Genesis 34, an obscure narrative in the Torah, tells the story of Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah. The biblical story unfolds as Dinah goes out to see the local girls, a seemingly innocent act, and her life is thrown into darkness when Shechem, the prince of the land, harasses her. The following chain of events involves Dinah's brothers, Simeon and Levi, and their cunning deception of Shechem and his clan, revenge, and confrontation with their father, Jacob. This study examines the complex layers of Genesis 34, exploring its disconnection from the broader Genesis narrative and the absence of moral clarity or divine presence in the text. The narrative raises unanswered questions about Dinah's fate, the consequences of vengeance on Shechem, and God's silence throughout the events. Including this story in Bible has puzzled early commentators, prompting them to reflect on the moral lesson and overall message intended to be drawn from it. The article has two parts. The first part analyses the sources from the period between 1000 and 1300 CE that mentions the story of Dinah and gives an idea about the interpretations and reflections of this episode in the Bible at that time. In the second part, the study analyses the illustrations of Dinah in the Middle Byzantine Octateuch manuscripts, shedding light on the visual interpretations and representations of the story in the context of medieval art. As the study progresses, it attempts to unravel the mystery surrounding Dinah's story, exploring its significance, moral implications and potential cultural or historical implications. The juxtaposition of textual and visual analyses adds depth to the exploration of this biblical narrative and invites readers to reflect on the ongoing enigma of Genesis 34 and its complex lessons. Keywords: Byzantine art, Byzantine manuscripts, Octateuchs, Old Testamanet women. Lea'nin Kizi Dinah: Oktateukhos El Yazmalarinda Yaratilis 34'un Bilinmeyen Varyasyonlari Tevrat'ta anlasilmasi guc bir anlati olan Yaratilis 34, Yakup ve Lea'nm kizi Dinah'in hik yesini anlatir. Kutsal Kitap'ta gecen hik ye Dinah'in gorunuste masum bir hareket gibi gorunen yerel kizlari gormek icin disari cikmasi ve devaminda ulkenin prensi Shechem'in onu taciz etmesiyle hayatinin karanliga donusmesiyle gelisir. Bunu izleyen olaylar zinciri, Dinah'i kardesleri Simeon ve Levi'nin Shechem ve halkini kurnazca aldatmalarini, intikamlarini ve babalari Yakup'la yuzlesmelerini icerir. Bu calisma, Yaratilis 34'un karmasik katmanlarini inceleyerek, daha genis Yaratilis anlatisindan kopuklugunu ve metinde ahlaki netlik veya ilahi varligin yoklugunu arastirmaktadir. Anlati, Dinah'in kaderi, Sekem'den alinan intikamin sonuclan ve olaylar boyunca Tanri'nin sessizligi hakkinda cevaplanmamis sorular ortaya cikarmaktadir. Bu hik yenin Kutsal Yazilar'da yer almasi eski yorumcularin kafasini karistirmis, onlari bu hik yeden cikarilmasi amaclanan ahlaki ders ve genel mesaj uzerinde dusunmeye itmistir. Makale iki bolumden olusmaktadir. Ilk bolumde, MS 1000 ve 1300 yillari arasinda Dinah'in oykusunden bahseden donem kaynaklari incelenerek, o donemde Kutsal Kitap'taki bu bolumun yorumlari ve yansimalari hakkinda fikir verilmektedir. Ikinci bolumde ise calisma, Orta Bizans Oktateukhos el yazmalarindaki Dinah resimleri analiz ederek, Orta cag sanati baglaminda hik yenin gorsel yorumlarina ve temsillerine isik tutmaktadir. calisma ilerledikce, Dinah'in hikayesini cevreleyen gizemi cozmeye calismakta, onemini, ahlaki cikarimlarini ve potansiyel kulturel veya tarihsel etkilerini arastirmaktadir. Metinsel ve gorsel analizlerin yan yana getirilmesi, bu Kutsal Kitap anlatisinin arastirilmasina derinlik katmakta ve okuyuculari Yaratilis 34'un suregelen muammasi ve icerdigi zor dersler uzerinde dusunmeye davet etmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bizans Sanati, Bizans el yazmalari, Oktateukhos El Yazmalari, Tevrat kadinlari., Introduction Although much has been written about it, Genesis 34, like many stories in the Torah, is an undecipherable text. There is no explicit reference to Genesis 34 in the [...]