1,464 results on '"A Begemann"'
Search Results
2. Kleine Erzählungen
- Author
Begemann, Christian, Giuriato, Davide, Begemann, C ( Christian ), Giuriato, D ( Davide ), Frei Gerlach, Franziska, Begemann, Christian, Giuriato, Davide, Begemann, C ( Christian ), Giuriato, D ( Davide ), and Frei Gerlach, Franziska
- Published
- 2017
3. Bunte Steine
- Author
Begemann, Christian, Giuriato, Davide, Begemann, C ( Christian ), Giuriato, D ( Davide ), Schneider, Sabine, Begemann, Christian, Giuriato, Davide, Begemann, C ( Christian ), Giuriato, D ( Davide ), and Schneider, Sabine
- Published
- 2017
4. Epochenzugehörigkeit und Werkentwicklung
- Author
Begemann, Christian, Giuriato, Davide, Begemann, C ( Christian ), Giuriato, D ( Davide ), Schneider, Sabine, Begemann, Christian, Giuriato, Davide, Begemann, C ( Christian ), Giuriato, D ( Davide ), and Schneider, Sabine
- Published
- 2017
5. Long-term insulin-secretory function of islets of Langerhans encapsulated with a layer of confluent chondrocytes for immunoisolation
- Author
Pollok, J.-M., Begemann, J.-F., Kaufmann, P. M., Kluth, D., Broelsch, C. E., Izbicki, J. R., and Rogiers, X.
- Subjects
Health - Abstract
Byline: J.-M. Pollok (1), J.-F. Begemann (1), P. M. Kaufmann (1), D. Kluth (1), C. E. Broelsch (1), J. R. Izbicki (1), X. Rogiers (1) Keywords: Key words Immunoisolation; Islet transplantation; Tissue engineering; Chondrocyte matrix; Biodegradable polymer Abstract: Islet transplantation is a potential cure for diabetes mellitus. The major problem for broad clinical application remains the prevention of transplant rejection without major side effects. Immunoisolation is an experimental strategy to prevent rejection by separating the transplanted cells from the host immune system using a barrier device. Current methods use artificial, not completely inert materials as barrier devices and induce an unwanted foreign-body (FB) reaction. Using the recipients of own cells for encapsulation, the FB reaction could be prevented. This study describes a new method of encapsulation of islets of Langerhans within a capsule of chondrocytes, which may serve as an immunoisolation barrier utilizing the immunoprivileged properties of the chrondrocyte matrix, and demonstrates the functional survival of the encapsulated islets in vitro. Author Affiliation: (1) Universitats-Krankenhaus Eppendorf, Chirurgische Klinik, Martinistrasse 52, D-20246 Hamburg, Germany, DE
- Published
- 1999
6. Accidental intoxication by outdoor and garden plants. Data from two German poison centres
- Author
Hermanns-Clausen, Maren, Koch, Ingrid, Pietsch, Joerg, Andresen-Streichert, Hilke, Begemann, Kathrin, Hermanns-Clausen, Maren, Koch, Ingrid, Pietsch, Joerg, Andresen-Streichert, Hilke, and Begemann, Kathrin
- Abstract
Background and objectivesAccidental exposure of children to plants occurs often and results in numerous calls to poison centres.The aim of this study was to identify outdoor plants that led to moderate or severe poisoning after accidental exposure and to identify patterns of paediatric plant exposures.Materials and methodsHuman exposure data on accidental exposures provided by two German poison centres were retrospectively evaluated regarding the number and the routes of exposure. Special attention was turned to the kind and severity of symptoms. Based on these data amodified Litovitz factor was calculated.ResultsOut of 42,344 confirmed exposures to 227 plant species, 39,346 (93%) were asymptomatic, 2415 (5.7%) experienced minor, 580 (1.3%) moderate and 3 (0.007%) severe symptoms. Twenty-sixplant genera were responsible for 70% of all exposures. Only eight of these plants (Arum spec., Laburnum anagyroides, Narcissus spec., Phaseolus vulgaris/coccineus, Prunus laurocerasus, Sambucus spec., Taxus baccata, Thuja spec.) led to at least moderate symptoms. Accidental exposure of children aged 0.5-5years was mainly by oral ingestion (98%) and involved mostly fruits (60%).ConclusionsExposure data collected by poison centres are very useful for hazard identification of outdoor plants. The data give acomprehensive overview of observed symptoms, which offers valuable instruments for use in clinical practice.
- Published
- 2019
7. Risiko Pflanze - Ein neuer Ansatz zur Einschatzung des Vergiftungsrisikos fur Kleinkinder
- Author
Hermanns-Clausen, Maren, Andresen-Streichert, Hilke, Pietsch, Joerg, Acquarone, Daniela, Fuchs, Joan, Begemann, Kathrin, Hermanns-Clausen, Maren, Andresen-Streichert, Hilke, Pietsch, Joerg, Acquarone, Daniela, Fuchs, Joan, and Begemann, Kathrin
- Abstract
ZusammenfassungHintergrundVergiftungen durch Pflanzen bei Kleinkindern (0,5 bis <6 Jahre) sind der dritthaufigste Grund zur telefonischen Konsultation eines Giftinformationszentrums (GIZ). Zur Vermeidung von Vergiftungen wurde im Jahr 2000 im Bundesanzeiger eine Liste giftiger Pflanzen veroffentlicht, deren Anpflanzung an Aufenthalts- und Spielorten von Kindern vermieden werden sollte. Diese Liste wurde nun durch den Ausschuss Giftigkeit von Pflanzen der Kommission zur Bewertung von Vergiftungen am Bundesinstitut fur Risikobewertung (BfR) uberarbeitet und aktualisiert.Material und MethodenRelevante Pflanzen wurden einer aktuellen Publikation entnommen. In PubMed erfolgte eine Literaturrecherche zu kindlichen Vergiftungsfallen und Pflanzeninhaltsstoffen. Erganzend fanden Monografien und die Datenbank POISINDEX Berucksichtigung. Die Klassifizierung erfolgte fur Pflanzen, die bei oraler, dermaler und okularer Aufnahme von geringen Mengen bei Kleinkindern schwere, mittelschwere, leichte oder keine Vergiftungen auslosen konnen.ErgebnisseDie auf Basis von Expositionsdaten und Pflanzeninhaltsstoffen vorgenommene Risikobewertung unterscheidet sich von bisherigen Publikationen, in denen das grundsatzliche Gefahrdungspotenzial eingeschatzt wurde. Insgesamt 251 Pflanzen wurden neu bewertet. Fur 11 Pflanzen wurde ein hohes, fur 32 ein mittleres, fur 115 ein leichtes und fur 93 Pflanzen kein Vergiftungsrisiko ermittelt.SchlussfolgerungDer neue Bewertungsansatz, das Vergiftungsrisiko fur Kleinkinder auf der Basis von Expositionsdaten unter Berucksichtigung der Toxizitat der Inhaltsstoffe zu bewerten, ermoglicht eine realistischere Abschatzung der Gefahrdung durch Gartenpflanzen und Pflanzen in der freien Natur. Es konnen die kindlichen Expositionen identifiziert werden, die mit einem hohen Vergiftungsrisiko einhergehen. AbstractBackgroundPlant poisoning in small children (from 0.5 to <6 years of age) is the third most frequent cause for phone contact with a poison center. For pre
