The analysis of materials regarding the rate of sowing and the width of the rows in the cultivation of gray mustard testifies to their contradictions and different points of view of scientists. The issue of seed sowing rate and row spacing was studied more fully in the southern regions of Ukraine, while very few studies in this direction were conducted in the eastern foreststeppe. In addition, the vast majority of the conducted studies aimed to investigate the influence of the sowing rate or sowing method on seed yield, but it is obvious that these factors should be studied comprehend-sively, taking into account the varietal characteristics of the crop. Based on this, the purpose of the conducted research was to determine the influence of different combinations of seed sowing rates in interaction with row width on the yield of gray mustard seeds of zoned varieties in the conditions of the eastern part of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine. The research was conducted during 2020, 2021 and 2023 on the basis of the «KYRYCHENKO M» farm, which is territorially located in the Borivskyi district of the Kharkiv region. The plots of the first order in the experiment were two varieties of gray mustard: Prima and Felicia. The plots of the second order were three variants of row spacing: Prima and Felicia. The plots of the second order were three variants of row spacing: 15, 30 and 45 cm, and the plots of the third order were five variants of the rate of sowing seeds: 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 and 2.2 million pcs./ha. The experiment was laid out in three repetitions in one tier. The area of the sowing and accounting plots of the experiment was 72.0 and 45.0 m2, respectively. The total area of the experiment was 1.05 ha. The different temperature regime and the discrepancy in the amount of precipitation and its distribution during the spring-summer vegetation of mustard crop in the years of research had a noticeable effect on the ontogenesis of plant, which was largely reflected in their productivity. At the same time, it made it possible to more fully study the influence of the studied variants of the combination of different sowing rates and the width of the rows on the seed yield of the studied varieties of gray mustard. Setting up the experiment, carrying out accompanying observations, records and analyzes was carried out in accordance with the generally accepted method of conducting field research (Rozhkov et al., 2016). Statistical processing of seed yield results was carried out in the Microsoft Excel software package based on the methods of B. A. Dospekhov. The highest yield rates of mustard seeds were formed on variants with the narrowest row spacing - 15 cm. On average, according to other factors, seed yield for these row spacing was 1.88 t/ha, while for 30 and 45 cm row spacing - 1.82 and 1.71 t/ha. At the same time, it should be noted that a significant advantage of 15 cm row spacing compared to 30 cm row spacing was noted only in 2020, in 2021 and 2023 the difference was within the limits of LSD05. With an increase in the moisture content in the soil, a higher of mustard seeds is formed at a higher rate of seed sowing. In particular, in less favourable weather condition in 2020, the highest yield of mustard seeds was formed at the seed sowing rate of 1.6 million pcs./ha (1.57 t/ha), while in more favourable weather conditions in 2021 and 2023 for seed sowing rates of 1.8 million pcs./ha - 1/87 and 2.25 t/ha, respectively. At the same time, on the basis of statistical analysis, it was proved that the yield of mustard seeds in 2020 on the options with the seed sowing rate of 1.6 and 1.8 million pcs./ha did not differ significantly. In 2021, it was statistically the same on options with a sowing rate of 1.6, 1.8 and 2.0 million pcs./ha - 1.84, 1.87 and 1.81 t/ha, and in 2023 - on in the variants of the seed sowing rate of 1.8, 2.0 and 2.2 million pcs./ha - 2.25, 2.24 and 2.22 t/ha, respectively. The influence of the rate of seed sowing on crops of both mustard varieties increased with the narrowing of the row spacing. Thus, the range of difference in the yield of mustard seeds of the Prima and Felicia varieties on the variants with 15 cm row spacing under the influence of the seed sowing rate was 0.24 and 0.39 t/ha, respectively, while on the variants with 45 cm row spacing - 0.15 and 0.20 t/ha. From this follows the importance of choosing the rate of sowing seeds to optimize the width of the rows. Varietal features had a significant influence on the efficiency of the studied variants of the combination of sowing rate and row width. To a greater extend, it was the interaction of the variety and the sowing rate that was noted. Thus, the Prima mustard variety produced the highest seed yield for all row spacings at the rate of seed sowing of 1.6 million seeds/ha, while the Felitsia variety produced 1.8 million seeds/ha for sowing, and in the variants with 15 cm row spacing in general, - for sowing 2.0 million pcs./ha. By optimizing the rate of sowing seeds and the width of the rows, the Felicia variety formed the seed yield at the same level as the Prima variety, while the seed sowing rate of 2.0 million pcs./ha was better for it in all years. At the same time, seed yield at this seeding rate in combination with 15 cm row spacing did not differ significantly from options with a seeding rate - 1.8 million pcs./ha. Therefore, it makes no sense to increase the sowing rate of this mustard variety from 1.8 to 2.0 million pcs./ha. Among the studied factors, in all years, the rate of seed sowing had the greatest influence on the variability of mustard seed yield. About 29.6 % of the variability of mustard seed yield in 2020, 31,6 % in 2021 and 37.4 % - in 2023 was due to its influence. The shape of the influence of the row width factor was the highest in 2020 - 27.8 %, which is almost at the same level as the share of the seed sowing rate. In 2021 and 2023, the share of the width between the rows was much smaller - 23.9 and 21.5 % and significantly inferior to the rate of sowing seeds. In total, the share of these factors in the variability of mustard seed yield in all years exceeded 55.0 %. The obtained results regarding the shares of interactions of two factors in the variability of the yield of blue mustard seeds indicate the importance of taking into account the options of one factor during the selection of another. That is, for a specific variety of mustard, a different rate of sowing seeds can be optimal, as well as for a certain rate of sowing seeds, a variant of the width of the rows is optimal. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]