92 results on '"Mesnager, Sihem"'
Search Results
2. The Differential and Boomerang Properties of a Class of Binomials
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem and Wu, Huawei
- Subjects
Mathematics - Number Theory ,Computer Science - Cryptography and Security ,Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Let $q$ be an odd prime power with $q\equiv 3\ ({\rm{mod}}\ 4)$. In this paper, we study the differential and boomerang properties of the function $F_{2,u}(x)=x^2\big(1+u\eta(x)\big)$ over $\mathbb{F}_{q}$, where $u\in\mathbb{F}_{q}^*$ and $\eta$ is the quadratic character of $\mathbb{F}_{q}$. We determine the differential uniformity of $F_{2,u}$ for any $u\in\mathbb{F}_{q}^*$ and determine the differential spectra and boomerang uniformity of the locally-APN functions $F_{2,\pm 1}$, thereby disproving a conjecture proposed in \cite{budaghyan2024arithmetization} which states that there exist infinitely many $q$ and $u$ such that $F_{2,u}$ is an APN function.
- Published
- 2024
3. A new class of S-boxes with optimal Feistel boomerang uniformity
- Author
Lu, Yuxuan, Mesnager, Sihem, Li, Nian, Wang, Lisha, and Zeng, Xiangyong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
The Feistel Boomerang Connectivity Table ($\rm{FBCT}$), which is the Feistel version of the Boomerang Connectivity Table ($\rm{BCT}$), plays a vital role in analyzing block ciphers' ability to withstand strong attacks, such as boomerang attacks. However, as of now, only four classes of power functions are known to have explicit values for all entries in their $\rm{FBCT}$. In this paper, we focus on studying the FBCT of the power function $F(x)=x^{2^{n-2}-1}$ over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$, where $n$ is a positive integer. Through certain refined manipulations to solve specific equations over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ and employing binary Kloosterman sums, we determine explicit values for all entries in the $\rm{FBCT}$ of $F(x)$ and further analyze its Feistel boomerang spectrum. Finally, we demonstrate that this power function exhibits the lowest Feistel boomerang uniformity.
- Published
- 2024
4. An in-depth study of the power function $x^{q+2}$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$: the differential, boomerang, and Walsh spectra, with an application to coding theory
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem and Wu, Huawei
- Subjects
Computer Science - Cryptography and Security ,Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Number Theory - Abstract
Let $q = p^m$, where $p$ is an odd prime number and $m$ is a positive integer. In this paper, we examine the finite field $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$, which consists of $q^2$ elements. We first present an alternative method to determine the differential spectrum of the power function $f(x) = x^{q+2}$ on $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$, incorporating several key simplifications. This methodology provides a new proof of the results established by Man, Xia, Li, and Helleseth in Finite Fields and Their Applications 84 (2022), 102100, which not only completely determine the differential spectrum of $f$ but also facilitate the analysis of its boomerang uniformity. Specifically, we determine the boomerang uniformity of $f$ for the cases where $q \equiv 1$ or $3$ (mod $6$), with the exception of the scenario where $p = 5$ and $m$ is even. Furthermore, for $p = 3$, we investigate the value distribution of the Walsh spectrum of $f$, demonstrating that it takes on only four distinct values. Using this result, we derive the weight distribution of a ternary cyclic code with four Hamming weights. The article integrates refined mathematical techniques from algebraic number theory and the theory of finite fields, employing several ingredients, such as exponential sums, to explore the cryptographic analysis of functions over finite fields. They can be used to explore the differential/boomerang uniformity across a wider range of functions.
- Published
- 2024
5. On Linear Complementary Pairs of Algebraic Geometry Codes over Finite Fields
- Author
Bhowmick, Sanjit, Dalai, Deepak Kumar, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Linear complementary dual (LCD) codes and linear complementary pairs (LCP) of codes have been proposed for new applications as countermeasures against side-channel attacks (SCA) and fault injection attacks (FIA) in the context of direct sum masking (DSM). The countermeasure against FIA may lead to a vulnerability for SCA when the whole algorithm needs to be masked (in environments like smart cards). This led to a variant of the LCD and LCP problems, where several results have been obtained intensively for LCD codes, but only partial results have been derived for LCP codes. Given the gap between the thin results and their particular importance, this paper aims to reduce this by further studying the LCP of codes in special code families and, precisely, the characterisation and construction mechanism of LCP codes of algebraic geometry codes over finite fields. Notably, we propose constructing explicit LCP of codes from elliptic curves. Besides, we also study the security parameters of the derived LCP of codes $(\mathcal{C}, \mathcal{D})$ (notably for cyclic codes), which are given by the minimum distances $d(\mathcal{C})$ and $d(\mathcal{D}^\perp)$. Further, we show that for LCP algebraic geometry codes $(\mathcal{C},\mathcal{D})$, the dual code $\mathcal{C}^\perp$ is equivalent to $\mathcal{D}$ under some specific conditions we exhibit. Finally, we investigate whether MDS LCP of algebraic geometry codes exist (MDS codes are among the most important in coding theory due to their theoretical significance and practical interests). Construction schemes for obtaining LCD codes from any algebraic curve were given in 2018 by Mesnager, Tang and Qi in [``Complementary dual algebraic geometry codes", IEEE Trans. Inform Theory, vol. 64(4), 2390--3297, 2018]. To our knowledge, it is the first time LCP of algebraic geometry codes has been studied.
- Published
- 2023
6. In-depth analysis of S-boxes over binary finite fields concerning their differential and Feistel boomerang differential uniformities
- Author
Man, Yuying, Mesnager, Sihem, Li, Nian, Zeng, Xiangyong, and Tang, Xiaohu
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Substitution boxes (S-boxes) play a significant role in ensuring the resistance of block ciphers against various attacks. The Difference Distribution Table (DDT), the Feistel Boomerang Connectivity Table (FBCT), the Feistel Boomerang Difference Table (FBDT) and the Feistel Boomerang Extended Table (FBET) of a given S-box are crucial tools to analyze its security concerning specific attacks. However, the results on them are rare. In this paper, we investigate the properties of the power function $F(x):=x^{2^{m+1}-1}$ over the finite field $\gf_{2^n}$ of order $2^n$ where $n=2m$ or $n=2m+1$ ($m$ stands for a positive integer). As a consequence, by carrying out certain finer manipulations of solving specific equations over $\gf_{2^n}$, we give explicit values of all entries of the DDT, the FBCT, the FBDT and the FBET of the investigated power functions. From the theoretical point of view, our study pushes further former investigations on differential and Feistel boomerang differential uniformities for a novel power function $F$. From a cryptographic point of view, when considering Feistel block cipher involving $F$, our in-depth analysis helps select $F$ resistant to differential attacks, Feistel differential attacks and Feistel boomerang attacks, respectively.