- Published
- 2019
8. Fünfter Kongress der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Hämatologie : Colloquium über Aktuelle Probleme des Transfusionswesens und der Immun-Hämatologie
- Author
Herbert Begemann and Herbert Begemann
- Subjects
- Hematology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy
- Published
- 2013
9. Atlas der klinischen Hämatologie
- Author
T. Haferlach, H. Begemann, J. Rastetter, T. Haferlach, H. Begemann, and J. Rastetter
- Subjects
- Hematology, Cytology
- Published
- 2013
10. Hercules Segers : The Complete Etchings
- Author
E. Haverkamp Begemann and E. Haverkamp Begemann
- Subjects
- Arts
- Published
- 2013
11. Atlas der klinischen Hämatologie
- Author
Herbert Begemann, T. Haferlach, Johann Rastetter, Herbert Begemann, T. Haferlach, and Johann Rastetter
- Subjects
- Blood--Examination, Blood--Diseases, Pathology, Cellular--Atlases
- Published
- 2013
12. Atlas der Klinischen Hämatologie und Cytologie in Deutscher, Englischer, Französischer und Spanischer Sprache : Bildband
- Author
Ludwig Heilmeyer, Herbert Begemann, Ludwig Heilmeyer, and Herbert Begemann
- Subjects
- Medical sciences
- Published
- 2013
13. Blut und Blutkrankheiten : Fünfte Völlig Neu Bearbeitete und Erweiterte Auflage
- Author
H. Begemann and H. Begemann
- Subjects
- Hematology
- Published
- 2013
14. Blut und Blutkrankheiten : Teil 6 Leukämien
- Author
H. Begemann and H. Begemann
- Subjects
- Medical sciences
- Published
- 2013
15. Blut und Blutkrankheiten : Teil 5 Krankheiten des Lymphocytären Systems
- Author
H. Begemann and H. Begemann
- Subjects
- Medical sciences
- Published
- 2013
16. Lymphozyt und klinische Immunologie : Physiologie · Pathologie · Therapie
- Author
H. Theml, H. Begemann, H. Theml, and H. Begemann
- Subjects
- Pathology, Immunology, Hematology
- Published
- 2013
17. Atlas der klinischen Hämatologie und Cytologie : In deutscher, englischer, französischer und spanischer Sprache
- Author
Ludwig Heilmeyer, H. Begemann, Ludwig Heilmeyer, and H. Begemann
- Subjects
- Oncology, Pathology
- Abstract
Die diagnostischen Fortschritte der Ausstrichcytologie haben bisher nur ill beschei denem Umfang Eingang in die ärztliche Praxis gefunden. Ein wesentlicher Grund dafür ist die Tatsache, daß das vorhandene Abbildungsmaterial zu sehr typisiert wurde, um dem Anfänger eine Einarbeitung in dieses Gebiet zu ermöglichen. Die Ausmerzung dieses Mißstandes soll eine Hauptaufgabe des vorliegenden Buches sein. Aus diesem Grunde haben wir versucht, in den einleitenden Einzeltafeln und bei der Besprechung der einzelnen Krankheitsbilder durch Abbildung zahlreicher Übersichtstafeln die große morphologische Variationsbreite von Einzelzellen in Krankheitsbildern darzustellen. Mit Absicht wählten wir als Grundlage des Reproduktionsverfahrens das gemalte Bild: Ist schon die oft gerühmte photographische Objektivität für das Buntphoto höchst zweifelhaft, so geht diese bei der chemographischen Reproduktion von Buntphotos weitgehend verloren. Ein noch wichtigerer Grund ist der, daß das Mikrophoto praktisch nur eine Schichtebene scharf darstellen kann. Demgegenüber ist der mikroskopische Beobachter gewöhnt, durch fortwährendes Spiel mit der Mikrometerschraube verschiedene Ebenen zu be trachten und sich so ein plastisches Bild von der Zelle zu verschaffen. Die Möglichkeit, verschiedene Zellebenen gleichzeitig darzustellen, hat aber nur die Zeichnung, die dadurch den Verhältnissen der subjektiven Beobachtung näher kommt als das Photo. Auf die Schwarzweißdarstellung von Zellen haben wir bewußt verzichtet; ist doch die berechtigte Forderung der Histologen, den Lernenden von der Farbe ab- und auf die Struktur hin zulenken, bei der Ausstrichcytologie nur in wenigen Fällen erfüllbar. Die färberische Grundlage der gesamten Ausstrichcytologie bildet bisher die aus derHämatologie über nommenen Färbemethoden.
- Published
- 2013
18. Atlas of Clinical Hematology
- Author
H. Begemann, J. Rastetter, H. Begemann, and J. Rastetter
- Subjects
- Hematology, Nursing
- Published
- 2012
19. Atlas of Clinical Hematology
- Author
Herbert Begemann, Johann Rastetter, Herbert Begemann, and Johann Rastetter
- Subjects
- Hematology, Oncology, Biochemistry
- Abstract
Hematology, the study of the blood and its disorders, has existed as a science for about one hundred years. During that period it has remained true to its goals. Despite many advances in the submicroscopic and biochemical realm, hematology has clung to its basic postulate that the majority of blood disorders are expressed in morphologically distinct cell changes. Even modern hematology relies largely on the morphologic examination of cells, and the microscope con tinues to be its main diagnostic tool. Today we may describe hematology as the only morphologically oriented clinical science. It owes its existence chiefly to the development of staining methods which make it possible to assign mor phologic structures to specific cellular functions and thus to specific pathologic states. The first step in this direction was the brilliant discovery of panoptic stains in the early part of this century by Pappenheim, Wright, and others. This was followed in the 1950s and 1960s by the development of numerous cytochemical procedures for the differentiation of diverse biochemical reactions and cell types. In the last decade, immunologic methods have been employed to identify cell type-specific antigens as a means of classifying lymphoid and other cells more precisely and more objectively. This has aided in the differentia tion of many important hematologic diseases. In this fourth edition of the Atlas of Clinical Hematology, we have attempted to update the text and bring it in line with recent developments.
- Published
- 2012
20. Atlas of Clinical Haematology : With an Appendix on Tropical Diseases by Werner Mohr
- Author
Herbert Begemann, L. Heilmeyer, J. Rastetter, Herbert Begemann, L. Heilmeyer, and J. Rastetter
- Subjects
- Oncology, Pathology
- Published
- 2012
21. Distinct Symptom Network Structure and Shared Central Social Communication Symptomatology in Autism and Schizophrenia: A Bayesian Network Analysis.
