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51. The distinction problems for Sp4 and SO3,3

52. Coherent state transform for Landau levels on quasi-tori

53. Free cyclic group actions on highly-connected 2n-manifolds

54. A genuine analogue of the Wiener Tauberian theorem for some Lorentz spaces on SL(2,ℝ)

55. From subcategories to the entire module categories

56. Solution of the Fractional Bratu-Type Equation Via Fractional Residual Power Series Method

57. Hyers-Ulam stability of a nonautonomous semilinear equation with fractional diffusion

58. On the value-distribution of iterated integrals of the logarithm of the Riemann zeta-function I: Denseness

59. Existence and Hyers-Ulam stability results for a class of fractional order delay differential equations with non-instantaneous impulses

60. Optimal sup norm bounds for newforms on GL2 with maximally ramified central character

61. Automorphic Schwarzian equations

62. Dyadic bilinear estimates and applications to the well-posedness for the 2D Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation in the endpoint space 𝐻−1/4

63. Entire Solutions of Cauchy Problem for Parabolic Monge–Ampère Equations

64. When the image of a derivation on a uniformly complete 𝑓-algebra is contained in the radical

65. An alternative distribution to Lindley and Power Lindley distributions with characterizations, different estimation methods and data applications

66. 𝐿𝑝-estimates for rough bi-parameter Fourier integral operators

67. Square function inequality for a class of Fourier integral operators satisfying cinematic curvature conditions

68. Variation and oscillation inequalities for commutators in two-weight setting

69. On the regular-convexity of Ricci shrinker limit spaces

70. Nonparametric estimation of trend function for stochastic differential equations driven by a bifractional Brownian motion

71. Successive coefficients of close-to-convex functions

72. On a Singular Robin Problem with Convection Terms

73. Characterisation of polyhedral products with finite generalised Postnikov decomposition

74. Alvis–Curtis duality for representations of reductive groups with Frobenius maps

75. Archimedean domains of skew generalized power series

76. Boundedness of multi-parameter pseudo-differential operators on multi-parameter local Hardy spaces

77. Long time behavior of solutions to 3D generalized MHD equations

78. Filippov solutions of vector Dirichlet problems

79. Envelopes of circles and spacelike curves in the Lorentz–Minkowski 3-space

80. Spectral property of the planar self-affine measures with three-element digit sets

81. Fast and Slow Decaying Solutions of Lane–Emden Equations Involving Nonhomogeneous Potential

82. Endoscopic character identities for metaplectic groups

83. Hankel determinant of order three for familiar subsets of analytic functions related with sine function

84. Existence of periodic solutions with prescribed minimal period of a 2nth-order discrete system

85. Counterexamples to the tilting and (p,r)-filtration conjectures

86. On One Application of Infinite Systems of Functional Equations in Function Theory

87. Multi-peak Positive Solutions of a Nonlinear Schrödinger–Newton Type System

88. Dimension-free estimates for the vector-valued variational operators

89. Explicit presentation of an Iwasawa algebra: The case of pro-p Iwahori subgroup of SL n (ℤ p )

90. Berry-Esseen bounds for wavelet estimator in time-varying coefficient models with censored dependent data

91. Coron Problem for Nonlocal Equations Involving Choquard Nonlinearity

92. Modified energy method and applications for the well-posedness for the higher-order Benjamin–Ono equation and the higher-order intermediate long wave equation

93. On Nodal Solutions of the Nonlinear Choquard Equation

94. Almost isotropic Kähler manifolds

95. 𝒩(p, q, s)-type spaces in the unit ball of ℂ n (II): Carleson measure and its application

96. On the distribution of zeros of derivatives of the Riemann ξ-function

97. Two Classes of Nonlinear Singular Dirichlet Problems with Natural Growth: Existence and Asymptotic Behavior

98. Refinement of the Chowla–Erdős method and linear independence of certain Lambert series

99. On some spaces of Cesàro sequences of fuzzy numbers associated with λ-convergence and Orlicz function

100. Discrete Littlewood–Paley–Stein characterization of multi-parameter local Hardy spaces