6 results on '"Vnučec, Ivan"'
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2. The occurrence of myopathies and meat abnormalities in modern broiler farming
- Author
Vučković, Marija, Vnučec, Ivan, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Pleadin, Jelka, Jůzl, Miroslav, Kos, Ivica, Vučković, Marija, Vnučec, Ivan, Janječić, Zlatko, Bedeković, Dalibor, Pleadin, Jelka, Jůzl, Miroslav, and Kos, Ivica
- Abstract
Over the past few decades, there has been a significant increase in the production and consumption of poultry meat due to its high-quality nutritional profile, relatively low production costs, and ease of meat processing. This growing demand has led to progressive improvements in genetic selection for fast-growing broilers, triggering several spontaneous idiopathic muscle abnormalities along with an increased susceptibility to stress-induced myopathy. These muscle abnormalities have a negative impact on the quality of both fresh and processed chicken meat, primarily affecting the large breast muscle (m. pectoralis major) of broilers, which is also the most valuable part of the carcass. Frequent meat abnormalities include the occurrence of pale, soft, and exudative meat, primarily characterized by reduced water-holding capacity, while Deep Pectoral Myopathy results in a change in colour and a significant reduction in the attractive appearance of the small breast muscle (m. pectoralis minor). Myopathies labelled as "White Striping" are characterized by superficial white stripes, "Wooden Breast" is marked by pale and bulging areas of significant hardness, while "Spaghetti Meat" is described by the separation of muscle fibres resembling spaghetti pasta. These mentioned abnormalities and myopathies negatively impact the economic aspect of the poultry industry during the removal of affected parts and, furthermore, reduce the qualitative and nutritional value of the meat, posing challenges during technological processes. This paper describes recent findings on the occurrence, characteristics, and prevalence of the most common myopathies affecting modern broiler farming., Tijekom posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća značajno je povećana proizvodnja i konzumacija pilećeg mesa upravo zbog njegovog visokokvalitetnog nutritivnog profila, relativno niskih proizvodnih troškova i jednostavnosti obrade. Ovaj rastući zahtjev doveo je do progresivnih poboljšanja genetske selekcije za brzorastuće brojlere, pokrećući pritom nekoliko spontanih idiopatskih mišićnih abnormalnosti, zajedno s povećanom osjetljivošću na stresom potaknute miopatije. Te mišićne abnormalnosti negativno utječu na kvalitetu svježeg i obrađenog pilećeg mesa, prvenstveno velikog prsnog mišića (m. pectoralis major) brojlera, koji je istovremeno i najvrjedniji dio trupa. Učestale abnormalnosti mesa uključuju pojavu blijedog, mekanog i vodnjikavog mesa, uglavnom karakteriziranog smanjenom sposobnošću zadržavanja vode, dok miopatija dubokog prsnog mišića rezultira promjenom boje i značajno manjom privlačnošću izgleda malog prsnog mišića (m. pectoralis minor). Miopatije označene kao "bijele pruge" karakterizirane su površinskim bijelim prugama, "drvena prsa" su obilježena blijedim i ispupčenim područjima značajne tvrdoće, dok je "špageti meso" opisano odvajanjem mišićnih vlakana prsnog mišića, nalikujući špagetima. Navedene abnormalnosti i miopatije negativno utječu na ekonomski aspekt peradarske industrije, zbog nužnog uklanjanja zahvaćenih dijelova mišića, a dodatno smanjuju kvalitativnu i nutritivnu vrijednost mesa, postavljajući izazove tijekom tehnoloških procesa prerade. Ovaj rad opisuje recentna saznanja o pojavnosti, karakteristikama i učestalosti najčešćih miopatija koje pogađaju suvremeni uzgoj brojlera., In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind die Produktion und der Verzehr von Geflügelfleisch aufgrund des hochwertigen Nährwertprofils, der relativ niedrigen Produktionskosten und der einfachen Verarbeitung des Fleisches erheblich gestiegen. Diese wachsende Nachfrage hat zu einer fortschreitenden Verbesserung der genetischen Selektion für schnell wachsende Masthühner geführt, was mehrere spontane idiopathische Muskelanomalien sowie eine erhöhte Anfälligkeit für stressbedingte Myopathie zur Folge hatte. Diese Muskelanomalien wirken sich negativ auf die Qualität von frischem und verarbeitetem