univerzitetu odbrane u Brnu). Tokom istraživanja, posmatrana su 44 kadeta u različitim taktičkim situacijama tokom složene tronedeljne vežbe na terenu. Od njih se tražilo da izvrše sledeće borbene zadatke: upravljanje vatrom, naređenje za borbu i komunikacija putem radija. Pre treninga, kadeti su popunili upitnik sa pitanjima koja su odgovarala gore pomenutim zadacima u praksi. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se tvrditi da ocena teorijskog rešavanja izabranih borbenih zadataka među budućim komandirima jedinica može da se koristi za predviđanje uspešnosti rukovođenja takvim zadacima u praksi.
- Published
- 2017
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10. Crisis communication and trust in Slovenian public health institutions among young adults: example of National Insitute of Public Health
- Author
Furlan, Nina and Atanasova, Sara
- Subjects
krizno komuniciranje ,National Institute of Public Health ,trust ,crisis communication ,udc:316.77:614-053.81(043.2) ,zaupanje ,Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje - Abstract
Pripravljenost javnozdravstvenih institucij in zaupanje vanje sta bila zaradi pojava epidemije covid-19 v začetku leta 2020 postavljena na pomembno preizkušnjo. V času takšnih izrednih razmer tako zaupanje kot krizno komuniciranje znatno pridobita na pomenu, še posebej pa je pomembna raven zaupanja v entiteto, ki komunicira preventivne ukrepe, kot je to pri nas Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje (NIJZ). Ker je komunikacijski pristop kot kompetenca institucije eden od pomembnejših dejavnikov gradnje zaupanja v to institucijo, je namen magistrske naloge identificirati ključne pristope in elemente kriznega komuniciranja NIJZ z mladimi odraslimi v obdobju epidemije in proučiti, kako jih slednji doživljajo ter kako ti pristopi krepijo ali slabijo njihovo zaupanje v NIJZ. Z izvedbo homogene fokusne skupine sem proučila stališča, poglede in mnenja mladih odraslih, natančneje podiplomskih študentov družboslovja o kriznem komuniciranju NIJZ in njegovem vplivu na njihovo zaupanje v to institucijo. Podatke sem analizirala s pomočjo tematske analize in ugotovila, da je vojaški pristop kriznega komuniciranja s strani NIJZ-jevih govorcev slabil zaupanje mladih odraslih v inštitut, racionalni pristop pa bi ga potencialno krepil. Kvalitativne ugotovitve tega magistrskega dela ponujajo priložnost za poglobitev razumevanja dosedanjih kvantitativnih rezultatov raziskav o zaupanju v javnozdravstvene inštitucije ter lahko služijo kot podlaga za oblikovanje komunikacijskih smernic za učinkovitejšo gradnjo zaupanja s komunikacijo specifičnim segmentom populacije, tj. z mladimi odrasli. The outbreak of the covid-19 epidemic at the beginning of 2020 put public health institutions' readiness and trust in them to the test. During such emergency situations, both trust and crisis communication become far more significant, and the level of trust in the entity communicating preventive measures, such as National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ), is especially important. Since the communication approach as an institution's competence is one of the most important factors in building trust, the purpose of this master's thesis is to identify the key approaches and elements of crisis communication of the NIJZ with young adults during the epidemic and to study how they experience them and how these approaches strengthen or weaken their trust in NIJZ. I researched the attitudes, perspectives, and opinions of young adults, particularly post-graduate students of social sciences, on the NIJZ's crisis communication and its impact on their trust in this institution by conducting a homogeneous focus group. I used thematic analysis to analyze the data and concluded that a military approach to crisis communication used by NIJZ's representatives weakened young adults' trust in the institution, whereas a rational approach could potentially improve it. The qualitative findings of this master's thesis provide an opportunity to deepen understanding of the quantitative results of research on trust in public health institutions and can serve as a foundation for developing communication guidelines for more effective trust building through communication to specific segments of the population, such as young adults.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Markotić, I., Mihaljević, B., and Rendulić, V.
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2018
12. Krizni menadžment u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj
- Author
Kedačić-Buzina, Katarina and Klarin, Tomislav
- Subjects
krizni menadžment ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis situations in educational institutions ,krizne situacije u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama ,kriza ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,crisis management ,crisis communication ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija - Abstract
U ovom radu prikazana je analiza postojećih teorija i modela postupanja u uvjetima krize u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u svijetu i Republici Hrvatskoj. Također su prikazani rezultati provedenog empirijskog istraživanja. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem putem polustrukturiranog intervjua ispitani su stavovi dionika odgojno-obrazovnih ustanova o postojanju kriznog menadžmenta i kriznog komuniciranja u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj kako bi se dobili odgovori na postavljena istraživačka pitanja. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi glavne uzroke i posljedice kriznih situacija, zatim utvrditi obilježja kao i mogućnosti i ograničenja primjene kriznog menadžmenta i kriznog komuniciranja u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati provedenog istraživanja ukazuju da je sustav odgoja i obrazovanja na nacionalnoj, a samim time i na lokalnoj razini, neučinkovit u području upravljanja krizama, iako postoje određeni protokoli i pravilnici po kojima se u određenim kriznim situacijama postupa. Rezultati su pokazali da odgojno-obrazovne ustanove krizne situacije dočekaju nespremne te da uspješnost i učinkovitost ovladavanja krizom u najvećoj mjeri ovisi o vodstvu ustanove, odnosno ravnateljima. Nadalje, istraživanjem se utvrdilo da je za uspješno rješavanje krize potrebno imati osposobljenu osobu za krizne situacije, zatim, formirane timove unutar ustanova koji bi redovito uvježbavali unaprijed izrađene planove za rješavanje krize i krizno komuniciranje. Na temelju svega utvrđene su mogućnosti primjene kriznog menadžmenta i kriznog komuniciranja, ali istovremeno su utvrđena i određena ograničenja. Znanstveni doprinos istraživanja nalazi se u poticanju ravnatelja, i svih ostalih dionika, za bolje razumijevanje teme, ali i poticanju znanstvenika i stručnjaka da povećaju broj istraživanja u području kriznog menadžmenta u odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama u Republici Hrvatskoj. This paper presents an analysis of existing theories and models of crisis management in educational institutions in the world and the Republic of Croatia. The results of the empirical research are also presented. Qualitative research through a semi-structured interview examined the attitudes of stakeholders of educational institutions about the existence of crisis management and crisis communication in educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia in order to get answers to the questions posed by research. The aim of the research was to determine the main causes and consequences of crisis situations, then to determine the characteristics as well as the possibilities and limitations of the application of crisis management and crisis communication in educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the conducted research indicate that the system of education at the national, and therefore at the local level, is inefficient in the field of crisis management, although there are certain protocols and regulations by which such situations are treated. The results have shown that educational institutions are greeted with crisis situations unprepared and that the success and effectiveness of crisis management largely depends on the leadership of the institution, i.e., principals. Furthermore, the research has established that in order to successfully resolve the crisis, it is necessary to have a qualified person and formed teams for crisis situations within institutions that would regularly conduct trainings of other stakeholders for crisis resolution and crisis communication. Based on everything, the possibilities of applying crisis management and crisis communication have been determined, but at the same time certain limitations have been established. The scientific contribution of the research is to encourage principals, and all other stakeholders, to better understand the topic, but also to encourage scientists and experts to increase the number of research in the field of crisis management in educational institutions in the Republic of Croatia.
- Published
- 2023
13. Ne žele biti teret svojoj stranci: komuniciranje političara u Hrvatskoj vezano za korupcijske i druge afere (2010. – 2021.)