- Author
Han GT, Trevisan DA, Foss-Feig J, Srihari V, and McPartland JC
- Subjects
- Adult, Humans, Bayes Theorem, Communication, Schizophrenia diagnosis, Autistic Disorder diagnosis, Autism Spectrum Disorder diagnosis
- Abstract
Autism (ASD) and schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SCZ) are neurodevelopmental conditions with overlapping and interrelated symptoms. A network analysis approach that represents clinical conditions as a set of "nodes" (symptoms) connected by "edges" (relations among symptoms) was used to compare symptom organization in the two conditions. Gaussian graphical models were estimated using Bayesian methods to model separate symptom networks for adults with confirmed ASD or SCZ diagnoses. Though overall symptom organization differed by diagnostic group, both symptom networks demonstrated high centrality of social communication difficulties. Autism-relevant restricted and repetitive behaviors and schizophrenia-related cognitive-perceptual symptoms were uniquely central to the ASD and SCZ networks, respectively. Results offer recommendations to improve differential diagnosis and highlight potential treatment targets in ASD and SCZ., (© 2022. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2023
- Full Text
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22. [Poisoning inquiries from Berlin and Brandenburg from 1999-2018: an urban-rural comparison].
- Author
Thal F and Reinhold T
- Subjects
- Adult, Animals, Berlin, Germany epidemiology, Humans, Poison Control Centers, Foreign Bodies, Illicit Drugs, Poisoning epidemiology
- Abstract
Background and Objective: Since 1963, the poison control center in Berlin has been the central helpline for the Berlin and Brandenburg population on the subject of poisoning. Furthermore, the institution performs a vital function in the field of poisoning prevention. The aim of this paper is to describe the development of the volume of consultations and their content from 1999 to 2018. Differences in the urban and rural origin of the callers as well as in the private or professional background of the inquiries are considered. The results will serve to improve prevention work., Methods: The case data of the poison control center (1999-2018) were evaluated and analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. Correlations between the categories "origin of call" (urban or rural area), "background" (private or professional), and "noxious agent" were analyzed using the Pearson's chi-squared test., Results: The annual volume of consultations tended to increase. In particular, the increases are mainly related to inquiries regarding exposures of adults and seniors. The most frequent topics were poisoning with medications and products used in daily life. Inquiries about illegal drugs increased the most (average annual growth rate 6.3%). Inquiring persons with a private background can be helped directly in most cases (86.8%), so medical treatment is rarely recommended. Private persons call more frequently from urban areas, while calls from medical staff predominate in rural areas. Calls about pesticides, mushrooms, animals, and plants were more common in rural areas. Calls about food, foreign bodies, stimulants (alcoholic, caffeinated, and nicotine-containing foods/consumables), or illegal drugs, on the other hand, were received more frequently from urban areas.
- Published
- 2021
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23. Absorption relates to individual differences in visual face pareidolia
- Author
Hull, Katherine, Van Hedger, Kathryne, and Van Hedger, Stephen C.
- Subjects
Research ,Psychological research ,Individual differences (Psychology) -- Research ,Visual perception -- Research ,Individual differences -- Research - Abstract
Author(s): Katherine Hull [sup.1] , Kathryne Van Hedger [sup.2] [sup.3] , Stephen C. Van Hedger [sup.1] [sup.2] [sup.4] Author Affiliations: (1) grid.39381.30, 0000 0004 1936 8884, Department of Psychology, Huron [...], Visual face pareidolia is the experience of perceiving illusory faces in inanimate objects (e.g., rocks, buildings, appliances); however, the individual differences that relate to these pareidolia experiences remain unclear. The present set of studies assessed individual differences in face pareidolia, with a particular emphasis on personality factors previously associated with changes in perceptual experiences (openness and absorption). Study 1 measured face pareidolia in two novel ways: an implicit, speeded visual categorization task, and a self-report measure. Study 2 measured face pareidolia using more explicit categorization tasks and a slightly modified version of the self-report measure from Study 1. Across both studies, we also measured the Big Five personality dimensions, absorption, and a performance-based measure of divergent association formation, a proxy for creativity. We found that absorption was positively associated with individual differences in face pareidolia. The association between absorption and face pareidolia remained significant when controlling for factors that also positively correlated with absorption (openness, extraversion, and positive mood). Taken together, these results suggest that individual differences in face pareidolia experiences are consistently associated with absorption, which represents an especially promising construct to investigate in future pareidolia research.
- Published
- 2024
- Full Text
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24. Partitioning of highly siderophile elements between monosulfide solid solution and sulfide melt at high pressures
- Author
Fonseca, Raúl O. C., Beyer, Christopher, Bissbort, Thilo, Hartmann, Rebecca, and Schuth, Stephan
- Subjects
Palladium ,Subduction zones (Geology) ,Sulfides ,Earth sciences - Abstract
Base metal sulfides (Fe-Ni-Cu-S) are ubiquitous phases in mantle and subduction-related lithologies. Sulfides in the mantle often melt incongruently, which leads to the production of a Cu-Ni-rich sulfide melt and a solid residue called monosulfide solid solution (mss). Even though peridotite-hosted sulfides, which tend to be more Ni-rich, are likely completely molten at mantle potential temperatures, the same is not true for eclogite-hosted Ni-poor, Fe-rich sulfides. Because of this, solid crystalline mss may persist at higher pressures and equilibrate with co-existing sulfide melt along colder geotherms, like those associated with subduction zones. Because highly siderophile elements (HSE-Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Os, Ir, and Re) are known to fractionate as a result of mss/sulfide-melt equilibrium, the persistence of an mss/sulfide-melt assemblage to higher pressures may lead to the fractionation of these elements during the subduction process. In this contribution, we carried out an experimental investigation of the partitioning behavior of the HSE, as well as Cu and Ni, between mss and sulfide melt over a pressure and temperature range relevant to equilibration between Earth's surface and transition zone depths (0.1 MPa to 14 GPa; 930-1530 [Formula omitted]C), and variable Ni contents in sulfide. Results show that at higher pressures, the HSE are considerably less fractionated as a result of mss and sulfide melt equilibrium compared to lower pressure conditions. This is exemplified by a lowering of the [Formula omitted] for the more compatible HSE (Ru, Os, Ir, Rh and Re) from around 10 at 0.1 MPa to just above or below unity at 14 GPa. Moreover, the higher the Ni content of the bulk sulfide assemblage, the larger the degree of change in the magnitude of HSE fractionation seen over the pressure range studied. The exchange coefficient ( [Formula omitted]) between highly compatible HSE (Ru) and less compatible Pt illustrates a notable contrast. In the Ni-poor composition (E1), [Formula omitted] changes from 27 at 0.1 MPa to 6 at 14 GPa. In contrast, the Ni-rich composition exhibits a broader range, with [Formula omitted] ranging from 150 to 17 across the same pressure interval. Our results highlight key differences between experimental data obtained at lower and higher pressure, and how composition, namely the Ni content of sulfide, affects HSE partitioning behavior., Author(s): Raúl O. C. Fonseca [sup.1], Christopher Beyer [sup.1], Thilo Bissbort [sup.1] [sup.2], Rebecca Hartmann [sup.1], Stephan Schuth [sup.1] Author Affiliations: (1) https://ror.org/04tsk2644, grid.5570.7, 0000 0004 0490 981X, Institut für [...]