- Published
- 2023
7. Constructions of Constant Dimension Subspace Codes
- Author
Li, Yun, Liu, Hongwei, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Combinatorics - Abstract
Subspace codes have important applications in random network coding. It is interesting to construct subspace codes with both sizes, and the minimum distances are as large as possible. In particular, cyclic constant dimension subspaces codes have additional properties which can be used to make encoding and decoding more efficient. In this paper, we construct large cyclic constant dimension subspace codes with minimum distances $2k-2$ and $2k$. These codes are contained in $\mathcal{G}_q(n, k)$, where $\mathcal{G}_q(n, k)$ denotes the set of all $k$-dimensional subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_{q^n}$. Consequently, some results in \cite{FW}, \cite{NXG}, and \cite{ZT} are extended., Comment: This article was submitted to Designs, Codes and Cryptography on November 22nd, 2022
- Published
- 2023
8. On the Boomerang Spectrum of Power Permutation $X^{2^{3n}+2^{2n}+2^{n}-1}$ over $\GF{2^{4n}}$ and Extraction of Optimal Uniformity Boomerang Functions
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho, Mesnager, Sihem, and Kim, Ye Bong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Number Theory - Abstract
A substitution box (S-box) in a symmetric primitive is a mapping $F$ that takes $k$ binary inputs and whose image is a binary $m$-tuple for some positive integers $k$ and $m$, which is usually the only nonlinear element of the most modern block ciphers. Therefore, employing S-boxes with good cryptographic properties to resist various attacks is significant. For power permutation $F$ over finite field $\GF{2^k}$, the multiset of values $\beta_F(1,b)=\#\{x\in \GF{2^k}\mid F^{-1}(F(x)+b)+F^{-1}(F(x+1)+b)=1\}$ for $b\in \GF{2^k}$ is called the boomerang spectrum of $F$. The maximum value in the boomerang spectrum is called boomerang uniformity. This paper determines the boomerang spectrum of the power permutation $X^{2^{3n}+2^{2n}+2^{n}-1}$ over $\GF{2^{4n}}$. The boomerang uniformity of that power permutation is $3(2^{2n}-2^n)$. However, on a large subset $\{b\in \GF{2^{4n}}\mid \mathbf{Tr}_n^{4n}(b)\neq 0\}$ of $\GF{2^{4n}}$ of cardinality $2^{4n}-2^{3n}$ (where $ \mathbf{Tr}_n^{4n}$ is the (relative) trace function from $\GF{2^{4n}}$ to $\GF{2^{n}}$), we prove that the studied function $F$ achieves the optimal boomerang uniformity $2$. It is known that obtaining such functions is a challenging problem. More importantly, the set of $b$'s giving this value is explicitly determined for any value in the boomerang spectrum.
- Published
- 2023
9. Solving $X^{2^{2k}+2^{k}+1}+(X+1)^{2^{2k}+2^{k}+1}=b$ over $\GF{2^{4k}}$
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho, Mesnager, Sihem, and Kim, Chung Hyok
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Number Theory - Abstract
Let $F(X)=X^{2^{2k}+2^k+1}$ be the power function over the finite field $\GF{2^{4k}}$ which is known as the Bracken-Leander function. In \cite{BCC10,BL10,CV20,Fu22,XY17}, it was proved that the number of solutions in $\GF{q^4}$ to the equation $F(X)+F(X+1)=b$ is in $\{0,2,4\}$ for any $b\in \GF{q^4}$ and the number of the $b$ giving $i$ solutions have been determined for every $i$. However, no paper provided a direct and complete method to solve such an equation, and this problem remained open. This article presents a direct technique to derive an explicit solution to that equation. The main result in \cite{BCC10,BL10,Fu22,XY17}, determining differential spectrum of $F(X)=X^{2^{2k}+2^k+1}$ over $\GF{2^{4k}}$, is re-derived simply from our results.
- Published
- 2023
10. On differential properties of a class of Niho-type power function
- Author
Wang, Zhexin, Mesnager, Sihem, Li, Nian, and Zeng, Xiangyong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
This paper deals with Niho functions which are one of the most important classes of functions thanks to their close connections with a wide variety of objects from mathematics, such as spreads and oval polynomials or from applied areas, such as symmetric cryptography, coding theory and sequences. In this paper, we investigate specifically the $c$-differential uniformity of the power function $F(x)=x^{s(2^m-1)+1}$ over the finite field $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$, where $n=2m$, $m$ is odd and $s=(2^k+1)^{-1}$ is the multiplicative inverse of $2^k+1$ modulo $2^m+1$, and show that the $c$-differential uniformity of $F(x)$ is $2^{\gcd(k,m)}+1$ by carrying out some subtle manipulation of certain equations over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$. Notably, $F(x)$ has a very low $c$-differential uniformity equals $3$ when $k$ and $m$ are coprime.
- Published
- 2023
11. Characterizations of a Class of Planar Functions over Finite Fields
- Author
Chen, Ruikai and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Mathematics - Number Theory ,Computer Science - Information Theory ,11T06, 12E10, 51E15 - Abstract
Planar functions, introduced by Dembowski and Ostrom, have attracted much attention in the last decade. As shown in this paper, we present a new class of planar functions of the form $\operatorname{Tr}(ax^{q+1})+\ell(x^2)$ on an extension of the finite field $\mathbb F_{q^n}/\mathbb F_q$. Specifically, we investigate those functions on $\mathbb F_{q^2}/\mathbb F_q$ and construct several typical kinds of planar functions. We also completely characterize them on $\mathbb F_{q^3}/\mathbb F_q$. When the degree of extension is higher, it will be proved that such planar functions do not exist given certain conditions.
- Published
- 2023
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12. Trinomial Planar Functions on Cubic and Quartic Extensions of Finite Fields
- Author
Chen, Ruikai and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Mathematics - Number Theory ,Computer Science - Information Theory ,11R32, 12E10, 11G20, 11R11, 11R16, 11T06, 12E10, 51E15 - Abstract
Planar functions, introduced by Dembowski and Ostrom, are functions from a finite field to itself that give rise to finite projective planes. They exist, however, only for finite fields of odd characteristics. They have attracted much attention in the last decade thanks to their interest in theory and those deep and various applications in many fields. This paper focuses on planar trinomials over cubic and quartic extensions of finite fields. Our achievements are obtained using connections with quadratic forms and classical algebraic tools over finite fields. Furthermore, given the generality of our approach, the methodology presented could be employed to drive more planar functions on some finite extension fields.
- Published
- 2023
13. Subfield Codes of Several Few-Weight Linear Codes Parametrized by Functions and Their Consequences
- Author
Xu, Li, Fan, Cuiling, Mesnager, Sihem, Luo, Rong, and Yan, Haode
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Subfield codes of linear codes over finite fields have recently received much attention. Some of these codes are optimal and have applications in secrete sharing, authentication codes and association schemes. In this paper, the $q$-ary subfield codes $C_{f,g}^{(q)}$ of six different families of linear codes $C_{f,g}$ parametrized by two functions $f, g$ over a finite field $F_{q^m}$ are considered and studied, respectively. The parameters and (Hamming) weight distribution of $C_{f,g}^{(q)}$ and their punctured codes $\bar{C}_{f,g}^{(q)}$ are explicitly determined. The parameters of the duals of these codes are also analyzed. Some of the resultant $q$-ary codes $C_{f,g}^{(q)},$ $\bar{C}_{f,g}^{(q)}$ and their dual codes are optimal and some have the best known parameters. The parameters and weight enumerators of the first two families of linear codes $C_{f,g}$ are also settled, among which the first family is an optimal two-weight linear code meeting the Griesmer bound, and the dual codes of these two families are almost MDS codes. As a byproduct of this paper, a family of $[2^{4m-2},2m+1,2^{4m-3}]$ quaternary Hermitian self-dual code are obtained with $m \geq 2$. As an application, we show that three families of the derived linear codes give rise to several infinite families of $t$-designs ($t \in \{2, 3\}$)., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1804.06003, arXiv:2207.07262 by other authors
- Published
- 2022
14. Cyclic codes from low differentially uniform functions
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Shi, Minjia, and Zhu, Hongwei
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,94 B15, 94 B05, 94 A55, 11B83 - Abstract
Cyclic codes have many applications in consumer electronics, communication and data storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. An efficient approach to constructing cyclic codes is the sequence approach. In their articles [Discrete Math. 321, 2014] and [SIAM J. Discrete Math. 27(4), 2013], Ding and Zhou constructed several classes of cyclic codes from almost perfect nonlinear (APN) functions and planar functions over finite fields and presented some open problems on cyclic codes from highly nonlinear functions. This article focuses on these exciting works by investigating new insights in this research direction. Specifically, its objective is twofold. The first is to provide a complement with some former results and present correct proofs and statements on some known ones on the cyclic codes from the APN functions. The second is studying the cyclic codes from some known functions processing low differential uniformity. Along with this article, we shall provide answers to some open problems presented in the literature. The first one concerns Open Problem 1, proposed by Ding and Zhou in Discrete Math. 321, 2014. The two others are Open Problems 5.16 and 5.25, raised by Ding in [SIAM J. Discrete Math. 27(4), 2013].