- Author
Lalić, Dražen, Galić, Marin, and Culifaj, Anita
- Subjects
afere ,krizno komuniciranje ,političari ,politička komunikacija ,habitus ,Hrvatska ,scandals ,crisis communication ,politicians ,political communication ,Croatia - Abstract
Različite afere koje uključuju političare i druge javne dužnosnike česta su pojava na hrvatskoj političkoj sceni u posljednjem desetljeću. Komuniciranje uključenih aktera u tom za njih neugodnom trenutku dosad nije bilo predmetom dubljih istraživanja društvenih znanstvenika na ovim prostorima. Zbog velikoga tehničkog razvoja medija, snažne personalizacije komunikacije i ostalih razloga, političari su vrlo svjesni važnosti svoje prisutnosti u javnosti, što u izvjesnim situacijama uključuje i krizno komuniciranje. Rad ispituje postoji li u toj komunikaciji na relaciji političari – mediji zajednički kolektivno prihvaćeni obrazac koji pripada njihovu specifičnom habitusu i odvija li se dinamika komuniciranja političara od početka afere do njezina javnog okončanja dominantno u skladu s njihovom lojalnošću stranci i instituciji kojoj pripadaju. U istraživanju je korištena metoda kvalitativne analize sadržaja. U razdoblju od 2010. do 2021. analizirano je 35 afera političara i dužnosnika (ukupno 471 izjava) koje prema kvantitetu i sadržaju adekvatno predstavljaju komuniciranje ključnih aktera afera. Istraživanje je pokazalo kako se afersko komuniciranje odvija u tri faze: u prvoj fazi političari pod svaku cijenu nastoje poricati postojanje afere i svoju odgovornost u njoj. U drugoj fazi uglavnom prebacuju krivnju, prije svega na medije, a zatim i na druge aktere iz afere, ali i na političke suparnike. Pritom u komunikaciji koriste personalizaciju i uključuju svoj imidž. Treća faza uključuje suočavanje sa strankom u kojoj političari svoje interese podređuju onima svoje stranke. U toj fazi potvrđuje se kako se komunikacija političara odvija dominantno u skladu s lojalnošću stranci. Istraživanje također pokazuje kako tijekom svih triju faza komunikacije političari intenzivno upotrebljavaju svoje kapitale, a najizrazitije onaj socijalni, kako bi suzbili optužbe, odnosno ojačali svoj ugled u javnosti, naročito unutar svoje stranke., Various scandals involving politicians and other public officials have been a common occurrence on the Croatian political scene over the last decade. The communication of the actors involved in this awkward moment for them has so far not been the subject of research by social scientists in this area. Due to the great technical development of the media, distinct personalization of communication and other reasons, politicians are more than aware of the importance of their presence in public, which includes crisis communication in certain situations. The paper examines whether there is a common, generally accepted pattern in this communication involving politicians and the media pertaining to their specific habitus, as well as whether the dynamics of the politicians’ communication from the beginning of the affair to its public end are predominantly in line with their loyalty to their parties and institutions. The method used within this research is qualitative content analysis. In the period from 2010 to 2021, 35 scandals involving politicians and public officials were analysed (a total of 471 statements), which, in terms of quantity and content, adequately represent the communication of key actors in the scandals. Research has shown that crisis communication takes place over three stages: during the first stage, politicians try to deny the existence of the scandal and their responsibility for it at all costs. In the second stage, they mostly shift the blame, first onto the media, then other actors involved in the scandal, but also political rivals. In doing so, they use personalization in communication and rely on their image. The third stage involves confronting the party in whose favour politicians subordinate their interests. When it comes to that stage, it has been determined that political communication takes place predominantly in accordance with the loyalty to the party. The research has also shown that during all three stages of communication, politicians use their capital intensively, notably the social one, in order to suppress accusations, i.e. strengthen their public image and reputation within their parties.
- Published
- 2023
14. Pripremljenost za krizno komuniciranje velikih poduzeća u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Trbušić, Davor and Jakopović, Hrvoje
- Subjects
crisis communication ,pre-crisis stage ,large enterprises ,preparedness ,communication plan ,krizno komuniciranje ,pretkrizno razdoblje ,velika poduzeća ,pripremljenost ,komunikacijski plan - Abstract
Rad proučava važnost i mogućnosti pripreme za krizno komuniciranje u kontekstu hrvatskih velikih poduzeća kao najkompleksnijih organizacijskih sustava. Autori su uz pomoć polustrukturiranih intervjua ispitali kakva je njihova razina pripremljenosti za krizno komuniciranje i kojim se metodama, tehnikama i alatima služe komunikacijski stručnjaci na upravljačkim pozicijama i njihovi timovi kako bi umanjili negativne posljedice kriznih situacija. Rezultati istraživanja provedenog na uzorku od deset ispitanika, koji predstavljaju organizacije iz različitih područja (turizam, prijevoz, telekomunikacije, proizvodnja hrane i pića, poštanski sektor), pokazuju kako su velika poduzeća u Hrvatskoj dobro pripremljena za krizno komuniciranje. To je potvrđeno kroz postojanje kriznih komunikacijskih planova, standardiziranih protokola za krizne situacije, priručnika, formiranih kriznih timova te redovitih simuliranja kriznih situacija u velikim poduzećima koja su zastupljena u istraživanju. Rezultati pokazuju kako samo jedno poduzeće primjenjuje model integriranog upravljanja rizicima (Enterprise Risk Management, ERM). Kada je u pitanju krizno komuniciranje i odnosi s medijima, ispitanici navode standardne tehnike odnosa s javnošću, poput priopćenja za medije, izjava za medije, konferencija za novinare, brifinga za novinare, intervjua i gostovanja u medijima. Rezultati istraživanja također upućuju na posebnu važnost glasnogovornika u krizi, što pokazuje koliko je bitan odabir prave osobe za tu istaknutu poziciju u kriznom komuniciranju., The paper studies the importance and possibilities of preparing for crisis communication in the context of Croatian large companies as the most complex organizational systems. With the help of semi-structured interviews, the authors examined their level of preparedness for crisis communication and what methods, techniques and tools are used by communication experts in management positions and their teams to reduce negative consequences of crisis situations. The results of a survey conducted on a sample of ten respondents, representing organizations from various fields – tourism, transport, telecommunications, food and beverage production, the postal sector, show that large companies in Croatia are well prepared for crisis communication. This was confirmed through the existence of crisis communication plans, standardized protocols for crisis situations, manuals, formed crisis teams and regular simulations of crisis situations in large companies that are represented in the research. The results show that only one company applies the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) model. When it comes to crisis communication and relations with the media, the respondents mention standard public relations techniques such as press releases, press statements, press conferences, press briefings, interviews and guest appearances in the media. The results of the research also point to the special importance of the spokesperson in a crisis and emphasize how important it is to choose the right person for that prominent position in crisis communication.
- Published
- 2023
- Author
T. Kamin and N. Perger
- Subjects
Epidemics ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Government ,2019-20 coronavirus outbreak ,Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ,udc:316.77 ,business.industry ,Krizno komuniciranje ,Public health ,Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ,General Social Sciences ,Public relations ,Epidemije ,Zaupanje ,Covid-19 ,Trust ,Crisis communication ,Political science ,Pandemic ,medicine ,Single women ,business ,Samske ženske ,Qualitative research - Abstract
During a pandemic, it is essential that most people respect the measures in place so as to keep the health crisis at bay. Still, a consensus must exist in society that the measures imposed by government are truly needed, just and legitimate, with several factors affecting whether this is achieved. In the article, we present the results of qualitative research (23 in-depth interviews) conducted in Slovenia at the peak of the first lockdown, focusing on how the study participants (women who were living alone during the first lockdown) perceived communication from the government and the public health authorities that comprised the official crisis communication group for managing the pandemic in Slovenia. The results present critical mistakes in communication that shaped trust in the official communicators and failed to motivate and encourage respondents to comply with the recommended and prescribed protective measures. Med pandemijo je ključnega pomena, da večina ljudi upošteva predpisane ukrepe za preprečitev zdravstvene krize. Vendar mora v družbi obstajati konsenz, da so ukrepi, ki nam jih predpiše vlada, res potrebni, pravični in legitimni, na kar vpliva več dejavnikov. V članku predstavimo rezultate kvalitativne raziskave (23 poglobljenih intervjujev), ki smo jo izvedli v Sloveniji na vrhuncu prve splošne karantene, pri čemer se osredotočimo na to, kako so udeleženke v raziskavi (ženske, ki so med prvo splošno karanteno živele same) dojemale komunikacijo s strani vlade in javnih zdravstvenih organov, vključno z uradno skupino za krizno komunikacijo v okviru upravljanja s pandemijo v Sloveniji. Rezultati prikazujejo ključne napake v komunikaciji, ki so vplivale na zaupanje v uradne govorce in ki jim ni uspelo motivirati in spodbuditi respondentk, da bi upoštevale priporočene in predpisane zaščitne ukrepe. Bibliografija: str. 532-535. Abstract ; Povzetek: Napake v krizni komunikaciji med pandemijo covid-19 v Sloveniji : kaj nas lahko nauči odziv publike?.
- Published
- 2021
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16. Narativ utjecajnih javnih osoba o COVID-19 virusu na društvenim mrežama
- Author
Lukač, Josip and Đukić, Marina
- Subjects
komunikacija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Interdisciplinary Social Sciences ,pandemija ,krizno komuniciranje ,communication ,social media ,pandemic ,COVID-19 ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Interdisciplinarne društvene znanosti ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication - Abstract
Komunikacija je u zdravstvenom sektoru zbog globalne pandemije COVID-19 virusa prešla u krizni model komuniciranja. Novi je virus prvi put identificiran u prosincu 2019. godine, dok je Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) proglasila izvanredno javnozdravstveno stanje od međunarodnog značaja 30. siječnja 2020. i pandemiju 11. ožujka 2020. Ono što se kroz ovaj rad želi postići jest istražiti postoji li utjecaj javnih osoba na narativ u široj javnosti te ako postoji, kakav je taj utjecaj i može li utjecati na napore javnih zdravstvenih ustanova da obavljaju svoje dužnosti za vrijeme pandemije. Uz navedeni cilj istraživanja u vidu ovoga istraživanja analizirat ćemo podatke anketiranja koje je provedeno na Facebooku. Također će se analizirati objave utjecajnih javnih osoba na društvenoj mreži Facebook tijekom COVID-19 pandemije. Nakon analize prikupljene podatke postavit ćemo u širi kontekst javnog diskursa i usporediti ih kako bi postigli cilj istraživanja. Due to the global pandemic of the COVID-19 virus, communication in the health sector has turned into a mostly crisis mode of communication. The new virus was first identified in December 2019, while the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020, and a pandemic on March 11, 2020. What this paper aims to achieve is to investigate whether there is an influence of public figures on the narrative in the general public, and if there is, what that influence is and whether it can affect the efforts of public health institutions to perform their duties during the pandemic. In addition to the stated goal of the research in the form of this research, we will analyze the survey data that was conducted on Facebook. Posts by influential public figures on the Facebook social network during the COVID-19 pandemic will also be analyzed. After the analysis, we will place the collected data in the wider context of public discourse and compare them in order to achieve the goal of the research.
