Allogeneic Transplant, Allograft, Allotransplantation, Biomedicine, Health and Medicine, Homograft, Surgery, Transplant Medicine Keywords for this news article include: Center for Medical Device Evaluation, Biomedicine, Surgery, Allograft, Homograft, Allotransplantation, Health and Medicine, Transplant Medicine, Allogeneic Transplant. Keywords: Allogeneic Transplant; Allograft; Allotransplantation; Biomedicine; Health and Medicine; Homograft; Surgery; Transplant Medicine EN Allogeneic Transplant Allograft Allotransplantation Biomedicine Health and Medicine Homograft Surgery Transplant Medicine 2023 MAR 9 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Blood Weekly -- Investigators publish new report on allotransplantation. [Extracted from the article]