Carlos Angulo, Frank Ewert, Tom M. Osborne, Pramod K. Aggarwal, Senthold Asseng, Pasquale Steduto, Kurt Christian Kersebaum, Eckart Priesack, Patrick Bertuzzi, Roberto C. Izaurralde, Dominique Ripoche, Thilo Streck, Joost Wolf, Pierre Stratonovitch, Alex C. Ruane, Richard Goldberg, Robert F. Grant, Taru Palosuo, Iurii Shcherbak, Kenneth J. Boote, Christian Biernath, Garry O'Leary, J. Hooker, Peter J. Thorburn, Joachim Ingwersen, Soora Naresh Kumar, Lee Heng, Maria I. Travasso, Pierre Martre, Katharina Waha, Nicholas I. Hudson, Claas Nendel, Fulu Tao, Christoph Müller, Andrew J. Challinor, Jørgen E. Olesen, Reimund P. Rötter, Davide Camarrano, L. A. Hunt, Sebastian Gayler, Nadine Brisson, Daniel Wallach, Mikhail A. Semenov, Claudio O. Stöckle, Iwan Supit, Jordi Doltra, Jeffrey W. White, Bruno Basso, NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Center for Climate Systems Research [New York] (CCSR), Columbia University [New York], Agricultural & Biological Engineering Department, University of Florida [Gainesville], The James Hutton Institute, Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF), Leibniz Association, Écophysiologie des Plantes sous Stress environnementaux (LEPSE), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques (Montpellier SupAgro)-Institut national d’études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro), Génétique Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales (GDEC), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 (UBP), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation [Canberra] (CSIRO), Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, International Water Management Institute, International Water Management Institute, Department of Geological Sciences and W. K. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University [East Lansing], Michigan State University System-Michigan State University System, UE Agroclim (UE AGROCLIM), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Institute of Biochemical Plant Pathology, German Research Center for Environmental Health - Helmholtz Center München (GmbH), Agronomie, AgroParisTech-Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science [Leeds] (ICAS), School of Earth and Environment [Leeds] (SEE), University of Leeds-University of Leeds, CGIAR-ESSP Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Cantabrian Agricultural Research and Training Centre, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation, University of Hohenheim, Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, International Atomic Energy Agency [Vienna] (IAEA), School of Agriculture, Policy and Development, University of Reading (UOR), Department of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Department of Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland [College Park], University of Maryland System-University of Maryland System, Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture (CESCRA), Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Landscape & Water Sciences, Department of Environment of Victoria, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, Department of Meteorology, Environmental Impacts Group, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Computational and Systems Biology Department, Rothamsted Research, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Institute for Future Environments, Queensland University of Technology, Food and Agriculture Organization, Biological Systems Engineering, Washington State University (WSU), Earth System Science-Climate Change and Adaptive Land-use and Water Management, Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR), Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences [Changchun Branch] (CAS), Institute for Climate and Water [Castelnar], Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), UMR : AGroécologie, Innovations, TeRritoires, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique de Toulouse, USDA-ARS, Arid-Land Agricultural Research Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Plant Production Systems, Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security (MACSUR), JPI FACCE, Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering [Gainesville] (UF|ABE), Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences [Gainesville] (UF|IFAS), University of Florida [Gainesville] (UF)-University of Florida [Gainesville] (UF), Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation [Bonn], Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro)-Institut national d'enseignement supérieur pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et l'environnement (Institut Agro), Agroclim (AGROCLIM), Aarhus University [Aarhus], Natural resources institute Finland, Georg-August-University [Göttingen], Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen] (WUR), AGroécologie, Innovations, teRritoires (AGIR), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Institut National Polytechnique (Toulouse) (Toulouse INP), Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées-Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech, Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE), Georg-August-University = Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), Queensland University of Technology [Brisbane] (QUT), Institute of geographical sciences and natural resources research [CAS] (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences [Beijing] (CAS), Université de Toulouse (UT)-Université de Toulouse (UT), USDA Agricultural Research Service [Maricopa, AZ] (USDA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies ( GISS ), NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ( GSFC ), Center for Climate Systems Research [New York] ( CCSR ), University of Florida, University of Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms), Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Écophysiologie des Plantes sous Stress environnementaux ( LEPSE ), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique ( INRA ) -Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques ( Montpellier SupAgro ) -Institut national d’études supérieures agronomiques de Montpellier ( Montpellier SupAgro ), Génétique Diversité et Ecophysiologie des Céréales ( GDEC ), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique ( INRA ) -Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand 2 ( UBP ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Department of Geological Sciences and Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University, UE Agroclim ( UE AGROCLIM ), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique ( INRA ), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique ( INRA ) -AgroParisTech, Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, International Atomic Energy Agency [Vienna] ( IAEA ), University of Reading ( UOR ), University of Maryland, Centre for Environment Science and Climate Resilient Agriculture ( CESCRA ), Indian Agricultural Research Institute ( IARI ), Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research ( PIK ), Washington State University ( WSU ), Wageningen University and Research Center ( WUR ), Chinese Academy of Sciences [Changchun Branch] ( CAS ), Institute for Climate and Water, and Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria more...