- Published
- 2022
15. On the differential spectrum of a class of APN power functions over odd characteristic finite fields and their $c$-differential properties
- Author
Yan, Haode, Mesnager, Sihem, and Tan, Xiantong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Only three classes of Almost Perfect Nonlinear (for short, APN) power functions over odd characteristic finite fields have been investigated in the literature, and their differential spectra were determined. The differential uniformity of the power function $F(x)=x^{\frac{p^{n}-3}{2}}$ over the finite field $F_{p^n}$ of order $p^n$ (where $p$ is an odd prime), was studied by Helleseth and Sandberg in 1997, where $p^n\equiv3\pmod{4}$ is an odd prime power with $p^n>7$. It was shown that $F$ is PN when $p^n=27$, APN when $5$ is a nonsquare in $F_{p^n}$, and differentially $3$-uniform when $5$ is a square in $F_{p^n}$. In this paper, by investigating some equation systems and certain character sums over $F_{p^n}$, the differential spectrum of $F$ is completely determined. We focusing on the power functions $x^d$ with even $d$ over $F_{p^n}$ ($p$ odd), the power functions $F$ we consider are APN which are of the lowest differential uniformity and the nontrivial differential spectrum. Moreover, we examine the extension of the so-called $c$-differential uniformity by investigating the $c$-differential properties of $F$. Specifically, an upper bound of the $c$-differential uniformity of $F$ is given, and its $c$-differential spectrum is considered in the case where $c=-1$. Finally, we emphasize that, throughout our study of the differential spectrum of the considered power functions, we provide methods for evaluating sums of specific characters with connections to elliptic curves and for determining the number of solutions of specific systems of equations over finite fields., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.09822
- Published
- 2022
16. Two low differentially uniform power permutations over odd characteristic finite fields: APN and differentially $4$-uniform functions
- Author
Yan, Haode, Mesnager, Sihem, and Tan, Xiantong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Permutation polynomials over finite fields are fundamental objects as they are used in various theoretical and practical applications in cryptography, coding theory, combinatorial design, and related topics. This family of polynomials constitutes an active research area in which advances are being made constantly. In particular, constructing infinite classes of permutation polynomials over finite fields with good differential properties (namely, low) remains an exciting problem despite much research in this direction for many years. This article exhibits low differentially uniform power permutations over finite fields of odd characteristic. Specifically, its objective is twofold concerning the power functions $F(x)=x^{\frac{p^n+3}{2}}$ defined over the finite field $F_{p^n}$ of order $p^n$, where $p$ is an odd prime, and $n$ is a positive integer. The first is to complement some former results initiated by Helleseth and Sandberg in \cite{HS} by solving the open problem left open for more than twenty years concerning the determination of the differential spectrum of $F$ when $p^n\equiv3\pmod 4$ and $p\neq 3$. The second is to determine the exact value of its differential uniformity. Our achievements are obtained firstly by evaluating some exponential sums over $F_{p^n}$ (which amounts to evaluating the number of $F_{p^n}$-rational points on some related curves and secondly by computing the number of solutions in $(F_{p^n})^4$ of a system of equations presented by Helleseth, Rong, and Sandberg in ["New families of almost perfect nonlinear power mappings," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 45. no. 2, 1999], naturally appears while determining the differential spectrum of $F$. We show that in the considered case ($p^n\equiv3\pmod 4$ and $p\neq 3$), $F$ is an APN power permutation when $p^n=11$, and a differentially $4$-uniform power permutation otherwise.
- Published
- 2022
17. On the Niho type locally-APN power functions and their boomerang spectrum
- Author
Xie, Xi, Mesnager, Sihem, Li, Nian, He, Debiao, and Zeng, Xiangyong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
In this article, we focus on the concept of locally-APN-ness (``APN" is the abbreviation of the well-known notion of Almost Perfect Nonlinear) introduced by Blondeau, Canteaut, and Charpin, which makes the corpus of S-boxes somehow larger regarding their differential uniformity and, therefore, possibly, more suitable candidates against the differential attack (or their variants). Specifically, given two coprime positive integers $m$ and $k$ such that $\gcd(2^m+1,2^k+1)=1$, we investigate the locally-APN-ness property of an infinite family of Niho type power functions in the form $F(x)=x^{s(2^m-1)+1}$ over the finite field ${\mathbb F}_{2^{2m}}$ for $s=(2^k+1)^{-1}$, where $(2^k+1)^{-1}$ denotes the multiplicative inverse modulo $2^m+1$. By employing finer studies of the number of solutions of certain equations over finite fields (with even characteristic) as well as some subtle manipulations of solving some equations, we prove that $F(x)$ is locally APN and determine its differential spectrum. It is worth noting that computer experiments show that this class of locally-APN power functions covers all Niho type locally-APN power functions for $2\leq m\leq10$. In addition, we also determine the boomerang spectrum of $F(x)$ by using its differential spectrum, which particularly generalizes a recent result by Yan, Zhang, and Li.
- Published
- 2022
18. Solving $X^{2^{3n}+2^{2n}+2^{n}-1}+(X+1)^{2^{3n}+2^{2n}+2^{n}-1}=b$ in $GF{2^{4n}}$
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
This article determines all the solutions in the finite field $GF{2^{4n}}$ of the equation $x^{2^{3n}+2^{2n}+2^{n}-1}+(x+1)^{2^{3n}+2^{2n}+2^{n}-1}=b$. Specifically, we explicitly determine the set of $b$'s for which the equation has $i$ solutions for any positive integer $i$. Such sets, which depend on the number of solutions $i$, are given explicitly and expressed nicely, employing the absolute trace function over $GF{2^{n}}$, the norm function over $GF{2^{4n}}$ relatively to $GF{2^{n}}$ and the set of $2^n+1$st roots of unity in $GF{2^{4n}}$. The equation considered in this paper comes from an article by Budaghyan et al. \cite{BCCDK20}. As an immediate consequence of our results, we prove that the above equation has $2^{2n}$ solutions for one value of $b$, $2^{2n}-2^n$ solutions for $2^n$ values of $b$ in $GF{2^{4n}}$ and has at most two solutions for all remaining points $b$, leading to complete proof of the conjecture raised by Budaghyan et al. We highlight that the recent work of Li et al., in \cite{Li-et-al-2020} gives the complete differential spectrum of $F$ and also gives an affirmative answer to the conjecture of Budaghyan et al. However, we emphasize that our approach is interesting and promising by being different from Li et al. Indeed, on the opposite to their article, our technique allows determine ultimately the set of $b$'s for which the considered equation has solutions as well as the solutions of the equation for any $b$ in $GF{2^{4n}}$.
