U završnome radu opisuju se čimbenici koji utječu na ponašanje potrošača. Postoje brojni čimbenici koji utječu na potrošačev izbor proizvoda, marke ili prodavaonice. Danas, u 21. stoljeću, tržište ponuđača je pretrpano brojnim proizvodima i uslugama te kupci plivaju u moru alternativa. Upravo zato, izrazito je bitno na koji način pristupiti kupcu i kako ga potaknuti na kupnju proizvoda te, na samom kraju, kako tog istog kupca i zadržati. Na početku rada opisuje se područje ponašanja potrošača i njihova obilježja, te pet glavnih koraka u procesu njihova istraživanja. Kasnije se objašnjavaju kulturalni, socijalni, osobni i psihološki čimbenici koji utječu na potrošača. Zatim je detaljno opisan proces donošenja odluka o kupnji i percipirani rizik. Na samom kraju se nalazi anketa o čimbenicima koji utječu na potrošače prilikom izbora proizvoda (marka, dizajn, izgled prodavaonice itd.)., In this final paper, the factors that influence the behavior of consumers are described. There are many factors that influence the consumer's choice of product, brand or store. Today, on the 21st century, the bidding market is overwhelmed by numerous product and service offers, resulting in buyers swimming in the sea of alternatives, which is why it is extremely important to know how to aproach the customer, encourage them to buy the product and, at the very end, to keep that same customer. At the beginning of the paper, the area of consumer behavior and their features is described, and the main five steps in the consumer research process. Later on, the cultural, social, personal and psychological factors that affect the consumer are explained. Later, the process of making a purchase and perceived risk are described thoroughly. Lastly there is a survey of factors that affect consumers when choosing a product (brand, design, store appearance etc.).