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Infinite order linear differential equation satisfied by $p$-adic Hurwitz-type Euler zeta functions

Authors :
Su Hu
Min-Soo Kim
Publication Year :
Publisher :
arXiv, 2020.


In 1900, at the international congress of mathematicians, Hilbert claimed that the Riemann zeta function $\zeta(s)$ is not the solution of any algebraic ordinary differential equations on its region of analyticity. In 2015, Van Gorder considered the question of whether $\zeta(s)$ satisfies a non-algebraic differential equation and showed that it formally satisfies an infinite order linear differential equation. Recently, Prado and Klinger-Logan extended Van Gorder's result to show that the Hurwitz zeta function $\zeta(s,a)$ is also formally satisfies a similar differential equation \begin{equation*}\label{HurDE} T\left[\zeta (s,a) - \frac{1}{a^s}\right] = \frac{1}{(s-1)a^{s-1}}. \end{equation*} But unfortunately in the same paper they proved that the operator $T$ applied to Hurwitz zeta function $\zeta(s,a)$ does not converge at any point in the complex plane $\mathbb{C}$. In this paper, by defining $T_{p}^{a}$, a $p$-adic analogue of Van Gorder's operator $T,$ we establish an analogue of Prado and Klinger-Logan's differential equation satisfied by $\zeta_{p,E}(s,a)$ which is the $p$-adic analogue of the Hurwitz-type Euler zeta functions \begin{equation*}\label{HEZ} \zeta_E(s,a)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{(-1)^n}{(n+a)^s}. \end{equation*} In contrast with the complex case, due to the non-archimedean property, the operator $T_{p}^{a}$ applied to the $p$-adic Hurwitz-type Euler zeta function $\zeta_{p,E}(s,a)$ is convergent $p$-adically in the area of $s\in\mathbb{Z}_{p}$ with $s\neq 1$ and $a\in K$ with $|a|_{p}>1,$ where $K$ is any finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$ with ramification index over $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$ less than $p-1.$<br />Comment: 18 pages. Final version. Dedicated to the memory of Prof. David Goss (1952-2017)


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