
Showing total 25 results
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1. Global Warming Reshapes European Pyroregions.

2. Public expenditure on disability (PED) in Europe: An efficiency analysis.

3. Dynamics of inequality and opportunities within European countries.

4. Warm‐Season Drying Across Europe and Its Links to Atmospheric Circulation.

5. Food allergy outside the eight big foods in Europe: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.

6. A checklist of European butterfly larval foodplants.

7. The productivity effects of polycentricity: A systematic analysis of urban regions in Europe.

8. Continental‐scale climatic gradients of pathogenic microbial taxa in birds and bats.

9. Measuring farmer time preferences: A systematic literature review for Europe and North America.

10. Skilful sub‐seasonal forecasts of aggregated temperature over Europe.

11. C3S Energy: A climate service for the provision of power supply and demand indicators for Europe based on the ERA5 reanalysis and ENTSO‐E data.

12. Post‐glacial range formation of temperate forest understorey herbs – Insights from a spatio‐temporally explicit modelling approach.

13. Ambient and substrate energy influence decomposer diversity differentially across trophic levels.

14. The long‐run agglomeration effects of early agriculture in Europe.

15. Willingness to receive and provide resources in Europe's non‐remunerated and remunerated collaborative consumption.

16. Large‐scale deployment of grass in crop rotations as a multifunctional climate mitigation strategy.

17. Efforts to ban lead ammunition: a comparison between Europe and the United States.

18. Not just black and white, but different shades of grey: Legal segmentation and its effect on labour market segmentation in Europe.

19. Infant feeding policies and monitoring systems: A qualitative study of European Countries.

20. Forest wildflowers bloom earlier as Europe warms: lessons from herbaria and spatial modelling.

21. Meteorologically‐Informed Spatial Planning of European PV Deployment to Reduce Multiday Generation Variability.

22. Reconstruction of Violent Tornado Environments in Europe: High‐Resolution Dynamical Downscaling of ERA5.

23. The legislative framework of donor human milk and human milk banking in Europe.

24. The 2018–2020 Multi‐Year Drought Sets a New Benchmark in Europe.

25. An exploratory analysis of the interactions between the determinants of migratory flows.