28 results on '"tehnika"'
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2. Nepovratna digitalizacija društva – Tehnološka preobrazba svijeta [Irreversible digitalization of society – Technological transformation of the world]
- Author
Sofradžija, Halima, Basic, Goran, Sofradžija, Halima, and Basic, Goran
- Abstract
Digitalizacija u našem dobu nije više pitanje izbora. Digitalna transformacija, kojoj se ne nazire kraj, gotovo kao vid svojevrsne kolektivne avanture, kontinuirano zahvata svijet. Potpuna uronjenost u digitalizaciju, digitalne platforme kao mjesto susretanja, hipermedijsku sferu, gdje je najprepoznatljiviji medij – tehnologija - nesumnjivo postavlja brojne izazove pred savremeno društvo. U digitalnom dobu tehnologija stvara novu realnost, hiperrealnost (Baudrillard), kulturu stvarne virtualnosti (Castells) gdje je “stroj konstanta, a čovjek varijabla” (Flusser)., Digitization in our age is no longer a matter of choice. Digital transformation, with no end in sight, almost like a kind of collective adventure, is continuously sweeping the world. Complete immersion in digitalisation – with digital platforms serving as meeting places and hypermedia spheres where technology is the most recognisable medium – undoubtedly poses numerous challenges to modern society. In the digital age, technology creates a new reality – a hyperreality (Baudrillard) or culture of real virtuality (Castells) – where "the machine is the constant and man is the variable" (Flusser).
- Published
- 2024
3. Textile Artists of the 1970s—1980s—Leaders of Folk Applied Art Studios.
- Author
Sirica, Inese and Veilande-Apine, Elīna
- Subjects
DECORATIVE arts ,TEXTILE artists ,FOLK art ,ARTISTS' studios ,TEXTILE arts ,HANDICRAFT - Abstract
Copyright of Letonica is the property of University of Latvia, Institute of Literature, Folklore & Art and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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4. Ontological Foundations of the Consumer Society: Heidegger and Marcuse.
- Author
Volarević, Martina and Sekulić, Damir
- Abstract
Copyright of Anthropos: Revija za Filozofijo in Psihologijo is the property of Anthropos and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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5. Razvoj francoske šole flavte
- Author
Alegro, Maruša and Šantl Zupan, Karolina
- Subjects
flavta ,tehnika ,udc:780.641/.642(44)Taffanel P ,francoska šola flavte ,19. st ,magistrska dela - Published
- 2023
6. Ecological crisis and the importance od human action
- Author
Jelić, Šima and Kos, Marko
- Subjects
razvoj ,ekološka kriza ,tehnologija ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filozofija. Etika ,ecological crisis ,transhumanizam ,odgovornost ,technique ,ekološka etika ,deep ecology ,ecological ethics ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philosophy. Ethics ,tehnika ,technology ,dubinska ekologija ,values ,responsibility ,vrijednosti ,development ,transhumanism - Abstract
Kao društvo, suočavamo se s različitim pogledima na okoliš i ekološku krizu. Svaki dan donosimo izbore između različitih perspektiva. Neki od tih stavova postavljaju čovjeka u središte, koristeći prirodu kao alat za poboljšanje ljudskog života, dok drugi više ili manje ističu važnost svih živih bića i cjelokupnih ekosustava. Ključnu ulogu u ekološkoj etici imaju vrijednosti, stoga je važno razumjeti njihovu poziciju kako bismo ih potpuno shvatili i svjesno odlučivali o našim djelovanjima. S obzirom na to da tehnologija danas zauzima ključno mjesto u teorijama ekološke etike, važno je istaknuti pokret transhumanizma koji stavlja tehnologiju i njen napredak u središte rasprave. Poboljšavanje ljudskih sposobnosti i svijeta korištenjem tehnologije za neke je pozitivan korak prema unapređenju ljudske vrste dok drugi smatraju da to predstavlja prijetnju ljudskoj prirodi i moralu. U ovom radu ćemo pokušati dati širi uvid u ovu tematiku i navesti različita stajališta kako bismo uvidjeli različite teorije te s etičkog stajališta problematizirali njihovu održivost. As a society, we face different views on the environment and the ecological crisis. Every day we choose between different attitudes, some of which place man in the centre and use nature to achieve a better human life, and some place value in every living being, emphasizing the entire ecosystem. Values play a key role in theories of environmental ethics, and it is important to understand their position in order to understand them in their totality and to be aware of why we should act in a certain way. Considering that technology occupies a key place in the theories of ecological ethics today, it is important to highlight the transhumanism movement whose centre is occupied by technology and technological progress. Improving human capabilities and the world by using technology is for some a positive step towards the advancement of the human species, while others see it as a threat to human nature and morality. In this paper, we will try to give a broader insight into this topic and state different points of view in order to see different theories and problematize their sustainability from an ethical point of view.
- Published
- 2023
7. Georg Philipp Telemann fantazije za flavto solo
- Author
Milardović, Nikolina and Šantl Zupan, Karolina
- Subjects
udc:78.08:929 Telemann G. P ,flavta ,šole ,tehnika ,fantazije ,biografija ,glasbene šole - Published
- 2023
8. Slovenska literatura za poučevanje flavte pri začetnikih
- Author
Pavlič, Nika
- Subjects
flavta ,šole ,tehnika ,vaje ,poučevanje začetnikov ,udc:78:37 ,glasbene šole - Published
- 2023
9. Kitarska tehnika desne roke z uporabo vseh petih prstov
- Author
Čakš, Staš and Rajterič, Tomaž
- Subjects
udc:781:780.614.131 ,kitarske tehnike ,tehnika ,vaje ,kitara - Published
- 2023
10. Evolution of violin solo sonatas from baroque age to modern time
- Author
Greci, Giulio and Meljnikov, Vasilij
- Subjects
tehnika ,barok ,glasbene oblike ,slogi ,udc:781:780.614.332 ,sonate ,moderna ,violina ,zgodovinski razvoj - Published
- 2023
11. From the Projection of Human Organs to the Projection of an Artificial Man
- Author
Ivana Greguric and Ivo Džinić
- Subjects
cyborgization, Ernst Kapp, evolution, organ, philosophy, posthumanism, projection, robotics, technique, transhumanism ,Ernst Kapp ,organ ,projekcija ,filozofija ,tehnika ,kiborgizacija ,transhumanizam ,robotika ,evolucija ,posthumanizam ,cyborgization ,evolution ,philosophy ,posthumanism ,projection ,robotics ,technique ,transhumanism - Abstract
Based on the thesis of Ernst Kapp about the projection of organs during the initial creation of tools, the current article tries to show that this thesis still has its implications today. Indeed, if Kapp claims that the man created tools by observing his organs and their functionality, then it should also be stated that today, from a technical point of view, the man has reached the position of projecting technically sophisticated tools for the replacement of human organs. There is an increasing tendency of human organ replacement aiding, and in many ways facilitating, human life, but also conscious and coordinated cyborgization and robotics with the aim of accelerating and improving that same life to the level of challenging a new stage of its evolution. Thus, the current framework of the philosophy of technology emerges, which was mainly initiated by Kapp's thesis., U članku se na temelju teze njemačkoga teoretičara i pionira filozofije tehnike, Ernsta Kappa, o projekciji organa prilikom početnoga stvaranja oruđa, nastoji pokazati kako ta teza ima svoje implikacije još i danas, posebice u pogledu njezine reverzibilnosti. Naime, kada Kapp tvrdi da su sva oruđa nastala tako što je čovjek promatrao svoje organe i njihovu funkcionalnost, a da je među svim organima napose ruka oruđe svih oruđa, onda isto tako valja ustvrditi kako se je danas od projekcije organa prispjelo tome da je čovjek s aspekta tehnike dospio u poziciju da projicira tehnički sofisticirana oruđa za zamjenu ljudskih organa. Sve je prisutnija pojava zamjene ljudskih organa kao pripomoći i u mnogočemu olakšavanja čovjekova života, ali isto tako i svjesne i koordinirane kiborgizacije i robotike s ciljem pospješivanja i unaprjeđenja toga istoga života do razine izazivanja novoga stupnja njegove evolucije. Tako se stvaraju aktualni okviri filozofije tehnike, koja je uvelike započela sa naznačenom Kappovom tezom.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Mijolović, Marko and Baković, Marijo
- Subjects
jumping ability ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,tehnika ,motor skills ,motorička znanja ,speed ,brzina ,technique ,skočnost - Abstract
