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1. Fractional Factorials and Prime Numbers (A Remark on the Paper 'On Prime Values of Some Quadratic Polynomials')

2. An improvement on Furstenberg’s intersection problem

3. Degrees of Enumerations of Countable Wehner-Like Families

4. On graphs with equal total domination and Grundy total domination numbers

5. Simplest Test for the Three-Dimensional Dynamical Inverse Problem (The BC-Method)

6. On some universal Morse–Sard type theorems

7. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

8. Bernoulliness of when is an irrational rotation: towards an explicit isomorphism

9. On the Structure of a 3-Connected Graph. 2

10. On Tetravalent Vertex-Transitive Bi-Circulants

11. Products of Commutators on a General Linear Group Over a Division Algebra

12. Exceptional sets for sums of almost equal prime cubes

13. Ultrametric properties for valuation spaces of normal surface singularities

14. Reproducing kernel orthogonal polynomials on the multinomial distribution

15. Convergence of Solutions of General Dispersive Equations Along Curve

16. Comparison of probabilistic and deterministic point sets on the sphere

17. On the existence of optimal meshes in every convex domain on the plane

18. Permutations of zero-sumsets in a finite vector space

19. On exponential bases and frames with non-linear phase functions and some applications

20. Domains Without Dense Steklov Nodal Sets

21. Bochner–Riesz Means of Morrey Functions

22. A Unified Approach to Structural Limits and Limits of Graphs with Bounded Tree-Depth

23. On Riesz Means of the Coefficients of Epstein’s Zeta Functions

24. Quadratic Interaction Estimate for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws: an Overview

25. Regularity of Maximum Distance Minimizers

26. On the invariance equation for two-variable weighted nonsymmetric Bajraktarević means

27. An approximation principle for congruence subgroups

28. Hodge theory in combinatorics

29. A generalization of a graph theory Mertens’ theorem: Galois covering case

30. Minimum spanning acycle and lifetime of persistent homology in the Linial-Meshulam process

31. Bounded Remainder Sets

32. On the Lattice of Subvarieties of the Wreath Product of the Variety of Semilattices and the Variety of Semigroups with Zero Multiplication

33. On embedding certain partial orders into the P-points under Rudin-Keisler and Tukey reducibility

34. Universal covering Calabi–Yau manifolds of the Hilbert schemes of $n$ points of Enriques surfaces

35. Polynomial control on weighted stability bounds and inversion norms of localized matrices on simple graphs

36. Some Results of the Theory of Exponential R-Groups

37. The asymptotic distribution of symbols on diagonals of random weighted staircase tableaux


39. Derangements in subspace actions of finite classical groups

40. Classification of tile digit sets as product-forms

41. On the strong divergence of Hilbert transform approximations and a problem of Ul’yanov

42. Graph-Links: Nonrealizability, Orientation, and Jones Polynomial

43. On Algorithmic Methods of Analysis of Two-Colorings of Hypergraphs

44. Random triangles in random graphs

45. Sparse generalised polynomials

46. Combinatorial cost: a coarse setting

47. Meyniel's conjecture holds for random graphs

48. Stanley depth and Stanley support-regularity of monomial ideals

49. Combinatorial topology and the global dimension of algebras arising in combinatorics

50. The long-Time behavior of 3-dimensional Ricci flow on certain topologies