Currently, is possible to access the weather forecast on computer screens or watch on television the weather conditions prediction that will be used by people to do or plan their daily activities. However, this information is not correctly interpreted by the user audience, whether is duo to the difficulty of prediction in soon-term of the weather conditions or due the clarity and time-spatial accuracy of predictions of atmospheric weather. In this context, the School Geography has as a guiding principle the physicalnatural contents, in which the issues weather and weather forecast are covered in its fullness in Fundamental Education and Elementary School. This article presents a research focused to the transmission and appropriation of basics notions of the theme weather and weather forecast, with the school as research universe. The focus of this research will be towards the formation of Geography teachers from Fundamental Education and Elementary School, aiming to develop, evaluating and implementing didactical activities, using different learning devices such as the rooster weathervane, weather station and popular knowledge. The intervention will have as main goal to promote dialogic relationship between society and nature, using action-research as a methodological guiding. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]