Hähnchenfleisch aus und betreffen vor allem den großen Brustmuskel (m. pectoralis major) von Masthähnchen, der auch der wertvollste Teil des Schlachtkörpers ist. Zu den häufigen Fleischanomalien gehört das Auftreten von blassem, weichem und exsudativem Fleisch, das in erster Linie durch eine verringerte Wasserbindungskapazität gekennzeichnet ist, während die tiefe Brustmuskelmyopathie zu einer Farbveränderung und einer deutlichen Verminderung des attraktiven Aussehens des kleinen Brustmuskels (m. pectoralis minor) führt. Myopathien mit der Bezeichnung "White Striping" sind durch oberflächliche weiße Streifen gekennzeichnet, "Wooden Breast" ist durch blasse und wulstige Bereiche von erheblicher Härte gekennzeichnet, während "Spaghetti Meat" durch die Trennung von Muskelfasern beschrieben wird, die an Spaghetti-Nudeln erinnern. Die genannten Anomalien und Myopathien wirken sich bei der Entfernung der betroffenen Teile negativ auf den wirtschaftlichen Aspekt der Geflügelindustrie aus und verringern darüber hinaus den qualitativen und ernährungsphysiologischen Wert des Fleisches, was bei technologischen Prozessen zu Problemen führt. In diesem Beitrag werden aktuelle Erkenntnisse über das Auftreten, die Merkmale und die Prävalenz der häufigsten Myopathien in der modernen Masthähnchenhaltung beschrieben., Durante las últimas décadas, ha habido un aumento significativo en la producción y consumo de carne de pollo debido a su perfil nutricional de alta calidad, costos de producción relativamente bajos y facilidad de procesamiento. Esta creciente demanda ha llevado a mejoras progresivas en la selección genética para pollos de engorde de crecimiento rápido, desencadenando varias miopatías musculares idiopáticas espontáneas, junto con una mayor sensibilidad a las miopatías inducidas por el estrés. Estas anormalidades musculares afectan negativamente la calidad de la carne fresca y procesada de pollo, principalmente en el músculo pectoral mayor (m. pectoralis major) de los pollos de engorde, que al mismo tiempo es la parte más valiosa del cuerpo. Las anormalidades frecuentes en la carne incluyen la aparición de carne pálida, blanda y acuosa, generalmente caracterizada por una capacidad reducida para retener agua, mientras que la miopatía del músculo pectoral profundo resulta en un cambio de color y una apariencia significativamente menos atractiva del músculo pectoral menor (m. pectoralis minor). Las miopatías denominadas “estriaciones blancas" se caracterizan por líneas blancas superficiales, las "pechugas de madera" se caracterizan por áreas pálidas y abultadas de considerable dureza, mientras que la "pechuga espagueti" se describe por la separación de las fibras musculares del músculo pectoral, pareciendo fideos. Estas anormalidades y miopatías afectan negativamente el aspecto económico de la industria avícola debido a la necesidad de eliminar las partes afectadas del músculo y reducen aún más el valor cualitativo y nutricional de la carne, presentando desafíos durante los procesos tecnológicos de procesamiento. Este trabajo describe los conocimientos recientes sobre la prevalencia, características y frecuencia de las miopatías más comunes que afectan a la cría moderna de pollos de engorde., Negli ultimi decenni la produzione e il consumo di carne di pollo sono aumentati in modo significativo proprio per il suo elevato profilo nutrizionale, i costi di produzione relativamente bassi e la facilità di lavorazione. Questa crescente domanda ha portato a progressivi miglioramenti nella selezione genetica dei broiler (polli da carne) a crescita rapida, determinando però diverse anomalie muscolari idiopatiche spontanee, insieme ad una maggiore suscettibilità alla miopatia indotta dallo stress. Queste anomalie muscolari influiscono negativamente sulla qualità della carne di pollo fresca e lavorata, in primo luogo sul grande muscolo pettorale (M. pectoralis major) dei polli da carne, che è anche la parte più pregiata della carcassa. Tra le anomalie più frequenti segnaliamo quella in cui la carne del pollo si presenta pallida, morbida e acquosa (carne PSE), caratterizzata principalmente da una ridotta capacità di trattenere l'acqua, mentre la miopatia del pettorale profondo determina un cambiamento di colore e un aspetto significativamente meno attraente del muscolo piccolo pettorale (m. pectoralis minor). La miopatia