- Published
- 2022
19. Optimal quaternary $(r,\delta)$-Locally Recoverable Codes: Their Structures and Complete Classification
- Author
Xu, Li, Zhou, Zhengchun, Zhang, Jun, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Aiming to recover the data from several concurrent node failures, linear $r$-LRC codes with locality $r$ were extended into $(r, \delta)$-LRC codes with locality $(r, \delta)$ which can enable the local recovery of a failed node in case of more than one node failure. Optimal LRC codes are those whose parameters achieve the generalized Singleton bound with equality. In the present paper, we are interested in studying optimal LRC codes over small fields and, more precisely, over $\mathbb{F}_4$. We shall adopt an approach by investigating optimal quaternary $(r,\delta)$-LRC codes through their parity-check matrices. Our study includes determining the structural properties of optimal $(r,\delta)$-LRC codes, their constructions, and their complete classification over $\F_4$ by browsing all possible parameters. We emphasize that the precise structure of optimal quaternary $(r,\delta)$-LRC codes and their classification are obtained via the parity-check matrix approach use proofs-techniques different from those used recently for optimal binary and ternary $(r,\delta)$-LRC codes obtained by Hao et al. in [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 2020, 66(12): 7465-7474].
- Published
- 2021
20. On Infinite Families of Narrow-Sense Antiprimitive BCH Codes Admitting 3-Transitive Automorphism Groups and their Consequences
- Author
Liu, Qi, Ding, Cunsheng, Mesnager, Sihem, Tang, Chunming, and Tonchev, Vladimir D.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
The Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes are a well-studied subclass of cyclic codes that have found numerous applications in error correction and notably in quantum information processing. A subclass of attractive BCH codes is the narrow-sense BCH codes over the Galois field $\mathrm{GF}(q)$ with length $q+1$, which are closely related to the action of the projective general linear group of degree two on the projective line. This paper aims to study some of the codes within this class and specifically narrow-sense antiprimitive BCH codes (these codes are also linear complementary duals (LCD) codes that have interesting practical recent applications in cryptography, among other benefits). We shall use tools and combine arguments from algebraic coding theory, combinatorial designs, and group theory (group actions, representation theory of finite groups, etc.) to investigate narrow-sense antiprimitive BCH Codes and extend results from the recent literature. Notably, the dimension, the minimum distance of some $q$-ary BCH codes with length $q+1$, and their duals are determined in this paper. The dual codes of the narrow-sense antiprimitive BCH codes derived in this paper include almost MDS codes. Furthermore, the classification of $\mathrm{PGL} (2, p^m)$-invariant codes over $\mathrm{GF} (p^h)$ is completed. As an application of this result, the $p$-ranks of all incidence structures invariant under the projective general linear group $\mathrm{ PGL }(2, p^m)$ are determined. Furthermore, infinite families of narrow-sense BCH codes admitting a $3$-transitive automorphism group are obtained. Via these BCH codes, a coding-theory approach to constructing the Witt spherical geometry designs is presented. The BCH codes proposed in this paper are good candidates for permutation decoding, as they have a relatively large group of automorphisms., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2010.09448
- Published
- 2021
21. Constructions of Binary Cross Z-Complementary Pairs With Large CZC Ratio
- Author
Zhang, Hui, Fan, Cuiling, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Cross Z-complementary pairs (CZCPs) are a special kind of Z-complementary pairs (ZCPs) having zero autocorrelation sums around the in-phase position and end-shift position, also having zero cross-correlation sums around the end-shift position. It can be utilized as a key component in designing optimal training sequences for broadband spatial modulation (SM) systems over frequency selective channels. In this paper, we focus on designing new CZCPs with large cross Z-complementary ratio $(\mathrm{CZC}_{\mathrm{ratio}})$ by exploring two promising approaches. The first one of CZCPs via properly cascading sequences from a Golay complementary pair (GCP). The proposed construction leads to $(28L,13L)-\mathrm{CZCPs}$, $(28L,13L+\frac{L}{2})-\mathrm{CZCPs}$ and $(30L,13L-1)-\mathrm{CZCPs}$, where $L$ is the length of a binary GCP. Besides, we emphasize that, our proposed CZCPs have the largest $\mathrm{CZC}_{\mathrm{ratio}}=\frac{27}{28}$, compared with known CZCPs but no-perfect CZCPs in the literature. Specially, we proposed optimal binary CZCPs with $(28,13)-\mathrm{CZCP}$ and $(56,27)-\mathrm{CZCP}$. The second one of CZCPs based on Boolean functions (BFs), and the construction of CZCPs have the largest $\mathrm{CZC}_{\mathrm{ratio}}=\frac{13}{14}$, compared with known CZCPs but no-perfect CZCPs in the literature.
- Published
- 2021
22. New constructions of $q$-Ary 2-D Z-Complementary Array Pairs
- Author
Zhang, Hui, Fan, Cuiling, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
This paper is devoted to sequences and focuses on designing new two-dimensional (2-D) Z-complementary array pairs (ZCAPs) by exploring two promising approaches. A ZCAP is a pair of 2-D arrays, whose 2-D autocorrelation sum gives zero value at all time shifts in a zone around the $(0,0)$ time shift, except the $(0,0)$ time shift. The first approach investigated in this paper uses a one-dimensional (1-D) Z-complementary pair (ZCP), which is an extension of the 1-D Golay complementary pair (GCP) where the autocorrelations of constituent sequences are complementary within a zero correlation zone (ZCZ). The second approach involves directly generalized Boolean functions (which are important components with many applications, particularly in (symmetric) cryptography). Along with this paper, new construction of 2-D ZCAPs is proposed based on 1-D ZCP, and direct construction of 2-D ZCAPs is also offered directly by 2-D generalized Boolean functions. Compared to existing constructions based on generalized Boolean functions, our proposed construction covers all of them. ZCZ sequences are a class of spreading sequences having ideal auto-correlation and cross-correlation in a zone around the origin. In recent years, they have been extensively studied due to their crucial applications, particularly in quasi-synchronous code division multiple access systems. Our proposed 2-D ZCAPs based on 2-D generalized Boolean functions have larger 2-D $\mathrm{ZCZ}_{\mathrm{ratio}}=\frac{6}{7}$. Compared to the construction based on ZCPs, our proposed 2-D ZCAPs also have the largest 2-D $\mathrm{ZCZ}_{\mathrm{ratio}}$.
- Published
- 2021
23. A Function Field Approach Toward Good Polynomials for Further Results on Optimal LRC Codes
- Author
Chen, Ruikai and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,12E05, 11C08, 94B05 - Abstract
Because of the recent applications to distributed storage systems, researchers have introduced a new class of block codes, i.e., locally recoverable (LRC) codes. LRC codes can recover information from erasure(s) by accessing a small number of erasure-free code symbols and increasing the efficiency of repair processes in large-scale distributed storage systems. In this context, Tamo and Barg first gave a breakthrough by cleverly introducing a good polynomial notion. Constructing good polynomials for locally recoverable codes achieving Singleton-type bound (called optimal codes) is challenging and has attracted significant attention in recent years. This article aims to increase our knowledge of good polynomials for optimal LRC codes. Using tools from algebraic function fields and Galois theory, we continue investigating those polynomials and studying them by developing the Galois theoretical approach initiated by Micheli in 2019. Specifically, we push further the study of a crucial parameter $\mathcal G(f)$ (of a given polynomial $f$), which measures how much a polynomial is "good" in the sense of LRC codes. We provide some characterizations of polynomials with minimal Galois groups and prove some properties of finite fields where polynomials exist with a specific size of Galois groups. We also present some explicit shapes of polynomials with small Galois groups. For some particular polynomials $f$, we give the exact formula of $\mathcal G(f)$.