- Published
- 2022
17. Krizno komuniciranje u turizmu - studija slučaja erupcije vulkana Cumbre Vieja
- Author
Pervan, Valentina and Jakopović, Hrvoje
- Subjects
tourist board ,krizno komuniciranje ,turistička zajednica ,turizam ,tourism ,eruption of volcano ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,erupcija vulkana ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,crisis communication ,Cumbre Vieja - Abstract
Diplomski rad Krizno komuniciranje u turizmu - studija slučaja erupcije vulkana Cumbre Vieja napisan je s ciljem istraživanja krizne komunikacije u turizmu uslijed prirodnih katastrofa. S obzirom na osjetljivost turizma kao gospodarskog sektora, turističke destinacije i turističke zajednice moraju znati vješto upravljati kriznim komuniciranjem. Kriza se može teško predvidjeti osobito ako je riječ o prirodnim katastrofama. Prvi dio rada obuhvatio je teorijsko definiranje krize i kriznog komuniciranja kao i važnost društvenih medija u kriznim situacijama u turizmu. Metodološki dio rada koristio se metodom studije slučaja i analizom sadržaja kako bi se ustanovio način komuniciranja turističke zajednice La Palma za vrijeme krize. Svrha ovog rada je prikazati važnost kriznog komuniciranje u turizmu na primjeru studije slučaja erupcije vulkana Cumbre Vieja. The thesis titled Crisis Communication in Tourism: A Case Study of the Eruption of the Volcano Cumbre Vieja is written with the aim of researching crisis communication in tourism due to natural disasters. Given the sensitivity of tourism as an economic sector, tourist destinations and tourist boards must know how to skilfully manage crisis communication. A crisis can be difficult to predict, especially in the case of natural disasters. The first part of the thesis included the theoretical definition of crisis and crisis communication as well as the importance of social medina in crisis situations in tourism. The methodological part of the thesis used the case study method and content analysis to establish the way La Palma tourist board communicates during the crisis. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of crisis communication in tourism on the example of the case study of the eruption of the volcano Cumbre Vieja.
- Published
- 2022
18. Crisis Communication in Tourism: A Case Study of the Eruption of the Volcano Cumbre Vieja
- Author
Pervan, Valentina, Jakopović, Hrvoje, Galić, Marin, and Grbeša-Zenzerović, Marijana
- Subjects
tourist board ,krizno komuniciranje ,turistička zajednica ,turizam ,tourism ,eruption of volcano ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,erupcija vulkana ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,crisis communication ,Cumbre Vieja - Abstract
Diplomski rad Krizno komuniciranje u turizmu - studija slučaja erupcije vulkana Cumbre Vieja napisan je s ciljem istraživanja krizne komunikacije u turizmu uslijed prirodnih katastrofa. S obzirom na osjetljivost turizma kao gospodarskog sektora, turističke destinacije i turističke zajednice moraju znati vješto upravljati kriznim komuniciranjem. Kriza se može teško predvidjeti osobito ako je riječ o prirodnim katastrofama. Prvi dio rada obuhvatio je teorijsko definiranje krize i kriznog komuniciranja kao i važnost društvenih medija u kriznim situacijama u turizmu. Metodološki dio rada koristio se metodom studije slučaja i analizom sadržaja kako bi se ustanovio način komuniciranja turističke zajednice La Palma za vrijeme krize. Svrha ovog rada je prikazati važnost kriznog komuniciranje u turizmu na primjeru studije slučaja erupcije vulkana Cumbre Vieja., The thesis titled Crisis Communication in Tourism: A Case Study of the Eruption of the Volcano Cumbre Vieja is written with the aim of researching crisis communication in tourism due to natural disasters. Given the sensitivity of tourism as an economic sector, tourist destinations and tourist boards must know how to skilfully manage crisis communication. A crisis can be difficult to predict, especially in the case of natural disasters. The first part of the thesis included the theoretical definition of crisis and crisis communication as well as the importance of social medina in crisis situations in tourism. The methodological part of the thesis used the case study method and content analysis to establish the way La Palma tourist board communicates during the crisis. The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of crisis communication in tourism on the example of the case study of the eruption of the volcano Cumbre Vieja.
- Published
- 2022
19. Komuniciranje zasebne politike podjetja Meta
- Author
Jordan, Julija and Kropivnik, Samo
- Subjects
Facebook ,data breach ,udc:004.7:343.45(043.2) ,kršenje pravil zasebnosti ,krizno komuniciranje ,zasebnost na družbenih omrežjih ,crisis communication ,social media privacy ,Cambridge analytica - Abstract
Podjetje Meta (prej Facebook) je leta 2018 posredno sodelovalo v škandalu, ki je bil neposredno povezan s podjetjem Cambridge Analytica. Cambridge Analytica je s pomočjo orodij (z anketami v digitalni obliki) na družbenem omrežju Facebook na sumljiv način prišlo do osebnih podatkov uporabnikov, ki so bili uporabljeni v prid promocije takratnih volitev v Ameriki s strani republikancev. Javnost se je na škandal ostro odzvala in podjetje Facebook okrivila, da ni naredilo dovolj za zaščito podatkov, ki so bili predani tretji osebi. V magistrskem delu bomo s pomočjo znanstvenih virov in aktualne politike zasebnosti podatkov analizirali spremembe, ki so bile izvedene na področju komuniciranja politike zasebnosti, in na kakšen način so z vidika marketinškega komuniciranja implementirali te spremembe. Zanima nas, kakšno je bilo krizno komuniciranje podjetja Meta (prej Facebook). Analizirali bomo časovno obdobje 2018 – 2022, ki predstavlja obdobje od začetka javne razprave glede politike zasebnosti na družbenih omrežjih vse do danes. Osrednja raziskava predstavlja situacijsko analizo tistih, ki so izrabljali podatke, na podlagi načel dobrega marketinga. Ta naj bi bil vedno odkrit in v korist ljudi in naročnikov. Sledi raziskava percepcije ljudi o informacijski zasebnosti na družbenih omrežjih. Najti želimo odgovor na vprašanje, ali Meta kot podjetje dela dovolj v smeri politike zasebnosti. Osnova za analizo je torej marketing in krizno komuniciranje podjetja Meta, kateri sledijo implikacije za izboljšanje kriznega komuniciranja in marketinga v smeri politike zasebnosti na družbenem omrežju Meta. In 2018, Meta (formerly Facebook) was indirectly involved in a scandal directly linked to Cambridge Analytica. With the help of tools (surveys in digital form) on the social network Facebook, Cambridge Analytica obtained the personal data of users in a suspicious way, which were used in favor of the promotion of the then American elections by the Republicans. The public have strongly reacted to the scandal, blaming Facebook for not doing enough to protect data that was handed over to a third party. In this master's thesis, we will analyze, with the help of scientific sources and the current data privacy policy, what changes have been implemented in the field of privacy policy communication and how these changes have been implemented from the point of view of marketing communication. We are interested in what the crisis communication of Meta (formerly Facebook) was like. For the analysis, we will take the time period 2018 – 2022, which represents the period from the beginning of the public debate regarding the privacy policy on Facebook until today. The central research presents a situational analysis of those who used the data, based on the principles of good marketing, which should always be open and for the benefit of people and users. A survey of people's perception of information privacy on social networks follows. We want to find an answer to the question of whether Meta as a company does enough in the direction of privacy policy. The basis for the analysis is therefore the marketing and crisis communication of the company Meta, followed by implications for the improvement of crisis communication and marketing in the direction of the privacy policy on the Meta's social network.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Labaš, Danijel and Rimac, Stipan
- Subjects
emotional branding ,advertising ,emotional literacy ,crisis communication ,psychology of consumers ,emocionalni brending ,oglašavanje ,emocionalna pismenost ,krizno komuniciranje ,psihologija potrošača - Abstract
Rad se bavi temom brendinga, jednom od vodećih marketinških metoda pomoću koje svjetske tvrtke grade svoje pozicije na svjetskim tržištima. U radu se tumači i analizira teorijski pregled ključnih pojmova – brenda, brendinga, brend identiteta i imidža te se opisuju najčešće korišteni modeli u izgradnji brenda. Poseban naglasak u okviru emocionalne inteligencije i emocionalne pismenosti u radu stavljen je na emocionalni brending koji se definira kao strateški pristup, orijentiran u potpunosti na potrošače te za cilj ima izgraditi duboke i iskrene veze. U središtu su ovoga rada potrošači i potencijalni rizici koje proizlaze iz odnosa s brendom. Rizici se mogu promatrati dvostruko − na moralnoj i komercijalnoj razini, a cilj je rada ukazati na važnost emocionalne pismenosti prilikom interpretacije poruka i emocija koje nam nameću brendovi. U sklopu rada provedeno je kvantitativno istraživanje na studentskoj populaciji, a cilj je otkriti i istražiti razinu i razloge emocionalne povezanosti s brendovima koje koriste te istražiti načine i mehanizme pomoću kojih mladi ulaze u interakciju s njima., The key mission of every brand is to build a strong and long-lasting relationship with the consumer, in a highly competitive world market. To accomplish this mission, brands resort to increasingly creative communication strategies to establish more authentic and personal relationships with consumers. One of the most efficient communication methods is called emotional branding. Emotional branding is defined as a customer-oriented strategic approach that aims to build a deep and sincere connection. This concept is based on the interaction between consumers and brands, as brands carry out various activities that contribute to the creation and realization of the ideal image that the consumer has about himself. Once established, this emotional connection results in increased attachment with the brand, brand loyalty, consumer satisfaction, and stronger re-purchase intention. In other words, love towards the brand. In real-life practice, this approach has proven to be very successful, but it also comes with a great risk potential. The risks can be analyzed in two ways. On a moral level, stimulation of emotions can influence the minds of consumers positively or negatively. On a commercial level, because almost every time the brand breaks its emotional promise it causes negativity, rejection, and crises. At the centre of this paper are consumers and the potential risks that arise from a brand relationship. The risks can be viewed in two ways - on a moral and commercial level, and the aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of emotional literacy in interpreting the messages and emotions that brands impose on us. Furthermore, a qualitative study was conducted on the student population, which aims to investigate the level and reasons for emotional attachment to the brands they use, and to explore ways and mechanisms by which young people interact with them.
