1. Poškodbe stavb po potresu v osrednji Italiji 2016: Damage to buildings after central Italy earthquake 2016
- Author
Anžlin, Andrej, Gams, Matija, Kramar, Miha, Lutman, Marjana, Pazlar, Tomaž, and Triller, Petra
- Abstract
At the end of August 2016 an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 Mw hit Central Italy, followed by many strong aftershocks, which caused nearly 300 casualties and extensive damage. Less than two months later we had the opportunity to visit part of the affected area and see the seismic damage live. The majority of the affected buildings, seen in the field, were stone masonry buildings; there were almost no modern buildings in the area. Almost all of the buildings in the affected villages, which belong to the region Arquata del Tronto, are more or less damaged, while the village Pescara del Tronto is almost completely ruined. The damage observed is typical for stone and poorly connected buildings, dominated by shear damage. It turned out that buildings with r.c. columns behaved better than those without them. The article presents the earthquake data, typical earthquake damage of brick buildings, damage of two skeletal reinforced concrete structures and shows possible methods for interventional supporting of strongly damaged buildings. Konec avgusta 2016 je osrednjo Italijo prizadel potres z magnitudo 6,2 Mw in več močnimi popotresnimi sunki; povzročil je skoraj 300 žrtev in večjo gmotno škodo. Slaba dva meseca po potresu smo dobili priložnost, da obiščemo del prizadetega območja in si poškodbe ogledamo v živo. Glavnina prizadetih stavb je bila kamnitih zidanih, sodobnih stavb je bilo na obiskanem območju zanemarljivo malo. V prizadetih vaseh, ki sestavljajo naselje Arquata del Tronto, so skoraj vse starejše stavbe tako ali drugače poškodovane, vas Pescara del Tronto pa je skoraj v celoti uničena. Poškodbe so tipične za kamnite in slabo povezane stavbe, prevladujejo strižne poškodbe; stavbe z vezmi so se obnašale bolje kot tiste brez. V prispevku so podatki o potresu, predstavitev tipičnih poškodb zidanih stavb, poškodbe dveh skeletnih armiranobetonskih konstrukcij in prikaz načinov interventnega popotresnega opiranja močno poškodovanih stavb.
- Published
- 2017