- Published
- 2021
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24. Complete solution over $\GF{p^n}$ of the equation $X^{p^k+1}+X+a=0$
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho, Choe, Jong Hyok, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,12E05, 12E12, 12E10 - Abstract
The problem of solving explicitly the equation $P_a(X):=X^{q+1}+X+a=0$ over the finite field $\GF{Q}$, where $Q=p^n$, $q=p^k$ and $p$ is a prime, arises in many different contexts including finite geometry, the inverse Galois problem \cite{ACZ2000}, the construction of difference sets with Singer parameters \cite{DD2004}, determining cross-correlation between $m$-sequences \cite{DOBBERTIN2006} and to construct error correcting codes \cite{Bracken2009}, cryptographic APN functions \cite{BTT2014,Budaghyan-Carlet_2006}, designs \cite{Tang_2019}, as well as to speed up the index calculus method for computing discrete logarithms on finite fields \cite{GGGZ2013,GGGZ2013+} and on algebraic curves \cite{M2014}. Subsequently, in \cite{Bluher2004,HK2008,HK2010,BTT2014,Bluher2016,KM2019,CMPZ2019,MS2019,KCM19}, the $\GF{Q}$-zeros of $P_a(X)$ have been studied. In \cite{Bluher2004}, it was shown that the possible values of the number of the zeros that $P_a(X)$ has in $\GF{Q}$ is $0$, $1$, $2$ or $p^{\gcd(n, k)}+1$. Some criteria for the number of the $\GF{Q}$-zeros of $P_a(x)$ were found in \cite{HK2008,HK2010,BTT2014,KM2019,MS2019}. However, while the ultimate goal is to explicit all the $\GF{Q}$-zeros, even in the case $p=2$, it was solved only under the condition $\gcd(n, k)=1$ \cite{KM2019}. In this article, we discuss this equation without any restriction on $p$ and $\gcd(n,k)$. In \cite{KCM19}, for the cases of one or two $\GF{Q}$-zeros, explicit expressions for these rational zeros in terms of $a$ were provided, but for the case of $p^{\gcd(n, k)}+1$ $\GF{Q}-$ zeros it was remained open to explicitly compute the zeros. This paper solves the remained problem, thus now the equation $X^{p^k+1}+X+a=0$ over $\GF{p^n}$ is completely solved for any prime $p$, any integers $n$ and $k$., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1912.12648
- Published
- 2021
25. Preimages of $p-$Linearized Polynomials over $\GF{p}$
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho, Mesnager, Sihem, Choe, Jong Hyok, and Lee, Dok Nam
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Computer Science - Cryptography and Security ,11D04, 12E05, 12E12 - Abstract
Linearized polynomials over finite fields have been intensively studied over the last several decades. Interesting new applications of linearized polynomials to coding theory and finite geometry have been also highlighted in recent years. Let $p$ be any prime. Recently, preimages of the $p-$linearized polynomials $\sum_{i=0}^{\frac kl-1} X^{p^{li}}$ and $\sum_{i=0}^{\frac kl-1} (-1)^i X^{p^{li}}$ were explicitly computed over $\GF{p^n}$ for any $n$. This paper extends that study to $p-$linearized polynomials over $\GF{p}$, i.e., polynomials of the shape $$L(X)=\sum_{i=0}^t \alpha_i X^{p^i}, \alpha_i\in\GF{p}.$$ Given a $k$ such that $L(X)$ divides $X-X^{p^k}$, the preimages of $L(X)$ can be explicitly computed over $\GF{p^n}$ for any $n$.
- Published
- 2020
26. Investigations on $c$-(almost) perfect nonlinear functions
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Riera, Constanza, Stanica, Pantelimon, Yan, Haode, and Zhou, Zhengchun
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Number Theory ,06E30, 11T06, 94A60, 94D10 - Abstract
In a prior paper \cite{EFRST20}, two of us, along with P. Ellingsen, P. Felke and A. Tkachenko, 1defined a new (output) multiplicative differential, and the corresponding $c$-differential uniformity, which has the potential of extending differential cryptanalysis. Here, we continue the work, by looking at some APN functions through the mentioned concept and showing that their $c$-differential uniformity increases significantly, in some cases., Comment: 19 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2003.13019
- Published
- 2020
27. Fast algebraic immunity of Boolean functions and LCD codes
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem and Tang, Chunming
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Nowadays, the resistance against algebraic attacks and fast algebraic attacks are considered as an important cryptographic property for Boolean functions used in stream ciphers. Both attacks are very powerful analysis concepts and can be applied to symmetric cryptographic algorithms used in stream ciphers. The notion of algebraic immunity has received wide attention since it is a powerful tool to measure the resistance of a Boolean function to standard algebraic attacks. Nevertheless, an algebraic tool to handle the resistance to fast algebraic attacks is not clearly identified in the literature. In the current paper, we propose a new parameter to measure the resistance of a Boolean function to fast algebraic attack. We also introduce the notion of fast immunity profile and show that it informs both on the resistance to standard and fast algebraic attacks. Further, we evaluate our parameter for two secondary constructions of Boolean functions. Moreover, A coding-theory approach to the characterization of perfect algebraic immune functions is presented. Via this characterization, infinite families of binary linear complementary dual codes (or LCD codes for short) are obtained from perfect algebraic immune functions. The binary LCD codes presented in this paper have applications in armoring implementations against so-called side-channel attacks (SCA) and fault non-invasive attacks, in addition to their applications in communication and data storage systems.
- Published
- 2020
28. A Novel Application of Boolean Functions with High Algebraic Immunity in Minimal Codes
- Author
Chen, Hang, Ding, Cunsheng, Mesnager, Sihem, and Tang, Chunming
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity are important cryptographic primitives in some stream ciphers. In this paper, two methodologies for constructing binary minimal codes from sets, Boolean functions and vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity are proposed. More precisely, a general construction of new minimal codes using minimal codes contained in Reed-Muller codes and sets without nonzero low degree annihilators is presented. The other construction allows us to yield minimal codes from certain subcodes of Reed-Muller codes and vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity. Via these general constructions, infinite families of minimal binary linear codes of dimension $m$ and length less than or equal to $m(m+1)/2$ are obtained. In addition, a lower bound on the minimum distance of the proposed minimal linear codes is established. Conjectures and open problems are also presented. The results of this paper show that Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity have nice applications in several fields such as symmetric cryptography, coding theory and secret sharing schemes.
- Published
- 2020
29. Power Functions over Finite Fields with Low $c$-Differential Uniformity
- Author
Yan, Haode, Mesnager, Sihem, and Zhou, Zhengchun
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Very recently, a new concept called multiplicative differential (and the corresponding $c$-differential uniformity) was introduced by Ellingsen \textit{et al} in [C-differentials, multiplicative uniformity and (almost) perfect c-nonlinearity, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2020] which is motivated from practical differential cryptanalysis. Unlike classical perfect nonlinear functions, there are perfect $c$-nonlinear functions even for characteristic two. The objective of this paper is to study power function $F(x)=x^d$ over finite fields with low $c$-differential uniformity. Some power functions are shown to be perfect $c$-nonlinear or almost perfect $c$-nonlinear. Notably, we completely determine the $c$-differential uniformity of almost perfect nonlinear functions with the well-known Gold exponent. We also give an affirmative solution to a recent conjecture proposed by Bartoli and Timpanella in 2019 related to an exceptional quasi-planar power function.
