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1. Improvement in efficiency of fibre utilization by the Canadian forest products industry 1970 to 2010.


3. A comparison of several methods for estimating light under a paper birch mixedwood stand

4. A review of Canadian wood conversion technologies for the production of fuels and chemicals.

5. Scientific considerations and challenges for addressing cumulative effects in forest landscapes in Canada.

6. Indigenous experiences with public advisory committees in Canadian forest management1.

7. Competitive forests -- tenure revisited.

8. Impacts and prognosis of natural resource development on aquatic biodiversity in Canada's boreal zone1.

9. Participatory decision support for sustainable forest management: a framework for planning with local communities at the landscape level in Canada.

10. Assessing future climate trends and implications for managed forests across Canadian ecozones.

11. Desperately Seeking Certified.


13. Assisted migration: Introduction to a multifaceted concept.

14. Evaluating the social capital accrued in large research networks: The case of the Sustainable Forest Management Network (1995-2009).

15. Integrating advanced technologies for optimization of aerial herbicide applications.

16. Potential changes in monthly fire risk in the eastern Canadian boreal forest under future climate change.

17. The Influence of Context on Deliberation and Cooperation in Community-Based Forest Management in Ontario, Canada.

18. Climate change adaptation and regional forest planning in southern Yukon, Canada.

19. First Nations, forest lands, and “aboriginal forestry” in Canada: from exclusion to comanagement and beyond.

20. Mapping stand-level forest biophysical variables for a mixedwood boreal forest using lidar: an examination of scanning density.

21. A Result-baed system for regulating refection obligations: Some developments in 2003.

22. Give Trees a chance.

23. Cost of climate change mitigation in Canada's forest sector.

24. The Forestry Chronicle Report.

25. Long-term compositional changes following partial disturbance revealed by the resurvey of logging concession limits in the northern temperate forest of eastern Canada.

26. Irregular forest structures originating after fire: An opportunity to promote alternatives to even‐aged management in boreal forests.

27. Potential policy reforms for a "more exotic" Canadian forest sector: Comparing Canada's plantation policies with those in Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

28. "Perfect cooperation": Taking the campaign against the spruce budworm in Ontario to new heights, 1927-29.

29. Impacts and prognosis of natural resource development on aquatic biodiversity in Canada's boreal zone1.

30. How can the forest sector mitigate climate change in a changing climate? Case studies of boreal and northern temperate forests in eastern Canada.

31. The implementation of assisted migration in Canadian forests.

32. Why we disagree about assisted migration: Ethical implications of a key debate regarding the future of Canada's forests.

33. Social concerns, risk and the acceptability of forest vegetation management alternatives: Insights for managers.

34. Tradeoffs between forestry resource and conservation values under alternate policy regimes: A spatial analysis of the western Canadian boreal plains

35. Conserving biodiversity in managed forest landscapes: The use of critical thresholds for habitat.

36. Conservation de la biodiversité dans les paysages forestiers aménagés: utilisation des seuils critiques d'habitat.

37. Accuracy in population estimation: A methodological consideration.

38. Preindustrial reconstruction of a perhumid midboreal landscape, Anticosti Island, Quebec.

39. Changing our mental model from growing volume to producing value: The case of uneven-aged hardwood management.

40. Toward full, multiple, and optimal wood fibre utilization: A modeling perspective.

41. CBM-CFS3: A model of carbon-dynamics in forestry and land-use change implementing IPCC standards

42. Conservation of forest-dwelling arthropod species: simultaneous management of many small and heterogeneous risks.

43. Beautiful Plantations: can intensive silviculture help Canada to fulfill ecological and timber production objectives?

44. Forest management in a changing climate: building the environmental information base for southwest Yukon.

45. Sustaining sustained yield: class, politics, and post-war forest regulation in British Columbia.

46. The Not So Clear-Cut Nature of Organizational Legitimating Mechanisms - in the Canadian Forest Sector.

47. A national portrait of community forestry on public land in Canada.

48. Monitoring Canada's forests: The National Forest Inventory.

49. An active adaptive management case study in Ontario boreal aamixedwood stands.

50. Environmental assessment of forestry in Canada.