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Ciklični preizkusi armiranobetonskih stebrov: Cyclic tests of reinforced concrete columns

Authors :
Anžlin, Andrej
Dolšek, Matjaž
Gams, Matija
Kramar, Miha
Source :
Gradbeni vestnik
Publication Year :
Publisher :
Zveza društev gradbenih inženirjev in tehnikov Slovenije, 2016.


The paper presents an experimental study of seismic resistance of reinforced concrete columns for the purpose of analysing the influence of uncertainty of material characteristics and uncertainty in manufacture. In order to cover all of the considered sources of uncertainty, 12 columns were manufactured in three different companies. The same plan and nominally the same materials were used in the production of the columns. In addition to the material characteristics, the influence of lapping of longitudinal reinforcement on the seismic response of columns was analysed as well. The columns were tested with cyclic horizontal load, which was increased until collapse. The research has shown that there are big differences in the manufacture of the columns, which is observed in the seismic response after reaching the maximum capacity. The biggest influence on the ductility can be attributed to the detailing of the stirrups. The research has also confirmed some already well-known dependences and demonstrated that one of important parameters of the seismic resistance of columns might be the location of the first stirrup above the foundation. V članku so prikazane eksperimentalne preiskave potresne odpornosti armiranobetonskih stebrov, ki so bile opravljene na Zavodu za gradbeništvo Slovenije (ZAG) z namenom, da se določi vpliv negotovosti oz. razpršenosti materialnih karakteristik in izvedbe na potresni odziv stebrov. Da bi zajeli kar se da veliko virov negotovosti, smo naročili izdelavo 12 stebrov, ki so jih izdelala tri različna podjetja na podlagi istega načrta in nominalno enakih materialov. Poleg materialnih karakteristik smo analizirali vpliv preklopa vzdolžne armature na potresni odziv stebrov. Stebre smo preizkusili s ciklično horizontalno obtežbo, ki smo jo povečevali do porušitve. Raziskave so pokazale, da so med proizvajalci v resnici velike razlike, ki pa so opazne predvsem pri odzivu stebrov po doseženi največji nosilnosti. Največji vpliv na duktilnost ima izvedba armaturnega detajla stremen. Z raziskavo smo potrdili tudi nekatere že znane odvisnosti in opazili, da bi lahko bil pomemben parameter potresne odpornosti tudi lokacija prvega stremena nad temeljem.


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Gradbeni vestnik
Accession number :