- Published
- 2024
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25. Thymus Transcriptome and Cell Biology
- Author
Geraldo A. Passos, Daniella Arêas Mendes-da-Cruz, Wilson Savino, Geraldo A. Passos, Daniella Arêas Mendes-da-Cruz, and Wilson Savino
- Subjects
- Bioinformatics, Medical genetics, Endocrinology, Cytology
- Abstract
This volume focuses on a challenging field in biomedicine: the genetic control of central immune tolerance. The thymus gland is a lymphoid organ implicated in T cells'maturation, differentiation, and selection. Its function is associated with the control of immune homeostasis in the body, establishing central immune tolerance, and preventing the onset of autoimmune diseases. This book focuses on thymus development, their cellular components and their respective function, and the peculiar gene expression profiling (transcriptome) found in the medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs) that are implicated in the self-representation in the thymus and the Autoimmune regulator (Aire) gene. Chapters also explore the mutations in the Aire gene, manifestation of autoimmune diseases, and the role of cell-cell interactions within the thymus with implications in the negative selection (elimination) of nascent autoreactive T cells in preventing aggressive autoimmunity. This new edition includes two new chapters devoted to the genome editing of the Aire gene through Crispr-Cas9 system, and thymic involution.All chapters have been updated to reflect the latest research in the field.
- Published
- 2025
26. Transmission Electron Microscopy Sample Preparation : From Specimen to Micrograph
- Author
Rajender Singh and Rajender Singh
- Subjects
- Materials—Microscopy, Materials—Analysis, Imaging systems, Nanoscience, Nanoparticles, Soft condensed matter
- Abstract
This book is a thorough guide tailored for researchers, academics, and practitioners immersed in the intricate world of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). It offers a seamless blend of theoretical understanding and practical insights, providing readers with the essential skills to navigate the complexities of TEM sample preparation for optimal imaging. The book begins by introducing the basics of TEM operation, progressing to advanced modes, and dedicating significant attention to the nuances of sample preparation. Each chapter serves as a stepping stone, guiding readers from specimen selection to the acquisition of high-resolution micrographs. The motivation behind this book lies in addressing the practical challenges of TEM operation and sample preparation. The book bridges the gap between theory and application, offering a simplified yet scientific repository of dos and don'ts for achieving successful results in TEM sample preparation. Within these pages, readers will explore various thinning techniques, delve into the preparation of nanomaterials and biological samples, and grasp the intricacies of cryo-TEM and in-situ TEM. Along with troubleshooting guidance to common pitfalls, the book also provides practical tips for overcoming challenges in the sample preparation process. The book also addresses the importance of properly prepared TEM samples, emphasizing the often-underestimated role they play in unlocking the full potential of TEM imaging. Real-world case studies showcase the impact of high-quality sample preparation across diverse research fields. This book is not just an informative guide; it is a journey of transformation and enlightenment, empowering the reader with the confidence and expertise needed for precise sample preparation and quality imaging.
- Published
- 2025
27. Nanoparticles in the Management of Atherosclerosis : A Machine-Generated Literature Overview
- Author
Sourabh Mehta and Sourabh Mehta
- Subjects
- Nanobiotechnology, Cardiovascular system, Physiology, Cardiology, Nanotechnology, Molecular biology
- Abstract
The book's primary objective is to introduce the pathology and physiology atherosclerosis in brief, and its diagnosis and treatment. Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease of the arterial wall. An advanced understanding of atherosclerosis shows that it leads to myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases, taking 17 million people every year worldwide. The literature suggests that atherosclerosis is an ancient disease and is still a long-standing health problem globally. Hence early diagnosis and treatment of atherosclerosis are crucial to solving long-standing health issues.This book provides a systemic summary of recent literature focusing on disease pathology, advancement in diagnosis and therapies. Recently, nanoparticles performing dual roles as diagnostic and therapeutic agents have been keenly interested. However, the nanoparticle has yet to reach the clinic. Understanding the role of biomaterials in formulations and existing strategies is critical whendeveloping novel formulations and working on translation to clinical settings. The book provides a systematic biomaterial-based summary of the literature, methods used to formulate nanoparticles, and their scale-up potential. Another key objective of the book is to motivate the reader to conduct research on theranostic nanoparticles to treat atherosclerosis and put us one step closer to solving a long-standing health problem—atherosclerosis.The auto-summaries have been generated by a recursive clustering algorithm via the Dimensions Auto-summarizer by Digital Science handled by Subject Matter Experts and the external editor. The editor of this book selected which SN content should be auto-summarized and decided its order of appearance. Please be aware that the auto-summaries consist of original sentences, but are not representative of its original paper, since we do not show the full length of the publication. Please note that only published SN content is represented here, and that machine-generated books are still at an experimental stage.
- Published
- 2025
28. Psychologische Begutachtung : Rechtliche Grundlagen - Leitlinien - Empfehlungen
- Author
Ralf Dohrenbusch and Ralf Dohrenbusch
- Subjects
- Psychodiagnostics, Personality, Difference (Psychology), Psychology, Industrial, Clinical psychology
- Abstract
Dieses Referenzwerk bietet eine Zusammenstellung von Leitlinien und Empfehlungen zur psychologischen Begutachtung von Funktionen und Funktionseinschränkungen und stellt somit eine umfangreiche praktisch relevante Orientierung zur Qualitätssicherung gutachterlicher Tätigkeiten dar. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt hierbei auf der psychologischen Einzelfalldiagnostik und deren Bewertung im Laufe der gutachterlichen Beurteilung.Neben rechtlichen und ethischen Rahmenbedingungen werden aktuelle psychologische und medizinische Standards und Leitlinien sowie Rechtsverordnungen zur Funktions- und Leistungsbeurteilung aufgeführt und durch Empfehlungen zur evidenzbasierten psychologischen Funktionsdiagnostik unterschiedlicher Methoden ergänzt (z.B. Vorbefragungen, Verhaltensbeobachtung, Experimente und Testverfahren, Biomarker u.v.m.). Ein weiterer Teil beschäftigt sich mit der gutachterlichen Urteilsbildung: Wie können Anforderungen in psychologische Fragestellungen überführt werden und wiewerden einzelne Ergebnisse in ein Gesamturteil integriert? Spezifika für umschriebene Teilfunktionen (z.B. physiologisch, motorisch, kognitiv, emotional) werden erläutert und es wird auf spezielle Anforderungen psychologischer Begutachtung in unterschiedlichen Anwendungsfeldern (Beruf, Verkehrstauglichkeit, Neuropsychologie, Psychotherapiebedarf etc.) eingegangen.
- Published
- 2025
29. PsychoNeuroImmunology : Volume 2: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Diseases
- Author
Nima Rezaei, Niloufar Yazdanpanah, Nima Rezaei, and Niloufar Yazdanpanah
- Subjects
- Immunology, Neurosciences, Psychiatry, Psychobiology, Clinical psychology, Endocrinology
- Abstract
This book seeks to represent the main concepts and theories related to psychoneuroimmunology with the aim of their application in clinical settings and formation of novel theories to further elucidate the mutual connection of the psyche and the physiology of humans'body. Psychoneuroimmunology, as an integration of popular research fields such as psychology, immunology, neurology, and neuroscience, is a perfect example of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies that could potentially result in developing alternative diagnostic tools and treatment strategies besides facilitating the understanding of the pathophysiology of some conditions that might not properly be understood with a single point of view. Considering the stressful lifestyle and the high prevalence of neuropsychiatric, metabolic, and immune-related disorders, psychoneuroimmunology could be the path to the management of these conditions and reduction of the burden of the diseases.
