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1,693 results

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51. Space analyticity and bounds for derivatives of solutions to the evolutionary equations of diffusive magnetohydrodynamics

52. Homological dimension of elementary amenable groups

53. Finitary birepresentations of finitary bicategories

54. Domains Without Dense Steklov Nodal Sets

55. A note on hypocoercivity for kinetic equations with heavy-tailed equilibrium

56. On the correctness of finite-rank approximations by series of shifted Gaussians

57. On period relations for automorphic 𝐿-functions I

58. On Riesz Means of the Coefficients of Epstein’s Zeta Functions

59. Cat-valued sheaves


61. Group schemes and local densities of ramified hermitian lattices in residue characteristic 2. Part II

62. Homogeneous Finsler spaces and the flag-wise positively curved condition

63. Quadratic Interaction Estimate for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: an Overview

64. On the perfection of schemes

65. A Cartan’s Second Main Theorem Approach in Nevanlinna Theory

66. Polynomials whose coefficients coincide with their zeros

67. Stochastic and geometric aspects of reduced reaction–diffusion dynamics

68. An approximation principle for congruence subgroups

69. Rational homology and homotopy of high-dimensional string links

70. Functions of triples of noncommuting self-adjoint operators under perturbations of class $\boldsymbol {S}_p$

71. Wave front sets of reductive Lie group representations II

72. On Short-Wave Diffraction by an Elongated Body. Numerical Experiments

73. A Concretization of an Approximation Method for Non-Affine Fractal Interpolation Functions

74. Fourier transforms of powers of well-behaved 2D real analytic functions

75. Period relations for cusp forms of GSp4

76. Gromov hyperbolicity, the Kobayashi metric, and $\mathbb {C}$-convex sets

77. Purely exponential growth of cusp-uniform actions

78. Tame circle actions

79. Special Representations of the Iwasawa Subgroups of Simple Lie Groups

80. The Prime Radical of Alternative Rings and Loops

81. Hamilton–Jacobi theory, symmetries and coisotropic reduction

82. Isoperimetric properties of the mean curvature flow

83. On sup-norms of cusp forms of powerful level

84. Universal covering Calabi–Yau manifolds of the Hilbert schemes of $n$ points of Enriques surfaces

85. The BV-Algebra Structure on the Hochschild Cohomology of Local Algebras of Quaternion Type in Characteristic 2

86. End-point estimates, extrapolation for multilinear Muckenhoupt classes, and applications

87. A generalized type semigroup and dynamical comparison

88. Mutual information decay for factors of i.i.d

89. Asymptotic stability of nonuniform behaviour

90. Essential regularity of the model space for the Weil–Petersson metric

91. Hom-Gel’fand–Dorfman super-bialgebras and Hom-Lie conformal superalgebras

92. Arithmetic of Fuzzy Numbers in Generalized Trapezoidal Form

93. To the History of the Appearance of the Notion of the ε-Entropy of an Authomorphism of a Lebesgue Space and (ε,T)-Entropy of a Dynamical System with Continuous Time

94. Stability in distribution of a stochastic hybrid competitive Lotka–Volterra model with Lévy jumps

95. Graph-Links: Nonrealizability, Orientation, and Jones Polynomial

96. The Asaeda–Haagerup fusion categories

97. Descriptive Spaces and Proper Classes of Functions

98. On Algorithmic Methods of Analysis of Two-Colorings of Hypergraphs

99. The Two Hyperplane Conjecture

100. Gromov compactness in non-archimedean analytic geometry