- Published
- 2020
- Full Text
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- Author
Kešetović, Želimir and Marić, Predrag
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2016
- Author
Puharić, Predrag and Kobajica, Sandra
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2016
23. Specifics of Reporting on Crisis Events - Attitudes and Experiences of Croatian Journalists
- Author
Ivković Šimičić, Hana, Kanižaj, Igor, Perišin, Tena, and Krajina, Zlatan
- Subjects
interview ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,Zagreb ,journalists ,krizno komuniciranje ,earthquake ,Petrinja ,Crisis events ,krizni događaji ,novinari ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,crisis communication ,potres ,intervju - Abstract
Izvještavanje u kriznim događajima za novinare predstavlja veliki mentalni i logistički izazov, a cilj ovog diplomskog rada jest prikazati o kakvim se točno izazovima radi. Istraživanja o tome na području Hrvatske dosad se nisu provodila što je povod za ovo istraživanje. Koristeći se metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua, koji je za ovaj oblik istraživanja najpogodniji, obavljeni su razgovori s deset hrvatskih novinarki i novinara koji su se istaknuli izuzetnim radom (primarno vidljivosti kroz medijske sadržaje) u kriznom događaju, u ovom slučaju prilikom izvještavanja o potresima u Zagrebu te na području Banovine, a glavno istraživačko pitanje jest – kakva su bila njihova iskustva rada dok su izvještavali o tom događaju. S ciljem da se dozna i koliko prethodni rad u kriznim situacijama utječe na nova slična iskustva te kakvu ulogu osobne podrške novinarima prije i nakon rada u kriznom događaju imaju hrvatske redakcije, osim glavnog istraživačkog pitanja postavljena su još tri – je li hrvatskim novinarima prethodno iskustvo pomoglo prilikom izvještavanja o lanjskim potresima, jesu li imali mogućnost organizirane pripreme za rad u ovakvim okolnostima te je li im nakon rada na ovako izazovnim zadacima pružena mogućnost psihološke ili kakve druge pomoći. Istraživanje je odgovorilo na glavno istraživačko pitanje te otkriva da je izvještavanje hrvatskim novinarima bilo izuzetno stresno, traumatično i zahtjevno. Osim negativnih osjećaja koje su proživljavali u radu te koji su ih izuzetno mučili i u slobodno vrijeme, novinari su naveli i niz logističkih problema poput nedostatka struje, baterija za opremu te nemogućnosti zadovoljavanja osnovnih ljudskih potreba poput hrane, pića i odlaska na toalet. Što se tiče sekundarnih pitanja, istraživanje očekivano pokazuje da su novinari na teren odlazili bez ikakve prethodne pripreme ili edukacije, no pozitivno je da je većina njih od svojih poslodavaca dobila emocionalnu podršku nakon obavljenog posla u obliku materijalnih stimulacija, a ponuđeni su im razgovori s certificiranim stručnjacima za mentalno zdravlje. Konačno, istraživanje je pokazalo da je prethodno iskustvo rada u kriznim situacijama novinare samo djelomično pripremilo za izvještavanje s potresom pogođenih područja. Zaključak je da su novinari svoj posao obavljali korektno i profesionalno, a njihova iskustva bila su identična kao i ona kolega diljem svijeta., Reporting during a crisis event is a big challenge, both mentally and logistically, and it's the same both in Croatia and the rest of the world. The purpose of this thesis is to show just how challenging can crisis reporting be, specifically for Croatian reporters. Research of this kind has never been done in Croatia, so this thesis contains the first. Through semi-structured interviews with ten Croatian reporters who are distinguished both in the journalistic community and the general public for their great work in covering a crisis event (specifically two major earthquakes that had hit Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, and the region of Banovina in 2020), this paper tries to answer the main research question of the research: what exactly did Croatian journalists experience while covering the Croatian earthquakes? With the purpose to find out if any prior experience in crisis reporting can help a journalist to better prepare for a new crisis event, this is asked as a secondary research question. Finding out if Croatian newsrooms support their journalists before and after working on such a challenging mission, two additional research questions are added: did Croatian journalists have any lectures or other kinds of preparations before going out in the field, and were they offered any help, such as an offer to talk to a therapist or to take any leave days. This research has answered all of the questions and found that covering the Croatian earthquakes was extremely distressing, traumatic and challenging. Journalists expressed feeling negative emotions like sadness, guilt and anger, and also noted that they also experienced a lot of logistical difficulties like a lack of electricity and not being able to find food or go to the bathroom. In regards to the secondary research questions, this research has found, as expected, that journalist went to the field without any prior preparation on how to work in these circumstances, but a positive thing is that the vast majority of them were well taken care of by their newsrooms after the fact: they were given large pay bonuses, were able to take days off and were offered a talk with a certified therapist. Finally, the research shows that any prior experience in crisis reporting can only partially prepare a journalist for working in a new situation. This paper concludes that journalists experience trauma and tragedy in the same way around the world, but that their work, despite all the difficulties, was extremely professional and ethical.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Boić, Vitomir, Mojsović, Nenad, and Markotić, Ivan
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Botica, Vladimir, Drglin, Tihana, and Tojčić, Ivan
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Halilović, Nerma, Fazlić, Adnan, and Kobajica, Sandra
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Barić, Maja Banovac, Medek, Mario Aunedi, and Jeleč, Ivana
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Gluvačević, Dejan and Grgas, Zvonimir
- Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
29. Impact of Crises on Tourism Development
- Author
Švigir, Valeria and Vitasović, Aljoša
- Subjects
SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Trade and Tourism ,crisis in tourism ,krize ,turizam ,terrorism ,terorizam ,catastrophes ,crises ,krizni menadžment ,mračni turizam ,krizno komuniciranje ,tourism ,crisis management ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Trgovina i turizam ,kriza u turizmu ,crisis communication ,dark tourism ,katastrofe - Abstract
U suvremenom svijetu krize predstavljaju jednu od najčešćih pojava koje donose brojne izazove i gubitke na gospodarskoj, društvenoj i ekološkoj razini. Pojavljuju se kroz razne oblike poput ekoloških, društvenih/politčkih, tehnoloških, ekonomskih, ekološki-ljudski induciranih događaja te događaja povezanih sa zdravljem. Turizam je jedna od prosperitetnih djelatnosti današnjice čiji je progres vidljiv u posljednja dva desetljeća. Poslovanje u turizmu osjetljive je prirode i izloženo je čimbenicima poput prirodnih katastrofa, ekonomskih promjena, političkih sukoba, terorističkih napada, zdravstvenih kriza i slično. Krizni menadžment odnosno krizno upravljanje smatra se izuzetno važnom aktivnosti glede turističke industrije. Obzirom da danas postoji sve veći broj kriza i katastrofa potrebno je definirati adekvatne strategije prevencije s ciljem očuvanja turističkih djelatnosti. Isto tako velika važnost pridaje se kriznom komuniciranju glede spašavanja turizma jer omogućava adekvatno definiranje preventivnih strategija, donošenje poslovnih odluka, uspostavljanju kvalitetnih kadrova te interakciju s interesnoutjecajnih dionicima u smislu vraćanja povjerenja u turistički aranžman. Kao jedna od najpoznatijih turističkih destinacija pogođena terorističkom krizom ističe se SAD u vidu napada 11. rujna što je enormno utjecalo na cjelokupno američko društvo i gospodarstvo. S druge strane, ovakava krizna situacija postala je prilika za promicanje turizma obzirom da su se naknadno poduzeli pothvati uređenja pogođenih objekata i prenamjene u turističke svrhe. Nacionalni memorijalni muzej 11. rujna postao je jedna od najpoznatijih turističkih atrakcija mračnog turizma. Neovisno o negativnim posljedicama kriza i katastrofa, postoje situacije gdje one kao takve mogu predstavljati priliku za modifikaciju turističke destinacije. In the modern world, crises are one of the most common phenomena that bring many challenges and losses at the economic, social and environmental levels. They appear through various forms such as environmental, social/political, technological, economic, eco-human induced events and health related events. Tourism is one of the prosperous activities of today whose progress is visible in the last two decades. Tourism industry is sensitive and is exposed to factors such as natural disasters, economic change, political conflicts, terrorist attacks, health crises and other. Crisis management is considered to be an extremely important activity for the tourism industry. Given that today there is an increasing number of crises and disasters, it is necessary to define adequate prevention strategies in order to preserve tourism activities. Crisis communication is equally important in terms of saving tourism because it allows adequate definition of prevention strategies, business decisions, establishing quality staff and interaction with stakeholders in terms of restoring confidence in the tourism arrangement. The United States stands out as one of the most famous tourist destinations affected by the terrorist crisis in the form of the 9/11 attacks, which had an enormous impact on the entire American society and economy. On the other hand, this crisis situation has become an opportunity to promote tourism, given that subsequent ventures have been undertaken to renovate the affected facilities and converted for tourism purposes. The National Memorial Museum of September 11 became one of the most famous tourist attractions of dark tourism. Regardless of the negative consequences of the crisis and catastrophe, there are situations where they as such can represent an opportunity to modify tourist destinations.