- Published
- 2020
30. Solving Some Affine Equations over Finite Fields
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Kim, Kwang Ho, Choe, Jong Hyok, and Lee, Dok Nam
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Number Theory - Abstract
Let $l$ and $k$ be two integers such that $l|k$. Define $T_l^k(X):=X+X^{p^l}+\cdots+X^{p^{l(k/l-2)}}+X^{p^{l(k/l-1)}}$ and $S_l^k(X):=X-X^{p^l}+\cdots+(-1)^{(k/l-1)}X^{p^{l(k/l-1)}}$, where $p$ is any prime. This paper gives explicit representations of all solutions in $\GF{p^n}$ to the affine equations $T_l^{k}(X)=a$ and $S_l^{k}(X)=a$, $a\in \GF{p^n}$. For the case $p=2$ that was solved very recently in \cite{MKCL2019}, the result of this paper reveals another solution.
- Published
- 2020
31. A direct proof of APN-ness of the Kasami functions
- Author
Carlet, Claude, Kim, Kwang Ho, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Computer Science - Cryptography and Security - Abstract
Using recent results on solving the equation $X^{2^k+1}+X+a=0$ over a finite field $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$, we address an open question raised by the first author in WAIFI 2014 concerning the APN-ness of the Kasami functions $x\mapsto x^{2^{2k}-2^k+1}$ with $gcd(k,n)=1$, $x\in\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$.
- Published
- 2020
32. Solving $X^{q+1}+X+a=0$ over Finite Fields
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho, Choe, Junyop, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Solving the equation $P_a(X):=X^{q+1}+X+a=0$ over finite field $\GF{Q}$, where $Q=p^n, q=p^k$ and $p$ is a prime, arises in many different contexts including finite geometry, the inverse Galois problem \cite{ACZ2000}, the construction of difference sets with Singer parameters \cite{DD2004}, determining cross-correlation between $m$-sequences \cite{DOBBERTIN2006,HELLESETH2008} and to construct error-correcting codes \cite{Bracken2009}, as well as to speed up the index calculus method for computing discrete logarithms on finite fields \cite{GGGZ2013,GGGZ2013+} and on algebraic curves \cite{M2014}. Subsequently, in \cite{Bluher2004,HK2008,HK2010,BTT2014,Bluher2016,KM2019,CMPZ2019,MS2019}, the $\GF{Q}$-zeros of $P_a(X)$ have been studied: in \cite{Bluher2004} it was shown that the possible values of the number of the zeros that $P_a(X)$ has in $\GF{Q}$ is $0$, $1$, $2$ or $p^{\gcd(n, k)}+1$. Some criteria for the number of the $\GF{Q}$-zeros of $P_a(x)$ were found in \cite{HK2008,HK2010,BTT2014,KM2019,MS2019}. However, while the ultimate goal is to identify all the $\GF{Q}$-zeros, even in the case $p=2$, it was solved only under the condition $\gcd(n, k)=1$ \cite{KM2019}. We discuss this equation without any restriction on $p$ and $\gcd(n,k)$. New criteria for the number of the $\GF{Q}$-zeros of $P_a(x)$ are proved. For the cases of one or two $\GF{Q}$-zeros, we provide explicit expressions for these rational zeros in terms of $a$. For the case of $p^{\gcd(n, k)}+1$ rational zeros, we provide a parametrization of such $a$'s and express the $p^{\gcd(n, k)}+1$ rational zeros by using that parametrization.
- Published
- 2019
33. Further study of $2$-to-$1$ mappings over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$
- Author
Li, Kangquan, Mesnager, Sihem, and Qu, Longjiang
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
$2$-to-$1$ mappings over finite fields play an important role in symmetric cryptography, in particular in the constructions of APN functions, bent functions, semi-bent functions and so on. Very recently, Mesnager and Qu \cite{MQ2019} provided a systematic study of $2$-to-$1$ mappings over finite fields. In particular, they determined all $2$-to-$1$ mappings of degree at most 4 over any finite fields. In addition, another research direction is to consider $2$-to-$1$ polynomials with few terms. Some results about $2$-to-$1$ monomials and binomials have been obtained in \cite{MQ2019}. Motivated by their work, in this present paper, we push further the study of $2$-to-$1$ mappings, particularly, over finite fields with characteristic $2$ (binary case being the most interesting for applications). Firstly, we completely determine $2$-to-$1$ polynomials with degree $5$ over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ using the well known Hasse-Weil bound. Besides, we consider $2$-to-$1$ mappings with few terms, mainly trinomials and quadrinomials. Using the multivariate method and the resultant of two polynomials, we present two classes of $2$-to-$1$ trinomials, which explain all the examples of $2$-to-$1$ trinomials of the form $x^k+\beta x^{\ell} + \alpha x\in\mathbb{F}_{{2^n}}[x]$ over $\mathbb{F}_{{2^n}}$ with $n\le 7$, and derive twelve classes of $2$-to-$1$ quadrinomials with trivial coefficients over $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$.
- Published
- 2019
34. Minimal linear codes from characteristic functions
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Qi, Yanfeng, Ru, Hongming, and Tang, Chunming
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Minimal linear codes have interesting applications in secret sharing schemes and secure two-party computation. This paper uses characteristic functions of some subsets of $\mathbb{F}_q$ to construct minimal linear codes. By properties of characteristic functions, we can obtain more minimal binary linear codes from known minimal binary linear codes, which generalizes results of Ding et al. [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 6536-6545, 2018]. By characteristic functions corresponding to some subspaces of $\mathbb{F}_q$, we obtain many minimal linear codes, which generalizes results of [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 6536-6545, 2018] and [IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 7067-7078, 2019]. Finally, we use characteristic functions to present a characterization of minimal linear codes from the defining set method and present a class of minimal linear codes.
- Published
- 2019
35. On two-to-one mappings over finite fields
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem and Qu, Longjiang
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Computer Science - Cryptography and Security - Abstract
Two-to-one ($2$-to-$1$) mappings over finite fields play an important role in symmetric cryptography. In particular they allow to design APN functions, bent functions and semi-bent functions. In this paper we provide a systematic study of two-to-one mappings that are defined over finite fields. We characterize such mappings by means of the Walsh transforms. We also present several constructions, including an AGW-like criterion, constructions with the form of $x^rh(x^{(q-1)/d})$, those from permutation polynomials, from linear translators and from APN functions. Then we present $2$-to-$1$ polynomial mappings in classical classes of polynomials: linearized polynomials and monomials, low degree polynomials, Dickson polynomials and Muller-Cohen-Matthews polynomials, etc. Lastly, we show applications of $2$-to-$1$ mappings over finite fields for constructions of bent Boolean and vectorial bent functions, semi-bent functions, planar functions and permutation polynomials. In all those respects, we shall review what is known and provide several new results.
- Published
- 2019
36. Solutions of $x^{q^k}+\cdots+x^{q}+x=a$ in $GF{2^n}$
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho, Choe, Jong Hyok, Lee, Dok Nam, Go, Dae Song, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Number Theory - Abstract
Though it is well known that the roots of any affine polynomial over a finite field can be computed by a system of linear equations by using a normal base of the field, such solving approach appears to be difficult to apply when the field is fairly large. Thus, it may be of great interest to find an explicit representation of the solutions independently of the field base. This was previously done only for quadratic equations over a binary finite field. This paper gives an explicit representation of solutions for a much wider class of affine polynomials over a binary prime field.