Poznata je činjenica da brzina i skočnost u današnjim modernim sportovima imaju veliku ulogu i kao takvi su zastupljeni u nekom obliku gotovo u svakom sportu. Atletske discipline skok udalj i skok uvis mogu biti dobri pokazatelji skočnosti pojedinca. Studenti kineziologije uglavnom aktivno treniraju u različitim sportovima te treninzi različito utječu na njihovu skočnost. Stoga je korisno istražiti utjecaj različitih trenažnih procesa prema specifičnostima pojedinog sporta na razinu skočnosti. Primarni cilj istraživanja je utvrditi i analizirati razlike između rezultata ostvarenih u dvije atletske discipline (skok udalj i skok uvis) između grupa sportaša iz 10 različitih sportova: nogometa, košarke, rukometa, atletike, juda, odbojke, plivanja, tenisa, taekwondoa i vaterpola te grupa sportašica iz 6 različitih sportova: plesa, nogometa, atletike, rukometa, odbojke i košarke. Istraživanje kod muških grupa ispitanika utvrdilo je da u varijabli skok uvis postoji značajna razlika između grupa košarkaša u odnosu na vaterpoliste, judaše i nogometaše, dok kod muških ispitanika u varijabli skok udalj postoji značajna razlika između grupe atletičara u odnosu na vaterpoliste, tenisače, plivače, rukometaše i nogometaše. Kod ženskih grupa ispitanika u varijabli skok uvis nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika, a u varijabli skok udalj grupa atletičarki statistički se značajno razlikuje od svih drugih grupa sportašica. Rezultati testiranja pokazuju da sportaši koji za potrebe svog sporta dominantno koriste vertikalne skokove, kao npr. košarkaši, imaju značajno bolji rezultat u skoku uvis od ostalih navedenih sportaša. Međutim, u skoku udalj, u kojem je potrebnija horizontalna skočnost, ne odstupaju značajno niti od jedne grupe sportaša. S druge strane, grupa odbojkaša koji također za potrebe odbojkaške igre na terenu izvode razne oblike skokova u ovom istraživanju nisu pokazali značajno odstupanje u rezultatu u odnosu na ostale sportaše niti u skoku udalj niti u skoku uvis. Navedena saznanja imaju važnu ulogu u planiranju, programiranju i provođenju trenažnih procesa koji će rezultirati povećanjem skočnosti i brzine sportaša, što može pozitivno utjecati na samu situacijsku izvedbu. The significance of jumping ability in modern sports cannot be overstated, as it is a crucial aspect of a vast majority of athletic disciplines. High jump and long jump are indicative of an individual's jumping aptitude and are frequently trained by kinesiology students. This study aims to investigate the effect of sport-specific training methods on the development of jumping ability. The primary objective is to compare the results of high jump and long jump between male students from 10 diverse sports disciplines (football, basketball, handball, athletics, judo, volleyball, swimming, tennis, taekwondo and water polo) and female students from 6 sports (football, handball, basketball, dance, volleyball and athletics). The findings indicate a noticeable difference in high jump among male basketball players compared to water polo, judo and football players, and in long jump between male athletes compared to male examinees from water polo, tennis, swimming, handball, and football. Conversely, there was no significant difference in high jump among female examinees, however, there was a statistically significant difference in long jump between female athletes and all other female examinees. The results suggest that male basketball players, who primarily train vertical jumps, exhibit better results in high jump compared to other groups, while no distinct differences were observed in long jump. Female volleyball players, who incorporate various types of jumps in their training, did not show any significant differences in either high jump or long jump compared to other groups. These findings have important implications for the planning and implementation of training programs aimed at enhancing jumping ability and speed, which in turn will positively impact athletic performance
- Published
- 2023
13. Filozofija slomljenoga i praksa presloženoga
- Author
Matošević, Andrea
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Napulj ,tehnika ,Alfred Sohn-Rethel ,poroznost ,tejlorizam ,Anthropology ,Napulj, tehnika, Alfred Sohn-Rethel, poroznost, tejlorizam ,Naples ,technology ,porosity ,Taylorism - Abstract
U tekstu se analizira sadržaj eseja o Napulju i njegovim stanovnicima iz sredine 1920-ih godina koje je napisao naknadno utjecajni njemački marksistički filozof i ekonomist vrlo blizak Frankfurtskoj školi – Alfred Sohn-Rethel. Ključ za čitanje tih tekstova objedinjenih pod naslovom Napoli: filozofija slomljenoga [Napoli: la filosofia del rotto] nalazi se u ideji kako za Napolitance tehnika počinje raditi tek kada je “slome” i “podrede” vlastitoj kontroli; ta teza povezuje se s antropološkom teorijom bricolera Claudea Lévija-Straussa te se pritom ukazuje na koncept poroznosti koji u ono vrijeme ima i epistemološku važnost u kontekstu interpretacija talijanskoga juga. Naposljetku, sadržaj se autorovih eseja uspoređuje s dijelom politika i rezultata uvođenja tejlorističke “znanstvene organizacije” rada dvadesetih godina u talijansku i širu privredu., The text analyses the content of essays on Naples and its inhabitants from the mid-1920s, written by the influential German Marxist philosopher and economist Alfred Sohn-Rethel, who was very close to the Frankfurt School. The key to reading these texts, published under the title “Napoli: The Philosophy of the Broken” (Napoli: la filosofia del rotto), lies in the idea that, for the Neapolitans, technology begins to work only when it is “broken” and “subordinated” to complete control of its owners; this thesis is connected with Claude Lévi-Strauss’s anthropological theory of bricolage. This text also highlights the concept of porosity, which at that time also had epistemological importance in the context of interpretations of the Italian south. Finally, the content of the author’s essays is compared with policies and results of the introduction of the Taylorist “scientific organization” of labor in the 1920s into the Italian economy and beyond.
- Published
- 2021
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14. Political authority in digital democracy
- Author
Marković, Jurica and Selak, Marija
- Subjects
Filozofski sustavi i gledišta ,Technology ,Authority ,Digital Democracy ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Filozofija ,digitalna demokracija ,autoritet ,politički autoritet ,udc:14(043.3) ,Democracy ,Philosophical systems and points of view ,Blockchain ,tehnika ,Government ,Power ,tehnika povezanih blokova ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Philosophy ,vlast ,Political Authority ,demokracija - Abstract
Pojam autoriteta, napose kako ga vidi Hannah Arendt, nužno je jasno odijeliti od pojmova vlasti i moći. Autoritet pojmovno dolazi prije vlasti i predstavlja njeno utemeljenje. Pojam je nastao od latinske riječi auctoritas, a svoje izvorište ima u antičkomu Rimu u kojem su autoritet, religija i politika bili snažno povezani. U kasnijim povijesnim razdobljima autoritet se iz polja transcendentnoga spuštao u polje svjetovnoga, što je rezultiralo pozicioniranjem autoriteta u narod. To se nije odvijalo u skokovima nego u dugom nizu stoljeća. Takav pomak može biti okarakteriziran kao progresivan, no istraživanjem filozofijske literature dolazi se i do zaključka da je jedna od posljedica bila ta da se moderni autoritet našao u krizi. Razlog je tomu što narod, kao nositelj autoriteta u smislu vezivanja za temelj, ima pravo od političara, koji su birani na određeni mandat, u obnašanju vlasti zahtijevati izvršenje svih zahtjeva koji se pred njih postave. Ukoliko političari ne riješe spomenute zahtjeve naroda, utoliko ih je lakše nego ikada prije u povijesti smijeniti s pozicije obnašanja vlasti. Radi se o svojevrsnoj krizi modernoga autoriteta kojoj se na prvi pogled ne nazire rješenje. Ova kriza, također, još jednom iznosi na vidjelo ontološke temelje autoriteta koji su tek prividno prevladani u demokratskom društvu. Stoga, da bi se ona razriješila treba još jednom razmotriti temelje same demokracije. Početci demokracije ustanovljeni su u antičkoj Grčkoj, a demokraciju kakvu poznajemo danas uvelike su kroz njenu povijest oblikovale ideje slobode, jednakosti i ekonomske proizvodnje. Isprva sramežljivo, potom sve snažnije, te ideje su od pojavljivanja do čvrstoga etabliranja prošle put koji je trajao gotovo nekoliko stoljeća. Međutim, poduzetim istraživanjem demokracije postaje jasnije da se dijagnoza o napetosti modernoga autoriteta iznova potvrđuje. Čini se da odgovor na krizu modernoga autoriteta ne može doći iz postojeće paradigme demokracije, pa ga upravo zato treba tražiti izvan nje. Upravo u pojavi tehnike, koja prodire u pojam demokracije putem tehnike povezanih blokova (eng. blockchain) pronađena je naznaka koja bi mogla trasirati put do razrješavanja krize modernog autoriteta. No prije istraživanja tehnike povezanih blokova valja istražiti i sâm pojam tehnike. Istraživanjem navedenoga pojma ustanovljeno je da potencijal oslobođenja krize modernoga autoriteta ne dolazi po tehnici povezanih blokova ni iz tehnike po sebi, nego iz odnosa čovjeka i tehnike. Čovjek i tehnika u dihotomičnom su odnosu te kao takvi usko povezani od sâmih začetaka ljudskoga roda. Naime, čovjek je oduvijek živio s alatima (grč. tekhne) i konstantno je morao učiti o njima i njihovoj primjeni. Bitno je naglasiti da čovjek nikada nije zaboravio da tehnika, iako mu olakšava život, ne smije nad njime preuzeti primat. Čovjek se u tomu suživotu konstantno podsjećao da je tehnika u položaju objekta, a da je on sâm subjekt koji njome upravlja. Isti je slučaj i kod tehnike povezanih blokova koja predstavlja tehničku okosnicu digitalne demokracije – čovjeku se valja podsjetiti da je on politički subjekt i da je, u tom kontekstu, on taj koji je nositelj političkoga autoriteta, a ne tehnika. To znači da vezivanje za temelj završava na čovjeku koji na sebe preuzima odgovornost odlučivanja. Prilikom toga podsjećanja, čovjek preuzima individualnu odgovornost za djelovanje u zajednici, a njegova aktivna participacija može djelovati na decentralizaciju autoriteta, u smislu decentralizacije odgovornosti. Na taj se način moderni autoritet može izvesti na put izlaska iz trenutne krize i primaknuti korak bliže autentičnijoj aktualizaciji demokracije, ali i njezinog osnaživanja jer decentralizacija podrazumijeva aktivniju participaciju većeg broja subjekata koji tako konačno aktualiziraju svoju ulogu u demokratskom procesu. In the beginning of this doctoral thesis, I will discuss the difference in meaning of authority and political authority. For that purpose, I will use Platonʼs Crito, debate between Huemer and Layman, as well as works of Renaut, Arendt and Weber. The semantic difference between terms of authority, power and political authority has its roots, as Hannah Arendt pointed out, in ancient Rome. The concept of authority among the Romans was strongly connected to the concepts of religion, tradition and politics. The term authority comes from the Latin auctoritas which means ʻbinding to the foundationʼ and is opposite from power (lat. potestas). In Rome, the source of power is positioned in the Senate, and the senators present themselves as reincarnations of the founders of Rome. Also, Senators can interpret the Roman constitution as the founders of Rome would have done it back then. Furthermore, Arendt points out that auctoritas comes from the Latin verb augere, which means