- Published
- 2021
30. Društveno odgovorno poslovanje u kriznim uvjetima
- Author
Hodžić, Dajana and Afrić Rakitovac, Kristina
- Subjects
društveno odgovorno poslovanje ,pandemija ,sustainable development ,ODRAZ – “Održivi razvoj zajednice” ,pandemic ,socially responsible business ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. General Economy ,odgovornost ,Valamar Riviera ,održivost ,sustainability ,krizni menadžment ,ODRAZ - “Sustainable community development” ,krizno komuniciranje ,COVID-19 virus ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Opća ekonomija ,crisis conditions ,krizni uvjeti ,responsibility ,održivi razvoj ,crisis management ,crisis communication - Abstract
Održivi razvoj kao značajni proces promjena omogućio je nastanak alternativnih modela poslovanja koji se temelje na integriranju važnosti ekonomske, društvene i ekološke dimenzije. Danas je sve više cijenjenije poslovanje usmjereno ka održivosti i odgovornosti od strane društva iz razloga što postoji mogućnost ostvarivanja ekonomske koristi uz istovremeno unaprjeđivanje društvene zajednice i očuvanje okoliša. Stoga veliki broj poslovnih subjekata u svoju poslovnu praksu implementiraju koncept društvene odgovornosti što omogućuje jačanje konkurentske prednosti i osiguravanje dugoročnog opstanka i uspjeha. Svako pokretanje poslovanja sa sobom nosi brojne rizike time i ulazak u krizne situacije radi potencijalnih unutarnjih i vanjskih utjecaja izazvanih od strane poslovnih jedinica organizacije, načina upravljanja, mikroekonomskih i makroekonomskih kretanja, interesno-utjecajnih dionika, političkog angažmana te prirodnih katastrofa. Kao adekvatan sustav upravljanja pojavljuje se krizni menadžment kao jedna od važnijih funkcija poslovanja poduzeća. U okviru upravljanja kriznim situacijama ulaze i aktivnosti kriznog komuniciranja kojima se omogućavaju formiranje strategija pravovremenog i adekvatnog ublažavanja teujedno i suzbijanje kriznih uvjeta. Izvanredna COVID-19 pandemija uzrokovala je brojne gubitke na gospodarskom i društvenom aspektu čime je potakla dodatni angažman društvene odgovornosti. Turistička kompanija Valamar Riviera svoje je poslovanje prilagodila kriznoj situaciji te je samim time uspijela sačuvati funkcionalnost na ekonomskom, društvenom i ekološkom nivou. ODRAZ - “Održivi razvoj zajednice” kao jedna od prepoznatljivih hrvatskih društveno odgovornih organizacija uz brojne gubitke prihvatila je kriznu situaciju kao idealnu priliku za stvaranje suradnje koja će joj omogućiti nastavak poslovanja u dugoročnom razdoblju. Sustainable development as a significant process of change has enabled the emergence of alternative business models based on the integration of the importance of the economic, social and environmental dimensions. Today, more and more valued business is focused on sustainability and responsibility by society for the reason that there is the possibility of achieving economic benefits while improving the community and preserving the environment. Therefore, a large number of business entities implement the concept of social responsibility in their business practice, which enables the strengthening of competitive advantage and ensuring long-term survival and success. Every business start-up carries numerous risks and thus entering crisis situations due to potential internal and external influences caused by the removal of business units of the organization, management methods, microeconomic and macroeconomic trends, stakeholders, political engagement and natural disasters. As an adequate management system, crisis management appears as one of the most important business functions of the company. Crisis management also includes crisis communication activities that enable the formation of strategies for timely and adequate mitigation and at the same time the suppression of crisis conditions. The extraordinary COVID-19 pandemic caused numerous losses on the economic and social aspect, which encouraged additional engagement of social responsibility. The tourist company Valamar Riviera has adapted its business to the crisis situation and thus managed to preserve its functionality at the economic, social and environmental level. ODRAZ - “Sustainable Community Development” as one of the recognizable Croatian socially responsible organizations, with numerous losses, accepted the crisis situation as an ideal opportunity to create cooperation that will enable it to continue doing business in the long run.
- Published
- 2021
31. Krizno komuniciranje na društvenim mrežama tijekom pandemije COVID-19 na primjeru Hrvatske turističke zajednice
- Author
Kezić, Ivona, Jakopović, Hrvoje, Gluvačević, Dejan, and Car, Viktorija
- Subjects
crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,social media ,turizam ,kriza ,tourism ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication - Abstract
Turizam je izrazito podložan negativnim utjecajima te kao takav treba izrazito puno vremena i pažnje posvetiti razvoju komunikacijske strategije koja odgovara tom sektoru, a da je u skladu s trenutnim događajima i promjenama. Pandemija Covid-19 nedvojbeno je utjecala na sve gospodarske sektore i aspekte ljudskog života, pa tako i na turizam koji je doživio velik pad prometa na globalnoj razini, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj. Zato se u ovom razdoblju krizno komuniciranje pokazalo izrazito važnim radi pravovremenih i valjanih informacija. U ovom se radu proučava i istražuje komunikacija Hrvatske turističke zajednice na Facebooku i Instagramu od ožujka 2020. godine do ožujka 2021. godine kako bi se ustanovio način komuniciranja, ali i vrsta komunikacije koja se koristila na njihovim društvenim mrežama., Tourism is highly susceptible to negative impacts. As such, a lot of time and attention should be paid to the development of a communication strategy that suits the sector and is in line with current events and changes. The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly affected all economic sectors and aspects of human life, including tourism, which has experienced a significant decline in traffic globally, including in Croatia. Therefore, in this period, crisis communication proved to be extremely important for timely and valid information. This paper studies and researches the communication of the Croatian National Tourist Board on Facebook and Instagram from March 2020 to March 2021 in order to establish the method of communication, but also the type of communication used on their social networks.
- Published
- 2021
32. Crisis Communication on Social Networks during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of the Croatian National Tourist Board
- Author
Kezić, Ivona, Jakopović, Hrvoje, and Gluvačević, Dejan
- Subjects
crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,social media ,turizam ,kriza ,tourism ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication - Abstract
Turizam je izrazito podložan negativnim utjecajima te kao takav treba izrazito puno vremena i pažnje posvetiti razvoju komunikacijske strategije koja odgovara tom sektoru, a da je u skladu s trenutnim događajima i promjenama. Pandemija Covid-19 nedvojbeno je utjecala na sve gospodarske sektore i aspekte ljudskog života, pa tako i na turizam koji je doživio velik pad prometa na globalnoj razini, pa tako i u Hrvatskoj. Zato se u ovom razdoblju krizno komuniciranje pokazalo izrazito važnim radi pravovremenih i valjanih informacija. U ovom se radu proučava i istražuje komunikacija Hrvatske turističke zajednice na Facebooku i Instagramu od ožujka 2020. godine do ožujka 2021. godine kako bi se ustanovio način komuniciranja, ali i vrsta komunikacije koja se koristila na njihovim društvenim mrežama. Tourism is highly susceptible to negative impacts. As such, a lot of time and attention should be paid to the development of a communication strategy that suits the sector and is in line with current events and changes. The Covid-19 pandemic has undoubtedly affected all economic sectors and aspects of human life, including tourism, which has experienced a significant decline in traffic globally, including in Croatia. Therefore, in this period, crisis communication proved to be extremely important for timely and valid information. This paper studies and researches the communication of the Croatian National Tourist Board on Facebook and Instagram from March 2020 to March 2021 in order to establish the method of communication, but also the type of communication used on their social networks.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Pavlinović, Lucija and Borovac Zekan, Senka
- Subjects
social networks ,krizno komuniciranje ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication ,crisis communication plan ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija ,krizni komunikacijski plan - Abstract
U današnjem suvremenom svijetu obilježenom elektroničkom digitalizacijom medijska komunikacija postala je nezamisliva bez korištenja društvenih mreža. Njihova uloga svakim danom sve više dobiva na značaju. Društvene mreže omogućavaju, ne samo pojedincima, već i organizacijama, brzo i lako prenošenje poruke velikom broju ljudi. Tome u prilog ide i činjenica da danas društvena mreža Facebook broji više od 1,2 milijarde aktivnih korisnika, Twitter preko milijardu registriranih korisnika, a Instagram preko 300 milijuna korisnika. Ljudi imaju neprestanu potrebu za komuniciranjem. Danas je ta komunikacija brža i lakša zahvaljujući upravo društvenim mrežama. Društvene mreže poput Facebooka, LinkedIna i YouTubea postaju praktični alati u širenju informacija i interakciji s ciljanom publikom. Ovaj rad obrađuje tematiku društvenih mreža s posebnim naglaskom na njihovu ulogu za vrijeme krize i kriznih situacija. Detaljnije su razrađeni svi aspekti kriznog komuniciranja na primjeru poduzeća Orljava d.o.o. Rezultati analize navedene studije slučaja su pokazali kolika je važnost izvještavanja javnosti o kriznoj situaciji u poduzeću i kakva je i kolika uloga glavnih aktera krize. Nadalje, potvrđene su pretpostavke kriznog menadžmenta o važnosti razvijanja kriznog komunikacijskog plana i nužnosti pravovremenog iznošenja informacija u javnost, čak i kada se situacija ne odvija prema planu, a budućnost poduzeća zahvaćenog krizom je neizvjesna. In today's modern world marked by electronic digitalization, media communication has become unthinkable without social networks. As a result, their role is gaining in importance every day. Social networks enable individuals and organizations to quickly and easily convey a message to a large number of people. This is supported by the fact that today the social network Facebook has more than 1.2 billion active users, Twitter has over a billion registered users, and Instagram has over 300 million users. People have a constant need to communicate. Today, that communication is faster and easier thanks to social networks. Social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube are becoming valuable tools in spreading information and interacting with the target audience. This paper deals with social networks with particular emphasis on their role during crises and crises. All aspects of crisis communication are elaborated in more detail on the example of the company Orljava. The analysis results of this case study showed the importance of informing the public about the company's crisis and the role of the main actors in the crisis. Furthermore, the assumptions of crisis management about the importance of developing a crisis communication plan and the necessity of timely disclosure of information to the public were confirmed, even when the situation is not going according to plan and the company's future is uncertain.