- Published
- 2025
30. Vegetationsgeschichte der Landschaften in Deutschland
- Author
Ingo Feeser, Walter Dörfler, Manfred Rösch, Susanne Jahns, Steffen Wolters, Felix Bittmann, Ingo Feeser, Walter Dörfler, Manfred Rösch, Susanne Jahns, Steffen Wolters, and Felix Bittmann
- Subjects
- Environment
- Abstract
Klima oder Mensch, Wald oder Acker – was prägte die Vegetationsbedeckung der Landschaften in Deutschland seit dem Ende der letzten Eiszeit vor 15.000 Jahren? Wie wandelte sich der Wald in Süddeutschland, als Doggerland in der Nordsee versank? Ab wann gab es Landwirtschaft und welche Folgen hatte sie schon frühzeitig für die Umwelt? Die Untersuchung von fossilem Blütenstaub gibt Antwort auf derartige Fragen. Sie lässt uns die Entwicklung von der Kältesteppe nach dem Abschmelzen der Gletscher zu den dichten Wäldern der Nacheiszeit und vom Beginn des Ackerbaus bis hin zur heutigen Kulturlandschaft nachvollziehen. 65 Autorinnen und Autoren legen in diesem Band den neuesten Kenntnisstand zur Vegetationsgeschichte in 39 Naturräumen von den Alpen über die Mittelgebirge bis in die Tiefebene vor – erstmals auf der Basis von standardisierten Pollendiagrammen mit zeitlicher Vergleichbarkeit. Sie zeigen, dass unterschiedliche Landschaften unter Einfluss des Klimas eine große Vielfalt an Waldformationen hervorbrachten, bis der Mensch sie nach und nach in die typischen Kulturlandschaften, wie wir sie heute kennen, umwandelte. Weiterhin informieren 6 Einleitungskapitel und 23 Exkurse über frühe Formen der Land- und Ressourcennutzung sowie über Naturphänomene und methodische Aspekte. Die Entstehung und die Merkmale naturnaher wie auch menschlich geprägter Ökosysteme wird durch diese historische Perspektive verständlich. Mit diesem Buch erfüllt sich der lang gehegte Wunsch nach einem modernen Standardwerk für an der Geschichte von Vegetation, Klima und Landnutzung interessierte Leserinnen und Leser.
- Published
- 2025
31. Brief Report: Specificity of Interpersonal Synchrony Deficits to Autism Spectrum Disorder and Its Potential for Digitally Assisted Diagnostics
- Author
Koehler, Jana Christina, Georgescu, Alexandra Livia, Weiske, Johanna, Spangemacher, Moritz, Burghof, Lana, Falkai, Peter, and Koutsouleris, Nikolaos
- Subjects
Diagnosis ,Evaluation ,Risk factors ,Social skills -- Evaluation ,Pervasive developmental disorders -- Diagnosis -- Risk factors - Abstract
Author(s): Jana Christina Koehler [sup.1] , Alexandra Livia Georgescu [sup.5] , Johanna Weiske [sup.1] , Moritz Spangemacher [sup.1] , Lana Burghof [sup.2] , Peter Falkai [sup.1] , Nikolaos Koutsouleris [sup.1] [...], Reliably diagnosing autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in adulthood poses a challenge to clinicians due to the absence of specific diagnostic markers. This study investigated the potential of interpersonal synchrony (IPS), which has been found to be reduced in ASD, to augment the diagnostic process. IPS was objectively assessed in videos of diagnostic interviews in a representative referral population from two specialized autism outpatient clinics. In contrast to the current screening tools that could not reliably differentiate, we found a significant reduction of IPS in interactions with individuals later diagnosed with ASD (n = 16) as opposed to those not receiving a diagnosis (n = 23). While these findings need to be validated in larger samples, they nevertheless underline the potential of digitally-enhanced diagnostic processes for ASD.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Neurophysiologic Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatric Disorders : Etiologic and Treatment Considerations
- Author
Daniel C. Javitt, James C. McPartland, Daniel C. Javitt, and James C. McPartland
- Subjects
- Psychiatry, Neurosciences, Neurology, Pharmacology
- Abstract
This book reviews neurophysiological biomarkers in neuropsychiatric disorders from the viewpoint of the 21st Century Cures Act, which encourages the use of biomarkers for a variety of purposes during drug development. It covers both traditional etiologic uses of biomarkers and the more recent Biomarkers, EndpointS, and other Tools (BEST) classification scheme used by the FDA, which permits biomarkers for purposes of susceptibility, diagnosis, monitoring, prognosis, pharmacodynamics/response, and safety. The first section of the book describes potential uses of neurophysiologic biomarkers. Subsequent sections focus on a wide range of conditions, including schizophrenia, autism spectrum disorder, Parkinson's disease, and depression, as well as cross-diagnostic and translational uses, including monkey and rodent analogs. The purpose of the book is to help clinicians understand how neurophysiological biomarkers may be used to understand and manage clinical conditions; to help researchers to understand how biomarkers may be used translationally to test specific theories; and to help pharma investigators to understand how biomarkers can be used to accelerate treatment development.
- Published
- 2024
33. Laboratory Guide to the Methods in Biochemical Genetics
- Author
Nenad Blau, Frédéric M. Vaz, Nenad Blau, and Frédéric M. Vaz
- Subjects
- Medical genetics, Clinical biochemistry, Metabolism—Disorders, Biochemistry, Medicine—Research, Biology—Research
- Abstract
Now in its 2nd edition, this manual describes laboratory methodology for the diagnosis of inherited metabolic diseases. The book describes a spectrum of tests, from simple screening methods via classical methods that are operational in most (if not all) biochemical laboratories, to analytical methods that depend on technologies that very few are currently employing in their labs, but are certainly the functional techniques in a biochemical laboratory in this post-genomics era. Each chapter is sufficiently detailed to be self-contained, thus enabling laboratory specialists to adopt the method in their own laboratory and obviating the need for additional methods or references. The second updated edition of the book is unique in that it is the first of its kind to be published in the last 13 years, and individual chapters have been developed by experts in the field citing both established and cutting-edge (omics) technology. Thus, it is an indispensable resource for researchers and clinicians working on the field of inherited metabolic diseases and those interested in laboratory diagnoses.
- Published
- 2024
34. Molecular Biomarkers for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy
- Author
Ranbir Chander Sobti, Haruhiko Sugimura, Aastha Sobti, Ranbir Chander Sobti, Haruhiko Sugimura, and Aastha Sobti
- Subjects
- Tumor markers--Diagnostic use, Tumor markers--Therapeutic use
- Abstract
This book presents recent advancements, challenges, and clinical implications of molecular biomarkers in various cancers. This book highlights the clinical applications of biomarkers are extensive for cancer risk assessment, screening and early detection of cancer, accurate diagnosis, patient prognosis, prediction of response to therapy, and cancer surveillance and monitoring response. It also explores the progress of predictive biomarkers as an adjunctive tool to tumor immunotherapy in effectively identifying the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors and discusses their future directions in achieving precision immuno-oncology. Further, the book examines the combination of next-generation sequencing and advanced computational data analysis approaches in the understanding of the genomic underpinnings of cancer development and progression. Towards the end, the chapter discusses the role of some commonly investigated phytochemicals and their epigenetic targets that are of particularinterest in cancer prevention and cancer therapy. It is a must for researchers as well as advanced students and physicians in the field of cancer and clinical oncologists.