definita a “strisce bianche” è caratterizzata da striature bianche superficiali, quella definita del “petto legnoso” è caratterizzata da zone pallide e rigonfie di notevole durezza, mentre quella del “muscolo a spaghetti” è caratterizzata dalla separazione delle miofibre del muscolo pettorale, somiglianti a degli spaghetti. Le suddette anomalie e miopatie influiscono negativamente sull'aspetto economico dell'industria del pollame, vista la necessità di rimuovere le parti muscolari interessate, e riducono altresì il valore qualitativo e nutrizionale della carne, rendendo più complicato il processo tecnologico di lavorazione. Questo articolo descrive le recenti conoscenze sulla comparsa, le caratteristiche e la frequenza delle miopatie più comuni che colpiscono il moderno allevamento dei polli da carn
- Published
- 2024
3. Pokazatelji proizvodnje mesa različitih sojeva posavske kukmaste kokoši
- Author
BEDEKOVIĆ, Dalibor, JELENIĆ, Filip, JANJEČIĆ, Zlatko, ŠIRIĆ, Ivan, KOS, Ivica, VNUČEC, Ivan, KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, DUVNJAK, Gordana, KIŠ, Goran, BEDEKOVIĆ, Dalibor, JELENIĆ, Filip, JANJEČIĆ, Zlatko, ŠIRIĆ, Ivan, KOS, Ivica, VNUČEC, Ivan, KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, DUVNJAK, Gordana, and KIŠ, Goran
- Abstract
Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi proizvodne i klaoničke pokazatelje posavske kukmaste kokoši. Istraživanje je provedeno na pet sojeva pasmine posavska kukmasta kokoš, i to: žuto grahorasti, grahorasti, crveno šareni, svijetlo sivi i zlatno smeđi soj. Hranidba je tijekom čitavog istraživanja bila ad libitum te je s nutritivnog gledišta bila prilagođena dobi pilića. Odvajanje pilića po spolu izvršeno je u dobi od četiri tjedna, dok je klanje pijetlova i određivanje klaoničkih pokazatelja provedeno u dobi od 18 tjedana. Najveću prosječnu tjelesnu masu u dobi od 18 tjedana ostvarili su pijetlovi svijetlo sivog i žuto grahorastog soja (3542,63 g i 3430,38 g), odnosno pilenke svijetlo sivog soja (2562 g). Najnižu konverziju krmne smjese sa četiri tjedna starosti ostvarili su pilići svijetlo sivog soja (2,39), a sa 18 tjedana starosti pjetlići svijetlo sivog soja (4,07), odnosno pilenke žuto grahorastog i svijetlo sivog soja (4,08). Prosječan randman klanja je iznosio 71,54%, a najviši je bio u crveno šarenog soja (72,48%). U pogledu udjela pojedinih dijelova trupa, značajan (P < 0,05) utjecaj soja razvidan je u udjelu bataka u trupu, čiji je udio najveći u žuto grahorastog soja (18,69%). Značajan utjecaj soja utvrđen je također u pogledu L* (P < 0,01) i a* (P < 0,05) pokazatelja boje kože. Obzirom na utvrđene razlike između sojeva potrebno je provoditi daljnju selekciju i raditi na uniformiranosti pasmine., This research aimed to determine the meat production indicators and carcass traits of Posavska crested hen, which is the Croatian indigenous chicken breed. The research was carried out on five strains of the Posavska crested hen breed: yellow vetch, vetch, red colourful, light gray, and golden brown. Feeding was ad libitum for the whole time, adapted to the age of the chickens from a nutritional point of view. Separation by sex was carried out at the age of four weeks, while slaughter of roosters and determination of carcass traits was done at the age of 18 weeks. The highest average body weight was achieved by roosters of light gray and yellow vetch strain (3542.63 and 3430.38 g, respectively) and light gray pullets (2562 g) at the age of 18 weeks. The lowest feed conversion ratio was achieved by the light gray strain (2.39) at four weeks of age, and by the the roosters of the light gray strain (4.07) and pullets of the light gray and golden brown strain (4.08) at 18 weeks of age. The average dressing percentage was 71.54%, while the highest average dressing percentage was established in the red colourful strain (72.48%). Regarding the proportion of individual parts of the carcass, a significant (P < 0.05) influence of the strain can be seen in the proportion of drumsticks in the carcass, the proportion of which was the highest in the yellow vetch strain (18.69%). A significant influence of the strain was also found regarding L* (P < 0.01) and a* (P < 0.05) skin color indicators. Considering the established differences between the strains, it is necessary to carry out further selection and work on the uniformity of the breed.