- Published
- 2021
34. Specifičnosti izvještavanja o kriznim događajima - stavovi i iskustva hrvatskih novinara
- Author
Ivković Šimičić, Hana and Kanižaj, Igor
- Subjects
interview ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,Zagreb ,krizno komuniciranje ,journalists ,earthquake ,Petrinja ,krizni događaji ,novinari ,Crisis events ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,potres ,crisis communication ,intervju - Abstract
Izvještavanje u kriznim događajima za novinare predstavlja veliki mentalni i logistički izazov, a cilj ovog diplomskog rada jest prikazati o kakvim se točno izazovima radi. Istraživanja o tome na području Hrvatske dosad se nisu provodila što je povod za ovo istraživanje. Koristeći se metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua, koji je za ovaj oblik istraživanja najpogodniji, obavljeni su razgovori s deset hrvatskih novinarki i novinara koji su se istaknuli izuzetnim radom (primarno vidljivosti kroz medijske sadržaje) u kriznom događaju, u ovom slučaju prilikom izvještavanja o potresima u Zagrebu te na području Banovine, a glavno istraživačko pitanje jest – kakva su bila njihova iskustva rada dok su izvještavali o tom događaju. S ciljem da se dozna i koliko prethodni rad u kriznim situacijama utječe na nova slična iskustva te kakvu ulogu osobne podrške novinarima prije i nakon rada u kriznom događaju imaju hrvatske redakcije, osim glavnog istraživačkog pitanja postavljena su još tri – je li hrvatskim novinarima prethodno iskustvo pomoglo prilikom izvještavanja o lanjskim potresima, jesu li imali mogućnost organizirane pripreme za rad u ovakvim okolnostima te je li im nakon rada na ovako izazovnim zadacima pružena mogućnost psihološke ili kakve druge pomoći. Istraživanje je odgovorilo na glavno istraživačko pitanje te otkriva da je izvještavanje hrvatskim novinarima bilo izuzetno stresno, traumatično i zahtjevno. Osim negativnih osjećaja koje su proživljavali u radu te koji su ih izuzetno mučili i u slobodno vrijeme, novinari su naveli i niz logističkih problema poput nedostatka struje, baterija za opremu te nemogućnosti zadovoljavanja osnovnih ljudskih potreba poput hrane, pića i odlaska na toalet. Što se tiče sekundarnih pitanja, istraživanje očekivano pokazuje da su novinari na teren odlazili bez ikakve prethodne pripreme ili edukacije, no pozitivno je da je većina njih od svojih poslodavaca dobila emocionalnu podršku nakon obavljenog posla u obliku materijalnih stimulacija, a ponuđeni su im razgovori s certificiranim stručnjacima za mentalno zdravlje. Konačno, istraživanje je pokazalo da je prethodno iskustvo rada u kriznim situacijama novinare samo djelomično pripremilo za izvještavanje s potresom pogođenih područja. Zaključak je da su novinari svoj posao obavljali korektno i profesionalno, a njihova iskustva bila su identična kao i ona kolega diljem svijeta. Reporting during a crisis event is a big challenge, both mentally and logistically, and it's the same both in Croatia and the rest of the world. The purpose of this thesis is to show just how challenging can crisis reporting be, specifically for Croatian reporters. Research of this kind has never been done in Croatia, so this thesis contains the first. Through semi-structured interviews with ten Croatian reporters who are distinguished both in the journalistic community and the general public for their great work in covering a crisis event (specifically two major earthquakes that had hit Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, and the region of Banovina in 2020), this paper tries to answer the main research question of the research: what exactly did Croatian journalists experience while covering the Croatian earthquakes? With the purpose to find out if any prior experience in crisis reporting can help a journalist to better prepare for a new crisis event, this is asked as a secondary research question. Finding out if Croatian newsrooms support their journalists before and after working on such a challenging mission, two additional research questions are added: did Croatian journalists have any lectures or other kinds of preparations before going out in the field, and were they offered any help, such as an offer to talk to a therapist or to take any leave days. This research has answered all of the questions and found that covering the Croatian earthquakes was extremely distressing, traumatic and challenging. Journalists expressed feeling negative emotions like sadness, guilt and anger, and also noted that they also experienced a lot of logistical difficulties like a lack of electricity and not being able to find food or go to the bathroom. In regards to the secondary research questions, this research has found, as expected, that journalist went to the field without any prior preparation on how to work in these circumstances, but a positive thing is that the vast majority of them were well taken care of by their newsrooms after the fact: they were given large pay bonuses, were able to take days off and were offered a talk with a certified therapist. Finally, the research shows that any prior experience in crisis reporting can only partially prepare a journalist for working in a new situation. This paper concludes that journalists experience trauma and tragedy in the same way around the world, but that their work, despite all the difficulties, was extremely professional and ethical.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Poljak, Ana Marija and Runjić-Stoilova, Anita
- Subjects
Hrvatski nacionalni stožer ,content analysis ,diskurs ,media ,kriza ,COVID-19 ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filologija ,virus ,Croatian National Headquarters ,mediji ,lingvistička analiza ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philology ,sadržajna analiza ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,discourse ,konferencija ,crisis communication ,linguistic analysis ,conference - Abstract
Kriza je ozbiljan događaj koji utječe na čovjeka, a može zahvatiti bilo koji aspekt čovjekova života. Može biti uzrokovana ljudskim djelovanjem ili prirodnim silama, a bez obzira na uzrok svakako negativno utječe na čovjeka. Upravo iz toga razloga naglašava se važnost komuniciranja tijekom krize. Krizno komuniciranje, da bi bilo učinkovito, mora se temeljiti na preporučenim fazama, ali i strategijama koje će pozitivno djelovati na sprječavanje krize te na ljude. Ono, dakle, za cilj ima ublažavanje posljedica krize. U ovome radu, sadržajnom i lingvističkom analizom, istraživat će se komunikacija tijekom krizne situacije uzrokovane virusom, odnosno COVIDOM-19 koja se temelji na medijskim istupima članova Hrvatskoga nacionalnoga stožera kao vodećih predstavnika tijekom navedene krizne situacije. Obuhvaća, dakle, diskurs članova Stožera, sadržaj onoga što je izrečeno tijekom konferencija, ali i analizu njihovih medijskih istupa prema određenim jezičnim razinama: morfološkoj i leksičkoj, sintaktičkoj te semantičkoj. A crisis is a serious event that affects a human being and can affect any aspect of a person’s life. It can be caused by human action or natural forces, and regardless of the cause, it certainly has a negative effect on people. Because of this, the importance of communication during a crisis is emphasized. Crisis communication, in order to be effective, must be based on the recommended phases, but also on strategies that will have a positive effect on crisis prevention and on people. It therefore aims to mitigate the effects of the crisis. This paper, through content and linguistic analysis, will investigate communication during a crisis situation caused by a virus, i.e. COVID-19, which is based on media appearances of members of the Croatian National Headquarters as leading representatives during the crisis. It includes, therefore, the discourse of the members of the Staff, the content of what was said during the conferences, but also the analysis of their media appearances according to certain language levels: morphological and lexical, syntactical and semantical.