ʻto increaseʼ, because it was the responsibility of the senators to increase the foundations of authority. The concept of authority, as Romans knew it, was incorporated into a political institution, the Roman Senate. There was a saying – potestas in populo, auctoritas in senatu sit, which means that, while power resides within the people, Senate has all the authority. Romans separated authority from power, which leads to the conclusion that those two terms were established as opposite concepts. Namely, authority has its roots in the past and power in the present. Religion also played an important role in ancient Rome and it was the connective tissue between power and authority. The term religion comes from the Latin re-ligare, which means ʻbindingʼ (to the foundation). Politics, religion and tradition, as Arendt suggests, were closely intertwined in ancient Rome. After beforementioned analysis, I will present definitions of power, authority and political authority. Political authority, therefore, means having the legitimacy of making a decision which the majority of citizens obey. Power is the very act of making and implementing a decision that affects the lives of people in a particular state. Political authority and power are different concepts, and they also differ with regard to the concept of authority. Authority does not only represent an influence on someone, but based on the concept of auctoritas, the very foundation of political authority. Conceptually, it comes before political authority and before power, and its origins are derived from the Romans. The Greeks did not have anything similar to Roman notion of auctoritas and that can be partly confirmed with analysis of Aristotleʼs Politics. Aristotleʼs notion of authority in Politics is similar to three terms in Greek – archē, kurios and crisis. However, that is nowhere near the meaning Romans produced and because of that we can only talk about reconstruction of the similar concept within Aristotleʼs Politics. Reconstruction can be done in three directions: authority as protection from evil people, authority as an improver and promoter of interactions in society and authority as a result of common interest. At this point of discussion, we might ask ourselves why is it that the concept of authority is so important. In order to get an answer to that question, it will be researched what happens to authority when it is inverted and what consequences this inversion carries with it. For that purpose, thoughts of Hannah Arendt on totalitarian government will be consulted. Arendt points out that one of the symptoms of totalitarianism indicates the absence of hierarchy. The lack of hierarchy creates an impersonal system where disrespect for the law is the modus operandi. Arendt claims that authority cannot function within totalitarianism because there is no hierarchy as a prerequisite, there is no structure, there is just lack of real power and general weakness of the Government. Moreover, Selak Raspudić, a Croatian philosopher, will add to this topic that totalitarianism implies the rule of disorder, a world in which authority is invisible, which inevitably leads to self-destruction of man. The rest of the symptoms of totalitarianism include: the absence of hierarchy, cruel formlessness, disrespect for the law and the accumulation of official apparatus. However, these are not the worst consequences, as the cruelest manifestations of totalitarian regimes are concentration camps. Arendt will conclude that those camps are the true central institutions of totalitarian organizational power. All of these symptoms are the direct result of inversion of authority which clearly indicates the importance of its existence in society. That is why it is interesting to notice how Max Weber and Arendt somehow direct the discussion about authority towards the framework of democracy. In order to better understand how authority acts within democracy, Alain Renaut introduces the authority of the Ancients and the authority of the Moderns. He argues that at one point in history the authority of the Ancients was replaced by a new, modern authority. Wilhelm von Humboldt was among the first philosophers who pointed out this phenomenon by dividing states on the Ancient and Modern ones. Ancient states were most concerned about the overall development and upbringing of a human being in accordance with virtue ethics, while modern states, writes Humboldt, paid most attention to prosperity and productivity. The main question facing the Moderns became how to increase the power that has weakened itself by setting limits in order to establish the foundation of power. Modern government guarantees freedom to people who can use it not only to question it but also to destroy it. According to Renaut, this is the principle of modern-day democracy that is constantly subjected to judgment, change or even overthrowing the elected Government. How did this happen? The people (Greek demos) became the successor of the Roman auctoritas. The foundation of authority positioned itself in demos, and apart from the substantial positional shift of authority, demos is in a constant pursuit to increase its authority based on the Roman principle. On the other hand, elected officials are initially limited in exercise of their power, which makes them unable to do their task properly. Also, elected officials have the power to make decisions, but they cannot increase authority as it is positioned in the demos and not in the Government (which would be the senators in ancient Rome). With regard to the described, the situation of modern authority could be characterized as a state of crisis, namely, as a crisis of modern authority. Arendt agrees that the traditional form of authority has experienced a breakdown and believes that authority can best be rehabilitated through revolution, highlighting the example of the American Revolution. However, a careful study of her thought leads to the conclusion that she too could agree that modern authority is in crisis. Democracy seems to be a system that simultaneously enables the emergence of authority and its crisis. We will try to answer why this is so in the next chapter, where we will try to find the essence of democracy and what this term represents. The research quest will begin with Plato, Aristotle, Cicero and Thomas Aquinas. For Plato, democracy represents wrong form of organization of the state. Other wrong forms include timocracy, oligarchy and tyranny. Plato points out that democratic rule arises as a result of the degradation of oligarchy. Plato was followed by Aristotle, who believed, in regards of the exercise of power, that power can be exercised by one person, a group of people or a multitude. With this in mind, Aristotle distinguishes between the correct and incorrect types of government. The right types of government strive to work for the common good and they are kingdom, aristocracy and constitutional government, while their opposites are tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. Cicero has a significant impact in the beginnings of the concept of democracy. In Ciceroʼs work De re publica, Scipio Africanus states that the state (Latin res publica) is a matter of the people. Scipio adds that if the nation wants to survive, it must necessarily adopt some kind of decision-making process. Decision-making in the state could be managed by one, a few or many. Although he admits that in case of necessity he would give primacy to the royal government, Scipio claims that the best type of decision-making is composed of all three decision-making types. Additionally, in this context it should be mentioned that democracy represents an incorrect type of government for Thomas Aquinas as well. Philosophers of the Antiquity and the Middle Ages are responsible for establishing the beginnings of the framework of democracy. In the works of Aristotle, Plato, Cicero and Thomas Aquinas, two key features of democracy are clearly outlined – freedom and equality. Although the ideas of equality and freedom in the context of democracy appeared in the Classical period, there were no thinkers who would recognize the people as an essential and unavoidable component in the exercise of power until the Early Modern period. This changed with Machiavelliʼs Il Principe where he tried to somewhat persuade Lorenzo Medici of the importance of winning the people over in the exercise of power. By carefully reading Il Principe, it can be established that Machiavelli tried to direct Medici with recommendations to exercise power with the support of the people, or to rule in popular-democratic direction, so to speak. A few centuries later, Rousseau praises Machiavelli for skillfully serving Il Principe to rulers presenting it as an aid to their rule, when in fact it was a first book of the Republicans. Machiavelliʼs Il Principe for the first time puts the people in a more equal position with the ruler, a position with more respect and recognition. Centuries later, from the idea of more equality between the people and the ruler emerged the concept of republicanism from Rousseau. Rousseau placed equality within the framework of law and considered it to be the crucial element in governing the state. Rousseauʼs contemporary, Montesquieu, pointed out that in a republic, the sovereign power rests with the people as a whole and it is mediated by democracy. For Montesquieu, democracy represents a subtype of republicanism. He also argues that there are two basic laws in democracy. The first one regulates how ballots are submitted, and the other basic law of democracy is that the people should make laws by themselves. In the context of the idea of equality with a focus on laws, Kant is also one of the philosophers worth the mention. His doctrine of the state is based on law, but even more importantly, on eternal peace. For Kant, the equality of all citizens with subordination to legislation is one of the fundamental principles of the republican constitution whose ultimate purpose is to achieve eternal peace. The equality of all citizens is most important in Kantʼs