Domenico Bongiovanni, Zhili Li, Stefan Wabnitz, Zhigang Chen, Yi Hu, Benjamin Wetzel, Roberto Morandotti, Nankai University (NKU), Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique [Québec] (INRS), XLIM (XLIM), Université de Limoges (UNILIM)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' = Sapienza University [Rome], University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Departement of Physics and Astronomy [SFSU San Francisco], and San Francisco State University (SFSU)
International audience; We report on the generation of third-order Riemann pulses in nonlinear optical fiber, obtained by tailoring the initial pulse in presence of high-order dispersion and Kerr nonlinearity. Analytical and numerical results show controllable pulse steepening and shock formation. OCIS codes: (190.0190) Nonlinear optics; (070.7345) Wave propagation; (190.3270) Kerr effect Simple Riemann waves (RWs), solutions of the Inviscid Burgers' Equation (IBE), are of fundamental importance to study shock formation in different physical frameworks beyond hydrodynamics [1]. Experimental demonstration and control of RW signatures have been recently reported in nonlinear optics, in both the temporal [2-5 ] and spatial [6-7] domains. Nevertheless, standard RWs are achieved under both week dispersion/diffraction and strong nonlinearity, and have been only demonstrated in the self-defocusing regime of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). High-order dispersive effects in fibers can affect the RW dynamics by significantly deteriorating their expected temporal profiles. Here, we propose a conceptually new class of optical RWs which can be implemented in nonlinear optical fibers, namely, third-order Riemann pulses (TORPs). Such RW packets arise from the interplay between high-order dispersion and nonlinearity, and can be realized by properly tailoring the phase profile of an input ultrashort light pulse. Our analysis starts by considering the NLSE that describes pulse propagation in a nonlinear optical fiber with Kerr nonlinearity, considering also both second-and third-order dispersions (SOD and TOD), as follows: 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 0. 26 A A i A i A A Z TT − − + = (1) In Eq. (1), A(T, Z) is the dimensionless electric field envelope, while T = t / T 0 and Z=z/L NL , are the normalized temporal and propagation coordinates, respectively. We scale the pulse duration by T 0 , and its peak power by P 0. 2 20 2 0 / () PT = and 33 3 0 0 / () PT = are the dimensionless SOD and TOD terms, where γ = k 0 n 2 is the nonlinear Kerr coefficient, k 0 is the vacuum wavenumber, n 0 and n 2 are the linear and nonlinear refractive index, and β 2 and β 3 denote the SOD and TOD coefficients of the fiber. Arbitrary solutions to Eq. (1) can be found by expressing the pulse envelope in a polar form by means of the Madelung transformation: () () () , , exp , , T