
Showing total 104 results
104 results

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1. The Kobayashi–Royden metric on punctured spheres

2. Generalized Riesz potentials of functions in Morrey spaces L (1,ϕ;κ)(G) over non-doubling measure spaces

3. On commutator Krylov transitive and commutator weakly transitive Abelian p-groups

4. On the bounded approximation property on subspaces of ℓ p when 0 < p < 1 and related issues

5. On the equivalence between noncollapsing and bounded entropy for ancient solutions to the Ricci flow

6. Group schemes and local densities of ramified hermitian lattices in residue characteristic 2. Part II

7. Homogeneous Finsler spaces and the flag-wise positively curved condition

8. Rational homology and homotopy of high-dimensional string links

9. Fourier transforms of powers of well-behaved 2D real analytic functions

10. The Asaeda–Haagerup fusion categories

11. Fermat curves and a refinement of the reciprocity law on cyclotomic units

12. Hyperkähler metrics near Lagrangian submanifolds and symplectic groupoids

13. Simply transitive NIL-affine actions of solvable Lie groups

14. On the geometric André–Oort conjecture for variations of Hodge structures

15. A class of non-weight modules of 𝑈𝑝(𝖘𝖑2) and Clebsch–Gordan type formulas

16. Weighted boundedness of multilinear Calderón commutators

17. Generalized fractal dimensions of invariant measures of full-shift systems over compact and perfect spaces: generic behavior

18. Area minimizing surfaces of bounded genus in metric spaces

19. Half-space theorems for the Allen–Cahn equation and related problems

20. Eichler cohomology and zeros of polynomials associated to derivatives of L-functions

21. Free cyclic group actions on highly-connected 2n-manifolds

22. From subcategories to the entire module categories

23. On the value-distribution of iterated integrals of the logarithm of the Riemann zeta-function I: Denseness

24. Optimal sup norm bounds for newforms on GL2 with maximally ramified central character

25. Automorphic Schwarzian equations

26. Square function inequality for a class of Fourier integral operators satisfying cinematic curvature conditions

27. On the regular-convexity of Ricci shrinker limit spaces

28. Successive coefficients of close-to-convex functions

29. Characterisation of polyhedral products with finite generalised Postnikov decomposition

30. Alvis–Curtis duality for representations of reductive groups with Frobenius maps

31. Archimedean domains of skew generalized power series

32. Boundedness of multi-parameter pseudo-differential operators on multi-parameter local Hardy spaces

33. Spectral property of the planar self-affine measures with three-element digit sets

34. Endoscopic character identities for metaplectic groups

35. Counterexamples to the tilting and (p,r)-filtration conjectures

36. Dimension-free estimates for the vector-valued variational operators

37. Explicit presentation of an Iwasawa algebra: The case of pro-p Iwahori subgroup of SL n (ℤ p )

38. 𝒩(p, q, s)-type spaces in the unit ball of ℂ n (II): Carleson measure and its application

39. Discrete Littlewood–Paley–Stein characterization of multi-parameter local Hardy spaces

40. Non-spectrality of self-affine measures on the three-dimensional Sierpinski gasket

41. Normal elements in the mod-𝑝 Iwasawa algebra over SL𝑛(ℤ𝑝): A computational approach

42. 𝐻𝑝 spaces for generalized Schrödinger operators and applications

43. Gap theorem on Kähler manifolds with nonnegative orthogonal bisectional curvature

44. Simple modules over the Lie algebras of divergence zero vector fields on a torus

45. Dehn functions and Hölder extensions in asymptotic cones

46. Jantzen filtration and strong linkage principle for modular Lie superalgebras

47. k-spaces and duals of non-archimedean metrizable locally convex spaces

48. Order of the canonical vector bundle over configuration spaces of spheres

49. Right 2-Engel elements, central automorphisms and commuting automorphisms of Lie algebras

50. A shifted convolution sum for \mathrm{GL}(3) × \mathrm{GL}(2)