Web Services have experienced great interest during the last years as they were expected to play a key role as enablers of seamless application-to-application integration both within company boundaries and on a global, cross-organizational scale. As a technical foundation for the realization of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOAs), Web Services encapsulate complexity inherent to individual applications and allow for their loose coupling. However, a truly global mesh of such services has not yet become reality due to various reasons. Novel technologies and design principles are currently about to emerge which allow human users to use, customize, combine, interconnect and finally expose Web-based content or functionality as new resources which are often referred to as Mash-ups. In this article, we provide an overview of existing Mash-ups as well as tools and platforms that empower users to build them in a highly efficient and intuitive fashion. Statistical data and case studies are leveraged to examine new ways of resource provision and consumption and also the relevance of upcoming intermediaries. Finally, we investigate remaining research challenges on the path to a truly global SOA. The Conference: http://conferences.computer.org/scc/2007/ Services now account for more than half of the U.S. economy. Services Computing, as a new cross discipline, addresses how to enable IT technology to help people perform business services more efficiently and effectively. Building on its great success in 2004, 2005, and 2006, The 2007 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2007) continues to bridge the gap between Services Computing and Business models with an emerging suite of ground-breaking technology that includes service-oriented architecture, business process integration and management, grid/utility/autonomic computing, and Web 2.0. The theme of SCC 2007 is "Services: Science, Technology, and Business". SCC 2007 will be co-located with the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007). Both ICWS 2007 and SCC 2007 are the flagship conferences in 2007 IEEE Congress on Services (SERVICES 2007) to celebrate their third gathering along with other events to explore "Services" (Science and Technology), which was promoted by IEEE Computer Society in 2003! IEEE Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) Industry Summit, IEEE International Services Computing Contest, IEEE SOA Standards Symposium, IEEE Services Computing Workshops, IEEE Services Computing Ph.D. Student Symposium will be featured at this joint event. Services Computing, as a new cross discipline, addresses how to enable IT and computing technology to help people perform business processes, services, and applications more efficiently and effectively. At the core of a business model is a set of processes that jointly help yield a profit in an organization. As we can see, Services Computing currently shapes the thinking of business modeling, business consulting, solution creation, service delivery, and software architecture design, development and deployment. The global nature of Services Computing leads to many opportunities and few challenges and creates a new networked economic structure for supporting different business models. SCC 2007 has the following three major research tracks: Foundations of Services Computing, Services-Centric Business Models, and Business Process Integration and Management. SCC 2007 is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Services Computing. SCC 2004 was held in Shanghai, China, September 15-18, 2004 . SCC 2005 was co-located with ICWS 2005 on July 11-15, 2005 in Orlando, Florida, USA. SCC 2006 was co-located with ICWS 2006 on September 18-22, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois, USA. The SCC Proceedings has been included in EI Compendex. SCC 2007 will concentrate on the science and technology of Business/Application Services and the bridging technologies such as Business Strategy and Design, Business Process Integration and Management, Grid and Utility Computing, and SOA Services and Solutions; while ICWS 2007 will continue to put its focus on all aspects of Web services from Computer Science and Engineering perspectives. http://www.christoph-schroth.de/