- Published
- 2024
35. Biochemical Mechanisms for Metabolic Syndrome
- Author
Tejal Gandhi, Anita Mehta, Tejal Gandhi, and Anita Mehta
- Subjects
- Metabolism, Metabolism—Disorders, Biochemistry, Cell biology, Medical genetics, Medical microbiology
- Abstract
The book'Biochemical Mechanisms for Metabolic Syndrome'delves into the intricate biochemistry underlying the complex condition known as Metabolic Syndrome. The main focus of the book is to provide a comprehensive overview and in-depth exploration of the various biochemical processes and molecular mechanisms contributing to the development and progression of Metabolic Syndrome. The book is structured into several chapters, each with a specific purpose. The initial chapters, lay the groundwork by introducing the concept of Metabolic Syndrome, its historical context, prevalence, and the risk factors associated with it. Subsequent chapters tackle various aspects of insulin resistance and its underlying mechanisms, lipid metabolism dysregulation, the impact of obesity, and the complex interplay between Metabolic Syndrome and hypertension. The book then shifts focus to exploring the genetic predisposition to Metabolic Syndrome and delves into recently explored indepth cellular and tissue mechanisms, including the role of gut barrier dysfunction and adipose tissue remodeling. Chapters dedicated to molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways offer a deeper understanding of the inflammatory resolution, and endoplasmic reticulum stress in the context of Metabolic Syndrome. Another significant aspect of the book is the exploration of the Brain-Gut-Adipose Axis and endocrine regulation, looking at the impact of gut microbiota-derived metabolites, gut hormones, and neuronal regulation on Metabolic Syndrome. Additionally, omics technologies are covered extensively, ranging from genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and epigenomics, to unravel the molecular complexity of Metabolic Syndrome. The latter part of the book delves into therapeutic approaches, including lifestyle interventions, pharmacological interventions, and dietary strategies. It also explores the therapeutic potential of brown adipose tissue, and highlights future directions and emerging research in the field of Metabolic Syndrome biochemistry. Overall, the book will provide a valuable resource for researchers, healthcare professionals, and students seeking a comprehensive understanding of the biochemical intricacies of Metabolic Syndrome and potential avenues for therapeutic interventions.
- Published
- 2024
36. Biomarker in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie : Biologische Aspekte von Stress und psychischer Belastung in der Arbeitswelt
- Author
Sebastian Ocklenburg and Sebastian Ocklenburg
- Subjects
- Medicine, Psychosomatic, Medical sciences, Neurosciences, Psychology, Industrial
- Abstract
Dieses essential gibt einen Überblick über Biomarker-Forschung in der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie. Dabei werden die zentralen Biomarker und Methoden zur Erfassung von Biomarkern erläutert. Der Autor beleuchtet spezifisch relevante Biomarker für psychische Erkrankungen im Kontext der Arbeitswelt sowie Biomarker für psychische Belastungsfolgen der Arbeit wie Burn-out. Das essential endet mit einer praxisorientierten Erläuterung organisationaler und finanzieller Aspekte von biopsychologischer Forschung in der Arbeitswelt.
- Published
- 2024
37. Runtime Verification : 24th International Conference, RV 2024, Istanbul, Turkey, October 15–17, 2024, Proceedings
- Author
Erika Ábrahám, Houssam Abbas, Erika Ábrahám, and Houssam Abbas
- Subjects
- Software engineering, Machine theory, Computer science, Artificial intelligence, Algorithms, Compilers (Computer programs)
- Abstract
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Runtime Verification, RV 2024, held in Istanbul, Turkey, during October 15-17, 2024. The 11 full papers, 5 short papers and 2 tool papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 31 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Invited Paper; Cyber-physical Systems; Temporal Logics; Speci cation and Visualization; Deep Neural Networks; and Distributed Systems.
- Published
- 2024
38. Microglia : Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Potential
- Author
Marie-Ève Tremblay, Alexei Verkhratsky, Marie-Ève Tremblay, and Alexei Verkhratsky
- Subjects
- Neurosciences, Neurology, Immunology
- Abstract
The past decade has witnessed a revolution in our understanding of microglia, especially since their roles in the healthy CNS have started to unravel. These cells were shown to actively maintain health, in concert with neurons and other types of CNS cells, providing further insight into their crucial involvement with diseases. Edited by Drs. Marie-Ève Tremblay and Alexei Verkhratsky, Microglia: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Potential shares with the scientific and medical community the latest discoveries in the microglial research field, with a truly comprehensive collection of chapters written by the top specialists across five continents. The book begins by explaining briefly what they are, from both historical and evolutionary points of view, and how they can be studied. The first section explains their physiological roles in the maturation, function, and plasticity of the CNS. The second section focuses on their general involvement in neuropathophysiology, and the third section on their critical implication in specific CNS diseases, including neurotrauma, neuropathic pain, ischemia and stroke, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders, substance use and addiction, sleep disorders, ageing, and neurodegenerative diseases. The fourth section presents their clinical potential as a targeted therapeutic tool for these CNS diseases.
- Published
- 2024
39. Gene Editing in Plants : CRISPR-Cas and Its Applications
- Author
Ashwani Kumar, Sudipti Arora, Shinjiro Ogita, Yuan-Yeu Yau, Krishnendu Mukherjee, Ashwani Kumar, Sudipti Arora, Shinjiro Ogita, Yuan-Yeu Yau, and Krishnendu Mukherjee
- Subjects
- Plant genetics, Agricultural genome mapping, Botany
- Abstract
This book is a collection of information about applying CRISPR-Cas systems for genome editing in plants. The main focus of this book is to address the recent advances and future prospects of CRISPR-Cas technology in crops.Genome editing technology is important because it can be used to improve plant traits. The earlier genome-engineering tools, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), and TAL effector nucleases (TALENs) are complicated to design and not flexible. The novel genome editor, CRISPR-Cas systems, has advantages over ZFNs and TALENs. The advantages are simple and easy to design precision in targeting and efficiency. Due to its precision and simplicity, the CRISPR-Cas technology has rapidly become the most popular genome-editing platform in life-science fields. CRISPR-Cas technology has been used widely for human gene therapy to treat diseases and for plant breeding programs for crop improvement.This book is of interest and useful to genome-editing professionals, plant breeders, horticulturists, field-level extension workers, nurserymen, planters, ecologists, and valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers.