philosophy, which is slightly opposed to Tocqueville who emphasizes the equality of conditions that helps shape the laws in a state, sets maxims for the holders of power to follow and at the same time creates favorable habits of citizens resulting in positive public opinion. Tocqueville went on the study visit to USA where he found a lot of positive elements in its democratic system. When he will emphasize the positive elements of American democracy, he will mention that the reasons for greatness of the American people derive from its laws and customs. Along with the universal right to vote, Tocqueville singles out the jury system as a powerful tool that Americans use to establish democracy. Machiavelli, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Kant and Tocqueville made contributions to the idea of equality that eventually ended up as a significant element of modern-day democracy. One of the ideas that also made impact on democracy as we know it today is the idea of liberty. English philosopher John Locke is largely responsible for paving the way for this idea. Locke argues that a human being possesses liberty on the basis of which he can decide to unite with other free people and set up the first Government. This idea created what we now know as liberalism and in its first years of existence it was used as an argument opposing absolutism. In this line of thought, just many centuries later, the modern thinker John Rawls appeared. Key question which concerns him is how is it possible that over time there exists a fair and stable society of free and equal citizens who remain deeply divided by reasonable religious, philosophical and moral doctrines. This question also shows how liberalism evolved from Locke to Rawls. In the discussion about the modern intellectual contribution to liberalism, another important thinker is mentioned in this doctoral thesis, a man who also undoubtedly left a great mark in this context – Isaiah Berlin. Berlin argues that there are two concepts of liberty, namely negative and positive one. Berlin proposes the thesis that the negative concept of liberty is to be free from and consists in ensuring protection from the interference of others in private affairs. Positive freedom, on the other hand, represents freedom to decide for something. Berlin, therefore, believed that political liberty represents the domain of action without interfering from others, that is, if someone prevents one from doing what he wants, then he is not free. The third idea that shaped democracy as we know it today is that of economic production that shapes the political superstructure of the world. Origin of the idea can be traced back to Karl Marx. Accordingly, Abensour claims that it would be wrong to conceptually limit oneself in the study of Marx and consider only his thoughts on the bourgeoisie, the family or civil society, because by doing so one would ignore his effort to find the root which would be authentically political subject in whose place lies demos. According to Abensour, the center of all meaning of the state for Marx is located in the demos. He also points out that the concept of a democratic state is an illusion, and the fullness of democracy is achieved in its establishment against the state. In the Communist Manifesto Marx presents the idea that the structure of society is based on economic production which constitutes political and intellectual history of each historical epoch. History, according to Marx, is nothing but the history of the class struggle between those who exploit, i.e., the bourgeoisie, and those who are exploited, i.e., proletariat. Marx thinks that the proletariat should overthrow the bourgeoisie from power and win the battle of democracy which would essentially mean to centralize production in the hands of the state. In doing so, favourable conditions for communism would be established and that would mean the abolition of private property. Furthermore, according to Marx, the communists are the most advanced and the most resolute section of the proletariat and based on this, they have the ability to place political power in the hands of the proletariat who would go on to work for the interests of the majority. Marxʼs theory of economic production also means harsh criticism of liberalism as liberalism favours right to own and protect private property. Years after Marx, one who would agree with him on certain points would be Jacques Rancière. Rancière thinks that we as a society do not live in a democracy but in states that have oligarchic laws. The hatred, instead of being directed at the oligarchic system that stands masked behind democracy, turns to democracy as a concept. Hatred, however, can only be used to support an oligarchic system, and in that case, democracy serves as a great tool. Democracy can take a large amount of criticism without offering a solution because the democratic paradox is impossible to solve. To sum up the research about democracy, modern perspectives of democracy are also considered. There will be analysis of Aron on democracy and totalitarianism, Lijphartʼs thoughts on concept of consociational democracy, Dahlʼs perspective that could be considered as a political science aspect on democracy and deliberative perspective of Habermas. However, after an extensive analysis of the concept of democracy and an attempt to penetrate into its essence, no answer was obtained on how to solve the crisis of modern authority. For this reason, in the continuation of the paper, the concept of technology paired with democracy is considered as a possible solution. Heidegger points out that the essence of technology has two meanings. Technology threatens manʼs relationship with the essence of truth, and at the same time directs man to stand next to that essence of truth. It seems that Heideggerʼs statement leads to the conclusion that the use of technology has a dual character. Namely, technology can be dangerous and that must never be forgotten, but at the same time it can enable many things that have a positive effect on the human race. Following Heidegger, Stieglerʼs definition of technology is also analysed in the doctoral thesis. According to Stiegler, technology is the skill by which a certain material is transformed into a product. With this in mind, one can rightfully ask the question: Does the technology serve humanity or does it serve tekhne itself? Stiegler claims that there is a historical dichotomy between the evolution of man and tool (or tekhne which is the root of technology), and in his thoughts he goes so far as to state that the Greek polis also arose because of the tekhne. Stiegler then goes on to criticize Heidegger, considering that his thought about technology was carried out through an instrument that had already been instrumentalized. In other words, man is already thrown into the world of pre-existing technology through which he himself exists and confirms this by using tools, and Heidegger failed to see this. Basically, Stieglerʼs criticism of Heidegger boils down to the fact that Heidegger already thinks of technology through the technological. In addition, Stieglerʼs criticism of Heidegger more clearly demonstrated his thought on the co-constitutional relationship between logos and tekhne. At this point, we might rightfully ask what is the connection between technology and democracy. The answer to that question is that in the merge of technology and democracy digital democracy arises. Digital democracy represents a technical innovation that combines aspects of direct and representative democracy. First of all, it means digital platform, software tool, that aims to allow its users to express their opinion in order to make a final decision for the benefit of the community. Expressing opinion or voting stands out as the most important element of digital democracy. Voting takes place via digital platform and must be safe, transparent and anonymous. Technology that is considered as a possible provider of these values is blockchain. Blockchain represents a distributed and decentralized peer-to-peer network of computers that enables direct data transactions between nodes within the system, thus eliminating the need for mediation and a third party. The system remembers all data transactions and stores them in a distributed ledger. Transactions are stored in blocks that stack on top of each other in a chain form, hence the name block-chain. This technology aims to build and preserve trust and integrity in the system which is achieved through two components: hash technology and cryptographic technology. For the blockchain technology to be considered as the technical backbone of digital democracy, it must enable voting to be carried out safely, anonymously and transparently. After a detailed analysis of its comparative advantages and technical and nontechnical limitations, it is determined that it has the technical capacity to be used as the backbone of digital democracy. However, there is also a possibility that the blockchain will take place of authority in digital democracy. In that case, foundation of political authority is not drawn from the people but from technology. Man is given the possibility to shift the responsibility of decision-making and social action from himself to technology, and if this possibility is accepted, then man dislocates himself from the position of a political subject. The only obstacle in positioning as a political subject is man himself. Blockchain belongs to the probabilistic technology and works on a principle designed by man. In order for the people to truly manifest their freedom and for the crisis of modern authority to be solved, it is necessary to focus on the relationship between man and technology. In this relationship, if a person refuses to become an object of technology, namely tekhne, this person re-establishes itself as a political subject. Hence, the foundation of authority in digital democracy is created in beforementioned relationship between man and technology. One of the most important elements of beforementioned relationship is how technology will be