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Crisis communication in the context of public health crisis

Authors :
Marinček, Lucija Nataša
Verčič, Dejan
Publication Year :
Publisher :
L. N. Marinček, 2021.


Za uspešno reševanje javnozdravstvene krize je treba med posamezniki doseči izvajanje želenega (samo)zaščitnega odziva. Teorija pravi, da ima pri tem ključno vlogo posameznikova zaznana učinkovitost. H grajenju zaznane učinkovitosti pomembno prispeva komuniciranje upravljavcev krize. Njihova sporočila morajo biti sestavljena iz informacij, ki spodbujajo zmožnost izvajanja priporočenega odziva (samoučinkovitost), in iz trditev, ki sporočajo, da ta odziv deluje (učinkovitost odziva). Diplomsko delo preučuje krizno komuniciranje ključnih akterjev na področju javnozdravstvene krize, ki jo je povzročila epidemija covida-19 v Sloveniji – Vlade Republike Slovenije, Ministrstva za zdravje in Nacionalnega inštituta za javno zdravje –, na družbenem omrežju Facebook. Glede na pomen in aktualnost tematike ter pomanjkanje obstoječih raziskav je poglavitni cilj diplomskega dela odgovoriti na raziskovalno vprašanje, kolikšen delež Facebook objav omenjenih akterjev komunicira učinkovitost in njeni dimenziji – samoučinkovitost in učinkovitost odziva – ter kako. S tem namenom je bila izvedena kvalitativna analiza vsebine 232 Facebook objav v izbranem časovnem obdobju, podatki pa so bili tudi kvantificirani. Rezultati kažejo na široko prisotnost sporočil o učinkovitosti med preučevanimi akterji in izpostavijo razkorak v zastopanosti njenih dimenzij: medtem ko je komuniciranje samoučinkovitosti visoko prisotno, se komuniciranje učinkovitosti odziva v splošnem izkaže za pomanjkljivo. Ugotovitve študije prinašajo vpogled v pomemben vidik kriznega komuniciranja znotraj javnozdravstvene krize in lahko služijo kot eno izmed izhodišč za komunikacijske izboljšave v morebitnih prihodnjih podobnih krizah. In order to successfully resolve a public health crisis, it is necessary to achieve the implementation of the desired (self-)protective response among individuals. Based on theory, what plays a crucial role in this, is individual's perceived efficacy. Crisis managers' communication can contribute significantly to building perceived efficacy. Their messages should consist of information that promotes the ability to perform the recommended response (self-efficacy) and of claims that the response will work (response efficacy). The thesis examines crisis communication of the key actors who managed the public health crisis caused by the covid-19 epidemic in Slovenia – the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Health and the National Institute of Public Health –, on the social network Facebook. Given the importance and relevance of the topic and the lack of existing research, the main goal of the thesis is to answer the research question, to what extent the mentioned actors' Facebook posts communicate efficacy and its two dimensions – self-efficacy and response efficacy – and how. To this end, a qualitative content analysis of 232 Facebook posts in the selected time period was conducted and the data were quantified as well. The results show a wide presence of efficacy messages among the studied actors and highlight the gap in the representation of its dimensions: while self-efficacy is widely communicated, communication of response efficacy generally proves to be insufficient. The findings of the study provide insight into an important aspect of crisis communication within the public health crisis and can serve as one of the starting points for communication improvements in potential future similar crises.


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