- Published
- 2024
40. Value-added Products From Algae : Phycochemical Production and Applications
- Author
Abdelfatah Abomohra, Stephan Ende, Abdelfatah Abomohra, and Stephan Ende
- Subjects
- Algae products
- Abstract
This book provides a comprehensive overview of value-added products from algae, presenting the fundamentals of algal cultivation, metabolism, harvest, and cellular pathways of phycochemicals biosynthesis. It offers sufficient details for both experts and non-experts to grasp the recent progress in this field. The book also discusses new phycochemicals and advancements in technology development, from separation to scale-up commercialization. Divided into 18 chapters, the book begins with an introduction to the value of algae as a renewable resource, followed by an authoritative overview of topics such as algae cultivation systems, harvesting techniques, phycochemical analysis, artificial intelligence in phytochemical recognition, and bioprocess engineering. Additional chapters cover various aspects of algal biotechnology, including biorefinery technology, biofuel-integrated routes, and the use of wastewater for algal growth. The book also explores high throughput screening methods for microalgae-based phycochemicals and examines the catalytic processes involved in algal bioprocessing. Cutting-edge topics such as omics approaches for algal applications, algal-based biopolymers, diatom nanostructured biosilica, and the potential of seaweeds in methane emission mitigation, are also explored. In this book, readers will discover the recent technological applications of algae in aquaculture and will find a case study on the functional food potential of Spirulina. Recognizing the importance of legislation and biosecurity in the field, the last chapter of the book addresses the regulatory frameworks and biosecurity measures necessary for the safe and sustainable development of algal biotechnology. Given its breadth, the book is a valuable resource for scholars, researchers and professionals interested in algal biotechnology, sustainability, biomass conversion, and new algal products from any perspective.
- Published
- 2024
41. Cyanobacteria Biotechnology : Sustainability of Water-Energy-Environment Nexus
- Author
Muhammad Aamer Mehmood, Sana Malik, Syed Ghulam Musharraf, Ramaraj Boopathy, Muhammad Aamer Mehmood, Sana Malik, Syed Ghulam Musharraf, and Ramaraj Boopathy
- Subjects
- Industrial microbiology, Environmental engineering, Biotechnology, Bioremediation, Biochemistry, Metabolism, Cell biology, Enzymology
- Abstract
“Dive into a Sustainable Future with Cyanobacteria Biotechnology” Explore the boundless potential of cyanobacteria in “Emerging Trends in Cyanobacteria Biotechnology”. This comprehensive volume, curated by leading experts, showcases cutting-edge research and practical applications across environmental sustainability, human health, and beyond. It will be the book of your choice to discover innovative methodologies and breakthroughs in carbon capture, bioprocessing, and metabolic engineering, illuminating cyanobacteria's pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future. Whether a researcher, student, entrepreneur, or industry professional, this book is your gateway to interdisciplinary collaboration and ground-breaking innovation. Join us on a journey to harness the power of cyanobacteria—let's build a healthier, more sustainable world together. Your next big idea starts here!
- Published
- 2024
42. Climate-Smart Rice Breeding
- Author
Akansha Singh, Shravan Kumar Singh, Jiban Shrestha, Akansha Singh, Shravan Kumar Singh, and Jiban Shrestha
- Subjects
- Agronomy, Agricultural genome mapping, Subsistence farming, Agricultural biotechnology, Plant genetics
- Abstract
This book covers all aspects of smart-breeding technologies in creating novel crop architecture to meet future rice demand. Several advanced crop breeding technologies like, marker-assisted backcross breeding, marker-assisted recurrent selection, genomic assisted breeding, haplotype breeding and genome editing technologies have been introduced and employed for rice productivity improvement. Use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in crop phenotype prediction is paving the way for climate-smart breeding. Chapters in this volume cover all these relevant topics. The global rice demand is estimated to rise to 555 and 827.86 million tons in 2035 for milled rice and paddy, respectively. Enhancing high-nutrition rice production under the pressure of global climate change conditions is a hard task for breeders. Changing climatic scenarios and extreme weather conditions have increased the incidence of various biotic and abiotic stresses. Also, every degree rise in global mean temperature causes 3.2% reduction in rice yield globally. This creates an urgent need for developing high-yielding rice varieties to tackle the aggravated issue of food security. This book is meant for scientists, professionals, researchers, and students working on enhancing rice production through advanced plant-breeding technologies.
- Published
- 2024
43. The Landscape of Global Health Inequity
- Author
Barbara W. K. Son and Barbara W. K. Son
- Subjects
- World health, Medical care--Regional disparities
- Abstract
This book presents a unique overview of significant disparities in health, which exist within complex and multifaceted contexts across different regions. In the twenty-first century, global health inequity presents substantial health challenges, encompassing diverse and interconnected ramifications across socioeconomic, cultural, and political dimensions. Additionally, it thoroughly explores the interconnected and multifaceted underlying factors that are widespread in developing nations. The book puts forth essential and comprehensive recommendations that call for collaborative efforts at multiple levels, including global, national, and local, to identify and address issues effectively.
- Published
- 2024
44. Forensische Psychiatrie : Rechtliche, klinische und ethische Aspekte
- Author
Birgit Völlm, Boris Schiffer, Birgit Völlm, and Boris Schiffer
- Subjects
- Psychiatry, Medical jurisprudence
- Abstract
Dieses Buch vermittelt alle notwendigen Grundlagen, um in der Forensischen Psychiatrie tätig werden zu können, ist aber auch für alle im Maßregelvollzug tätigen Personen mit fortgeschrittenen Kenntnissen geeignet. Es behandelt zunächst die relevanten rechtlichen Grundlagen in Deutschland, inklusive der Menschenrechte, die Begutachtung v.a. im strafrechtlichen Bereich, Theorien der Kriminalitätsentstehung sowie die Organisation von Behandlung in verschiedenen Institutionen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Vermittlung vertiefender Kenntnisse im Bereich der Behandlung von psychisch kranken Straftätern. Die Themen werden dabei von führenden nationalen und z.T. auch internationalen Experten dargestellt: Sie bieten aktuelles Wissen, insbesondere für das Verständnis aller im Maßregelvollzug anzutreffenden Störungs-/Deliktgruppen, sowie detaillierte Beschreibungen der dazugehörigen evidenzbasierten Behandlungsansätze. Auch typische Probleme, etwa mit Motivation und Widerstand, Therapieresistenz oder Zwangsmaßnahmen werden in eigenen Beiträgen adressiert. Den verschiedenen Berufsgruppen, z.B. der Pflege, der Ergotherapie oder auch der Genesungsbegleitung im Maßregelvollzug werden eigene Kapitel gewidmet. Auch die Perspektive und Bedeutung von Angehörigen wird beleuchtet. Kapitel zu ethischen Fragen, zu internationalen Aspekten und zur Forschung im Maßregelvollzug laden zur vertiefenden Reflexion ein. Abgerundet wird der umfangreiche Inhalt durch elektronisches Zusatzmaterial, welches den Brückenschlag zwischen Theorie und Praxis fördern soll. Dieses Buch deckt alle Inhalte ab, die zum Erwerb der Schwerpunktbezeichnung Forensische Psychiatrie erforderlich sind und eignet sich daher für Weiterbildungsassistenten, die den Erwerb dieser Schwerpunktbezeichnung anstreben.
- Published
- 2024
45. Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives : Proceedings of the 44th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference, Istanbul 2023
- Author
Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danış, Ender Demir, Ege Yazgan, Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danış, Ender Demir, and Ege Yazgan
- Subjects
- Management, Macroeconomics, Marketing
- Abstract
This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers from the 44th Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Istanbul on July 6th, 7th and 8th, 2023 and hosted by Istanbul Bilgi University, Türkiye. The theoretical and empirical papers gathered here cover diverse areas of business and management from different geographic regions.