used. What is meant by that? Blockchain as the technical backbone of digital democracy is part of a long and well-known diachronic process of human adaptation to the world around them. The emergence of new technical discoveries represents a challenge that requires adaptation anew, and one of the ways of adaptation is the distinction between good and bad use of technology. In this context, good use implies the use of technology as a tool that achieves efficiency in solving certain problems. It means that technology does not assume primacy in the relationship between man and technology, but represents an equal member of the co-constitutional equation. Bad use, on the other hand, would indicate the predominance in the human-technology equation on the side of the technological, which implies that technology takes primacy in decision-making, and man absolves himself of this responsibility by transferring it to a tool. In order to use the technology well, one of the proposed options is to start with how-to education from young age in the school system. In this case the process of epiphylogenesis, that is, learning mediated by technology, is very important. The goal of epiphylogenesis is to ensure that the memories of our ancestors are not lost and forgotten, but embedded in technology. If we translate Stieglerʼs thought into the context of this work, the crisis of modern authority can be resolved in the relationship between man and technology. The point is to maintain the balance of the relationship, whereby there must be no predominance on the side of technology. According to Stieglerʼs philosophy, authority in digital democracy does not require return to the political, since the political and the technical are one. However, the place of political authority can very easily be taken over by technology, which would lead to an even greater default of modern authority, whereby its crisis would not be resolved. By conducting epiphylogenetic education on the responsible use of technology, it is possible to promote the establishment of balance in the relationship between man and technology, thereby enhancing the path of liberation and not the path of default. However, the path of education about responsible use is not at all easy to reach and depends as much on systematic as on individual efforts. According to Selak Raspudić on this matter, the epiphylogenetic process is increasingly difficult to maintain because modern technology causes a loss of memory, which is crucial for man to be reminded of his role in relation to technology. One of the consequences of aforementioned issue is that technology has enabled man to escape from himself. Such modern man is constantly a subject to a fast-paced lifestyle and is looking forward to new adventures that he will be able to share on social networks. Taking into account all of the above, a solution to the crisis of modern authority can be found in the relationship between man and technology. Reaching this solution would also mean the decentralisation of authority and more authentic version of democracy, but reaching this point is by no means one-dimensional process. That conclusion can be partly confirmed through Berardiʼs work as he mainly criticizes modern technology in conjunction with politics and economics. Berardi reaches the conclusion that politics is technical in its core, what he considers to be a negative trait and in further research he turns to economics, wondering if politics is turned towards itself and if it became technical, can economics be the science that will save the system. Berardi points out that the economy has become a hyper-reality, an artificial world that has lost touch with the real conditions of production. He explains that with the digitization of production, capital becomes more abstract which makes it more obscure and with that it reinforces hermeticity and alienation from the real world. In the conclusion of the thesis, relationship between man and technology represents key component for solving the crisis of modern authority. Technology offers great number of options in digital democracy, and as long as individual treats and uses technology as a tool, a person will establish itself as a relevant political subject. Namely, through epiphylogenetic learning about the responsible use of technology, man positions himself in relation to technology as a political subject who does not give technology the place of authority. By maintaining balance in beforementioned relationship, man will have a chance to realize that it is his responsibility to be an active individual in the society, what will turn democracy into more authentic system and authority will become more decentralised.
- Published
- 2022
15. Privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid äriprotsesside kaeveks
- Author
Elkoumy, Gamal, Dumas, Marlon, juhendaja, and Tartu Ülikool. Loodus- ja täppisteaduste valdkond
- Subjects
data protection ,dissertations ,dissertatsioonid ,andmekaitse ,ETD ,äriprotsessid ,privacy ,väitekirjad ,andmekaitsesüsteemid ,privaatsus ,tehnika ,business processes ,technology ,data protection systems ,protsessikaeve - Abstract
Protsessikaeve tehnikad võimaldavad organisatsioonidel analüüsida protsesside täitmise käigus tekkivaid logijälgi eesmärgiga leida parendusvõimalusi. Nende tehnikate eelduseks on, et nimetatud logijälgi koondavad sündmuslogid on andmeanalüütikutele analüüside läbi viimiseks kättesaadavad. Sellised sündmuslogid võivad sisaldada privaatset informatsiooni isikute kohta kelle jaoks protsessi täidetakse. Sellistel juhtudel peavad organisatsioonid rakendama privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid (PET), et võimaldada analüütikul sündmuslogi põhjal järeldusi teha, samas säilitades isikute privaatsust. Kuigi PET tehnikad säilitavad isikute privaatsust organisatsiooni siseselt, muudavad nad ühtlasi sündmuslogisid sellisel viisil, mis võib viia analüüsi käigus valede järeldusteni. PET tehnikad võivad lisada sündmuslogidesse sellist uut käitumist, mille esinemine ei ole reaalses sündmuslogis võimalik. Näiteks võivad mõned PET tehnikad haigla sündmuslogi anonüümimisel lisada logijälje, mille kohaselt patsient külastas arsti enne haiglasse saabumist. Käesolev lõputöö esitab privaatsust säilitavate lähenemiste komplekti nimetusega privaatsust säilitav protsessikaeve (PPPM). PPPM põhiline eesmärk on leida tasakaal võimaliku sündmuslogi analüüsist saadava kasu ja analüüsile kohaldatavate privaatsusega seonduvate regulatsioonide (näiteks GDPR) vahel. Lisaks pakub käesolev lõputöö lahenduse, mis võimaldab erinevatel organisatsioonidel protsessikaevet üle ühise andmete terviku rakendada, ilma oma privaatseid andmeid üksteisega jagamata. Käesolevas lõputöös esitatud tehnikad on avatud lähtekoodiga tööriistadena kättesaadavad. Nendest tööriistadest esimene on Amun, mis võimaldab sündmuslogi omanikul sündmuslogi anonüümida enne selle analüütikule jagamist. Teine tööriist on Libra, mis pakub täiendatud võimalusi kasutatavuse ja privaatsuse tasakaalu leidmiseks. Kolmas tööriist on Shareprom, mis võimaldab organisatsioonidele ühiste protsessikaartide loomist sellisel viisil, et ükski osapool ei näe teiste osapoolte andmeid., Process Mining Techniques enable organizations to analyze process execution traces to identify improvement opportunities. Such techniques need the event logs (which record process execution) to be available for data analysts to perform the analysis. These logs contain private information about the individuals for whom a process is being executed. In such cases, organizations need to deploy Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) to enable the analyst to drive conclusions from the event logs while preserving the privacy of individuals. While PETs techniques preserve the privacy of individuals inside the organization, they work by perturbing the event logs in such a way that may lead to misleading conclusions of the analysis. They may inject new behaviors into the event logs that are impossible to exist in real-life event logs. For example, some PETs techniques anonymize a hospital event log by injecting a trace that a patient may visit a doctor before checking in inside the hospital. In this thesis, we propose a set of privacy-preserving approaches that we call Privacy-Preserving Process Mining (PPPM) approaches to strike a balance between the benefits an analyst can get from analyzing these event logs and the requirements imposed on them by privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR). Also, in this thesis, we propose an approach that enables organizations to jointly perform process mining over their data without sharing their private information. The techniques proposed in this thesis have been proposed as open-source tools. The first tool is Amun, enabling an event log publisher to anonymize their event log before sharing it with an analyst. The second tool is called Libra, which provides an enhanced utility-privacy tradeoff. The third tool is Shareprom, which enables organizations to construct process maps jointly in such a manner that no party learns the data of the other parties., https://www.ester.ee/record=b5524346
- Published
- 2022
16. Egzistencijalnost i medijalnost tehnike
- Author
Benze, Maks, Benze, Maks, Hubih, Kristof, Benze, Maks, Benze, Maks, and Hubih, Kristof
- Published
- 2022
17. Izdelava terminskega plana za projekt izgradnje skladiščnega objekta
- Author
Čufar, Gašper and Srdič, Aleksander
- Subjects
lokacija ,aktivnost ,activity ,task ,udc:658.5:69:72.054(043.2) ,technique ,network plan ,tehnika ,schedule ,flowline ,viri ,mrežni plan ,resources ,proces ,terminski plan ,location - Abstract
