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48 results

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1. Farm Environmental Enrichments Improve the Welfare of Layer Chicks and Pullets: A Comprehensive Review.

2. A Simple Analytical Solution for the Designing of the Birdcage RF Coil Used in NMR Imaging Applications.

3. BirdOriTrack: a new video-tracking program for orientation research with migratory birds.

5. تمثیلهای رابطۀ نفس با بدن در فلسفه و دین: تحلیل و تطبیق.

6. Design and Fabrication of Birdcage Resonators for Low-pressure Plasma Excitation.

7. Exploring the Influence of Environmental and Crop Management Factors on Sorghum Nutrient Composition and Amino Acid Digestibility in Broilers.

8. Evidence-Based Recommendations for Effective Enrichment to Improve the Welfare of Caged Hens Used for Research and Teaching Purposes.

9. The Effect of Rearing and Adult Environment on HPA Axis Responsivity and Plumage Condition in Laying Hens.

10. A new approach to evaluate multimodal orientation behaviour of migratory passerine birds recorded in circular orientation cages.

11. Effects of Feeding Recycled Food Waste-Based Diets on Gut Health, Nutrient Digestibility, and Bone Quality in Laying Hens.

12. Dwelling On the Past.

13. Germinated Wheat as a Potential Natural Source of Antioxidants to Improve Sperm Quality: A Canary Trial.

14. Prison Bars & Bird Cages: Conducting an Arts-Based Participatory Research Project with Undergraduate Women in STEM.

15. Effects of Different Proportions of Amaranthus hypochondriacus Stem and Leaf Powder Inclusions on Growth Performance, Carcass Traits, and Blood Biochemical Parameters of Broilers.

16. Effects of Different Feeding Durations on Ileum Length and Weight and Basal Endogenous Loss of Phosphorus in Broiler Chickens Fed a Phosphorus-Free Diet.

17. Effect of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Postbiotic Feed Additive on Salmonella Enteritidis Colonization of Cecal and Ovarian Tissues in Directly Challenged and Horizontally Exposed Layer Pullets.

19. The Gradual Affection of Creatine Monohydrate Supplemented at Different Protein Level in Diets of Broilers on Performance, Blood Biochemical Parameters and some Specific Meat Characteristics.

20. Jumbo quail responses to diets containing raw or heat-treated Marama bean (Tylosema esculentum) meal.

21. Effect of Soybean Meal Substitution with Raw Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Seeds on Growth Performance, Selected Carcass Traits, Blood Parameters, and Bone Quality in Male Broilers.

22. A Cage Went in Search of a Bird: Ten Kafkaesque Stories.

23. Environmental Enrichment as Part of the Improvement of the Welfare of Japanese Quails.

24. Energy value of hydrolyzed feather meal and flash-dried poultry protein for broiler chickens and pigs.

25. On being.

26. A review of the conservation status of birds in the Guineo‐Congolian forest of Africa.

27. Understanding motivations and attitudes among songbird‐keepers to identify best approaches to demand reduction.

28. Optimisation of broilers performance to different dietary levels of fibre and different levels and sources of fat from 0 to 14 days of age.

29. Numerical and Workbench Design of 2.35 T Double-Tuned (¹H/²³Na) Nested RF Birdcage Coils Suitable for Animal Size MRI.

30. Effect of calcium stearoyl-2 lactylate and lipase supplementation on growth performance, gut health, and nutrient digestibility of broiler chickens.

31. Floor-to-Ceiling Artworks.

32. 4 Festive Backyard Parties.

33. Can Non-Beak Treated Hens be Kept in Commercial Furnished Cages? Exploring the Effects of Strain and Extra Environmental Enrichment on Behaviour, Feather Cover, and Mortality.

34. Does Rearing Laying Hens in Aviaries Adversely Affect Long-Term Welfare following Transfer to Furnished Cages?


36. Newsprint use is a real one-liner.

37. Overall welfare assessment of laying hens: Comparing science-based, environment-based and animal-based assessments.

38. Response Properties of the Auditory Telencephalon in Songbirds Change with Recent Experience and Season.

39. A Comparative Study of Birdcage RF Coil Configurations for Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

40. IF YOU LIKE ... English Country.

41. Behavioral and Genetic Adaptation of Laying Hens to High-Density Environments.

42. Effects of Deoxynivalenol-Contaminated Diets on Metabolic and Immunological Parameters in Broiler Chickens.

43. Recent Progress in Birdcage RF Coil Technology for MRI System.

44. The Role of Housing Environment and Dietary Protein Source on the Gut Microbiota of Chicken.

45. Evaluation of Two Compressed Air Foam Systems for Culling Caged Layer Hens.