- Published
- 2024
46. Recent Advances and Challenges in the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
- Author
Yong-Ku Kim and Yong-Ku Kim
- Subjects
- Depression, Mental--Treatment
- Abstract
This book reviews all aspects of major depressive disorder (MDD), casting light on its neurobiological underpinnings and describing the most recent advances in management. The book is divided into four sections, the first of which discusses MDD from a network science perspective, highlighting the alterations in functional and structural connectivity and presenting insights achieved through resting state functional MRI and the development of neuroimaging-based biomarkers. The second section examines important diagnostic and neurobiological issues, while the third considers the currently available specific treatments for MDD, including biofeedback, neurofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, neuromodulation therapy, psychodynamic therapy, and complementary and alternative medicine. A concluding section is devoted to promising emerging treatments, from novel psychopharmacological therapies through to virtual reality treatment, immunotherapy, biomarker-guided tailored therapy, and more. Written by leading experts from across the world, the book will be an excellent source of information for both researchers and practitioners.
- Published
- 2024
47. Tasman’s Psychiatry
- Author
Allan Tasman, Michelle B. Riba, Renato D. Alarcón, César A. Alfonso, Shigenobu Kanba, Dusica Lecic-Tosevski, David M. Ndetei, Chee H. Ng, Thomas G. Schulze, Allan Tasman, Michelle B. Riba, Renato D. Alarcón, César A. Alfonso, Shigenobu Kanba, Dusica Lecic-Tosevski, David M. Ndetei, Chee H. Ng, and Thomas G. Schulze
- Subjects
- Physician and patient, Mental illness, Psychotherapy
- Abstract
Authored by over 500 internationally acclaimed expert editors and chapter authors from around the world. Completely updated and expanded with almost 40 new chapters. Significantly increased attention to the role of culture in all aspects of evaluation and care. New sections on Digital Mental Health Services and Technologies, Treatment Issues in Specific Populations and Settings, and on Prevention, Systems of Care, and Psychosocial Aspects of Treatment address key advances. This edition is the first comprehensive reference work to cover the entire field of psychiatry in an updateable format, ensuring access to state of the art information. Earlier editions were called “the best current textbook of psychiatry” by the New England Journal of Medicine, and “the gold standard” by the American Journal of Psychiatry. Tasman's Psychiatry, 5th Edition, builds on the initial vision in prior editions of approaching psychiatric evaluation and care from an integrative bio-psycho-social-cultural perspective. It is designed to be an essential and accessible reference for readers at any level of experience. This editorial approach encompasses the importance of the first encounter between patient and clinician, followed by the complex task of beginning to develop a therapeutic relationship and to develop and implement a treatment plan in collaboration with the patient. The importance of increasing attention to the role of culture and social determinants of mental health is reflected both in specific chapters and in components of many chapters throughout the book, especially in those pertaining to clinical evaluation, the therapeutic alliance, and treatment. The global scope of this edition is reflected throughout the book, including the section on psychiatric disorders where evaluation using both ICD 11 and DSM 5-TR is discussed. Most chapters are authored by experts from at least two different countries or continents, adding a critically important dimension which often is missing in major psychiatric textbooks. Tasman's Psychiatry, 5th Edition, is an essential reference for all medical professionals and students who need a trusted reference or learning tool for psychiatry, psychology, clinical research, social work, counseling, therapy, and all others.
- Published
- 2024
48. The Microbiology of the Drop-in Biofuel Production
- Author
Satinder Kaur Brar, Carlos Saul Osorio Gonzalez, Carlos Riccardo Soccol, Rahul Saini, Satinder Kaur Brar, Carlos Saul Osorio Gonzalez, Carlos Riccardo Soccol, and Rahul Saini
- Subjects
- Industrial microbiology, Renewable energy sources, Microbial ecology, Energy policy, Energy and state
- Abstract
The Microbiology of the Drop-in Biofuel Production is a comprehensive resource that provides basic and applied knowledge, technologies, and regulations of current drop-in biofuel production. This book focuses on liquid drop-in biofuel produced trough biochemical process and all the important aspect like renewable substrates, biochemical routes, genetic modifications, technology innovations, regulation, commercialization as well as the future perspectives to be implemented. Starting with an introductory chapter about the conventional methods to produce drop-in biofuels, the book will guide the reader into the specific biochemical processes for its production, covering aspect like renewable feedstocks, microorganism, classification, and the circular economy around all the production process. This book provides a detailed overview about the microbiology, regulation and commercialization aspects of drop-in biofuel production and is essential for researchers, students, and professors working in the bioenergy area.
- Published
- 2024
49. Nutrition and Psychiatric Disorders : An Evidence-Based Approach to Understanding the Diet-Brain Connection
- Author
Wael Mohamed, Firas Kobeissy, Wael Mohamed, and Firas Kobeissy
- Subjects
- Human body--Microbiology, Mental illness--Nutritional aspects, Nutrition--Psychological aspects
- Abstract
The book explores the intricate relationship between nutrition, brain function, and psychiatric disorders. The first section of the book delves into the neurobiological aspects of psychiatric disorders, including the neuroanatomy, neuropathology, biochemical and neuropharmacology factors that play a role in the development of these disorders. It also discusses the impact of human nutrition on brain function and the implications of nutrition and metabolism on psychological functioning. The next section focuses on the diet-brain connection, exploring nutritional psychiatry and the current state of evidence, the role of the microbiome, and the effects of certain foods such as chocolate and coffee on mood and mood disorders. The chapters also examine the impact of diet on mental health and cognition across the lifespan and provides a case study of the relationship between diet and psychological health. In the final section, the book delves into the nutritional treatment of psychiatric disorders, including the psychopharmacology of psychiatric disorders and food intake, and multidisciplinary approaches to psychiatric treatment.. Overall, this book offers a comprehensive and evidence-based examination of the complex relationship between nutrition, brain function, and psychiatric disorders, and provides a foundation for further research and development of effective nutritional interventions for the treatment of these disorders.
- Published
- 2024
50. Mental Health Care Resource Book : Concepts and Praxis for Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals
- Author
Meenu Anand and Meenu Anand
- Subjects
- Clinical health psychology, Psychotherapy, Mental health, Community development, Social service
- Abstract
This book takes a strengths-based approach to focus on different aspects of mental health. It summarizes the complex intertwining of illness and culture in the context of rising cases of mental disorders in the post-pandemic world. The book contains three sections, each incorporating essential skills and praxis. The book's first section examines the fundamental and conceptual underpinnings of mental health, well-being, and wellness from an eclectic lens to present an overview of mental health from the biopsychosocial perspective. The second section demonstrates using and transforming theoretical principles and perspectives into practice-based skills through detailed narrations and illustrations. It also showcases how to apply these skills in real-world settings. The third and final section combines field-based narratives that reflect multifaceted challenges and efforts toward treating mental disorders and promoting positive mental health, including success stories in diverse settings.This section highlights the importance of praxis in mental health. The book is a valuable resource for scholars and professionals in various fields, such as social work, psychology, sociology, social psychiatry, gender studies, and anyone interested in learning more about mental health and well-being.
- Published
- 2024
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