
Showing total 34 results
34 results

Search Results

1. Effects of responsive breastfeeding intervention on breastfeeding and infant growth in China: A randomised controlled trial.

2. Dietary aflatoxin exposure of lactating mothers of children 0–6 months in Makueni County, Kenya.

3. A novel screening tool to predict severe acute malnutrition through automated monitoring of weight‐for‐age growth curves.

4. Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and intelligence quotients in the offspring at 8 years of age: Findings from the ALSPAC cohort.

5. Moderately elevated maternal homocysteine at preconception is inversely associated with cognitive performance in children 4 months and 6 years after birth.

6. Relapses from acute malnutrition and related factors in a community-based management programme in Burkina Faso.

7. Increased Identification of Emergency Department 72-hour Returns Using Multihospital Health Information Exchange.

8. Will the introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing for Down's syndrome undermine informed choice?

9. Community engagement with genetics: public perceptions and expectations about genetics research.

10. The key role of shared participation in changing occupational self-efficacy through stress management courses.

11. Variation in the Diagnosis and Management of Appendicitis at Canadian Pediatric Hospitals.

12. Early invitation to food and/or multiple micronutrient supplementation in pregnancy does not affect body composition in offspring at 54 months: follow-up of the MINIMat randomised trial, Bangladesh.

13. Midregional Proadrenomedullin Predicts Mortality and Major Adverse Cardiac Events in Patients Presenting With Chest Pain: Results From the CHOPIN Trial.

14. Effect of intervention on decision making of treatment for disease progression, prostate-specific antigen biochemical failure and prostate cancer death.

15. Barriers for an effective communication around clinical decision making: an analysis of the gaps between doctors' and patients' point of view.

16. Predictive Value of the Heart-type Fatty Acid-binding Protein and the Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index in Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism in the Emergency Department Valor Predictivo de la Proteína Transportadora de Ácidos Grasos del Miocardio y el Índice de Gravedad del Embolismo Pulmonar en Pacientes con Embolismo Pulmonar Agudo en el Servicio de Urgencias

17. Relationship between the nutritional status of breastfeeding Mayan mothers and their infants in Guatemala.

18. The relationship of serum vitamin D with pre-eclampsia in the Iranian women.

19. Feasibility and Diagnostic Accuracy of Brief Health Literacy and Numeracy Screening Instruments in an Urban Emergency Department Viabilidad y Certeza Diagnóstica de los Instrumentos Breves de Despistaje de Cálculo Numérico y Educación Sanitaria en un Servicio de Urgencias Urbano

20. Role of dietary patterns, sedentary behaviour and overweight on the longitudinal development of childhood constipation: the Generation R study.

21. Effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve child feeding practices and growth in rural China: updated results at 18 months of age.

22. The Association Between Emergency Medical Services Field Performance Assessed by High-fidelity Simulation and the Cognitive Knowledge of Practicing Paramedics.

23. Arriving by Emergency Medical Services Improves Time to Treatment Endpoints for Patients With Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock.

24. Four Sensitive Screening Tools to Detect Cognitive Dysfunction in Geriatric Emergency Department Patients: Brief Alzheimer's Screen, Short Blessed Test, Ottawa 3DY, and the Caregiver-completed AD8.

25. Eligibility and Rate of Treatment for Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Different Criteria.

26. Why values elicitation techniques enable people to make informed decisions about cancer trial participation.

27. The Association of Controlling Pseudoephedrine Availability on Methamphetamine-related Emergency Department Visits Hendrickson et al. PSEUDOEPHEDRINE LEGISLATION.

28. How well are infant and young child World Health Organization (WHO) feeding indicators associated with growth outcomes? An example from Cambodia.

29. Quality of Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction in 58 U.S. Emergency Departments.

30. Shared decision making in oncology: assessing oncologist behaviour in consultations in which adjuvant therapy is considered after primary surgical treatment.

31. Determinants of infant nutrition status in rural farming households before and after harvest.

32. Development of a dietary screening questionnaire to predict excessive weight gain in pregnancy.

33. Predictors of vitamin D status in New Zealand preschool children.

34. Dietary change mediates relationships between stress during pregnancy and infant head circumference measures: the QF2011 study.