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1. Ramsey, Paper, Scissors

2. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

3. Covering by homothets and illuminating convex bodies

4. On the minimum value of the condition number of polynomials

5. The index conjecture for symmetric spaces

6. Packing colorings of subcubic outerplanar graphs

7. Constructing hyperelliptic curves with surjective Galois representations

8. Ultrametric properties for valuation spaces of normal surface singularities

9. On exponential bases and frames with non-linear phase functions and some applications

10. A Unified Approach to Structural Limits and Limits of Graphs with Bounded Tree-Depth

11. Long paths and connectivity in 1‐independent random graphs

12. Random permutations fix a worst case for cyclic coordinate descent

13. An approximation principle for congruence subgroups

14. A phase transition in the evolution of bootstrap percolation processes on preferential attachment graphs

15. Hodge theory in combinatorics

16. Minimum spanning acycle and lifetime of persistent homology in the Linial-Meshulam process

17. How does the core sit inside the mantle?

18. A universal result for consecutive random subdivision of polygons

19. Polynomial control on weighted stability bounds and inversion norms of localized matrices on simple graphs

20. Biased random k-SAT

21. Hamilton cycles in random graphs with minimum degree at least 3: an improved analysis

22. Lifting a prescribed group of automorphisms of graphs

23. Diameter of P.A. random graphs with edge-step functions

24. Indecomposable objects determined by their index in Higher Homological Algebra

25. The asymptotic distribution of symbols on diagonals of random weighted staircase tableaux

26. Coefficients of McKay-Thompson series and distributions of the moonshine module

27. Relative bifurcation sets and the local dimension of univoque bases

28. Random triangles in random graphs

29. Sparse generalised polynomials

30. Combinatorial cost: a coarse setting

31. Combinatorial topology and the global dimension of algebras arising in combinatorics

32. Multivariate Estimates for the Concentration Functions of Weighted Sums of Independent, Identically Distributed Random Variables

33. Chromatic thresholds in dense random graphs

34. Characterizations of weighted BMO space and its application

35. Comparing 2-handle additions to a genus 2 boundary component

36. Deformation theory and finite simple quotients of triangle groups II

37. Nikishin systems on star-like sets: Ratio asymptotics of the associated multiple orthogonal polynomials

38. Degeneracy second main theorems for meromorphic mappings into projective varieties with hypersurfaces

39. Positivity preservers forbidden to operate on diagonal blocks

40. Topological Hausdorff dimension and level sets of generic continuous functions on fractals

41. Degenerate random environments

42. Stability of Catenoids and Helicoids in Hyperbolic Space

43. On the Erdos-Szekeres convex polygon problem

44. Stable lattices and the diagonal group

45. Rank parity for congruent supersingular elliptic curves

46. Framed motives of relative motivic spheres

47. Series Representation of Power Function

48. Simultaneous inhomogeneous diophantine approximation on manifolds

49. Some consequences of Arthur's conjectures for special orthogonal even groups

50. Symmetric topological complexity as the first obstruction in Goodwillie’s Euclidean embedding tower for real projective spaces