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1. Extrapolation of compactness on weighted spaces: Bilinear operators

2. Some significant remarks on multivalued Perov type contractions on cone metric spaces with a directed graph

3. Phase portraits of separable quadratic systems and a bibliographical survey on quadratic systems

4. Order 3 symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces

5. Quadratic Gorenstein Rings and the Koszul Property II

6. Good Formal Structures for Flat Meromorphic Connections, III: Irregularity and Turning Loci

7. Multivariate quasi-tight framelets with high balancing orders derived from any compactly supported refinable vector functions

8. On the singular value decomposition over finite fields and orbits of GU×GU

9. Wild Cantor actions

10. Masur–Veech volumes, frequencies of simple closed geodesics, and intersection numbers of moduli spaces of curves

11. On emergence and complexity of ergodic decompositions

12. Ext-groups in the Category of Strict Polynomial Functors

13. P-adic Integration on Bad Reduction Hyperelliptic Curves

14. Filtrations in Module Categories, Derived Categories, and Prime Spectra

15. On the motivic oscillation index and bound of exponential sums modulo p via analytic isomorphisms

16. Supersingular O'Grady Varieties of Dimension Six

17. A toy model for the Drinfeld–Lafforgue shtuka construction

18. (ϕ, φ)-derivations on semiprime rings and Banach algebras

19. A sharp Liouville principle for $$\Delta _m u+u^p|\nabla u|^q\le 0$$ on geodesically complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds

20. The HcscK equations in symplectic coordinates

21. The K-property for some unique equilibrium states in flows and homeomorphisms

22. Hyperkähler metrics near Lagrangian submanifolds and symplectic groupoids

23. A reduction principle for Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms

24. A Note on the Uniqueness of Certain Types of Differential-Difference Polynomials

25. The central sphere of an ALE space

26. Local Uniformization of Abhyankar Valuations

27. Cusps of hyperbolic 4‐manifolds and rational homology spheres

28. Generic vanishing in characteristic $$p>0$$ and the geometry of theta divisors

29. Hyperbolicity of renormalization for dissipative gap mappings

30. Some generalizations of the functions τ and τe in algebraic number fields

31. Characterizations of Additive 𝜉-Lie Derivations on Unital Algebras

32. A theorem of Joseph-Alfred Serret and its relation to perfect quantum state transfer

33. Poincaré and sobolev inequalities for differential forms in heisenberg groups and contact manifolds

34. Automorphisms and opposition in spherical buildings of exceptional type, I

35. Representation of Squares by Nonsingular Cubic Forms

36. Characterization and bifurcation diagram of the family of quadratic differential systems with an invariant ellipse in terms of invariant polynomials

37. Multiplicative Lie triple derivations on standard operator algebras

38. Equivariant decomposition of polynomial vector fields

39. Pathology and asymmetry: Centralizer rigidity for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms

40. From Euclidean triangles to the hyperbolic plane

41. A Double Logarithmic Transform Involving the Exponential and Polynomial Functions Expressed in Terms of the Hurwitz–Lerch Zeta Function

42. Chebyshev's bias for products of irreducible polynomials

43. Monochromatic homotopy theory is asymptotically algebraic

44. Orbit sizes and odd order composition factors of finite linear groups

45. Donoho-Logan large sieve principles for modulation and polyanalytic Fock spaces

46. Integrability and Limit Cycles via First Integrals

47. A general approach to nonautonomous shadowing for nonlinear dynamics

48. Kolmogorov widths of weighted Sobolev classes on a multi-dimensional domain with conditions on the derivatives of order r and zero

49. On absolute matrix summability factors of infinite series and Fourier series

50. Divergence-Measure Fields: Gauss-Green Formulas and Normal Traces