
Showing total 521 results
521 results

Search Results

1. Effects of virtual reality on moods in community older adults. A multicenter randomized controlled trial.

2. Behaviour change communication to improve complementary feeding practices in Ethiopia: Couples' beliefs concerning paternal involvement in childcare.

3. Does the addition of clonidine to opioid therapy improve outcomes in infants with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome?

4. Online collaborative tools for science education: Boosting learning outcomes, motivation, and engagement.

5. Beyond the dawn of virtualized learning environments: A comparative study of video and augmented reality information delivery on student engagement and knowledge retention.

6. Effects of an abbreviated obesity intervention supported by mobile technology: The ENGAGED randomized clinical trial.

7. Task type matters: The impact of virtual reality training on training performance.

8. Resin adhesion to caries-affected dentine after different removal methods.

9. Supporting primary students' learning of fraction conceptual knowledge through digital games.

10. Designing evaluation plans for health promotion mHealth interventions: a case study of the Milk Man mobile app.

11. Identifying latent classes of empowerment among early adolescent girls and the factors that cultivate them: Evidence from a community-based skills training program.

12. Is the human movement effect stable over time? The effects of presentation format on acquisition and retention of a motor skill.

13. Interactive media as a tool for reducing waiting anxiety at paediatric rehabilitation hospitals: a randomized controlled trial.

14. The effects of an augmented reality based magnetic experimental tool on students' knowledge improvement and cognitive load.

15. Prospective ARNI vs. ACE inhibitor trial to DetermIne Superiority in reducing heart failure Events after Myocardial Infarction (PARADISE-MI): design and baseline characteristics.

16. Comparison of object‐oriented and robot programming activities: The effects of programming modality on student achievement, abstraction, problem solving, and motivation.

17. Qigong for the treatment of depressive symptoms: Preliminary evidence of neurobiological mechanisms.

18. Hand-arm bimanual intensive therapy and daily functioning of children with bilateral cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial.

19. Efficacy and safety of nabiximols cannabinoid medicine for paediatric spasticity in cerebral palsy or traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial.

20. Use of the Dyskinesia Impairment Scale in non-ambulatory dyskinetic cerebral palsy.

21. Gait analysis for individually tailored interdisciplinary interventions in children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial.

22. Motor function and safety after allogeneic cord blood and cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in cerebral palsy: An open-label, randomized trial.

23. Neurodevelopmental outcome of nutritional intervention in newborn infants at risk of neurodevelopmental impairment: the Dolphin neonatal double-blind randomized controlled trial.

24. Nutritional intervention and neurodevelopmental outcome in infants with suspected cerebral palsy: the Dolphin infant double-blind randomized controlled trial.

25. Evaluation of the implementation of the Meeting Centres Support Program in Italy, Poland, and the UK; exploration of the effects on people with dementia.

26. The role of social risk in an early preventative care programme for infants born very preterm: a randomized controlled trial.

27. Immediate and Short-Term Effects of Kinesio Taping Tightness in Mechanical Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

28. If you needed an organ transplant would you have one? The effect of reciprocity priming and mode of delivery on organ donor registration intentions and behaviour.

29. Relearning of Writing Skills in Parkinson's Disease After Intensive Amplitude Training.

30. Results of the Australasian (Trans-Tasman Oncology Group) radiotherapy benchmarking exercise in preparation for participation in the PORTEC-3 trial.

31. Effects of a Randomized Reading Intervention Study Aimed at 9-Year-Olds: A 5-Year Follow-up.

32. Reducing worry and subjective health complaints: A randomized trial of an internet-delivered worry postponement intervention.

33. Protecting cognition from aging and Alzheimer's disease: a computerized cognitive training combined with reminiscence therapy.

34. The effect of primary midwife-led care on women's experience of childbirth: results from the COSMOS randomised controlled trial.

35. Evaluation and improvement of blood donor educational materials: results from a multicenter randomized controlled trial.

36. Elicitation of prior probability distributions for a proposed Bayesian randomized clinical trial of whole blood for trauma resuscitation.

37. A comparison of imputation methods in a longitudinal randomized clinical trial.

38. Defecation problems in children with Hirschsprung's disease: a prospective controlled study of a multidisciplinary behavioural treatment.

39. Droperidol and 5-HT3-receptor antagonists, alone or in combination, for prophylaxis of postoperative nausea and vomiting. A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

40. Using social media‐based drama therapy and family counselling to treat symptoms of postpartum depression among women.

41. A cluster-randomized controlled trial of automated internet weight-loss programs in primary care: Role of automated provider feedback.

42. Randomized experimental testing of new survey approaches to improve abortion reporting in the United States.

43. Efficacy and safety of co-crystal of tramadol-celecoxib (CTC) in acute moderate-to-severe pain after abdominal hysterectomy: A randomized, double-blind, phase 3 trial (STARDOM2).

44. Sumatriptan prevents central sensitization specifically in the trigeminal dermatome in humans.

45. Added benefit of L-PRF to autogenous bone grafts in the treatment of degree II furcation involvement in mandibular molars.

46. Youth recovery outcomes at 6 and 9 months following participation in a mobile texting recovery support aftercare pilot study.

47. Coparenting-focused preventive intervention reduces postnatal maternal BMI and buffers impact of cortisol.

48. Long-term preservation of ridge dimension following tooth extraction and ridge preservation: A randomized controlled trial of healing at 4- and 12-month healing time points.

49. A precision medicine tool to understand who responds best to hearing aids in late-life depression.

50. Consequences of cervical pessary for subsequent pregnancy: follow-up of randomized clinical trial (ProTWIN).