
Showing total 104 results
104 results

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1. On irreducible divisor graphs in commutative rings with zero-divisors

2. Solutions of a multi-point boundary value problem for higher-order differential equations at resonance (III)

3. Anti-integral extensions $ {R[{\alpha}]/R$

4. Note on integral closures of semigroup rings

5. Neighbourhoods of a certain subclass of uniformly starlike functions

6. Bounds for Generalized Distance Spectral Radius and the Entries of the Principal Eigenvector

7. On the Babai and Upper Chromatic Numbers of Graphs of Diameter 2


9. Property $(w)$ of upper triangular operator Matrices

10. The zeros of f^{n}f^(k)-a and normal families of meromorphic functions

11. Pointwise approximation of modified conjugate functions by matrix operators of their Fourier series with the use of some parameters

12. On the planarity and perfectness of annihilator ideal graphs

13. Several Determinantal Expressions of Generalized Tribonacci Polynomials and Sequences

14. Quenching for Porous Medium Equations

15. The partial inverse nodal problem for differential pencils on a finite interval

16. On the Dimension of Non-Abelian Tensor Squares of $n$-Lie Algebras

17. $\tau$-Atomicity and Quotients of Size Four

18. A new class of double integrals involving Generalized Hypergeometric Function 3F2

19. Normal edge-transitive and \frac{1}{2}-arc-transitive cayley graphs on non-abelian groups of odd order 3pq, p and q are primes

20. The restrained rainbow bondage number of a graph

21. Extended a constant part of Redheffer's type inequalities

22. Regular clique assemblies, configurations, and friendship in Edge-Regular graphs

23. Higher order optimality and duality in fractional vector optimization over cones

24. Oscillation results for second order half-linear neutral delay differential equations with 'maxima'

25. Twin signed Roman domatic numbers in digraphs

26. Signed strong Roman domination in graphs

27. Liar’s domination in graphs under some operations

28. The Roman bondage number of a digraph

29. Twin signed Roman domination numbers in directed graphs

30. Second degree generalized Jacobi iteration method for solving system of linear equations

31. Joins, coronas and their vertex-edge Wiener polynomials

32. Primitive zeros of quadratic forms mod $p^2$

33. On the hadamard type inequalities involving product of two convex functions on the co-ordinates

34. Monotonicity of sequences involving generalized convexity function and sequences

35. On real fixed points of one parameter family of Function x/${(b^{x}-1)}$

36. On revised szeged spectrum of a graph

37. On 1-vertex bimagic vertex labeling

38. Edge dominating graph of a graph

39. On a subclass of p-harmonic mappings

40. On second- order symmetric duality for a class of multiobjective fractional programming problem

41. A unuqueness theorem for Sturm-Lioville operators with eigenparameter dependent boundary conditions

42. Weakly primal graded superideals

43. Free and cyclic canonical $\bf{(m,n)-}$ ary hypermodules

44. On integral sum labeling of dense graphs

45. Blenders for a non-normally Henon-like family

46. The general $ \Gamma -$ compatible rook length polynomials

47. Differentials in certain classes of graphs

48. Commutative group algebras and Prufer groups

49. On relaxation normality in the Fuglede-Putnam theorem for a quasi-class $A$ operators

50. Complementary nil domination number of a graph