Gradbeništvo je področje, katerega je glavni cilj izpolnitev nekega gradbenega projekta. Za njegovo dosego je poleg dobro izdelane projektne dokumentacije nujno potreben tudi organiziran pristop do izvajanja gradnje, saj le s tem lahko projekt teče nemoteno in znotraj vnaprej določenih tako časovnih, kot tudi finančnih okvirov. Da to dosežemo, je pred gradnjo treba izdelati dobre operativne plane, s katerimi si lahko odgovorimo na vprašanje po potrebi različnih virov in določimo časovni potek gradnje. Poznamo več vrst operativnih planov, najbolj bistveni v fazi gradnje pa so terminski in spremljajoči plani. S terminskimi plani časovno določimo potek gradnje, s spremljajočimi pa na podlagi terminskih lahko definiramo in določimo potrebe po različnih virih tekom gradnje (človeški in finančni, mehanizacija itd.). Glavna tema te diplomske naloge pa so terminski plani gradbenega projekta. Pristopi do časovnega planiranja gradbenih projektov so različni, saj poznamo več metod in tehnik planiranja. Trenutno je še vedno dominantna tehnika planiranja, ki temelji na samih aktivnostih oziroma procesih gradnje, rezultate le-te pa prikazujemo v obliki mrežnih planov ali blokovnih diagramov - diagramov. Težava pri tej tehniki nastane pri planiranju repetitivnih ali enakih delih, ki pa se izvajajo na različnih lokacijah objekta v izgradnji, saj mrežni plan pokrije le eno lokacijo del. Rešitev za to težavo, pa je časovno planiranje s tehniko lokacije, katera se v zadnjem obdobju vedno bolj uporablja. S to tehniko objekt »razbijemo« na manjše lokacije (npr. nadstropje), nato pa vsaki lokaciji določimo potrebna dela in trajanje le-teh. Rezultat te tehnike planiranja pa je ciklogram oziroma »flowline«. Construction is a field whose main objective is to complete a construction project. In order to achieve this, an organised approach to the execution of the construction is essential, in addition to well-drafted project documentation, as this is the only way to ensure that the project runs smoothly and within the predefined time and financial frameworks. To achieve this, good operational plans need to be in place prior to the construction phase, to answer the question of the need for different resources and to determine the timing of the construction. There are several types of operational plans, but the most essential during the construction phase are time schedules and the supporting plans. The scheduling plans are used to determine the timing of the construction, while the supporting plans are used to define and determine the needs for different resources during the construction (human and financial, mechanisation, etc.). The main topic of this thesis is the scheduling of a construction project. Approaches to scheduling of construction projects are diverse, as there are several methods and techniques of scheduling. Currently, the dominant scheduling technique is still based on the activities of construction, the results of which are shown in the form of network plans or block diagrams. The problem with this technique arises when scheduling repetitive or identical activities that are carried out at different locations of the building under construction, as the network plan covers activities on only one location. The solution to this problem, however, is scheduling with location technique, which has been used more and more recently. This technique is used to "break down" a building into smaller locations (e.g. a floor) and then assign required activities and the duration of that activities to each location. The result of this scheduling technique is a cyclogram or "flowline".
- Published
- 2022
18. Snowboard school program
- Author
Zeman, Fran and Cigrovski, Vjekoslav
- Subjects
safety ,daskanje na snijegu ,metodika ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,tehnika ,snowboarding ,extreme sports ,methodology ,program ,technique ,ekstremni sport - Abstract
Daskanje na snijegu je popularan zimski sport koji svake godine privlači veliki broj ljudi, a posebice privlači rekreativce iz srodnih ekstremnih sportova, kao što su surfanje na valovima, skateboarding, brdski biciklizam. Povezanost srodnih ekstremnih sportova proizlazi iz zabave, kao najvažnijeg razloga njihova nastanka i razvitka. Za razliku od gotovo svih ostalih sportova na snijegu, način na koji se daska za snijeg koristi je specifičan. Problematika standardnih programa daskanja na snijegu očituje se u strukturi programa škole daskanja na snijegu koja nije adekvatno prilagođena infrastrukturi, kapacitetu skijališta, razini motoričkog znanja. Planiranjem sadržaja škole daskanja na snijegu, nikako ne smijemo izostaviti segment zabave iz koje sport proizlazi. Jako je teško predstaviti program škole daskanja na snijegu koji će odgovarati svim uvjetima i polaznicima no kroz iskustvo i dobru razradu, komponente programa se mogu adekvatno prilagoditi različitim uvjetima, infrastrukturi te predznanju i sposobnostima polaznika škole daskanja na snijegu. Pristup u odabiru vježbi, kontroli sigurnosti, igrama, zabavi i planiranoj dinamici razvoja sposobnosti i vještina je jako bitan s obzirom na to da time instruktor najviše utječe na stvaranje željenog napretka polaznika škole daskanja na snijegu. Cilj ovog stručnog diplomskog rada je detaljno opisati i razraditi program škole daskanja na snijegu, koji se u praksi pokazao najučinkovitijim. Program podrazumijeva opis elementa tehnike, prikaz preporučenih metodičkih vježbi za učenje elemenata daskanja na snijegu, pristup polaznicima i česte greške koje se pojavljuju kod učenika u školi kako bi se maksimizirao napredak imajući na umu zabavu i sigurnost kako bi kod budućih daskaša stvorili što jaču ljubav prema daskanju na snijegu. Snowboarding is a popular winter sport that attracts a large number of people every year, and especially attracts recreationists from related extreme sports, such as surfing, skateboarding, mountain biking, etc. The connection between related extreme sports stems from entertainment, as the most important reason for their creation and development. Unlike almost all other snow sports, the way a snowboard is used is specific. The problem of standard snowboarding programs is manifested in the structure of the snowboarding school program, which is not adequately adapted to the infrastructure, the capacity of the ski resort, and the level of motor skills. When planning the content of the snowboarding school, we must not leave out the entertainment segment from which the sport originates. It is very difficult to present a snowboarding school program that will suit all conditions and participants, but through experience and good elaboration, program components can be adequately adapted to different conditions, infrastructure, and prior knowledge and abilities of snowboarding school participants. The approach in the selection of exercises, safety control, games, entertainment, and the planned dynamics of development of abilities and skills is very important, considering that the instructor has the greatest influence on the creation of the desired progress of snowboard school participants. The goal of this professional diploma thesis is to describe and elaborate on the program of the snowboarding school in detail, which has proven to be the most effective in practice. The program includes a description of the elements of the technique, presentation of recommended methodical exercises for learning the elements of snowboarding, access to participants, and frequent mistakes that appear in school to maximize progress, keeping in mind fun and safety to create the strongest possible love for snowboarding.
- Published
- 2022
19. Application of Deadlift in Conditioning Preparation of Athletes : Undergraduate Thesis
- Author
Jazvić, Antonio and Žuvela, Frane
- Subjects
snaga ,analiza ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,tehnika ,analysis ,technique ,strength ,mrtvo dizanje ,deadlift - Abstract
Završni rad se fokusira na detaljno pojašnjavanje i primjenu mrtvog dizanja u Kondicijskoj pripremi sportaša. Mrtvo dizanje je vježba koja predstavlja temeljni obrazac kretanja odnosno onaj obrazac koji koristimo u svakodnevnom životu. U radu su također objašnjene najvažnije smjernice za pravilno izvođenje mrtvog dizanja, te različiti principi i metode koji mogu poslužiti kod izvedbe vježbe. Neke starije studije i znanstveni radovi nam govore da se mrtvo dizanje pojavilo prvi put u staroj Grčkoj, negdje oko 1700. godine prije Krista. Postoje priče da je u tim godinama na Grčkom otoku Thera pronađen veliki iskopani kamen na kojem je pisalo “Eumasta, Kritobulov sin, podigao je ovaj kamen sa zemlje“, te arheolozi govore da je Eumastas podigao taj veliki kamen do visine kukova, ali nema konkretnih dokaza kako je to učinio. Sam naziv mrtvog dizanja potječe točno od značenja “mrtvo podizanje” odnosno svaki put podizanje s poda s iste pozicije. Mrtvo dizanje ima veliku važnost u današnjem sportu te velik utjecaj na poboljšanje jakosti i snage u trenažnom procesu te je u radu detaljno prikazano kako izgleda trenažni proces kroz 8 mikrociklusa za mrtvo dizanje u kondicijskoj pripremi sportaša.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Harmicar, Ivan and Barišić, Valentin
- Subjects
tranzicija ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,defense phase ,taktika ,tactics ,Football ,transition ,Nogomet ,faza obrane ,attack phase ,tehnika ,faza napada ,tehnique - Abstract
Nogomet karakterizira izrazita dinamičnost koja se očituje u stalnim izmjenama napada i obrane. Dolazi do stalne promjene posjeda lopte odnosno do tranzicije. Trenutak osvajanja lopte predstavlja početak pozitivne tranzicije, a gubitak lopte početak negativne tranzicije. Za postizanje uspješnih rezultata ekipe moraju težiti usavršavanju obje faze igre. Kvalitetna tranzicija nakon osvojene lopte ključna je za uspješno ugrožavanje protivničkih vrata dok tranzicija nakon izgubljene lopte važna je u sprječavanju suparnika u postizanju pogodaka. Football is characterized by distinct dynamism, which is manifested in costant changes of attack and defense. There si constant change in possession of the ball, i.e. transition. The moment of winning the ball represents the beginning of a positive transition and losing the ball reperesents the beginning of a negative transition. To achive successful results, teams must strive to improve both phases of the game. Quality transiton after winning the ball is key to successfuly threatening the opponent's goal, while transition after losing the ball is important role in preventing opponents from scoring goals.
