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51. Selection principles and games in bitopological function spaces

52. Weighted mixed weak-type inequalities for multilinear operators

53. On $k$-Neighbor Separated Permutations

54. Spectral spread and non-autonomous Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms

55. Some observations and speculations on partitions into $d$-th powers

56. Combinatorial proofs of two theorems of Lutz and Stull

57. Counting topologically invariant means on $L_\infty(G)$ and $VN(G)$ with ultrafilters

58. On additive and multiplicative decompositions of sets of integers with restricted prime factors, II. (Smooth numbers and generalizations.)

59. On exponential bases and frames with non-linear phase functions and some applications

60. Large $m$ asymptotics for minimal partitions of the Dirichlet eigenvalue

61. Solvability In Weighted Lebesgue Spaces of the Divergence Equation with Measure Data

62. Rigid local systems and finite general linear groups

63. Surgeries of the Gieseking hyperbolic ideal simplex manifold

64. Infinite order linear differential equation satisfied by $p$-adic Hurwitz-type Euler zeta functions

65. Sums, products, and ratios along the edges of a graph

66. Minimizing the number of edges in $K_{s,t}$-saturated bipartite graphs

67. A combinatorial algorithm for computing the rank of a generic partitioned matrix with $2 \times 2$ submatrices

68. A Unified Approach to Structural Limits and Limits of Graphs with Bounded Tree-Depth

69. On the polynomiality and asymptotics of moments of sizes for random $(n, dn\pm 1)$-core partitions with distinct parts

70. Multiplicities for tensor products on Special linear versus Classical groups

71. A multiplicatively symmetrized version of the Chung-Diaconis-Graham random process

72. Universality and distribution of zeros and poles of some zeta functions

73. Long paths and connectivity in 1‐independent random graphs

74. Enumerations of Permutations by Circular Descent Sets

75. Weighted Triangle-free 2-matching Problem with Edge-disjoint Forbidden Triangles

76. Random permutations fix a worst case for cyclic coordinate descent

77. Classification of Toric Manifolds over an n-Cube with One Vertex Cut

78. An approximation principle for congruence subgroups

79. Nonlinear diffusion equations as asymptotic limits of Cahn‐Hilliard systems on unbounded domains via Cauchy's criterion

80. Extension of Wiener-Wintner double recurrence theorem to polynomials

81. Short Monadic Second Order Sentences about Sparse Random Graphs

82. The Problem of Projecting the Origin of Euclidean Space onto the Convex Polyhedron

83. A phase transition in the evolution of bootstrap percolation processes on preferential attachment graphs

84. Additive energy and the Hausdorff dimension of the exceptional set in metric pair correlation problems

85. Hodge theory in combinatorics

86. Minimum spanning acycle and lifetime of persistent homology in the Linial-Meshulam process

87. How does the core sit inside the mantle?

88. Isomorphisms of Twisted Hilbert Loop Algebras

89. Second Main Theorem and Unicity of Meromorphic Mappings for Hypersurfaces in Projective Varieties

90. A universal result for consecutive random subdivision of polygons

91. Polynomial control on weighted stability bounds and inversion norms of localized matrices on simple graphs

92. On the speed of algebraically defined graph classes

93. Lipschitz one sets modulo sets of measure zero

94. Biased random k-SAT

95. Hamilton cycles in random graphs with minimum degree at least 3: an improved analysis

96. The Khovanov homology of alternating virtual links

97. On analytic Todd classes of singular varieties

98. Simple modules and their essential extensions for skew polynomial rings

99. Dependence of Solutions and Eigenvalues of Third Order Linear Measure Differential Equations on Measures

100. The Ramsey Number for Tree Versus Wheel with Odd Order