- Published
- 2019
37. Codebooks from generalized bent $\mathbb{Z}_4$-valued quadratic forms
- Author
Qi, Yanfeng, Mesnager, Sihem, and Tang, Chunming
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Codebooks with small inner-product correlation have application in unitary space-time modulations, multiple description coding over erasure channels, direct spread code division multiple access communications, compressed sensing, and coding theory. It is interesting to construct codebooks (asymptotically) achieving the Welch bound or the Levenshtein bound. This paper presented a class of generalized bent $\mathbb{Z}_4$-valued quadratic forms, which contain functions of Heng and Yue (Optimal codebooks achieving the Levenshtein bound from generalized bent functions over $\mathbb{Z}_4$. Cryptogr. Commun. 9(1), 41-53, 2017). By using these generalized bent $\mathbb{Z}_4$-valued quadratic forms, we constructs optimal codebooks achieving the Levenshtein bound. These codebooks have parameters $(2^{2m}+2^m,2^m)$ and alphabet size $6$.
- Published
- 2019
38. Solving $x^{2^k+1}+x+a=0$ in $\mathbb{F}_{2^n}$ with $\gcd(n,k)=1$
- Author
Kim, Kwang Ho and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Combinatorics - Abstract
Let $N_a$ be the number of solutions to the equation $x^{2^k+1}+x+a=0$ in $\GF {n}$ where $\gcd(k,n)=1$. In 2004, by Bluher \cite{BLUHER2004} it was known that possible values of $N_a$ are only 0, 1 and 3. In 2008, Helleseth and Kholosha \cite{HELLESETH2008} have got criteria for $N_a=1$ and an explicit expression of the unique solution when $\gcd(k,n)=1$. In 2014, Bracken, Tan and Tan \cite{BRACKEN2014} presented a criterion for $N_a=0$ when $n$ is even and $\gcd(k,n)=1$. This paper completely solves this equation $x^{2^k+1}+x+a=0$ with only condition $\gcd(n,k)=1$. We explicitly calculate all possible zeros in $\GF{n}$ of $P_a(x)$. New criterion for which $a$, $N_a$ is equal to $0$, $1$ or $3$ is a by-product of our result.
- Published
- 2019
39. A class of narrow-sense BCH codes over $\mathbb{F}_q$ of length $\frac{q^m-1}{2}$
- Author
Ling, Xin, Mesnager, Sihem, Qi, Yanfeng, and Tang, Chunming
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
BCH codes with efficient encoding and decoding algorithms have many applications in communications, cryptography and combinatorics design. This paper studies a class of linear codes of length $ \frac{q^m-1}{2}$ over $\mathbb{F}_q$ with special trace representation, where $q$ is an odd prime power. With the help of the inner distributions of some subsets of association schemes from bilinear forms associated with quadratic forms, we determine the weight enumerators of these codes. From determining some cyclotomic coset leaders $\delta_i$ of cyclotomic cosets modulo $ \frac{q^m-1}{2}$, we prove that narrow-sense BCH codes of length $ \frac{q^m-1}{2}$ with designed distance $\delta_i=\frac{q^m-q^{m-1}}{2}-1-\frac{q^{ \lfloor \frac{m-3}{2} \rfloor+i}-1}{2}$ have the corresponding trace representation, and have the minimal distance $d=\delta_i$ and the Bose distance $d_B=\delta_i$, where $1\leq i\leq \lfloor \frac{m+3}{4} \rfloor$.
- Published
- 2019
40. New Characterizations for the Multi-output Correlation-Immune Boolean Functions
- Author
Chai, Jinjin, Wang, Zilong, Mesnager, Sihem, and Gong, Guang
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,42A38, 94A60, 06E30 - Abstract
Correlation-immune (CI) multi-output Boolean functions have the property of keeping the same output distribution when some input variables are fixed. Recently, a new application of CI functions has appeared in the system of resisting side-channel attacks (SCA). In this paper, three new methods are proposed to characterize the $t$ th-order CI multi-output Boolean functions ($n$-input and $m$-output). The first characterization is to regard the multi-output Boolean functions as the corresponding generalized Boolean functions. It is shown that a generalized Boolean functions $f_g$ is a $t$ th-order CI function if and only if the Walsh transform of $f_g$ defined here vanishes at all points with Hamming weights between $1$ and $t$. Compared to the previous Walsh transforms of component functions, our first method can reduce the computational complexity from $(2^m-1)\sum^t_{j=1}\binom{n}{j}$ to $m\sum^t_{j=1}\binom{n}{j}$. The last two methods are generalized from Fourier spectral characterizations. Especially, Fourier spectral characterizations are more efficient to characterize the symmetric multi-output CI Boolean functions.
- Published
- 2019
41. A Proof of the Beierle-Kranz-Leander Conjecture related to Lightweight Multiplication in $\mathds{F}_{2^n}$
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Kim, Kwang Ho, Jo, Dujin, Choe, Junyop, Han, Munhyon, and Lee, Dok Nam
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Computer Science - Cryptography and Security - Abstract
Lightweight cryptography is a key tool for building strong security solutions for pervasive devices with limited resources. Due to the stringent cost constraints inherent in extremely large applications (ranging from RFIDs and smart cards to mobile devices), the efficient implementation of cryptographic hardware and software algorithms is of utmost importance to realize the vision of generalized computing. In CRYPTO 2016, Beierle, Kranz and Leander have considered lightweight multiplication in $\mathds{F}_{2^n}$. Specifically, they have considered the fundamental question of optimizing finite field multiplications with one fixed element and investigated which field representation, that is which choice of basis, allows for an optimal implementation. They have left open a conjecture related to two XOR-count. Using the theory of linear algebra, we prove in the present paper that their conjecture is correct. Consequently, this proved conjecture can be used as a reference for further developing and implementing cryptography algorithms in lightweight devices.
- Published
- 2018
42. Improved upper bound on root number of linearized polynomials and its application to nonlinearity estimation of Boolean functions
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Kim, Kwang Ho, and Jo, Myong Song
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
To determine the dimension of null space of any given linearized polynomial is one of vital problems in finite field theory, with concern to design of modern symmetric cryptosystems. But, the known general theory for this task is much far from giving the exact dimension when applied to a specific linearized polynomial. The first contribution of this paper is to give a better general method to get more precise upper bound on the root number of any given linearized polynomial. We anticipate this result would be applied as a useful tool in many research branches of finite field and cryptography. Really we apply this result to get tighter estimations of the lower bounds on the second order nonlinearities of general cubic Boolean functions, which has been being an active research problem during the past decade, with many examples showing great improvements. Furthermore, this paper shows that by studying the distribution of radicals of derivatives of a given Boolean functions one can get a better lower bound of the second-order nonlinearity, through an example of the monomial Boolean function $g_{\mu}=Tr(\mu x^{2^{2r}+2^r+1})$ over any finite field $\GF{n}$.
- Published
- 2018
43. Cyclic bent functions and their applications in codes, codebooks, designs, MUBs and sequences
- Author
Ding, Cunsheng, Mesnager, Sihem, Tang, Chunming, and Xiong, Maosheng
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Let $m$ be an even positive integer. A Boolean bent function $f$ on $\GF{m-1} \times \GF {}$ is called a \emph{cyclic bent function} if for any $a\neq b\in \GF {m-1}$ and $\epsilon \in \GF{}$, $f(ax_1,x_2)+f(bx_1,x_2+\epsilon)$ is always bent, where $x_1\in \GF {m-1}, x_2 \in \GF {}$. Cyclic bent functions look extremely rare. This paper focuses on cyclic bent functions on $\GF {m-1} \times \GF {}$ and their applications. The first objective of this paper is to construct a new class of cyclic bent functions, which includes all known constructions of cyclic bent functions as special cases. The second objective is to use cyclic bent functions to construct good mutually unbiased bases (MUBs), codebooks and sequence families. The third objective is to study cyclic semi-bent functions and their applications. The fourth objective is to present a family of binary codes containing the Kerdock code as a special case, and describe their support designs. The results of this paper show that cyclic bent functions and cyclic semi-bent functions have nice applications in several fields such as symmetric cryptography, quantum physics, compressed sensing and CDMA communication.