- Published
- 2021
36. Utjecaj percipirane razine razvijenosti kriznog upravljanja na motivaciju zaposlenika tijekom pandemije COVID-19 : Diplomski rad
- Author
Rako, Marija and Bilić, Ivana
- Subjects
pandemija COVID-19 ,motivation ,krizno komuniciranje ,COVID-19 pandemic ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,motivacija ,sigurnosne mjere ,crisis communication ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment ,security measures - Abstract
Poslovna kriza predstavlja stanje u poslovnoj organizaciji nastalo djelovanjem nepovoljnih događa koji uzrokuju probleme u poslovanju te dovode do smanjenja prihoda, smanjenja obujma poslovanja, smanjenja likvidnosti te pojave gubitaka. Krizni menadžment podrazumijeva skup procesa ili funkcija kojima je temeljni cilj predvidjeti, identificirati i izučiti moguće krizne situacije. Zaposlenici predstavljaju najosjetljiviji segment poslovne organizacije u vrijeme poslovne krize koja ima veliki utjecaj na zaposlenike jer dolazi do pada motivacije. Posebna pažnja posvećuje se kriznom komuniciranju kao glavnom alatu za svladavanje krizne situacije. Kriza uzrokovana COVID-19 virusom u vrlo kratkom roku zahvatila je cijeli svijet. Razina razvijenosti i primjene alata kriznog komuniciranja utječu na motivaciju i sigurnost zaposlenika u radnom okruženju tijekom pandemije COVID-19. Osim motivacije istražena je i komunikacija menadžmenta sa zaposlenicima u vrijeme pandemije, kao i sigurnosne mjere kako bi se zadržala stabilnost poslovanja. A business crisis is a situation in a business organization caused by the occurrence of adverse events that cause business problems and lead to a decrease in revenue, reduced business volume, reduced liquidity, and the occurrence of losses. Crisis management is a set of processes or functions whose basic goal is to predict, identify and study possible crises. Employees represent the most sensitive segment of a business organization in times of business crisis that has a major impact on employees as their motivation declines. Special attention is paid to crisis communication as the main tool for crisis management. The crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus in a very short time affected the whole world. The level of development and application of crisis communication tools affect the motivation and safety of employees in the work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic. Management communication with employees was also researched during the pandemic as well as security measures to keep business stable.
- Published
- 2021
37. Crisis communication in the context of public health crisis
- Author
Marinček, Lucija Nataša and Verčič, Dejan
- Subjects
efficacy messages ,covid-19 epidemic ,sporočila o učinkovitosti ,krizno komuniciranje ,javnozdravstvena kriza ,epidemija covida-19 ,Facebook posts analysis ,udc:316.77:616-036.21(043.2) ,analiza Facebook objav ,public health crisis ,crisis communication - Abstract
Za uspešno reševanje javnozdravstvene krize je treba med posamezniki doseči izvajanje želenega (samo)zaščitnega odziva. Teorija pravi, da ima pri tem ključno vlogo posameznikova zaznana učinkovitost. H grajenju zaznane učinkovitosti pomembno prispeva komuniciranje upravljavcev krize. Njihova sporočila morajo biti sestavljena iz informacij, ki spodbujajo zmožnost izvajanja priporočenega odziva (samoučinkovitost), in iz trditev, ki sporočajo, da ta odziv deluje (učinkovitost odziva). Diplomsko delo preučuje krizno komuniciranje ključnih akterjev na področju javnozdravstvene krize, ki jo je povzročila epidemija covida-19 v Sloveniji – Vlade Republike Slovenije, Ministrstva za zdravje in Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje –, na družbenem omrežju Facebook. Glede na pomen in aktualnost tematike ter pomanjkanje obstoječih raziskav je poglavitni cilj diplomskega dela odgovoriti na raziskovalno vprašanje, kolikšen delež Facebook objav omenjenih akterjev komunicira učinkovitost in njeni dimenziji – samoučinkovitost in učinkovitost odziva – ter kako. S tem namenom je bila izvedena kvalitativna analiza vsebine 232 Facebook objav v izbranem časovnem obdobju, podatki pa so bili tudi kvantificirani. Rezultati kažejo na široko prisotnost sporočil o učinkovitosti med preučevanimi akterji in izpostavijo razkorak v zastopanosti njenih dimenzij: medtem ko je komuniciranje samoučinkovitosti visoko prisotno, se komuniciranje učinkovitosti odziva v splošnem izkaže za pomanjkljivo. Ugotovitve študije prinašajo vpogled v pomemben vidik kriznega komuniciranja znotraj javnozdravstvene krize in lahko služijo kot eno izmed izhodišč za komunikacijske izboljšave v morebitnih prihodnjih podobnih krizah. In order to successfully resolve a public health crisis, it is necessary to achieve the implementation of the desired (self-)protective response among individuals. Based on theory, what plays a crucial role in this, is individual's perceived efficacy. Crisis managers' communication can contribute significantly to building perceived efficacy. Their messages should consist of information that promotes the ability to perform the recommended response (self-efficacy) and of claims that the response will work (response efficacy). The thesis examines crisis communication of the key actors who managed the public health crisis caused by the covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia – the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Public Health –, on the social network Facebook. Given the importance and relevance of the topic and the lack of existing research, the main goal of the thesis is to answer the research question, to what extent the mentioned actors' Facebook posts communicate efficacy and its two dimensions – self-efficacy and response efficacy – and how. To this end, a qualitative content analysis of 232 Facebook posts in the selected time period was conducted and the data were quantified as well. The results show a wide presence of efficacy messages among the studied actors and highlight the gap in the representation of its dimensions: while self-efficacy is widely communicated, communication of response efficacy generally proves to be insufficient. The findings of the study provide insight into an important aspect of crisis communication within the public health crisis and can serve as one of the starting points for communication improvements in potential future similar crises.
- Published
- 2021
38. Komuniciranje sistema zaštite i spasavanja u vanrednim situacijama izazvanim elementarnim nepogodama.
- Author
Ninković, Vladimir and Kešetović, Želimir
- Abstract
Copyright of Communication & Media Journal (CM) / CM: Casopis za Upravljanje Komuniciranjem is the property of University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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- Author
Kešetović, Želimir and Mlađan, Dragan
- Subjects
MASSACRES ,CRISIS management ,CRISIS communication ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,SCHOOLS - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Preselj, Vladimir, Pakozdi, Ivan, and Skoko, Franjo
- Subjects
SOCIAL media in business ,CRISIS communication ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,CRISIS management ,COMMUNICATION models - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Meltzer, Monika and Ştefănescu, Lucrina
- Subjects
CRISIS communication ,CRISIS management ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,SOCIAL media in business ,USER-generated content ,ELECTRONIC information resources - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Galić, Matej and Banac, Tamara
- Subjects
CRISIS communication ,EMERGENCY management ,ECONOMIC impact of business enterprises ,EMERGENCY communication systems ,CRISIS management - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Tepeš, Iva, Mondekar, Helena, and Brezovnjački, Anđelko
- Subjects
CRISIS management ,CRISIS communication ,AEROSPACE industries ,COMMUNICATION - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Milas, Dorotea and Galić, Goran
- Subjects
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Jugo, Damir, Barić, Maja Banovac, and Ivanda, Tomislavka
- Subjects
HAZARDS ,CRISIS management ,DISASTERS ,CRISIS communication ,PUBLIC support - Abstract
Copyright of International Conference: Crisis Management Days is the property of University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
46. Crisis communication in public relations of police officers
- Author
Makovec, Petra and Lesinger, Gordana
- Subjects
police ,communication ,public ,javnost ,kriza ,policija ,public relations ,komunikacija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Odnosi s javnošću ,crisis ,krizno komuniciranje ,crisis communication ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Public Relations ,odnosi s javnošću - Abstract
U svim modernim, demokratskim državama i službi Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova jest javnost rada policije jedno je od temeljnih načela. Policija koja primjenjuje moderan način djelovanja treba biti javni servis građana, također se treba razvijati kroz suradnju sa cjelokupnom javnošću,a što se postiže kvalitetnim odnosima (MUP,2011:3).Jedna od definicija odnosa s javnošću jest vođenje komuniciranja, odnosa i interesa između organizacije i njezinih javnosti s namjerom postizanja uzajamnog razumijevanja, potpore, dobrih odnosa i ugleda organizacije (Novak,2001:207). U suvremenom svijetu jedna od neizbježnih situacija jest kriza. Kriza je naime sastavni dio okoline u kojoj organizacija djeluje i predstavlja preokret u životu organizacije i istodobno novu priliku za ostvarivanje boljeg ugleda. Krizno komuniciranje, kao neizostavan element učinkovitog upravljanja krizom, oblikuje tumačenje i simbole krizne situacije pomoću kojih se smanjuje neizvjesnost i stvaraju pretpostavke za funkcioniranje sustava odgovora na krize (Mihalinčić,2018:6). Kroz ovaj rad autorica je provela istraživanje na temelju zadovoljstva građana Republike Hrvatske sa policijskim informiranjem javnosti. Istraživanje je provedeno anketnim putem u studenom 2020.godine kojom prilikom je sudjelovalo 111 ispitanika, a čiji su ispitanici u anketiranju sudjelovali anonimno. Specifičnost policije na području odnosa s javnošću jest u tome što javnost policiju pretežito percipira neposredno u kontaktu s policijskim službenicima i posredno medijskim dojmom tako da je kvalitetna komunikacija preduvjet uspješnosti odnosa s javnosti. Pri neposrednom kontaktu s građanima etičnost i profesionalnost svakog policijskog službenika izravno utječe na uspjeh i dobar glas policije (MUP,2011:4). In allmodern, democratic states and the services of the Ministry of the interior, publicity of police work is one of the fundamental principles. The police that apply a modern way of action should be a public service of citizens; it should also be developed through cooperation with the general public, which is achieved through quality relations (MUP, 2011:3). One of the definitions of public relations is the conduct of communication, relations and interests between the organization and its publics with the intention of achieving mutual understanding, support, good relations and reputation of the organization (Novak, 2001:207). In the modern world, one of the inevitable situations is a crisis. The crisis is an integral part of the environment in which the organization operates and represents a turning point in the life of the organization and at the same time a new opportunity to achieve a better reputation. Crisis communication, as an indispensable element of effective crisis management, shapes the interpretation and symbols of the crisis situation by which uncertainty is reduced and preconditions are created for the functioning of the crisis response system (Mihalinčić, 2018:6). Through this paper the author conducted a survey based on the satisfaction of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia with police information to the public.The survey was conducted through a survey in November 2020, in which 111 respondents participated and whose respondents participated in the survey anonymously. The specificity of the police in the field of public relations is that the public mostly perceives the police directly in contact with police officers and indirectly in the media impression, so that quality communication is a prerequisite for successful public relations. In direct contact with citizens, the ethics and professionalism of each police officer directly affects the success and good reputation of the police (MUP, 2011:4).