- Published
- 2024
4. Meat production indicators of different strains of Posavska crested hen
- Author
BEDEKOVIĆ, Dalibor, primary, JELENIĆ, Filip, additional, JANJEČIĆ, Zlatko, additional, ŠIRIĆ, Ivan, additional, KOS, Ivica, additional, VNUČEC, Ivan, additional, KONJAČIĆ, Miljenko, additional, PRPIĆ, Zvonimir, additional, DUVNJAK, Gordana, additional, and KIŠ, Goran, additional
- Published
- 2024
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5. Sensory and Nutritional Characterization of Six Different Types of Croatian Traditional Meat Product Characterization of Croatian Traditional Meat Products.
- Author
Kudumija, Nina, Kos, Ivica, Lešić, Tina, Vahčić, Nada, Vulić, Ana, Polak, Tomaž, Krešić, Greta, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Škrivanko, Mario, Bogdanović, Tanja, and Pleadin, Jelka
- Subjects
MEAT ,CROATS ,SAUSAGES ,CONSUMER preferences ,FATTY acid analysis ,NUTRITIONAL value ,LEUCINE ,AMINO acids - Abstract
The aim of this study was to determine quality parameters of Croatian traditional meat products (TMPs) via the analysis of their sensory and nutritive parameters, including physicochemical properties, fatty acid profile, mineral content, and amino acid composition. Over 2020 and 2021, a diverse collection of 242 dry-fermented sausages and dry-cured TMPs from various rural households was assessed. Sensory evaluations highlighted their satisfactory qualities, with moderate salinity and a unique taste profile characterized by a slight bitterness, with low sweetness and sourness levels. Detailed analyses revealed significant differences (p<0.05) across samples in key parameters such as water activity, pH, moisture, ash, fat, protein, carbohydrate, and NaCl content, as well as in the fatty acid profile and mineral content, underscoring the diversity and richness of these products. Amino acids such as alanine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, and proline were present in high amounts in all samples, largely varying in their content within the same product type. The findings underscore the high quality and distinctiveness of Croatian TMPs, attributed to varied recipes and production techniques across different regions, suggesting the potential for standardization and further quality enhancement. Despite the presence of saturated fats and salt, the nutritional value of these TMPs, marked by high protein content and essential minerals, aligns with health-conscious consumer trends, presenting an opportunity for increased global appreciation of these artisanal products. The positive results from the sensory analysis underscore the TMPs' ability to align with consumer taste preferences, thereby affirming their reputation as a national delicacy. This could represent a promising direction for future research, focusing on the refinement of production and marketing strategies to attract a global audience, especially those with a preference for health-conscious and traditional culinary options. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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6. Corrigendum to "Sensory and Nutritional Characterization of Six Different Types of Croatian Traditional Meat Product Characterization of Croatian Traditional Meat Products".
- Author
Kudumija, Nina, Kos, Ivica, Lešić, Tina, Vahčić, Nada, Vulić, Ana, Polak, Tomaž, Krešić, Greta, Vnučec, Ivan, Bendelja Ljoljić, Darija, Škrivanko, Mario, Bogdanović, Tanja, and Pleadin, Jelka
- Subjects
MEAT ,CROATS - Published
- 2024
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