- Published
- 2022
21. Vpliv videoanalize in modeliranja eksperta na razvoj tehnike plezanja pri začetnikih
- Author
Okršlar, Luka and Blagus, Rok
- Subjects
expert modeling ,modeliranje eksperta ,learning ,tehnika ,video analysis ,plezanje ,climbing ,videoanaliza ,učenje ,technique - Abstract
Plezanje je izrazito gibalen šport, ki zahteva obvladovanje več plezalnih tehnik, te pa nam omogočajo optimalno gibanje po plezalni steni. Učenje pravilne plezalne tehnike je osnova za začetne vadbe plezanja, ki jo lahko dopolnimo z uporabo vedenjskih analitičnih postopkov. Videoanaliza in modeliranje eksperta sta dva možna postopka, ki ju lahko uporabimo v vzgojno-izobraževalnem ali trenažnem procesu. Pokazala sta obetavne rezultate pri različnih športih. Gre za prvo randomizirano kontrolno raziskavo, ki je preučevala vpliv videoanalize in modeliranja eksperta na razvoj treh specifičnih plezalnih tehnik (zasuk kolena navznoter, nalaganje na peto in nalaganje na nogo). V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 30 preizkušancev (20 žensk), naključno razdeljenih v eno od dveh skupin. Eksperimentalna skupina je v vadbi z intervencijo plezala probleme z verbalno povratno informacijo, video povratno informacijo in modeliranjem eksperta, kontrolna skupina pa je v vadbi z intervencijo plezala probleme z verbalno povratno informacijo. Raziskavo smo izvedli v plezalnem centru Bolder Scena, v katerem so preizkušanci opravili 5 obiskov – prvi obisk je bil namenjen oceni začetnega stanja, temu so sledile tri vadbene enote z intervencijo, nato pa še zadnji obisk, ki je bil namenjen oceni končnega stanja. Videoposnetke preizkušancev v začetnem in končnem stanju sta ocenila dva eksperta z večletnimi plezalnimi izkušnjami. Za ugotavljanje razlik med skupinama smo primerjali ocene začetnega in končnega stanja. Rezultati so se po petih vadbenih enotah bistveno izboljšali v obeh skupinah (p=0,001), vendar je bilo pri eksperimentalni skupini zabeleženo izboljšanje večje kot pri kontrolni skupini, predvsem pri nalaganju na nogo (p=0,017). Izboljšanje pri nalaganju na peto (p=0,75) in zasuku kolena navznoter (p=0,052) je bilo podobno pri obeh skupinah. Primerjava je pokazala, da intervencijski paket z dodatkom videoanalize in modeliranjem eksperta k trenirani plezalni vadbi potencialno lahko izboljša natančnost izvajanja plezalnih tehnik. Vpeljava takega intervencijskega paketa lahko vodi do hitrejšega in varnejšega napredka v plezalnih sposobnostih in ravni plezanja vadečih. Climbing is a multifaceted sport that requires a mastery of several climbing techniques, which allows the climber to move optimally on the climbing wall. Learning the correct climbing technique is crucial, particularly at an early stage of climbing development, and can be optimized by using various behavioural analysis procedures. Video analysis and expert modelling are two particularly pertinent procedures that can be used in the educational or training process and have shown promising results in various sports. This is the first randomized control study to examine the impact of video analysis and expert modeling on the development of climbing techniques in novice climbers in three specific climbing techniques - drop knee, heel hook, and high step. The 30 participants (20 women) included in this study were randomly divided into the following two groups: 1) the experimental group, in which the participants climbed problems with verbal feedback, video feedback and expert modelling in the intervention phase, and 2) the control group, in which the participants climbed problems with only verbal feedback. The study was conducted at the Scena bouldering climbing centre, where the participants completed 5 research visits: An assessment of the participants’ baseline condition was conducted on the first visit, which was followed by three training sessions/visits, during which climbing was conducted in line with the intervention outlined above. During the last visit, an assessment of the participants’ final condition was conducted. Videos of the participants’ climbing execution during the baseline visit and the final visit were evaluated by two experts with many years of climbing experience. To determine the differences between the groups, the expert scores of the baseline condition and the final condition were compared. After 5 visits, results improved significantly in both groups (p=0,001), but more so in the experimental group than in the control group, especially for high step (0,017). Improvement in heel hook (p=0,75) and drop knee (p=0,052) was similar in both groups. Comparisons showed that the intervention package, with the addition of video analysis and expert modeling, can potentially improve the accuracy of performing climbing techniques. Introduction of such an intervention package can lead to faster and safer progress in climbing skills and the climbing level of novice climbers.
- Published
- 2022
22. Mapping the relationships between self-directed learning and design thinking in pre-service science and technology teachers
- Author
Stanislav Avsec and Vesna Ferk Savec
- Subjects
k sebi usmerjeno učenje ,design cognition ,design metacognition ,design thinking ,self-directed learning ,innovative pedagogy ,pre-service science and technology teacher ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,pre-service science ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Učenje ,Building and Construction ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,bodoči učitelji ,naravoslovje ,technology teacher ,tehnika ,udc:378 ,oblikovalsko razmišljanje, k sebi usmerjeno učenje, inovativna pedagogika, bodoči učitelji, tehnika, naravoslovje ,inovativna pedagogika ,oblikovalsko razmišljanje - Abstract
Self-directed learning and design thinking were found to be promising pedagogies for supporting education and thus supporting sustainable development goals. While some researchers have posited that self-directed learning may support design thinking, empirical research examining the relationship between these two essential skills is lacking because their shared conceptual structure has not been articulated in detail, and because they have remained siloed in design practice. This study examines pre-service teachers’ self-regulation in relation to design thinking skills to advance a theoretical understanding of design science and to overcome challenges teachers face in adopting and implementing design thinking. For this study, 158 pre-service teachers were recruited. On the first level, the empirical data collected were subjected to structural equation modelling to find and confirm significant metacognitive perspectives in design thinking, while on the second level, an in-depth analysis was conducted to find moderating effects of pre-service teachers’ metacognitive experiences and teacher education in design thinking. We argue that awareness and interpersonal skills are crucial in creative design activity, and that embracing risk, tolerance to uncertainty, and underdeveloped supervising skills might be critical elements for advancing design thinking behaviour. The findings of this study have implications for effective science and technology teaching and the learning of design thinking in teacher education, and for educators and commercial course designers to adjust the implementation of design thinking.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Salajpal, Pavao and Barišić, Valentin
- Subjects
trening ,training ,frekvencija srca ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Kineziologija ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Kinesiology ,igre na malom prostoru ,taktika ,tactics ,technique ,fitness ,sposobnosti ,abilities ,tehnika ,small space games ,heart rate ,kondicija ,intenzitet ,intensity - Abstract
Uživanje velike popularnosti ovoga sporta uvelike je razvila i sam nogomet. Nogomet je danas sport koji zahtijeva visoku psihološku, kondicijsku i tehničko-taktičku vještinu kako bi sportaš bio konkurentan. Kada gledamo nogomet kao igru ona zahtijeva visoku spremnost po pitanju izdržljivosti. Izdržljivost je u jednadžbi specifikacije motoričkih sposobnosti nogometaša na prvom mjestu. Cilj diplomskog rada je pomoći nogometnim trenerima kako primijeniti pomoćno-nastavne igre u razvoju aerobno-anaerobne izdržljivosti nogometaša, te kako ih uskladiti u svoj plan i program u trenažnom periodu. Ovaj rad će pomoći nogometni trenerima da kroz pomoćno-nastavne igre razvijaju ili održavaju izdržljivost kod nogometaša koristeći se raznim parametrima vezanim za nogometu igru. The enjoyment of the great popularity of this sport has greatly developed football itself. Today, football is a sport that requires high psychological, fitness and technical-tactical skills in order to be competitive. When we look at football as a game it requires high readiness in terms of endurance. Endurance is in the equation of the specification of motor skills of football players in the first place. The aim of the diploma thesis is to help football coaches how to apply auxiliary-teaching games in the development of aerobic-anaerobic endurance of football players, and how to harmonize them in their curriculum in the training period. This work will help football coaches to develop or maintain endurance in football players through auxiliary-teaching games using various parameters related to the football game.