- Published
- 2021
47. Editorial
- Author
Prezelj, Iztok
- Subjects
Covid-19 crisis management ,epidemije ,krizno komuniciranje ,udc:005.931.11:616-036.22(497.4) ,Slovenia ,Slovenija ,crisis communication ,epidemics ,Covid-19 krizno upravljanje - Published
- 2021
48. Analiza PR strategije i kriznog komuniciranja na primjeru Fyre Festivala
- Author
Senjak, Antonija and Bebić, Domagoj
- Subjects
organizacija događaja ,social networks ,glazbeni festival ,public relations strategy ,Fyre Festival ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,event organization ,music festival ,influencer marketing ,krizno komuniciranje ,strategije odnosa s javnošću ,Instagram ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication - Abstract
Organiziranje događaja složen je proces koji spaja različite grane i industrije, a u suvremenom dobu važan dio te aktivnosti čine izgradnja i promocija identiteta na društvenim mrežama. Među brojnim glazbenim festivalima Fyre Festival izdvojio se kao jedinstven slučaj. Njegova ideja zaživjela je zahvaljujući pomno osmišljenoj promotivnoj kampanji i atraktivnom virtualnom identitetu, no zbog izostanka drugih važnih segmenata organizacije događaja i nepostojanja kriznog plana, nije se održao. Njegova sudbina primjer je moći dobre marketinške strategije, ali i dokaz da je prilikom organizacije događaja neophodno biti pripremljen za moguću krizu. Nakon je stvorio identitet na društvenim mrežama uz pomoć mega influencera i slavnih osoba, jedini uspješan segment cijelog događaja bio je onaj marketinški, dok je sve ostalo ukazivalo na to da se festival neće moći održati onako kako su ga organizatori zamislili. Tim od dvjesto ljudi danonoćno je radio na izgradnji osnovne infrastrukture sve do samog dana održavanja, a organizatori nisu bili iskreni prema posjetiteljima, cenzurirajući svaku kritiku, izraz zabrinutosti ili negativan komentar. Naposljetku, događaj se nije održao zbog manjka vremena za realizaciju ideje, a društvene mreže dokrajčile su imidž Fyre Festivala koji ga je upravo tim putem na početku i izgradio. Organizing events is a complex process that connects different branches and industries. In modern times an important part of this activity is the construction and promotion of identity on social networks. Among the many music festivals, Fyre Festival stood out as a unique case. It’s the idea that came to life thanks to a carefully designed promotional campaign and an attractive virtual identity, but due to the absence of other important segments of event organization and the absence of a crisis plan, it never took place. His destiny is an example of the power of a good marketing strategy, but also proof that it is necessary to be prepared for a possible crisis. After creating an identity on social media with the help of mega influencers and celebrities, marketing was the only successful segment of the event, while everything else indicated that the festival would not be able to take place as the organizers envisioned. A team of two hundred people worked day and night to build the basic infrastructure until the day of the event, but the organizers were not honest with the visitors, censoring any criticism, expressions of concern, or negative comments. In the end, the event did not take place due to a lack of time and money to realize the idea. Social networks ended the image of the Fyre Festival, which was built that way in the first place.
- Published
- 2020
49. An Analysis of PR Strategy and Crisis Communication: The Case of Fyre Festival
- Author
Senjak, Antonija, Bebić, Domagoj, Grbeša-Zenzerović, Marijana, and Jakopović, Hrvoje
- Subjects
organizacija događaja ,social networks ,glazbeni festival ,public relations strategy ,Fyre Festival ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences. Journalism ,event organization ,music festival ,influencer marketing ,krizno komuniciranje ,strategije odnosa s javnošću ,Instagram ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti. Novinarstvo ,društvene mreže ,crisis communication - Abstract
Organiziranje događaja složen je proces koji spaja različite grane i industrije, a u suvremenom dobu važan dio te aktivnosti čine izgradnja i promocija identiteta na društvenim mrežama. Među brojnim glazbenim festivalima Fyre Festival izdvojio se kao jedinstven slučaj. Njegova ideja zaživjela je zahvaljujući pomno osmišljenoj promotivnoj kampanji i atraktivnom virtualnom identitetu, no zbog izostanka drugih važnih segmenata organizacije događaja i nepostojanja kriznog plana, nije se održao. Njegova sudbina primjer je moći dobre marketinške strategije, ali i dokaz da je prilikom organizacije događaja neophodno biti pripremljen za moguću krizu. Nakon je stvorio identitet na društvenim mrežama uz pomoć mega influencera i slavnih osoba, jedini uspješan segment cijelog događaja bio je onaj marketinški, dok je sve ostalo ukazivalo na to da se festival neće moći održati onako kako su ga organizatori zamislili. Tim od dvjesto ljudi danonoćno je radio na izgradnji osnovne infrastrukture sve do samog dana održavanja, a organizatori nisu bili iskreni prema posjetiteljima, cenzurirajući svaku kritiku, izraz zabrinutosti ili negativan komentar. Naposljetku, događaj se nije održao zbog manjka vremena za realizaciju ideje, a društvene mreže dokrajčile su imidž Fyre Festivala koji ga je upravo tim putem na početku i izgradio., Organizing events is a complex process that connects different branches and industries. In modern times an important part of this activity is the construction and promotion of identity on social networks. Among the many music festivals, Fyre Festival stood out as a unique case. It’s the idea that came to life thanks to a carefully designed promotional campaign and an attractive virtual identity, but due to the absence of other important segments of event organization and the absence of a crisis plan, it never took place. His destiny is an example of the power of a good marketing strategy, but also proof that it is necessary to be prepared for a possible crisis. After creating an identity on social media with the help of mega influencers and celebrities, marketing was the only successful segment of the event, while everything else indicated that the festival would not be able to take place as the organizers envisioned. A team of two hundred people worked day and night to build the basic infrastructure until the day of the event, but the organizers were not honest with the visitors, censoring any criticism, expressions of concern, or negative comments. In the end, the event did not take place due to a lack of time and money to realize the idea. Social networks ended the image of the Fyre Festival, which was built that way in the first place.
- Published
- 2020
50. Krizno komuniciranje v zdravstvu: primer koronavirusa v javni zdravstveni ustanovi
- Author
Molek, Luka and Verčič, Dejan
- Subjects
zdravstveno komuniciranje ,crisis ,interno komuniciranje ,krizno komuniciranje ,koronavirus ,udc:005:614(043.2) ,kriza ,coronavirus ,internal communication ,health communication ,crisis communication - Abstract
Organizacije in družba se vsakodnevno srečujejo z različnimi dogodki, med katerimi so tudi krize. Pri delovanju organizacij je pomembno poznavanje kriz in njihovo obvladovanje. Za uspešno reševanje kriz je tako pomembno komuniciranje z različnimi deležniki. Velik izziv pa predstavlja reševanje zdravstvenih kriz, saj obsega vsesplošno vpetost zdravstvenih organizacij. Tudi sam bom preučil primer krize koronavirusa v javni zdravstveni ustanovi. V prvem delu bom opredelil ključne pojme kriznega, zdravstvenega in internega komuniciranja ter jih povezal. Prav tako se bom osredotočil na različna komunikacijska orodja in njihovo funkcijo. V drugem delu bom pregledal komunikacijska orodja in njihovo uporabo na primeru krize koronavirusa v javni zdravstveni ustanovi. V sklepnem delu pa bom predstavil ugotovitve, ki jih bom pridobil in podal predloge za izboljšave. Organizations and society face various events on a daily basis, including crises. Knowledge of crises and their management is important in the operation of organizations. Communication with various stakeholders is thus important for successful crisis resolution. Resolving health crises is a major challenge, as it involves the general involvement of health organizations. And I myself will examine the case of the coronavirus crisis in a public health facility. In the first part, I will define the key concepts of crisis, health and internal communication, and connect them. I will also focus on different communication tools and their function. In the second part, I will review communication tools and their use in the event of a coronavirus crisis in a public health facility. In the concluding part, I will present the findings that I will obtain and make suggestions for improvements.
- Published
- 2020
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