- Published
- 2018
44. Strongly regular graphs from weakly regular plateaued functions
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem and Sınak, Ahmet
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Mathematics - Combinatorics - Abstract
The paper provides the first constructions of strongly regular graphs and association schemes from weakly regular plateaued functions over finite fields of odd characteristic. We generalize the construction method of strongly regular graphs from weakly regular bent functions given by Chee et al. in [Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 34(2), 251-266, 2011] to weakly regular plateaued functions. In this framework, we construct strongly regular graphs with three types of parameters from weakly regular plateaued functions with some homogeneous conditions. We also construct a family of association schemes of class p from weakly regular p-ary plateaued functions.
- Published
- 2018
45. Two constructions of optimal pairs of linear codes for resisting side channel and fault injection attacks
- Author
Carlet, Claude, Li, Chengju, and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
Direct sum masking (DSM) has been proposed as a counter-measure against side-channel attacks (SCA) and fault injection attacks (FIA), which are nowadays important domains of cryptanalysis. DSM needs two linear codes whose sum is direct and equals a whole space $\Bbb F_q^n$. The minimum distance of the former code and the dual distance of the latter should be as large as possible, given their length and dimensions. But the implementation needs in practice to work with words obtained by appending, to each codeword $y$ of the latter code, the source word from which $y$ is the encoding. Let $\mathcal C_1$ be an $[n, k]$ linear code over the finite field $\Bbb F_q$ with generator matrix $G$ and let $\mathcal C_2$ be the linear code over the finite field $\Bbb F_q$ with generator matrix $[G, I_k]$. It is then highly desired to construct optimal pairs of linear codes satisfying that $d(\mathcal C_2^\perp)= d(\mathcal C_1^\perp)$. In this paper, we employ the primitive irreducible cyclic codes to derive two constructions of optimal pairs of linear codes for resisting SCA and FIA, where the security parameters are determined explicitly. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first time that primitive irreducible cyclic codes are used to construct (optimal) pairs of codes. As a byproduct, we obtain the weight enumerators of the codes $\mathcal C_1, \mathcal C_2, \mathcal C_1^\perp$, and $\mathcal C_2^\perp$ in our both constructions., Comment: Some statements in the paper are not correct. We need to give a major revision
- Published
- 2018
46. Several classes of minimal linear codes with few weights from weakly regular plateaued functions
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem and Sınak, Ahmet
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,94A60 14G50 11T71 - Abstract
Minimal linear codes have significant applications in secret sharing schemes and secure two-party computation. There are several methods to construct linear codes, one of which is based on functions over finite fields. Recently, many construction methods of linear codes based on functions have been proposed in the literature. In this paper, we generalize the recent construction methods given by Tang et al. in [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62(3), 1166-1176, 2016] to weakly regular plateaued functions over finite fields of odd characteristic. We first construct three weight linear codes from weakly regular plateaued functions based on the second generic construction and determine their weight distributions. We next give a subcode with two or three weights of each constructed code as well as its parameter. We finally show that the constructed codes in this paper are minimal, which confirms that the secret sharing schemes based on their dual codes have the nice access structures., Comment: 31 pages
- Published
- 2018
47. On the Menezes-Teske-Weng's conjecture
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Kim, Kwang Ho, Choe, Junyop, and Tang, Chunming
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
In 2003, Alfred Menezes, Edlyn Teske and Annegret Weng presented a conjecture on properties of the solutions of a type of quadratic equation over the binary extension fields, which had been convinced by extensive experiments but the proof was unknown until now. We prove that this conjecture is correct. Furthermore, using this proved conjecture, we have completely determined the null space of a class of linear polynomials.
- Published
- 2018
48. Further study on the maximum number of bent components of vectorial functions
- Author
Mesnager, Sihem, Zhang, Fengrong, Tang, Chunming, and Zhou, Yong
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory ,Computer Science - Cryptography and Security - Abstract
In 2018, Pott, at al. have studied in [IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Volume: 64, Issue: 1, 2018] the maximum number of bent components of vectorial function. They have presented serval nice results and suggested several open problems in this context. This paper is in the continuation of their study in which we solve two open problems raised by Pott et al. and partially solve an open problem raised by the same authors. Firstly, we prove that for a vectorial function, the property of having the maximum number of bent components is invariant under the so-called CCZ equivalence. Secondly, we prove the non-existence of APN plateaued having the maximum number of bent components. In particular, quadratic APN functions cannot have the maximum number of bent components. Finally, we present some sufficient conditions that the vectorial function defined from $\mathbb{F}_{2^{2k}}$ to $\mathbb{F}_{2^{2k}}$ by its univariate representation: $$ \alpha x^{2^i}\left(x+x^{2^k}+\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\rho}\gamma^{(j)}x^{2^{t_j}} +\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\rho}\gamma^{(j)}x^{2^{t_j+k}}\right)$$ has the maximum number of {components bent functions, where $\rho\leq k$}. Further, we show that the differential spectrum of the function $ x^{2^i}(x+x^{2^k}+x^{2^{t_1}}+x^{2^{t_1+k}}+x^{2^{t_2}}+x^{2^{t_2+k}})$ (where $i,t_1,t_2$ satisfy some conditions) is different from the binomial function $F^i(x)= x^{2^i}(x+x^{2^k})$ presented in the article of Pott et al. Finally, we provide sufficient and necessary conditions so that the functions $$Tr_1^{2k}\left(\alpha x^{2^i}\left(Tr^{2k}_{e}(x)+\sum\limits_{j=1}^{\rho}\gamma^{(j)}(Tr^{2k}_{e}(x))^{2^j} \right)\right) $$ are bent., Comment: 17 pages
- Published
- 2018
49. Vectorial Boolean functions and linear codes in the context of algebraic attacks
- Author
Boumezbeur, Mouna, Mesnager, Sihem, and Guenda, Kenza
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
In this paper we study the relationship between vectorial (Boolean) functions and cyclic codes in the context of algebraic attacks. We first derive a direct link between the annihilators of a vectorial function (in univariate form) and certain $2^{n}$-ary cyclic codes (which we prove that they are LCD codes) extending results due to R{\o}njom and Helleseth. The knowledge of the minimum distance of those codes gives rise to a lower bound on the algebraic immunity of the associated vectorial function. Furthermore, we solve an open question raised by Mesnager and Cohen. We also present some properties of those cyclic codes (whose generator polynomials determined by vectorial functions) as well as their weight enumerator. In addition we generalize the so-called algebraic complement and study its properties.
- Published
- 2017
50. Characterizations of o-polynomials by the Walsh transform
- Author
Carlet, Claude and Mesnager, Sihem
- Subjects
Computer Science - Information Theory - Abstract
The notion of o-polynomial comes from finite projective geometry. In 2011 and later, it has been shown that those objects play an important role in symmetric cryptography and coding theory to design bent Boolean functions, bent vectorial Boolean functions, semi-bent functions and to construct good linear codes. In this note, we characterize o-polynomials by the Walsh transform of the associated vectorial functions.
- Published
- 2017
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