- Published
- 2022
24. Значај кибернетике као вјештине управљања на појаву киборга, вјештачке интелигенције и виртуелне стварности
- Author
Kovačević, Dragana Čečavac
- Subjects
virtuelna stvarnost ,bioetika ,tehnika ,nauka ,vještačka inteligencija ,kiborg ,tehnokratija ,kibernetika - Abstract
У овом тексту размотрићемо појам кибернетике и њен утицај на друштво и савремени свијет. Осврнућемо се и на однос човјека, науке и технике и положај човјека у доба технократије. Назначићемо импликације до којих доводи вјештачка интелигенција и њене манифестације. Након што размотримо вјештачку интелигенцију размотрићемо и виртуелну стварност као импликацију кибернетике. У завршном дијелу разматрамо моралне дилеме које су везане за питања појаве вјештачке интелигенције, виртуелне стварности и киборга.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Imago i koncept Imagotrona
- Author
Kelmendi, Labinot
- Subjects
image ,imagotron ,technology ,hypercube ,hologram ,technical image ,electronic image ,virtual reality ,slika ,tehnika ,hiperkocka ,tehnička slika ,elektronička slika ,virtualna stvarnost ,Bild ,Imagotron ,Technologie ,Hyperwürfel ,Hologramm ,technisches Bild ,elektronisches Bild ,virtuelle Realität ,technique ,hologramme ,image technique ,image électronique ,réalité virtuelle - Abstract
This paper explores the relationship between the image and the time in which we live. In the first part, we critically engage with the image as a concept. The second part introduces the concept of imagotron, a conceptual symbiosis that defines the relationship between the image and electronics. This is illustrated by two manifestations of the imagotron: the hypercube and the hologram. The final part recapitulates the significance of the image in relation to technological developments and virtual reality., Ovaj rad istražuje odnos slike i vremena u kojem živimo. U prvom dijelu kritički se bavimo slikom kao pojmom. Drugi dio predstavlja koncept imagotrona, konceptualnu simbiozu koja određuje odnos slike i elektronike. Odnos se ilustrira pomoću dvije manifestacije imagotrona: hiperkocke i holograma. Završni dio rekapitulira značaj slike u odnosu na tehnički razvoj i virtualnu stvarnost., Dieser Beitrag erforscht die Beziehung zwischen dem Bild und der Zeit, in der wir leben. Im ersten Teil befassen wir uns kritisch mit dem Bild als Begriff. Der zweite Teil bietet eine Einführung in das Konzept des Imagotrons, eine konzeptuelle Symbiose, die den Konnex zwischen dem Bild und der Elektronik definiert. Dies wird durch zwei Manifestationen des Imagotrons veranschaulicht: den Hyperwürfel und das Hologramm. Der abschließende Teil rekapituliert den Stellenwert des Bildes in Bezug auf technologische Fortentwicklungen und virtuelle Realität., Le présent travail analyse la relation de l’image et du temps dans lequel nous vivons. Dans la première partie, nous abordons de manière critique l’image comme concept. La deuxième partie présente le concept d’imagotron, symbiose conceptuelle qui définit la relation entre l’image et l’électronique. Cette relation est illustrée à l’aide de deux manifestations de l’imagotron : l’hypercube et l’hologramme. La dernière partie offre un récapitulatif de l’importance de l’image en rapport au développement technique et à la réalité virtuelle.
- Published
- 2022
26. Sustav sportske pripreme nogometašica u Premijer ženskoj ligi BiH
- Author
Terzić, Veronika, Androja, Luka, Šitić, Karla, Barić, Osmo, and Srdić, Velibor
- Subjects
ženski nogomet ,kondicija ,tehnika ,taktika ,formacija ,sportski menadžment - Abstract
Rad prikazuje sustav cjelokupne sportske pripreme unutar Premier ženske lige BIH koja uključuje kondicijsku pripremu, tehničko-taktičku pripremu uz menadžment koji omogućuje izvedbu i realizaciju navedenih priprema. Čovjek je antropološko biće koje se sastoji od svojih osobina i sposobnosti. Antropološki status se mijenja kroz rast i razvoj i važno ga je poznavati da bi se kvalitetno isplanirao trenažni proces. Treneri moraju biti upoznati sa srčano-žilnim, dišnim, energetskim i živčano-mišićnim sustavom. Nogomet kao kompleksan sport zahtjeva velike fizičke napore. Kondicijski trening je najčešći u pripremnom dijelu, dok u natjecateljskom dijelu dolazi do njegovog smanjivanja zbog češće provedbe tehničko- taktičkih, tj. situacijskih treninga. Tehničko- taktički trening uključuje razvoj sposobnosti rješavanja određenih situacija u igri. Tehničko znanje je uvjet za razvoj taktičkih sposobnosti. Tehničke greške su uvijek prisutne te ih je potrebno na vrijeme identificirati i korigirati. Taktika predstavlja izbor sredstava i načina da se realizira određeni plan u procesu natjecanja. Kako bi se utvrdila kondicijska pripremljenost nogometašica vrše se testiranja kroz tri faze. Ona mogu biti laboratorijska i terenska. Kvalitetan menadžment je neophodan za funkcioniranje sportske organizacije.
- Published
- 2022
27. Comparative biomechanical analysis of the hurdle clearance technique of Colin Jackson and Dayron Robles
- Author
Čoh, Milan, Bončina, Nejc, Štuhec, Stanko, and Maćkała, Krzysztof
- Subjects
technique analysis ,analiza ,tehnika ,atletika ,tek čez ovire ,biomehanika ,šport ,udc:796.422 ,sport ,hurdling ,biomechanics ,hurdle clearance ,tek z ovirami - Abstract
The purpose of the study was to compare the biomechanical parameters of the hurdle clearance technique of the fifth hurdle in the 110 m hurdle race of Colin Jackson of Great Britain (12.91 s world record was set in 1994) and Dayron Robles of Cuba (12.87 s world record was set in 2008), two world record holders. Despite the athletes having performed at different times, we used comparable biomechanical diagnostic technology for both hurdlers. Biomechanical measurements for both were performed by the Laboratory for Movement Control of the Institute of Sport, Faculty of Sport in Ljubljana. A three-dimensional video analysis of the fifth hurdle clearance technique was used. High standards of biomechanical measurements were taken into account, thus ensuring the high objectivity of the obtained results. The following program was used: the ARIEL kinematic program (Ariel Dynamics Inc., Trabuco Canyon, CA, USA). The results of the comparative analysis found minimal differences between the two athletes, which was expected given their excellence. Dayron Robles’s hurdle clearance was more effective, as it was characterized by a smaller loss of horizontal center of mass (COM) velocity. Robles’s hurdle clearance took 0.50 s: 0.10 s for the take-off, 0.33 s for the flight phase, and 0.07 s for the landing phase. Colin Jackson completed the hurdle clearance slightly slower, as it took him 0.54 s. Jackson’s take-off phase also lasted 0.10 s, his flight phase 0.36 s, and his landing 0.08 s. The two athletes are quite different in their morphological constitution. Dayron Robles is 10 cm taller than Colin Jackson, resulting in a lower flight parabola of CM during hurdle clearance of the Cuban athlete. Dayron Robles has a more effective hurdle clearance technique compared to Jackson’s achievement. It can be considered that their individual techniques of overcoming the hurdle, reached their individual highest efficiency at this time.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Omorczyk, Jaroslaw, Staszkiewicz, Robert, and Puszczalowska-Lizis, Ewa
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2022
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